J.fuel.2020.118477 042731
J.fuel.2020.118477 042731
J.fuel.2020.118477 042731
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/fuel
Review article
Keywords: Marine diesel engines, which provide main power source for ships, mainly contribute to air pollution in ports
Marine diesel engines and coastal areas. Thus there is an increasing demand on tightening the emission standards for marine diesel
Emissions engines, which necessitates the research on various emission reduction strategies. This review covers emission
Alternative fuel regulations and emission factors (EFs), environmental effects and available emission reduction solutions for
Exhaust gas aftertreatment
marine diesel engines. Not only the establishment of the emission control areas (ECAs) in the regulations but also
many experiments show high concerns about the sulfur limits in fuels, sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides
(NOx) emissions. Research results reveal that NOx emissions from marine diesel engines account for 50% of total
NOx in harbors and coastal regions. Sulfur content in fuel oil is an important parameter index that determines
the development direction of emission control technologies. Despites some issues, biodiesel, methanol and li-
quefied nature gas (LNG) play their important roles in reducing emissions as well as in replacing fossil energy,
being promising fuels for marine diesel engines. Fuel-water emulsion (FWE) and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
are effective treatment option for NOx emissions control. Common rail fuel injection is an effective fuel injection
strategy to achieve simultaneous reductions in particulate matter (PM) and NOx. Selective catalytic reduction
(SCR) and wet scrubbing are the most mature and effective exhaust aftertreatment methods for marine diesel
engines, which show 90% De-NOx efficiency and 95% De-SOx efficiency. It can be concluded that the integrated
multi-pollutant treatment for ship emissions holds great promise.
Abbreviations: EFs, emission factors; ECAs, emission control areas; SOx, sulfur oxides; NOx, nitrogen oxides; LNG, liquefied nature gas; FWE, fuel-water emulsion;
EGR, exhaust gas recirculation; PM, particulate matter; SCR, selective catalytic reduction; HFO, heavy fuel oil; GHG, greenhouse gas; SO2, sulfur dioxide; CO2, carbon
dioxide; IMO, International Maritime Organization; MARPOL, Marine Agreement Regarding Oil Pollution Of Liability; CO, Carbon monoxide; EU, European Union;
US, United States; HC, hydrocarbon; CH4, methane; PN, particle number; DPF, diesel particulate filter; SECAs, SOx emission control areas; EPA, Environment
Protection Agency; NO2, nitrogen dioxide; NRMM, non-road mobile machinery; DF, dual fuel; NO, nitric oxide; PM2.5, fine particles; O3, Ozone; VOCs, volatile
organic compounds; MDO, marine diesel oil; IAH, intake air humidification; DWI, direct water injection; W/F, water to fuel; LP-SCR, low pressure selective catalytic
reduction; HP-SCR, high pressure selective catalytic reduction; DOC, diesel oxidation catalyst; CRT, continuously regenerating trap; ESP, electrostatic precipitator;
EHD ESP, electrohydrodynamically electrostatic precipitator; CCRT, catalyzed continuously regenerating trap; EGCS, exhaust gas cleaning system; NTP, non-thermal
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Ni).
Received 3 May 2020; Received in revised form 27 May 2020; Accepted 18 June 2020
0016-2361/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
Table 2 Table 5
EPA Tier 3 standards for marine diesel category 2 engines [29]. China I emission standards for marine engines [34].
Power (P) Displacement (D) NOx + HC PM Date Power (P) Displacement (D) CO NOx + HC CH4a PM Date
kW dm3 per cylinder g/kWh g/kWh
kW dm per cylinder g/kWh
P < 3700 7 ≤ D < 15 6.2 0.14 2013
15 ≤ D < 20 7.0 0.27 2014 P ≥ 37 D < 0.9 5.0 7.5 1.5 0.40 2018
20 ≤ D < 25 9.8 0.27 2014 0.9 ≤ D < 1.2 5.0 7.2 1.5 0.30
25 ≤ D < 30 11.0 0.27 2014 1.2 ≤ D < 5 5.0 7.2 1.5 0.20
5 ≤ D < 15 5.0 7.8 1.5 0.27
P < 3300 15 ≤ D < 20 5.0 8.7 1.6 0.50
P ≥ 3300 5.0 9.8 1.8 0.50
Table 3
20 ≤ D < 25 5.0 9.8 1.8 0.50
EPA Tier 4 standards for marine diesel category 1/2 engines [29]. 25 ≤ D < 30 5.0 11.0 2.0 0.50
Power (P) NOx HC PM Date
kW g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh Applicable to NG (including dual fuel, DF) engines only.
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
Table 7 transport sharply decreased by more than 94% due to the use of ultra
NOx emission factors per vessel type and size class for Spain [37]. low sulphur fuels (10 ppm sulfur content maximum). In a port site in
NOx (g/kWh) Size (m) 2000 2005 2010 2020 2030 Shanghai, ship emissions account for 36.4% of SO2 [48].
Because nitric oxide (NO) emissions from ships can be quickly
Bulk carrier < 150 15.7 15.4 14.5 13.7 13.1 converted to NO2 if there is sufficient ozone existing and NO2 is one of
≥150 17.3 16.6 15.8 14.9 14.2
the major air pollutants causing health concerns, many researches have
Chemical tanker < 150 14.5 14.3 13.4 12.8 12.3
150–250 16.6 16.0 15.4 14.5 13.9
been conducted to determine the effect of shipping NOx emissions on
> 250 17.3 16.4 15.7 14.7 14.1 atmospheric NO2. Ramacher et al. [49] simulated NO2 concentrations
Container ship < 150 14.2 14.1 13.0 12.6 12.6 from local shipping in three Baltic Sea harbour cities, as shown in Fig. 3.
