Unit 1 - GEE 102
Unit 1 - GEE 102
Unit 1 - GEE 102
Sex is the biological dimension of your gender and sexuality. Also
referred to biological sex or physical sex, the term generally pertains to your
identity depending on your sexual anatomy and physiology-the parts at t your
body that are relevant to reproduction and the function of these parts. Sex is
typically determined by examining your genitals these are external organs that
are associated with reproduction-the process or the ability to create offspring.
However, humans are meaning-making organisms. Our ability for higher
order thinking and our tendency to create social norms, allow us to attach social
and cultural meanings to things, including our sex. For example, males are
typically expected be masculine and females are expected to be feminine. Once
parents are aware of their child's sex (male or female) during birth or through
prenatal procedures such as ultrasound, they automatically attach social and
cultural meanings to their child's sex and in doing so, they already set an
expectation in terms of how their child should behave and how they should treat
their child. This social dimension of one's sexuality is referred to as gender.
There are many ways through which gender is manifested. As soon as a new baby
arrives in the family, adults surrounding the baby manifests their social
interpretation of the baby's sex by the colors assigned to the baby. For example, it
is common for families to buy blue apparels and toys when the baby is a male, as
the color blue is associated with boyhood. Conversely, female babies are often
assigned the color pink, such that families would buy clothes and toys that are
color pink because the color is associated with girlhood. Remarkably, the
moment a baby is born, the name, toys, and apparels are picked by parents and
relatives based on their interpretation of the baby's sex.
Throughout childhood and adolescence, this assignment becomes more complex
as the expectations go beyond the kind of clothes worn, but also in terms of how
the person must or must not behave. There are set of behaviors that all female
individuals must follow and so with the male individuals, and all are expected to
stick to these behaviors that are aligned with their biological sex. This
phenomenon of determining the normality of a behavior based on whether it
conforms or not to the expectations relative to one's biological sex is referred to
as heteronormativity. In the Filipino culture, girls are expected to have certain
characteristics of being gentle, caring, and loving while boys are encouraged to
be strong, rough, and assertive. These expectations also extend to how men and
women are expected to behave, the college courses they take, and the jobs they
apply to.
However, there are people who do not follow culturally-accepted
standards of masculinity and femininity like girls not wanting to wear dresses and
boys not wanting to play rough sports. This is a natural variation of the human
gender expression. Social and cultural practices change through time. Just 60
years ago, women could not wear pants without social disapproval, and now
wearing pants is already an accepted fashion trend among people of different
How we express our gender is largely based on our social and cultural setting.
Most are comfortable with their sex and gender; men who are masculine and
women who are feminine. Each culture also has different standards on how to be
a man and a woman and how they should present themselves according to their
sex and gender.
One important aspect of our gender is our sense of who we are: Do we see
and experience ourselves as a man, a woman, or neither. This refers to our
gender gender identity. Typically, males are comfortable identifying as a man and
females are comfortable identifying as a woman.
However, there are cases wherein a person’s biological sex does not align with
one’s gender identity. People with this experience are reffered to as transgenders,
such as male who does not feel comfortable identifying as a man (transgender
woman ) or a female who is not to comfortable identifying as a woman
(transgender man ). Transgender people may undergo gender reassignment
surgery to align their physical characteristics their to their gender identity.
However, due to many factors such as belief systems, culture, and economics,
some do not opt for surgery.
Another aspect of our gender pertains to our emotional and sexual
attraction to a person. This aspect refers to our sexual orientation. According to
the Psychological Association of the Philippines, typically at ages 6 or 8, we
experience or develop attraction to other people. By adolescence, we already
know who we are attracted to and would experiment through dating and
relationships Everyone's sexuality is different and deeply personal. Our capacity
for emotional and sexual attraction is diverse and complex, but there are a few
common terms or labels for us to use.
People who are attracted to the opposite sex are called 'heterosexuals' or
People who are attracted to people of the same sex are called "homosexual," gay"
or "lesbian."
"Bisexual" or "bi" people are attracted to both sexes, male or female.
LGBT refers to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community
Gender role or sex role are "sets of culturally defined behaviors such as
masculinity and femininity" according to the Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender
(2019). These roles are not fixed such that the "culturally defined behaviors" for
men and women may be very different 50 years ago or very different for people
from other countries or tribe. In a binary systema of viewing gender roles, we
only see the male and the female where men are expected to be masculine while
women are expected to be feminine. This is the norm or the accepted standards of
how to behave like a woman (mahinhin) or how to behave like a man (matipun0/
matapang). In gender studies, we are asked to disrupt and question these kinds of
social expectations, gender roles, and gender norms.
According the Psychological Association of the Philippines, "we can only truly
tell if the person is gay, lesbian, or bisexual if the person shares with us his or
her experiences and feelings of attraction towards them. That is why it is
important for everyone to feel safe as they share their sexuality since it is a
personal and sensitive topic. We can do that in an environment wherein we do
not feel judged and discriminated upon. People who experience prejudice and
discrimination suffer negative psychological effects (APA), so we must work
towards an inclusive environment where everyone feels safe.
