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27 LettersofProtest 000

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(Source: http://mariners.narod.ru/seaprotest.html )

1. General notes
2. Statement of Sea Protest
3. Letter of protest due to cargo laded in bad or damaged condition
4. Cargo was damaged during or after discharging
5. Cargo quantity in dispute (non compliance of ship's and shore figures)
6. Cargo quantity unknown due to impossibility of checking
7. Bunkering - bad oil quality
8. Oil pollution while bunkering/oil transfere operations

During the course of a voyage if your vessel is or has experienced bad weather or any nature of extraordinary
events and you fear that damage or loss may be caused to your vessel and/or cargo you must prepare a Note Of
Protest and upon arrival and/or never after 24 hours having elapsed (not including holidays, Saturdays and
Sundays) have it notarized at Notary Public.

We would like to clarify this subject and give you the following instructions/information:

1/ ‘’Notes of Protest’’ should be made when and if you consider it of utmost importance and necessity, not
for the sake of doing so. If for example there is a possibility of a claim from another party to arise.
2/ If you suspect that damage has been caused to the vessel only (i.e. through heavy weather, touching bottom,
striking locks etc.) there is no need for a ‘’Note Of Protest’’ to be issued same could be stated on a ‘’Statement
of Facts’’.
3/ When writing such a ‘’Note Of Protest’’ bear in mind that you must stick to the FACTS and only, keeping it
as brief and as clear as possible. Same can be extended upon a later date if required. Also do not express any
opinions whatsoever. Such statement of opinions may and do often lead to unnecessary complications and/or
confusion in a later date.

Furthermore due to the fact that Notary Publics around the world use various types/forms for ‘’Notes of
Protest’’ it is quite difficult to admit/provide you with any standard form, we do however attach a most common
form which you may alter where necessary.

Thus in the case that ‘’Note of Protest’’ (or "Statement of Sea Protest) has been made and notarized
by Notary Public do not neglect to forward a copy to office at first convenient time.

Be sure to make all appropriate entries in your ship's logbook

The first thing to remember is that a letter of protest, strictly speaking, is not a legal
document but a paper containing an account of the events or statement of facts, describing
current situation or consequences of some wrongful act or acts, which had happened usually
contrary to master’s or crew efforts.

For example, when during cargo operation something beyond the master’s control has gone
wrong and the master is unable to make it right, like interruption from shore side of loading
or discharging operation, neglect cargo handling, violation of safe working practice, etc.
Obviously, the said act or occurrence should be of such importance that master feels himself
obliged to bring it to attention of all parties concerned, either for some immediate action or
for future reference, but it still lacks of any legal effect being a document produced by one
side to defence its own position.

1. Note of Marine or Sea Protest

Note of sea protest

Xxx shipping company

Date Port
To:1) port authority ,or
2 ) diplomatic representative ,or
3)notary public

Dear sirs ,
Name of ship : kind of cargo
GRT : Tons of cargo :
NRT : port of registry

My vessel sailed from port ofon19xxx, bound for the port ofand arrived at
the port ofon19xx.
As fearing loss or damages to the vessel and cargoes owing toduring the voyage , I
hereby note my protest against all losses, damages,etc and reserving my right to claim
against parties concerned and extend same at time and place convenient .(whenever
I hereby affirm that report mentioned above is correCt and true,
Yours truly,

Master’s sig

(ship’s stamp chopped here)

Witness on board:

e Hundred and personally appeared and presented himself before meConsul/Notary Public
Tons Register, which sailed fromon or about theday of with a cargo ofbound forand arrived aton theday of and fearing loss o
tend the same at time and place convenient.

Signed before me(signed)

Consul Master

Notary Pub1ic at(signed)

thisday ofTwo Thousand…..

I certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the origina1 Note of Protest, entered
in the Acts of this Consulate and copied therefrom.

Consul Date
N O T E O F P R O T E S T (UK)

Be it hereby made known:

That on this the 15th day of February in the year of Our Lord,
Two Thousand and Four and personally appeared and presented himself in the office
of Attorneys and Notaries before me, John Mills ,

Notary Public, by the authority of Government, duly admitted and sworn, Henry J.
Smith , Master or Commander of the MV Greenhouse
which sailed on a voyage from Neaples on the 23rd day
January 20 laden with a full and complete cargo of furniture in
containers calling at Algeciras and Port of New York
and arrived at this Port on 15th day of February 2004 now lying within the
harbour. And the said Appearer did hereby declare to note his protest against all
perils, dangers, casualties and occurrences of all nature or kind whatsoever and all
loss or damage thereby occasioned, reserving to himself the right to extend the
protest in times and places convenient, and causing this minute of all singular the
premises to be entered in this register.


Agents. Master.


Notary Public
N O T E O F P R O T E S T (general)

Notary Office:

Genoa, Italy

I , Master of the M/V under the flag of

the Republic of Croatia, owned by , Croatia, Gross Tonnage
, Net. Tonnage , sailed from Rijeka, Croatia on
, to Genoa, Italy, via Venice, Italy with a full load
of bulk wheat of Tonnes.

