0570 Chemistry
0570 Chemistry
0570 Chemistry
Syllabus Content
The syllabus content has not changed but the core and extended objectives have been combined
to make the specific objectives.
Structure of Assessment
The assessment structure has not changed, however, the Theory paper and the Alternative to
Practical paper have been renumbered. The papers are now:
Paper 1: Multiple Choice
Paper 2: Theory
Paper 3: Practical Test
Paper 4: Alternative to Practical Test
The Grade descriptors have been revised to make them communicate better.
The grade descriptors for F have been replaced by grade descriptors for E.
Assessment Grid
The relationship between the assessment objectives and components is more detailed showing the
number of marks for each assessment objective per component.
3.1 AIMS 7
As part of the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education, this Chemistry Assessment
Syllabus is designed to assess the outcome of instruction for candidates who have completed a
course based on the Senior Secondary Chemistry Teaching Syllabus.
This syllabus aims to assess positive achievement at all levels of ability. Candidates will be
assessed in ways that encourage them to show what they know, understand and can do, and
which provide opportunities to articulate their insights, perceptions and responses.
This Chemistry Assessment Syllabus should be read in conjunction with the Senior Secondary
Chemistry Teaching Syllabus
The BGCSE is a general qualification that enables candidates to progress either directly to
employment or to proceed to further qualifications.
All candidates must take three papers; Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3 or Paper 4, which are
described below.
The questions will be based on the whole syllabus.
The questions will test skills in Assessment The questions will test skills in Assessment
Objectives 1 (AO 1) and 2 (AO 2) and will be of Objectives 1 (AO 1) and 2 (AO 2) and will be
a difficulty appropriate to grades A to G. of a difficulty appropriate to grades A to G.
either: or:
This paper will test Assessment Objective 3 This paper will test Assessment Objective 3
(AO 3). It is a laboratory based paper with (AO 3). It is designed to test familiarity with
questions covering experimental and laboratory equipment and procedures.
observational skills.
The paper will be of difficulty appropriate to
The paper will be of difficulty appropriate to grades A to G.
grades A to G.
40 marks.
30 marks.
The paper will be weighted at 20% of the final
The paper will be weighted at 20% of final total total mark.
Candidates may not combine this syllabus in an examination series with the following:
0568 Science Single Award
0569 Science Double Award
3.1 Aims
According to the Chemistry Teaching Syllabus, candidates following the syllabus should:
1. develop manipulative skills to assist them in solving technical and technological problems as
they relate to day-to-day life situations.
3. develop desirable attitudes and behavioural patterns in interacting with the environment in a
manner that is protective, preserving, developmental and nurturing.
6. acquire knowledge, attitudes and practices that will promote good family life and health
including awareness and management of epidemics such as HIV/AIDS practices that prepare
them for productive life.
7. develop positive attitudes such as open-mindedness, inventiveness, concern for accuracy and
precision, objectivity, integrity and initiative towards scientific skills
9. develop an understanding of key concepts and principles of science as they are experienced
in everyday life.
10. develop abilities and skills that are relevant to the study, safe practice and application of
science (such as experimenting and investigating).
11. develop problem solving, critical thinking, communication, inquiry and teamwork / interpersonal
skills to help them to be productive and adaptive to cope in a changing environment.
12. develop an appreciation of the role of science in improving the quality of life.
14. promote an awareness that the applications of science may be both beneficial and detrimental
to the individual, the community and the environment.
2. the vocabulary, terminology and conventions of Science, including symbols, quantities and
4. the significance of information and communication technology in the day-to-day life and in the
world of work.
Questions assessing these objectives will often begin with words such as define, state, describe,
outline, etc.
1. solve problems as they relate to day-to-day life, including some of a quantitative nature;
2. use information to identify patterns, report trends, draw inferences, make predictions and
propose hypotheses;
Questions assessing these objectives may contain information which is unfamiliar to candidates.
In answering such questions, candidates are required to take principles and concepts in the
syllabus and apply them to the situations described in the questions.
Questions assessing these objectives will often begin with words such as discuss, predict, suggest,
calculate, determine, etc.
The table shows the raw marks and the weighting of each skill area by component as well as the
total for each skill area in the overall assessment.
Total Marks 40 70 30 40
This section presents the content as prescribed in the Chemistry Teaching Syllabus.
