Primus Secundus of The Adeptus Mechanicus - Fabricator-General of Forgeworld Eskuchax

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Patron Name: Primus Secundus

Faction: Adeptus Mechanicus
Duty: Forge Lord (Fabricator-General of Eskutchax)

Pay Grade: Standard (100 Solars each)

Motivation: Materiel (To help support the defense of Eskutchax currently under
invasion of chaos forces)
Demeanor: Inscrubable (Is after all not a singular person, but a pair of Tech-

Duty Boon: Manufactorum Master (Las Weapons)
Your Patron is in charge of ensuring a manufactorum, or even an entire Forge World,
outputs useful equipment for the Imperium. Much of what is produced goes to fulfil
requisition orders that are sometimes decades or centuries old, but more common
materials can be diverted to the Characters.
Choose one type of equipment in Chapter 5: Armoury such as Flak Armour, Las
Weapons, or Custom Ammunition. Your Patron can always provide one item of Common or
Scarce equipment of that type at the start of each mission.

Conveyance Commander
Imperial Fleet: +1 Patron Influence
Your Patron holds sway over multiple forms of transportation. Your Patron can
organise any form of Good Quality transportation (see page 155) for free, and is
capable of acquiring shipping records and crew manifests on request.

Infractionists: −2 Patron Influence
Your Patron has a history of harsh treatment of lawbreakers, and will not tolerate
the slightest infraction against the Lex Imperialis, under penalty of docked pay,
excruciation, or worse. They will also expect you to follow a stringent operating
procedure during each mission, potentially including informing local authorities of
your presence and activities, or even obtaining their authorization. Whatever the
particulars of your Patron’s protocols, they are certain to cost you precious time,
at best.
Specifically, any and all activity that might have to do with the Mechanicus
requires you to inform local mechanicus leaders of your presence 'AS A MINIMUM' -
and more than that usually also expected, with triplicate datafiling of it upon
finishing whatever duty placed upon you.

Omnissian Principles
Your Patron is a devout worshipper of the Machine God, and expects you to uphold
the sanctified strictures of the Cult Mechanicus.
You will be required to appease any machine spirit you encounter, any damage or
destruction of the Omnissiah’s sacred technology is a punishable waste that must be
corrected through docked pay.

Adeptus Mechanicus +3

Imperial Fleet +1

Infactionists -2

Factionname +N

Homeplanet of Eskutchax, a forgeworld in the system of Esker, is currently in the
midst of a vicious war with a Heretek-group of ships and groundforces that arrived
under the cover of the Noctis Aeterna, having arrived 3 years ago. For those three
years, the calls for aid by the Adeptus Mechanicus forces went unanswered and lost
to the void as the Noctic Aeterna swallowed all attempts of communication.
Almost ironically, upon the return of the Emperor's Light from Holy Terror almost 3
years later, the Binary-Prayers of the Mechanicus were all answered nearly at once.
Within two standard weeks of eachother, Baron Vogus of the Legendary Questor
Mechanicus Knight House Krast had arrived on-planet (along with his entire baronial
court) in support and defense of the forgeworld. Castellan Matias of the Black
Templars have also arrived upon the planet a little under two weeks after the
Knight House's arrival, to also defend the forgeworld against the heretical armies
led by the foul Warpsmith Omneros.... although as any that knows of the Black
Templars, the Tech-Priests of Eskuthcax are of course quite grateful for the aid,
but are also (with good reason) exceedingly worried about the famous zeal of the
chapter and what it might do to the planet as a whole, in the end.


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