During the voyage the vessel met with stormy weather and heavy seas, the
ship suffered rolling and pitching, heavily shipping water fore and aft and
spraying overall.

All precautions were taken to save the cargo and the ship but
nevertheless, fearing damage to the cargo during the bad weather, I state the
present sea protest, reserving the right to extend the same at the time and place



1. , Second Mate

2. , Chief Engineer,


The Notary Office


I, (name) Master Mariner and Commander of the M/V (nationality of

vessel), of gross and _ net registered tons, under _ flag, registered at _ by Official
Number now laying at (anchor/berth No ) in the port of _ where she arrived on this day
of_ in the year 19 , solemnly declare that, On the (date) the said vessel, being tight,
staunch and substantially and sufficiently manned and furnished with everything necessary for
such a vessel and intended voyage, in every respect seaworthy, her engine and machinery in
good order, her loaded cargo properly stowed, sailed from the port of _ laden with a cargo of
_ (tons) of _ (name of cargo) in bulk, for delivery at this port (or at port of ) unto
Messrs _ (Cargo Receivers), and that, During the prosecution of the said voyage and on the
date (here describe the accident, machinery breakdown, or heavy weather). (example of
heavy weather:) "on the dates of the vessel encountered heavy weather with winds of
force_ and heavy seas which caused her to roll, pitch, labor and strain heavily, and waves
breaking on the decks, in consideration of which fearing loss or damage to the vessel and her
cargo, even though the ship's course and speed were altered to ease her according to good
seamanship under the circumstances".
Whereof, I, the undersigned, hereby note my protest against all losses, damages, etc.,
reserving the right to extend the same at time and place convenient,

At the port of _ On the _

The Master of M/V

2. "Letters of Protest" or "Notes of Protest"
(Source: http://mariners.narod.ru/seaprotest.html )

A letter of protest is a formal declaration whereby a person expresses a personal objection or

disapproval of an act.

It may be a written statement, made by a notary, at the request of a holder of a bill or a note
that describes the bill or note and declares that on a certain day the instrument was
presented for, and (e.g.) refused, payment.

In shipping there is a widespread practice of using letters of protest to record discrepancies

between ship and shore figures, suspected presence of water content, damage to or loss of
cargo, etc.

Protests are also made by the master against the charterers of the ship or the consignees of
the goods, for failing to load or unload the vessel pursuant to contract, or within reasonable
or stipulated delays;

On the other hand, the merchant may make a protest (i.e. Letter of Protest) against the
master, for misconduct, drunkenness, etc., for not proceeding to sea with due despatch, for
not signing bills of lading in the customary form, and other irregularities.


Reasons for issuing a Letter of Protest :

 Delays/incidents during berthing/un berthing

 Delays at loading/discharge terminal (e.g. delays due to waiting for customs or
immigration clearance ; waiting for pilot(s) , tug(s) ; waiting for orders to start loading
/discharging ; waiting for another ship to finish , waiting for daylight ; other)
 Vessel overloaded/short loaded according to C/P
 Difference between B/L and ship’s figure (quantity)
 Bill of Lading does not contain C/P date ; named discharge port ; cargo quantity ; other.
 Slow loading at the request of the terminal
Examples of key sentences in Letters of Protest

My vessel is capable of receiving ..................(quantity)/hour whereas the average loading rate provided
Difficulty measuring
the terminal was ………….ullages due to inclement weather/sea conditions

Wind …..direction………force………
Beaufort Waves….direction……….height
meter/ft imposed by discharge terminal (e.g.- line displacement ; high back pressure);
Swell …..direction……….height .........meter/ft
shore tank(s) far away and/or elevated ; slow pumping rate requested to raise roof of floating tank ;
Free water
shore tank(s)infull ship’s
Waiting forincargo
Free water ship’scalculations/documents after completion of loading/discharge
tanks prior loading ……………….

Completed loading/discharge ...................(date/time)

Completed cargo calculations ...................(date/time)
Cargo documents on board and signed ....(date/time)
Crude oil washing at discharge terminal .

(If the terminal restricts the number of tanks to be crude washed , state that “ vessel is not responsible for
non- pumpable cargo remainingin the non-COW-ed tanks)
Delays during discharge caused by excessive sludge in cargo

(Besides name of cargo , API/s.g. ,temperature , state that sludge was found in following tanks ,
attaching also a Separate sheet with details/soundings/stripping pump log)
Delays during discharge caused by gaseous cargo (high Reid vapour pressure)

(State Name of cargo , API/s.g. , RVP , temperature ; attach separate sheet with details , with
soundings and with stripping pump log)
Cargo temperature differences

( If the loading temperature of the loaded cargo differs from the actual temperature received at ship’s
Delays caused by non-delivery of original Bill of Lading at discharge port

Unsafe port

(Describe weather , sea conditions , swell , UKC , availability of Pilot(s) and/or tug(s) , other)

Unsafe berth

(Attach a mooring diagram stating that in your opinion the berth is unsafe due to following reason(s)….)
H2S (Hydrogen Suphide Gas1) Readings in Liquid/Vapour and the Letter of Protest –

Letter of Request For H2S Readings in Liquid/Vapour

In compliance with section of International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and
Terminals (ISGOTT) which requires that H2S content in cargoes and bunkers shall be
specifically advised before loading or bunkering operation, I herewith request that H2S
readings of cargo to be loaded in liquid/vapour to be submitted to the ship’s staff at the time
of ship/shore pre-loading safety conference.

