This document defines common acronyms used in cloud data management, security, networking and databases:
CDM - Cloud Data Management, CDP - Continuous Data Protection, CSR - Certificate Signing Request, DNS - Domain Name System, GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation, IPMI - Intelligent Platform Management Interface, iSCSI - Internet Small Computer System Interface, LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, NAS - Network Attached Storage, NTP - Network Time Protocol, POC - Proof of Concept, RBS - Rubrik Backup Service, RMAN - Recovery Manager, SLA - Service Level Agreement, SMB - Server Message Block, SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol, SYSDBA - Database System Administrator
This document defines common acronyms used in cloud data management, security, networking and databases:
CDM - Cloud Data Management, CDP - Continuous Data Protection, CSR - Certificate Signing Request, DNS - Domain Name System, GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation, IPMI - Intelligent Platform Management Interface, iSCSI - Internet Small Computer System Interface, LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, NAS - Network Attached Storage, NTP - Network Time Protocol, POC - Proof of Concept, RBS - Rubrik Backup Service, RMAN - Recovery Manager, SLA - Service Level Agreement, SMB - Server Message Block, SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol, SYSDBA - Database System Administrator
This document defines common acronyms used in cloud data management, security, networking and databases:
CDM - Cloud Data Management, CDP - Continuous Data Protection, CSR - Certificate Signing Request, DNS - Domain Name System, GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation, IPMI - Intelligent Platform Management Interface, iSCSI - Internet Small Computer System Interface, LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, NAS - Network Attached Storage, NTP - Network Time Protocol, POC - Proof of Concept, RBS - Rubrik Backup Service, RMAN - Recovery Manager, SLA - Service Level Agreement, SMB - Server Message Block, SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol, SYSDBA - Database System Administrator
This document defines common acronyms used in cloud data management, security, networking and databases:
CDM - Cloud Data Management, CDP - Continuous Data Protection, CSR - Certificate Signing Request, DNS - Domain Name System, GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation, IPMI - Intelligent Platform Management Interface, iSCSI - Internet Small Computer System Interface, LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, NAS - Network Attached Storage, NTP - Network Time Protocol, POC - Proof of Concept, RBS - Rubrik Backup Service, RMAN - Recovery Manager, SLA - Service Level Agreement, SMB - Server Message Block, SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol, SYSDBA - Database System Administrator
Interface SFP- Small Form-Factor Pluggable iSCSI- Internet Small Computer and System SLA- Service Level Agreement Interface SMB- Server Message Block LACP- Link Aggregation Control Protocol SMTP- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol LDAP- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol SSO- Single Sign-On SNMP- Simple Network Management Protocol MSDB- SYSDBA- Database System Administrator NAS- Network- Attached Storage TLS- Transport Layer Security NSF- Network File System TPR- Two-Person Rule NTP- Network Time protocol vCD- vCloud Director POC- Proof of Concept VDI- Virtual Device Interface RAC- Real Application Cluster VLF- Virtual Log File RBAC- Role-Based Access Control VSS- Volume Snapshot Service RBS- Rubrik Backup Service
RMAN- Recovery Manager
Connection pool- used to enhance the snapshot was taken. When a snapshot is used to performance of executing commands on a restore the server, the server will revert to database. after a connection is created, it is exactly how it was at the time of the snapshot. placed in the pool, and it is used again so that a new connection does not have to be Unix- macOS, Solaris (Oracle), AIX, IRIX, and HP- established. If all the connections are being UX used, a new connection is added to the pool. Connection pooling also cuts down on the amount of time a user must wait to establish a connection to the database.
High Availability- systems, components, and
applications can operate at a high level, continuously, without intervention, for a given period.
Horizontal Scalability- add more VM to spread
out the workload across them. (in DB, you have to add instances; host=1 instances). Load Distribution. Clusterware. Grid infrastructure.
Linux- Amazon, Google, Netflix. AWS
Log truncation- deletes inactive log file (VLFs)
from the logical transaction log of a SQL server db
Redo log- comprise files in a proprietary format
which log history of all changes made to db.
Roll forward - occurs during database,
tablespace, or datafile recovery and crash recovery. Rollback is the process of undoing uncommitted database transactions. The blocks are copied to the rollback segments during transactions as a copy of the block for other transactions to read.
Normal- ongoing transaction/ Existing
Connections/ Checkpoint Immediate- Checkpoint Transactional- ongoing transaction/ Existing Connections/ Checkpoint Abort- Snapshots- instantaneous “picture” of your server’s file system at a certain period. This picture captured the entire file system when the