150–250 16.6 15.7 14.8 14.2 14.1 They found that the maximum urban area affected by shipping NO2
> 250 16.6 15.8 14.8 14.3 14.2
emission with the concentration of above 5 μgm−3 reached up to
General cargo < 150 14.3 14.6 14.1 13.1 12.2
150–250 17.6 17.5 17.1 15.6 14.1 17.42 km2. Karl et al. [50] reported that the contribution of ship
> 250 17.6 17.6 17.1 15.6 14.1 emissions to annual average NO2 was above 40% over the Baltic Sea,
LG tanker < 150 14.2 14.2 13.3 12.6 12.2 22–28% for the entire Baltic Sea region and 16–20% in the coastal land
≥150 17.3 16.5 15.8 14.9 14.2
areas. In the Red Sea, due to maritime emissions, the NO2 concentration
Oil tanker < 150 14.5 14.2 12.8 12.4 12.5
150–250 17.1 16.0 14.8 14.2 14.1
spatially varied from 4.03 × 1014 to 41.39 × 1014 molecules/cm2[51].
> 250 17.2 16.1 14.9 14.3 14.2 Besides the above-mentioned gaseous pollutants, PM from ships,
Ro–Ro cargo < 150 14.1 14.1 13.2 12.5 12.1 especially fine particles (PM2.5) have a negative environmental impact.
150–250 14.4 14.5 13.9 13.4 13.0 In the northern EU area, the highest PM2.5 emissions from ships were
> 250 13.5 13.7 13.1 12.6 12.4
located in the near coast of the Netherlands, in the English Channel,
near the southeastern UK and along the busiest shipping lines in the
in Table 7. These results are helpful to air quality assessments in coastal Danish Straits and the Baltic Sea [52]. In urban Shanghai, ships con-
areas. Zhang et al. [38] reported that NOx and PM EFs of 25.8 g/kWh tributed 20–30% (2-7μgm−3) to all PM2.5 within 15 km of coastal and
and 2.09 g/kWh respectively for the two low-engine-power vessels riverside while emissions from ships in the inland off the costal line
were higher than that for the high-engine-power vessels. A similar si- contributed 0.5–2 μg m−3 to the PM2.5 [53].
tuation was also observed that fishing boats at low loads always had Ozone (O3) in the atmosphere on the surface of the earth is pro-
higher EFs for CO, PM and NO2 [39]. It is worth noting that the unit of duced by the photochemical reaction between NOx and volatile organic
EFs is very important and it is the g/kWh (or specific emissions) that compounds (VOCs). Because it plays a key role in the photochemical
shows the trends. Huang et al. [40] reported that EFs of a large cargo smog formation, O3 has attracted attention of researchers. In the
vessel were higher during maneuvering than during cruising. During Yangtze River Delta region of China, O3, greatly affected by the ship
cruising, the distance-based EFs of the gaseous and PM increased with emissions, had a high concentration of 50 μg m−3 in the ship track
increasing vessel speed. The fuel-based average EFs of organic pollu- region [54]. Over the Baltic Sea, because of ship emissions, annual
tants including PAHs and n-alkanes in PM from various vessels were mean O3 concentrations were 15%–25% higher than over land [50].
also reported by [41]. The chemical mechanism of ozone formation has been extensively
Different from above sampling from engine exhaust pipes, sampling studied [55–58]. In brief, it involves a NOx cycle and a ROx cycle. In
from the gaseous plumes can also be used to determine the EFs. Alfödy the NOx cycle, NO2 is split int NO and atomic oxygen which will then
et al. [42] measured SO2, NOx and PM emissions in the plumes of the combine with O2 to form O3. In the ROx cycle, the ROx radicals (RO,
passing ships. The results showed an obviously increasing trend for SO2 RO2, HO2 and OH) mainly from unsaturated VOCs oxidize NO to NO2
EFs with the increase of the engine power. A decreasing NOx emission which will then lead to formation of O3 by the NOx cycle.
factor was observed with the increase of the crankshaft speed. Lack
et al. [43] showed the decrease of shipping SO2 EFs from 49 g (kg 3. Emission reduction technologies
fuel)−1 to 4.3 g (kg fuel)−1 when the fuel sulfur decreased from 3.15%
to 0.07%. Beecken et al. [44] measured EFs of SO2, NOx and PM of 300 In this section, the three aspects of emissions reduction strategies for
ships in the Gulf of Finland and Neva Bay area. The results indicated a marine diesel engines including fuel technologies, combustion im-
bi-modal distribution of the SO2 EFs with an average of 4.6 g (kg provement and post-treatment, are presented and discussed.
