Common Factors in Psychotherapy
Common Factors in Psychotherapy
Common Factors in Psychotherapy
Jorge Flores | A01283595
Dania Gabriela Salazar | A00832447
Lilian López | A01177637
Bond, agreement about the goals and tasks of therapy in early session.
Empathy and related constructs
Necessary for the cooperation, goal sharing, and regulation of social interaction. There is a
correlation between the px chracteristics and personality and emphaty in regard to the effects.
Explain the patient the disorder, treatment, and participating in the therapeutic actions. Also,
correlate the ratings of expectations with outcomes.
Cultural adaptation of evidence-based treatments
Acceptance is a very important point of treatment with ideals of the patient. Belief about nature
of illness, coping, language, culture, among others.
Therapist effects
When there are consist achievements. Is diffciult to measure but some caracteristics of a
effective therapists are: able to form stronger alliances, facilitative interpersonal skills, express
professional selfdoubt, and practice of skills in free time.
A therapeutic process does not only involve the relationship and good
connection between the therapist, who is trained to show empathy, promote
and look after the health of the individual, but also, must provide accessible
tools (depending on every person's possibilities) to overcome and endure their
situations or struggles.
Another important aspect therapists should cover is the empowerment of the
patients so that they can believe in their capacity to solve their issues.
Without said aspects, patients would not be able to imagine a treatment, where
they can achieve their goals, without it being a stressful experience. As a
consequence, the probability that the patients perform activities beneficial to
their health reduces.
Additional Info
Wampold, B. E. (2015). How important are the common factors in psychotherapy? An
update. World psychiatry, 14(3), 270-277. doi:10.1002/wps.20238