11-English Literature MCQs Set-11

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2001. Wordsworth’s Preface to the Lyrical 2005. According to Plato, what is the moral
Ballads is believed to be the Preamble to purpose of art ?
Romantic Criticism. In which year was it A. To connect human beings with a higher
published ? ideal
A. 1798 B. To entertain those who enjoy it
B. 1800 C. To criticize society through satire
C. 1801 D. All of the above answers are correct.
D. 1802 Answer: Option A. To connect human
Answer: Option B. 1800 beings with a higher ideal

2002. What is double consciousness 2006. One of the potential disadvantages of

_______________? this approach to literature is that it can
A. An early aspect of ethnic criticism reduce meaning to a certain time frame,
B. An understanding of how double rather than making it universal throughout
experiences create identity the ages ?
C. A concept developed by W.E.B Du Bois A. Formalist
D. All of the above answers are correct. B. Historical
Answer: Option D. All of the above C. Feminist
answers are correct. D. Mimetic
Answer: Option B. Historical
2003. The probable date of composition of
Ars Poetica is_______________? 2007. Aristotle’s critical work is
A. 100 BC entitled_______________?
B. 12 to 8 BC A. Ars Poetica
C. 15 AD B. Poetics
D. 20 AD C. De Arte Poetica
Answer: Option B. 12 to 8 BC D. Art Poetique
Answer: Option B. Poetics
2004. Who was the originator of the Theory
of Imitation in Literature ? 2008. Reader-response theory is focused on
A. Longinus considering which of the following ?
B. Aristotle A. How readers learn to read
C. Plato B. How readers imagine visual images in a
D. Horace text
Answer: Option C. Plato C. How readers participate in creating the
meaning of a text
D. How readers regard critics
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Answer: Option C. How readers 2012. Which text argues that, as infants,
participate in creating the meaning of a text human beings begin to define their identities
against the identities of others ?
2009. Dryden wrote An Essay of Dramatic A. Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble
Poesy. Is this ? B. W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Souls of Black Folk
A. An Essay C. Roland Barthes’s “The Death of the
B. A Drama Author”
C. A Poetical Work D. Jacques Lacan’s “The Mirror Stage . . . “
D. An Interlocution Answer: Option D. Jacques Lacan’s “The
Answer: Option D. An Interlocution Mirror Stage . . . “

2010. Which of the following texts is the 2013. Aristotle discusses the theory of
BEST example of the argument that a work’s Tragedy in _______________?
meaning does not come entirely from the A. Art Poetique
imagination of the author ? B. Poetics
A. Plato’s The Republic C. Rhetoric
B. T.S. Eliot’s “Tradition and the Individual D. Ars Poetica
Talent” Answer: Option B. Poetics
C. Jacques Derrida’s Of Grammatology
D. Jacques Lacan’s “The Mirror Stage….. 2014. In her essay “The Laugh of the
Answer: Option B. T.S. Eliot’s “Tradition Medusa,” what does Hélène Cixous suggest
and the Individual Talent” for women ?
A. Women should write for and about
2011. What approach is described by the themselves in order to counter phallocentric
paragraph? This approach takes as a texts.
fundamental tenet that “literature” exists B. Women should write, but they should do
not as an artifact upon a printed page but so only within the existent male canon.
as a transaction between the physical text C. Women should primarily dedicate
and the mind of a reader ? themselves to studying women’s literature
A. Historical/Biographical Approach from the past.
B. Reader Response Approach D. All of the above answers are correct.
C. Formalism Answer: Option A. Women should write
D. Mimetic Approach for and about themselves in order to
Answer: Option B. Reader Response counter phallocentric texts.
2015. Who called Aristotle “the very
Alexander of criticism” ?
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A. Saintsbury
B. Murray 2019. What is hermeneutics ?
C. Atkins A. A term that describes the absence of
D. Tyllard racial others in the canon
Answer: Option A. Saintsbury B. A term that describes the attempt to read
homosexuality into literature
2016. How does VirginiaWoolf’s essay “A C. A term that describes the effect of
Room of One’s Own” contribute to feminist autobiography on text
theory ? D. A term that describes the interpretation
A. It suggests that the suppression of of meaning
women is part of a historical climate that will Answer: Option D. A term that describes
naturally fade away. the interpretation of meaning
B. It suggests that gender roles are
conditioned by the possession of money and 2020. What does Judith Butler mean when
power. she suggests that gender is “performed” ?
C. It suggests that gender has power over A. Gender does not reflect an essential
class. truth, but rather is a role people play based
D. All of the above answers are correct. on their internalization of socially
Answer: Option B. It suggests that gender constructed gender roles.
roles are conditioned by the possession of B. Gender roles do not exist.
money and power. C. Real gender roles are scripted by
excellent writers.
2017. Who contributed the term “to see the D. All of the above answers are correct.
object as in itself it really is” ? Answer: Option A. Gender does not reflect
A. Wordsworth an essential truth, but rather is a role people
B. Coleridge play based on their internalization of socially
C. Arnold constructed gender roles.
D. Goethe
Answer: Option C. Arnold 2021. How are Julia Kristeva’s
psychoanalytic theories distinct from
2018. The phrase “willing suspension of traditional Freudian concepts ?
disbelief” applies to which poet/critic ? A. Kristeva rejects the idea that neuroses
A. Charles Lamb provide insight into the unconscious.
B. Joseph Conrad B. Kristeva suggests that women are not
C. Coleridge subject to traditional fetishes.
D. Wordsworth
Answer: Option C. Coleridge
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C. Kristeva offers a more central place for 2025. In which book of the Republic did
women’s issues within psychological Plato ban poets from his ideal world ?
development. A. Book 7
D. All of the above answers are correct. B. Book 10
Answer: Option C. Kristeva offers a more C. Book 1
central place for women’s issues within D. Book 5
psychological development. Answer: Option B. Book 10

