FAO - Manual of Forest Inventory
FAO - Manual of Forest Inventory
FAO - Manual of Forest Inventory
forest inventory
ISBN 92-5-1 01 132-X
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FAO 1981
- 1 11 -
The Forestry Department (formerly Forestry and Forest Products Division) of the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation* has been involved since this
Organisation s inception in the definition and implementation of forest resource evaluation
programmes, at all levels, from world and regional forest appraisals to local management
inventories. It hae performed a number of forest resource surveys in many countries of
the world, has carried out a series ol world and regional studies - such ae the World
Forest Inventory and the regional timber trends and prospects studies - and hac produced
a few publications on the methodology eide such as "Planning a Forest Inventory" by
Dr. B. Husch, and the "Manual for forest inventory operations executed by FAO M (1^6/j.
To take the experience gained by FAO in the last few years into account and to iulfil
in thia field FAO'n role concerning dissemination of knowledge, Mr. J . P. Lanly, Foreet
Resource Surveys Officer, was asked to write a new manual of forest inventory. This manual
is intended to be of use mainly to professionals dealing with the evaluation and management
of mixed tropical f create, since it is restricted to inventory methods and practices which
have been found feasible in these areas.
At the beginning of 197? about thirty specialists all over the world were asked to
give their comments on a draft of the outline and of the main contents. Most of their
ftuggeetiona have been taken into consideration. They must all be thanked here, with a
particular mention of Dr. P.G. de Vries from Wageningen University in the Netherlands who
made the mopt substantial proposals. The sections of Chapter V devoted to measurement
and volume estimation techniques formed the basis of lectures delivered by Mr. J.P. Lanly
at the training course on forest inventory organized in August and September 1973 by the
Royal College of Forestry in Stockholm in cooperation with FAO, and include information
on recovery studies and accessibility problems, two topics which need to be given mor*
consideration in future inventory work. The section on accessibility problems wae reviewed
by Prof. U. Sundberg, Chief of the Forest Logging and Transport Branch of the Forest
Resources Division, and Chapter VI on data recording and processing wao drafted by
Dr. H. K. Marech of the Forest Management Branch. Thanks are due also to Messrs. R. Bo ton,
J.W. Eastwood, J. Jackson and I). A. Harcharik for their contribution to the editing of the
English version and to Mrs. R.S. Borelli for her secretarial help.
R.G. Fontaine
Forest Resources Division
1 Historical background 2
Purpose of the inventory 5
11 Introduction 5
Statistical concepts 14
21 Population 14
22 Distribution 16
23 Sampling 20
241 Bias 23
242 Measurement errors 24
34 Optimization in design 36
341 Optimization of a sampling design 3o
342 Optimization of an inventory design 40
4 Classical sampling designs 40
41 Classification of aaropling designs 40
411 Characteristics of sampling designs 40
412 Clusters and record units 43
4? Classical sampling designs used in forestry 43
421 Introduction 43
4^2 Random sampling designb 44
1 Introduction 62
31 Introduction 70
Area estimation with or without forest mapping 7
324 Mosaics U
33 Photointerpretation (
331 Qualities of good photointerpretation /
I )
4 Forest mapping from conventional aerial photographs 1
41 Introduction 1
1 Introduction 93
2 Tree measurements 94
21 Definition of terms 94
22 Enumeration 97
221 Enumeration in sampling with units of a given area 9f
222 Enumeration in point or line sampling 97
23 Species identification 98
24 Measurements 99
c'41 Measurement units 100
242 Measurement classes 100
243 Measurement procedures and instruments 102
3 Volume estimation 105
31 Definition of volumes 105
3*- Volume units 106
33 Classification of volume estimation techniques 107
34 Volume estimation on a tree basis 108
341 Geometric formulas applied to standing or felled trees 108
342 Volume equations 109
343 Volume estimation by taper functions 116
344 Selection of the most suitable volume estimation technique 117
4 Quality assessment 117
41 Preliminary remarks on quality assessment 117
411 Definition of quality assessment in a forest inventory 117
412 Assessment of "net volumes" and usefulness of this concept 118
(with special reference to forest inventory of mixed
tropical hardwoods)
413 Other applications of quality assessment in forest inventory 118
- Vll -
532 Implementation 12 /
533 Example 12 f
1 Introduction 137
3 Data processing 1 42
1 Introduction 165
? Combinations of photointerpretation and field sampling procedures 166
1 Historical background
During the period 11-22 September 1967, a meeting of forest inventory experts
attached to OVDP/SP projects was held at FAG Headquarters in Rome 0). The purpose of
tola nesting was the improvement of FAO's inventory operations with the following four
main objectives in view:
As a result of this meeting, a recommendation was made that the present manual be
prepared to assist inventory experts in the planning and execution of project inventory
The first edition of the Manual was prepared by B. Rusch, the former Chief of the
Forest Resources Survey Section of the FAO Forestry Department, and incorporated the
recommendations of the meeting*
In that first edition it was stated that "a manual of this type should be a working
document subject to periodic modification or revision to incorporate improvements which
will become evident in the course of its use". A revision of the manual was undertaken
during 1972. A questionnaire was sent to a number of inventory specialists, together
with a general outline and the main contents of the proposed revision, asking for review
and suggestions. Most of them replied and gave us many valuable suggestions regarding
information to be included in the new edition. The main emphasis was on the definition of
the purposes of the inventory, the accuracy of the measurements and data processing
procedures. We wish to thank them here for their kind ool labor at ion, without which this
edition would have omitted certain important items and its preparation would have been
much more difficult*
(1) A report of this meeting is given in document FO:SF/7, D< 1? dated 9 October
and entitled "Report of the Headquarters Meeting of Forest Inventory Experts on
UFDP/SF Projects-.
?. Main features of this new edition
This manual obviously cannot suffice for all purposes and a number of questions
remain unanswered. *rhe information given should be supplemented by information taken
from other sources such as statistical and forestry textbooks and periodicals, inventory
reports ae well as from individual research and reasoning. Each inventory operation, with
2 to own purposes and requirements, must have its own specifications. One cannot imagine
a single book which provides an answer for all cases.
b) The manual, in the first edition, was entitled "Manual for forest inventory
operations executed by PAO". It cannot be claimed, however, that inventories executed by
F'AO are any different from those executed by public agencies or private firms, and this
manual takes into account some forest inventory techniques used by specialists outside FAO.
Moreover, one has to consider the role that PAO plays in training and dissemination of
information; this manual may be of use not only within the framework of FAO inventory
operations but also in many developing countries where there is a lack of relerrant
expertise, ?'or these reasons, reference to PAO inventory operations has been suppressed
in the new title.
d) Almost all forest inventories in developing countries are carried out for the
evaluation of wood resources with emphasis on estimation of gross volumes, quality
assessment and utilisation studies. However one must not forget that there may be other
data to collect and other j^ara^etero to estimate according to the purpoeos of the inventory.
The main components of a forest inventory and the programming depend upon the aims
of the operation. Purpose and planning are closely related; purpose must be clearly
defined and planning designed to achieve that purpose. For this reason they are put
together in this chapter* Further comments regarding these matters will be found in
"Planning a Forest Inventory", by B. Huech (FAO Forestry and Forest Products Studies
No. 1 I).
