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Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling

Website: https://journal.ilininstitute.com/index.php/IJoLEC
Vol 3, No 2, 2021, pp 170-182
p-ISSN:2622-8068 dan e-ISSN: 2622-8076

The Influence of Spiritual Intelligence on Leadership Competency in The

Scope of Government Institutions

Dian Novita Siswanti1*, Rozainee Khairuddin 2, Fatimah Wati Halim3

Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanites, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanites, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]

Artikel info
Abstract. The success of an organization cannot be separated from
Artikel history: the quality of a leader. Leaders have an important role in achieving
Received: 10-02-2021 the success of an organization. For this reason, a competent leader is
Revised: 2o-02-2021 needed, so that he is able and proficient in managing the system
Accepted: 15-03-2021 applied in an organization. This study aims to determine the effect of
Publish: 21-03-2021
spiritual intelligence on leadership competencies of leaders within the
scope of government agencies. Subjects in this study, leaders within
the scope of government totaling 300 leaders in the Makassar City
Government Authority. The measuring instrument used is based on
v3i2.960 the Emmons and Swiderski theory. The statistical analysis method
applied is the ordinal regression analysis. Hypothesis test results
showed that spiritual intelligence affects leadership competence (p =
0.000), with a contribution of 6.9%. This research implies that it
becomes the input for leaders to increase the level of spiritual
intelligence so that they can become competent leaders in carrying
out their duties and responsibilities, and can implement systems and
manage human resources to achieve maximum results from
organizational goals.

Keywords: Coresponden author:

spiritual intelligence; Dian Novita Siswanti
leadership Jalan A.P. Pettarani, Makassar, Indonesia, 90222
competence; Email: [email protected]
artikel dengan akses terbuka dibawah licenci CC BY-NC-4.0

INTRODUCTION considered as the main factor in aligning and

aligning organizational processes (Lewis,
The development and success of an Packard, & Lewis, 2012) because leaders can
organization, of course, cannot be separated create a good work commitment and
from the capabilities of a leader (Miftah cooperation for their subordinates (Ahmad
Thoha, 2004; Yukl, 1998). Leaders are Idrus, et al., 2014), and are proficient in
171 | Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling

regulating the system implemented in an a personality and values that are personally
organization. The abilities and skills possessed believed. The many challenges in the future
by a leader are called leadership competencies require a leader in an organization to be able to
that must be possessed by every leader in an identify and solve every problem by applying
organization. spiritual and religious values.
Barner (2000) argues that to obtain Spiritual and religious values greatly
organizational success, there are five influence the behavior and ability of a leader in
competencies that an organizational leader carrying out his roles and responsibilities as a
must have, namely strategic, management, leader of an organization. Mumford, et al.
technical, social, and ethical competencies. (2000) argued that to become a competent
Leaders should have good competence to leader in the future, it is not enough to rely on
maintain the continuity of organizational expertise in managing and managing an
achievement. By having competence, a leader organization alone, but also requires spiritual
will be able to position himself as an important and religious values to strengthen human
element in an organization so that they are resources in the organization. Although there
expected to be able to make maximum efforts is still little evidence to identify the variables of
to maintain the existence of the organization in spiritual intelligence related to organization,
achieving goals in an organization. Leadership spirituality still appears as a topic in books
competence will make leaders more sensitive, related to organizational change (Senge, et al.,
skilled, and always serve the people they lead. 1999), and leadership (Srivastva &
Therefore, a professional and highly Cooperrider, 1999; Hesselbein, Goldsmith, &
competent leader is needed in carrying out Beckhard, 1996).
their duties and responsibilities. Also, spiritual Because this problem is new enough that
intelligence variables have the most potential spiritual intelligence may be a significant
in influencing leadership and organizational variable in predicting leadership competence
effectiveness (Cox, 1993; Conger & Associates, and organizational performance. With this
1994) has been asking questions for more than premise, researchers develop and propose a
a decade regarding the possible influence of conceptual framework that translates the
spiritual and organizational intelligence. Since concept of spiritual intelligence, through
then, various conferences have emerged and Emmons (2000), into leadership competencies.
several journals that have sponsored special It is too early to conclude that spirituality in
issues such as the journal of organizational general or spiritual intelligence in particular is
change management, the journal of capable of influencing leadership competence.
management education, and the leadership So that further research is needed to prove the
quarterly (Cowan, 2005). arguments built. To provide an organizational
In this problem, spiritual intelligence is context relevant to spiritual intelligence, we
usually used as a catalyst for individual belief combine integrative, linear patterns of
and cooperation in an organization, which leadership and organizational evolution, with
does not come from physical, emotional, and a circular model that relates to individual
mental sources (Pfeffer, 2002). Without a solid potentials that position the spiritual between
conceptual foundation for the investigation physical, emotional, and mental potentials
and implementation of spiritual intelligence in (Figure 1). With leadership implications drawn
organizations, constructive action will likely from this context, we translate the components
remain weak. Leaders must have good of Emmons' spiritual intelligence into a
spiritual intelligence, as a basis for engaging in leadership competency framework that we
work-life (Palmer, 1990; Guillory, 2000). A believe can enrich current discussions on
spiritually intelligent leader will certainly have leadership competency development.
The Influence of Spiritual Intelligence.... (Siswanti, Khairuddin, Halim ) | 172

