BM4103 Assignment 2 2023S2 - Final
BM4103 Assignment 2 2023S2 - Final
BM4103 Assignment 2 2023S2 - Final
2023/24 Semester 2
BM4103/ IT2862
Financial Management
1. Assignment Outline
This assignment constitutes 40% of the overall assessment for the module,
BM4103 Financial Management. The assignment covers the topics on Budgetary
System & Performance Evaluation and Cost-Volume-Profit analysis. It is
designed for you to be resourceful and analytical with the ability to work in a
team. The main objective is to analyse the financial viability retailing clothes and
apparels on the online platform.
The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic saw a resurgence in the fast fashion
industry, marked by a notable boom in consumer demand. As economies
reopened and restrictions eased, consumers sought affordable yet stylish
clothing options, increasing the demand in the fast fashion sector. This surge was
fueled by shifting consumer behaviours, with many individuals increasingly
turning to online shopping for convenience and value.
Stylo Pte Ltd (Stylo) is a local retail chain that specializes in affordable clothes
and apparels. It manufactures and retails clothes for women and men. It has 10
outlets in Singapore. Stylo’s business is organized into 6 divisions and each
division manages one product. Stylo is exploring to offer their products online in
view of the demand for online shopping.
2. Learning Outcomes
3. Requirement
1 T-shirts
2 Bags
3 Jeans
4 Shoes
5 Hats
6 Activewear
Propose a selling price to charge per product and estimate the expected
sales volume per month from the online delivery. State the basis of your
selling price and sales volume.
Official (Closed) and Non-Sensitive
4. Submission
Written Report
A written report of not more than 8 pages excluding appendices – Arial Font size
12 with single spacing must be submitted by each group. The assignment report
should consist of the following parts:
1. Cover Page Include the assignment title, name and admission numbers of
assignment members, roles and responsibilities of each group member.
a. Please read the following guide on how to submit your report in Brightspace:
b. Learners can also view the following video to learn how to submit your
report in Brightspace:
Official (Closed) and Non-Sensitive
Plagiarism is serious matter. Plagiarism is the act of taking and using the whole
or any part of ideas, words or works of other people and passing it off as one’s
own work, without acknowledgement of the original source. The act of
plagiarism is an offence under NYP Academic Integrity Policy:
integrity.html. Any act of plagiarism may be construed as academic dishonesty.
A candidate who, after due disciplinary process, is found to have committed an
act that contravenes academic integrity in any assessment of a module would
be liable for disciplinary action under NYP Academic Integrity Policy.
It is also important not to share your or your team’s work with other learner(s)
or team(s). ALL parties involved in any act of plagiarism (including learner(s)
or team(s) who have shared their work with others) would be liable for
disciplinary action under NYP Academic Integrity Policy. If any learner had
asked you to share your work with him/her, it is important to turn down his/her
request and report the incident immediately to your module tutor to safeguard
your integrity.
All content from online or other primary sources should be properly referenced
(even if you are paraphrasing). Learners can use
citation-generator/ or other online citation generator to properly state the source
of the reference (websites, journal articles, books and reports) in the American
Psychological Association (APA) format. The APA format is a writing style and
format for academic documents such as scholarly journal articles and
books. When in doubt, the rule is to acknowledge the source.
between the upload and the availability of the Similarity Report during periods
of high usage. Hence, learners are encouraged to submit their report at least
one day before the submission deadline so that they have sufficient time to
make any necessary amendment and resubmission before the submission
deadline expires.
In this assessment, you must not use generative artificial intelligence (AI)
to generate any materials or content in relation to the assessment task.
Your module tutor will use the final average peer evaluation score and
reasons/ justifications/ examples provided by the team for his/her
identification and investigation.
6. Assessment
This assignment carries a total of 100 marks and constitutes 40% of the overall
grade for the module. The breakdown of marks is as follows:
Written report - 40 marks (Group)
Presentation, Q&A - 50 marks (Individual)
Peer evaluation - 10 marks (Individual)
Total- 100 marks
Detailed scoring rubrics for the written report and presentation based on the
above criteria are attached in the appendix.