2022. What does Edward Said argue about 2026. In Fredric Jameson’s book The
the concept of the Orient ? Political Unconscious, what does Jameson
A. It has little relationship to the colonization suggest about literature ?
of Asian countries by the West. A. History comprises the essential
B. It illustrates the fundamental political framework for the performance of literary
equality of all nations. analysis
C. It was produced by Western scholarship. B. Politics and the economy are the most
D. All of the above answers are correct. important factors in literary analysis
Answer: Option C. It was produced by C. Biography is essential to literary analysis
Western scholarship. D. All of the above answers are correct.
Answer: Option A. History comprises the
2023. According to Aristotle the unravelling essential framework for the performance of
of the plot_____________? literary analysis
A. Should arise from the circumstances of
the plot itself 2027. Who established the Lyceum ?
B. By supernatural machinery A. Plato
C. By narration B. Aristotle
D. By the choral odes C. Horace
Answer: Option A. Should arise from the D. Longinus
circumstances of the plot itself Answer: Option B. Aristotle

2024. “Of all philosopher’s Plato is the most 2028. Regarding the observance of the
poetic.” Who said this______________? three Classical Unities in a play, Dr.
A. Philiph Sidney Johnson’s view is that ?
B. Shelley A. Only the Unity of Time should be
C. Aristlotle observed
D. Keats B. Only the Unity of Place should be
Answer: Option A. Philiph Sidney observed

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C. Only the Unity of Action should be A. Literary criticism is concerned only with
observed the meaning of a literary work, while literary
D. All the three Unities should be observed theory is concerned only with the structure
Answer: Option C. Only the Unity of of a literary work.
Action should be observed B. Literary criticism draws upon research
derived from sources outside literature,
2029. “The end of writing is to instruct, the while literary theory draws upon sources
end of poetry is to instruct by pleasing.” within a text.
Whose view is this ? C. Literary theory is concerned with the
A. Wordsworth’s method used to interpret a work, while
B. Coleridge’s literary criticism is the application of literary
C. Dr. Johnson’s theory.
D. Matthew Arnold’s D. All of the above answers are correct.
Answer: Option C. Dr. Johnson’s Answer: Option C. Literary theory is
concerned with the method used to interpret
2030. Which of the following ideas relates to a work, while literary criticism is the
J.L. Austin’s performativity theory ? application of literary theory.
A. Performance is the ultimate objective of
all human beings. 2033. Michael Foucault was the major
B. Language is used to indicate action as practitioner of this school of criticism?
well as thought. A. Formalist Criticism
C. Individuals perform gender actively. B. Deconstructionism
D. All of the above answers are correct C. Structuralism
Answer: Option B. Language is used to D. Mimetic Criticism
indicate action as well as thought. Answer: Option C. Structuralism

2031. Who is the author of Ars Poetica ? 2034. Who considers poetry ‘a mother of
A. Plato lies’ ?
B. Aristotle A. Aristotle
C. Horace B. Plato
D. Longinus C. Pope
Answer: Option C. Horace D. Stephen Gosson
Answer: Option D. Stephen Gosson
2032. Which of the following best describes
the difference between literary criticism and 2035. In which essay did Arnold say that for
literary theory ? good literature to flourish two powers are
necessary – creative and the critical ?
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A. The Function of Criticism B. Formalist Criticism

B. The Study of Poetry C. Structuralism
C. Preface to Eighteen Fifty Three poems D. Mimetic Criticism
D. Essay on Wordsworth Answer: Option A. Deconstructionism
Answer: Option A. The Function of
Criticism 2040. Christopher Ricks would most likely
DISAGREE with which of the following
2036. Aristotle and Plato belong to phase of claims about literary theory ?
criticism ? A. Literary theory is limited in its ability to
A. Hellenic interpret a text.
B. Hellenistic B. Literary theory often depends on esoteric
C. Renaissance knowledge to be properly understood.
D. Graeco-Roman C. Literary theory is employed mostly by
Answer: Option A. Hellenic academics.
D. Literary theory is the only proper way to
2037. The term Electra Complex has conceptualize literary texts.
originated from a tragedy entitled Electra. Answer: Option D. Literary theory is the
Who is the author of his tragedy ? only proper way to conceptualize literary
A. Aeschylus texts.
B. Sophocles
C. Euripides 2041. This approach provides a
D. Seneca universalistic approach to literature and
Answer: Option B. Sophocles identifies a reason why certain literature
may survive the test of time. It works well
2038. In which the following works Plato with works that are highly symbolic.What
discusses his Theory of Poetry ? approach has this advantage ?
A. Apology A. Mimetic
B. Ion B. Psychological
C. The Republic C. Historical/Biographical
D. Phaedrus D. Mythological/Archetypal
Answer: Option C. The Republic Answer: Option D.
2039. This critical approach assumes that
language does not refer to any external 2042. Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria
reality. It can assert several, contradictory appeared in the year ?.
interpretations of one text ? A. 1817
A. Deconstructionism B. 1818
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C. 1718 B. It should be regarded as one of the

D. 1717 actors
Answer: Option A. 1817 C. It should make only reports
D. It should only comment on the action
2043. The Lyrical Ballads was published Answer: Option B. It should be regarded
in____________________? as one of the actors
A. 1780
B. 1798 2047. “The tragic-comedy which is the
C. 1815 product of the English theatre is one the
D. 1805 most monstrous inventions that ever
Answer: Option B. 1798 entered into a poet’s thought.” Whose view
is this ?
2044. Which of the following is a theme of A. John Dryden’s
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s book Epistemology B. Alexander Pope’s
of the Closet ? C. Joseph Addison’s
A. Understanding sexuality is crucial to D. Dr. Johnson’s
understanding culture. Answer: Option C. Joseph Addison’s
B. Understanding homosexuality has little
effect on understanding culture. 2048. What is Christopher Ricks’s attitude
C. Literary study is unaffected by a lack of toward literary theory ?
interest in sexuality. A. He considers it to be vital in order to
D. All of the above answers are correct. understand literary texts.
Answer: Option A. Understanding B. He considers theory to be the only way
sexuality is crucial to understanding culture. that literary texts can be interpreted.
C. He has no misgivings about the practical
2045. ‘Preface to the Lyrical Ballads’ was usability of literary theory.
published in______________? D. He feels that literary theory is ultimately
A. 1798 too limited in scope to serve as a proper
B. 1800 method of interpretation.
C. 1802 Answer: Option D. He feels that literary
D. 1815 theory is ultimately too limited in scope to
Answer: Option B. 1800 serve as a proper method of interpretation.