fuel)−1in the lower mode and 18.2 g (kg fuel)−1in the higher mode and
a mono-modal distribution of the NOx EFs with an average of 58 g (kg 3.1. Clean alternative fuels
fuel)−1. Fig. 2 shows the frequency distribution of EFs for SO2, NOx and
PM. Ship fuels, such as HFO and marine diesel oil (MDO), have high
sulfur and ash contents, high viscosity and density. The high sulfur
content in fuels can cause a large amount of PM and SOx emissions from
2.3. Effect on environment ship engines [59,60]. Some clean fuels including biodiesel, methanol
and LNG are considered as appropriate alternative fuels for propulsion
Both primary pollutants from ships and secondary pollutants gen- of non-ocean-going ships and can reduce engine emissions due to low or
erated by primary pollutants discharged into the environment under the no sulfur content. The properties of alternatives fuels and traditional
influence of physicochemical factors have adverse impacts on the en- fossil fuels are listed in Table 8.
vironment. The concentrations of pollutants due to ships and their
contribution to atmospheric pollutants have been investigated by many 3.1.1. Biodiesel
researchers. Biodiesel contains about 11% oxygen and has a trivial amount of
Unidentified vessels in the Pearl River Delta of China contributed to sulphur and high centane number. Biodiesel can be applied to diesel
almost half of the overall ship gaseous emissions [45]. In the port of engines in a simple way by blending with any proportion of diesel. In
Leixões of Portugal, the docked ships contributed to more than 50% for spite of disadvantage of high production cost, biodiesel could be a good
NOX concentration, while the ships in transit contributed below 1% option for reducing diesel engine emissions (mainly SOx and particu-
[46]. Svindland [47] reported that the average annual SO2 emissions late) in shipping sectors.
from a feeder vessel in a pre- and post ECAs regulation were 4.243 and Emission tests of various marine diesel engines with biodiesel have
0.449 g per TEU-km respectively. In contrast, SO2 emissions of road been conducted by many researchers. Nikolic et al. [64] conducted an
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
Fig. 2. Frequency distribution of emission factors for SO2, NOx and PM [44].
experiment on a low-speed two-stroke engine fueled by 7% and 20% PM mass were reduced 67% and 79% respectively. The similar result on
blends of biodiesel with diesel and found a 30–70% reduction in SO2 the decrease of PM mass and PN when B10 was used in a marine diesel
emission, a 26–72% decrease in NOx and a 28–64% decrease in CO. The propulsion engine was reported [76]. However, there are reported
use of pure biodiesel in two small four-stroke marine craft diesel en- changes in particle number size distributions i.e. biodiesel can lead to
gines also showed a decrease in NOx emissions and an increase in CO increase of the nucleation mode particles and reduction in the accu-
emissions at light loads [65]. Gysel et al. [66] found a 4% reduction in mulation particles. Nabi and Hustand [77] conducted diesel engine
NOx emissions and a 10% increase in CO emissions from a marine experiments with MGO-Jatropha biodiesel blend and reported an ob-
vessel with the blend. The reduction in NOx emissions of biodiesel viously decreasing PN in the accumulation mode but an increasing PN
blend was also reported in two four-stroke six-cylinder supercharged in the nucleation mode. The similar finding was reported by Tan et al.
marine auxiliary diesel engines [67–69]. However, the use of biodiesel [78].
in some multi-cylinder marine diesel engines yielded higher NOx
emissions [70–73].
Because high oxygen content in biodiesel can promote the oxidation 3.1.2. Methanol
of soot particles, diesel engines with biodiesel generally show a re- Methanol is an oxygenated and sulfur-free fuel. Because it is can be
duction in PM mass and PN. Khan et al.[74] used algae biodiesel in a produced from a wide range of sources such as coal, natural gas and
marine vessel and found an overall reduction of 25% in PM2.5. Ushakov biomass [79], it is not a problem for methanol production. A major
et al. [75] conducted an experiment on a heavy-duty diesel engine with challenge, however, is immiscibility of methanol with diesel. Therefore,
fish oil fuel and reported that total particle concentration and overall engine modification including injection systems, fuel tanks and piping
is required when methanol is used in a marine diesel engine. Safe
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
Fig. 3. NO2 annual mean concentrations and contribution of local shipping to annual mean NO2 concentration [49].
storage of methanol on ships is also a concern due to the low flash 3.1.3. LNG
point. There are two main methods by which methanol can be used in LNG is mainly composed of methane and has several advantages
diesel engines: the premixed dual fuel [80–82], and the methanol-diesel over other fossil fuels, including higher thermal efficiency and lower
blend with additives or fuel mixing tools [83–85]. specific energy consumption, lower sulphur and carbon content. This
Methanol is regarded as a technically viable option to reduce makes it suitable for use as ship fuels. As of 1 May 2018 the world fleet
emissions from shipping [19]. Brynolf et al. [86] reported that me- totaled 253 LNG-fuelled vessels, growing by 36% over the past one year
thanol from natural gas as ship fuel would significantly improve the [90]. In terms of diesel engine propulsion system, two-stroke low speed
overall environmental performance as well as methanol derived from DF diesel engines and medium speed four-stroke low pressure DF en-
biomass. Gilbert et al. [87] found that methanol had a lower NOx gines are the most commonly used in LNG-fuelled ships [91–93]. The
emission factor (3 g/kWh) and a higher life-cycle GHG emission than representative low pressure gas injection system and high pressure in-
the conventional fuels. Zincir et al. [88] found that partially premixed jection system installed on two-stroke low speed diesel engines were
combustion of methanol in a marine engine at low speeds achieved developed by Wärtsilä and MAN respectively [94]. Accordingly, there
lower NOx emissions ranged from 0.3 to 1.4 g/kWh than the NOx Tier are two modes for injecting gas into the combustion chamber, including
III limits, zero SOx emissions and almost zero PM emissions. Ammar a pressure below 1.6 MPa [95], and high pressures of 25–30 MPa [96].
