Best 1968
Best 1968
Best 1968
Electronics and Applied Physics Division, UKAEA Research Group, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, HarweN
A simple method for square-root display is suggested in which the data is collected directly in square-root form, avoiding the com-
plicated linear to square-root conversion.
Statistical data from nuclear counting experiments is one large. If this is acceptable a square root method of
usually presented by means of a linear or logarithmic display becomes both simple and attractive.
CRT display. It has been pointed out’) that both these Consider a single channel in a multichannel spec-
methods are unsatisfactory, since linear display gives trum. At a given time its content is N2, and a square
insufficient emphasis to low numbers, while logarithmic root display would show N. The next deflection,
display gives them too much emphasis. Square-root representing N+ 1, is made when the count reaches
display is preferable since it takes the statistical signifi- (N+ 1)‘. This will happen after Q more counts where:
cance of the data into proper account.
Q =(N+1)2-n;2
In current practice both data accumulation and
= (2N + 1).
display are frequently achieved by use of a small com-
puter. The necessity for frequent repetition of the se- Suppose now that two locations are provided for
quence makes it essential that the display program be each channel. One holds the current square-root value,
as simple as possible. Ideally, it should consist of the other a tally number. Initially the square-root is 0,
sequentially reading numbers from memory without the tally set to - 1, [i.e., -(2N+ l), where N = 01.
program manipulation. For this reason the square-root Counting now proceeds as follows. When a count is
method has been little used, since the function is received in the channel the tally is incremented. Unless
awkward to calculate with a restricted instruction code. it reaches zero no more is done. If the tally does become
The difficulty can be overcome if information for zero, the square-root location is incremented and the
each channel is held as two small numbers rather than tally reset to the new value of -(2N+ 1). This is
extremely simple since N is the content of the square-
SOUARE ROOT FOR THIS CHANNEL IN SA root location at this time. The algorithm for the
TALLY FOR TMIS COUNT OBSERVED IN operation is given as fig. 1, and a counting sequence
shown in table 1.
Normal (add 1 per count).
(all numbers decimal)
Initial -1 0
1 0 1
2 -2 1
3 -1
4 0 2
5 -4 2
7 -2 2
8 -1 2
9 0 3
Fig. 1. Square-root
counting algorithm.
172 G. C. BEST
Increased resolution (add 4 per count).
(all numbers decimal)
Count Tally [displayed]
Initial -1 0.0
1 +3 0.5
+3+(-3)= 0 1.0
o+(-5)- -5
2 -1
3 +3 1.5
+3+(-7)= -4
4 0 2.0
o+(-9)= -9
5 -5
6 -1
I f3 2.5
+3+(-ll)= -8
8 -4
9 0 3.0