Appendix 1
Provide content and Based on organisation of report, inclusion of appropriate appendix and summary of tasks performed by each team member.
summary of roles
(2 marks)
0 to < 2.5 marks 2.5 to < 3 marks 3 to < 3.5 marks 3.5 to < 4 marks 4 to 5 marks
Requirement B
No breakdown to main Some of the main cost Most of the main cost Most of the main cost Most cost components
Estimate average cost components. components were components were shown components were shown with good
cost per unit shown and they lacked but some lacked details. shown and most were attention to details.
Product cost was details. supported with details.
(5 marks) unrealistic. Most of the main cost Product cost was
Some of the main cost components was Most of the main cost realistic.
components was realistic. components was
realistic. realistic.
Requirement C
Competitors’ price - Referenced to Suitable competitors’ Suitable competitors’ Suitable competitors’ Close competitors’
2m unsuitable competitor’s product. product. product. products.
Platform cost - 1m Some of the Costs Most of the Costs stated Most of the Costs Costs stated were
Marketing fees -1m Unrealistic costs stated stated were realistic were realistic but lacking stated were realistic realistic and with good
for most of the costs but lacking some some details. and were supported details.
Costs relating to and/or fees. details. with details.
complaints- 1m
(Total 5 marks)
Official (Closed) and Non-Sensitive
Requirement D 0 to < 2 marks 2 to < 2.4 marks 2.4 to < 2.8 marks 2.8 to < 3.2 marks 3.2 to 4 marks
Proposed selling No basis stated for Basis for either Basis for proposed Basis for proposed Basis for proposed
price - 2m proposed selling price & proposed selling price selling price and sales selling price and sales selling price & sales
Sales volume - 2m sales volume. or sales volume were volume were briefly volume were stated volume clearly supported
briefly stated. stated. with some reference. with good reference.
(Total 4 marks)
Requirement E 0 to < 3 marks 3 to < 3.6 marks 3.6 to < 4.2 marks 4.2 to < 4.8 marks 4.8 to 6 marks
Prepare 1 month Monthly budget were Monthly budget lacks Monthly budget lacks Monthly budget Monthly budget
flexible budget incoherent. many details. some details. contained adequate contained most details
(6 marks) Most of the accounts Some of the accounts Some of the accounts details. correctly stated.
were omitted in the were included in the were included in the Most of the accounts All the accounts were
budget. budget. budget. were included in the included in the budget.
Requirement F 0 to < 5 marks 5 to < 6 marks 6 to < 7 marks 7 to < 8 marks 8 to 10 marks
Contribution - 3m Presentation and Presentation and Presentation and Presentation and Presentation and
Breakeven - 3m calculation of calculation of calculation of calculation of calculation of
contribution, breakeven contribution, contribution, breakeven contribution, breakeven contribution, breakeven
Target sales volume and target sales volume breakeven and target and target sales volume and target sales and target sales volume
for $20,000 profit - are mostly incorrect. sales volume are are mostly correct with volume are mostly are mostly or all correct.
4m generally correct with some errors. correct with minor
some components with errors.
(Total 10 marks) major errors.
Requirement G 0 to < 4 marks 4 to < 4.8 marks 4.8 to < 5.6 marks 5.6 to < 6.4 marks 6.4 to 8 marks
Analyse the
implementation of Analysis is inadequate. Analysis is satisfactory Analysis is satisfactory Analysis is well- Strong analysis is well
sustainable Lack details on the but lacking and supported with supported and supported with good
practices for Stylo explanation on costs, explanations or details. elaboration on costs,
Official (Closed) and Non-Sensitive
pricing, impact on Explanation on the sufficient explanation adequate with good pricing, impact on
(8 marks)
environment and brand costs, pricing, impact and details on elaboration on environment and brand
image of Stylo. on environment and costs, pricing, impact on costs, pricing, impact image of Stylo.
brand image of Stylo environment and brand on environment and
were supported with image of Stylo. brand image of Stylo.
some details.