Figure 1. The relevance of interconnection between dimensions of individual potential

(Adapted from Storm, 1994; Meadows, 1990)

With this assumption, we draw attention to concepts related to the development of

Figure 1 which depicts a map of individual spiritual intelligence (Emmons, 1999, 2000;
potential based on cultures around the world Zohar, Marshall, & Marshall, 2000; Wolman,
such as America (Underwood, 2000; Storm, 2001). Although none of these authors focus
1994), for Celtic culture (Pennick, 1997), and on their work concept in leadership and
African culture (Fu- Kiau, 1985). Especially in organizational contexts, however, Emmons'
the Western world, the emphasis on individual (1999, 2000) framework is arguably the
development has traditionally been based on dimension best able to explain this problem.
the domains of physical and mental potential. The works of Zohar, Marshall, and Marshall
Evidence of this comes from the tremendous (2000) and Wolman (2001) offer useful insights
excellence of education (mental) and sport to enrich and perfect leadership connections
(physical) in the development of childhood and but do not provide a set of dimensions relevant
adolescence. Only recently has Western to leadership nan like Emmons. As a result,
culture begun to seriously consider the role and researchers have focused on using the Emmons
potential significance of emotional potential framework in explaining the relationship
(George, 2000; Ashkanasy & Daus, 2002), and between emotional intelligence and leadership
spiritual (Delbecq, 2000; Guillory, 2000). competencies.
The relevance of the interconnection Zohar, Marshall, and Marshall (2000)
between the dimensions of individual potential construct a framework of their spiritual
becomes clearer when we consider that intelligence based on physiological
spiritual power can manifest through development, which lies between the nervous
leadership behavior (Palmer, 1996) into an systems in the brain. Their approach combines
organizational context (Mitroff & Denton, previous work from Zohar (1997) and reflects
1999). As an organization, spirituality can the pattern of the work of Elaine de Beauport
interact with the mental, physical, and and Diaz (1996), who suggest that behavior
emotional aspects of a situation. Therefore, all arises because it is based on the nervous
of this potential is said to be "intelligence" that system, emotional intelligence arises based on
can be increased and used to get the success of the limbic system, and mental intelligence is
a leader (Riggio, Murphy, & Pirozzolo, 2002). based on the neocortical system. Both authors
The framework of spiritual intelligence describe the development of the evolution of
provides more substantive influence intelligence from physical to emotional to
information for developing organizational and mental, and towards spiritual intelligence.
leadership competencies. To explain this Zohar, Marshall, and Marshall (2000) suggest
framework, we can refer to three important that spiritual intelligence is the ability to
173 | Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling

