Calibration: The Achilles Heel of Predictive Analytics: Opinion Open Access

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Van Calster et al.

BMC Medicine (2019) 17:230

OPINION Open Access

Calibration: the Achilles heel of predictive

Ben Van Calster1,2,6* , David J. McLernon3,6 , Maarten van Smeden2,4,6 , Laure Wynants1,5, Ewout W. Steyerberg2,6
On behalf of Topic Group ‘Evaluating diagnostic tests and prediction models’ of the STRATOS initiative6

Background: The assessment of calibration performance of risk prediction models based on regression or more
flexible machine learning algorithms receives little attention.
Main text: Herein, we argue that this needs to change immediately because poorly calibrated algorithms can be
misleading and potentially harmful for clinical decision-making. We summarize how to avoid poor calibration at
algorithm development and how to assess calibration at algorithm validation, emphasizing balance between model
complexity and the available sample size. At external validation, calibration curves require sufficiently large samples.
Algorithm updating should be considered for appropriate support of clinical practice.
Conclusion: Efforts are required to avoid poor calibration when developing prediction models, to evaluate
calibration when validating models, and to update models when indicated. The ultimate aim is to optimize the
utility of predictive analytics for shared decision-making and patient counseling.
Keywords: Calibration, Risk prediction models, Predictive analytics, Overfitting, Heterogeneity, Model performance

Background (stratum-specific) likelihood ratios. Herein, we focus

Medical predictive analytics have gained popularity on calibration, another key aspect of performance
in recent years, with numerous publications focusing that is often overlooked. We define calibration, de-
on models that estimate patients’ risk of a disease or scribe why it is important, outline causes for poor
a future health state (the ‘event’) based on classical calibration, and summarize how calibration can be
regression algorithms or modern flexible machine assessed.
learning or artificial intelligence algorithms [1–3].
These predictions may support clinical decision- Main text
making and better inform patients. Algorithms (or Discrimination is important, but are the risk estimates
risk prediction models) should give higher risk esti- reliable?
mates for patients with the event than for patients It is often overlooked that estimated risks can be
without the event (‘discrimination’). Typically, dis- unreliable even when the algorithms have good dis-
crimination is quantified using the area under the crimination. For example, risk estimates may be sys-
receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC or tematically too high for all patients irrespective of
AUC), also known as the concordance statistic or c- whether they experienced the event or not. The ac-
statistic. Additionally, it may be desirable to present curacy of risk estimates, relating to the agreement
classification performance at one or more risk between the estimated and observed number of
thresholds such as sensitivity, specificity, and events, is called ‘calibration’ [4]. Systematic reviews
have found that calibration is assessed far less often
* Correspondence: [email protected] than discrimination [2, 3, 5–7], which is problematic
Department of Development and Regeneration, KU Leuven, Herestraat 49 since poor calibration can make predictions mislead-
box 805, 3000 Leuven, Belgium ing [8]. Previous work has highlighted that the use
Department of Biomedical Data Sciences, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Netherlands of different types of algorithms, varying from regres-
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article sion to flexible machine learning approaches, can
© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Van Calster et al. BMC Medicine (2019) 17:230 Page 2 of 7

