Water Resources
Water Resources
Water Resources
earth’s surface is covered with water, but only C ONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT
a small proportion of it accounts for
freshwater that can be put to use. This Given the abundance and renewability of
freshwater is mainly obtained from surface water, it is difficult to imagine that we may
run off and ground water that is continually suffer from water scarcity. The moment we
being renewed and recharged through the speak of water shortages, we immediately
hydrological cycle. All water moves within the associate it with regions having low rainfall
hydrological cycle ensuring that water is a or those that are drought prone. We
own wells and tube-wells in their farms for long-term basis by ensuring functionality of
irrigation to increase their produce. But have the tap water connections. (Source: Economic
you ever wondered what this could result in? Survey 2020–21, p.357)
That it may lead to falling groundwater levels, India’s rivers, especially the smaller ones,
adversely affecting water availability and food have all turned into toxic streams. And even
security of the people. the big ones like the Ganga and Yamuna
Post-independent India witnessed are far from being pure. The assault on
intensive industrialisation and urbanisation, India’s rivers – from population growth,
creating vast opportunities for us. Today, large agricultural modernisation, urbanisation and
industrial houses are as commonplace as the industrialisation – is enormous and growing
industrial units of many MNCs (Multinational by the day….. This entire life stands
Corporations). The ever-increasing number of threatened.
industries has made matters worse by exerting Source: The Citizens’ Fifth Report, CSE, 1999.
pressure on existing freshwater resources.
Industries, apart from being heavy users of You may have already realised that the need
water, also require power to run them. Much of the hour is to conserve and manage our
of this energy comes from hydroelectric power. water resources, to safeguard ourselves from
Today, in India hydroeclectric power health hazards, to ensure food security,
contributes approximately 22 per cent of the continuation of our livelihoods and productive
total electricity produced. Moreover, activities and also to prevent degradation of our
multiplying urban centres with large and natural ecosystems. Over exploitation and
dense populations and urban lifestyles have mismanagement of water resources will
not only added to water and energy impoverish this resource and cause ecological
requirements but have further aggravated the
crisis that may have profound impact on
problem. If you look into the housing societies
our lives.
or colonies in the cities, you would find that
most of these have their own groundwater
pumping devices to meet their water needs. From your everyday experiences, write a short
Not surprisingly, we find that fragile water proposal on how you can conserve water.
resources are being over-exploited and have
caused their depletion in several of these cities. M U L T I -P U R P O S E R I V E R PR O J E C T S AND
So far we have focused on the quantitative INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
aspects of water scarcity. Now, let us consider But, how do we conserve and manage water?
another situation where water is sufficiently Archaeological and historical records show
available to meet the needs of the people, but,
that from ancient times we have been
the area still suffers from water scarcity. This
constructing sophisticated hydraulic
scarcity may be due to bad quality of water.
structures like dams built of stone rubble,
Lately, there has been a growing concern that
reservoirs or lakes, embankments and canals
even if there is ample water to meet the needs
for irrigation. Not surprisingly, we have
of the people, much of it may be polluted by
continued this tradition in modern India by
domestic and industrial wastes, chemicals,
building dams in most of our river basins.
pesticides and fertilisers used in agriculture,
thus, making it hazardous for human use.
-> Structures in Ancient India
Government of India has accorded highest
priority to improve the quality of life and • In the first century B.C., Sringaverapura
enhance ease of living of people especially those near Allahabad had sophisticated
- water
harvesting system channelling the flood
enable every rural household get assured • During the time of Chandragupta Maurya,
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supply of potable piped water at a service level dams, lakes and irrigation systems were
of 55 litres per capita per day regularly on- extensively built.
• Evidences of sophisticated irrigation works
also been found in Kalinga, A dam is a barrier across flowing water that
(Odisha), Nagarjunakonda- (Andhra obstructs, directs or retards the flow, often
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Pradesh), Bennur (Karnataka), Kolhapur creating
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a reservoir, lake or impoundment.