[89] found more than 75% reductions in NOx, SOx and PM emissions When used in four-stroke low speed engines, gas is injected into the
respectively from a methanol-diesel dual fuel engine installed on a intake port and ignited by a pilot injection of liquid fuel. The power of
cellular container ship. Paulauskiene et al. [61] reported that a blend the engines is within the range of 720 kW to 17.55 MW manufactured
with 10% biomethanol and 20% biodiesel was the most suitable alter- by Wärtsilä, MAN and MAK [93].
native fuel for marine applications. There are many studies on the environmental analysis of emissions
of marine diesel engines using LNG. Banawan et al. [97] reported that a
Table 8
Properties of biodiesel, methanol, LNG, HFO, MDO and diesel [5,23,61–63].
Property Biodiesel Methanol LNG HFO MDO Diesel
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
shift from diesel oil to DF (LNG/diesel) in a ship’s main engine showed water directly into the cylinder head with a separate nozzle or by al-
emissions reductions of 72% for NOx, 91% for SOx, 10% for CO2 and ternating fuel and water via a specially designed nozzle [104]. The
85% for PM. A statistical analysis for two stroke diesel engines using storage space, weight of water and the cost due to engine modification
HFO to LNG showed the decrease by LNG in average EFs of NOx, SOx, and special nozzles are practical concerns for the ship owner/operator.
CO2 and PM by 86%, 98%, 11% and 96% respectively[98]. Anderson The primary benefit of the DWI is that the timing and the mass of the
et al. [99] measured the emissions from a LNG powered ship with four injected water are variable and can be controlled. Bedford et al. [111]
DF engines of 30400 kW at different loads. They found that EFs of NOx, found that NOx emissions at 44% and 86% of full load decreased by
CO2, PN and PM for LNG were obviously lower than the values for about 46% and 70%, respectively. Chadwell and Dingle [112] also
marine fuel oils while CO and HC EFs were higher. Li et al. [100] also found that the DWI could reduce NOx by 42% without EGR and up to
observed similar results of emissions from a high-speed marine DF 82% with EGR. Sarvi et al. [113] found significant reduction in NOx
diesel engine. Besides good environmental effects, LNG as a ship fuel and slight decreases in HC, soot and PM by using DWI in a turbo-
also shows attractiveness in terms of cost effectiveness [97,101]. De- charged diesel engine.
spites disadvantages of LNG such as flammability, methane slip and
bunkering, the high thermal efficiency, good environmental benefit and
3.2.3. FWE
favorable price make it a sustainable alternative to traditional fuels to
This method involves injecting a FWE fuel into the cylinders using
be used in a marine DF diesel engine.
the original nozzles. FWE fuel is prepared by mixing water and diesel
fuel or other fuels homogeneously along with emulsifying agents using
3.2. Addition of water mechanical or ultrasonic emulsifiers. It is crucial for the formation of a
stable emulsion to ensure smooth running of an engine. The FWE sta-
Adding water directly or indirectly into the cylinders can reduce bility is influenced by many factors including type and content of
NOx emission in exhaust gas due to thermal, dilution and chemical emulsifying agents, water content and water droplet size, mixing speed
effects [102,103]. There are three methods of supplying water into the and time and dispersion types [114]. The most commonly used emul-
cylinders suitable for controlling NOx emissions in marine diesel en- sifiers are Span 80, Tween 60 and Tween 80 with the volume of below
gines: intake air humidification (IAH)/water injection, direct water 4% and the content of water is commonly 5–30% with droplet size of
injection (DWI) and fuel water emulsion. Table 9 shows qualitative below 40 μm [115].
comparison of water injection technologies. [−],[−−],[+]and [++] When the FWE fuel is injected into the combustion chamber, the
indicate a negative, more negative, positive and more positive effect, micro- explosion caused by water vaporization takes place because the
respectively. boiling point of fuel is different from that of water and causes secondary
atomization of emulsified fuel forming smaller droplets [116]. Thus, the
3.2.1. IAH fuel combustion is more efficient. Because of vaporization of water, the
In the IAH method, a set of injection water device requires to be peak combustion temperature is lowered and thus NOx formation is
installed on an engine to humidify the air. In the IAH systems several reduced. Most studies on water in diesel emulsion showed NOx and PM
key parameters need to be considered such as air temperature before reductions [109,117–120]. Some researches showed the increase in CO
and after humidification, water droplet size, humidification location, and HC emissions when using FWE fuel compared to diesel fuel
engine load and water to fuel (W/F) ratio, because they have significant [109,120–122], but there were opposite cases [117,123].
influence on engine emissions. In order to reduce more NOx, the hu- Besides lower pollutant emission and higher combustion efficiency,
midity of the air is kept as saturated as possible when it enters the FWE also has a cost advantage over other systems, because the engine
engine. If liquid water enters the cylinder with air, cylinder liner cor- structure does not need to be modified. The marine diesel engines op-
rosion problems may occur. Currently this method is widely used in erating on FWE fuel can reduce emissions and cut down the operating
large marine diesel engines. cost. However, FWE has a limit of fixed W/F ratio unable to adapt to the
Previous researches on IAH have focused on emissions of diesel requirement of different engine operating conditions. As with other
engines at different humidity. Nord [105] observed that NOx decreased water methods, corrosion of the fuel supply system is a concern.
