ES Designer's Reference Handbook

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ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Designer’s Reference
ePower Control ES

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Legal information 5

Revision History 5

About this document 6

Intended use 6
Definitions & Notations 6

General Product Information 7

General introduction 7
Suitable Applications 8
Application Diagram 8
Summary of Suitable Applications 9
ePowerControl ES Hardware 9
Terminals and ports 9
LEDs 10
Dimensions 11
Key Figures 12
Hardware Requirements 13
Grid Meter 13
IO Module 15

ES User Interface 18
Connecting the user interface 18
Cockpit 18
Logs 19
Settings 20
Control Settings 20
Network Settings 22
Date & Time 23
Data Logging 24
Site 24
Software Update 25

ES Control Logics 26
EMS Modes 26
Introduction 26

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Plant Configurations 26
Grid Prime Configuration 27
BESS Prime Configuration 28
Genset Prime Configuration 29
Fail-Safes Modes 29
Smart Failsafe 29
Communication Errors Fail-Safe 29
EMS Functions and Settings 31
Introduction 31
Priority Management 33
BESS Control 34
Base Settings 34
BESS Ramp Control 34
BESS Charge Control 35
BESS Time of Use Management 36
BESS Dispatch 38
SOC Equalization 38
PV Control 39
Base Settings 39
PV Ramp Rate Control 40
PV Optimization 40
PV Dispatch 41
Grid Control 42
Export Control 42
Peak Shaving 43
Grid Reactive Power Control 44
Genset Control 45
Base Settings 45
Genset Ramp Control 45
Genset Minimum Loading 46
Genset Start/Stop Management 46
Genset Reactive Power Control 49
Genset Dispatch 50
Islanding Control 51
Base Settings 51
Automatic Blackstart 51
Automatic Grid Reconnection 52
Illustrative Examples 54
Grid Prime 54

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Export Control and Peak Shaving 54

Peak Shaving and Time of Use Management 55
BESS Prime 57
Charge Power Control and Genset Start/Stop Management 57

Data Logging 59
Introduction 59
USB Export 60
FTP server export 61

Modbus Server 61

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Legal information

The company Elum SAS, whose registered office is located at 9 rue d'Enghien - 75010 PARIS and
registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 817 860 083 00028, integrates
and distributes monitoring and control panels for photovoltaic and hybrid installations marketed
under the names "ePowerLog" and "ePowerControl".

Elum guarantees its controllers meet the quality standards used in France, that they are designed
and integrated in France and that they meet the technical criteria and quality requirements.

The content of this document can be edited by Elum. The English version of the document prevails
if any discrepancy appears in a translated version.

Elum takes no responsibility in the installation and operation of third party equipment,
including but not limited to : PV inverters, Battery PCS, Genset controllers…

ePowerControl products are under Elum Warranty, please refer to the Company General Trade
Conditions for more information.

Revision History

Date Author Description

08/03/2022 AB, BR, TC Initial Version

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

1. About this document

1.1. Intended use
This document is intended to design engineers willing to understand the details of ES products to:
● Get a general understanding of the ES product
● Define if the ES product is applicable to the plants under study
● Design a project involving an ES product

This is not an installation or operation manual. For installation instructions please refer to the ePower
Control ES installation Manual.

1.2. Definitions & Notations

BESS: Batteries Energy Storage System

BMS: Battery Management System

CT: Current transformer

EMS: Energy Management System

Following Unit: The unit regulates its active and reactive power outputs to match setpoints values sent
by the ES controller.

Forming Unit: the power unit autonomously computes appropriate active and reactive power to match
the load to stabilize frequency and voltage in the grid, with no need for the ES controller to send
command to this unit.

PCS: Power Conversion System

SoC: State of Charge

UPS: Uninterruptible power supply

VT: Voltage transformer

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

2. General Product Information

2.1. General introduction

Elum ePowerControl ES is an energy storage controller (energy management system) dedicated to
battery storage systems (BESS) eventually coupled with PV, Genset, Grid. It is compatible with grid-tied,
off-grid, or mixed sites (backup islanded mode) configurations. Thanks to its smart control and
user-friendly design, the user can easily choose and stack a wide range of applications such as peak
shaving, time of use management, PV maximization etc.

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

2.2. Suitable Applications

2.2.1. Application Diagram

Figure 1: Suitable applications for the ePowerControl ES

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

2.2.2. Summary of Suitable Applications


PV, BESS, Gensets

PV, BESS, Grid

ES/ES+ Applications
PV, BESS, Genset, Grid

BESS, Gensets

BESS, Grid
Table 1: Summary of suitable applications for the ePowerControl ES

2.3. ePowerControl ES Hardware

2.3.1. Terminals and ports
The ES control logics is embedded in a MOXA UC8100 industrial computer presented in Figure 2

Figure 2: Front, top and bottom views of the ES Platform

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

LAN2 port is dedicated to the ES user configuration and cannot be used for device

2.3.2. LEDs
The ePowerControl ES Central Computing Unit is equipped with LEDs to allow fast diagnosis of basic
issues. In Figure 3 all the LEDs present are highlighted.

Figure 3: Magnification of the front view of the ePowerControl ES Platform highlighting the LEDs

When the Elum ePowerControl ES is turned on, all LEDs should be turned on for 1 second then off for
60 seconds.

In the following indication of the meaning of the LEDs on normal operation of the controller:

Left side, in Figure x Diagnosis/Programmable LED:

● Green light (independant from orange and red lights) : When this LED is ON, the local data
retrieval system is functioning. If this LED is OFF, the retrieval system and/or the local database
are inactive.
● Orange ON: Connection to Elum server is not fully established.
● Orange light ON, with red light OFF : The connection to Elum server is active.
● Red light ON, with orange light OFF : The connection to Elum server is inactive.
● Red light BLINKING : The local data retrieval system is functioning and the connection to the
Elum server is not active.