2046. Aristotle said of chorus in Greek 2049. What is the central idea of Ferdinand
tragedy that_____________? de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics
A. It is only lyrical songs in the play ?

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A. Language is inseparable from its historical A. Critical faculty

context. B. Modifying power
B. There are five phases of linguistic C. A psychological experience
development. D. A product of intellect
C. Language can be analyzed as a formal Answer: Option B. Modifying power
system of elements.
D. All of the above answers are correct. 2054. Biographia Literaria was written
Answer: Option C. Language can be by_________________?
analyzed as a formal system of elements. A. Wordsworth
B. Coleridge
2050. Arnold summarises the rule of English C. Keats
criticism in one word, in The Function Of D. Charles Lamb
Criticism. What is the word ? Answer: Option B. Coleridge
A. Disintrestedness
B. Intresedness 2055. Trauma theory is tremendously
C. Purification influenced by which theoretical school ?
D. Civilization A. Psychoanalysis
Answer: Option A. Disintrestedness B. Marxism
C. Feminism
2051. Who was the most illustrious pupil of D. Deconstruction
Plato ? Answer: Option A. Psychoanalysis
A. Aristotle
B. Longinus 2056. Who made a distinction between
C. Aristophanes Fancy and Imagination ?
D. Socrates A. Wordsworth
Answer: Option A. Aristotle B. Coleridge
C. Southey
2052. Who remarked, “Spenser write no D. Hazlitt
language.” ? Answer: Option B. Coleridge
A. Pope
B. Arnold 2057. Sublimity has_______________?
C. Dr. Jhonson A. 2 sources
D. Ben Jonson B. 3 sources
Answer: Option D. Ben Jonson C. 4 sources
D. 5 sources
2053. Coleridge considered imagination Answer: Option D. 5 sources
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2058. On the Sublime was written A. To bring attention to false Euro-centric

in_____________? paradigms
A. 1st Century BC B. To rectify the double experiences of
B. 1st Century AD certain racial groups
C. 2nd Century AD C. To reconcile cultural identity with
D. 3rd Century AD individual identity
Answer: Option B. 1st Century AD D. All of the above answers are correct.
Answer: Option D. All of the above
2059. Trauma theory primarily developed answers are correct.
out of the work of which psychoanalyst ?
A. Sigmund Freud 2063. Which of the following is a rule of
B. Carl Jung semiotics ?
C. Michel Foucault A. All linguistic concepts evolve solely out of
D. Jacques Derrida the responses of people within a specific
Answer: Option A. Sigmund Freud historical era.
B. All linguistic and social phenomena are
2060. What is the meaning of the term texts, and the object of studying these texts
Hamartia as used by Aristotle in his Theory is to reveal the underlying codes that make
of Tragedy ? them meaningful.
A. Tragic end of the tragedy C. All linguistics is in some way related to
B. Working of fate against the hero class struggle.
C. A weak trait in the character of the hero D. All of the above answers are correct.
D. A strong quality in the character of the Answer: Option B. All linguistic and social
hero phenomena are texts, and the object of
Answer: Option C. A weak trait in the studying these texts is to reveal the
character of the hero underlying codes that make them
2061. Whom did Aristotle consider the most
tragic of the Greek dramatists ? 2064. What does the term meta-language
A. Agathon mean, according to Andrzej Warminski ?
B. Aeschylus A. A language about another language
C. Sophocles B. A supernatural language
D. Euripides C. A language that does not yet constitute a
Answer: Option D. Euripides real language
D. All of the above answers are correct.
2062. What is the main goal of ethnic Answer: Option A. A language about
criticism ? another language
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A. The West spends too much time trying to

2065. Which of the following statements consider an Asian perspective.
offers the best definition of the concept of B. The West tends to look at Asian countries
strange attractors in chaos theory ? as individual units rather than lump them
A. Strange attractors are mysterious forces together.
that are entirely random. C. The West views matters through its own
B. Strange attractors are complex forces limited historical position.
that are determined by the laws of physics. D. The West refuses to apply economic and
C. Strange attractors are mysterious forces political coercion to Asian writers.
that are both random and determined. Answer: Option C. The West views
D. Strange attractors are complex forces matters through its own limited historical
that are entirely random position.
Answer: Option C. Strange attractors are
mysterious forces that are both random and 2069. Which school of literary theory shows
determined. a particular interest in the role of testimony
in literature ?
2066. What is defamiliarization ? A. Trauma theory
A. A term that describes how literature B. Ecotheory
exposes its own artificiality C. Chaos theory
B. An idea explored by Viktor Shklovsky D. Formalism
C. A term that describes the capacity of art Answer: Option A. Trauma theory
to counter the effects of habit
D. All of the above answers are correct. 2070. Who coined the term New Historicism
Answer: Option D. All of the above ?
answers are correct. A. Jacques Derrida
B. Terry Eagleton
2067. Who used the words “romanticism” C. Fredric Jameson
and “romantic” first ? D. Stephen Greenblatt
A. Wordsworth Answer: Option D. Stephen Greenblatt
B. Coleridge
C. Carlyle 2071. To what idea does the term
D. Schlegel heteroglossia refer ?
Answer: Option D. Schlegel A. An infant’s inability to speak prior to the
mirror stage
2068. Which is a common postcolonial B. The referential relationships among
critique of the West ? symbols, signifiers, and signs