by 51% while PM, HC and CO increased in a 6 cylinder diesel engine at
the intake humidity from 32 to 53 g water/kg dry air. Rahai et al. [106] 3.3. EGR
also observed a NOx reduction by 3.7% to 22.5% and increases in PM
and CO when the relative humidity was increased from 65% to 75% and EGR is a NOx emission reduction technology by recirculating part of
95% using a steam generator in a small diesel engine. Larbi N and exhaust gas back to the combustion chamber. After the recycled exhaust
Bessrour J [107] and Asad U et al. [108] also found similar results of and fresh air are mixed, the heat capacity of the mixture will increase
NOx reduction with the increased humidity. Subramanian [109] con- thus lowering the combustion temperature and reducing NOx emis-
cluded that FWE method was more effective in simultaneously reducing sions. Internal EGR and external EGR are two modes of EGR. In the
NO and smoke emissions than injection method. Ni and Wang [110] external EGR used in turbocharged diesel engines, it is subdivided into
numerically gave the explanation about NOx decrease and soot increase low pressure and high pressure loop EGR as shown in Fig. 4, according
with air humidity from the physical and chemical point of view. to the position of the bypass. In a low pressure loop EGR, practical
concerning issues include the fouling of diesel exhausts and special EGR
3.2.2. DWI pumping arrangement. To ensure that the turbine upstream pressure is
The DWI is another method for reducing NOx emission by injecting higher than the boost pressure, a throttle or a venturi tube is employed
Table 9
Evaluation of water based NOx reduction methods [104].
NOx reduction Effect on PM Variability of water addition Effect on cold start Lubricating oil dilution Expense
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of (a) Low pressure and (b) high pressure loop EGR [124].
in high pressure loop EGR. A variable geometry turbine is a good so- leading to lower NOx and PM emissions.
lution to supply the desired EGR driving pressure [124]. The high-pressure common rail fuel injection system has been ap-
The EGR method as well as the water injection method can effec- plied to marine diesel engines, such as W32CR engine [134], RT Flex
tively reduce NOx emission of marine diesel engines. Larbi and Bessrour engines [135], MAN 32/44CR engines and MAN 48/60 CR engines
[125] measured emissions from a six-cylinder marine diesel engine and [136]. These marine diesel engines can be operated with HFO. To meet
reported a NOx emission reduction of 12.3% at the EGR ratio of 10%. the requirement of low-cost, it is a trend for large-bore marine diesel
Verschaeren et al. [126] showed reductions of up to 70% of NOx engines to use HFO in high pressure common rail fuel injection systems.
emissions from a medium speed diesel engine with a high-pressure Distributed rail unit is also an important direction for high pressure
cooled EGR loop. Wang et al. [127] conducted an engine experiment in common rail fuel injection technology. To avoid the deformation of the
a marine diesel engine with EGR and found that NOx emissions de- common rail at higher operating temperature, it is reasonable to se-
creased by up to 76% in the ECAs-EGR modes while CO increased. Zu parate the common rail into several rail units and to divide the fuel
et al. [128] used a venturi high-pressure EGR device in a turbocharged supply into several high-pressure pumps, shown in Fig. 5.
diesel engine and reported that NOx emissions decreased by about 25% A few researches on high-pressure common rail fuel injection have
at the EGR rate of about 8%. shown obvious reductions in emissions from marine diesel engines. A
Recently, there is an attention on the importance of EGR control and pilot injection strategy in a two-stroke marine engine achieved a NOx
the development of modelling technique for EGR control. Thangaraja reduction of 15% [137]. Imperato et al. [138] conducted a large-bore
and Kannan [129] addressed the necessity of the EGR control for im- common rail engine experiment and reported that split injection re-
plementing advanced combustion concepts. Nielsen et al. [130] pre- duced NOx emission by 42% without engine efficiency losses and soot
sented a control-oriented model for the molar oxygen fraction in large increase. Goldsworthy [139] investigated the thermal efficiency and
two-stroke marine diesel engines with EGR. This nonlinear model exhaust emissions of a heavy duty common rail marine diesel engine
achieved EGR closed-loop control at steady-state and transient condi- with ethanol–water mixtures and found that NOx emission decreased
tions. Thereafter, Nielsen et al. [131,132] developed other EGR control significantly with pre-injection and main injection of diesel and the
methods for marine diesel engines and showed a reduction in smoke injection into the intake air of 93% ethanol/water mixture. Liu et al.
during loading transients. Llamas and Eriksson [133] also developed an [140] investigated effects of injection strategies on low-speed marine
EGR model controller for large marine diesel engines to be used to si- engines with the dual fuel of natural gas and diesel. It was found that
mulate the performance of EGR and various maneuvering scenarios of the appropriate pilot fuel injection timing and gas injection timing si-
ships. multaneously reduced NOx, HC, CO and soot. However, Imperato et al.