- identify a problem
apply basic process skills to problem - plan for an investigation
solving - carry out an investigation
- evaluate investigations
2.4. Redox 2.4.1 understand concept of define oxidation in terms of electron loss and increase in oxidation number
Reactions oxidation and define reduction in terms of electron gain and decrease in oxidation number
reduction define an oxidising agent as a substance that gains electrons from another substance define a reducing agent as substance that losses electrons to another substance use the test for oxidising agents and reducing agents using aqueous potassium iodide, acidified
potassium chromate(VI) and acidified potassium manganate(VII), including chemical equations identify and describe examples of commonly occurring redox equations identify a redox reaction; reducing agent and an oxidising agent in a redox reaction equation test for and identify hydrogen using a lighted splint and carbon dioxide using lime water investigate the characteristic properties of bases in reactions with acids and ammonium salts
(including reaction equations) give applications of acid/base reactions in daily life e.g. treatment of indigestion, treatment of
acidic soils, brushing teeth with toothpaste classify and give examples of oxides as acidic, basic, neutral or amphoteric prepare soluble from acid/base, acid/metal reactions prepare insoluble salts by precipitation purify salts by filtration and crystallisation suggest a method of preparing a given salt from suitable starting materials, given appropriate
2+ 2+ 3+ 2+ + 2+ 3+ conduct tests for the following cations: Cu , Fe , Fe , Zn , NH4 , Ca and Al using aqueous
sodium hydroxide and aqueous ammonium hydroxide (include equations)
2- conduct tests for the following anions: SO4 ,(by reaction under acidic conditions with barium ions);
- 2- -
Cl , (by reaction under acidic conditions with silver ions); CO3 , (by reaction with dilute acid and
-- --
then with lime water); I ,(by reaction under acidic conditions with lead (II) nitrate), NO3 ,(by
reaction with aluminium)
4.4.2. understand the uses of name some sources of sodium chloride e.g. sea water, salt pans (give examples of some places in
some important Botswana)
compounds of chlorine describe the importance of sodium chloride as a source for chlorine, sodium hydroxide and common
and its manufacture salt describe extraction of sodium chloride from soda ash (focus on local process at Botswana Ash in
Sowa Town)
4.5. Sulphur 4.5.1. acquire knowledge of list the sources of sulphur
sources and uses of describe the preparation of sulphur dioxide
sulphur and properties state the important uses of sulphur dioxide (bleach in the manufacture of wood pulp, food
of its important
preservative by killing bacteria)
compounds describe the manufacture of sulphuric acid from sulphur by Contact process (conditions and
reactions) state the important uses of sulphuric acid (in the manufacture of detergent and fertilisers, car
batteries and as a dehydrating agent
4.6. Nitrogen 4.6.1. acquire knowledge of name the sources of nitrogen and hydrogen in making ammonia
sources and uses of state the uses of ammonia
nitrogen describe the essential conditions for making ammonia by the Haber process
5.2. Air 5.2.1. appreciate the delicate state the proportions of different components of clean air by percentage volume
balance of air in volume describe the separation of oxygen and nitrogen from air by fractional distillation
and quality explain the effect of increased carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere name the uses of oxygen in health and in industry state the importance of the ozone layer
6.8. Natural 6.8.1. understand the impact name proteins, fats and carbohydrates as the main constituent of food
macromolecules of natural describe the hydrolysis of proteins to amino acids
macromolecules in our prepare soap by hydrolysis of fats
daily life describe complex carbohydrates as macromolecules formed by the condensation
polymerisation of smaller carbohydrate units called sugars describe the hydrolysis of complex carbohydrates (e.g. starch) to give simple sugars describe proteins as possessing the same linkage (amide) as nylon but with different units describe fats as esters possessing the same linkage as Terylene but with different units demonstrate how chromatography techniques can be applied to colourless substances by
exposing chromatograms to substances called locating agents (refer to R f factor) or UV light describe, in outline, the usefulness of chromatography in separating and identifying the
products of hydrolysis of carbohydrates and proteins
By its nature Chemistry is an experimental discipline. Accordingly, it is important that the practical
work and experimental skills, identified in Assessment Objective 3, are made a central part of the
assessment. However, it is recognised that, in certain circumstances, it will not be possible for
some centres to provide the facilities and materials required for a laboratory-based experiment.
Thus, at present, this syllabus provides two methods of assessing practical skills.
Or, for candidates in those centres which do not have the facilities properly to administer Paper 4
and which have been granted written permission to it,
Paper 4: An alternative to pratical test, a written paper, administered in the centre and
externally marked.
These criteria describe what a candidate will be expected to do and will provide the basis for
making the papers.
This paper is designed to assess a candidate’s familiarity with appropriate chemistry laboratory
apparatus and techniques. The candidate will be required to perform given tasks, which will be
based on the requirements of Assessment Objective 3.