1 1 Introduction
A usual criticism made to the people responsible for designing and executing
inventory operations is that they undertake such work without a clear idea of the
objectives to be met and thus provide forestry officers, economists, luggers and
industrialists with inadequate or even useless information*
Sometimes a thorough study of the problem may indicate that inventory will not
provide the correct answer. A cost benefit analysis may a} BO conclude that a forest
inventory is not the most efficient tool for providing the information required due to
existing constraints and limitations. Compilation of information already available,
comparison with other similar stands already inventoried and use of research results, may
meet the required degree of precision at less expenoc.
Tfcere may be f at the same time and in the same country, a need for different kinds
of inventory, for instance inventory at a country-wide level ( "national forest inventory" ),
inventories of big units of forest area (for instance 100,000 ha of forest) or inventories
of stands for the preparation of working plans. But, as an example, it cannot be
expected that information obtained from a national forest inventory will be adequate to
form the basis of a detailed local management plan. This has to be pointed out to the
decision-makers who sometimes believe that a single type of forest inventory will provide
them with all the information they need at different levels- Generally, for lack of
resources, priority has to be given to that type of inventory which wilJ solve the more
urgent probl
Sometimes a careful study may demonstrate that the most useful operation to be
carried out ia a combination of partial inventories at the various levelu* Recently a
request to UKDP/SF for a national forest inventory wa converted into a combination of the
following operations:
vegetation mapping of a selection of forest reserves, with complementary fieJd
plots for rough estimation of the growing stock of each forest type;
- intensive inventory, with vegetation mapping, of th* most valuable forest area*
This example shows that a forest inventory programme may include different types of
inventory in order to meet different objectives *
121 The objectives must be defined jointly by the people who will make use of
the inventory results (e.g. decision-makers, forest managers) and by the
inventory specialist, not by the latter alone. The inventory specialist should design
an inventory which will provide the users with the information they need in a suitable
form and with the required precision. This cooperation with the potential users is
necessary from the time that the inventory is prepared until the delivery of the final
b) Another difficulty comes from the evolution of the purpose of the inventory*
The auns defined during the preparation of the inventory may change during the
course ol the operation. This occurs, for instance, when the unit sige of the
blocks, for which the results are to be provided with a given precision, changee.
This IB also true for long programmes of forest inventory at a national level.
There is no general courue of action to overcome this difficulty; the only
observation to be made is that the more flexible the initial design, the easier
the trans f unaation thereof. Moreover, every effort should be made to foresee
some of thse eventual modifications when designing the inventory.
122 Priority of objectives. Not all the objectives have the same importance.
Same ar** very fundamental and can in themselves justify the whole inventory.
The corresponding information has to be given in the required form or the operation will
fail. The degree of precision of the information provided 10 also a most important
requirement. On the other hand, it may be acceptable to fulfill a secondary objective
only approximately ( f or instance, by accepting a lower precision in the corresponding
The priority of the objectives to bo met has to be clearly assessed before designing
an inventory. For instance, if the estimation of the area of a foreet IB more important
than the estimation of its volume, the inventory design will strengthen the work of
interpretation of remote sensing imagery and mapping and give less importance to tree
aaurements on imagery or in the field. Likewise, priority can be assessed among the
- 7 -
zones or the blocks of the region inventoried. As far as volume estimation is concerned,
species do not have the same economic value, BO the inventory will be designed in order
to provide the results with a specific precision for the most important species:
volumes of individual secondary species may be estimated less precisely, especially if
they have a very low stocking density and are unevenly distributed*
HVen if not explicitly required for the purpose of the in/entory, some data have to
be systematically collected, because they are known to b* useful in any case. In
tropical forest inventories these data are:
- logging
parameters, i.e. slopes, soil bearing capacity, terrain obetacleB,
undergrowth, occurrence of swampy areas, etc.;
complete enumeration oi trees by species arid diameter classes above a given
minimum diameter (say 10 cm) in a sub-sample of the sampling plots, if only
certain commercial species are to be inventoried in the main sample;
- enumeration of
seedlings, saplings and poles of the most important species
in a sub sample of the sampling plots, for further regeneration and
majiagernent studies.
Other data, although not of direct relevance to the purpose of a forest inventory,
can easily be recorded either in the office (such as climatic data) or in the field (such
ae seed collection aspects for individual species f degree of dominance of the crowns, dates
and periodicity of seed crops, etc.).
In any case the attitude of the inventory officer, when he is faced with requests
concerning additional data, should be positive. Probably the most advantageous solution
is to ask the respective specialists and researchers or some of their trained staff to
use the inventory infrastructure and join the inventory staff in order to collect their
own data. This solution would also be the most efficient as the data collected would be
more reliable and the cost of the infrastructure shared between the two parties.
ii) Divisions to he made within the area: this question is important ae the
intensity of the inventory depends on the size of the ultimate forest sub-
division for which results are requested with a specific precision
(these classification exclude the stratif ication(s ) performed to improve
the precision of the results for the above units); these classifications
may be:
baaed on bioclimatic relationshipR ( as for instance land capability
class i fi cat ion) ;
ownership and
physiography and accessibility
protection (watershed catchment area)
other manAfement critera, e.g. losing compartments
combination ol two or several of the above claasif ications .
tables, for instance, will be drafted and shown to the users in order to get
their agreement. This must be considered as an important item because
clarity and reduction of the "access time to the results are two important
Chapter 3) Sometimes the bias may far exceed the sampling error/
which is, of tan and wrongly, the only one taken into account. When
we speak about precision of an estimate in general, we must refer to
the total error and not only to the sampling error* One must try
to estimate the total error using in particular objective checking
procedures, and must design the inventory to ensure that this total
error is no more than the admissible error. This point is on** of
the most tricky problems and, unfortunately, one of the least studied
in textbooks and inventory reports.
b) Priority of objectives.
a) Description of design for both office and field work; in particular, size, shape,
number and distribution of sampling unite to meet required precision.
c) Field organisation:
V. Compilation procedures
1. Introduction
Several sampling procedures may be used in the same forest inventory in different
parts of the operation. Their main, but not exclusive, use IB for the estimation of the
forest areas and of the mensuration parameters. In speaking about the sampling design
of a forest inventory one generally refers to the disposition of the field samples.
But the selection of the sampling design must not rely only on this partial
calculation based on the sampling theory and available cost figures. The incidence of
the measurement errors, which generally cannot be entered in the efficiency calculation,
must be reduced to a minimum. This means that the tasks in which junior staff are
involved - especially field work - must be easy and simple, as must be their control.
- 14 -
These requirements are very important and must be kept in mind when selecting the sampling
designs(s) of the inventory. All possible measures must be taken to improve the reliability
of the data, even if this leads to a slight increase of the sampling error and/or *~
total coats.
The first priority is to define the most useful statistical concepts and describe
how they have to be used in the field of forest sampling. Then the basic mathematical
and statistical techniques will be given which are commonly used in sampling designs, such
as normal distribution hypothesis, variance of compound values, ratio estimation and
optimization of a design. Finally some of the most common classical sampling designs used
in forest inventory will be presented with the corresponding formulas for the estimation
of the mean value of a given parameter per unit and its sampling error.
2 Statistical concepts^
21 Population
- the population may have a finite or infinite number of units and in both cases
the definition of a unit of the population must be sufficiently precise to know
without ambiguity if a given unit belongs or not to the population;
- the units are of the same nature but are not necessarily the same size: for
instance each unit may be a forest compartment, the whole population being a
large forested area; one unit may also be a variable part (or subplot) of a
plot area, if the plot areas are distributed in a partially forested area
(in this latter case, the population is the forested part of the area).