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C. The multi-layered nature of language in a C. Coleridge

literary work D. Matthew Arnold
D. All of the above answers are correct Answer: Option B. Wordsworth
Answer: Option C. The multi-layered
nature of language in a literary work 2076. Which of the following is a critical
work of Ben Jonson ?
2072. Formalist critics believe that the value A. Discourse of English Poetry
of a work cannot be determined by the B. Discoveries
author’s intention. What term do they use C. Arte of English Poesie
when speaking of this belief ? D. An Apologie for Poetrie
A. The pathetic fallacy Answer: Option B. Discoveries
B. The intentional fallacy
C. The affective fallacy 2077. ‘Picture must not be too picturesque’.
D. The objective correlative Emerson here means pictures
Answer: Option B. The intentional fallacy must_______________?
A. not be too scenic
2073. Seven is an archetype associated B. capture our soul
with____________? C. be simple and plain
A. Perfection D. not dazzle
B. Birth Answer: Option D. not dazzle
C. Evil
D. Death 2078. “He glanced with rapid
Answer: Option A. Perfection eyes_____________ they looked like
frightened beads”. The figure of speech
2074. Horace was a friend used here is ?
of_______________? A. Metahor
A. Alexander the Great B. Oxymoron
B. Emperor Augustus C. Simile
C. Julius Caesar D. Irony
D. Pompey Answer: Option C. Simile
Answer: Option B. Emperor Augustus
2079. What is Augustine St. Clare’s selfish
2075. “Poetry is emotions recollected in wife’s name ?
tranquility.” Who has defined poetry in these A. Marie
words ? B. Eliza
A. Shelley C. Rachel
B. Wordsworth D. Ophelia
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Answer: Option A. Marie D. Father of American Liteature

Answer: Option C. Self-reliance
2080. Parker’s report to Margaret
is_________________? 2084. According to the sign in the Kentucky
A. straightforward and simple Inn, what is branded to George’s right hand
B. complex and heart wrenching ?
C. simple and heartwarming A. The letter S
D. painful and disgustingly low B. The Letter H
Answer: Option C. simple and C. A hexagon
heartwarming D. The number 314
Answer: Option D. The number 314
2081. Thoreau scales humans down to the
size of ants in order 2085. The poem by Berryman has a sad and
to____________________? depressed tone about it and it foreshadows
A. examine the aggressive, dominating and the_____________?
stupid nature of human warfare A. fate of the author or how depressed be
B. create a very vivid and impressive picture was
C. shows his real intentions in writing B. fate and the mindest of the boy
D. portray humans allegorically C. turn of events of the ball
Answer: Option A. examine the D. happenings in the poem
aggressive, dominating and stupid nature of Answer: Option B. fate and the mindest of
human warfare the boy

2082. We associate John Winthrop with 2086. Usher can only stand types of noises
what colonial Settlement ? in his acutely uncomfortable state. The
A. Plymouth narrator describes a number of impromptus
B. Mayflower compact that Usher plays for him on which
C. Massachusetts Bay Colony instrument ?
D. Rhode Island A. The harp
Answer: Option C. Massachusetts Bay B. The guitar
Colony C. The ukulele
D. The violin
2083. What statement below best sums up Answer: Option B. The guitar
the literary significance of Thoreau ?
A. Father of Free verse 2087. When the prophets prophesied, of
B. Father of american poetry whom did they speak? When they spoke of
C. Self-reliance heathens, was it not the whites and others
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who were counted Gentiles? And I ask if all A. To make mischief and cause trouble
nations with the exception of the Jews were B. To trample upon evil beings that were
not counted heathens. The author of this abusing his aunts and uncles
passage was_______________? C. To play tricks on other animals to prove
A. A slave how intelligent he is
B. A Transcendentalist D. The hare has no purpose that is why his
C. The son of itinerant actors grandmother must always watch over him
D. An indentured servant Answer: Option B. To trample upon evil
Answer: Option D. An indentured servant beings that were abusing his aunts and
2088. The term Beat Generation comes
from______________? 2092. is the end of fame_______________?
A. Beat to his size A. Love
B. Beat to his stomach B. Pity
C. Beat to his socks C. Misfortune
D. Beat to his Shoe D. Death
Answer: Option C. Beat to his socks Answer: Option B. Pity

2089. Who was the first black woman who 2093. About the
win the Nobel Prize for Literature ? Delaware_______________?
A. Toni Morrison A. Used pictographs to explain nature
B. Jane Austin B. Told the story of Wolam Olum
C. Ann Petry C. Settled in Northeast US
D. Frances Harper D. All the above
Answer: Option A. Toni Morrison Answer: Option D. All the above

2090. What statement below best sums up 2094. A diary of someone’s day by day
the literary significance of Nathaniel account of events_______________?
Hawthorne ? A. Journal
A. Popular early nosiest B. History
B. Romantisum C. Article
C. Scarlett letter D. Legend
D. All are correct Answer: Option A. Journal
Answer: Option D. All are correct
2095. Occom says he was discriminated
2091. According to Hare, what work did the against as a missionary and minister. What
Earthmaker send him to do ?
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proof does he present to illustrate the unfair B. Expressionistic