(a) A volumetric analysis problem, based on one set of tirations. Knowledge of acid/alkali
titrations using methyl orange or screened methyl orange will be assumed. Simple titrations
involving other reagents may be set but full instructions and other necessary information will
be given.
(b) An experiment that may involve the determination of some quantity e.g. temperature change
and rate/speed of reactions. Such experiments will depend on the use laboratory apparatus.
(d) Systematic analysis will not be required but it will assumed that candidates will be familiar with
reactions of identifying gases as specified in the Curriculum. The question papers will include
notes on qualitative analysis for the use by candidates see appendix.
(e) Exercise involving organic substances and ions not in the Curriculum may be set but
candidates will only be required to record observations and draw general conclusions.
(f) Candidates will not be required to carry out any weighing during the practical test.
(h) Candidates can take notebooks, textbooks or any other information for reference during the
practical test.
(i) Candidates may also be required to carry out simple calculations as determined in the
The following notes are intended to give schools and candidates indication of accuracy that is
expected in quantitative exercises and general instructions for qualitative exercises.
(a) Candidates should normally record burette readings to the nearest 0.1 cm3 and they should
ensure that they have carried sufficient number of titrations, e.g. in an experiment with a good
end-point, two titres within 0.2 cm3.
(b) Candidates should normally record temperatures to the nearest ten and times to the nearest
(c) In qualitative analysis candidates should use approximately 1 cm depth of a solution (1-2 cm)
for each test and add reagents slowly, ensuring good mixing, until no further change is seen.
Candidates should indicate at what stage a change occurs. Answers should include details of
colour changes and precipitates formed and the names and chemical tests of any gases
evolved. Equations are not required and marks for deductions or conclusions can only be
gained if the appropriate observations are recorded.
Apparatus list
The list given below has been drawn up in order to give guidance to schools concerning the
apparatus that is expected to be generally available for examinations purposes. The list is not
intended to be exhaustive in particular, items (such as Bunsen burners, tripods) that are commonly
regarded as standard equipment in a chemical laboratory are not included. The rate of allocation
is per candidate.
Reagents List
The list given has been drawn up in order to give guidance to schools concerning the standard
reagents that are expected to be available for examination purposes. The list is not intended to be
exhaustive and the Instructions to the Supervisors issued several weeks in advance of the
examination will give a full list of all the reagents that are required for each practical examination.
These instructions also contain advise about colour blind candidates.
As a guide to what might be expected of a candidate, Grade Descriptors are given as follows.
• recall a wide range of scientific facts, concepts, principles and theories and use complex
scientific knowledge
• understand the relationship between complex scientific concepts and relate them to scientific
principles and theories in real life situations
• apply appropriate scientific knowledge and understanding, identify complex patterns, and
report trends from given information and draw appropriate conclusions and give
recommendations to novel situations
• translate abstract information from one form to another: process information from graphs,
tables and charts; represent information in the form of graphs, tables and charts
• make concise and complete experimental procedures (plan); critically discuss the plan;
generate hypotheses to solve a scientific problem, identify and deal with a wide range of
• use appropriate apparatus and techniques safely and correctly; follow all given instructions to
perform an experiment
• make accurate observations; decide the level of precision needed in measurements and
record detailed experimental data; process data, make appropriate conclusions and
generalisations; identify and explain anomalous observation
• recall a range of scientific facts, concepts, principles and theories and use scientific knowledge
• understand the relationship between scientific concepts and relate them to scientific principles
and theories in real life situations
• apply scientific knowledge and understanding, identify patterns, and report trends from given
information and draw relevant conclusions and give recommendation to simple situations
• translate information from one form to another: process information from graphs, tables and
charts; represent information in the form of graphs, tables and charts
• make concise and complete experimental procedures (plan); generate hypotheses to solve a
scientific problem and identify some key factors to vary and control
• use appropriate apparatus and techniques safely and correctly; follow most given instructions
to perform an experiment
• make accurate observations, measurements and record experimental data; process data,
make conclusions and generalisations; recognise when it is necessary to repeat observation
and measurement
• recall simple scientific facts, concepts, principles and theories and use simple scientific
• understand the relationship between simple scientific concepts and relate them to simple
scientific principles and theories in real life situations
• apply simple scientific knowledge and understanding, identify patterns, and report trends from
given information and draw conclusions and give recommendation to familiar situations
• translate simple information from one form to another: process information from graphs, tables
and charts with some assistance; represent information in the form of graphs, tables and
• make simple and complete experimental procedures (plan); devise a fair test which only
involves a few factors, generate hypotheses
• use basic apparatus and techniques safely and correctly; follow a few given instructions to
perform an experiment involving a few steps
• make simple observations; measurements and record experimental data; process data, make
conclusions where appropriate
• recall basic scientific facts, concepts, principles and theories and use simple scientific
• understand the relationship between basic scientific concepts and relate them to basic
scientific principles and theories in real life situations
• apply basic scientific knowledge and understanding, identify simple patterns, and report trends
from given information on familiar situations
• translate basic information from one form to another: process information from graphs, tables
and charts with some assistance; represent information in the form of graphs, tables and
• make simple experimental procedures (plan); devise a test which only involves a few factors,
generate hypotheses
• use basic apparatus and techniques; follow a few given instructions to perform an experiment
Candidates will be required to perform quantitative work, including calculations. They should be
able to use scientific calculators and mathematical instruments.