Right side, in Figure x Signal Strength LED:

● Red light BLINKING : No internet connection
● Green light ON, other lights OFF : Internet access via Ethernet / Internet access OK
● Red light ON, other lights OFF : Internet access via 3G,4G,GSM / Quality reception < 25 %
● Red and orange lights ON, green OFF : Internet access via 3G, 4G, GSM / Quality reception
between 25 % and 50%
● Red, orange and green ON : Internet access via 3G,4G,GSM / Quality reception > 50%

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

2.3.3. Dimensions
In Figure 4 the frontal and lateral view of the ES Platform is reported with dimension annotation.

Figure 4: Dimension of the Central Computing Unit. Units mm (inch).

In Figure 5 the frontal and lateral view of the ES+ Platform is reported with dimension annotation.

Figure 5: Dimension of the Central Computing Unit. Units mm (inch).

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

2.3.4. Key Figures

Table 2: Datasheet ePowerControl ES/ES+

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

2.4. Hardware Requirements

Various hardware requirements stand for various applications. Table 3 defines the requirements for each

Application / ES Platform Grid Meter UPS IO Module


BESS + Genset (+ PV)

BESS + Grid (+ PV) +
without islanding ⚫ ⚫

BESS + Grid (+ PV) +

without islanding ⚫ ⚫ ⚫

BESS + Grid (+ PV) +

with islanding ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫

Table 3: Requirements for each application

2.4.1. Grid Meter

The only meter that might be required by the ePowerControl ES is a meter sensing the electrical
magnitudes at the point of interconnection of the plant with the utility grid.

Elum provides Carlo Gavazzi meter EM330 DIN AV5 3 H O1 X upon requests.

In the case the ePowerControl ES don’t need to control the plant while islanded form the grid no
additional requirements are there.
On the other hand, if it does, two further requirement are there:
- Positioning of the meter:
- The CT connected to the meter must be placed between the utility grid and the islanding

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

- The VT connected to the meter must be placed between the utility grid and the islanding
- The power supply of the meter must be connected to a bus fed by the plant side of the
islanding breaker so that the meter is powered in islanding operation even in the case the
grid is unavailable.
- UPS: the bus supplying the power meter must be connected to an UPS so to ensure that it
powers the meter even during temporary blackout due to transition from grid connected and
islanded configuration.

Figure 6 provides a graphical representation of the two requirements with a view of the total plant,
indication of the positioning of the Voltage and Current Transformers is provided.

Figure 6: Schematics illustrating the position of the point of installation for the VT and CT of the grid
power meter and the connection of the UPS

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Figure 7 provides particular indications for the connection of the Voltage and Current Transformers as
long as the connection of the power supply for a Carlo Gavazzi meter EM330 DIN AV5 3 H O1 X.

Figure 7: Schematics illustrating the connection diagram for a Carlo Gavazzi meter EM330 DIN AV5 3 H
O1 X: VT and CT and power supply.

2.4.2. IO Module

The IO Module is a device able to collect and produce electrical signals, Elum provides ADAM6060 for
such a device.
The installation of an IO Module is a requirement of ePowerControl ES in the case the islanding of the
system and/or the reconnection to the grid are automatically managed by ePowerControl ES.

Its purpose is to collect the state of the islanding breaker, informing ePowerControl ES if it is closed or
open, and to control the breaker, commanding the opening or the closing via dry contacts.

The IO Module power supply must be supplied by a bus connected to an UPS since the module IO must
be energized even during the temporary blackouts happening during the islanding of the plant or during
the reconnection to the main grid.

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Figure 8 provides a graphical representation of a system equipped with an IO Module and suitable for
automatic islanding configuration management.

Figure 8: Schematics illustrating the position of the IO Module and the connection to the UPS

In Figure 9 the connections required by the ADAM 6060 are reported. In particular:
- Connection between digital inputs and grid breaker, to collect the information of whether the
breaker is open or closed. The particular DI pin must be respected.
- Connection between relay and grid breaker, to allow the ADAM 6060 to control the opening or
closing of the breaker. The particular RL pin must be respected.
- Connection of the power supply.
- Connection with the ES Platform via Ethernet.

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Figure 9: Schematics illustrating a simplified cabling diagram for the IO Module ADAM6060

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

4. ES User Interface
4.1. Connecting the user interface
The ES User interface can be accessed using a personal computer connected to the LAN2 port of the
ES platform. To access the interface, once your computer is connected, open a browser and enter in the address bar.

4.2. Cockpit
The Cockpit view is the main view for ePower Control Operators. It gives a general overview of the plant
at a given moment, including:
● A list of active alarms
● The current mode of the EMS
● The active and reactive power of each unit
● Current EMS setpoints (in yellow circles)

Image 1: Cockpit view for ePowerControl Operators

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

4.3. Logs
On the log page, the user will find timestamped logs of EMS events such as:
● Communication errors
● Device error
● Setpoints sent by the EMS to the plant

The user can pick a start and stop dates and export data for the defined time range, in csv format.

Image 2: Log settings page

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

4.4. Settings
4.4.1. Control Settings
In the control setting section, the user can activate and configure the control subsystems, and declare
grid meter and grid breaker when applicable.

Image 3: Control settings section

By clicking on a controller subsection the user can enter various settings to configure the application.

Image 4: PV Control activation

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

For some parameters, schedules can be defined to use local time-based control strategies (such as peak
shaving or time-of-use management).

Image 5: Local time-based control strategies settings

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

4.4.2. Network Settings

In the network menu the user can:
● Create or configure network interfaces (Serial or Lan)
● Add devices to configured interface

Image 6: Network settings section

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

4.4.3. Date & Time

On the date and time interface the user can enter the date and time to be used. If an internet connection
is available, the controller automatically synchronizes with the NTP server.

