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Instruction Manual For Dodge® 6B Hydroil Screw Conveyor Drive

HSCXT3C 6B thru HSCXT7A 6B Double Reduction Hydroil Screw Conveyor Drive

for Char-Lynn H, S, T and 2000 Series 6B Spline Motors
These instructions must be read thoroughly before installation or operation. This instruction manual was accurate at the time of
printing. Please see dodgeindustrial.com for updated instruction manuals.

WARNING: To ensure the drive is not unexpectedly WARNING: All products over 25 kg (55 lbs) are noted on the
started, turn off and lock-out or tag power source before shipping package. Proper lifting practices are required for
proceeding. Failure to observe these precautions could these products.
result in bodily injury.










Figure 1 - Assembly

WARNING: Because of the possible danger to person(s) or NOTE: This reducer is compatible with the Dodge Ability
property from accidents which may result from the improper Smart Sensor that can be installed in the adapter plug
use of products, it is important that correct procedures be labeled "smart sensor". The plug and sensor can be moved
followed. Products must be used in accordance with the to different locations as required by mounting position.
engineering information specified in the catalog. Proper
installation, maintenance and operation procedures Note: A Screw Conveyor Drive consists of two sub-assemblies
must be observed. The instructions in the instruction and a drive shaft all listed below.
manuals must be followed. Inspections should be made
as necessary to assure safe operation under prevailing 1. Reducer – Includes speed reducer, shaft retainer, retainer
conditions. Proper guards and other suitable safety devices bolt and lockwasher.
or procedures as may be desirable or as may be specified in 2. Adapter Assembly – Includes adapter bolts, lockwashers,
safety codes should be provided, and are neither provided a lip type seal, 2 braided type seals, a seal retaining ring and
by Dodge nor are the responsibility of Dodge. This unit and drive shaft key.
its associated equipment must be installed, adjusted and 3. Drive Shaft – Includes shaft and key in adapter assembly.
maintained by qualified personnel who are familiar with the
construction and operation of all equipment in the system Make certain none of the parts have been damaged in shipment.
and the potential hazards involved. When risk to persons Any shipping damage should be promptly reported to the carrier.
or property may be involved, a holding device must be an Read all instructions in this manual before attempting to assemble
integral part of the driven equipment beyond the speed or install the Screw Conveyor Drive. It is important that assembly
reducer output shaft. be performed in the following sequence and that each step be
completed before continuing to the next.
ASSEMBLY 5. Carefully place reducer on its side. Rotate shaft to align
keyseats in shaft and output hub and install key. Install shaft
1. Place reducer on blocks so that it lays flat with the input retainer, lockwasher, and bolt.
shaft down 6. Tighten bolts per Table 4.
2. Position adapter on reducer output hub so that small end 7. Lay reducer on blocks with input shaft down and tighten
(end with 12 holes) rests on reducer. Select the 4 mounting adapter bolts per Table 4.
holes to match the shaft used (see Fig. 1).
3. Place adapter screws and lockwashers through adapter and Adjustable
thread into reducer. Do not tighten. Packing
4. Select either lip type or braided type seals and install as Adapter
Hex Screw
Lip Type Seals – Place seal in adapter so that spring faces Nut Stud
out. Seal should be tapped evenly into place in the adapter
with a soft hammer, applying force only on the outer corner
of the seal. Fill cavity between lips of seal with grease. Install Retainer
seal retainer ring by tapping with a hammer. Apply grease Ring
to adapter section of shaft (middle section). Slide shaft,
keyseated end first, into adapter and through reducer.
Note: Be extremely careful when sliding adapter section Seals
of shaft through seal to prevent seal lips from being
damaged or rolled over.

