Virgen Del Carmen-1
Virgen Del Carmen-1
Virgen Del Carmen-1
Yarn. Depens on your choice. I use te polycherry yarn and milk
cotton yarn. Color description:
- begie
- white
- red
- gold
- light brown
- dark brown / coffee brown
Hook size 2 mm/ 0.2 tulip gold
Safety eyes 7/8 mm & false eyelashes
Fiberfill for stuffing
Yarn needle / tapestry needle
MR Magic Ring
Ch Chain
Sc Single Crochet
Inc Single Crochet Increase
Dec Single Crochet Decrease
Hdc Half Double Crochet
Dc Double Crochet
Tr Triple Crochet
BLO Back Loop Only
FLO Front Loop Only
Slst Slip Stitch
St/sts Stitch/stitches
(…)* Repeat instructions in brackets … times
Fo Fasten off
- ARMS (make 2) - using the begie and red colored yarn, work in continuous
- start with the begie colored yarn
R1 MR 6 6
R2-5 6 sc around (4 rounds) 6
- change with the red colored yarn
R6 (sc, inc)*6 9
R7-16 9 sc around (10 rounds) 9
R17 BLO 9 sc around 9
R18-19 9 sc around (2 rounds) 9
- fasten off and hide the yarn.
- SLEEVES (make 2) - using the red colored yarn, work in continuous spiral.
- starting from R17 on the arm work on FLO
R1 (2sc, inc)*3 12
R2-3 12 sc around (2 rounds) 12
R4 (3sc, inc)*3 15
R5-7 15 sc around (3 rounds) 15
R8 (4sc, inc)*3 18
R9-11 18 sc around (3 rounds) 18
R12 (5sc, inc)*3 21
R13 21 sc around 21
- fasten off and hide the yarn.
- HEAD AND BODY - using the begie colored yarn for the head and the red
colored yarn for the body, work in continuous spiral.
Ch 12 - start from the second loop with the white
colored yarn.
R1 10sc, 3sc-inc, 9sc, inc 24
R2 (3sc, inc)*6 30
R3 (4sc, inc)*6 36
R4 (5sc, inc)*6 42
R5 (6sc, inc)*6 48
R6 BLO 48 sc around 48
R7-20 48 sc around (14 rounds) 48
R21 (14sc, dec)3 45
R22-24 45 sc around (3 rounds) 45
R25 (13sc, dec)*3 42
R26-28 42 sc around (3 rounds) 42
R29 (12sc, dec)3 39
R30-32 39 sc around (3 rounds) 39
R33 (11sc, dec)*3 36
- Continue of the head and body pattern.
R34 BLO 36 sc around 36
R35 (sc, dec)*12 24
- start to insert fiberfill to the body
R36 24 sc around 24
R37 (3sc, inc)*6 30
R38-43 30 sc around (6 rounds) 30
(combain or crochet together
with the first arm as much as
4sc), 10sc, (combain or crochet
R44 together with the second arm 29
as much as 4sc), 11sc
Slide the marker - look at the
sample picture.
Dec, 3sc-dec, dec, 8sc, dec,
R45 24
3sc-dec, dec, 10sc
R46 BLO 24 sc around 24
R47 12 dec 12
- insert with the fiberfill firmly to the body.
- use the wire that has been provided to be attached to
the arms. (look at the sample picture)
- change with the begie colored yarn
R47-50 12 sc around (4 rounds) 12
- continou make a HEAD
R51 12 inc 24
R52 (sc, inc)*12 36
R53 (8sc, inc)*4 40
R54-66 40 sc around (13 rounds) 40
- insert the safety eyes between R58 and R59 with 4sc
R67 (3sc, dec)*8 32
R68 (2sc, dec)*8 24
R69 (sc, dec)*8 16
R70 8 dec 8
- stuffing the head firmly, finish off leaving a long tail,
weave through the front loops of the last 8 sts and pull
tight to close. Hide the tail inside the head.
- DRESS - using the red colored yarn.
- start from R34 on the body (on BLO 36) work on FLO
R1 36 dc inc 72
R2-13 72 dc around (10 rounds) 72
- fasten off and hide the yarn.
- Continue of the cloak pattern.
R36-43 108 sc around - ch 1 - turn (8 108
- change with the gold colored yarn
R44 (3dc-inc, 2dc-inc)* repeat around
- fasten off and hide the yarn.
-note:3dc-inc = 3 dc in one loop, 2dc-inc = 2dc in one
- Continue of the crown pattern.
- start from R1
- FLO 4sc, ch 11 - start from the second loop,
- FLO (5sc, ch 11, 10 sc)*4
one to five line
- (sc, ch2)*5
- (ch3, slst)*5
-(2sc, 3ch, 2sc)*5
- fasten off, aplication of the crown line to the crown
can be seen in the sample picture. You can decorate the
crown like a sample picture.
-BABY HEAD AND BODY - using the begie colored yarn for the head and the
white colored yarn for the body, work in continuous spiral.
start with the white colored yarn
R1 MR 6 6
R2 6 inc 12
R3 (sc, inc)*6 18
R4-9 18 sc around (6 rounds) 18
R10 (sc, dec)*6 12
R11 BLO 6 dec 6
- change with the begie colored yarn
R12 6 sc around 6
R13 6 inc 12
R14 12 inc 24
R15-20 24 sc around (6 rounds) 24
R21 (2sc, dec)*6 18
R22 (sc, dec)*6 12
R23 6 dec 6
- stuffing the body firmly, finish off leaving a long tail,
weave through the front loops of the last 6 sts and pull
tight to close. Hide the tail inside the head.
- attach the eyes between R18-19 with 4 stiches
- DRESS - using the white colored yarn.
- start from R11 on the body (on BLO 6dec) work on
R1 (sc, inc)*6 18
R2 18 sc around 18
R3 (2dc, inc)*6 24
R4 24 dc around 24
R5 (3dc, inc)*6 30
R6 30 dc around 30
R7 (4dc, inc)*6 36
R8 (5dc, inc)*6 42
- change with the gold colored yarn
R9 42 dc around 42
- fasten off and hide the yarn.
- BABY ARMS (make 2) - using the begie and white colored yarn.
- start with the begie colored yarn
R1 MR 6 6
R2-3 6 sc around (2 rounds) 6
- change with the white colored yarn
R4-8 6 sc around (5 rounds) 6
R9 Flattened and crochet together 3
- fasten off and leave the thread for sewing.
Picture 2
- shows the location of the false
eyelashes from the side.
Picture 3 Picture 3
- shows you about how to aplication of the cloak and the
baby in the Lady’s hand
- you can add the cloak decoration using the gold lace like a
sample picture. As well as the Baby dress you can add the
gold lace.
Thank you for your time, you can follow my istagram on @angelsdesign_amigurumi
with link and you can see and
subscribe on my youtube channel amigurumi Angel’s Design with link
(Pdf by @arhanhanmade)