E Tech Test
E Tech Test
E Tech Test
A Fon
. ts
B Variati
. ons
C Font
. sizes
2. You insert a clip art and it is too big. To resize it you would _____.
A Change it the same way you change
. the font size
B Click on the clip art to show the handles and drag a
. handle to resize it
C Click the insert tab and
. choose resize
3. What would you do to highlight a word? You position the cursor next to the word
and then _____.
A Drag the mouse while holding the left
. mouse button
B Roll mouse
. around
C Click the mouse
. three times
4. Another name for the cursor is the ____.
A Click
. er
B Blink
. er
C Insertion
. point
5. What happens in a document when the "cut" command is used?
A Only half the screen
. is seen.
B The application stops
. running.
C Selected text or graphics
. are removed.
6. Which one is not a tab in Microsoft Word 2010?
A Fil
. e
B Inse
. rt
C Hom
. e
D Desi
. gn
7. Which one of the following is not in the drop-down menu when you click the File
tab in Microsoft Word 2010?
A Save
. As
B Ope
. n
C Ne
. w
D Back
. up
8. What tab do you go to for the spelling and grammar check?
A Hom
. e
B Revie
. w
C Inse
. rt
D Fil
. e
9. Which tab would you choose to change the font size of a word from 12 points to
18 points?
A Fil
. e
B Hom
. e
C Inse
. rt
D Page
. Layout
You would use this key to bullet the items in a list.
A Tru
. e
B Fal
. se
To save a document for the first time you would choose _________,
A Sa
. ve
B Save
. As
C Neither A
. nor B
You would use this key to change the color of your word from black to red.
A Tru
. e
B Fal
. se
You would use this key to make a numbered list, such as a grocery list.
A Tru
. e
B Fal
. se
You would use this key to italicize a word.
A Tru
. e
B Fal
. se
To remove a portion of the text, you would use this key.
A Tru
. e
B Fal
. se
If you began typing in this Microsoft Word document, your text would be centered.
A Tru
. e
B Fal
. se
28. To remove a portion of text from a document, you can ___________.
A Cut
. it
B Past
. e it
C Undo
. it
D Redo
. it
29. You can take a selection that you have cut or copied from the clipboard and
_____________ it into a document.
A Cu
. t
B Pas
. te
C Cop
. y
D Und
. o
30. Different lettering designs which can be used to add variety to documents are
called __________________.
A Symb
. ols
B Bulle
. ts
C Fon
. ts
D Hyperlin
. ks
31. The feature that will reverse your action should you make a mistake is called
A Und
. o
B Spell
. Check
C Pas
. te
D Inse
. rt
32. This command creates a duplicate of a selection and saves it to the clipboard.
A Cu
. t
B Pas
. te
C Cop
. y
D Pri
. nt
33. When your text is lined up on your right margin, you could say that it is
A Poet
. ry
B Right
. Aligned
C Center
. ed
D Horizon
. tal
34. Font size is measured in __________.
A Centimet
. ers
B Byt
. es
C Poin
. ts
D Inch
. es
35. A table is a grid into which data can be entered. It is made up of ___________.
A Ro
. ws
B Colum
. ns
C Both a
. &b