Image 7: Data & Time settings section

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

4.4.4. Data Logging

See Data Logging

4.4.5. Site

Image 8: Site settings section

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

4.4.6. Software Update

The user can update the ES firmware to the latest version to benefit from last safe upgrades or
improvements. No automatic updates, to be performed an update should be triggered from this

Image 9: Software Update settings section

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

3. ES Control Logics
3.1. EMS Modes
3.1.1. Introduction
The ePowerControl ES can operate in 2 different modes:
● Manual mode: in this mode, the user can manually send commands using the ES control
● Automatic mode: in the automatic mode, manual interactions are blocked and the EMS
automatically computes and sends the appropriate setpoints to the power units in the network,
following the configured control logics.

3.1.2. Plant Configurations

The Automatic Mode can operate in 3 different configurations.
● Grid Prime
● Genset Prime
● BESS Prime

Configurations are predefined states of a given microgrid. For each configuration, a set of functions can
be activated as described in the following sections:

● A single plant or microgrid can operate in several configurations

● Transitions from one configuration to another can be automatically activated by the EMS based
on the last measurement of the grid status (e.g. BESS or Genset Prime when a grid failure is
observed) and configured control logics.

Table 4 summarizes the 3 configurations the ePower Control ES can operate on and the status of each
group of units for each configuration.

Grid BESS Gensets PV Grid


BESS Prime Grid Forming Grid Following Grid Following Disconnected

Genset Prime Grid Following Grid Forming Grid Following Disconnected

Grid Prime Grid Following Disconnected Grid Following Grid Forming

Table 4 : Summary of Plant Configurations

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook Grid Prime Configuration

Configuration Grid BESS PV Gensets

Grid Prime Grid Forming Grid Following Grid Following Disconnected

Figure 10: Scheme representing grid forming configuration

Some functions in Grid Prime Configurations:

● Self Consumption
● Export Control
● Peak Shaving
● Grid Reactive Power Control
● BESS Time Of Use Management

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook BESS Prime Configuration

Figure 11: BESS Prime Configuration with no Figure 12: BESS Prime Configuration with
genset connected to the plant eventual gensets connected in following mode to
the plant due to the Genset Start/Stop
Management function

Configuration BESS Gensets PV Grid

BESS Prime Grid Forming Grid Following Grid Following Disconnected

Available functions in BESS Prime Configurations:

● BESS Charge Control
● Genset Start/Stop Management

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook Genset Prime Configuration

Figure 13: Scheme representing genset prime configuration

Configuration Gensets BESS PV Grid

Genset Prime Grid Forming Grid Following Grid Following Disconnected

Available functions in Genset Prime Configurations:

● PV Optimization
● Genset Minimum Loading
● Genset Reactive Power Control

3.1.3. Fail-Safes Modes Smart Failsafe

The Elum ePowerControl ES features a smart failsafe strategy adapting automatically to communication
error so as to avoid unnecessary shutdowns when safety is not at stake. The smart failsafe can be
activated or not to adapt to business specific requirements. Communication Errors Fail-Safe

When smart failsafe is not activated or when safety is at stake, predefined reactions can be implemented
as a reaction to communication errors. The general behavior is the following: the last setpoint computed
with a full measurement of the microgrid is held for a configurable time. When this time is exceeded a

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

predefined mechanism depending on the missing observation and the active configuration is triggered.
The reactions to each communication error case is described in Table 5.

Grid Prime BESS Prime Genset Prime

BESS Communication Error Set to 0 kW all the Set to 0kW all the PV Set to 0 kW all the
BESS Inverters. BESS.
Stop any eventually
running Genset

Genset Communication NA Stop all active Set to 0 kW all the

Error gensets PV Inverters.
Set to 0 kW all the

PV Communication Error Control the Control the Control the

connected PV connected PV connected PV
Inverter inferring the Inverter inferring the Inverter inferring the
injection depending injection depending injection depending
on the setting PV Fail on the setting PV Fail on the setting PV Fail
Safe Behavior. Safe Behavior. Safe Behavior.

Grid Communication Error Set to 0 kW all the NA NA

PV Inverters.
Set to 0 kW all the
Table 5: Fail safe applied following a missing information from a device in a specific configuration

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

3.2. EMS Functions and Settings

4.1.1. Introduction
ePower Control ES comprises 5 different control subsystems:
● BESS Control: all functions in charge of achieving objectives on the BESS system (charging
profile, time of use, …)
● PV Control: all functions aiming at controlling or optimizing PV production
● Grid Control: all functions in charge of achieving objectives for the grid active and reactive
power (injection control, peak shaving, …)
● Genset Control: all functions in charge of achieving objectives for the gensets active and
reactive power (minimum loading, …)

Table 6 lists the function associated with each control subsystem.

Control Subsystem Available functions

BESS Control BESS Ramp Control

BESS Charge Control
BESS Time of Use Management
BESS Dispatch
SoC Equalization

PV Control PV Ramp Rate Control

PV Optimization
PV dispatch

Grid Control Export Control

Peak Shaving
Grid Reactive Power Control

Genset Control Genset Ramp Control

Genset Minimum Loading
Genset Start/Stop Management
Genset Reactive Power Control
Genset Dispatch

Islanding Control Automatic Blackstart

Automatic Grid Reconnection
Table 6: Available function for each control subsystem

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Each function acts on a set of power units to enact their objectives. For example, to achieve Grid Export
Control the Grid Control Subsystem needs to control PV active power, Genset active power and BESS
active power1. This is due to the fact that all units in the grid are coupled and cannot be controlled
independently to one another. Table 7 shows for each function subsystem the Power units they act on.