Letter of Protest - H2S Content

On behalf of my Owners and Principals I hereby protest against the following:

In violation of IMO Res. 150(77) and section of International Safety Guide for Oil
Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT) which requires that H2S content in cargoes and bunkers
shall be specifically advised before loading or bunkering operation, required data as per my
Letter of Request For H2S Readings in Liquid/Vapour dated (date) were not provided by
(shippers or terminal name) before loading and were not reflected in MSDS presented, see

In port of (port name) vessel loaded cargo of (cargo name) in tanks (tanks’ numbers).

Measurements of H2S content done by crew upon completion of loading, (date), show H2S
content in excess of (H2S reading) ppm in all tanks, see report attached.

Because vessel has no means of control or reduction of H2S vapours and in order to protect
the vessel, her owners and/or any other party who may be directly or indirectly concerned, I
lodge this formal letter of protest and hold the consignor, the shippers and the terminal jointly
responsible for any delays, loss, damage or claims which may arise due to the high H2S
content in cargo loaded. This protest is made without prejudice to the terms, conditions and
exceptions of the relevant Charter Party.

Hydrogen sulfide is a powerful and deadly gas which smells like rotten eggs at low concentrations and has a sweet smell at
high concentrations. But workers should not rely on the smell as a warning. At high concentrations H2S may overcome
one's sense of smell. The result could be instant death. Long exposure to low concentrations will also deaden the sense of

H2S is explosive - it will ignite and explode when subjected to a spark or ordinary flame - in any concentration from 4% to
44% of the air. It is also soluble in water and oil, so it may flow for a considerable distance from its origin before escaping
above ground or in an entirely unexpected place. Because the vapor (gas) is heavier than air, it may travel for a long way
until ignited and then flash back towards the source.
Re: Damage...........ship and cargo during discharge

Dear Sirs,

I regret to inform you that owing to incompetent handling of the winch, by your winchman
while discharging the cargo of cement in Hold No.2 at11.00 hours today, the crane block
crushed part my of deck superstructure and damaged the forward port rail in way Hold No.
2 for a length about four metres.
At the same time many bags of cement were torn, the contents thereof being spilled into
the hold.

In view of the above I have to hold your firm responsible for the damage caused and ask
you for urgent repairs of the said damages.

Yours faithfully,
XY, Master of
LETTER of the Receivers (Forwarders) to the Ship Agent concerning
loss of and damage to cargo:

Re: bags .........., B/L ..........

Ex MV …………. from …………, dated ………. .

On taking delivery of the above mentioned cargo the following

remarks were made: “112 bags torn, stained, slack, part of contents
For this shipment we possess a clean receipt on behalf of our
principal and must hold you responsible for this damage and shortage.
While awaiting your comments we remain,

Yours truly,..............(International

Note of Protest For Bunkering Disputes

Source: Marine Insight Free Resources Leave a Comment

Bunkering disputes are very common between ship and bunker supplier mainly because of
differences between the quantity or quality written in bunker delivery note and the actual quantity
or quality received. A note of protest is therefore issued to the supplier and a copy is forwarded to
the head office which includes written details of dispute because of which the protest/argument had
Loading the cargo in bad condition (damaged prior loading):


To: (Name of Company, responsible for Loading)


I, Captain (NAME), the Master of m.v. “ABILITY”, loading cargo of BULLSHIT at the port
of PORTNAME on DATA acting on behalf of the Owners OWNERSNAME and the
Charterers IFANY, hereby notify you of the following damages to above cargo found prior to
the time of shipment:

- The cargo arrived/was stored on the quay and is/was:

Exposed to rain,
Found wet, thawed,
The quantity of cargo affected or cannot be determined.

- The packaging of the cartons was damaged, visually ripped, torn, stained, chaffed,
The quantity of cargo affected or cannot be determined.

- The temperature of the cargo was declared to be , but was found to be


- Other types of damages

We reject all liability for the damage/s referred herein and hold you fully responsible for all
consequences which may arise from our loading the cargo in a damaged condition.
Furthermore, all remarks as to the condition of cargo will be inserted in the Mate’s Receipt
and Bills of Lading.

Yours faithfully


Received by:

Copy: the Charterers

the Owners
Cargo, damaged at the time of discharge or after discharge from vessel:

Port of

Date: 07/10/02

To: (Name of Company, responsible for discharging)


I, Captain (NAME), the Master of m.v. “ABILITY”, discharging cargo of BULLSHIT at the
port of PORTNAME on DATA acting on behalf of the Owners OWNERSNAME and the
Charterers IFANY, hereby notify you of the following damages to above cargo found at the
time of discharge or after discharge from abovementioned vessel:

- The following damages were caused by the stewedores acting on your behalf:
(description of damages)

The quantity of cargo affected or cannot be determined.