Official (Closed) and Non-Sensitive
Appendix 2
Colloquial terms/ slang Formal language used Formal language used Exhibits ease in use of Exhibits ease in use of
used liberally. Slips in for major part of for major part of formal language. formal language.
grammar. presentation with some presentation with some
slips. slips.
Little attempt to Simplifies complex ideas Complex ideas / terms Complex ideas / terms
Presentation skill - interpret research Simplifies complex ideas / terms to increase are unpacked and are unpacked and
Verbal technique material. Lacks / terms to increase understanding with some presented in easy to presented in easy to
(10 marks) examples / irrelevant or understanding with some inconsistency. Presents understand, digestible understand, digestible
ineffective examples. inconsistency. Presents relatable examples that portions. Examples portions. Examples
relatable examples that lack relevance or enhance audience enhance audience
lack relevance or relevant examples that appreciation of main appreciation of main
relevant examples that aren’t relatable. ideas. ideas.
aren’t relatable. More improvements
A lot of improvements required. Some improvements Presented
required. required. professionally.
0 to < 5 marks 5 to < 6 marks 6 to < 7 marks 7 to < 8 marks 8 to 10 marks
Presenter tends to Exhibits some Exhibits some Awareness of space Awareness of space used
move away from awareness of space awareness of space used to manipulate effectively to manipulate
audience. though not always used though not always used audience attention. audience attention.
Presentation skill - to serve a purpose. to serve a purpose.
Non-verbal Body Language clearly Body Language largely Body Language projects
Technique shows disinterest / Body Language projects Body Language projects projects confidence and confidence and ease
(10 marks) nervousness / lack of some confidence in some confidence in ease throughout throughout presentation
confidence and affects communicating with communicating with presentation signalling signalling efficiency.
audience involvement. audience. Gestures audience. Gestures efficiency. Gestures work Gestures work to
Gestures largely match verbal instruction match verbal instruction to enhance impact. enhance impact.
missing / robotic though there’s evidence though there’s evidence
delivery. of misuse. Not always of misuse. Not always Establishes rapport with Establishes good rapport
useful in signalling useful in signalling audience and involves with audience and
Clearly shows attention to key details attention to key details them. involves them.
disinterest in
Official (Closed) and Non-Sensitive
Has difficulty Answered the question. Answered the question. Quick response Quick response exhibiting
Ability to handle comprehending Some support may be Some support may be exhibiting a clear a clear understanding of
Q&A question requirement. lacking, or sentences lacking, or sentences understanding of question requirement.
(20 marks) No clear or specific may be a bit awkward. may be a bit awkward. question requirement. Well-expressed, including
explanation in answer Absence or little attempt Absence or little attempt Well-expressed, specific examples to
to the question. Weak to evaluate. Hastiness to evaluate. Hastiness including specific demonstrate learning.
thought process. can be detected in can be detected in examples to demonstrate Provides a complete
response. response. learning. Provides a answer by highlighting +/-
complete answer by where necessary. Shows
highlighting +/- where genuine interest in
necessary. Shows providing a succinct /
genuine interest in informative answer to the
providing a succinct / audience.
informative answer to the
A lot of improvements More improvements audience.
required. required.
Some improvements
Official (Closed) and Non-Sensitive
Use of Slides/Visuals Slides/Visuals are at Slides/Visuals are at Slides/Visuals are Slides/Visuals are
limited to presenting times static in the times static in the interactive and sustain interactive and sustain
information exhibiting background and there is background and there is audience attention audience attention
Quality of ineptitude in basic only audio transmission only audio transmission throughout and support throughout and support
presentation slides requirements (e.g., text of information / there is of information / there is presenter in spinning an presenter in spinning an
and teamwork heavy or irrelevant use an attempt to generate an attempt to generate effective narrative. effective narrative.
(10 marks) of visuals). interest. interest.