treatment of Native American ministers ? C. Lethargic
A. Establishment of puritans D. Modernistic
B. Establishment of autobiography Answer: Option A. Experimental
C. Establishment of Indian praying towns
D. Establishment of self- reliance 2100. We associate William Bradford with
Answer: Option C. Establishment of Indian what colonial settlement ?
praying towns A. Plymouth
B. Mayflower compact
2096. Postmodern writing often uses and as C. Massachusetts Bay Colony
literary devices ? D. Rhode Island
A. Black humor; metafiction. Answer: Option A. Plymouth
B. Metaphors; verbal irony.
C. Hyperbole; Personification. 2101. “Left the house of the subscriber,
D. Symbolism; Imagery. bounden servant, Hezekiah Mudge—had on
Answer: Option A. Black humor; when he went away, grey coat, leather
metafiction. breeches, master’s third best hat. One
pound currency reward to whoever shall
2097. This mode of discourse is used to lodge him in any jail in the province.”
explain. (Example: repair manuals) ? Hezekiah Mudge is a “bounden servant,”
A. Connotation meaning that he is bound by contract to be
B. Constitution a servant (essentially a willing slave) for
C. Convocation seven years in repayment
D. Exposition for____________?
Answer: Option D. Exposition A. Freedom
B. Escape from enslavement
2098. Hawthorne’s ancestors are associated C. Transportation to the colonies
with what historical American event ? D. Dropping charges for murder
A. History of puritans Answer: Option C. Transportation to the
B. History of slavery colonies
C. Transcendentalism
D. None of the above 2102. We paused before a House that
Answer: Option A. History of puritans seemed A Swelling of the Ground – The
Roof was scarcely visible – The Cornice – in
2099. Walt Whitman’s style of writing is the Ground – What is Cornice ?
known as______________? A. Cracks in the ground
A. Experimental B. Decorative molding beneath a roof
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C. Dust Answer: Option D. All the above

D. Stolen goods
Answer: Option B. Decorative molding 2107. Bear is supposed to be brave, so how
beneath a roof does Hare trick him into being afraid ?
A. Hare told him of a large beast living near
2103. This mode of discourse presents Bear’s home.
details that appeal to the B. Hare took out his quiver and showed him
senses______________? four arrows.
A. Description C. Hare told thim that the country is full of
B. Metaphor wars.
C. Persuation D. Hare threated to kill him.
D. Narration Answer: Option B. Hare took out his
Answer: Option A. Description quiver and showed him four arrows.

2104. Who is the narrator in F. Scott 2108. About William

Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby (1925) ? Bradford__________________?
A. Gatsby A. Wrote the Mayflower Compact agreement
B. Nick B. Founded Jamestown
C. Buchannan C. Wrote about the Plymouth Plantation
D. None of the above D. A and C
Answer: Option B. Nick Answer: Option D. A and C

2105. What statement below best sums up 2109. Which of the following is NOT a
the literary significance of Samon Occum ? feature of the Indian autobiography genre ?
A. Indian autobiography A. Birth
B. Most popular slave narrative B. Assimilation
C. First african american to speak to mixed C. Sovereignty
audience D. Religious in nature
D. None of the aboveE. All of the above Answer: Option C. Sovereignty
Answer: Option A. Indian autobiography
2110. What statement below best sums up
2106. Themes in modern literature the literary significance of Emily Dickinson ?
are_____________? A. oversoul
A. pretension B. Slant Rhyme
B. nostalgia C. True Rhyme
C. national identity D. All of the above
D. All the above Answer: Option B. Slant Rhyme
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B. Elijah
2111. It was the very witching time of night C. Ishmael
that he, heavyhearted and crestfallen, D. Gabrial
pursued his travel homeward. Far below, Answer: Option C. Ishmael
the Tappan Zee spread its dusky waters. In
the dead hush of midnight he could hear the 2115. According to “Hare’s Adventure”, how
faint barking of a watchdog from the does he get his “burnt buttocks” ?
opposite shore. The night grew darker and A. His buttocks was scorched by the sun
darker; the stars seemed to sink deeper in which he had caught in a trap
the sky, and driving clouds occasionally hid B. Grandmother burned him with a hot
them from his sight. This passage is poker for being so mischievous
from________________? C. Hare caught his own tale on fire trying to
A. A fairy tale cook himself some dinner
B. An autobiography D. He was born that way
C. A detective story Answer: Option A. His buttocks was
D. A Gothic tale scorched by the sun which he had caught in
Answer: Option D. A Gothic tale a trap

2112. This author wrote of the Pilgrims’ 2116. “He will give the gloom of gloom, and
voyage to the New World ? the sunshine of sunshine”. The pronoun
A. Bradford Nelson “He” refers to_______________?
B. William Holden A. God
C. Nelson Holden B. Painter
D. William Bradford C. Sculptor
Answer: Option D. William Bradford D. Author
Answer: Option B. Painter
2113. In what year was the Fugitive Slave
Act passed ? 2117. During the Revolutionary time period,
A. 1784 what great document was written ?
B. 1841 A. The first romance novel.
C. 1850 B. The Declaration of Independence.
D. 1857 C. Confessional poetry.
Answer: Option C. 1850 D. The Heiner Papers
Answer: Option B. The Declaration of
2114. Who is the narrator in Melville’s Moby Independence.
Dick ?
A. Captain Ahab
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2118. Which of the following themes or A. a minimalist achievements in life