lead to models that suffer greatly from poor calibra- risk leads to overtreatment. Conversely, underestima-
tion [9, 10]. Calibration has therefore been labeled tion leads to undertreatment.
the ‘Achilles heel’ of predictive analytics [11].
Reporting on calibration performance is recom- Why may an algorithm give poorly calibrated risk
mended by the TRIPOD (Transparent Reporting of predictions?
a multivariable prediction model for Individual Many possible sources may distort the calibration of
Prognosis Or Diagnosis) guidelines for prediction risk predictions. A first set of causes relates to vari-
modeling studies [12]. Calibration is especially im- ables and characteristics unrelated to algorithm de-
portant when the aim is to support decision-making, velopment. Often, patient characteristics and disease
even when discrimination is moderate such as for incidence or prevalence rates vary greatly between
breast cancer prediction models [13]. We explain health centers, regions, and countries [16]. When an
the relevance of calibration in this paper and sug- algorithm is developed in a setting with a high dis-
gest solutions to prevent or correct poor calibration ease incidence, it may systematically give overesti-
and thus make predictive algorithms more clinically mated risk estimates when used in a setting where
relevant. the incidence is lower [17]. For example, university
hospitals may treat more patients with the event of
How can inaccurate risk predictions be misleading? interest than regional hospitals; such heterogeneity
If the algorithm is used to inform patients, poorly cal- between settings can affect risk estimates and their
ibrated risk estimates lead to false expectations with calibration [18]. The predictors in the algorithm
patients and healthcare professionals. Patients may may explain a part of the heterogeneity, but often
make personal decisions in anticipation of an event, differences between predictors will not explain all
or the absence thereof, that were in fact misguided. differences between settings [19]. Patient popula-
Take, for example, a prediction model that predicts tions also tend to change over time, e.g., due to
the chance that in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment changes in referral patterns, healthcare policy, or
leads to a live birth [14]. Irrespective of how well the treatment policies [20, 21]. For example, in the last
models can discriminate between treatments that end 10 years, there has been a drive in Europe to lower
in live birth versus those that do not, it is clear that the number of embryos transferred in IVF and im-
strong over- or underestimation of the chance of a provements in IVF cryopreservation technology led
live birth makes the algorithms clinically unaccept- to an increase in embryo freezing and storage for
able. For instance, a strong overestimation of the subsequent transfer [22]; such evolutions may
chance of live birth after IVF would give false hope change the calibration of algorithms that predict
to couples going through an already stressful and IVF success [23].
emotional experience. Treating a couple who, in real- A second set of causes relates to methodological prob-
ity, has a favorable prognosis exposes the woman un- lems regarding the algorithm itself. Statistical overfitting is
necessarily to possible harmful side effects, e.g., common. It is caused by a modeling strategy that is too
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. complex for the amount of data at hand (e.g., too many
In fact, poor calibration may make an algorithm less candidate predictors, predictor selection based on statis-
clinically useful than a competitor algorithm that has tical significance, use of a very flexible algorithm such as a
a lower AUC but is well calibrated [8]. As an ex- neural network) [24]. Overfitted predictions capture too
ample, consider the QRISK2–2011 and NICE Fra- much random noise in the development data. Thus, when
mingham models to predict the 10-year risk of validated on new data, an overfitted algorithm is expected
cardiovascular disease. An external validation study of to show lower discrimination performance and predicted
these models in 2 million patients from the United risks that are too extreme – patients at high risk of the
Kingdom indicated that QRISK2–2011 was well cali- event tend to get overestimated risk predictions, whereas
brated and had an AUC of 0.771, whereas NICE Fra- patients at low risk of the event tend to get underesti-
mingham was overestimating risk, with an AUC of mated risk predictions. Apart from statistical overfitting,
0.776 [15]. When using the traditional risk threshold medical data usually contain measurement error, for ex-
of 20% to identify high-risk patients for intervention, ample, biomarker expressions vary with assay kits and
QRISK2–2011 would select 110 per 1000 men aged ultrasound measurement of tumor vascularity has inter-
between 35 and 74 years. On the other hand, NICE and intra-observer variability [25, 26]. If measurement
Framingham would select almost twice as many (206 error systematically differs between settings (e.g., measure-
per 1000 men) because a predicted risk of 20% based ments of a predictor are systemically more biased upward
on this model actually corresponded to a lower event in a different setting), this affects the predicted risks and
rate. This example illustrates that overestimation of thus calibration of an algorithm [27].
Van Calster et al. BMC Medicine (2019) 17:230 Page 3 of 7

Fig. 1 Illustrations of different types of miscalibration. Illustrations are based on an outcome with a 25% event rate and a model with an area
under the ROC curve (AUC or c-statistic) of 0.71. Calibration intercept and slope are indicated for each illustrative curve. a General over- or
underestimation of predicted risks. b Predicted risks that are too extreme or not extreme enough