provide meaning and value to place behavior having the ability to increase spiritual
and life in a broader context. Zohar, Marshall, awareness, 3) having the ability to live a clean
and Marshall's (2002) framework consist of life, 4) can explore spiritual resources in
different categories of individual activity solving problems, and 5) can behave nobly.
(Barnett, Krell, & Sendry, 2000), each of which In closing, spiritual intelligence is expected
provides access to increasing spiritual to make a positive contribution to leadership
intelligence, namely: tasks, nurture, competence. More specifically, leaders who
knowledge, transformation. personal, have spiritual intelligence are expected to have
fraternal, and servant leadership. better competence in carrying out their duties
Wolman's (2001) framework builds on the and responsibilities in an organization.
concept of spiritual intelligence based on factor Overall, this study is important to investigate
analysis of data collected from 714 individuals spiritual intelligence and its contribution to
who took part in conferences oriented and leadership competence in government
focused on spiritual practice awareness, agencies.
healing, awareness, and self-empowerment.
These participants come from all walks of life, METHOD
both from socioeconomic status and education
level. Each participant is allowed to complete The population of this research is all
the PsychoMatrix Spirituality Inventory, employees who work in government
which consists of 114 items. These results organizations in the city of Makassar who
obtain seven factors of spiritual intelligence: meet the criteria and requirements of the
divinity, attention, extrasensory perception, subject. The research sample involved in this
community, intellectuality, trauma, and study was 300 leaders consisting of men and
childhood spirituality. In terms of women (M = 1.27; SD = 0.44), with a bachelor
organizational relevance, the first five factors to doctoral education level (M = 1.60; SD =
offer indirect support for the dimensions of 0.50), who are Muslims and Christians (M =
Emmons' framework (1999, 2000). 1.04; SD = 0.21), and have a working period of
The construction of spiritual intelligence 5 to 10 years and 11 to 30 years (M = 1.74; SD
allows spirituality to be viewed as a quality that = 0.43). The characteristics of the subjects in
is more or less developed in different people this study are as follows; (1) occupies the
and can be developed as a form of expertise lowest echelon III rank, (2) has worked as a
(Emmons, 1999, 2000). The framework leader at the head of the field, head of the
created by Emmons (1999, 2000) is built on the section, and sector leader in the sub-district
assumption that spiritual intelligence exists area.
along a continuum and can be nurtured and Spiritual intelligence is measured by a
acquired. In this respect, Emmons' work is questionnaire made by researchers concerning
valuable because it allows us to more easily Emmons' theory (2000) with five components,
explore whether spirituality can be learned and namely, 1) can transcend, 2) can increase
applied in organizational settings. spiritual spiritual awareness, 3) can live a clean life, 4) )
intelligence is positioned in a more practical can explore spiritual resources in solving
way which makes it easily transferable to problems, and 5) can behave nobly. This
leadership contexts and open to systematic questionnaire consists of 16 items which are
inquiry. Spiritual intelligence consists of divided into favorable and unfavorable items,
several abilities and competencies that are part using a Likert scale model on the answer
of a person's knowledge base or expertise. choices from 1 very inappropriate and 5 very
Emmons (2000) suggests that spiritual suitable. The validity analysis used was
intelligence is a framework for identifying and factorial validity with the second-order CFA
organizing the skills and abilities needed for method. The results of the validity analysis
the adaptive use of spirituality. Emphasis on show that the statistical values that form the
adaptive abilities creates job opportunities in basis for decision making to test the Goodness
leadership development programs. Emmons' of Fit model are RMSEA (0.07 < 0.08), NNFI
(2000) framework includes five core (0.95 > 0.90), PNFI (0.74; the greater the value
components of spiritual intelligence which we is said to be fit) and IFI (0.96 > 0.90) has met
translate into leadership competencies, the criteria, so that the theoretical model is by
namely: 1) having the capacity to transcend, 2) the empirical data. The value of standardized
The Influence of Spiritual Intelligence.... (Siswanti, Khairuddin, Halim ) | 174