(1) Hie term parameter will be used in the manual to indicate any variate of
a sampled population which is to be estimated by the sampling procedure.
The following remarks can be made regarding the concept of population:
(i) The term "population" ha0 a statistical meaning which is more definite than
in the common language. For instance, there is only one population of
Italian people living in Italy; but it is useful in demographic studies of
this population, to define various statistical populations which have the
same overall size f but the units of which have not the same attributes: the
unit of one of these statistical populations may be the family, another
statistical population could be made up of groupo of people living in a
specific building, etc.
(ii) Sometimes the term population is referred to the aggregate of the values of
one of the parameters to be estimated by the inventory over all the units
and not to the aggregate of the units themselves; we think that, unless
otherwise specified, population must be understood in the sense of aggregate
of the units as sampling is done among the units themselves and not among
the values of the parameter*
(iii) It may happen that the aggregate of all the units cannot correspond to the
whole population. For instance, if the units are circular plots, there is
no way of aggregating them in order to form the whole population. Although
the use of circular plots is common, this problem does not seem to have been
dealt with. For small sampling intensities and a relatively small size of
the plots, this problem can be considered of minor importance and formulas
will be used as if there were a possible aggregation of the units.
(iv) The population to be sampled must be clearly defined, before any sampling
procedure IB designed* For instance, if it IB an area, the limits of the
area must be known. Two considerations are related to thie statement:
(a) Sampling theory does not provide any way to estimate a parameter over
a population if one has obtained an estimate of the same parameter by
sampling only in a part of the population, or in a different population.
(b) A distinction must be made between the "overall population" and the
"population of reference". Let us take an example to clarify this
point* Being given a high tropical forest of 100 000 ha which is the
"overall population" to be inventoried, one may expect a precise
estimate of the mean parameters per area unit for this whole population
or for subdivisions of it ("blocks", "compartments", "management units",
etc*) which we will call "populations of reference". Tnus there will
be various inventory options for the same "overall population 11 and for
the same precision on a given parameter, according to whether this
knowledge is requested over the whole population or over sub-divisions
of it ("population of reference"), Tbe definition of the "population
of reference" IB of course the one which is important from a statistical
point of view. This remark points out the need to state clearly at
which level are the results requested in a forest inventory. Sometime*
decision makers ask for the survey of a given forest area without
defining the sise of the reference unit areas for which they need a
precise estimate of the important parameters. Tney have to define it,
because the range of the sampling intensities of the forest inventory
is wide, from light intensity inventories if they are interested in an
overall knowledge, to very high intensities if the useful sub-divisions
are very small.
- 16 -
2.? Distribution
A given parameter has one value in each unit of a population. For instance, let
us assume that the parameter is the "number of stems of Shorea albida of more than 10 cm
reference diameter per hectare", that the population is a forest area, the units of which
are 0.1 ha plots. If in one unit there are two Shorea albida with a reference diameter
of more than 10 cm, the corresponding value of the parameter for this unit is 20. This
parameter has discrete values, because the corresponding it^ms (stems) are not divisible.
If, in this population, we consider the parameter "gross volume of the bolea of
Shorea albida with a reference diameter more than 10 cm per hectare" - the volume of a
tree being related to its reference diameter and height through a volume table - the
values of this parameter corresponding to the various units will be continuous, because tht
values which can he taken by the parameter are close to one another according to the many
possible combinations of numbers of trees in a plot with various possible reference
diameters and heights.
The value in a unit of the first parameter is determined through a count while that
of the second is obtained from a count and measurements of specific characteristics of the
trees which are used to estimate volumes through a regression equation (volume table).
if the plot is not, or only for a minor part, in the forest type;
1 if the plot is entirely, or for a major part, in the forest type.
The mean value of this variable over all the sampling plots (which will be a
positive value between and 1 ) is an estimate of the proportion in area of this forest
type within the whole forested area.
If we consider all the forest types of this forest area, it is easy to verify that
the sum of the related estimated proportions IB equal to 1 (and that the variance of this
sum is equal to 0, which is an expected result as, whatever the sample, the sum of these
estimated means is constant and equal to 1).
Most of the following considerations in this chapter apply equally to sampling for
estimation of parameters resulting from measurement, count or assignment. The way of
calculating the variance is the same for continuous parameters and variates (0,1) but the
resulting formulae are different, for they can be simplified in the case of the variables
(0,1) used for estimation of proportions.
The value of the parameter to estimate in all the units of the population are
distributed in a certain way. Let us assume the parameter can take only discrete values
in each unit of the population, e.g. when it is the number of stems of a given special.
If we consider all the unit* of the population, we can represent the population by a chart
of points (tig. 1) the coordinate* of which aret
number number A
of unite of unite
3 4
number number
of atems of atema
per unit per unit
Very often auch a graph is presented in the form of a histogram: for each discrete
value of the parameter there will be a rectangle baaed on the corresponding ordinate, the
height of which ia given by the frecruency related to this ordinate.
We can imagine that if the width of the classes (and of the corresponding
rectangles) decreases, the representative points will be closer to each other and their
y-ordinates will also decrease* The distribution can then be represented by a curve
which Joins the points (distribution curve)*
x is the parameter
XA its value in the i unit
- 2
Bifx B(x)7
- 19 -
The square root of the variance is the standard deviation which iss
The standard deviation 1m not a pure number and depends on the system of
measuring unit*.
The ooeffioient of variation C -
is a pure number and is very useful
to characterize the variability of a parameter over the whole population,
v U,y)
y^ and Y being respectively the value of the parameter y in the i unit and the
mean value of y over the whole population*
will characterise the cross variation of the two parameters y and x in the population
( f in a pure number whereas u^y depends on the units choeen for estimating the
224 Value of a parameter per area unit in one unit of the population
As we have seen from the example in paragraph 221 there is one value of the
parameter "number of trees of a given species per hectare" in each unit of a forest area*
This parameter has a mean value over all the units of the whole population, which is the
mean number of stems per hectare of this species* In order to avoid confusion we
recommend using the complete expression "mean value per area unit" to denote the mean
value of the parameter per unit (of the population) referred to the area unit. If all
the units of the population have the same area (size), the mean value per area unit is
equal also to the mean of the values per area unit in all the units of the population*
~ 20 -
23 Sampling
i) to get an eatmate of the true values of the mean and of the total, over the
whole population, for a given parameter, from the valuea of thie parameter
in the sampling unite;
ii) to get an estimate of the aampling rror (or of the precision or of the
confidanoe limits! at a given probability level, for the eetimated mean or
total given by the sample.
Estimating the aampling error ie sometimes very difficult and, in oertain caaea 9
the formulae used are only approximate* This calls for the use of simple sampling
designs whenever possible.