Braided Type Seals – Flatten both seals with a soft

hammer. Place seals in adapter, one on top of the other with
joints offset from each other. Lay retaining ring loosely on
top of seals. Slide shaft, keyseated end first, into adapter Shaft
and through reducer. Take care to clear the seals with the
adapter section of the shaft. Once shaft has bottomed, seat Figure 2 - Optional Adjustable Packing Adapter
retainer ring by simultaneously hitting the face of the ring on
opposite sides of the shaft with two hammers.
5. Carefully place reducer on its side. Rotate shaft to align MOTOR INSTALLATION
keyseats in shaft and output hub and install key. Install
shaft retainer, lockwasher and bolt. Tighten bolt to torque Consult the local Char-Lynn Motor dealer for hydraulic motor
specified in Table 4. information.
6. Lay reducer on blocks With input shaft down and tighten
adapter bolts to torque specified in Table 4. INSTALLATION
7. If waste packing is to be used, it may be installed through
access hole provided in the adapter. Waste packing, not
furnished with the screw conveyor drive, may be used as a 1. Determine the running positions of the reducer. (See Fig.
separate seal option or in combination with either the lip or 3) Note that the reducer is supplied with 7 plugs; 5 around
braided seals. the sides for horizontal installations and 1 on each face for
vertical installations. These plugs must be arranged relative
OPTIONAL ADJUSTABLE PACKING ADAPTER to the running positions as follows:
Horizontal Installations – Install the magnetic drain plug in
1. Place reducer on blocks so that it lays flat with the input the hole closest to the bottom of the reducer. Throw away
shaft down. the tape that covers the filter/ventilation plug in shipment
2. Position adapter on reducer output hub so that small end and install plug in topmost hole. Of the 3 remaining plugs
(end with 12 holes) rests on reducer. Select the 4 mounting on the sides of the reducer, the lowest one is the minimum
holes to match the shaft used. See Fig. 1. oil level plug.
3. Place adapter screws and lockwashers through adapter and
thread into reducer. Do not tighten. Vertical Installations – Install the filter/ventilation plug in
4. Install 2 screws in studs in the adapter. Use Loctite on the hole provided in the top face of the reducer housing. Use
threads. See Fig. 2. the hole in the bottom face for the magnetic drain plug. Of
the 5 remaining holes on the sides of the reducer, use a plug
Flatten braided seals with a soft hammer. Place seals in in the upper housing half for the minimum oil level plug.
adapter, one on top of the other with joints offset from each
other. Lay retaining ring loosely on top of seals. Slide shaft,
keyseated end first, into adapter and through adjusting
flange into reducer. Take care to clear the seals with the
adapter section of the shaft. Once shaft has bottomed, seat
retainer ring by tapping with a hammer. Install adjustable
flange and secure with hex nuts provided.

WARNING: The user is responsible for conforming with the
HORIZONAL APPLICATIONS National Electrical Code and all other applicable electrical
codes. Wiring practices, grounding, disconnects, and
overcurrent protection are of particular importance. Failure
to observe these precautions could result in severe bodily
injury or loss of life.

2. Because reducer is shipped without oil, it is necessary to

add the proper amount before operating the drive. Use a
Position A Position B Position C Position D high grade petroleum base, rust and oxidation inhibited (R &
B = Breather D = Drain L = Level P = Plug O) gear oil – see lubrication tables.
3. Retighten bolts and pipe plugs after a few days of operation.
VERTICAL MOUNT This prevents oil leakage.

CAUTION: Unit is shipped without oil. Add proper amount

of recommended lubricant before operating. Failure to
observe these precautions could result in damage to, or
Position E Position F destruction of, the equipment.

Figure 3 - Mounting Positions

Table 1 - Oil Volumes

Volume of Oil to Fill Reducer to Oil Level Plug
① Position A ① Position B ① Position C ① Position D ① Position E ① Position F
Size Fluid ② Fluid ② Fluid ② Fluid ② Fluid ② Fluid ②
Oz. Qts. Liters Oz. Qts. Liters Oz. Qts. Liters Oz. Qts. Liters Oz. Qts. Liters Oz. Qts. Liters
(app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.) (app.)
(H)SCXT3A 48 1-1/2 1.42 48 1-1/2 1.42 24 3/4 .71 72 2-1/4 2.13 84 2-5/8 2.48 96 3 2.84