loading factor (slf > 0.30) from the results of competency variable have a very strong
the second-order CFA model analysis reports contribution or influence. Reliability in this
that items in component 1 move from 0.59- questionnaire uses the construct reliability
0.69, items in component 2 move from 0.31- approach (CR > 0.70), with a reliability
0.68, items in component 3 move from 0.54- coefficient value of 0.92, so that the
0.68, items In component 4 it moves from 0.56- questionnaire can be said to be reliable in a
0.69, and items in component 5 move from good category.
0.59-0.68, so all instrument items are valid in The researcher initially applied for a
measuring the factor. Then for the research permit from the National University
standardized loading factor value on the of Malaysia. Then, the researcher asked
spiritual intelligence variable with each permission from the Regional Research and
component of 1.00. This shows that the five Development Center (Balitbangda) and the
components that make up the spiritual Makassar City Government, South Sulawesi,
intelligence variable have a very strong which would be used as a place to collect
contribution or influence. Reliability in this research data. Furthermore, a request to
questionnaire uses the construct reliability research each agency, each head of the agency
approach (CR > 0.70), with a reliability is the study area of the Mayor of Makassar, the
coefficient value of 0.91, so that the sector leader in the sub-district area, and the
questionnaire can be said to be reliable in a fifty heads of work units within the Makassar
good category. city government. Then the last stage, the
Leadership competence is measured by a researcher took data from each head of the
questionnaire made by researchers concerning work unit who met the criteria for the research
Swiderski's theory (2002), which is stated in subject. Researchers involved fifty work units
three aspects, namely managerial competence, as the research sample with a total of 300
psychological competence, and conceptual leaders.
ability. This questionnaire uses the Likert The data analysis used is descriptive
model with a choice of answers from 1 very (Table 1) and inference analysis uses the
inappropriate and 5 very suitable, with a total ordinal regression method which aims to test
of 28 items divided into favorable and the effect of spiritual intelligence on leadership
unfavorable items. The validity analysis used competencies in the scope of government
was factorial validity with the second-order agencies (Table 2), with the help of SPSS
CFA method. The results of the validity software version 22.00 with a significance level
analysis show that the statistical values that smaller than 0.05. Then the researcher will
form the basis for decision making to test the conduct further analysis to see the correlation
Goodness of Fit model are RMSEA (0.011 < value (Spearmen Rho) and the strongest
0.08), NNFI (1.05 > 0.90), PNFI (0.77; the contribution of each component of spiritual
greater the value is said to be fit) and IFI (1.05 intelligence to the leadership competency
> 0.90) has met the criteria, so that the variable, which refers to the correlation criteria
theoretical model is following the empirical of Dancey and Reidy (2017) with the help of
data. The standardized loading factor value Rstudio software version 1.2.1335.
from the results of the second-order CFA Furthermore, researchers also saw differences
model analysis reports that items in aspect 1 in spiritual intelligence and leadership
move from 0.36-0.68, items in aspect 2 move competencies based on demographic data of
from 0.04-0.69, and items in aspect 3 move subjects (Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallis), with
from -0.05-0.70. These results indicate that in the help of SPSS software version 22.00.
the second and third aspects there are items
that must be discarded because they do not RESULT AND DISCUSSION
meet the criteria (slf > 0.30), leaving 24 valid
items. Then for the standardized loading factor The subjects involved in this study
value on the leadership competency variable consisted of 300 leaders, with details of age,
with each aspect of 1.00. This shows that the gender, religion, and years of service which can
five components that build the leadership be seen in the following table.
175 | Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of demographic variables (N = 300)

Variable N % Valid% Cumulative % M SD
Male 219 73.0 73.0 73.0
1.27 0.44
Female 81 27.0 27.0 100.0
Bachelor 121 40.3 40.3 40.3
Masters 177 59.0 59.0 99.3 1.60 0.50
Doctor 2 0.7 0.7 100.0
Islam 286 95.3 95.3 95.3
1.04 0.21
Christian 14 4.7 4.7 100.0
Years of service
5-10 years 76 25.3 25.3 25.3
1.74 0.43
11-30 years 224 74.7 74.7 100.0

Table 1 above, shows that the subjects in (59.0%), were Muslim (95.3%), and had a
this study were dominated by male leaders work period of 11 up to 30 years (74.7%).
(73.0%), with the latest masters education

Table 2. Hypothesis test results

Variable Nagelkerke Sig. Explanation
Spiritual intelligence
0.069 0.000*** Ha Received
Leadership competence
Note. *p < 0,05; **p < 0,01; ***p < 0,001.