ideas are closely associated with the Native B. magnanimous life style
American way of life ? C. brave approach to life
A. Waste and abuse of natural resources D. hard work and sensitivity towards the
B. Immoral behavior society
C. Love and respect for family and its elders Answer: Option A. a minimalist
D. Uncivilized society achievements in life
Answer: Option C. Love and respect for
family and its elders 2123. Which definition below best defines
Transcendentalism ?
2119. Frost’s poem The Road Not Taken is A. Reason
included in his poetical B. Individualism
collection______________________? C. Political thinking, philosophical, and social
A. A Boy’s Will movement
B. A Witness Tree D. Deism, skepticism
C. North of Boston Answer: Option C. Political thinking,
D. Mountain Interval philosophical, and social movement
Answer: Option D. Mountain Interval
2124. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was written
2120. The Manitou is a great god in this by______________?
legend ? A. Harriet Beecher Stowe
A. Gilgamesh B. Edgar Allan Poe
B. Colba C. Arthur Miller
C. Odysseus D. Edith Wharton
D. Walum Olum Answer: Option A. Harriet Beecher Stowe
Answer: Option D. Walum Olum
2125. In Saul Bellow’s novel Herzog (1964),
2121. This mode of discourse attempts to Moses Herzog is a________________?
convince someone______________? A. Christian
A. Persuasion B. Hindu
B. Prejudice C. Jew
C. Promise D. Afro-American
D. Promotion Answer: Option C. Jew
Answer: Option A. Persuasion
2126. He was famed for great skill in
2122. Miniver Cheevy’s name satirically hints horsemanship; he was foremost at all races
at his_________________? and cockfights; and, with the ascendancy
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which bodily strength acquires in rustic life, 2130. Name the religious group that
was the umpire in all disputes. He was preached to live a simple and
always ready for either a fight or a frolic, straightforward life_________________?
but had more mischief and good humor A. Mormons
than ill will in his composition. Who is this ? B. Catholics
A. Cotton Mather C. Puritans
B. Diedrich Knickerbocker D. Druids
C. Brom Bones Answer: Option C. Puritans
D. Geoffrey Crayon
Answer: Option C. Brom Bones 2131. Why did Bradford and the Pilgrims
create Plymouth Colony ?
2127. What was the original title of A. For the land
Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and the B. Sovereignty to establish godly kingdom as
Sea ? they saw fit
A. Fiesta C. Religious practice of the Church of
B. The Assistant England
C. The Sea in Being D. All of the above
D. Farewell to Arms Answer: Option B. Sovereignty to
Answer: Option C. The Sea in Being establish godly kingdom as they saw fit

2128. Why do people evolve a 2132. Abraham Lincoln: the war

language_______________? Years________________?
A. To communicate A. T.S. Elliot
B. To articulate their circumstances B. Carl Sandburg
C. For existence C. William Faulkner
D. For identifying themselves D. Wallace Stevene
Answer: Option B. To articulate their Answer: Option B. Carl Sandburg
2133. The narrator returns home during
2129. All of the following are traits the_______________?
demonstrated by the hero except ? A. spring
A. Obedience B. Winter
B. Patience C. fall
C. Loyalty D. summer
D. Jealousy Answer: Option B. Winter
Answer: Option D. Jealousy
2134. Who wrote The sound and the furry ?
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A. Eugene O’ Neil’s 2138. Which of these is NOT a rhetorical

B. William Faulkner purpose of the Spiritual Diary Genre ?
C. Robert Lee frost A. finding spiritual meaning
D. Countee Cullen B. Critic slavery
Answer: Option B. William Faulkner C. Defend Slavery
D. Both B and C
2135. The intellectual movement that Answer: Option D. Both B and C
believed that the observation of nature
elevates the nature of humans, that deep 2139. What story tells how Squanto taught
truths can be grasped through intuition, and the settler to grow corn, procure
that God, Nature and humanity are united in commodities and fish ?
a shared universe is______________? A. General History of Virginia
A. Transcendentalism B. Puritan Sermons
B. Communism C. The story of Plymouth Plantation
C. Totalitarianism D. Pride and Prejudice
D. Feudalism Answer: Option C. The story of Plymouth
Answer: Option A. Transcendentalism Plantation

2136. Monadnock on his forehead hoar Doth 2140. This character survived a
seal the sacred trust, Your mountains build massacre______________?
their monument, Though ye destroy their A. Faith
dust. What is the meaning of the word B. Hope
“hoar” ? C. Magawisca
A. Scarred D. Madeline
B. Grey or white with age Answer: Option B. Hope
C. Ancient or venerable
D. Wrinkled with age 2141. From where does Eliza cross into
Answer: Option B. Grey or white with age Cananda ?
A. Lake Erie
2137. Whom does St. Clare give to Ophelia B. Lake Huron
to educate ? C. Niagara Falls
A. Eva D. Northern Minnesota
B. Prue Answer: Option A. Lake Erie
C. Emmeline
D. Topsy 2142. What is Mrs. Shelby’s first name ?
Answer: Option D. Topsy A. Emily
B. Rachel
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C. Margaret 2147. Rabbit Angstrom Novels are written