Slight domination of one Slight domination of one Symbiotic relationship Symbiotic relationship
Unbalanced presenter. Members presenter. Members between presenters between presenters
presentation or tension helped each other. helped each other. allowed presentation to allowed presentation to
resulting from over- Routine transitions. Routine transitions. proceed seamlessly. proceed seamlessly.
helping. Multiple group Could be given more Could be given more Transitions between Transitions between
members disengaged / thought. Not all exhibit thought. Not all exhibit speakers is intelligently speakers is intelligently
forget their turn. an awareness of how to an awareness of how to done and sets/manages done and sets/manages
Distracting movements position / display position / display audience expectation. audience expectation.
/ behaviour exhibited by themselves while a team themselves while a team Excellent control of time Excellent control of time
team while one of them member presents. member presents. (even with unplanned (even with unplanned
presents. learner interaction / tech learner interaction / tech
glitches). Team members glitches). Team members
position / display position / display
themselves to themselves to
complement presenter. complement presenter.
Some improvements
A lot of improvements More improvements required.
required. required.
Official (Closed) and Non-Sensitive
• Self-awareness Not observable as Learner is largely Learner is Learner is largely Learner is totally
& management learner is absent not aware of his somewhat aware aware of his aware of his
from most emotions and of his emotions emotions and emotions and
meetings. behaviours and and behaviours, behaviours and behaviours, and
does not manage and manages them manages them manages them
them well during well during some well during most well during all
most group group meetings group meetings group meetings
meetings and and discussions. and discussions. and discussions.
• Leadership, He/she does not He/she has He/she has He/she has guided He/she has led the
interpersonal & demonstrate provided contributed ideas or facilitated group team for at least
collaboration leadership qualities suggestions for the to the group that discussions or one phase of the
and initiative team to consider help to improve the meetings during project
during the project during the project. project. He/she the project development.
development. No He/she gathers exchanges development. He/she includes
evidence that the inputs from others information with He/she cooperates different and
project ideas and to develop project others to develop with others to opposing views
project ideas and project ideas and develop project and manages the
requirements are complete the complete the ideas and team dynamics
co-developed with project project complete the well to jointly
other team requirements. requirements. project develop project
members. requirements. ideas and
complete the
Official (Closed) and Non-Sensitive
• Communication No evidence that He/she tries to use He/she uses He/she applies an He/she applies an
& inclusivity communication communication multiple assortment of assortment of
techniques are techniques to communication communication communication
used to discuss an explain an idea techniques to techniques to techniques to
idea with other during group explain an idea gather responses engage others
team members. discussions on during group during group during group
project ideas and discussions on discussions on discussions on
He/she is totally not project project ideas and project ideas and project ideas and
enthusiastic to requirements. project project project
collaborate with requirements. requirements. requirements.
people with He/she is largely
different cultures, not enthusiastic to He/she is He/she is largely He/she is very
values, beliefs, collaborate with somewhat enthusiastic to enthusiastic to
perception and people with enthusiastic to collaborate with collaborate with
attitudes, and does different cultures, collaborate with people with people with
not display values, beliefs, people with different cultures, different cultures,
sensitivity and perception and different cultures, values, beliefs, values, beliefs,
empathy during all attitudes, and does values, beliefs, perception and perception and
group meetings and not display perception and attitudes, and attitudes, and
discussions. sensitivity and attitudes, and displays sensitivity displays sensitivity
empathy during displays sensitivity and empathy and empathy
most group and empathy during most group during all group
meetings and during some group meetings and meetings and
discussions. meetings and discussions. discussions.
• Attendance and He/she does not He/she has He/she has He/she has He/she has
Punctuality attend any project attended and is attended and is attended and is attended and is
meeting and gives punctual for very punctual for most of punctual for every punctual for every
excuses for not few of the project the project project meeting. project meeting.
attending the meetings but must meetings.
meetings and does be reminded by
not contribute to the team members to
development of the complete his/her
project. He/she given task on time.
Official (Closed) and Non-Sensitive
cannot be
contacted most of
the time.