Routine Theory Odd Semester TDP and NEP 2023 REVISED
Routine Theory Odd Semester TDP and NEP 2023 REVISED
Routine Theory Odd Semester TDP and NEP 2023 REVISED
(A Central University)
Suryamaninagar – 799022
In continuation of earlier notification dated 08/01/2024, it is hereby notified for information of all
concerned that the Revised programme of 1st, 3rd& 5th Semester of Three Year Degree (General and
Honours) Examination 2023 (Held in 2024) and UG(NEP2020) 1 st Semester Exam.-2023 (Held in
2024) will be as per schedule mentioned below:
Last date for submission of forms & fees
Commencing List of eligible candidates need to be sent
Examination Date of With Fine through the online web portal to be
Fine submitted to the University along with
detail students statement.
1st, 3rd& 5th Semester of
Three Year Degree
10/01/2024 12/01/2024 16/01/2024
(General and Honours)
Exam-2023 and 29/01/2024
UG(NEP2020) 1st
Semester Exam.-2023 --- ---- ----
(Held in 2024)
Subjects /Papers
Date Day
Morning Afternoon
(Without Practical: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM) (Without Practical: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM)
(With Practical: 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon) (With Practical: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM)
29/01/2024 Monday Major Course-I (NEP2020) Major Course-I (NEP2020)
English, Bengali, Pol. Sc., Philosophy Physics, Chemistry, Botany, H. Physiology,
Mathematics, Zoology, Env. Science,
Accountancy, Computer Science,
Physical Education-V
30/01/2024 Tuesday Major Course-I (NEP2020) Major Course-I (NEP2020)
History, Economics, Education, Sanskrit Kokborok, Sociology, Hindi, Psychology,
Geography, Social Work
31/01/2024 Wednesday Major Course-II (NEP2020) Major Course-II (NEP2020)
English, Bengali, Pol. Sc., Philosophy Physics, Chemistry, Botany, H. Physiology,
Mathematics, Zoology, Env. Science,
Accountancy, Computer Science
01/02/2024 Thursday Major Course-II (NEP2020) Major Course-II (NEP2020)
History, Economics, Education, Sanskrit Kokborok, Sociology, Hindi, Geography
02/02/2024 Friday Minor Course (NEP2020) Minor Course (NEP2020)
English, Bengali, Pol. Sc., Philosophy Physics, Chemistry, Botany, H. Physiology,
Mathematics, Zoology, Env. Science,
Business Mathematics, Statistics
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Subjects /Papers
Date Day
Morning Afternoon
(Without Practical: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM) (Without Practical: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM)
(With Practical: 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon) (With Practical: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM)
03/02/2024 Saturday Minor Course (NEP2020) Minor Course (NEP2020)
History, Economics, Education, Sanskrit Kokborok, Sociology, Hindi, Psychology,
Geography, Music, Pali, NCC, Phy.
05/02/2024 Monday Interdisciplinary Course (NEP2020) Interdisciplinary Course (NEP2020)
English, Bengali, Pol. Sc., Philosophy Physics, Chemistry, Botany, H. Physiology,
Mathematics, Zoology, Env. Studies,
Accountancy. Bio-Chemistry, Statistics
06/02/2024 Tuesday Interdisciplinary Course (NEP2020) Interdisciplinary Course (NEP2020)
History, Economics, Education, Sanskrit Kokborok, Sociology, Hindi, Information
Technology, Psychology, Geography,
Music, Pali
07/02/2024 Wednesday Honours – V, Paper – V Pali-III / Chemistry-I
08/02/2024 Thursday Honours – III, Paper – III Music Elective Paper-I/ Pali-I
09/02/2024 Friday Honours – I, Paper - I Physics-III/ Geography-V
12/02/2024 Monday Honours – V, Paper – VI Bengali-III/ Zoology-I/NCC-I
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All Principals of General Degree Colleges, Tripura and Director of Distance Education Tripura University are
requested to ensure that all forms, fees and relevant documents of the candidates are to be submitted to the
University strictly adhering to the above Programme and instructions given below:
• For TDP/TDPH courses, the College authorities are requested to submit the fees in demand draft or by
cheque drawn on State Bank of India, Tripura University Campus Branch in favour of The Registrar,
Tripura University on or before i.e. 06/01/2024.
• If any student has more than one subject to appear at on the same day and at the same time the matter may
be reported to the undersigned within 12/01/2024. However, if student(s) have a subject to appear on same
day but different time such case will not be entertained.
• Examination fee for all Semester will be as per the University rate notified dated 08/06/2017 & 21/11/2023
for TDP/TDPH and UG-NEP2020 respectively.
• Note: Practical Examination of 1st, 3rd& 5th Semester for subjects having practical components will be held
from 29/01/2024 to 19/03/2024.
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