(H)SCXT4A 60 1-7/8 1.77 72 2-1/4 2.13 40 1-1/4 1.18 56 1-3/4 1.66 108 3-3/8 3.19 136 4-1/4 4.02

(H)SCXT5B 104 3-1/4 3.08 128 4 3.79 104 3-1/4 3.08 128 4 3.79 224 7 6.62 272 8-1/2 8.04
(H)SCXT6 136 4-1/4 4.00 160 6 4.70 136 4-1/4 4.00 160 5 4.70 276 8-5/8 8.20 292 9-1/8 8.06
(H)SCXT7 208 6-1/2 6.10 256 8 7.60 232 7-1/4 6.90 296 9-1/4 8.70 492 15-3/8 14.60 525 16-3/8 15.50
① Refer to Fig. 3 for mounting positions
② U.S. Measure: 1 qt. = 32 fl. oz. = .94646 liters
③ Below 15 RPM output speed, oil level must be adjusted to reach the highest oil level plug (P)
NOTE: If reducer position is to vary from those shown in Figure 3, either more or less oil may be required. Consult factory.

Table 2 - Lubrication Recommendations -

ISO Grades for Ambient Temperatures of 15° to 60°
Output Reducer Size
RPM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15
301-400 220 220 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
201-300 220 220 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
151-200 220 220 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
126-150 220 220 220 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
101-125 220 220 220 220 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
81-100 220 220 220 220 220 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
41-80 220 220 220 220 220 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
11-40 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 150 150 150 150
1-10 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

Table 3 - Lubrication Recommendations -
ISO Grades for Ambient Temperatures of 15° to 125°
Output Reducer Size
RPM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15
301-400 320 320 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
201-300 320 320 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
151-200 320 320 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
126-150 320 320 320 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
101-125 320 320 320 320 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
81-100 320 320 320 320 320 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
41-80 320 320 320 320 320 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220
11-40 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 220 220 220 220
1-10 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320
Below - 23°F call application engineer
20°F to 22°F use Mobil SHC627
Above 125°F use Mobile SHC 634

LUBRICATION Preparation:

Under average industrial operating conditions, the lubricant 1. Drain the oil from the unit. Add a vapor phase corrosion
should be changed every 2500 hours of operation or every six inhibiting oil (VCI-105 oil by Daubert Chemical Co.) in
months, whichever occurs first. Drain reducer and flush with accordance with Table 4.
kerosene, clean magnetic drain plug, and refill to proper level 2. Seal the unit air tight. Replace the vent plug with a standard
with new lubricant. pipe plug and wire the vent to the unit.
3. Cover the shaft extension with a waxy rust preventative,
CAUTION: Too much oil will cause overheating and too little compound that will keep oxygen away from the bare metal.
will result in gear failure. Check oil level regularly. (Non-Rust X-110 by Daubert Chemical Co.)
4. The instruction manuals and lubrication tags are paper and
CAUTION: Extreme pressure (EP) lubricants are not must be kept dry. Either remove these documents and store
recommended for average operating conditions. Failure them inside or cover the unit with a durable waterproof cover
to observe these precautions could result in damage to, or which can keep moisture away.
destruction of, the equipment. Under extreme operating 5. Protect the reducer from dust, moisture, and other
conditions, such as rapid rise and fall of temperatures, contaminants by storing the unit in a dry area.
dust, dirt, chemical particles, chemical fumes, or oil sump 6. In damp environments, the reducer should be packed inside
temperatures above 200ºF, the oil should be changed every a moisture-proof container or an envelope of polyethylene
1 to 3 months, depending on the severity of the conditions. containing a desiccant material. If the reducer is to be stored
outdoors, cover the entire exterior with a rust preventative.
CAUTION: Do not use oils containing slippery additives such
as graphite or molybdenum disulphide in the reducer when When Placing the Reducer Into Service:
backstop is used. These additives will destroy sprag action.
Failure to observe these precautions could result in damage 1. Assemble the vent plug into the proper hole.
to, or destruction of, the equipment. 2. Clean the shaft extensions with petroleum solvents.
3. Fill the unit to the proper oil level using a recommended
lubricant. VCI oil will not affect the new lubricant.
GUIDELINES FOR TORQUE-ARM REDUCER 4. Follow the installation instructions provided in this manual.
Table 4 - Quantity of VCI #105 Oil
During periods of long storage, or when waiting for delivery or Case Size Quarts or Liters
installation of other equipment, special care should be taken to HSCXT3C-6B .1
protect a gear reducer to have it ready to be in the best condition
when placed into service.
By taking special precautions, problems such as seal leakage HSCXT6A-6B .4
and reducer failure due to lack of lubrication, improper HSCXT7A-6B .5
lubrication quantity, or contamination can be avoided. The
following precautions will protect gear reducers during periods VCI #105 & #10 are interchangeable
of extended storage: VCI #105 is more readily available