Society has progressed so much in a way that information and knowledge
is available to everyone, This gives us an opportunity to examine our social and
political conditions in more detail than when information was scarce and limited
to only a few individuals.
Historical accounts show that across time, humans' conception of gender
and sexuality Changed. Archeological artifacts reveal that in the distant past,
during the dawn of civilizations, human societies have high regard for women.
The concept of divine or Feminine (the sacredness of the woman due to her
ability to conceive children) has prevailed and thus, Women are treated equally
with men. This make societies egalitarian (men and women have equitable power
and roles).
However, humans' discovery of paternity (fatherhood/ role of the father in
conception, presumably during the Agricultural era, when societies began to
establish communities and tame rear cattle and stocks, have also changed how
societies have viewed women and men therefrom.
For the longest time thereafter, societies have privileged men over other genders,
mainly because of the preferential given to them in the productive sphere (world of
public work). Women who have been revered due to their ability to conceive have been
viewed as solely capable only of reproductive affairs (world of the home and related
tasks such as suckling the young, child rearing, and home management). The
gender disparity was intensified by the Industrial era where factors were built and
men were preferred because they did not have to bear children for nine months
and because of their perceived physical strength. But how did really the
conceptualization of gender and sexuality changed? This lesson tackles
movements in history, which shows how men, women, and people of other
genders are viewed in human societies.
A close examination of our society can lead us to see the invisible layers
of oppression in our like patriarchy-a system based on the control and oppression
of women wherein they are perceived to be the weaker sex. It is a structure that
upholds male supremacy in the law, at home, in the work place, and in society.
Patriarchy is often the Greek word Patriarkhes which means "the rule of
the father". It is a social system where men primarily holds power in the political
and the private spheres. This means that in this social system, society is organized
and maintained in a way that men rule over women and their children. In the
social, legal, political, and economic spheres, men are expected to lead while
women are expected to obey and are relegated to house chores, bearing children,
and child care.
A patrilineal society often follows a patriarchal society, this means only
men can inherit property and the family name. Women were left with no
inheritance and are expected to marry a man who can support her economically.
In tact, women were not allowed to go to schools, or even vote, because they are
viewed as a weaker sex and should not concern themselves in learning science or
politics. Women had to fight for the right to vote, to go to school, to go to work,
and even participate in politics.
Patriarchy is viewed by most sociologists as a social construct and not as
a biological phenomenon. This is because history proves that in the prehistoric
hunter-gatherer tribes and civilization, they prioritized equality to all members,
male and female. History suggests an egalitarian system rather than a patriarchal
system. Men and women contribute to society and they enjoy the same social
Fredrich Engels, a German philosopher and sociologist, argues that
patriarchy came about when people started having private property instead of a
communal living. The development in agriculture and domestication of animals
led to creating product surplus which allows people to have private property. As
a way to control the excess wealth generated by these advancements, male
dominance was asserted over women so only the male heir can inherit family
The United Nations reports that women do more work than men because even
when they work at the office, they are still expected to do household tasks.
Another report from UN Women states that "women perform 66 percent of the
worlds work, produce 50 percent of the food, but earn 10 of the income and own I
percent of the property. This is because in agricultural countries, women
participate in making the produce, but only the father or the male head of the
family controls the income.
To put simply, feminism demands equality. Here are a few salient points
that feminism demands.
1. Women suffrage - ( the right of women to vote) women were not
allowed to vote before because they were viewed as irrational and
temperamental and therefore, not able to make rational decisions.
This changed after World War I (1914 to 1918) wherein women were
uprooted from the household. They took on jobs and made significant
contributions to their country. Many countries soon started letting
women vote since they can no longer argue that women are "irrational
and temperamental".
2. Equality in politics and society -for hundreds of years, women's
voices were silenced, so society must make an effort to restore their
rights. Representation is very important for women, so that their
genuine concerns are heard in politics and in society. Feminist have
always criticized that old, privileged men always make the decisions
for women at home and in politics.
3. Reproductive rights means the woman is in control of her body, and she
can decide for herself on what she sees is best for her. Contraception,
abortion, and other reproductive options should be available to
women because it is their body.
4. Domestic violence -such as marital rape and physical abuse are often
dismissed by society as part of a "marriage". Although we have RA
9262 or Anti Violence Against Women and their Children, our culture
still dismiss such incidents as "away mag-asawa".
5. Sexual harassment and sexual violence- The Center for Women's
Resources in the Philippines estimates that one woman or child is raped
every hour mostly by someone they know.
6. Other rights include the right to divorce their husbands, the right to
make decisions on her pregnancy, equitable wages, and equal
employment opportunity.
Gender role or sex role are "sets of culturally defined behaviors such
as masculinity and femininity" according to the Encyclopedia of Sex
and Gender (2019). These roles are not fixed such that the "culturally
defined behaviors" for men and women may be very different 50 years
ago or very different for people from other countries or tribe. In a
binary systema of viewing gender roles, we only see the male and the
female where men are expected to be masculine while women are
expected to be feminine. This is the norm or the accepted standards of
how to behave like a woman (mahinhin) or how to behave like a man
(matipun0/ matapang). In gender studies, we are asked to disrupt and
question these kinds of social expectations, gender roles, and gender