The sise of sample is the sum of the sizes of the sampling units*
The sampling intensity (or aampling fraction) is equal to the ratio of the size
of the sample to the total sise of the population. If the population has N units of
equal sise and if the sample baa been made up by selection of n different sampling
unite | then the aampling fraction f ia equal to:
A difficulty ariaaa when the unit ia a point and therefore has no dimensions. This
oaae occurs when one eetimatee the proportion of area in a given foraat type over the
whole inventoried area, using a dot grid laid on a foraat map or whan the forester is
using a point sampling method (aae paragraph 422*2). The sampling fraction in the first
oaae will be aaid to be negligible, whilst in the second oaae tha sampling intensity will
vary according to tha relevant characteristic of the traaa (baaal area, diameter, square
of height, height) i if it is tha horizontal point sampling method, tha sampling
intewity of traaa cf 56 am diameter will be exactly aqual to four times tha eempling
intensity of traaa of 28 OB diameter* Generally, even for the biggtst or higheet traaa
this sampling fraction ia avail and can be considered negligible in the sampling error
- 21 -
232Precision and sampling error* The estimate of the mean or the total of a
parameter given by a sample is generally different from the true oorree ponding
value over the whole population* The sample will be more valuable am the estimate become*
more accurate f which means that the estimate is closer to the true value. This accuracy
cannot be expressed in an absolute way as, in the following sentence, "the accuracy of the
estimate of the mean of this parameter over the whole population is + 3^* It can,
however, be expressed in a probable way, and is called precision or sampling error* In
the former example precision is stated as being equal to +3# aT~a given probability level.
If we say "at 0.95 probability level", this will indicate that for 95% of similar samples
drawn from the same population the true mean will be within the +3% interval fro*
estimated mean given by every sample* It is also expressed by saying that the probability
of the true mean being within the +yf> confidence interval is 0*95, or, which is equivalent,
that the probability of the true mean being outside this interval is 0.05. In this oase f
the 0.05 measures the risk we are prepared to accept of bein wrong when we say that the
sampling error is +3J& at 0.93 probability level. Whatever the sampling, the sasmlJM
error would be meaningless and infinite (or the precision will be null) if one attempted
to express it at a 100% probability level.
The most frequently used probability levels in sampling techniques are 0.95 *&d
0.68 (the reason will be given in paragraph 31 ) These two probability levels are
sometimes referred to respectively as 0.05 *** 0.3^*
Sampling errors are expressed not only in percentage of the oa timated result but
also in the corresponding measuring units. In this oa*e it is also possible to express
the "confidence limits" at a yiven probability level in these unit** For instance, if
the sampling estimate of a mean volume per hectare is 40.0 nH and the sampling error
+ 5.0 at 0.95 probability level, the confidence limits will bet
3 - 0.05 x 40. Osi 3 - 38.0m-5 - lower confidence limit at 0.95 probability level
40.0r + 0.05 x 40. Os^ - 42. Om^ - upper confidence li*it at 0.95 probability level
the probability for the true value to be less than the lower confidence limit is
equal to the probability for it to be more than the upper confidence limit. In oaae of
a 0.95 probability level, this means that the true value ha* a 0.025 probability to be
less than the lower confidence limit and a 0.025 probability to be store than the mpper
confidence limit.
II may be useful to refer the estimate to only one of the confidence limits.
tfhere theestimate is a mean exploitable volume per hectare in a forest, we are acre
interested in the lowest volume to be expected at a given probability level. In this
case the lower confidence limit at the probability level is called the "reliable
If the probability level corresponding to this confidence limit it
ee1JBat" (HM1).
0.95 (or 0.05), the reference probability level for this HMJ, will be 0.975 (or 0.025).
fhis means that this HUE will h*ve 0.975 probability to be exceeded by the true value,
or 0.025 probability to be higher than this true value*
- 22 -
In a given forest inventory, several sampling designs may be used, one for the
interpretation of the remote sensing imagery (area estimation), one for the field work
(estimation of number of stems), a third for the calculation of volume (using a sample of
completely measured trees for elaboration of volume tables), etc., and each will have a
different sampling error which may be related to the others. The total sampling error
is a combination of these partial sampling errors and is not the mere addition of then.
In most oases, it is difficult if not impossible to estimate it properly. This calls,
once more, for the use of simple inventory designs which provide the \iser with reliable
results with the requested precision.
233 Other concepts. The selection of the units of the sample (or sampling in
the narrow sense of this word) must be made at random* this is a fundamental
requirement for the application of the sampling theory. For instance, there is no
completely valid method of assessing the sampling error of an estimate given by a
systematic sampling design, because the basic requirement of randomness is generally
lacking. This does not mean that the estimate itself is not valid (see paragraph 422 of
this chapter).
Sampling theory can be applied in principle only if the composition and probability
of selection of all possible samples of a given sampling design from the whole population
is known. In practice it is sufficient to know the probability of inclusion for the
units themselves. 7ne probability of selection of a unit is the chance that it has of
being drawn for inclusion in a sample during the constitution of the sample. This
probability is expressed as a figure of less than one; one, or certainty, being the sum
of the sampling probabilities of all the units of the population. The probability of
selecting a given type of sample of n units can be assessed from the probabilities of
inclusion of each sampling unit in the sample.
P -
w ith
^P! -Nx
b) In a sampling with probability proportional to the size M^ of each
unit (called PPS sampling) we will have i
P1 *
^th M -
y being the size of the
ii f-^Hj
whole population.
When the first unit of a sample has been selected, two alternatives are possible:
to draw the second unit from the whole population including the first
sampling unit (sampling with replacement);
or to draw the second unit from the population which doee not include the
first sampling unit (sampling without replacement)
(the procedure used being repeated after each drawing of a sampling unit, until the full
pie is constituted).
In sampling with replacement the same units may be drawn and included in the sample
more than once*
Most of the formulae used in practice are valid only for sampling with replacement.
However, almost all samples are drawn without replacement. Thin approximation is
acceptable provided that the number of sampling units is relatively small in proportion to
the total number of units in the population (or the stratum if it is a stratified sampling
see paragraph 4114)
241 Bias. Uie conotpt of eip+oted value (see paragraph 223 of this chapter) can
be applied to the estimate given by a sample. If^R is the estimate of a
parameter given by a certain type of sample, and >j the estimate given by the sample J
from this type of sample, the expected value of is:
where 7f
is the probability of the sample j (%7Tj 1) *nd the sum ~ is extended
to all tne samples of the same type.
The estimate 4 from a sample of this type is unbiased if its expected value
is e(rual to the actual value u of the parameter over the whole population! E(A) M .
If it is not so, the estimate is biased and the bias is equal to the difference
between the expected value of the estimate and the actual value of the parameter of the
whole population.
(1) Let us suppose that the characteristic ^ia the mean basal area per hectare g
of all trees of more than 10 cm diameter in a given plantation, and consider that we
estimate g from a certain type of a sample of trees. Let us assume that the section at
breast height of all the tress is circular, but that the tape used for measuring the
diameters has shrunk and says 21 cm when the diameter is actually 20 cm and that there
is no other possible measurement error.
Efcch tree will be given a basal area *' equal to(-rr)g 0? 5 gt being its V
actual basal area. The expected value E(J; of the mean basal area per hectare over all
the samples of that type will bet g* - V025 g.