40°C 100°C VG GRADES GEAR OILS 100°F 210°F
2000 10,000
8000 300
60 1500
1000 50 1000 8A 5000
800 4000 200
40 680 8
600 3000

500 30 140
460 7
320 6 1500
300 20
220 5 1000 90
200 90
800 80
150 4
600 70
100 100 3 85W
10 500
80 9 60
8 68 2 80W 55
60 7 300
50 6 46 1
40 75W
30 5 150

10 60
7 50
6 SAE 75W, 80W, AND 85W
4 40
AT 100°C. 35

2 2

Dodge is prepared to repair Screw Conveyor Drive speed 1. Output Hub Assembly: Heat gear to 325ºF to 350ºF to
reducers for customers who do not have the proper facilities or shrink onto hub. Heat bearings to 270ºF to 290ºF to shrink
for those who desire factory service. However, if the customer onto hub. Any injury to the hub surfaces where the oil seals
has access to an arbor press, equipment for heating and rub will cause leakage, making it necessary to use a new
shrinking bearings and gears on shafts, and the tools normally hub.
found in a maintenance department, the Screw Conveyor Drive 2. Countershaft Assembly: Shaft and pinion are integral.
speed reducer can easily be disassembled and reassembled by Press gear and bearings on shaft. Press against inner (not
careful attention to the following instructions. outer) race of bearings.
3. Input Shaft Assembly: Shaft and pinion are integral. Press
Cleanliness is very important to prevent the introduction of bearings on shaft. Press against inner (not outer) race of
dirt into the bearings and other parts of the reducer. The oil bearings.
seals are of the rubbing type and considerable care should be 4. Drive the two dowel pins into place in the right-hand housing
exercised during disassembly or reassembly to avoid damage to half. Apply RTV732 sealant to carriers for R.H. side (backstop
the surfaces on which these seals rub. Any sharp edges on the side) of reducer. Install carriers and torque bolts per Table 5.
input shaft or output hub should be covered with adhesive tape 5. Place R.H. housing half on blocks to allow for protruding
or paper before performing any work on the unit. Nicks and burrs end of output hub.
on surfaces of the input shaft or output hub should be removed. 6. Install bearing cups in right-hand housing half, making sure
they are properly seated.
ORDERING PARTS 7. Mesh output hub gear and small countershaft gear together
and set in place in housing. Set input shaft assembly in
When ordering parts for reducer, specify Screw Conveyor Drive place in the housing. Make sure bearing rollers (cones) are
size and serial number, part name, part number, and quantity. properly seated in their cups. Set bearing cups for left-hand
housing half in place on their rollers.
Parts that must be pressed from shafts or output hub should be
8. Clean housing flange surfaces on both halves, making sure
removed before ordering parts. This assures that those parts, if
not to nick or scratch flange face. Place a 1/8” bead of
damaged during pressing operation, will be replaced.
RTV732 sealant on flange face (make sure RTV is placed
It is recommended that when a pinion or gear is replaced, the between bolt holes and inside of flange face). Place other
mating gear or pinion be replaced also. This insures that the housing half into position and tap with a soft hammer
gear teeth will mesh properly. If the large gear on the output hub (rawhide, not lead hammer) until housing bolts can be used
must be replaced, it is suggested that an output hub assembly, to draw housing halves together. Torque housing bolts per
consisting of a gear assembled on an output hub, be ordered to torque values listed in Table 5.
secure an output hub with undamaged surfaces on which the oil 9. Place output hub seal carrier in position without shims and
seals rub. However, if the old output hub is to be used, carefully install two carrier screws diametrically opposed. Torque
press the gear and bearing cones off. Thoroughly examine the each screw to 25 in.-lbs. Rotate the output hub to roll in the