D. Danielle by ____________?
Answer: Option A. Emily A. Harper Lee
B. John Updike
2143. Which of the following is a true C. Henry Miller
statement about Romanticism ? D. R. Ellison
A. Interest in the common man Answer: Option B. John Updike
B. Celebration of the individual
C. Age of reason 2148. Which member of the corn clan could
D. Both A and B not overlook the wrondoings of the rest of
Answer: Option D. Both A and B the clan ?
A. The youngest member
2144. What animal is personified as Hare’s B. The oldest member
grandfather ? C. The priest’s son
A. Bear D. The chief’s son
B. Fox Answer: Option C. The priest’s son
C. Deer
D. Cougar 2149. Why do you think the uncle was
Answer: Option A. Bear named the “Unnatural Uncle” ?
A. The Eskimo’s felt that family was
2145. Which American writer won the Nobel important and to try to harm a family
Prize in 1930 ? member was not normal or natural
A. Sinclair Lewis B. The pronunciation of Eskimo names are
B. Upton Sinclair impossible so the author decided that this
C. John Steinbeck was easy for the reader
D. Raymond Chandler C. All Eskimo myths name the antagonist
Answer: Option A. Sinclair Lewis the “Unnatural Uncle”
D. Since this tale is from the oral tradition,
2146. Which of the following animals seem the characters had no names and when the
to represent strength and courage for the myth was written down this is the name that
Eskimos ? was given
A. Horse Answer: Option A. The Eskimo’s felt that
B. Fox family was important and to try to harm a
C. Eagle family member was not normal or natural
D. Deer
Answer: Option C. Eagle 2150. But when a Boy, and Barefoot I more
than once at Noon Have passed, I thought,
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a Whip lash Unbraiding in the Sun The Answer: Option B. The headless bodies
speaker of this poem is_____________? tried to abuse people so they were turned
A. A boy into ’fast-fish’ as a punishment.
B. An alien
C. A girl 2154. What is TULIP ?
D. A communist A. Total depravity
Answer: Option A. A boy B. Unconditional election
C. Limited atonement
2151. Which ofWashington Irving’s D. Irresistible GraceE. Perseverance of the
characters falls asleep for twenty years ? SaintsF. All of the above
A. Tom Buchanan Answer: Option A. Total depravity
B. Tom Joad
C. Philip Marlowe 2155. The cloud-spirits peeped from their
D. Rip van Winkle silvery islands, as the congregated mirth
Answer: Option D. Rip van Winkle went roaring up the sky! The Man in the
Moon heard the far bellow. “Oho,” quoth he,
2152. What was one theme in the period of “the old earth is frolicsome to-night!” This
independence ____________? is_______________?
A. national identity A. An autobiography
B. political conflicts B. A fairy tale
C. urban and european vs indigenous and C. Gothic fiction
rural D. A novel
D. All the above Answer: Option C. Gothic fiction
Answer: Option D. All the above
2156. Who wrote “Barn burning” ?
2153. At the end of Hare’s adventure with A. Rober Lee frost
the headless bodies how does he turned B. Eugene O’ Neil’s
them into “fast-fish.” ? C. Tennesse Williams
A. The headless bodies served Hare fish. D. William Faulkner’s
B. The headless bodies tried to abuse Answer: Option D. William Faulkner’s
people so they were turned into ’fast-fish’ as
a punishment. 2157. What does the narrator find at the
C. The headless bodies liked to eat fish. end of the journey ?
D. The headless bodies were actually A. Field and works
creatures who evolved from fish so they B. Crusted snow and dead leaves
were simply returned to their primordial C. Hills and highways
state D. all are sleeping
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Answer: Option B. Crusted snow and dead 2162. Before humans were sold as
leaves commodities, what item was highly sought
after in West Africa ?
2158. The story is told from the point of A. Diamonds
view of________________? B. Land
A. Mrs. Mallard C. Gold
B. Mrs. Mallard’s sister Josephine D. Gasoline
C. Mr. Mallard Answer: Option C. Gold
D. a third person
Answer: Option D. a third person 2163. About the Navajo____________?
A. Settled in Northeastern US
2159. A factual account of the development B. Kept the Navajo Origin Legend through
of a people, nation, institution or oral tradition
culture_____________? C. Believed that corn was crucial to creation
A. Tradition D. B and C
B. Constitution Answer: Option D. B and C
C. History
D. Myth 2164. About the Pima_______________?
Answer: Option C. History A. Introduced domestic animals to the
2160. This group of Native Americans B. Made houses of saplings bent into domes
believed that corn was crucial to creation ? C. Legend From the Houses of Magic
A. Teton D. B and C
B. Cherokee Answer: Option D. B and C
C. Utes
D. Navajo 2165. Which American poet is hailed as the
Answer: Option D. Navajo representative poet of America ?
A. Robert Frost
2161. Which is one of the five tenants of B. R. W. Emerson
Puritanism ? C. Walt Whitman
A. Total equality D. Edgar Allen Poe
B. Unconditional love Answer: Option C. Walt Whitman
C. Individualism
D. Irresistible grace 2166. “And then hopped sidewise to the
Answer: Option D. Irresistible grace Wall”. Here the poet personifies the bird as
A. Predator
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B. Gentleman
C. Hierarchical views of man 2171. According to the tale, what horrible
D. Protector crime did the ucle commit ?
Answer: Option B. Gentleman A. He killed all of the old people
B. He killed all of the female children
2167. About John Smith_______________? C. He killed all of the male children
A. Exaggerated and embellish events and D. He killed all of the women
depicted Native Americans as barbaric Answer: Option C. He killed all of the male
B. In the General History of Virginia, children
attempted an objective, journalistic style
C. Was saved by Squanto 2172. Which of these statements does NOT
D. A and B apply to Hawthorne as a moralist
Answer: Option D. A and B ________________?
A. Awareness of the importance of living a
2168. About Cotton Mather life without error and sin
_______________? B. Awareness of the dangers of setting
A. Belonged to the Delaware tribe yourself up as the judge of others or of
B. Fasted 450 times for sins he committed isolating yourself from humanity
C. Wrote about the trial of Martha Carrier C. Awareness of the ethical problems of sin,
D. B and C punishment and atonement
Answer: Option D. B and C D. Awareness of the mysteries and frailties
of human nature
2169. Wines Burg Ohio______________? Answer: Option A. Awareness of the
A. Sherwood Anderson importance of living a life without error and
B. Robert Lee Frost sin
C. William Faulkner
D. Carl Sanburg 2173. The emagery in the poem
Answer: Option A. Sherwood Anderson is_________________?
A. Mystical
2170. Who is NOT considered to be a B. Naturalistics
representative of the Southern Renaissance C. Deterministic
? D. Supernatural
A. William Faulkner Answer: Option B. Naturalistics
B. Tennessee Williams
C. Robert Penn Warren 2174. The first stanza of the poem provides
D. T.S.Eliot an idea that it is______________?
Answer: Option D. T.S.Eliot A. a revenge story
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B. not a happy story A. Eliza and Harry