[141] reported that the pre-injection applied to a single-cylinder large-
3.4. High pressure common rail fuel injection bore diesel slightly reduced NOx and increased HC, CO and soot.
High pressure common rail injection technology has been greatly 3.5. Exhaust aftertreatment
developed in diesel engines due to the benefit from reduced emissions
and fuel consumption. In a common rail system, arbitrary timing and 3.5.1. De-NOx
multiple injections are available for NOx reduction. The high injection Current denitration technologies for marine diesels include SCR,
pressure enhances the fuel/air mixing and improves combustion lean burn NOx capture technology, and low temperature plasma-
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
assisted catalysis technology. They are derived from land-based appli- simulated the flue gas flow under different size and best deflector ar-
cations. Among them, SCR is the most dominant and mature exhaust rangement. Zhu et al. [144] optimized the structure of HP-SCR system
gas after-treatment technology for controlling NOx emissions from and evaluated its performance. Verschaeren and Verhelst [145] in-
marine diesel engines. The urea–water solution is injected into the ex- vestigated the strategies of the higher exhaust temperature to allow
haust gas stream, where the reducing agent (NH3) generated by urea stable SCR operation. Ryu et al. [146] found that the SCR with a thinner
thermolysis reacts with NOx and O2 to form N2 and H2O. The reaction is metal catalyst reduced the engine exhaust gas pressure by 13%–28%.
favored by the presence of catalysts based on metal oxides such as V2O5 Ku et al. [147] investigated the effects of various factors on the con-
and WO3. version efficiency of urea solution. Besides, the high-efficiency and low-
According to the arrangement and configuration in the exhaust pi- pollution catalysts, catalyst deactivation, ammonia leakage, soot
peline, SCR systems are divided into low pressure selective catalytic blockage are also the focus of SCR research and development.
reduction (LP-SCR) and high pressure selective catalytic reduction (HP- Many ship experiments and engine bench tests have been conducted
SCR), shown in Fig. 6. The LP-SCR and HP-SCR system are installed on reducing NOx emission via the SCR. Lee [148] reported that the
after and before the turbine, respectively. HP-SCR can be used for either marine diesel with the SCR met IMO Tier III regulations. Gysel et al.
low- or high-sulfur fuel, but LP-SCR is only applicable for fuels with [149] reported that the SCR reduced NOx by ~92% in a tugboat with
sulfur content of not more than 0.1% due to the corrosion to the turbine two marine diesels. Lehtoranta et al. [150] conducted an experiment on
blades caused by sulphur oxides [142]. Compared with HP-SCR, LP-SCR a medium-speed marine diesel engine with the SCR and found an
has higher flexibility for the arrangement and less effect on the per- average reduction of NOx by 86.9% with HFO and 84.4% with light fuel
formance of the diesel engine and the turbine. It is noted that HP-SCR oil respectively. The results showed that the metal oxides formed by
has benefits of more compact design and higher exhaust heat utiliza- oxidation of higher concentration of metals in HFO enhanced the hy-
tion. Several valves are used to tune the gas flow to meet the require- drolysis. Jayaram and Nigam [151] conducted an experiment on three
ments of various engine operations and emission control modes. auxiliary engines on container vessels and reported that SCR reduced
Many simulation and experiment studies on SCR were carried out the NOx emission factor to 1.4–2.4 g/kWh which corresponded to a
such as structure design and optimization of vaporizer and mixer, spray reduction of 90–91% for HFO and 82–84% for marine distillate oil re-
of urea solution and performance improvement. Du et al. [143] spectively. Zhu et al. [152] reported that the weighted average of NOx
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
with low-sulfur exhaust gas was 3.08 g/kWh, lower than that of the ESP component, onset voltage, sparkover voltage, voltage-current re-
IMO Tier III regulation while NOx with high-sulfur exhaust gas was lationship, particle size, dielectric constant and residence time need to
4.17 g/kWh, higher than that of the IMO Tier III regulation. be taken into account [163]. The ESP has several advantages such as
high efficiency even for ultrafine particles, low pressure drop with large
3.5.2. PM removal gas volume, low operating costs and high reliability.
Although there is currently no limiting value for PM in international Based on the ESP, the wet ESP, the electrohydrodynamically elec-
regulations, aftertreatment of PM has still received attentions due to the trostatic precipitator (EHD ESP) and the two stage ESP [164] were
harm of black smoke to human health and the environment. PM successively developed. Saiyasitpanich et al. [165] applied the wet ESP
aftertreatment technologies of marine diesel engines mainly include to a nonroad diesel engine with 500 ppm sulfur diesel fuel and found
DPF, diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), continuously regenerating trap that 67–86% of mass- and number-based PM were removed. Yamamoto
(CRT), electrostatic precipitator (ESP) and wet washing [153]. How- et al. [166] reported that the mass collection efficiency of 92.9% within
ever, due to immaturity in PM removal, these technologies have not the particle-size range of 30–500 nm was achieved for a marine diesel
been widely deployed in marine diesel engines. engine equipped with an EHD ESP operated with HFO. Another study of
DPF is one of the most effective devices for diesel PM removal, the EHD ESP in a small diesel engine using light oil showed the mass
which have been widely used for diesel automobiles. The DPF has a collection efficiency of 73.8% for particle size of 20–500 nm and the PN
honeycomb structure filter to remove particles from the exhaust gas collection efficiency of over 90% for particle size of 300–5000 nm
through inertial collision, physical retention and gravity sedimentation. [167]. Kawakami et al. [168] found that the collection efficiency for
The PM collection efficiency of the DPF is higher than 90% [154,155]. particle size of 20–300 nm was over 90% for a diesel engine with a two
The continuously collected particles must be removed periodically. stage ESP. However, the collection efficiency within the particle-size
Otherwise the exhaust backpressure will increase, causing a decrease of range of below 20 nm was not reported. Unlike the DOC and the CRT,
the engine power. Accordingly, periodic DPF regeneration such as ex- the ESP is suitable for diesel engines with high sulfur fuels, especially
ternal heating, catalytic fuel additive, and fuel injection is indispensable for large low speed marine diesel engines. Despites some disadvantages
[156]. of ESP such as high capital costs, lower collection efficiency for high-
When operated with high sulfur fuel such as HFO, the DPF become and low-resistivity dust, it is a promising technology for PM removal of
ineffective due to the clogging of filter pores by the coarse particles and marine diesel engines.