Table 2 above shows that there is an has an influence of 6.9% on leadership

effect of spiritual intelligence on leadership competence, while the rest is influenced by
competence with a significance value of 0.000 (p factors- other factors that were not measured in
< 0.05), so the hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. this study. The researcher then carried out
Nagelkerke's value can be interpreted as the further analysis to see which aspects had the
value of the coefficient of determination which strongest correlation value and made the
is used to determine how much the contribution strongest contribution to the dependent variable
of the independent variable in influencing the (leadership competence), which is presented in
dependent variable with the value obtained is the figure below.
0.069, which means that spiritual intelligence

Note. *p < 0,05; **p < 0,01; ***p < 0,001.

Figure 2. Correlation of spiritual intelligence components with leadership
The Influence of Spiritual Intelligence.... (Siswanti, Khairuddin, Halim ) | 176

The picture above shows that the concluded that there is a significant
correlation coefficient value in the first relationship between C3 and leadership
component (C1) with leadership competence is competence. The third component (C3)
0.18, which is positive. So that C1 and contributed 0.222 = 0.048 or 4.8% to leadership
leadership competencies have a positive competence. The correlation coefficient value
correlation and fall into the weak category. in the fourth component (C4) with leadership
With the increase in C1, leadership competence is 0.25, which is positive. So that
competence tends to increase. It is known that C4 and leadership competencies have a
the significance value is 0.002 < 0.05, it is positive correlation and fall into the weak
concluded that there is a significant category. With the increase in C4, leadership
relationship between C1 and leadership competence tends to increase. It is known that
competence. The first component (C1) the significance value is 0.000 < 0.05, it is
contributed 0.182 = 0.032 or 3.2% to leadership concluded that there is a significant
competence. The correlation coefficient value relationship between C4 and leadership
in the second component (C2) with leadership competence. The fourth component (C4)
competence is 0.29, which is positive. So that provides a contribution of 0.252 = 0.062 or
C2 and leadership competencies have a 6.2% to leadership competence.
positive correlation and fall into the weak The correlation coefficient value in the fifth
category. With the increase in C2, leadership component (C5) with leadership competence is
competence tends to increase. It is known that 0.32, which is positive. So that C5 and
the significance value is 0.000 < 0.05, it is leadership competencies have a positive
concluded that there is a significant correlation and fall into the weak category.
relationship between C2 and leadership With the increase in C5, leadership
competence. The second component (C2) competence tends to increase. It is known that
contributed 0.292 = 0.084 or 8.4% to leadership the significance value is 0.000 < 0.05, it is
competence. concluded that there is a significant
The correlation coefficient value in the relationship between C5 and leadership
third component (C3) with leadership competence. The fifth component (C5)
competence is 0.22, which is positive. So that provides a contribution of 0.322 = 0.102 or
C3 and leadership competencies have a 10.2% to leadership competence. Subsequent
positive correlation and fall into the weak additional analyzes examined differences in
category. With the increase in C3, leadership spiritual intelligence and leadership
competence tends to increase. It is known that competencies based on the demographic data
the significance value is 0.000 < 0.05, it is of the subjects presented in the figure below.

Spiritual intelligence (p = 0.855) Leadership competence (p = 0.578)

Figure 3. Differences between spiritual intelligence and leadership competence based on gender

Figure 3 above reports that the mean rank significant difference between the spiritual
(spiritual intelligence) for men is 149.94 and for intelligence of a leader who is male and female.
women is 152.01, with a significance of 0.855 The mean rank (leadership competence) for
(p > 0.05). This shows that there is no men was 148.82 and for women was 155.05,
177 | Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling

with a significance of 0.578 (p > 0.05). This between the leadership competencies of a
means that there is no significant difference leader who is male and female.