area under the oil seals for scratches or any other damage bearings and then torque each screw to 50 in.-lbs. Again
resulting from the pressing operation. To prevent leakage at the turn output hub to roll in the bearings. With a feeler or taper
oil seals, the rubbing area must be smooth. gage, measure the gap between the housing and the carrier
flange. To determine the required shim thickness, take the
Replacements for the old oil seals should be ordered, due to the average of the two feeler gage readings. Remove carrier and
probability of these parts being damaged during disassembly. install the required shims plus .002. Install carrier with shims
If replacing a bearing, output hub, or a shaft, it is advisable to and torque bolts per Table 5. Rotate hub assembly, tap
order a set of shims for adjustment of bearings on the shaft lightly with rawhide mallet on end of hub, while rotating, to
assembly. ensure bearings are seated. Using a dial indicator check end
play of hub bearings, endplay should be 001–.003. Repeat
If replacing a housing, a set of shims should be ordered for each this process as necessary to obtain proper end play. Place
shaft assembly because the adjustment of the bearings on each a 1/8” diameter bead of RTV732 sealant inside the carrier at
shaft assembly is affected. the shim I.D. and install carrier on reducer housing. Torque
carrier bolts to value shown in Table 5.
REMOVING SCREW CONVEYOR DRIVE FROM THE 10. Adjust the countershaft bearings using the same method as
TROUGH END in step 8 above. The axial end play should be .001” to .003”.
11. Again, using the same procedure as in step 8, adjust the
Disconnect any electrical power to the drive. Drain lubricant from
input shaft bearings, except the axial end play should be
reducer. Uncouple drive shaft and screw. Remove nuts from
.002” to .004”.
trough end studs. Support drive by means of hoist and carefully
12. Using gaskets or RTV732 install input shaft cover and
pull unit away from trough end to slide drive shaft out of screw.
counter shaft cover to right-hand housing half. Install
DISASSEMBLY input and output seals. Extreme care should be used when
installing seals to avoid damage due to contact with sharp
1. Remove retainer bolt, lockwasher, and shaft retainer from edges on the input shaft or output hub. The possibility of
drive shaft. Pull drive shaft out of reducer from adapter side. damage and consequent oil leakage can be decreased by
Remove adapter. covering all sharp edges with tape prior to seal installation.
2. Position reducer on its side and remove all bolts. Gently tap Fill cavity between seal lips with grease. Seals should be
the output hub and input shaft with a soft hammer (rawhide, pressed or tapped with a soft hammer evenly into place in
not lead hammer) to separate the housing halves. Open the carrier, applying pressure only on the outer edge of
housing evenly to prevent damage to the parts inside. the seals. A slight oil leakage at the seals may be evident
3. Lift shaft, gear, and bearing assemblies from housing. during initial running, but should disappear unless seals
4. Remove seals, seal carriers, and bearing cups from housing. have been damaged.
5. Clean all parts in solvent, inspect for damage, and coat with 13. Install bushing backup plates and snap rings on Taper
oil. Bushed reducers or hub collars on straight bore reducers.
Table 5 – Recommended Torque Values Table 5 – Recommended Torque Values
Torque-Arm Recommended Torque (ft.-lbs.) Torque-Arm Recommended Torque (ft.-lbs.)
Reducer Adapter Housing OP Hub Seal Reducer Adapter Housing OP Hub Seal
Drive Size Bolts Bolts Carrier Bolts Drive Size Bolts Bolts Carrier Bolts
HSCXT3C 70–75 45–50 15–17 HSCXT3C 70–75 45–50 15–17
HSCXT4C 145–150 45–50 27–30 HSCXT4C 145–150 45–50 27–30
HSCXT5C 145–150 68–75 27–30 HSCXT5C 145–150 68–75 27–30
HSCXT6A 145–150 68–75 27–30 HSCXT6A 145–150 68–75 27–30
HSCXT7A 145–150 135–150 45–50 HSCXT7A 145–150 135–150 45–50

Recommended Torque (ft.-lbs.) Recommended Torque (ft.-lbs.)