catalyst deactivation by poisoning. To avoid filter blocking, it was
suggested that DPF should be used with less than 0.05% sulfur fuels 3.5.3. De-SOx
[157]. Despite this, a few tentative researches on DPF regeneration with The simplest De-SOx method is to use the non-sulfur or low-sulfur
high sulfur fuel are still ongoing. A diesel engine equipped with a DPF content fuel in marine diesel engines. However, it is not practical to use
with a fuel borne catalyst was tested with high sulfur fuel at 1369 ppm these fuels in all ships due to the price gap between the low sulfur oil
[158]. It was found that the soot particles were efficiently filtered and and high sulfur oil (HFO or residual oil). Therefore, besides using al-
that the filters are effectively regenerated during a short term. Kuwa- ternative clean fuels, exhaust aftertreatment methods seem to be more
hara et al. [159] investigated the DPF regeneration with nonthermal- feasible to reduce SOx emissions of ships.
plasma-induced ozone in a marine diesel engine with 750 ppm sulfur The commonly used De-SOx aftertreatment method is gas scrub-
fuel. The result showed a possibility of continuous regeneration at the bing, namely the exhaust gas cleaning system (EGCS), which is divided
exhaust temperature of 300℃. into the wet type and the dry type. Dry scrubbing was restrained in
The DOC is a device made from a ceramic or metal catalyst-coated ships due to heavy equipment, instability, large space occupation of
carrier and can oxidize 90% HC and CO emissions and soluble organic scrubbers [169]. Wet scrubbing is generally used in marine diesel en-
fraction of PM to form CO2 and H2O [160]. The commonly used cata- gines. Wet scrubbing includes open loop system, closed loop system and
lysts in the DOC are precious metal catalysts such as Pt and Pd. How- hybrid system [170]. Fig. 7 shows the open loop and closed loop EGCS
ever, the current DOC technology used in marine diesel engines re- arrangement. In the open loop system, the natural alkalinity in the
quires to be operated with low sulfur fuels, because high sulfur fuels seawater neutralizes SOx. In the closed loop system, the alkali liquid
cause catalyst deactivation by poisoning. Sulfur-resistant catalysts are formulated from water and sodium hydroxide is used to desulfurize
currently a need for the DOC. exhaust gases and washwater is continuously circulated. The open loop
A CRT system, developed by Johnson Matthey Inc., uses a DOC in system has several advantages such as low operational cost and simple
front of a DPF [161]. The CRT can simultaneously reduce PM, CO and system, but it has poor desulfurization efficiency due to low seawater
HC from diesel engines and consists of two processes. In the first pro- alkalinity and causes sea water pollution. The closed-loop system can
cess, besides the oxidization of HC and CO, part of NO is converted into overcome the defects of the open loop system and is used in any water
NO2 by the DOC. In the second process, soot trapped in the DPF was area with almost zero emissions to the ocean. However, the closed loop
oxidized by NO2 and O2 avoiding filter pores being clogged. The CRT system has a slightly higher operational cost compared with the open
can carry out continuous regeneration at most engine loads, instead of loop system. In some instances, a hybrid arrangement is operated in
using a supplemental heat source. The typical CRT system can reduce either open loop or closed loop modes as required, taking advantages of
PM, CO and VOCs by more than 85%, 80% and 70% respectively [161]. the open and loop systems, but has the disadvantages of high com-
The result from the 4-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine experiment plexity, high capital cost and large space occupation. The optimal so-
also showed a great decrease in soot mass concentrations and PN at lution for using the hybrid scrubber is to operate the scrubber in the
every engine loads [162]. To achieve reliable regeneration with lower high-efficiency closed loop mode in coastal areas and in the low-effi-
exhaust temperatures or lower NOx to PM ratio in the exhaust gas, a ciency open loop mode in the open sea.
catalyzed continuously regenerating trap (CCRT), which is the up- Caiazzo et al. [27] reported a capture efficiency of up to 93% for
grading product of the CRT, is developed and is widely used in NRMM. SO2 from a marine diesel engine with HFO by using the open loop
Just like the DPF and DOC, the CRT and CCRT are only suitable for system. Kuang et al. [171] concluded that the cascade-scrubbing solu-
marine diesel engines burning low sulfur fuels. tion achieved higher desulfurization efficiencies than the single open
ESP technology is also an important technology to capture PM from loop solution in a high-speed marine diesel engine. Wärtsilä has de-
diesel engines. In the ESP system, when the exhaust gas flows into the veloped a full wet scrubber portfolio and has more than 704 scrubbers
ESP, part of the ions generated by ionizing gases charge particles in a delivered or on order for more than 535 vessels up to the 3rd March
high-voltage electrostatic field and the charged particles will migrate to 2019 [172]. The closed desulfurization system developed by Wärtsilä
collecting plate under the action of electrostatic force. In designing the was installed on board the ‘MS Suula’ with both high sulphur (3.4%)
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
and low sulphur (1.5%) HFO and could achieve more than 98% de- of ships, the strategy cannot be applied in the ship exhaust pollution
sulfurization efficiency, 30–60% PM removal efficiency and 3–8% de- control. For this reason, integrated multi-pollutant control technologies
nitration efficiency at all loads and with all fuels [173]. MAN Diesel & for efficient emission control are receiving a lot of attentions.