The mathematical requirements, which form part of this syllabus, are listed below.
read, interpret and draw simple inferences from tables and statistical diagrams
Candidates will be required to demonstrate an understanding of the physical quantities, and their
corresponding SI units, listed below. They will be required to use them in quantitative work and
Units, significant figures. Candidates would be advised in each question on the number of
significant figures or decimal places they have to express their answers to. If there is no advice on
such, answers can be given to any number of significant figures. Candidates should be aware that
misuse of units that is, failure to code units where necessary or the inclusion of units in quantities
defined as ratios is liable to be penalised.
Learning objectives in the content section of the syllabus are expressed in terms of what
candidates know, understand and can do. The words used on the examination papers in
connection with the assessment of these learning outcomes are contained in this glossary. This is
neither exhaustive nor definitive but is meant to provide some useful guidance.
About 25 % of the marks are involved with recall. Words used on examination papers in connection
with such questions may include:
List… requires a number of points generally each of one word, with no elaboration.
Define… is intended literally, only a formal statement or equivalent paraphrase being required.
“Understand” may be associated with simple factual recall. In this sense the candidate is required
to recall the relevant part of the defined syllabus and to use this recalled information to amplify,
extend or expand this in a wider context. This wider context will include situations or materials with
which the candidates are familiar.
Explain… may imply reasoning or some of reference to theory, depending on the context.
“Understand” may also be associated with skills other than factual recall. It can be used to assess
the candidate’s abilities in problem solving, interpretation and evaluation, data handling and in
communication of scientific ideas, principles and concepts. Words such as “Suggest...”, “Work
out…”, “How would you know that…” may be used in questions.
Suggest… Is used in two main contexts: either to imply that there is no unique answer or to imply
that candidates are expected to apply their general knowledge to a situation that may not formally
be in the syllabus. This would be related to the Assessment Objective 2.
The use of this phrase is always associated with higher-order skills of interpretation, evaluation,
calculation and communication. It involves the ability to recall the appropriate material from the
content and apply this knowledge.
Questions may include “Be able to…”, “deduce…”, “relate….”, “interpret…”, “explain…”, “carry
out…”, “evaluate…” “predict….”, “discuss…”, “construct…”, “suggest…”, “calculate…”, “find…”,
“demonstrate…”, “estimate…”, “determine..”.
deduce… is used in a similar way as predict except that some supporting statement is required,
e.g., reference to a law or principle, or the necessary reasoning to be included in the answer.
predict… implies that the candidate is not expected to produce the required answer by recall but
by making a logical connection between other pieces of information. Such information may be
wholly given in the question or may depend on answers extracted in an early part of the question.
calculate… is used when a numerical answer is required. In general, working should be shown
when two or more steps are involved.
find… is general term that may be interpreted as calculate, measure, determine, etc.
Each column of a table will be headed with the physical quantity and the appropriate SI units,
e.g., time / s, rather than time (s)
There are two acceptable methods of stating units, e.g., m / s or ms–1
Candidates should use the number of significant figures appropriate to the precision of the
measuring instrument.
The column headings of the table can then be directly transferred to the axes of a constructed
The independent variable will be plotted on the x-axis (horizontal axis) and the dependent
variable plotted on the y-axis (vertical axis).
The graph is the whole diagrammatic presentation. It may have one or several curves / lines
plotted on it.
Points on the curve / line should be clearly marked as crosses (×) or encircled dot ()סּ.
If a further curve / line is included, vertical crosses (+) may be used to mark the points.
Plots of points should have an accuracy of better than 1mm and all read-offs.
Plots should be made with a sharp pencil.
calcium (Ca ) white precipitate, insoluble in excess no change
226 227
Fr Ra Ac
Francium Radium Actinium
87 88 89 †
140 141 144 150 152 157 159 162 165 167 169 173 175
*58-71 Lanthanoid series Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
†90-103 Actinoid series Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71