21st Reviewer (2nd Quarter)

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pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar? – OLD

Study about melodrama, tragedy, comedy ENGLISH
CHAUCER chose to write in vernacular language
NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI is often credited with because of Germanic influences. - FALSE
writing “The Prince”, a political treatise that explores (Chaucer
the nature of power and governance during the wrote in Middle English, the vernacular language of
Italian Renaissance his time, influenced by French and Latin)

PRINTING PRESS was a greatest invention in 1440 ELIZABETHAN ERA is considered as the Golden
by Johannes Gutenberg. Age Drama. (during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, is
often regarded as the Golden Age of Drama, with the
Modernism, revolutionary, renaissance, flourishing of playwrights like Shakespeare)
postmodernism characteristics
● MODERNISM - rejection of the past, Study about Blank Verse, Rhymed
experimentation and innovation, individualism ● BLANK VERSE - unrhymed poetry written in
and subjectivity, fragmentation and meter, most commonly iambic pentameter
abstraction, having a concern for the (five pairs of unstressed-stressed syllables
aesthetic and beautiful, and social and per line).
political critiques. ● RHYMED - poetry with lines ending in words
● REVOLUTIONARY - boldness, visionary with similar sounds. The most common
thinking, passion, empathy, collaboration. ● rhyme scheme is ABAB (alternate rhyme),
RENAISSANCE - humanism, scientific where lines 1 and 3 rhyme, and lines 2 and 4
advancement, cultural exchange, artistic rhyme.
● POSTMODERNISM - use of paradox or Shakespearean Sonnet, Spenserian
self-contradictory statement, use of Sonnet SHAKESPEAREAN SONNET
fragmentation or incompleteness whether in ● 3 quatrains (four lines each) followed by a
form or in content: and the unreliable rhyming couplet, with an ABAB CDCD EFEF
GG rhyme scheme.
● often dramatic and passionate, exploring
Romantic artists believed one needed to explore themes of love, loss, mortality, and beauty. ●
ideas through deep contemplation because the Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare ("Shall I
spontaneous mind could not understand all of the compare thee to a summer's day?").
important truths of life. - TRUE (Romantic artists SPENSERIAN SONNET
often valued deep contemplation and believed that ● 3 interlocking quatrains (four lines each)
profound truths required thoughtful exploration) followed by a rhyming couplet, with an ABAB
BCBC CDCD EE rhyme scheme.
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE wrote Romeo and Juliet. ● more lyrical and ornate than Shakespearean
sonnets, often employing rich imagery and
THE DIVINE COMEDY - written by Dante Alighieri, it allegory.
is an epic poem describing the journey through Hell, ● Sonnet 75 by Edmund Spenser ("One day I
Purgatory, and Paradise. wrote her name upon the strand").