(Maharashtra), etc. “Dam” refers to the reservoir rather than the
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structure. Most dams have a section called a
• In the 11th Century, Bhopal Lake, one of the -
intermittently or continuously. Dams are
Delhi was constructed by Iltutmish for classified according to structure, intended
supplying water to Siri Fort area.
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and major dams or alternatively as low
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medium height dams and high dams.
beds and poorer habitats for the rivers’ aquatic Source: S. Sharma, quoted in In the Belly of
life. Dams also fragment rivers making it the River. Tribal conflicts over development in
Narmada valley, A. Baviskar, 1995.
dif ficult for aquatic fauna to migrate,
especially for spawning. The reservoirs that
are created on the floodplains also submerge
the existing vegetation and soil leading to its Sardar Sarovar Dam has been built over
decomposition over a period of time. the Narmada River in Gujarat. This is one
People felt that their suffering would not dispute is due to the objections raised by
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India: Major Rivers and Dams
Most of the objections to the projects arose RAINWATER HARVESTING
due to their failure to achieve the purposes
Many thought that given the disadvantages
for which they were built. Ironically, the dams
and rising resistance against the multi-
that were constructed to control floods have
purpose projects, water harvesting system was
triggered floods due to sedimentation in the
a viable alternative, both socio-economically
reservoir. Moreover, the big dams have mostly
and environmentally. In ancient India, along
been unsuccessful in controlling floods at the with the sophisticated hydraulic structures,
time of excessive rainfall. You may have seen there existed an extraordinary tradition of
or read how the release of water from dams water-harvesting system. People had in-depth
during heavy rains aggravated the flood knowledge of rainfall regimes and soil types
situation in Maharashtra and Gujarat in 2006. and developed wide ranging techniques to
The floods have not only devastated life and harvest rainwater, groundwater, river water
property but also caused extensive soil and flood water in keeping with the local
erosion. Sedimentation also meant that the ecological conditions and their water needs.
flood plains were deprived of silt, a natural In hill and mountainous regions, people built
fertiliser, further adding on to the problem of diversion channels like the ‘guls’ or ‘kuls’ of
land degradation. It was also observed that the Western Himalayas for agriculture.
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the multi-purpose projects induced ‘Rooftop rainwater harvesting’ was commonly
earthquakes, caused water-borne diseases and practised to store drinking water, particularly
pests and pollution resulting from excessive in Rajasthan. In the flood plains of Bengal,
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use of water. people developed inundation channels to
irrigate their fields. In arid and semi-arid
parts of Rajasthan.
S to
Fig. 3.4
(a) Recharge through Hand Pump
In-the semi-arid> and arid regions of
--> particularly in Bikaner, Phalodi
a n d B a r m e r, a l m o s t a l l t h e h o u s e s
traditionally had underground tanks or
tankas for storing drinking water. The tanks
Mowsynram & Cherapunjee
receive highestrain
in world,
Fortunately, in many parts of rural and urban
India, rooftop rainwater harvesting is being
successfully adapted to store and conserve
water.-In Gendathur, a remote backward village
in Mysuru, Karnataka, villagers have installed,
Fig 3.5: Traditional method of rainwater 1,000 mm, and with 80 per cent of collection
harvesting efficiency and of about 10 fillings, every house
can collect and use about 50,000 litres of water
in the summers. Rainwater, or annually. From the 200 houses, the net amount
Today, in western Rajasthan, sadly the Tamil Nadu is the first state in India
to arid
supplies 10
In Meghalaya, a -
200-year-old system of tapping stream
spring water by using bamboo pipes, is prevalent.
About 18-20 litres of water enters the bamboo pipe system,
gets transported over hundreds of metres, and finally
reduces to 20-80 drops per minute at the site of the plant.
Picture 2 and 3: The channel sections, made of bamboo, divert Picture 4: If the pipes pass a road,
water to the plant site where it is distributed into branches, again they are taken high above the land.
made and laid out with different forms of bamboo pipes. The flow of
water into the pipes is controlled by manipulating the pipe positions.
Picture 5 and 6
Reduced channel sections
and diversion units are
used at the last stage of
water application. The last
channel section enables
water to be dropped near
the roots of the plant.
Fig 3.7