- The following cargo was pilferred

The quantity of cargo affected or cannot be determined.

- The cargo was stored ashore, but exposed to .

- Other types of damages

We reject all liability for the damage/s referred herein and hold you fully responsible for all
consequences which may arise.

Yours faithfully


Received by:

Copy: the Charterers

the Owners
Cargo quality in dispute:

Port of


To: (Name of Company)


I, Captain (NAME), the Master of m.v. “ABILITY”, loading cargo of BULLSHIT at the port
of PORTNAME on DATA acting on behalf of the Owners OWNERSNAME and the
Charterers IFANY, hereby notify you of the following amount/s in dispute between the
quantity and/or weight of the cargo declared by your PERSONINCHARGE and the quantity
and weight shipped on board according to our figures:

Quantity loaded as declared by you ,

Quantity loaded according to ship’s figures ,
Weight loaded as declared by you ,
Weight loaded according to ship’s figures ,
Weight/Quantity in dispute .

We reject all liability for this amount in dispute and hold you fully responsible for all
consequences which may arise. Furthermore quantity and/or weight in dispute will be
declared in the Mates Receipt and Bills of Lading.

Yours faithfully


Received by:
Cargo quantity unknown:

Port of


To: (Name of Company, responsible for Loading)


I, Captain (NAME), the Master of m.v. “ABILITY”, loading cargo of BULLSHIT at the
port of PORTNAME on DATA acting on behalf of the Owners OWNERSNAME and the
Charterers IFANY, hereby notify you that we are unable to confirm that the quantity/weight
declared by you to have been loaded on our vessel is correct.
Therefore notify you of our intention to clause the Mate’s Receipts and Bills of Lading as

“ The numbers of packages or pieces and the quantity and the weight as shown are
furnished by the shipper and are unknown to the carrier and the Master, who has no
reasonable means of checking this themselves.”

We reject all liability for any claims that may be made and hold you fully responsible for
all consequences which may arise.

Yours faithfully



Received by:
Bunkering: Bad oil quality

Port of

Date: 07/10/02


C/P DD: (charter date)


I hereby give you notice, that fuel oil supplied by you at the port of PORTNAME prove to be
wholly unsuitable for use in the vessel’s machinery. The main engine manifested instant
problems, when the supplied fuel was burned. All action undertaken by our technical staff
taken to stop the problem proved to be unsatisfactory.
Fuel samples will be sent for laboratory analysis.
(or, if the possibility to determine fuel oil parameters on board the ship exists:
Shipboard analysis of a representative sample indicate the quality of fuel exceed standards of
the grade ordered.)

In the circumstances, I cannot jeopardise the safety of the vessel by accepting or using the
fuel supplied without first receiving instruction to do so from my owners.

In the meantime, on behalf of my owners, I hold you wholly responsible for all damages and
delays and other loss or expense arising as a direct or indirect consequence from your failure
to supply the guaranteed grade of fuel.

Yours faithfully


Received by:
COPY: the Owners
Oil pollution while bunkering/oil transfer operations:

Port of




I, Captain (NAME), the Master of m.v. “ABILITY”, acting on behalf of the Owners
OWNERSNAME and the Charterers IFANY, hereby reject any responsibility arisen from
the spill of oil which resulted entirely from a negligent work of your stuff, while my wessel
was bunkered today, DATE AND TIME at PLACE (or on the road of PLACE), as the
following accident was discovered by the crew of our vessel:

- the hose was leaking as the bunkering started,

- the pumping rate was higher than that agreed – which solely contributed to the
referred leakage,

- the hose was not sufficiently emptied before disconnecting (after receiving your order),

- Other sources of spill_

By the copy given to the local Coast Guard/Port Authorities I repudiate any
responsibilities which may arise from the referred oil pollution.

Yours faithfully


Received by:
Copy: Coast Guard/ Port
Authorities the Owners
Source for letters from page 21 to page 46: Effective Business Letters


Door Number and The Name of The
Street, City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 -
XXXXXXXX Fax : 0011 -


To :

The Manager,
ZZZZZZ Business House,
Door Number and The Name of The
Street, City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 -
XXXXXXXX Fax : 0011 -

Dear Sir,

It would be very kind of you if you please let us know the present freight rate for
cased leather shoes for shipment from Mumbai to London.

With this kindly also inform us of the frequency of your sailings and the approximate time
of your voyage.



Reply to The Letter of Inquiry Regarding Freight Rates

Reply to The Letter of Inquiry Regarding Freight Rates :


Door Number and The Name of The Street,
City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX


To :

The Manager,
ZZZZZZ Business House,
Door Number and The Name of The Street,
City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX

Dear Sir,

With reference to your letter of 15th instant, we are pleased to inform you that our present
rate of freight for cased leather shoes for shipment from Mumbai to London is $ 600 per 30
cubic feet subject to the availability of space at the vessel.