B ? - - g (1,1025-1) - O t 1025 g
(2) Let us assume that the characteristic/* is still the mean basal area per
hectare "g of al trees more than 10 cm diameter in a given forest area*
The sample is
constituted of n sampling ujiits of unequal sjge sampled with equal probability* There
is no measurement error*
r -
It is called a ratio estimate and is sometimes used in forest sampling because it is not
always possible to have sampling units of the same sise,
Inis estimate
111 is biased and the bias has an order of magnitude
of * *
(3) As ha* already been stated (paragraph 112 of this chapter), a bias ay result
from an incorrect sampling design* For instance this occurs when the sample is constituted
of the so~oslled "representative" s sapling units chosen by the forester on the basis of his
experience" and knowledge* Another case of bias due to the sampling may arise when some
perts of the population to be sampled are not taken into account in the sampling design:
this occurs in forest inventory when, for instance, sampling units falling in less
accessible areas are systematically replaced by more convenient units*
These three examples show that bias may have three origins t
- measurement errors ;
Bias due to the sampling procedure is not always reoognieed and practically
impossible tc evaluate* AJI estimate of the bias can be provided in some biased estimation
a oonstant bias over the whole population (as for instance in the case of
eaeurenents bj a device in which the cero graduation does not correspond to
the sero me Mure);
a variable component, in relation to the sampling unit which nay be correlated
tc the exact value of the Measured parameter in the corresponding unit (for
instance, as in the case described in the first example of the former
pmrsfimphs the variable oosiponent of the bias on the diameter Measurement
is in this csse erpMil to 5* of the disaster );
a "fluctuating" component in a given sampling unit of mean (its variance
could be estimated if several measurements of the sane parameter were taken
in the given sampling unit),
The measurement error affects the reliability both of the estimate of the mean (the
expected value of which is different from the true value of the mean) and of the estimate
of the sampling error* Assuming that the sampling design is correct and that the exact
sampling error calculation is done, the resulting estimate cf the sampling error is a
biased eatimate of the true sampling error.
311 Introduction* Let us call/^the true value of a mean of a parameter over th*
^whole population, the estimate of this value given by a certain type of
sample an<LMj the estimate given by the sample j of this tyj*. If we takt all th
samples of this type , the corresponding estimates will be distributed in a certain way.
The distribution of the estimates jl will have the following characteristics!
(a) characteristic of central value (mean of the estimate
whores M j
stands for the probability of drawing the sample j (
iTTj 1)
Attention is called to the fact that the distribution which is dealt with here is
the distribution of the estimates of the mean value of a parameter over the ufaoje
population given by all the samples of a certain type, but is not the distribution of the
values of this parameter over this population.
M N n ""TPTTir^"TT
nl (N-n);
which is the total number of distinct combinations of n different units from the total
number N of the population units. All these samples constitute a population of
element*. ffcch different sample has the same probability IT 1 of
selected (they have an equal chance of being drawn, which can be
calculated from the probabilities of selection of their n successive units).
estimate from the cample j of the mean value (per unit) of y is:
(a/ There are M possible estimate* y and the expected valuf of y ist
8(7,) -fWj Jj
the nim ~ bein^ extender* to the K samples j (all the Bwnples of that type).
V (v
) - r
E ^ y
E vy
Sampling theory shows that V(y ) for simple random sampling IB equal to:
J n N
where Q^ stands for the variance of the values oi th<- parameter over the
whole population of N units.
- 1,96
. ,., $
5 c *llad the standard error and corresponds, in case the
Y 1 *
. ,,96-t. /L-
where s' - - a
This sxampls show* that sampling theory giv< for a given sampling design* "the
following estimates!
estimates of the true mean and total of the parameter for the
ole ppopulation ;
It should be kept in mi ul as has already been pointed out, that we cannot have the
true values, but only estimate^, of both the mean (or totpl) of the parameter and the
sampling error. Generally speaking, ood (unbiaeed or biased with a very en\e.ll bias)
estimates of means and totals are not difficult to determine. Acceptable sampling error
estimates (on these estimates) are more difficult to calculate. The following paragraphs
give some basic techniques used for the estimation of the sampling error.
31? Estimation of the sampling error on
distribution hypothesis.
fro itc variance. Normal
As has been seen in the case of simple random ^
sampling, sampling theory gives an unbiased estimate of the variance of the estimate^,
provided that some requirements are observed (random selection, sampling over the whole
population and not only over a part of it, etc.).
problem now is to estimate the sampling error at a given probability level from
the estimate of this variance, which is^again the characteristic of dispersion of the
distribution of all possible estimates A
(the characteristic of central value being m,
equal to the true value
in the estimation).
of the parameter over the whole population, if there is no bias
(1) Ihis agreement of course is somewhat arbitrary. For instance, if the sampling
units are equal fixed-siae plots of forest area and the parameter is^the "number
of stems of a givn species more than 10 cm diameter", the estimate^ of the
mean value par unit of this parameter may have a more or less normal distribution
when evaluated from only fiftwn 0.4 ha sampling units, while the distribution
of/Ij cannot be considered normal
when the sample is constituted of sixty 0,1 ha
plots. With this reservation in mind, the figure 30 may be considered as a
good order of magnitude of the minimum siie of a sample in ascertaining whether
the distribution of A. is a normal distribution*
- 29 -
For other t value* oorree ponding to other probability levels and epeoifio valuee of n,
one ha* to r*f*r to the Student * table and the table of normal distrbution.
- at a probability level 0,68 ('one ohanoe in three of beirur wrong" ) the ampling
or in^j i* *qual to th* *quar* root of it* variano* j/VCy&j) f i.e.
tandard frrori
- at a probability level 0,95 ("one ohanoe in twenty of being wrong") the sampling
error in A. i* approximately twice the square root of the variance.
Wfren n<
30 (numberA of emmpling unit* in th* *mjpl* le** than 30), the aa*u*ption
Ihere ij generally no way of
of normal aisTricwvion */*j in no longer acceptable.
*tribution of/x,
obtaining th* sampling *rrof from th* variance of the due to the effect of
the inaoouraoy of the estimate of th* variance from mall *ampl*t. Howsv*r, if w* can
consider that th* valu** of th* parameter are more or les* normally di*tribut*d i^tjj*
population, then we will *till have th* following relation between * u (yu ) and
Ihi* table i* a two-entry table, one correeponding to the probability level, the
other to th* number of "flMTte* of fredosi . Thi* la*t oono*pt is not dealt with in
this manual. It is *nou^i to know that in the simple random sampling, and in many
other classical designs, th* timber of degree* of freedom i* equal to n-1, where n
is th* number of sampling unit* in th* whole population (or in a stratum in stratified
- 30 -
The following table is an excerpt from the table of Student's t for selected
probability levels and sizes of sample:
These t -values can be used f in the case of small samples (n < 30), only if the distribution
of the parameter values over the population is roughly normal.
Simple random sampling is only one of a very large number of possible designs. In
many forest inventories these other sampling designs have to be used and there is no simple
answer as to whether the distribution of /A can be considered as a normal distribution or
not. 'Hie "normal approximation" will be ^raore verified as the number n of sampling
unite becomes larger, the desirable minimum value of n depending on the distribution of
the parameter over the whole population, arid of course on the type of the estimate Jt ,
321 Introduction. Let us consider a random value y, which may be the value of
a parameter in one unit of a given population, or the estimate of the mean
value per unit of a parameter over a population from a sample j of a certain type*
IMc random value may be estimated, not directly from measurements within the sampling units,
but through other random values which are themselves directly measured within the sample
or already estimated from the sample.
Examples > An unbiased estimate of the mean value per unit of a measurable parameter
(e.g. basal area per unit, taking into account all trees more than 10 om diameter over
bark) in a simple random sample is:
The estimate J is a function of the random values y which are directly measured
in the sample.