Function / Acts PV Inverters Genset BESS Grid Islanding

On Controller Breaker

PV Control ⚫
BESS Control ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Grid Control ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ( ⚫)
Genset Control ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Islanding Control ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Table 7: Mapping of each function subsystem to the Power Units they act on. This table illustrates the
fact that to achieve an objective on a power unit (e.g controlling active power injected to the grid) several
units of the grid (different from the grid) must be controlled by the ES controller

interestingly active power of all units in the grid except the grid itself

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

4.1.2. Priority Management

Several functions can have competing objectives (e.g. peak shaving objective leads to trying to keep
BESS level of energy as high as possible whereas to maximize PV penetration one wants to keep the
battery at the lowest state of energy allowed to absorb unforeseen extra PV production). To solve these
discordant objectives, ePower Control ES relies on a priority approach: when a function yields a setpoint
in contradiction with another function setpoint, the setpoint corresponding to the function with the
highest level of priority is applied.

The list of functions and priority levels is given in Table 8. A set of illustrative examples explain these
concepts in the Illustrative Examples section.

Function name Priority Level

Individual unit capability curves 10

Export Control 9

Peak Shaving 8

Ramp Control 7

Genset Minimum Loading 6

PV maximization 5

SOC Equalization 4

Time of Use Management 3

Table 8: Priority levels of competing functions. When two functions are active and yield contradictory
constraints, the function with the higher priority level is preferred.

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

4.1.3. BESS Control Base Settings

The following general settings related to the BESS can be used in multiple control functions and in
different controllers.

Name Description Unit

BESS Charging Active Target for induced charge power for BESS. A W
Power Target value is required for each BESS declared in the
ePower Control ES configuration interface

BESS Discharging Active Target for induced discharge power for BESS. A W
Power Target value is required for each BESS declared in the
ePower Control ES configuration interface

Minimum SoC Minimum allowed SoC for induced discharge of %

the BESS. A value is required for each BESS
declared in the ePower Control ES configuration

Maximum SoC Maximum allowed SoC for induced charge of the %

BESS. A value is required for each BESS
declared in the ePower Control ES configuration
Table 9: BESS Control general settings BESS Ramp Control

The BESS Ramp Rate Control function constrains the setpoints sent to the BESS to keep induced active
power variation within a configurable range.

Applicable Modes:
● Grid Prime Configuration
● Genset Prime Configuration

Function Settings:
Name Description Unit

Maximum BESS Maximum active power setpoint change rate in %

Setpoint Change percentage of current active power measurement for
Rate the BESS.
Table 10: BESS Ramp Rate Control function settings

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Controlled setpoints:
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

BESS Active Modbus register, All BESS declared in Every Loop (~1 W
Power Setpoint or set of Modbus the ePower Control ES edit sec period)
registers to configuration interface
command an
active power
Table 10.1: BESS Ramp Rate Control controlled setpoints BESS Charge Control

The BESS Charge Control sends active power setpoints to PV and gensets to charge BESS at a fixed
active power rate.

When the BESS average SOC is reaching Maximum SoC value, PV is curtailed so as to keep BESS
active power input to 0 kW.

Applicable modes:
● BESS Prime Configuration

Controlled setpoints:
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

PV Maximum Modbus register, All PV Inverters Every Loop (~1 W

Active Power or set of modbus declared in the ePower edit sec period)
Setpoint registers to Control ES
command a configuration interface
maximum active
power setpoint

Genset Active Modbus register, All Generator Every Loop (~1 W

Power Setpoint or set of modbus Controllers declared in edit sec period)
registers to the ePower Control ES
command an configuration interface
active power
Table 11: BESS Charge Control controlled setpoints

An example illustrating the control produced by the Charge Power Control function is reported in Chapter

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook BESS Time of Use Management

The Time of Use Management function allows defining charging and discharging schedules for the BESS
so as to leverage variable tariffs based on time of the day, or to match business operation requirements.

Image 10: Time of Use Management function page

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Applicable modes:
● Grid Prime Configuration

Function Settings:
Name Description Unit

Time of Use Setting to activate the Time of Use Management None

Activation function

Charging Policy Charging policy to adopt: None

- 0: Disallow charging from the grid
- 1: Allow charging from the grid
Different values of this parameter can be defined
depending on the time of the day.

Maximum SoC Maximum SoC reachable while charging the BESS from %
Grid Charge the grid.
Different values of this parameter can be defined
depending on the time of the day.

Discharging Policy Discharging policy to adopt: None

- 0: Disallow discharging into the grid
- 1: Allow discharging into the grid
Different values of this parameter can be defined
depending on the time of the day.
Table 12: BESS Time of Use Management function settings

Controlled setpoints:
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

BESS Active Modbus register, All BESS declared in Every Loop (~1 W
Power Setpoint or set of modbus the ePower Control ES edit sec period)
registers to configuration interface
command an
active power
Table 12.1: BESS Time of Use Management controlled setpoints

An example illustrating the control produced by the Time of Use function is reported in Chapter

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook BESS Dispatch

The BESS Dispatch function dispatches the total BESS active power setpoints to the different BESS
declared in the ePower Control ES configuration interface. The produced dispatch ensures that no BESS
exceeds the limits defined in Chapter 4.3.1 Base Settings and aims to set a constant active power
setpoint, if possible.

Applicable modes:
● Grid Prime Configuration
● Genset Prime Configuration

Controlled setpoints:
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

BESS Active Modbus register, All BESS declared in Every Loop (~1 W
Power Setpoint or set of modbus the ePower Control ES edit sec period)
registers to configuration interface
command an
active power
Table 13: BESS Dispatch controlled setpoints SOC Equalization

The SoC equalization function, if active, temporarily substitutes the BESS Dispatch function.
Its goal is to dispatch the total BESS active power setpoints to the different BESS declared in the
ePower Control ES configuration interface aiming on equalizing their SoC.

Applicable modes:
● Grid Prime Configuration
● Genset Prime Configuration

Function Settings:
Name Description Unit

SoC Equalization Setting to activate the SoC Equalization function None


Allow SoC Setting to allow the SoC equalization in certain None

Equalization moments of the day. Different values of this parameter
can be defined depending on the time of the day.

