Year 9 - Plants and Photosynthesis - Plants For Food Mark Scheme
Year 9 - Plants and Photosynthesis - Plants For Food Mark Scheme
Year 9 - Plants and Photosynthesis - Plants For Food Mark Scheme
31 min
33 marks
Q1-L4, Q2-L5, Q3-L5, Q4-L6, Q5-L6
1. (a) (i) any one from 1
to make food or glucose or sugar or starch
photosynthesis accept ‘for growth’
(ii) any one from 1
there is not enough light accept ‘no light’ or ‘no Sun’
there is less light accept ‘light cannot reach them’
do not accept ‘because plants need light’
(b) any two from 2
minerals or nutrients accept a named mineral such as ‘nitrate’
accept for two marks two named minerals
such as ‘nitrates’ and ‘phosphates’
(c) B if more than one box is ticked, award no mark 1
2. (a) oxygen 1
(b) carbon dioxide do not accept light 1
water do not accept chlorophyll 1
(c) D if more than one letter is given 1
award no mark
(d) (i) chlorophyll 1
(ii) blue or red if blue and red are both ticked award the 1
mark, but if green is ticked award no mark
(e) any two from 2
as an energy source or for respiration
accept ‘for energy’ or ‘for food’
to make starch accept ‘for growth’ or ‘as a starting
to make cellulose material for other compounds’
3. (a) by filtration or she filtered it accept 'let it settle then pour off the liquid' 1
or 'decant'
(b) any one from 1
as a control do not accept 'to make it a fair test'
to show that the dissolved substances affect the growth of the plant
to see if they grow differently do not accept 'to see if it grows in
distilled water'
to see if they grow normally or well without the dissolved substances
do not accept 'to see if it grows
normally without soil particles'
(c) glucose accept ‘sugar' 1
any one from 1
for energy
for respiration
cell wall D
cytoplasm F
nucleus A
vacuole C