- 31 -
~An unbiased estimate of the mean value per unit of the sane para/neter y for the
whole (population) of two stands (oub-populationa or strata) sanpled independently, is:
S ~ S ~
where 3 and y correspond respectively to the total area of the i stand and the
estimate of the mean per unit in this stand (i - 1 or 2), while 5 is the Hum of th*
The unbiased estimate of the variance of the value y. of the parameter in one unit
is easy to obtain. So to estimate the variances of the estimates y in (1) and (?), we
need to know the relations between:
other than the unrestricted random ones are functions of other partial entimateu.
variances of these definitive estimates (and then of their sanplin^ errors) can be
estimated from the variances of the partial ones through the use oi the following
k IB the couctant.
For instance, if y is an estimate of the mean value of a parameter per unit it. n
simple random sample and N the total number of units of the population (which ir
supposed to be known exactly), the corresponding estimate of the total of the parameter
over the whole population isi
T -
Two random values are independent if their covariance is zero (see paragraph Pir'3
(i) Given a line (population) of 1,000 trees (unitn) rQon^ a roadside we want to have
an estimate of the mean reference diameter (D3H) per tree by neane of a systematic
sample of 50 trees, one tree every 20 trees. The rank number of the first sanple
tree will be selected at random amorxg the numbers from 1 to ?0, for instance 13,
and the following sample trees will be the 33rd, the 53rd ... until the 993rd.
The "stinate of the mean DBH will be actual to;
(DBH) .
(DBH)-, +
+ ... +
y - ~ r 1 "-/* wi th T J
^ k
In the example of the roadside trees, this independence may not be fulfilled if,
for example, the distance between two consecutive sample trees is too small (possible
interaction between trees), or if this interval is more or lese the same ae the "waveleng
of certain eoil characteristics.
o) Qitlmates from samples are not independent if the samples themselves are depend
Let us again consider the two stands from the example given in paragraph 321, and
let us suppose that saw pi ing is not independent in these tuo strata! this means that the
number and/or the composition of all the contemplated samples in the second stratum is
dependent on the selected sanple in the first Stratum- (or vice versa).0) It is eas
(1) l*i is could be the oast if, in order to avoid too expensive a forest inventory, it
were decided for the second stratum to select only from, those with a small proportion
of eattple plots with difficult aooese when the sejnple from the first stratum already
has a relatively large number of such plot*. It is obvious in this oase that the
number and the composition of all possible samples in the second stratum will depend
on vne sample selected in the first stratum.
- 33 -
(y, yJ -
where Y. and Y ae the triie value* of the means per unit in respectively the first and
second strata," y-j^ and are respectively the estimates of YI from the sample j
in the first stratum and of Yp from the sample k in the second stratum.
MI and Kp are the numbers of possible samples of the given tvpes in the strata 1 and
?, ~
the sum ^" bein/' extended to all the M< x Mp^ cross products
* (y
X 7 4
Y. /x
) (y^. - Y).
/ *
1i1 *'2k2
If y 2 v .i
y^X being independent,
V(y) -
2v(y )
We have y - --
Variance of the estimate of a mean from a simple random
sample for an infinite population
y1 + y2 +
V (y)
-J? /V (y,) + V (y 2 ) + ... + V (y n )_7
All the n variances between brackets are equal to the variance Q (y) of the
values of the parameter over the whole population and we will have the very important
The variance of the estimate of the mean in simple random sampling is eqrual to the
variance of the value of the parameter over the whole population divided by the number "of
sampling units in the sample.
Consequently the sampling error on the estimate of the mean (which is proportional
to the square root of the variance when n/N is small), will be inversely proportional
to the square root of the number of the sampling units.
Case of finite populationn
The f^rm-r results air* v^lid for infinite populations or for finite population* when
ajnplm fraction (or ea'nplinf intensity) f rr is relatively small (nay 5?b).
In the ra*e of finite populations, the sampling theory shows that in fact we have:
The tern- 1-f and ^/T-f are called the "finite population corrections'* and may be
ted if f is snail*
If we hav-: y =
a^ +
?y ?
+ ... 4 a y
p ?
^ a.y.
(a. f
... a being positive or negative constants)
V(y) - a^ V( yi ) +
a/ V(y ? ) + . . . + a V(y )
p p
In the case of the second example of paragraph 3^1 we will have:
s s
V(y) - ~- V(y J +
c ' 2
s s
Let DC and y be two independent random values, the variances of which are small
in comparison with the squares of their respective values* We will have the approximate
3^2.6 Variance of functions oi' dependent random valuen
If i yoi v are d c P ndcn<fc random value* and a., a ... a positive or negative
where the sum . is extended to all the different possible combinations of i and j,
p consecutive equal size sampling units of a systematic cample, y IB, in this cn^r, tlie
estimate of the mean per unit from thia sample and can be \mttrri y. Its vprianre
which mpJcr up the additional tern will, in most eases, not b* equal to 0.
More generally, it can be said that the application of the formula of random
sampling for the estimate of the variance of the estimated mean IB not valid in many
systematic sampling designs for many parameterc. In a systematic forest inventory, the
gquidistance between neighbouring jiamplinf: unita will have to be nuf ficirntly lon: in
order to avoid any positive C r negative) covariance (or "correlatior.' ) between the 1
In this case, provided that the variances are anall in comparison with the
of the respective random values, the formulae of paragraph 3^?^ become:
" ft
. v (^. y
33 Ratio estimates
The requested estimate will be essentially an estimate of the mean value of the parameter
y per area unit (not per sampling unit), which in fact corresponds to the ratio
Z of the two parameters,
Because in many forest inventories, sampling unitn will not have the same size, the
use of an auxiliary variate x related in ^eiieral to the size of the sampling urqt appearg
to be necessary i n. many cages . Hie model of the relationship between y and :: used i*,
essentially, a linear Ones
The first model is acceptable if the relationship between the two paranetern ic
strong and may be satisfactorily represented by a straight line. It is equivalent to
say that the correlation coefficient must be as close to 1 as possible. For efficient
use of the second nodel it io necessary, in addition, for th^ line to go through the
origin; in other words when x and y tend to together. Tins is particularly th<-
case of the variaten "area of a sampling unit" and "any usual forest parameter": when
the area tends to be 0, the forest parameters tend also to be G.
TWo types of ratio estimates are commonly used in einp]e random sampling and they are:
* x
- -=i1 "ratio of the means"
and r .^i
~ * '
"mean of the ratios"
Paragraph 322.6 indicates how to obtain an acceptable estimate of the varianrr of ff,
provided that the variances are small in comparison with the squares of the respective
estimates x and y.
34 Optimisation^ in design
341 Optimisation of a sampling design. The most efficient sampling design is the
one that for a specific cost gives the smallest error for the parameter to be
estimated or for an accepted error is the least expensive.