We maintain sailing at intervals of approximately 10 days and it takes about 14 days to cover
the journey from Mumbai to London. We enclose our sailing time table for the current
month and also our shipping instructions form which you are requested to fill in and return
to us duly signed at your earliest.

Yours Faithfully,



Letter Contacting A Forwarding Agent

Letter Contacting A Forwarding Agent :


Door Number and The Name of The
Street, City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX


To :

The Manager,
ZZZZZZ Business House,
Door Number and The Name of The
Street, City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 -
XXXXXXXX Fax : 0011 -

Dear Sir,

M/s Indra Trading Corporation of Mumbai has given us your name as a reputed firm
of forwarding agents.

At present we are faced with the necessity of shipping, from Mumbai to Aden, the goods
detailed below, which are actually in transit at the port. Since we have been told that the
shipping documents for this transaction should be prepared by your favour, we, shall request
to let us know how best you can help us to get these documents ready by shipment.

It may kindly be noted that our agents in Aden are Smith and Brown and that Mercantile
Bank Ltd. is entrusted with the documents.

Thanking you.
Letter of Complaint


Door Number and The Name of The Street,
City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX


To :

The Manager,
ZZZZZZ Business House,
Door Number and The Name of The Street,
City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX

Dear Sir,

With reference to our forwarding instructions of 15th January - 2008, the goods of our order
No. 889708 were to have been sent by M/s Oliver & Sons. We have been told at the docks
that the ship has arrived but contained nothing consigned to us. Will you please look into the
matter at once and let us know what has happened to this consignment?

An early reply is solicited.

Yours Faithfully,




Letter from The Shipping Agent Informing of Arrival of

Letter from The Shipping Agent Informing of Arrival of Consignment :


Door Number and The Name of The
Street, City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 -
XXXXXXXX Fax : 0011 -


To :

The Manager,
ZZZZZZ Business House,
Door Number and The Name of The
Street, City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 -
XXXXXXXX Fax : 0011 -

Dear Sir,

We have the pleasure to inform you that on board S.S. Jawahar, due at this port on
18th February, there are following goods for your account.

10 wooden case – Leather shoes

In order that we may effect customs clearance and despatch, we would feel obliged if
you would let us have the Bill of lading duly endorsed together with a letter addressed
to customs & Excise authorities, appointing us to act on your behalf.

Letter Informing The Receipt of Bill of Lading

Letter Informing The Receipt of Bill of Lading :


Door Number and The Name of The
Street, City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX


To :

The Manager,
ZZZZZZ Business House,
Door Number and The Name of The
Street, City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 -
XXXXXXXX Fax : 0011 -

Dear Sir,

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th instant, enclosing the bill of lading
in connection with the consignment on board Jawahar, which is due on 23rd February - 2008.

We shall take necessary action on the arrival of the ship and deliver your consignment at
your address.

Kindly send us the customs letter at your

earliest. Yours Faithfully,


Letter Informing The Importer

Letter Informing The Importer :


Door Number and The Name of The
Street, City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX


To :

The Manager,
ZZZZZZ Business House,
Door Number and The Name of The
Street, City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 -
XXXXXXXX Fax : 0011 -

Dear Sir,

With reference to your order No. A/c 42 dated 10th January - 2008, we are pleased to
inform you that the leather shoes have now been despatched as arranged.

The whole lot is packed in 10 wooden cases with the mark LV in circle. The particulars of
weight and measurement are given on the enclosed sheet. S.S.J of the Scindhia Shipping
Company containing the shipment has sailed from Alexander Docks - Mumbai on 16th of this
month and it is scheduled to reach London on 27th February - 2008.

Clean, shipped on board B/L in complete set, together with the Commercial Invoice and
insurance certificate, both in triplicate, have been handed to Indian Overseas Bank, with
sight draft for $ 25,000 in accordance with the terms of the Letter of Credit opened with
them. This sum has duly been paid by Indian Overseas Bank.

We shall be pleased to hear in due course that the goods have reached you in safe
condition. Yours Faithfully,
Letter from The Forwarding Agent to Client

Letter from The Forwarding Agent to Client :


Door Number and The Name of The Street,
City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX


To :

The Manager,
ZZZZZZ Business House,
Door Number and The Name of The Street,
City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX

Dear Sir,

We have just received from Docks advise saying that the S.S. Victoria arrived on 16th instant
in the evening and the unloading of the 50 bales of cotton which you instructed us to take
delivery of took place on the same evening. Unfortunately, during the process of unloading
one of cotton bales fell into the sea. It was pulled out before it went under, but got damaged
as it was soaked in water. As the accident occurred before we took delivery of the goods, the
liability rests with the shipping company, the damaged bale has been put into a bonded
warehouse, since we did not wish to receive it without consulting you. Please let us have
your opinion on the subject.