HOMER is regarded as the first major poet of ancient MARK TWAIN is considered the father of American
Greece and is credited with composing the epic literature, known for his works such as “The
poems “Iliad” and “Odyssey” Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn”
How was Realism different from the Romantic
period? It contained more stories about the rich What is one difference between
upper class American Romanticism and
Geoffrey Chaucer (J. father of English ● AMERICAN ROMANTICISM focused on
Literature) is known for his work "The Canterbury emotions and individualism.
Tales." ● TRANSCENDENTALISM emphasized the
importance of intuition and the connection to
Study about about Old English Literature nature and the divine.
● ANGLO - saxon literature.
Writers for Dark Romantics
POETRY is characterized by patterns of 4 lines and ● NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE (1804–1864)
6 stress lines. ● EDGAR ALLAN POE (1809–1849)
● HERMAN MELVILLE (1819–1891)
KENNINGS are often made up of two words
separated by a hyphen. They may call the sea as a Study about Bradstreet, Austen, Wheatley
swan-road or a sword as a wound-hoe. American Women Writers of the 17th and 18th
Centuries or "The Voices of Women in
Which of the following is challenging to comprehend Literature."
due to its distinct orthography, word order,
mistreatment of the indigenous people of
Who is the African American poet and slave known the Americas by their conquerors.
for his poems that express themes of Christian
salvation and his desire for freedom during the “Indigenismo” - a Latin American movement
Colonial period? – PHILLIS WHEATLEY that emphasizes the recognition and valorization
of indigenous cultures and peoples.
Study about Britons, Puritans
● BRITONS - british people or brits, citizens of Efren Orozco Rosales’ Corrido de la Revolucion
the United Kingdom, the British Overseas is an example of Latin American drama. - FALSE
Territories, and the Crown dependencies. (Efren Orozco Rosales’ Corrido de la Revolucion is a
● PURITANS - protestants who followed the song or ballad that narrates the story of the Mexican
Bible in the strictest manner-dominated Revolution)
England. Mayan creation myth - MAYAN MYTHOLOGY
includes various creation myths, often involving gods
Study about Postmodern writing characteristics and mythical beings in the formation of the world
● use of paradox or self-contradictory
statements. Mario Vargas Llosa’s Aunt Julia and the
● use of fragmentation or incompleteness Scriptwriter is an influential example of Latin
whether in form or in content. American - FICTION iiiiiîz
● and the unreliable narrator.
MAHABARATA - one of the major ancient Indian
Events during American epics, not Latin American
● American Revolution (1775-1783),
Transcendentalist movement in the mid-19th Does not belong to Vedas – JAYUR VEDA
century, led by thinkers like Ralph Waldo
Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. NARA PERIOD is the golden age of poetry in
● The Civil War (1861-1865) also left a Japanese Literature
profound impact, with writers such as Walt
Whitman and Emily Dickinson capturing the PHU is one of the major literary figures in Thailand.
nation's turmoil and trauma through their He presents the life and sentiments of the common
poetry. folk in his works
● The Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s stands
as a cornerstone event, fostering the artistic JAVANESE SOCIETY - W.S Rendra and
talents of African American writers like Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s works were banned and
Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, and they were imprisoned for expressing their
Countee Cullen, who sought to celebrate their disagreement against the government. (W.S Rendra
cultural heritage and challenge racial and Pramoedya Ananta Toer faced censorship and
oppression. imprisonment for expressing dissent against the
government in Indonesia)
In the 1630s, a big wave of British immigration to
Boston paved the way for various events to flourish Which of the following is an example of a Thai
in American literature during this period. - TRUE literary piece that is greatly influenced by Indian
literature? - RAMAKIEN is a national epic of which is
Literature of this period was political in tone because about good triumphing over evil
it was seen as an avenue for American writers to
express their protest against the British Empire. - ANCIENT INDONESIAN LITERATURE is a folk and
TRUE (Literature during the colonial period often had ancient narratives are the local versions of Hindu
political themes as writers expressed their texts
grievances against British rule)
Writers showed the spirit of liberation in their works OF CONFUCIUS are important classical works in
which led to the popularization of democratic Poetry. *are not poetry but are important classical
literature. - TRUE works in Chinese philosophy and history.*

The writers of these periods are unconventional and VERNACULAR LANGUAGE a study about Culture
not regarded as rebellious acts of writing; such Movement
“delineations” are the unique features of their works.
- BOOMS AFRICA as a polytheistic society it is Ancient
Africans honored their gods and had various
Latin America – MAGIC religious systems

MODERNISMO - Latin America during the late 19th REPETITION is not for African Prose. - FALSE
and early 20th centuries (African Prose often uses repetition as a powerful
literary tool to convey its themes, ideas, and cultural
BARTOLOMÉ DE LAS CASES became aspects in a vivid and impactful manner)
well-known for his Procurador y Protector
Universal de Todos los Indios, which led to Search for GRIOT
the creation of the New Law of 1542. These are oral historians and storytellers in West African
laws prevented the exploitation and traditions, preserving and passing down history
through oral narratives.

DILEMMA TALE is an oral tradition in Africa is the

form of a moral tale that does not have a definite
ending and invites the audience to share. - FALSE
(They are actually a type of moral tale found in South
Asia, particularly in Indian and Pakistani cultures)

SONGHAI is the first of the great kingdoms is not

true. - FALSE (The Songhai Empire, also known as
the Songhay Empire, was an influential and powerful
kingdom that existed from the 15th to the 16th
Owner: Lucy Torres

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