Definition 01 efficiency is easy, however to find the most efficient design is much
more complicated because of a number of problems, some of which are:
a) For practical reasons all the possible sampling designs are not considered when
selecting the desigr- to be used. Some characteristics of the contemplated design are
taken for granted. In the case of field sampling the area of the unite at each stage,
the number of stages and the stratification are fixed prior to optimization. This is
usually based on previous experience. It must be emphasized that thic leads to partial
rather than absolute optimization. There is such an "optimum" design for each set of
predetermined characteristics. In many textbooks and manuals the calculation of
optimization ie restricted to the estimation of the optimum number of sampling units at
each stage based on a simple cost fomulation.
b) A cornpletp estimation o^ the error should take into consideration not only the
sampling err^r but also biasee and measurement errors (see paragraph 24). These latter
are generally difficult if not impossible to determine. In most cases efficiency studies
deal or.iy with sampling: errors and they are valid insofar as the measurement errors are
reduced to a minimum. Elimination or reduction of measurement errors is often more
important than the exact optimization of the sampling design.
Let ue erpress the precision of a given sampling by the standard error of the
estimate, SE, of the parameter which has been selected aa the moat important, and the cost
of it by C. SE and C are functions of various characteristics of the design, such
as the size of a sanpling unit and the number of sampling units or the sampling intensity
in the case of a simple random sampling. Let us call these characteristics x.. f Xp x
We have: SE SE ... x )
C C (x 1f x 2 , ... x )
Let us suppose that the total cost of the inventory is already fixed and equal to Co.
Ue will have in this case to minimize the standard error SE. So we must have:
SE - minimum
with C ( C
system ol p + 1
equations with the p + 1 unknowns x
C(x 1f . . . x ) - Co
and etandirig for the partial derivatives of SE and C with respect to the
characteristic x .
Let us suppose that a given precision of the estimate of the parameter at a given
probability level IB wanted. In this case the standard error will be fixed and
equal to a given value (SE) In this oase we have to minimize the cost G and
this is expressed by:
system of equations f the last equation of the system being replaced by the equation (1).
It can be noted that the first p equations are the sane and that the solutions
(X.J, ( X ^n *"* ^ T ^ arc ^^ niced tov * ne Siunc (P"l) equations.
- 39 -
cj Numerical application.
Let us consider all the possible simple random field campling designs (usin^ area
elements as sampling units) for the estimation of a given parameter over a forested
area to be inventoried* Let us assume that we have found empirically from a pilot
inventory and/or former inventories that the standard error SE of the estimate
of this parameter can be expressed approximately by the following relation:
SE =
^ no
s being the area of the sampling unit of a sample
log s being the napierian logarithm of s
Let us assume that the total cost C of this sampling IB satisfactorily expressed
by the following formula:
C o( + n + ns
</, being the fixed cost independent of the size of the sampling
A being the cost of access to one sampling unit
y being the cost of enumeration per area unit
If the total cost of the inventory is known and equal to C OI the optimal area of a
sampling unit s and the optimal number of sampling units n^ will be the solution
of the following system of equations:
ds ^
T /^ T
9 n On
OC + ^n + ns = Co
If we replace these derivations by their right expressions in formula (?) and cimplify,'
we find out that the solution S Q (optimal value of the size of the sampling unit) is
such that it fills the following equation*
log - (
n s a GO or n
o o o
41 Classification QI'
sampling designs
The same forested area can be considered as a population of either trees, plots (of
the same or different areas), point* or lines. It is very important to specify from the
beginning what it to be considered as a unit of the population, since the ultimate sampling
unit are selected from these units. In particular, if the forested area is cons dered
as a population of units of ^yial size, the unit area is to be specified. When one
wants to characterise th* "' lability of a given parameter, one should always give the
coefficient of varioricr ^sco paragraph 223 of this chapter) with the mention of the area of'
the unit to which this r< *ff .cient refers* Hie variability of two parameters cannot
bs compared if their oof lic.ents of variation refer to two different areas of the units.
If the sampling is done directly among the units of the population, the sampling is
railed a one-stage sampling.
It may happen that for the sake of convenience, the population is connidered at the
first stage as a population of groups of units; a sampling is then done among these groups
(called primary unite). At the second stage, a sampling of units (secondary units) is
done within each group selected during the first stags* The whole sampling operation is
called a two-stage sampling. This design must not be confuted with cluftttr sampling (see
Other intermediate stages may be included, and more generally these samplings are
called multi-stage sampling designs. The size of an intermediate unit will be defined by
the number of units of the next stage it contains.
In forestry, there are many examples of two-stage sampling designs, some of three-
ptage and probably very few with a larger number of stages.
In order to reduce the variability of a parameter within the whole population and
consequently the sampling error of the estimate, it is generally most appropriate to divide
the population into more homogeneous (with respect to this parameter) sub- populations or
strata and to make a separate sampling within each stratum. In this case the corresponding
stage of the design is said to be stratified. Stratification is sometimes effected by
taking into consideration an existing and useful sub-division of the population: this is
the case when the population is a forested area already subdivided in geographical natural
units (catchment areas, basins),
The stratification may be done prior to selection of the sample (this is the true
stratification or "stratification a priori") or after selection of the sample (in this
case it is called "stratification a posteriori *).
In a two-stage sampling, stratification may occur in the first stage, where group*
of units called "primary units" are distributed among different strata, or in the second
stage, or in both stages.
Sampling theory is applicable in principle, only when sampling is- made at random by
using one of the numerous possible devices. For instance, in a plantation with a constant
spacing of trees, a simple random sampling design may be obtained through the selection of
~ 42 -
numbers from a table of random numbers after having numbered all the trees of the
plantation. (1 )
Sometimes, for practical reasons or for reasons directly related to the estimation
of the parameters (for the mapping of forest types in the case of some forest inventories)
it is more convenient to use systematic sampling at one or all the stages of the sampling
design. If we have to inventory a line of trees (units), a systematic sampling will
consist of the selection of one tree every p trees (the sampling intensity being f / );
if we have to inventory a forested area we may distribute the sample according to a
grid laid on the map each point of the grid being the centre of a sampling unit.
Although sampling theory does not provide users with a completely satisfactory
estimate of the sampling error in systematic sampling designs f it is possible to get
acceptable ones by using certain devices, some of which ere listed in paragraph 423 of
this chapter*
As already said in paragraph 233, most of the sampling designs are considered "with
replacement" although they are in fact "without replacement" as the same unit is not
considered twice ao a sampling unit (or in other words, as the sampling units in a given
sample are all different units). All sampling designs listed in paragraph 42 are
considered as if they were with replacement. This approximation is more acceptable as
the eanpling fraction (number of sampling unite with respect to total number of units)
gets smaller.
At a given stage of e sampling design, units may be selected with equal or unequal
probabilities (see paragraph 233). In some ssmpling designs units are selected with
probabilities proportional to their sjge (PFS). Thin sometimes proves to be very
efficient. Thin is the case of two-stage forest sampling designs in which the units at
the first stage ("primary units") are selected with probabilities proportional to their
area of forest* (2)
%rual or unequal site of the units
In both caees these blocks oan be selected with either equa,l or unequal probabilities
(for instance in the case of unequal sizjed blooks probabilities might be proportional to
the sizes). Blocks may be the ultimate units (in which case the sampling design will be
(1) If there are less than 1,000 row* and 1,000 oolwn* in the whole population, each
tree might be numbered by a 6-digit number, 3 digits for the number of its row and
3 digits for the number of its line.
(2) The use of the expression "PPS sampling" for "point sampling" in which trees are
selected at each point by the prism or the Bitterlich Relaskop (i.e. proportionally
to their basal area) is not correct as the sampling units are the points
themselves (or eventually clusters of points) and not the trees.
a one-stage sampling design) or they may be the primary units of a
two-stage sampling
design with secondary unite being for example plots of equal area.