Turbo tested three of the scrubber solutions on two-stroke engines in Because NO is the main NOx component in diesel exhaust, the
conjunction with some manufacturers and they showed high SOx and oxidation absorption method is often used to simultaneously remove
PM removal efficiency, as given in Table 10. Lehtoranta et al. [28] NOx and SOx. Zhou et al. [175] used a wet scrubbing method combined
investigated the emissions from a cruise ship with a hybrid sulfur with ozone injection method for De-SOx and De-NOx and found that
scrubber and a RoPax vessel with an open loop scrubber and reported 93% NOx and close to 100% SO2 were simultaneously removed. Bos-
that the scrubbers achieved effective decrease in SOx and low PM le- carato et al. [176] installed a monolithic Pt/Al2O3 oxidation catalyst
vels. However, the effect of a scrubber on PN was not unknown. and a seawater scrubber in a 1.5 MW marine engine and this integrated
configuration achieved significant abatement of emissions. However,
3.5.4. Multi-pollutant removal this system could hardly removel NOx if fuel sulpur is at 2%. Fang et al.
At present, the combination of different control technologies is often [177] used urea + KMnO4 solution to remove SO2 and NO and re-
used to control multi-pollutants from land-based stationary sources. ported that SO2 and NO were reduced by 98.78% and 53.05%, re-
However, due to space restriction, operational instability and high cost spectively. Han et al. [178] reported that the wet scrubbing system
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
using the NaClO solution achieved more than 60% De-NOx and close to Marine diesel engines play a significant role in marine transport.
100% De-SO2. However their exhaust emissions are less regulated and have caused
The non-thermal plasma (NTP) can be used to control NOx and PM serious concerns with regards to damages to the natural environment
emissions from marine diesel engines. Balachandran et al [179,180] and human health. With the ever increasing awareness of the concerns,
used microwave plasma in a two stoke marine diesel engine and found attentions have been paid to alleviate the emissions from the marine
almost 100% removal of NO and 90% removal of PM within the range sector. The aim of this paper is to review the emission standards for
of 10–365 nm. The result from a medium speed marine diesel engine marine diesel engines across the world and current status of marine
with NTP reactors also showed significant reductions in NO and PM diesel engine emissions, and examine various technologies and strate-
[181]. Kuwahara et al. [182] used the NTP combined with NOx ad- gies for reducing ship diesel engine emissions that can be used to meet
sorbents in a 1 MW marine diesel engine and reported excellent effi- increasingly stringent regulations. The following conclusions can be
ciency for NOx removal. However, PM removal test was not conducted. drawn for the emissions control of marine diesel engines.
Sulfates account for 40–80% of PM in ship exhaust gas [183,184].
Because sulfates are easily soluble in water, it is feasible to wash off a 1. More stringent emission regulations for marine diesel engine have
part of PM using the wet dust removal technology. In addition to re- been formulated, including the emission limits (encompassing
ducing most of the SOx, the aforementioned wet scrubbing can also newly added PN), fuel sulfur content, and setting up emission con-
reduce PM mass. However, the effect of the wet scrubbing on PN is trol areas.
rarely reported. The capture of ultrafine particles from diesel marine 2. There are several ways to determine the ship's EFs, such as in the
engines by the wet scrubbing system should be investigated. laboratory or on board, and from the exhaust pipes or from the
Supergravity is a new high efficiency chemical process strength- gaseous plumes. Ship EFs (g/kWh) at light-load conditions are al-
ening technology, which has the advantages of high mass transfer ef- ways higher than those at heavy-load operating modes.
ficiency, short contact time, small size of equipment. It is used in the 3. Air pollution from ships has become the main source of pollution in
fields of chemical industry, environmental protection and energy, and ports, coastal areas and some sea areas with dense shipping routes
can remove NOx, SOx, CO2 and PM [185]. Fig. 8 shows the three types and large ship flows, contributing up to 50% to NOx emissions.
of the reactors with different gas and liquid flow modes for the hy- 4. Switching traditional marine fuels to clean fuels including biodiesel,
pergravity technology. Chen et al. [186] conducted an experiment of air methanol and LNG is a promising solution for reducing emissions
pollutant removal in a rotating packed bed and showed emissions re- from marine diesel engines. Biodiesel and methanol are more sui-
duction for CO2 by 96.3%, SO2 by 99.4%, NOx by 95.9% and total table for small and medium-sized ships while LNG has been used in
suspended particulate by 83.4% respectively. However, there is large ships to achieve good cost-effectiveness.
Fig. 8. Hypergravity reactors with three gas and liquid flow modes: (a) countercurrent flow, (b) co-current flow and (c) cross flow [185].
P. Ni, et al. Fuel 279 (2020) 118477
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