How to assess calibration? selected for surgical removal [28]; further details can be
The concepts explained in this section are illustrated in found elsewhere [1, 4, 29].
Additional file 1, with the validation of the Risk of Ovar- According to four increasingly stringent levels of cali-
ian Malignancy Algorithm (ROMA) for the diagnosis of bration, models can be calibrated in the mean, weak,
ovarian malignancy in women with an ovarian tumor moderate, or strong sense [4]. First, to assess ‘mean
Van Calster et al. BMC Medicine (2019) 17:230 Page 4 of 7

calibration’ (or ‘calibration-in-the-large’), the average many drawbacks – it is based on artificially group-
predicted risk is compared with the overall event rate. ing patients into risk strata, gives a P value that is
When the average predicted risk is higher than the over- uninformative with respect to the type and extent of
all event rate, the algorithm overestimates risk in gen- miscalibration, and suffers from low statistical
eral. Conversely, underestimation occurs when the power [1, 4]. Therefore, we recommend against
observed event rate is higher than the average predicted using the Hosmer–Lemeshow test to assess
risk. calibration.
Second, ‘weak calibration’ means that, on average,
the model does not over- or underestimate risk and How to prevent or correct poor calibration?
does not give overly extreme (too close to 0 and 1) When developing a predictive algorithm, the first
or modest (too close to disease prevalence or inci- step involves the control of statistical overfitting. It
dence) risk estimates. Weak calibration can be is important to prespecify the modeling strategy and
assessed by the calibration intercept and calibration to ensure that sample size is sufficient for the num-
slope. The calibration slope evaluates the spread of ber of considered predictors [30, 31]. In smaller
the estimated risks and has a target value of 1. A datasets, procedures that aim to prevent overfitting
slope < 1 suggests that estimated risks are too ex- should be considered, e.g., using penalized regres-
treme, i.e., too high for patients who are at high risk sion techniques such as Ridge or Lasso regression
and too low for patients who are at low risk. A [32] or using simpler models. Simpler models can
slope > 1 suggests the opposite, i.e., that risk esti- refer to fewer predictors, omitting nonlinear or
mates are too moderate. The calibration intercept, interaction terms, or using a less flexible algorithm
which is an assessment of calibration-in-the-large, (e.g., logistic regression instead of random forests or
has a target value of 0; negative values suggest over- a priori limiting the number of hidden neurons in a
estimation, whereas positive values suggest neural network). However, using models that are
underestimation. too simple can backfire (Additional file 1), and pen-
Third, moderate calibration implies that estimated alization does not offer a miracle solution for uncer-
risks correspond to observed proportions, e.g., among tainty in small datasets [33]. Therefore, in small
patients with an estimated risk of 10%, 10 in 100 datasets, it is reasonable for a model not to be de-
have or develop the event. This is assessed with a veloped at all. Additionally, internal validation pro-
flexible calibration curve to show the relation between cedures can quantify the calibration slope. At
the estimated risk (on the x-axis) and the observed internal validation, calibration-in-the-large is irrele-
proportion of events (y-axis), for example, using loess vant since the average of predicted risks will match
or spline functions. A curve close to the diagonal in- the event rate. In contrast, calibration-in-the-large is
dicates that predicted risks correspond well to ob- highly relevant at external validation, where we
served proportions. We show a few theoretical curves often note a mismatch between the predicted and
in Fig. 1a,b, each of which corresponds to different observed risks.
calibration intercepts and slopes. Note that a calibra- When we find poorly calibrated predictions at val-
tion intercept close to 0 and a calibration slope close idation, algorithm updating should be considered to
to 1 do not guarantee that the flexible calibration provide more accurate predictions for new patients
curve is close to the diagonal (see Additional file 1 from the validation setting [1, 20]. Updating of
for an example). To obtain a precise calibration curve, regression-based algorithms may start with changing
a sufficiently large sample size is required; a mini- the intercept to correct calibration-in-the-large [34].
mum of 200 patients with and 200 patients without Full refitting of the algorithm, as in the case study
the event has been suggested [4], although further re- below, will improve calibration if the validation sam-
search is needed to investigate how factors such as ple is relatively large [35]. We present a detailed il-
disease prevalence or incidence affect the required lustration of updating of the ROMA model in
sample size [12]. In small datasets, it is defendable to Additional file 1. Continuous updating strategies are
evaluate only weak calibration by calculating the cali- also gaining in popularity; such strategies dynamically
bration intercept and slope. address shifts in the target population over time [36].
Fourth, strong calibration means that the predicted
risk corresponds to the observed proportion for every Published case study on the diagnosis of obstructive
possible combination of predictor values; this implies coronary artery disease
that calibration is perfect and is a utopic goal [4]. Consider a logistic regression model to predict ob-
The commonly used Hosmer–Lemeshow test is structive coronary artery disease (oCAD) in patients
often presented as a calibration test, though it has with stable chest pain and without a medical history
Van Calster et al. BMC Medicine (2019) 17:230 Page 5 of 7

Fig. 2 (See legend on next page.)