Torque-Arm RH Torque-Arm RH
Countershaft Countershaft
Reducer Countershaft Hydroil Motor Reducer Countershaft Hydroil Motor
Bearing Carrier Bearing Carrier
Drive Size Bearing Cover Adapter Screws Drive Size Bearing Cover Adapter Screws
Bolts Bolts
Screws Screws
HSCXT3C 15–17 15–17 15–17 HSCXT3C 15–17 15–17 15–17
HSCXT4C 27–30 n/a 27–30 HSCXT4C 27–30 n/a 27–30
HSCXT5C 27–30 27–30 27–30 HSCXT5C 27–30 27–30 27–30
HSCXT6A 27–30 27–30 27–30 HSCXT6A 27–30 27–30 27–30
HSCXT7A 45–50 45–50 45–50 HSCXT7A 45–50 45–50 45–50

Torque-Arm Recommended Torque (ft.-lbs.) Torque-Arm Recommended Torque (ft.-lbs.)

Reducer Backstop Reducer Backstop
Drive Size Cover Bolts Drive Size Cover Bolts
HSCXT3C 15–17 HSCXT3C 15–17
HSCXT4C 27–30 HSCXT4C 27–30
HSCXT5C 27–30 HSCXT5C 27–30
HSCXT6A 27–30 HSCXT6A 27–30
HSCXT7A 45–50 HSCXT7A 45–50
Note: Tighten sufficient to prevent oil leaks Note: Tighten sufficient to prevent oil leaks

62 88, 90
16, 19, 20, 22, 24 80, 81


31 92
80, 81


84, 85
54, 55 48
32, 33 96

42 21
40 87

26, 27
56, 57
29, 30 50


38, 39
44, 45
28 31 36
46, 47

Countershaft Cover
(Backstop Side)
HSCXT4C - 6B Only

HSCXT325C 6B - HSCXT415C 6B - HSCXT 425C 6B - HSCXT525C 6B HSCXT325C 6B - HSCXT415C 6B - HSCXT 425C 6B - HSCXT525C 6B
Reference Name of Part Reference Name of Part
Required 3C – 6B 4C – 6B Required 3C – 6B 4C – 6B
Housing Assembly 1 243538 244569 54 ⑥ ③ Countershaft Bearing Cone 1 402273 402000
① Air Vent 1 900287 900287 55 ⑥ ③ (Input Side) Cup 1 403094 403000
16 Housing Bolt 6 411440 411442 56 ⑥ ③ CounterShaft Bearing Cone 1 402273 402000
19 Washer 4 419094 419094 57 ⑥ ③ (Backstop Side) Cup 1 403094 403000
20 Lockwasher 6 419012 419012 80 ⑥ ③ Output Hub Bearing Cone 2 402272 402268
22 Hex Nut 8 407089 407089 81 ⑥ ③ Output Hub Bearing Cup 2 403127 403163
24⑨ Dowel Pin 2 420055 420055 84 Retainer Bolt 1 411551 411551
① Pipe Plug 2 430031 430031 85 Lockwasher 1 034017020AB
① Magnetic Plug 1 430060 430060 86 Shaft Retainer 1 353053 354088
① Smart Sensor adapter 1 966905 966905 ⑤ Adapter Assembly 1 353047 354121
21 Countershaft Cover Screws 4 87 ⑥ ⑦ Adapter 1 356164 356150
416524 –
(Backstop Side) 88 ⑥ Bolt 4 411456 411483
26 Countershaft Bearing Cover 1 90 ⑥ Lockwasher 4 419013 034017018AB
243559 244495
(Backstop Side) 93 ⑥ Lip Seal 1 353085 354115
27 Lockwasher 4 419007 – 94 ⑥ Seal Retaining Ring 1 353054 354089
28 Hydroil Motor Adapter 1 243467 244573 98 ⑥ Key 1 443089 443114
29 Adapter Screws 4② 417081 417108 ⑧⑤ Adjustable Packing Kit 1 356303 356304
30 Lockwasher 4② 419046 419047 ①⑥ Adjustable Packing Retainer 1 356166 356152
34 Backstop Cover 1 243560 244493 ①⑥ Stud 2 400404 400404
38 Backstop Cover Screw 4 416524 411035 ①⑥ Hex Nut 2 407202 407202
39 Lockwasher 4 419007 419009 ①⑥ Braided Seal 3 427658 427664