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Maximum SoC Divergence between the maximum and the minimum %

Divergence SoC retrieved to trigger the SoC Equalization function

Target SoC Divergence between the maximum and the minimum %

Divergence SoC retrieved to consider the SoC equalized.
Table 14: SoC Equalization function settings

Controlled setpoints:
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

BESS Active Modbus register, All BESS declared in Every Loop (~1 W
Power Setpoint or set of modbus the ePower Control ES edit sec period)
registers to configuration interface
command an
active power
Table 14.1: SoC Equalization controlled setpoints

4.1.4. PV Control Base Settings

The following general settings related to the PV inverters can be used in multiple control functions and in
different controllers.

Name Description Unit

Inverter Nominal Nominal power of the inverter. It must correspond to W

Power the maximum active power limit configurable. A value
is required for each PV Inverter declared in the
ePower Control ES configuration interface
Table 15: PV Control general settings

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook PV Ramp Rate Control

The PV Ramp Rate Control function constrains the setpoints sent to the PV to keep induced active
power variation within a configurable range. This is to avoid brutal active power ramps that could
destabilize the grid.

Applicable modes:
● Grid Prime Configuration
● Genset Prime Configuration
● BESS Prime Configuration

Function Settings
Name Description Unit

Maximum PV Maximum active power setpoint change rate in %

Setpoint Change percentage of current active power measurement for
Rate the PV.
Table 16: PV Ramp Control function settings

Controlled setpoints
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

PV Maximum Modbus register, All PV Inverters Every Loop (~1 W

Active Power or set of modbus declared in the ePower edit sec period)
Setpoint registers to Control ES
command a configuration interface
maximum active
power setpoint
Table 16.1: PV Ramp Control controlled setpoints PV Optimization

The PV Optimization function sends active power setpoints to the BESS, Running generators and PV
inverters to ensure the maximum exploitation of the PV resource.

Applicable Modes
● Grid Prime Configuration
● Genset Prime Configuration
● BESS Prime Configuration

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Controlled Setpoints
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

BESS Active Modbus register, All BESS declared in Every Loop (~1 W
Power Setpoint or set of modbus the ePower Control ES edit sec period)
registers to configuration interface
command an
active power

PV Maximum Modbus register, All PV Inverters Every Loop (~1 W

Active Power or set of modbus declared in the ePower edit sec period)
Setpoint registers to Control ES
command a configuration interface
maximum active
power setpoint

Genset Active Modbus register, All Generator Every Loop (~1 W

Power Setpoint or set of modbus Controllers declared in edit sec period)
registers to the ePower Control ES
command an configuration interface
active power
Table 17: PV Optimization controlled setpoints

Examples illustrating the control produced by the PV Optimization function are reported in Chapter and Chapter PV Dispatch

The PV Dispatch function dispatches the total PV active power setpoints to the different PV Inverters
declared in the ePower Control ES configuration interface.

Applicable Modes:
● Grid Prime Configuration
● Genset Prime Configuration
● BESS Prime Configuration

Function Settings:
Name Description Unit

PV Dispatch Type Should the type of PV dispatch: None

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

- 1: Nominal active power proportional dispatch

- 2: Elum Optimize dispatch to maximize PV
exploitation in any conditions
Table 18: PV Dispatch function settings

4.1.5. Grid Control Export Control

The Export Control function sends maximum active power limits to the PV inverters to not let the grid
active power drop below the defined Minimum Active Power At PCC.

Applicable Modes:
● Grid Prime Configuration

Function Settings:
Name Description Unit

Export Control Setting to activate the Export Control function None


Minimum Active Minimum active power import W

Power At PCC at the point of common coupling

Export Control Choose how the Export Control should consider None
Phase Strategy phases:
- 1: Use the sum of the phase active powers as
the reference
- 2 : Dynamically identify the phase with the
lowest active power and multiply it by 3 to
define the reference
Table 19: Export Control function settings

Controlled Setpoints:
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

PV Maximum Modbus register, All PV Inverters Every Loop (~1 W

Active Power or set of modbus declared in the ePower edit sec period)
Setpoint registers to Control ES
command a configuration interface
maximum active
power setpoint
Table 19.1: Export Control controlled setpoints

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Examples illustrating the control produced by the Export Control function are reported in Chapter Peak Shaving

The Peak Shaving function sends active power setpoints to the BESS to not let the grid active power
absorption rise above the defined Maximum Active Power At PCC.
It also prevents any other function to send discharging active power setpoints to the BESS in the case its
SoC drops below the SoC Reserve defined.

Applicable Modes:
● Grid Prime Configuration

Function Settings
Name Description Unit

Peak Shaving Setting to activate the Peak shaving function None


Maximum Active Maximum active power import at the point of common W

Power At PCC coupling. Different values of this parameter can be
defined depending on the time of the day.

SoC Reserve SoC reserve to be used only for Peak Shaving driven %
BESS discharge. Different values of this parameter can
be defined depending on the time of the day.

Peak Shaving Choose how the Peak Shaving function should consider None
Phase Strategy phases:
- 1: Use the sum of the phase active powers as
the reference
- 2 : Dynamically identify the phase with the
highest active power and multiply it by 3 to
define the reference
Table 20: Peak Shaving function settings

Controlled Setpoints
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

BESS Active Modbus register, All BESS declared in Every Loop (~1 W
Power Setpoint or set of modbus the ePower Control ES edit sec period)
registers to configuration interface
command an
active power

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Table 20.1: Peak Shaving controlled setpoints

Examples illustrating the control produced by the Peak Shaving function are reported in Chapter
and Chapter Grid Reactive Power Control

The Reactive Power Control function sends reactive power setpoints to the BESS and PV to keep the
grid power factor to the defined Power Factor Target At PCC. The BESS is used in priority, the PV
inverters are controlled to produce reactive power only in the case the BESS does not manage to
achieve the goal or if the BESS is not present in the ePower Control ES configuration.

