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Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 Compact Flex

Ballast water treatment system with full installation flexibility and minimal footprint

170 m3/h system

Now in its third generation, Alfa Laval PureBallast is an auto- Application

mated inline treatment solution for the biological disinfection Type approved by IMO and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG),
of ballast water. Operating without chemicals, it combines PureBallast 3 Compact Flex is designed for ballast water
initial filtration with an enhanced form of UV treatment to treatment in all water salinities – fresh, brackish and marine
remove organisms in accordance with stipulated limits. – and is available for flows of 32–1000 m3/h.*

The main component of the modular system is an enhanced Due to its enhanced UV technology and power ramp-up
UV reactor in which disinfection treatment occurs. The special capabilities, PureBallast 3 Compact Flex provides unmatched
design of the reactor’s synthetic quartz lamp sleeves supports biological disinfection performance in low-clarity waters.
transmission of a broader wavelength spectrum, providing When operating in IMO-regulated waters, full-flow treatment
more UV light during disinfection. Combined with the reactor’s is possible where the UV transmittance is as low as 42%.
internal design, this ensures optimal UV dosage and low
energy consumption.

This leaflet covers PureBallast 3 Compact Flex, a system * Larger capacities are possible with PureBallast 3 Std,
of loose components, designed for simple, plug-and-play which can be configured for flows up to 3000 m3/h with
installation where space is vital. The system offers space a single system or even higher with multiple systems
savings of up to 20% compared to PureBallast 3 Std. (see separate leaflet).
Benefits Because PureBallast 3 Compact Flex is delivered as
• Superior performance in all water salinities loose components, it offers the highest possible flex-
PureBallast 3 Compact Flex offers unmatched biological ibility and space savings of up to 20% compared to
disinfection performance in all water salinities: fresh, PureBallast 3 Std. This makes it the answer to installation
brackish and marine. This includes water in liquid form challenges, especially in retrofits and other situations
at frigid temperatures. In addition, the system excels where space is vital.
in low-clarity water conditions. When operating in
IMO-regulated waters, it performs at full flow where • Chemical-free operation
the UV transmittance is as low as 42%. PureBallast 3 Compact Flex meets biological disinfection
requirements without the addition of salt or chemicals,
• Ease of use even when operating in fresh water. No dosing is
PureBallast 3 Compact Flex is fully enclosed, fully auto- required, and there are no tanks or ventilation systems
mated and thoroughly integrated with the ballast water needed to manage consumables and residuals.
system. It requires no manual intervention.
• Complete worldwide support
• Effective power management Alfa Laval is a global supplier and an experienced partner
Automatic power management minimizes energy in ballast water treatment, with a complete range of
consumption in IMO-regulated waters, including when solutions for both newbuild and retrofit needs. Shipyards
USCG-certified systems operate outside the United and engineering companies can expect clear and thorough
States. With this feature, PureBallast 3 Compact Flex documentation, as well as expert consultation. Ship
runs at just 50% of its potential operating power in owners have access to far-reaching ownership support,
most situations. It can then ramp up to full power for including a full range of dedicated services and
the most challenging waters. agreements for cost-efficient peace of mind.

• Flexible construction with minimized footprint

PureBallast 3 Compact Flex is an inline system in which
the major components (filter and reactor) are incorporated
into the ballast water piping. The reactor diameter, in par-
ticular, is only marginally larger than that of the piping itself.

UV reactor

Electrical Remote control

cabinet panel (optional)

Lamp drive Cleaning-In-Place
cabinet (LDC)* (CIP) unit


*One or two required for flows of 500–1000 m3/h

Treatment components
Biological disinfection comprises an initial filtration stage • UV reactor
followed by enhanced UV treatment in a specially designed The enhanced UV treatment stage occurs within a reactor.
reactor. Both stages are integrated into the ballast water pip- Four reactor sizes are available for PureBallast 3 Compact
ing as inline components. Flex, each with a flow-optimized interior that ensures high
turbulence and the concentration of the UV dose.
• Filter
The filter is used during ballasting The reactor lamps employ specially designed lamp
operations to block the intake of larger sleeves of synthetic quartz. These support transmission
organisms and reduce sediment in the of a broader wavelength spectrum, thus providing more
ballast water tanks. Bypassed during UV light during disinfection. Temperature and level
deballasting, the filter is cleaned via auto- sensors within the reactor ensure its safety.
matic backflushing using a small portion The reactor design, which
of the system flow. This not only improves draws on treatment
backflushing efficiency, but also increases technology from Wallenius
overall filter effectiveness by producing a Water, is specially
higher net capacity. developed for marine
In combination with the reactor, the applications. The reactor
effective basket filter design enables treat- construction is of super-
ment of fresh, brackish and marine water austenitic stainless steel,
in conditions with low UV transmittance. which ensures a long
lifetime without corrosion.

System components
The additional components are support systems that
can be flexibly placed for an optimal design.

• Electrical cabinet • Lamp drive cabinet (LDC) 1/2

In PureBallast 3 Compact For flows above 300 m3/h one or
Flex, the lamp drive cabinet two additional lamp drive cabinets
and control cabinet are integ­rated are required to power the UV lamps.
into a single electrical Flows of 500 – 600 m3/h require one
cabinet that can be placed additional cabinet (LDC1), while
up to 30 m away from the UV flows of 750–1000 m3/h require
reactor. This cabinet provides two (LDC1 + LDC2). Each cabinet is
power to the UV lamps for physically separate from the UV reactor
flows up to 300 m3/h and and may be placed up to 30 m cable
features a 7” display with a length away.
graphical user interface.
The control system can be • Compact Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) unit
integrated with onboard UV lamp performance is safeguarded
automation systems via by an automatic CIP cycle, using a
Modbus, allowing access non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning
to all functions through the solution that prevents any impairing
vessel’s Integrated Ship build-up. Such build-up cannot be
Control System. removed by wiping, which would also
risk scratching the sleeve surface.