Spiritual intelligence (p = 0.403) Leadership competence (p = 0.661)

Figure 4. The difference between spiritual intelligence and leadership competence-based on


Figure 4 above reports that the mean rank Christian. The mean rank (leadership
(spiritual intelligence) of Islam is 149.57 and competence) of Islam is 150.02 and Christian
Christian is 169.43, with a significance of 0.403 is 160.36, with a significance of 0.661 (p >
(p > 0.05). This shows that there is no 0.05). This means that there is no significant
significant difference between the spiritual difference between the leadership competence
intelligence of a leader who is Muslim and of a leader who is Muslim and Christian.

Spiritual intelligence (p = 0.289) Leadership competence (p = 0.092)

Figure 5. The difference between spiritual intelligence and leadership competence-based on


Figure 5 above reports that the mean rank rank (leadership competence) of leaders with a
(spiritual intelligence) of leaders with a work work period of 5-10 years is 164.82 and 11-30
period of 5-10 years is 159.62 and 11-30 years, years, namely 145.61, with a significance of
namely 147.41, with a significance of 0.289 (p 0.092 (p > 0.05). This shows that there is no
> 0.05). This shows that there is no significant significant difference between the leadership
difference between the spiritual intelligence of competence of leaders with a work period of 5-
leaders with a work period of 5-10 years and 10 years and leaders who work for 11-30 years.
leaders who work for 11-30 years. The mean
The Influence of Spiritual Intelligence.... (Siswanti, Khairuddin, Halim ) | 178

Spiritual intelligence (p = 0.205) Leadership competence (p = 0.222)

Figure 6. The difference between spiritual intelligence and leadership competencies based on

Figure 6 above reports that the intuition and think consciously so that he can
significance value for spiritual intelligence is make decisions according to the problem
0.205 (p > 0.05), so there is no significant situation (Lord & Maher, 1991). The
difference between spiritual intelligence at the institution is an understanding that appears
bachelor, masters, and doctor education levels. suddenly without realizing it. This intuition is
The significance value for leadership very useful in making decisions in situations
competence is 0.222 (p > 0.05), so there is no that are unclear and full of complicated
significant difference between leadership problems because the information related to
competencies at the bachelor, masters, and this is very limited and there are situations full
doctoral levels. of uncertainty. However, in making important
decisions involving intuition, a very broad
Discussion initial knowledge is needed regarding the
The results of this study indicate that organization as well as the conditions around
spiritual intelligence plays an important role in it. (Korac-Kakabadse et al., 2002).
building leadership competencies for a leader. Spiritual intelligence is the deepest form of
This finding supports the results of previous spontaneity and is the deepest response from
research conducted by Fry (2003), which the individual. The spontaneity associated
reported that spiritual intelligence affects the with responsiveness and responsibility is also
competence of a leader in an organization. Fry associated with disciplined behavior and
(2003) further explains that the development of feelings of compassion. Pargament (1999)
spiritual intelligence in the workplace can have suggests that spiritual understanding is an
a positive influence on leadership style and the ability that accompanies daily experience and
way a leader manages his systems and human sincere responsibility by opening up
resources. Individuals with high spiritual opportunities for empirical exploration.
intelligence will not do something that can Research conducted by Tekkeveettil (2001)
cause harm to themselves or other individuals suggests that the signs of leaders who have high
and tend to see things from various sides spiritual intelligence, namely: flexibility, self-
(holistic). This spiritual intelligence is also awareness, the ability to face and take
related to individual job satisfaction, the advantage of situations, the ability to inspire
achievement of maximum work results, and through vision, the ability to think holistically,
the success of the leader in managing the have the desire and the capacity to find
organization (Zohar & Marshall, 2003). solutions to things that cause losses, has a
Stenberg (1990) argues that leaders with tendency to study problems fundamentally,
spiritual intelligence can build and improve and can work under pressure.
their skills better and positively, especially in The spiritual intelligence possessed by a
fostering and developing a good working leader can help him in living a more
atmosphere in an organization. Then a leader profoundly meaningful life. A well-developed
who has high spiritual intelligence will use spiritual intelligence in an individual is
179 | Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling

generally characterized by an increased ability deviant traits, namely: greed, indolence, pride,
to behave flexibly (adaptively spontaneously anger, greed, lust, and envy.
and actively), a high level of awareness, the In the case of leaders, it is important to
ability to face problems, the ability to solve examine it further by aligning it with the
problems outside the quality of oneself based inspirational principle in Millman's (1992)
on vision and noble values (Wong, 2003). A theory of "being happy without a reason."
leader with good spiritual intelligence will be Millman proposes that individuals will be
able to develop himself into a more complete happy if there are good reasons to be happy.
human because of the potential that an Likewise, anyone can be "virtuous" if there is a
individual has in the form of a conscience good reason for it. According to Millman, the
(Tasmara, 2001). Research conducted by challenge is to be a source of happiness when
Emmons (2000) reports that some individuals circumstances are not supportive. In an
make every effort to develop their spirituality organizational context, if the "policy that is
to achieve their final goals. The result is implemented does not make sense," then
believed to be the link between motivation, leaders will learn to be a source of virtue in
spirituality, and intelligence. Also, this unfavorable circumstances (Cohen, 2000), and
approach to endeavor is at the root of cognitive a project that virtue to other individuals who
personality theory. The assumption of the cannot accept the policies that have been
cognitive motivational approach is the desire implemented (Abrashoff, 2002; Frankl, 1984).
of individuals to always join in certain Spiritual intelligence in this case is involved,
communities. This is done with full awareness not only in the capacity to behave nobly and
as a means of achieving the final goal. wisely but can do various virtues (do good) for
Emmons (2000) in his research reported no apparent reason.
that there are five core components of spiritual Concerning leadership competence,
intelligence related to leadership leaders are expected to be competent,
competencies, namely: 1) having the capacity especially in resolving conflicts that arise in an
to transcend, 2) having the ability to increase organization. Also, having the ability to look
spiritual awareness, 3) having the ability to live at problems that occur both inside and outside
a clean life, 4) can explore spiritual resources the organization, a leader must have wisdom
in solving problems, and 5) can behave nobly. in guiding his subordinates. Wisdom itself
Our findings indicate that it is the fifth comes from spiritual intelligence especially in
component (C5) that has the greatest the fifth component (C5) as an effort to
contribution among the other four components understand problems in everyday life, as well
to leadership competence, with a contribution as in an organization (Gardner, 1999).
of 10.2% (p = 0.000; R = 0.32; R2 = 0.102). Wisdom can create an impression for every
Leadership competence can be built with individual who sees the behavior of a leader in
the fifth component (C5) of spiritual an organization. The higher the wisdom
intelligence which is reflected in the capacity to possessed by a leader, the higher the influence
consistently engage in noble and wise on the leadership competence of a leader
behavior. Emmons (2000) suggests that (Vaughan, 2002; Pasiak, 2004).
individuals who have spiritual intelligence can Here it can be seen that the role of spiritual
develop the capacity to behave nobly to show intelligence is conceptually capable of
forgiveness, to express gratitude, to be humble, perfecting the character of leadership because
and to show compassion. Each is seen as a in addition to basic things such as courage,
signal of maturity, growing awareness, a fortitude, and flexibility in spiritual intelligence
transcendence of personal agendas, and so on. there is also an unlimited vision, which places
Understanding inner qualities allow the individual as an integral part of the
individuals to have good morals, so they can universe. This certainly can encourage
behave by applicable norms. This requires unlimited creativity and innovation, especially
good self-control to avoid deviant behavior. when linked to leadership competencies.
Baumeister and Exline (1999) suggest that self-
control is a psychological trait that is at the CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION
core of virtuous behavior, and also plays an
important role in every aspect of life. Likewise, Based on the research results, it can be
failure of self-control can be triggered by seven concluded that spiritual intelligence plays an
The Influence of Spiritual Intelligence.... (Siswanti, Khairuddin, Halim ) | 180

important role in achieving leadership Cohen, W. A. (2000). The new art ofthe leader:
competence for a leader. Leaders who apply Leading with integrity, and honor. Paramus,
spiritual values in carrying out their duties and NJ: Prentice Hall.
responsibilities, the higher the quality of
leadership competencies. These findings Conger, J., & Associates. (1994). Spirit at Work:
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