Van Calster et al. BMC Medicine (2019) 17:230 Page 6 of 7

(See figure on previous page.)

Fig. 2 Calibration curves when validating a model for obstructive coronary artery disease before and after updating. a Calibration curve before
updating. b Calibration curve after updating by re-estimating the model coefficients. The flexible curve with pointwise confidence intervals (gray
area) was based on local regression (loess). At the bottom of the graphs, histograms of the predicted risks are shown for patients with (1) and
patients without (0) coronary artery disease. Figure adapted from Edlinger et al. [38], which was published under the Creative Commons
Attribution–Noncommercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license

of oCAD [37]. The model was developed on data measures and visualizations – this helps us to under-
from 5677 patients recruited at 18 European and stand how the algorithm performs in a particular setting,
American centers, of whom 31% had oCAD. The al- where predictions may go wrong, and whether the algo-
gorithm was externally validated on data from 4888 rithm can benefit from updating. Due to local healthcare
patients in Innsbruck, Austria, of whom 44% had systems and referral patterns, population differences be-
oCAD [38]. The algorithm had an AUC of 0.69. tween centers and regions are expected; it is likely that
Calibration suggested a combination of overesti- prediction models do not include all the predictors
mated (intercept − 1.04) and overly extreme risk pre- needed to accommodate these differences. Together with
dictions (slope 0.63) (Fig. 2a). Calibration was the phenomenon of population drifts, models ideally re-
improved by refitting the model, i.e., by re- quire continued monitoring in local settings in order to
estimating the predictor coefficients (Fig. 2b). maximize their benefit over time. This argument will be-
come even more vital with the growing popularity of
Conclusions highly flexible algorithms. The ultimate aim is to
The key arguments of this paper are summarized in optimize the utility of predictive analytics for shared
Table 1. Poorly calibrated predictive algorithms can be decision-making and patient counseling.
misleading, which may result in incorrect and potentially
harmful clinical decisions. Therefore, we need prespeci- Supplementary information
fied modeling strategies that are reasonable with respect Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
to the available sample size. When validating algorithms 1186/s12916-019-1466-7.
it is imperative to evaluate calibration using appropriate
Additional file 1. Detailed illustration of the assessment of calibration
and model updating: the ROMA logistic regression model.
Table 1 Summary points on calibration
Why calibration - Decisions are often based on risk, so predicted
matters risks should be reliable
This work was developed as part of the international STRengthening
- Poor calibration may make a prediction model Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies (STRATOS) initiative. The
clinically useless or even harmful objective of STRATOS is to provide accessible and accurate guidance in the
design and analysis of observational studies (
Causes of poor - Statistical overfitting and measurement error Members of the STRATOS Topic Group ‘Evaluating diagnostic tests and
calibration prediction models’ are (alphabetically) Patrick Bossuyt, Gary S. Collins, Petra
- Heterogeneity in populations in terms of
patient characteristics, disease incidence or Macaskill, David J. McLernon, Karel G.M. Moons, Ewout W. Steyerberg, Ben
prevalence, patient management, and treatment Van Calster, Maarten van Smeden, and Andrew Vickers.
Assessment of - Perfect calibration, where predicted risks are Authors’ contributions
calibration in correct for every covariate pattern, is utopic; All authors conceived of the study. BVC drafted the manuscript. All authors
practice we should not aim for that reviewed and edited the manuscript and approved the final version.

- At model development, focus on nonlinear

effects and interaction terms only if a sufficiently
This work was funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO; grant
large sample size is available; low sample sizes
G0B4716N) and Internal Funds KU Leuven (grant C24/15/037). The funders
require simpler modeling strategies or that no
had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation of
model is developed at all
results, or writing of the manuscript.
- Avoid the Hosmer–Lemeshow test to assess
or prove calibration Availability of data and materials
- At internal validation, focus on the calibration This study did not use data. Figure 2 was adapted from Edlinger et al. [38],
slope as a part of the assessment of statistical which was published under the Creative Commons Attribution Non
overfitting Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

- At external validation, focus on the

calibration curve, intercept and slope Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
- Model updating should be considered in
case of poor calibration; re-estimating the
Consent for publication
model entirely requires sufficient data
Not applicable.
Van Calster et al. BMC Medicine (2019) 17:230 Page 7 of 7

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