Yours Faithfully,




Letter Regarding Advice to Forwarding Agents


Door Number and The Name of The Street,

City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX


To :

The Manager,
ZZZZZZ Business House,
Door Number and The Name of The Street,
City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX

Dear Sir,

We have advised you that we have today sent by Railway to your address freight-paid 10
wooden cases of leather shoes which may please be forwarded by next steamer available to
M/s Johns - London.

We request you to effect insurance on the goods the cost of which as well as the freight is to
be debited to the account of the consignee.

Yours Faithfully,

Letter Regarding Advice to Customer :


Door Number and The Name of The Street,
City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX


To :

The Manager,
ZZZZZZ Business House,
Door Number and The Name of The Street,
City with ZIP Code.
Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX

Dear Sir,

We advice you that we have consigned today to your address 10 wooden cases of leather
shoes by S.S. Jaltarang.

The insurance thereon will be effected by our shipping agents M/s Khemani & Bros., Church
Road, Mumbai.

We enclose an invoice amounting to $ 250 for which amount we have drawn on you at 90
days date.

Trusting the goods will arrive safely and soliciting your further orders.

Thanking you.

Yours Faithfully,

Irrevocable Proxy

Irrevocable Proxy : Please fill out the following form. Please print your completed form if you
would to have a copy for your records.

I (Stockholder's name) the holder of (Number of shares) shares of the common voting stock of
(Company's name) Corporation, do hereby irrevocably appoint (Name of The appointed
person)as my proxy to attend the shareholder’s meeting of (Company's name) Corporation,
to be held on (year) or any continuations oradjournments of that meeting, with full power to
vote and act for me and in my name and place, in the same manner, and to the same extent
that I might act if I would have been in attendance atsuch meeting.

This proxy is irrevocable and has been issued to (Name of The appointed person) who is a
pledgee holding a valid pledge of the shares owned by me. Any other proxy or proxies
previously given by me to others is hereby revoked.




On before me personally
appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the
basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the
within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in
his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the
instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed
the instrument.

WITNESS my hand and official seal.

Signature :

Affiant : Known / Unknown

ID Produced :
Seal :
Letter of Acceptance of Order with Delivery in Lots

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

We acknowledge acceptance of your order as per your orderof _, 19_. The goods will be
shipped to you in the followinglots.

(Specify lots and delivery schedule).

We request that payment be made as each lot is received.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name

Enc :
Letter to Acknowledge Receipt of Goods

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,


The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt and deliveryof the goods described on the
annexed list or invoice andfurther acknowledges that said goods have been inspected
andare without defect.

Signed under seal this _ day of _ 19_.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name

Enc :
Letter of Acknowledgement for The Order Placed

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

With thanks we acknowledge your check and order dated , l9 , (date) for
(items) described in ourletter to you of , l9 (date).

Unfortunately, the demand for the (item) hasbeen so great that we have no more on
hand. Despite thefact that we have reordered this, these (item), weregretfully have no
idea when they will be shipped to us.

Therefore, we will gladly return your check andinform you when the new supply arrives.
However, if youprefer, we will keep your check and forward you the (item) as soon as it,
they arrive(s).

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name
Enc :
Letter of Acknowledgement of Merchandise Returned for Repair

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

The (product name and model number) that you mailed to us forrepair was received on
(date) We will be returning it to you assoon as the necessary adjustments are made.

We are sorry that you experienced a problem with our productand want to thank you for
purchasing a (name)

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name

Enc :
Letter of Acknowledgement of Order and Its Execution :

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

We thank you very much for your order of 6th instant. They havebeen dispatched. The
invoice for the goods amounting Rs.5680 (Rupees five thousand six hundred and eighty only
includingpacking and incidental charges is enclosed.

We hope that you will be fully satisfied with our prompt execution and favor us with
subsequent orders.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name

Enc :
Letter of Apology and Proposal on Over-Shipped-Merchandise

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

In deference to your valuable time, I would like to get straight to the point and say that we
were wrong.

Your purchase order clearly stated 30 cases. The shipment of 60 cases was our error.
Meanwhile, there are two options available at this time; you can keep the additional
merchandise and we will bill you thirty days from now, or we will arrange to have it picked
up at your loading dock and issue a credit to you. Please let me know of your preference.

We will do everything in our power to ensure that this type of error does not occur again.
Thank you for your understanding. If I can be of any assistance in any way, please do not
hesitate to call on me.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name
Enc :
Letter of Apology after Cancellation of Order

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of [date] in which you set forth your reasons for
canceling your purchase order # .

I am very sorry about the misunderstanding that led to this cancellation and have taken the
matter up with management in order to ensure that a problem of this nature does not occur

As one of our valued customers, your satisfaction is one of our primary concerns. Please
accept our apology.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name

Enc :
Letter of Assignment of A Claim for Damages :

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells and transfers to (Assignee) and its
successors, assigns and personal representatives, any and all claims, demands and cause or
causes of action of any kind whatsoever which the undersigned has or may have against
arising from the following type claim.