6B Hydroil 15:1 Ratio 1 – 244586 Drive Shaft 1 1/2” Diameter 1 243562 244594
Input Pinion 25:1 Ratio 1 243498 244587 96 2” Diameter 1 243563 244595
Countershaft 15:1 Ratio 1 – 389707 2 7/16” Diameter 1 243564 244596

Assembly 25:1 Ratio 1 389701 389708 3” Diameter 1 243565 244597
48 ⑥ Countershaft with Pinion 1 243555 244590 3 7/16” Diameter 1 – 244598
50 ⑥ First Reduction 15:1 Ratio 1 – 244214 NOTES:
③Gear 25:1 Ratio 1 243212 244212 ① Not shown on drawing.
52 ⑥ Standard Gear Key 1 D8242 D8243 ② 5 required on HSCXT525C – 6B.
③⑩ Crescent Gear Key 1 243215 244215 ③ Recommended spare parts
➃ If replacing a bearing, output hub, or a shaft, it is advisable to order a set of shims for adjustment of bearings
Output Hub Assembly➄ 1 389702HA 389709HA on the shaft assembly. If replacing a housing, a set of shims should be ordered for each shaft assembly
60⑥ ➄ Output Hub 1 243557 244589 because the adjustment of the bearings on each shaft assembly is affected.
62⑥ ➄ Output Hub Gear 1 243570 244188 ➄ Includes parts listed immediately below marked
64⑥ ➄ Output Gear Key 1 243216 354087 ⑥ Makes up assembly under which listed
31③ ⑦ Must buy complete assembly
59③ Complete Reducer Shim Kit 1 243800 244800 ⑧ Must have adapter assembly to use packing kit
 Included with Housing Assembly
82③ ⑩ Key was changed from crescent shaped key to standard key in April 2006
⑤ SEAL KIT 1 389720 392329 For HSCXT3C-6B countershaft built before 4/06 use 243215, after 4/06 use D8242
36 ⑥ ③Backstop Cover Gasket 1 243561 244593 For HSCXT4C-6B countershaft built before 4/06 use 244215, after 4/06 use D8243
42⑥ ③ Input Shaft Seal 1 A73106 A73108 For HSCXT5C-6B countershaft built before 4/06 use 244215, after 4/06 use D8243
78⑥ ③ Output Shaft Seal 2 902286 A73109
① RTV Sealant, Tube 1 415112-80-H
⑤ BEARING KIT 392345 329329
44 ⑥ ③Input Shaft Bearing Cone 1 402204 402280
45 ⑥ ③ (Input Side) Cup 1 403139 403027
46 ⑥ ③ Input Shaft Bearing Cone 1 402273 402142
47 ⑥ ③ (Backstop Side) Cup 1 403094 403102
80, 81