• Auxiliary equipment
A broad range of auxiliary equipment
is available to support integration into
any vessel, including backflush pumps,
sampling points, valve packages and
remote control panels.
Technical data
PureBallast 3 Compact Flex
Power consumption, 170 m3/h reactor 11 kW (20 kW at full ramp-up*)

Power consumption, 300 m3/h reactor 17 kW (32 kW at full ramp-up*)

Power consumption, 600 m /h reactor 3

33 kW (63 kW at full ramp-up*)

Power consumption, 1000 m3/h reactor 52 kW (100 kW at full ramp-up*)

* Power consumption can be increased to handle low-clarity water with low UV transmittance.

Power supply: 400–440 VAC, 50/60 Hz

Working pressure: Max 6 bar (up to 10 bar optional)

Capacity range (flow in m3/h)

PureBallast 3 Compact Flex 32* 85 135 170 250 300 500 600 750 1000

* PureBallast 3 Compact Flex/85 system at reduce flow rate.

Component dimensions

PureBallast 3 Compact Flex

Size (mm) Net/dry weight Volume
(W×D×H ) (kg) (L)
Reactor, 170 m3/h 663×807×1121 180 45

Reactor, 300 m3/h 734×807×1449 250 80

Reactor, 600 m /h 3
800×801×1492 400 100

Reactor, 1000 m /h 3
986×931×1568 540 190

Electrical cabinet for 32 – 1000 m3/h 900×570×1468 160

LDC1 for 500/600 m3/h 1035×545×928 150

LDC2 for 750/1000 m /h 3

1035×545×928 150

CIP unit 535×443×1186 63 Max 15

Basket filter, 85 m3/h 450×460×918 150 15

Basket filter, 135 m3/h 510×530×1061 180 25

Basket filter, 170 m /h 3

510×530×1111 240 33

Basket filter, 250 m /h 3

585×600×1259 390 61

Basket filter, 300 m3/h 600×600×1314 420 82

Basket filter, 500 m3/h 755×760×1394 664 146

Basket filter, 750 m /h 3

855×830×1646 937 241

Basket filter, 1000 m /h 3

900×950×1824 1141 370
Operating sequence
• Ballasting The filter stage is also filled with fresh water once
The ballast water treatment process is fully automated. ballasting is completed.
When initiated, the system undergoes a brief startup
sequence. • Deballasting
The deballasting process is essentially the same as the
When ballasting begins, the incoming ballast water first ballasting process. However, the filter stage is bypassed
passes through the filter stage. This removes any larger during deballasting since the water has already been
organisms and particles, which improves the quality of filtered.
the water for treatment. The filter stage is of benefit for
operation in cloudy coastal waters and fresh water. After leaving the ballast water tanks, the outgoing ballast
water passes through the reactor stage to eliminate any
After filtration the water continues through the reactor regrowth of microorganisms that may have occurred in
stage, where it is disinfected by means of enhanced UV transit. Having thus been disinfected to the established
before entering the ballast water tanks. limits, it is discharged into the receiving water at the
Once ballasting is complete, reactor cleaning is deballasting site.
performed via an automatic Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) cycle. The same startup and shutdown sequence, including CIP,
This cycle is prompted immediately after ballasting and is employed during both ballasting and deballasting.
should be performed within 30 hours. The reactor stage
is rinsed with fresh water when the CIP cycle begins and
filled with fresh water upon its completion.

Type approvals Ex placement

• IMO PureBallast 3 Compact Flex is configured for installation
PureBallast 3 Compact Flex systems have IMO revised within the safe zone. For placement in the hazardous zone, a
G8 type approval, which means systems purchased PureBallast 3 Ex system is required (see separate leaflet).
today can be installed after the stricter IMO guidelines
take effect on 28 October 2020. When operating in IMO-
regulated waters, PureBallast 3 systems make maximum
use of their power management and other capabilities.
PureBallast 3 Compact Flex systems have USCG type
approval and provide the option of minimized holding time
when operating in USCG-regulated waters. The minimized
holding time is just 2.5 hours and is only needed when
crossing between Captain of the Port Zones.

Operation • Commissioning and technical services are available from

• Maintenance intervals: all Alfa Laval offices to start up the system and to provide
- Filter inspection once per year advice about operation and maintenance.

- Lamp replacement after up to 3000 hours of operation • Onboard training for the crew is available upon request.
(a safe and easy procedure performed in minutes)
- CIP fluid replacement, typically every 3–12 months Optional equipment
- Remote control panels (max two per system)
• The System Manual provides detailed information in
- Backflush pump
electronic or printed format:
- High-pressure system (up to 10 bar) for use with
- Installation instructions
high-pressure ballast water pumps
- Operating instructions
- Sampling device
- Alarms and fault finding
- Bypass valve
- Service and spare parts
Alfa Laval in brief

Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized

products and engineering solutions.
Our equipment, systems and services are dedicated to
helping customers to optimize the performance of their
processes. Time and time again.
We help our customers to heat, cool, separate and
transport products such as oil, water, chemicals,
beverages, foodstuffs, starch and pharmaceuticals.
Our worldwide organization works closely with customers
in almost 100 countries to help them stay ahead.

Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB.

Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.

How to contact Alfa Laval

Up-to-date Alfa Laval contact
details for all countries are
always available on our website
at www.alfalaval.com

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