(Description OF THE CLAIMS)

And the undersigned may in its own name and for its ownbenefit prosecute, collect, settle,
compromise and grantreleases on said claim as it in its sole discretion deemsadvisable.

Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name

Enc :
Compensation Letter for Damaged Freight

From :
The Sender's Name,
Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

I have just received your March 24 letter about the damagedshipment you received through Green
Tree Freight and regret theinconvenience that it has caused you.

From your account of the problem, I am quite sure that yourrequest for the $240 adjustment on the
damage to the 2 cratesof Val jean Crystal stemware will be granted. A certain amount ofbreakage of
this sort does unavoidably occur in cross-countryshipping; I am sorry that it was your company that
had to be theone to suffer the delay.

I must remind you to keep the damaged crates in the samecondition in which you received them
until one of ourrepresentatives can inspect them. That inspection should takeplace within 2 weeks.

If all is in order, as it sounds to be in your letter, you can expect the full reimbursement within 2
weeks after our representative's inspection. I hope this unfortunate accident will not keep you from
having merchandise shipped by Green Tree Freight in the future.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name

Enc :
Letter of Complaint about The Faulty Product

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

On (date), I purchased (or had repaired) a (name of the productwith the serial or model
number or service performed). I madethis purchase at (location, date, and other important
details ofthe transaction).

Unfortunately, your product (or service) has not performed well(or the service was
inadequate) because (state the problem).Therefore, to resolve the problem, I would
appreciate your (statethe specific action you want). Enclosed are copies (copies,
NOToriginals) of my records (receipts, guarantees, warranties,cancelled checks, contracts,
model and serial numbers, and anyother documents).

I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, andwill wait (set a time limit)
before seeking third-party assistance.

Please contact me at the above address or by phone (home oroffice numbers with area

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature

Complimentary Letter to Employee on Handling of Difficulty

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

Several of your associates in the shipping department have informed me of the incident that
occurred last Friday with a representative of Gene's Tool Supplies. They have all agreed that
this driver hurled some extremely abusive language at you and that his actions were
unjustifiably offensive. They also all agreed that you remained a gentleman throughout the
entire time, attempting to solve the problem. I compliment you on your self-control and in
handling the situation in such an exemplary manner. I have placed a call to the owner of
Gene's Tools and fully anticipate youre receiving an apology from them.

Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name

Letter Demanding Payment

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

I know how exasperating this has been for you and I am deeply sorry that it has
taken so long to straighten out this problem. While there is a procedure within our
firm to preclude this type of error from occurring, we are reinforcing this procedure.

You have been a valued customer of ours for a long time and we appreciate your
affording us the opportunity to serve you. You may rest assured that this problem
will not surface again.

Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name

Enc :
Customer Complaint Letter :

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :
Reference :

TO :
Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ,

I am writing about [state the nature of your complaint in 25words or less]. Would
you please [state what you want done about your complaint in 25 words or less].

Attached are copies of [List the invoices, bills, letters, notices, contracts and receipts
or other documents that you are including with your letter to support your

Please contact me using the information shown above. I expectthe courtesy of your
reply by [insert a date 21 to 30 days after the date of your letter].

Thank you for your assistance.

Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name

Notice to Cancel Entire Order

This Letter should be written in The Letter-Pad of the

Company. From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's
Name, Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID :

[email protected] Date :

Reference :

TO :
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone

Number. Subject :

Dear ,

Reference is made to our purchase order or contract dated (DATE) a copy of which
is enclosed.

Due to your failure to ship the goods within the time required, we hereby cancel
said order, reserving such further rights we may have.

Thanking you.



(The Sender's
Notice to Cancel Shipment of Back-Ordered Goods :

From :

The Sender's Name,

Door Number and Street's
Name, Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID :

[email protected] Date :

Reference :

TO :

The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone

Number. Subject :

Dear ,

Reference is made to our purchase order or contract dated (DATE) a copy of

which is attached. We have received a partial shipment and notice that
certain goods are out of stock or on back order.

Please cancel our order for the back-ordered goods and adjust our invoice
for goods received.

Thanking you.



(The Sender's
3. Letters of complaint
Complaint letter template

Your address 1]
[Your address 2]
[Your address 3]

] [Other contact details you may wish to give, phone, e-mail etc]

e] (If you are unsure of the contact details you can search the howtocomplain.com company
database from any page on the website).
[Name of contact person, if available]
[Title, if available]
[Company Name]
[Consumer Complaint Department, if you don’t have a contact name]
[Company address 1]
[Company address 2]
[Company address 3]

Re: [Account number, product, service etc] Dear

[Contact Person or Sir/Madam],

On [date], I [bought, rented, had serviced etc] a [name of product with model number, service performed
etc] at [location and other details of the transaction].

I am disappointed because your [product, service, billing etc.] has [not performed as it should, was wrong
etc] because [state the problem as you understand it giving as much detail as possible].

To resolve the problem I would appreciate your [state the action you require e.g. refund, service
performed again etc]. Enclosed is a copy/are copies of the [receipt, contract etc].