16, 19, 20, 22, 24

88, 90
76 78

32, 33 92
80, 81

64 98

84, 85
32, 33

58 96

48 87
54, 55
42 52


56, 57

29, 30


38, 39
44, 45
31 36
46, 47

Number Number
Ref. Name of Part HSCXT5C – 6B HSCXT6A–6B HSCXT7A – 6B Ref. Name of Part HSCXT5C – 6B HSCXT6A–6B HSCXT7A – 6B
Required Required
Housing Assembly 1 245589 356297 356280 96 Drive 1-1/2 Diameter 1 – 356040 356180
③ Air Vent 1 904287 904287 904287 Shaft 2” Diameter 1 355175 356041 356181
16 Housing Bolt 8 411464 411466 411498 2-7/16” Diameter 1 355176 356042 356182
3” Diameter 1 355177 356043 356183
20 Lockwasher 8 419096 419013 034017020AB 3-7/16” Diameter 1 355178 356044 356184
③ Washer 2 419013 419096 419082 ① SEAL KIT 1 389722 389720 392329
22 Hex Nut 8 407091 407091 407095 36④ ② Backstop Cover Gasket 1 245220 246220 246220
24 Dowel Pin 2 420110 420112 420128 42④ ② Input Shaft Seal 1 234277 246524 246524
③ Oil Plug 5 430033 430033 430035 78④ ② Output Hub Seal 1 904286 905286 247310
① Smart Sensor Adapter 1 966907 966906 966906 ① Bearing Kit 1 392334 392337 392339
③ Magnetic Plug 1 430062 430062 430064 44② ④ Input Shaft Bearing Cone 1 402144 402196 402150
28 Hydroil Motor Adapter 1 245643 246522 247522 45② ④ (Input Side) Cup 1 403104 403091 403106
29 Adapter Screws 6 417108 417108 417141 46② ④ I/P Shaft Bearing Cone 1 402266 402197 402088
30 Lockwasher 6 419047 419047 419048 47② ④ (Backstop Side) Cup 1 403073 403091 403047
32 Carrier and Cover Screws ⑧ 411407 032018010CJ 411433 54② ④ Countershaft Bearing Cone 1 402203 402054 402256
33 Lockwasher ⑧ 419011 419011 419012 55② ④ (Input Side) Cup 1 403027 403159 403053
34 Backstop Cover 1 245547 246221 247221 56② ④ Countershaft Bearing Cone 1 402203 402052 402256
38 Backstop Cover Screw 6 411406 411404 411402 57② ④(Backstop Side) Cup 1 403027 403142 403053
39 Lockwasher 6 419009 419009 419009 80② ④ Output Hub Cone 2 402193 402050 402058
40 ④ 6B Hydroil Input 25: 1 Ratio – 246521 247521 81② ④ Bearing Cup 2 403016 403140 403111
Pinion 245641 NOTES:
① Countershaft – ① Includes parts listed below marked with note 2
Assembly 25:1 Ratio 1 389715 391186 391197 ② Makes up assemblies under which they are listed
48② ④ Countershaft with Pinion 1 244596 246294 247002 ③ Not shown on drawing
50② ④ First Reduction 25:1 Ratio 1 – 246293 247005 ④ Recommended spare parts
245212 ⑤ Must buy complete assembly
52② ④ Standard Gear Key 1 D8243 D8244 301193

⑥ Must have adapter assembly to use packing kit
⑦ Crescent Gear Key 1 244215 245218 247218 ⑦ Key was changed from crescent shaped to standard key
58 Countershaft Bearing (Input Side) 1 245594KIT 246185 247194 For original HSCXT6-6B countershaft, use 245218, for current style use D8244
Cover For original HSCXT7-6B countershaft, use 247218, for current style use 301193
① Output Hub Assembly 1 389716HA 390988 390990 Current style standard key sold with the countershaft assembly
60② ④ Output Hub 1 245591 246338 247338 ⑧ 18 required on HSCXT625-6B; 20 required on HSCXT7-6B
62② ④ Output Gear 245186 246295 247215
64② ⑥ Output Gear Key 2 391026 245217 245217
59 ④Complete Shim Kit 1 389725 246166 247138
76 Output Hub Seal Carrier (Input Side) 1 245592 246187 247315
84 Retainer Bolt 1 411551 411552 411552
85 Lockwasher 1 034017020AB 419020 419020
86 Shaft Retainer 1 355065 356047 356191
① Adapter Assembly 1 355072 356055 356187
87② ⑤Adapter 1 356159 356155 356193
88② Bolt 4 411483 032018020EJ 411496
③ RTV Sealsant Tube 1 415112-80-H
90② Lockwasher 4 034017020AB 419014 034017020AB
92 ② Lip Seal 1 355067 355054 355054
90 ② Seal Retaining Ring 1 355066 356054 356054
98 ② Key 1 443239 443288 443289
⑥① Adjustable Adapter Assembly 1 356305 356306 356306
③② Adjustable Packing Retainer 1 356161 356157 356157
③② Stud 2 400404 400404 400404
③② Hex Nut 2 407202 407202 407202
③② Braided Seal 3 427674 427687 427687
Dodge Industrial, Inc.
1061 Holland Road
Simpsonville, SC 29681
+1 864 297 4800 *1676-0222*

© DODGE INDUSTRIAL, INC. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.


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