Material Properties: Reinforcement Details: Design of Concrete Beam

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Project Name: C_C Design by: C_C

Owner: C_C Mark: 2B2

Location: C_C Date: 01/17/2024
Check by: Nicolas L. Operario Jr.

DESIGN OF CONCRETE BEAM Structural Excell Program

Material Properties: Reinforcement Details Left Mid Right

Concrete f'c = 20 MPa Main bar Ø = 16 mm
Reinforcing fy = 275 MPa Shear bar Ø = 10 mm
Stirrup fy = 275 MPa Torsion bar Ø = 16 mm

Section Properties
Span type = Simply supported
Length = 3.60 m
Width = 0.20 m
Height = 0.35 m

Stress Result (Any FEA or Frame Analysis) Top Rebar = 2 pcs Top Rebar = 3 pcs Top Rebar = 2 pcs
Bending Moment Left Section Mid Section Right Section Ratio = 0 Ratio = 0 Ratio = 0
kN/m kN/m kN/m Bottom Rebar = 2 pcs Bottom Rebar = 5 pcs Bottom Rebar = 2 pcs
Top Location 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ratio = 0.885 Ratio = 0.839 Ratio = 0.885
Bottom Location 24.83 49.77 24.83 Check Minimum Depth of Beam
Other Loads Left Section Mid Section Right Section Depth = 0.22 Depth use is ok Table 409.3.1.1
Shear Stress 50.20 0.00 50.20 4 x Depth = 1.16 Depth use is ok Sec. 418.6.2.1a
Torsion Moment 0.00 0.00 0.00 Width (200 or 0.3H) = 0.20 Width use is ok Sec. 418.6.2.1b
Service Moment 18.12 36.52 25.32

Design for Flexural Reinforcement Design for Stirrups
Used Maximum Vu = 50.2 kN Legs = 2
Top Moment Left Mid Right
The Beam Section is Adequate
Mu (kN.m) = 0 0 0 The Beam Section is Adequate @50mm @2●Height
β1 value = 0.85 0.85 0.85 Distance = 48.11 kN 29.4 kN
Remarks = Doubly! Doubly! Doubly! Applied Force, Vu = 32.42 kN 32.42 kN Sec. 409.6.3.1

ρmax = 0.01064 0.01584 0.01064 Concrete Strength, φVc= 129.69 kN 129.69 kN

ρmin = 0 0 0 Concrete Strength, Vs max= 162.11 kN 162.11 kN
ρused = 0.00689 0.01033 0.00689 Vmax =
● Compute Area Reinforcement 20.91 kN 0 kN
Reduction Fac = 0.9 0.9 0.9
Vs = 86.46 kN 86.46 kN
Neutral Axis = 50.7 70 50.7 Table 409.
Vs = 145 mm 145 mm Table 409.
a= 43.1 59.5 43.1
Spacing_max = 157.08 mm² 157.08 mm²
Tensile Strain = 0.0143 0.0095 0.0143
Av_used = 0.26 mm²/m 0 mm²/m
ΦMn (kN.m) = 28.07 40.54 28.07 Av/S_req = 201.65 mm²/m 201.65 mm²/m
Table 409.6.3.3a
Av/S_min1 = 254.55 mm²/m 254.55 mm²/m
Table 409.6.3.3b
Av/S_min2 = 262.24 mm²/m 254.55 mm²/m
Bot Moment Left Mid Right
Av/S_used = 598.99 mm 617.1 mm
Mu (kN.m) = 24.83 49.77 24.83 S_req = 100 mm 125 mm
β1 value = 0.85 0.85 0.85
10mm : 1@50mm 10@100mm 5@125mm REST @ 250mm O.C. TO C.L.
Remarks = Doubly! Doubly! Doubly!
ρmax = 0.01064 0.02627 0.01064
ρmin = 0.00509 0.00509 0.00509
ρused = 0.00689 0.01821 0.00689 Design for Torsion Reinforcements
Reduction Fac = 0.9 0.9 0.9 Tc = 1.25 < 0 kN-m, not to be considered!
Neutral Axis = 50.7 73.4 50.7 Total(Av+t)= 0.8
Total(Av+t)min= 38.18
a= 43.1 62.39 43.1
Tensile Strain = 0.0143 0.0083 0.0143
ΦMn (kN.m) = 28.07 59.32 28.07

Check Minimum according to Sec. 418.6.3

a.) 1. Least 2 at both top and bot
2. Min bar 2 (0.25*√fc)*bd/fy
2 1.4*bd/fy
3. Max bar 8 0.025*bd

b.) Positive moment at joint face shall be at least one half the negative ...

Design for Crack Control Exposure Condition = Dry Air or with Protective Membrane/ Coating
Left Mid Right
Mcr = 11.32 kN-m 11.32 kN-m 11.32 kN-m
Remark = Beam is cracking! Beam is cracking! Beam is cracking!
Crack Width = 0.21 mm 0.136 mm 0.294 mm
Table 4.1 = Crack width is ok Crack width is ok Crack width is ok
Table 4.2 = Since dt = 16mm < 32mm, ok! Since dt = 16mm < 32mm, ok! Since dt = 16mm < 20mm, ok!
Table 4.3 = Since S = 100mm < 300mm, ok! Since S = 50mm < 300mm, ok! Since S = 100mm < 200mm, ok!

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