I look forward to hearing from you and to a resolution of this problem. I will wait for [set a time limit]
before seeking help from [government agency, consumer group, lawyer etc (search Information section)].
Please contact me at the above address or by phone [give numbers].




[Print Your Name]

Shipper’s cargo damage complaint held adequate under
Montreal Convention
UPS Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. v. American Airlines, Inc. (N.D. Ill. Aug. 14, 2009). For a
cargo damage claim, Article 31(2) of the Montreal Convention requires that “the person
entitled to delivery must complain to the carrier forthwith after the discovery of the damage,”
and, at the latest, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the cargo. Article 31(3) requires
that such complaint be “in writing.” Article 31 does not contain any further requirements
regarding the contents or form of the complaint.

In this case, American had agreed to transport 80 drums of fish oil for UPS from Japan to
Illinois. Upon arrival, the cargo spoiled because the drums were not refrigerated. Within the
14-day notice period, a UPS employee sent a letter to American stating as follows:

This is tomoved
American informforyou that ourjudgment
summary customer onis refusing this that
the grounds shipment due failed
the letter to the to
fact thatadequate
give is the
notice fish oil was left in
complaint a ULDitand
because did not
not kept cool.
contain anFrom
expresswhat I understand
statement the freight
of UPS’s intent to
was left outside in a container during days reaching 80 degrees and the product
hold American liable for the cargo damage. The court rejected American’s argument, holding spoiled.
that theproduct
text of was valued
Article well required
31 only over $80,000 USD.
that the Please give
complaint advise whatthat
notice the the
had to
do with this product. All your help is deeply appreciated.
damaged and that UPS’s letter had adequately done just that.
U.S. PRINCIPAL PARTY IN INTEREST (USPPI) (Name and address including ZIP code)
Related Non-Related
ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE (Complete name and address)
Postal Address:

INTERMEDIATE CONSIGNEE (Complete name and address) Cargo Delivery Address: www.panalpina.co

FORWARDING AGENT (Complete name and address)

Shipper must check Incoterm & Mode of Tra
PANALPINA, INC. All Modes of Transportation Vessel On
DAP DAT DDP Always insert
NAMED Place / Port:

Hazardous Materials Yes No Routed Export Transaction Ye


CONTAINERIZED (Vessel only) Shipper’s instructions in case of inability to deliver consignment as assigne
Yes No Abandon Return to Shipper

USPPI filing EEI. AES ITN or Exemption/Exception Citation:

Deliver to:
VEHICLE TITLE NUMBER) HTS UNIT(S) (Kilograms) or other Authorization cost if not s

Please provide classification and licensing information for all commodities / all values. Note: Attach a continuation sheet if above space is insufficient/more item
Information provided on this SLI including the first 6 digits of the HTS/Schedule B may also be used to fulfill destination country security reporting requirements.
Cargo items tendered for air transportation are subject to inspection, aviation security controls by air carriers and, when appropriate, other government regulations. Copi shipping documents
showing the cargo’s consignee, consignor, description and other relevant data will be retained on file until the cargo completes its air transportation. A
Shipments are also subject to inspection by Customs and Border Protection and/or Office of Export Enforcement.





Unless otherwise specified, the USPPI authorizes the forwarder named above to act as Forwarding Agent for export control,
DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED:Census reporting, and Customs purposes, and

I certify that the statements made and all information contained herein are true and correct. I understand that civil and criminal penalties, including forfeiture and sale, may
401, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001, 50 U.S.C. app. 2410).

Name (Duly authorized officer or employee): Signature:

Confidential – Electronic Export Information (or any successor document)

SPECIAL wherever located, shall be exempt from public disclos
Title: Date:
Phone No.: For Ocean Shipments only:Bill of Lading /Waybill r

Authentication (when required)

e-mail Address:

NOTE: The Shipper or his Authorized Agent hereby authorizes the above named Company, in his name and on his behalf, to prepare any export documents, to sign and accept any
relating to said shipment and forward this shipment in accordance with the conditions of carriage and the tariffs of the carriers employed. The shipper guarantees payment
charges in the event the consignee refuses payment. Hereunder the sole responsibility of the Company is to use reasonable care in the selection of carriers, forwarders, age
to whom it may entrust the shipment.

1. FOB Origin, Freight Collect

Buyer pays freight

Buyer bears freight
Buyer owns goods in
Buyer files claims (if any)

2. FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid

Seller pays freight
Seller bears freight
Buyer owns goods in
Buyer files claims (if

3. FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid and Charge Back

Seller pays freight
Buyer bears freight
Buyer owns goods in
Buyer files claims (if
4. FOB Destination, Freight Collect

Buyer pays freight

Buyer bears freight
Seller owns goods in
Seller files claims (if any)

5. FOB Destination, Freight Prepaid Seller pays freight

Seller bears freight
Seller owns goods in
Seller files claims (if any)

6. FOB Destination, Freight Collect and Allowed

Buyer pays freight
Seller bears freight
Seller owns goods in
Seller files claims (if any)

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