Applicable Modes
● Grid Prime Configuration

Function Settings
Name Description Unit

Reactive Power Setting to activate the Reactive Power Control function None
Control Activation

Power Factor Target power factor at the point of common coupling None
Target At PCC
Table 21: Grid Reactive Power Control function settings

Controlled Setpoints:
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

BESS Reactive Modbus register, All BESS declared in Every Loop (~1 VAR
Power Setpoint or set of modbus the ePower Control ES edit sec period)
registers to configuration interface
command a
reactive power

PV Reactive Modbus register, All PV Inverters Every Loop (~1 VAR

Power Setpoint or set of modbus declared in the ePower edit sec period)
registers to Control ES
command a configuration interface
reactive power

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Table 21.1: Grid Reactive Power Control controlled setpoints

4.1.6. Genset Control Base Settings

The following general settings related to the gensets can be used in multiple control functions and in
different controllers.

Name Description Unit

Genset Primary Genset(s) Primary Rated Power(s). W

Rated Power

Genset Minimum Genset minimum loading expressed in percentage of %

Loading the primary rated power of the running generators
Table 22: Genset Control general settings Genset Ramp Control

The Genset Ramp Rate Control function constrains the setpoints sent to the Generators to keep induced
active power variation within a configurable range.

Applicable modes
● BESS Prime Configuration

Function Settings
Name Description Unit

Maximum Genset Maximum active power setpoint change rate in %

Setpoint Change percentage of current active power measurement for
Rate the running genset(s).
Table 23: Grid Reactive Power Control controlled setpoints

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Controlled setpoints
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

Genset Active Modbus register, All Generator Every Loop (~1 W

Power Setpoint or set of modbus Controllers declared in edit sec period)
registers to the ePower Control ES
command an configuration interface
active power
Table 23.1: Grid Reactive Power Control controlled setpoints Genset Minimum Loading

The Genset Minimum Loading function sends maximum active power limits to the PV inverters to not let
the running generator active power to drop below the Genset Minimum Loading defined. In the case
of multiple genset activated, it is assumed that active gensets are equipped with the appropriate control
devices so as to share the load in proportion to their primary rated capacity.

Applicable Modes:
● Genset Prime Configuration

Controlled Setpoints:
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

PV Maximum Modbus register, All PV Inverters Every Loop (~1 W

Active Power or set of modbus declared in the ePower edit sec period)
Setpoint registers to Control ES
command a configuration interface
maximum active
power setpoint
Table 24: Genset Minimum Loading controlled setpoints Genset Start/Stop Management

The Genset Start/Stop Management function manages the start and stop of gensets operating in parallel
to a prime BESS unit. Start and stop conditions can be defined based on several criteria listed hereafter.
Several options are available to the user to decide on what conditions genset(s) should be started
(respectively stopped) when the start condition (respectively the stop condition) is true.

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Available start criteria are:

● BESS SoC: the genset(s) start when BESS SoC is under the value of SoC Start parameter
● BESS DC voltage: the genset(s) start when BESS DC Voltage is under the value of DC Voltage
Start parameter

Available stop criteria are:

● BESS SoC : the genset(s) stops when the BESS SoC is above a configured value of SoC Stop
● BESS DC Voltage : the genset(s) stops when BESS DC Voltage is under the value of DC Voltage
Stop parameter
● Genset Runtime: the genset(s) stops when they have been running since longer than Stop
Runtime parameter
On top of the start and stop criteria, several start options are available:
● Start all gensets
● Start one single genset

When “start one single genset” option is selected and multiple gensets are available, the genset with the
lowest cumulative runtime will be started.

Applicable configurations:
● BESS Prime Configuration

Function Settings
Name Description Unit

Genset Start/Stop Setting to activate the Genset Start/Stop None

Management Management function

Start Condition Setting to define the type of start condition: None

Type - 1: BESS SoC
- 2: BESS DC Voltage

SoC Start SoC triggering genset start (for multi PCS system, the %
PCS with lowest SoC triggers the start)

DC Voltage Start BESS DC voltage triggering genset start (for multi V

PCS system, the PCS with lowest DC voltage triggers
the start)

Stop Condition Setting to define the type of stop condition: None

Type - 1: BESS SoC
- 2: BESS DC voltage
- 3: Genseet runtime

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

SoC Stop SoC triggering genset stop (for multi PCS system, the %
PCS with lowest SoC triggers the stop)

DC Voltage Stop BESS DC voltage triggering genset stop (for multi V

PCS system, the PCS with lowest DC voltage triggers
the stop)

Stop Runtime Time to run genset(s) after it is started minutes

Start Type Select how many genset(s) are started (respectively None
stopped) when Start Condition (resp. Stop Condition)
is true.

1: Start a single genset

2: Start all gensets
Table 25: Genset Start/Stop Management function settings

Controlled Setpoints
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

Genset Start/Stop Modbus register, All Gensets Controllers Occasionally None

or set of modbus declared in the
registers configuration
triggering genset
start and stop
Table 25.1: Genset Start/Stop Management controlled setpoint

An example illustrating the control produced by the Genset Start/Stop Management function is reported
in Chapter

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook Genset Reactive Power Control

The Genset Reactive Power Control function dispatches the reactive power production amongst PV
and/or BESS to support the connected gensets. PV and/or BESS setpoints are computed so as to keep
the genset power factor within Genset Minimum Power Factor (inductive) and Genset Maximum Power
Factor (capacitive).

The BESS is prioritarily used and the PV inverters, when present, are controlled to produce reactive
power only in the case the BESS system reaches its maximum production capacities.