C. a metaphysical poem B. Uncle Tom and Cassy
D. a deterministic poem C. Uncle Tom and Eliza
Answer: Option B. not a happy story D. Uncle Tom and Harry
Answer: Option D. Uncle Tom and Harry
2175. What ritual does the character
resembling the devil attempt to perform in 2179. What does the priest’s son’s prayers
the woods, with goodman Brown as the for the punishment of the tribe’s iniquities
object ? tell us about the Zuni tribe ?
A. A conversion A. They are nosey and stays busy tending to
B. A christening other people’s business
C. A wedding B. The Zunis are spiritual and have a strong
D. A baptism moral code that they live by and teach to
Answer: Option D. A baptism their children
C. That the Zunis are afraid of earthquakes
2176. Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” and floods
contained foreshadowing, which D. That the Zunis like to make up stories for
means_____________? pure entertainment
A. It took place at nightfall. Answer: Option B. The Zunis are spiritual
B. It was a moody and spooky story. and have a strong moral code that they live
C. It contained clues to events yet to by and teach to their children
D. It had descriptions of shadows in the 2180. The poem ends on a_____________?
woods. A. happy and meaningful note
Answer: Option C. It contained clues to B. courageous and hopeful note
events yet to happen. C. tragic and painful note
D. philosophical note
2177. When did Hemingway receive the Answer: Option D. philosophical note
Nobel Prize for Literature ?
A. 1952 2181. Who says “Earth is the right place for
B. 1954 love” ?
C. 1956 A. Silvia plath
D. 1958 B. Langston Hughes
Answer: Option B. 1954 C. Wallace Stevens
D. Robert Frost
2178. Whom does Mr.Haley choose from Answer: Option D. Robert Frost
among Shelby’s slaves ?
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2182. I ask: Is it not the case that A. To include the tribe’s favorite food, corn,
everybody that is not white is treated with into the myth
contempt and counted as barbarians? And I B. To warn its youth about the
ask if the word of God justifies the white consequences of promiscutiy and other
man in so doing. When the prophets inquities
prophesied, of whom did they speak? When C. To explain how floods came into
they spoke of heathens, was it not the existence
whites and others who were counted D. To explain how earthquakes came into
Gentiles? And I ask if all nations with the existence
exception of the Jews were not counted Answer: Option B. To warn its youth
heathens. This passage about the consequences of promiscutiy and
exemplifies________________? other inquities
A. Jamming
B. Snaring 2185. He wrote a journal about his
C. Hortatory sermon expedition in northern Florida
D. Framing _____________?
Answer: Option C. Hortatory sermon A. De Vaca
B. Johnathan Edwards
2183. How does Hare outsmart Sharp-elbow C. Cortez
to retrieve his stolen arrow ? D. Vasco de Gama
A. He sends a young man to retrieve it Answer: Option A. De Vaca
B. He sends his grandmother to cast a spell
on him that causes Sharp-elbow to consent 2186. Maria Stewart is associated with what
to anything asked of him major American literary movement ?
C. He takes a whetstone with him to retrieve A. Idealism
the arrow and when Sharp-elbow attacks he B. Slavery
uses the whetstone for protection against C. Romanticism
the attack D. Nationalism
D. He lights four prayersticks and asks the Answer: Option D. Nationalism
gods to retrieve it for him
Answer: Option C. He takes a whetstone 2187. Over which river does Eliza make her
with him to retrieve the arrow and when miraculous crossing ?
Sharp-elbow attacks he uses the whetstone A. The Mississippi
for protection against the attack B. The Colorado
C. The Ohio
2184. What is the author’s purpose in the D. The Danube
Zuni origin tale “The Flood” ? Answer: Option C. The Ohio
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A. Dekonawidah planted the Tree of Great

2188. Which of the following is NOT a Peace
feature or characteristics of Emily B. Powerful enemy of the Delaware tribe
Dickinson’s poetry ? C. The tribe drafted a constitution to define
A. Mysterious the governance of their society
B. Slant Rhymes D. All the above
C. True Rhymes Answer: Option D. All the above
D. No titles
Answer: Option C. True Rhymes 2193. What writing describes the death of
two settlers at the hands of 300 bowmen ?
2189. The ‘fearful trip’ is a recall A. General History of Virginia
of________________? B. Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves
A. The Civil war C. Walum Olum
B. Voyage D. Beowulf
C. Abraham Lincoln Answer: Option A. General History of
D. Trip form England to the United States Virginia
Answer: Option A. The Civil war
2194. Which statement best describes
2190. The first part of American History literary significance of William APess ?
dwells of the_________________? A. Indian Autobiography
A. Discovery of America by Columbus B. Father of free verse
B. Discovery and settlement of the Western C. Father of American poetry
continent D. Both A and B
C. early English settlers Answer: Option D. Both A and B
D. missionaries settled in America
Answer: Option B. Discovery and 2195. What job does Uncle Tom perform at
settlement of the Western continent the St. Clare plantation ?
A. Cook
2191. The house of this Puritan poet burned B. Groomsman
down_____________? C. Head Coachman
A. Elizabeth Browning D. Valet
B. Eliza Snow Answer: Option C. Head Coachman
C. George Elliot
D. Anne Bradstreet 2196. The black language holds great
Answer: Option D. Anne Bradstreet importance for the_____________?
A. Black community in America
2192. About the Iroquois_______________? B. identity of Blacks in The United States
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C. Survival and continuation of the Black

community 2200. How do the Shelby’s treat their slaves
D. restoration of a language ?
Answer: Option C. Survival and A. Kindly but firmly
continuation of the Black community B. Set them all free
C. Beat them everyday
2197. Define trickster tale ? D. They do not have slaves
A. A recurrent thematic element in an Answer: Option A. Kindly but firmly
artistic or literary work.
B. The struggle found in fiction
C. Giving human qualities to animals or
D. A story about a mischievous,
supernatural being
Answer: Option D. A story about a
mischievous, supernatural being

2198. This is the name of the report by

Cotton Mather about the trial accusing
Martha Carrier of
A. The Burning of Our House
B. The Story of Plymouth Plantation
C. Sinners in the Hand
D. The Wonders of the Invisible World
Answer: Option D. The Wonders of the
Invisible World

2199. A good definition of American Realism

A. An examination of life as it actually is.
B. A romantic portrayal of life.
C. An examination of the countryside versus
the city.
D. A sad and depressing view of reality.
Answer: Option A. An examination of life
as it actually is.
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