Applicable configurations:
● Genset Prime Configuration

Function Settings
Name Description Unit

Genset Reactive Setting to activate the Genset Reactive Power Control None
Power Control function

Inductive Genset Minimum Inductive Power Factor for genset plant None
Minimum Power

Capacitive Genset Minimum Capacitive Power Factor for genset plant None
Minimum Power
Table 26: Genset Reactive Power Control function settings

Controlled Setpoints
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

BESS Reactive Modbus register, All BESS declared in Every Loop (~1 VAR
Power Setpoint or set of modbus the ePower Control ES edit sec period)
registers to configuration interface
command a
reactive power

PV Reactive Modbus register, All PV Inverters Every Loop (~1 VAR

Power Setpoint or set of modbus declared in the ePower edit sec period)
registers to Control ES
command a configuration interface

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

reactive power
Table 26.1: Genset Reactive Power Control controlled setpoints

The BESS is controlled to produce or consume reactive power to keep the power factor of the running
generators inside the defined range:
- In the case the power factor of the running generator is inside the range no reactive power is
produced by the BESS.
- In the case the power factor of the running generator is below the Inductive Genset Minimum
Power Factor, the bess is controlled to produce inductive reactive power so to keep the power
factor of the running generators at the value of the Inductive Genset Minimum Power Factor.
- In the case the power factor of the running generator is below the Capacitive Genset Minimum
Power Factor, the bess is controlled to produce capacitive reactive power so to keep the power
factor of the arunningctive generators at Capacitive Genset Minimum Power Factor.
In the case the BESS is not able to produce or consume the needed reactive power, the PV inverters are
controlled to produce or consume the missing reactive power. Genset Dispatch

The Genset Dispatch function dispatches the total genset active power setpoints to the different gensets
declared in the ePower Control ES configuration interface. The produced dispatch ensures that no
genset active power setpoint exceeds the Primary Rated Power or the Genset Minimum Loading

Applicable configurations:
● BESS Prime Configuration

Controlled setpoints:
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

Genset Active Modbus register, All Generator Every Loop (~1 W

Power Setpoint or set of modbus Controllers declared in edit sec period)
registers to the ePower Control ES
command an configuration interface
active power
Table 27: Genset Dispatch controlled setpoints

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

4.1.7. Islanding Control Base Settings

The Islanding Control requires the definition of the single Islanded configuration. The defined
configuration is either:
- the only configuration of the controller if there is no grid meter configured
- the configuration entered once the grid is not available if there is a grid meter.

Name Description Unit

Islanded Islanded Configuration of the system: None

Configuration - No islanded configuration
- BESS Configuration
- Genset Configuration
Table 28: Islanding Control Automatic Blackstart

The Automated Blackstart function controls the system to automatically transition to the configured
Islanded mode as soon as it detects the grid to be offline.

Once the function detects the grid offline, it opens the grid breaker, sending a command through the
mandatory IO Module (Chapter 2.4.2 IO Module), to electrically isolate the system from the grid.
After observing the breaker open, the forming unit of the island configuration selected is started so to
black start the system.

Controlled Setpoints:
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

Grid Breaker Modbus register, The Module IO Occasionally None

Switch Status or set of modbus declared in the ePower
registers to Control ES
command the configuration interface
opening or closing
of the grid breaker

Genset Controller Modbus register, All Gensets Controllers Occasionally None

Mode or set of modbus declared in the
registers to configuration
control the
operating mode of
a genset:

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

forming unit or
following unit

Genset Start/Stop Modbus register, All Gensets Controllers Occasionally None

or set of modbus declared in the
registers configuration
triggering genset
start and stop

BESS Mode Modbus register, All BESS declared in Occasionally None

or set of modbus the configuration
registers to
control the
operating mode of
forming unit or
following unit

BESS Start/Stop Modbus register, All BESS declared in Occasionally None

or set of modbus the configuration
triggering BESS
start and stop
Table 29: Automated Blackstart controlled setpoints Automatic Grid Reconnection

The Automated Grid Reconnection function controls the system to automatically transition from the
defined Islanded Configuration (BESS Prime or Generator Prime) to the Grid Prime as soon as it detects
the grid to be online.

Once the function detects the grid online, the forming unit of the islanded Mode configured is shutted
After observing the forming unit of the islanded configuration off, the grid breaker is closed, sending a
command through the mandatory IO Module (Chapter 2.4.2 IO Module), to reconnect the system to the
After the closing of the breaker the BESS is started as a following unit.

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Controlled Setpoints
Name Description Applicability Edit Unit

Grid Breaker Modbus register, The Module IO Occasionally None

Switch Status or set of modbus declared in the ePower
registers to Control ES
command the configuration interface
opening or closing
of the grid breaker

Genset Controller Modbus register, All Gensets Controllers Occasionally None

Mode or set of modbus declared in the
registers to configuration
control the
operating mode of
a genset:
forming unit or
following unit

Genset Start/Stop Modbus register, All Gensets Controllers Occasionally None

or set of modbus declared in the
registers configuration
triggering genset
start and stop

BESS Mode Modbus register, All BESS declared in Occasionally None

or set of modbus the configuration
registers to
control the
operating mode of
forming unit or
following unit

BESS Start/Stop Modbus register, All BESS declared in Occasionally None

or set of modbus the configuration
triggering BESS
start and stop
Table 30: Automatic Grid Reconnection controlled setpoints

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

4.2. Illustrative Examples

4.2.1. Grid Prime Export Control and Peak Shaving

The following example illustrates the combination of the PV optimization and Peak Shaving functions
active in Grid Prime Configuration, Figure 14 reports explanatory power profiles and the SoC curve
potentially produced on a representative day.

At the beginning of the day, the PV Optimization function defines the active power setpoints to be sent
to BESS and the maximum active power setpoints sent to PV inverters to avoid exporting active power
to the main grid.

The BESS is discharged (1), since its SoC is above the SoC Reserve, aiming to reduce the SoC as
much as possible to maximize the PV production storable.

Then the BESS is charged (2) with the excess of the PV production as soon as there is enough

The BESS is commanded to 0 kW (3) as soon as its SoC raises above the Maximum SoC. At this point
due to the Export Control function, the PV inverters are curtailed equal to the load active power (3).

Once the PV plant cannot produce the load active power, due to insufficient irradiance, the BESS is
discharged by the PV Optimization function (4).

The BESS discharge stops (5) once the SoC reaches the SoC Reserve since the BESS in this condition
can only discharge further if controlled by the Peak Shaving function.

When the load active power rises above the set Maximum Active Power Import at PCC, the BESS
starts again to discharge (6) controlled by the Peak Shaving function, maintaining the grid active power
at the value of Maximum Active Power Import at PCC.

Once the load active power consumption drops below Maximum Active Power Import at PCC, the
BESS does not discharge (7) due to PV Optimization since the Peak Shaving function prevents it
since the BESS SoC is below the SoC Reserve.

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Figure 14: Power profiles and state of charge evolution during a representative day controlled by ePowerControl ES
with the Peak Shaving function active. Peak Shaving and Time of Use Management

The following example illustrates the combination of the PV optimization, Peak Shaving, and Time Of Use
functions if activated at the same time Grid Prime Configuration, Figure 15 reports explanatory power
profiles and the SoC curve potentially produced on a representative day.

At the beginning of the day, the PV Optimization function defines the active power setpoints to be sent
to BESS and the maximum active power setpoints sent to PV inverters to avoid exporting active power
to the main grid.

The BESS is discharged, since its SoC is above the SoC Reserve, to produce all the active power
consumed by the load.

Then a Time Of Use function slot is entered where the charge of the BESS from the grid is allowed. In
this timeslot, the BESS active power setpoint is set at the Target Active Charging Power. It is possible
to see that as soon as possible the PV ramps up, controlled by the PV Optimization function, and
participates in the charge of the BESS reducing the active power absorbed from the grid.

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Once the Time Of Use function timeslot is exited, the PV Optimization function takes over the control
of the BESS active power setpoints to charge the excess of PV injection or to minimize the grid active
power consumption.

The BESS is commanded to 0 kW once the SoC reaches the SoC Reserve since the BESS in this
condition can only discharge further if controlled by the Peak Shaving function.

When the load active power rises above the set Maximum Active Power Import at PCC, the BESS
starts again to discharge controlled by the Peak Shaving function, maintaining the grid active power at
the value of Maximum Active Power Import at PCC.

Once the load active power consumption drops below Maximum Active Power Import at PCC, the
BESS does not discharge due to PV Optimization since the Peak Shaving function prevents it since
the BESS SoC is below the SoC Reserve.

Another Time Of Use time slot is entered which allows the discharge into the grid, as a result, the BESS
starts again to discharge since its SoC is now above the SoC Reserve. The discharge rate is set equal
to Target Active Discharging Power.

Once the time slot is excited, the PV Optimization function takes over-discharging from the BESS the
active power consumed by the load since the SoC of the BESS is higher than the Minimum SoC and
the SoC Reserve.

Once the BESS reaches the Minimum SoC the BESS stops to discharge.

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

Figure 15: Power profiles and state of charge evolution during a representative day controlled by ePowerControl ES
with the Peak Shaving and the Time of Use functions active

4.2.2. BESS Prime Charge Power Control and Genset Start/Stop


The following example illustrates the combination of the Charge Power Control and Genset Start/Stop
Management if activated at the same time in BESS Prime Configuration, Figure 16 reports explanatory
power profiles and the SoC curve potentially produced on a rappresentative day.

The PV injection is controlled by the Charge Power Control function, maximizing PV while ensuring
that the Target Active Charging Power is not overpassed as well as the Maximum SoC.

As it is possible to see, at the reaching of the Target Active Charging Power rate the PV injection is
curtailed to keep the BESS charging at that rate

Then at the reaching of Maximum SoC, the PV is reduced to the active power of the load to avoid
charging further the BESS.

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

The BESS starts to discharge only when the PV production is not enough to produce the active power
consumed by the load.

Once the BESS reaches the SoC Start , one generator is started by the Genset Start/Stop
Management and its active power setpoint regulated by the Charge Power Control function so to
charge the BESS at the Target Active Charging Power. The active power setpoints sent to the
running generator do not exceed its Genset Primary Rated Power, resulting sometime in charging the
BESS less then Target Active Charging Power.

Once the BESS reaches the SoC Stop, the running generator is stopped leaving the BESS to provide
the active power consumed by the load.

Figure 16: Power profiles and state of charge evolution during a representative day controlled by ePowerControl ES
in BESS Prime configuration

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

5. Data Logging
5.1. Introduction
The ES controllers can export data to various local (USB) or remote targets. ES is now compatible with
following monitoring portals:

● Elum ePower Monitor

● Energy Soft
● Meteocontrol VCOM
● QOS Qantom

Image 11: Data forwarding settings section

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

5.2. USB Export

Datalogging can be configured to export to a USB Key connected to the USB Slot of the ES platform.
The User can configure the granularity 1 minute to 1 hour. The user can also visualize the date of the last
and next export of a CSV file. To get the exact structure of the exported CSV files please refer to the
Elum Data Model documentation.

Image 12: Example of Automatic Export Configuration

USB Key Requirements

To be compatible with the USB export feature, the USB device must be formatted in ext2,
ext3, ext4 or ntfs

ePower Control ES Designer’s Reference Handbook

5.3. FTP server export

The user can configure the export to a FTP server.

Image 13: Example of export configuration to a FTB server

6. Modbus Server
The ES platform features a Modbus Server so for third part SCADA or data loggers to be able to read
(resp. write) registers from (resp. to) the ES platform using Modbus TCP Protocol. The ES register
mapping is available on demand.


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