Equal or unequal number of sampling units per unit of the prior stage
(multi-stage sampling designs)
41- Clusters, and record units. Generally the term cluster is used to define a
sampling unit which is in fact a group of smaller units. The cluster is
the statistical unit whereas the smaller ones are only record units. Information is
collected separately in each record unit and is then merged with information from the
other record units to constitute the information related to the sampling unit (cluster )
The record units are not the statistical units. In no case should cluster sampling be
understood as being synonymous with two stage sampling. More generally stages of a
sampling design and clustering are two different concepts which can co-exist as it is
easy to build up a multi-stag* sampling design wherein the sampling units at different
stages are clusters.
421 Introduction. Below are listed some classical samplin/r deei/TiB used in foreatry.
They are not inventory designs. These will be dealt with in Chapter ? As
we have already seen, a forest inventory design is generally n. combination of sampling
Ail the sampling designs listed below, like any sampling design, may or nay not use
cluster sampling. As we have seen in the last paragraph, clustering is a sub-division
of the sampling unit into smaller units. It can be applied et any stage of the sampling
and it does not influence the respective formulas.
- the expression of the best estimate of the mjafl value of a parameter over the
whole population per sampling unit of the last stage ("ultimate sampling unit")
In case of equal size of these units or per size unit In case of unequal slze|
- the expression of the beet estimate of the variance of this estimate of the mean:
as we have seen in paragraph 3^2 the corresponding sampling error at a given
probability level Is proportional to the square root of the variance provided
that the assumption of normal distribution Is acceptable.
corresponding simplified formulas will be given for the most usual designs* For the
other design* they will be easily established by keeping in mind that the oorreaponding
parameter oan have only the two values or 1
TV Randorr sampling designs (not systematic). The following table includes the
renHon Campling designs considered in this paragraph. The figures refer to
the relevant sub- paragraph ft.
/1?2.1 Units m area elements or trees (or points or lines for estimation
of proportions )
Sanpling using angl gaugeo, wedge prisms or Spiegel Relaskopo is excluded from
this class of design (for these designs see paragraph 4232 "Point or line sampling
We will consider only the designs in which unitB are selected with equal probability*
The symbols used are lipted below:
R estimate of the nean vp.lue per size unit of the parameter y ("ratio of
the meanc estimate) with a measure of size x as an auxiliary parameter
2 jTi^yhi h^
B, 3
hi -
JL total value of x over the whole stratum X^
1 T x.
i -
I exact mean per unit of x over the whole pojnilationt
- 46 -
y parameter to be estimated
y1 value of y in the i unit
y,. value of y in the i unit of the stratum h
Thifl sampling design has already been explained in paragraph 311. Let us recall
the corresponding formulae i
n-1 (2)
Two remarks i
-\2 2 - -2
ny -
of th. iroportjon Ft
where a is the number of units in the ssjiple which hare the given characteristic.
Sfctimate of the variance of pt
V(P )
Remark ; In the case of the estimation ->T a proportion related to a ch^r^rtori- tic \.kich
be attributed to a point itself (and not to a plot around the point) tht unite may be the
points. This is the case where the estimation of the area of a given foreet type ie
carried out on photographs or mape. In this oaae N ie Infinite and f ia practically
equal to zero and formula (4 ) is the right one*
The sizec
N^ of the various strata ore exactly known and the sampling is made
independently in each stratum*
't (5)
Thic formula can be written in different forme and may be simplified ii the sampling
The sizes of the various strata oan be determined exaotly or fairly accurately,
but there is only one sampling for the whole population (and not an independent sampling
in eaoh stratum) and the sampling units are classified into otrata after they have been
sampled ftiis is the oase of a foreet inventory in which s
(where n - <2E n, IB the total number of sampling units and f * whatever h IB,
as in this case there ia only one sampling arid thun only one nampling fraction),
II the ^ntimated variances B, within the diiferent strata are not too different
ami if the sample IP large the second tern of V (y1
) is nmall, 'Hiic estimate IR then
S "t
not very different from the one for stratification prior to stripling given by fcrnula (6).
In such cases a judicious approach is to consider the size (area) of ^ach unit as an
auxiliary parameter and to estimate the mean value of the parameter per size uni't as the
ratio of the parameter itself over this auxiliary parameter (see paragraphs 32?. 6 and 33).
I/ ^
n (10)
- 49 -
- i
If the sample estimate per sampling unit is x - then (I0)*y be written as
Important remark; The ratio estimate R. is a biased estimate but the bias will be
the more negligible asr
If the numbers n, of sampling units in the strata are large enough and if the
ratios R in the various strata are different enough, it is demonstrated that the best
estimates of the ratio and of the variance of the estimate are the following:
sample is large enough, formula (1?) may be applied j if not, formula (8) has to be
We will consider only the designs in which the same number of secondary units are*
selected per primary unit*
All the estimated means in the following formulae are means per secondary unit.
sampling intensity at the first stage t f
5 (equal primary units)
(ki 1 to L f
X exact mean value per secondary unit of x over the whole population
y parameter to be estimated
y. . value of y in the j secondary unit of the i primary unit
yh " _L
i-1 j^
estimate of the mean value per oondmry unit of y over the primary units
of stratum h (with stratification within the primary units )t
" .
n i-1 yNSi
422.121 Primary units of equal size
In the designs listed below f the primary units are selected with .equal probabilities.
iti y j
y - 03)
nm 0/0
flitimation of a proportion
In this case the values of the parameter y in the secondary unite are equal to
or 1
(y *
. .1 or 0). The above formulae may be (simplified.
(where p^ is the estimate of the proportion for the primary unit i: pi , a., being
the number of units in the sample of the primary unit i for which y. .
- 1).
v(p) - (14')
n-1 nm
If the aeoondary units are points, then the number M of secondary unit a per primary
unit is infinite and f - o
ki (15)
Estimate of the variance of y._ _ _
n-1 ki (16)
Fomvuln (16) is similar to (1/1)and reduces to this latter when there IB no stratification
within th* primary units. Th* nature and the number of the strata may not be the ame in
the various primary unitn.
v(y ) being obtained by formula (14) wherein the primary unite taken into consideration
are those which belong to stratum h.
Let us refer the index h to the stratification of the primary units and the index k
to the stratification of the secondary unite within the primary units. These two
stratifications must not overlap. In a forestry sampling design the stratification of
primary units may be a geographical stratification (by catchment area) or a broad
vegetation classification, while the stratification of the secondary units within each
primary unit may be a stratification by density and height of the dominant trees
("condition classes
ysa -
h*i r (19)
stratum h.
y._ being calculated by formula (15) applied to the units of the
h<* variance of y r
thiR '"as?, mtio estimation is used as in onestage sampling designs f the cize
01 t,h e of R
2 2
2 cir 4>
4 2 . 1 r
Primary units of unequal size
will noncid^r only the case of the primary units being selected with a
Ity proportional to their aizes, without any prior strati fioetlon of the primary
uiitg or of the eecondary unite and with secondary unite of Lat us reoall
eqyal ig
thRt we ?m8ume that there is the same number of secondary anpling unita per primary unit
PPS (23)
The formula is the eame as (13) which gives the estimate j for a two stage sampling with
equal primary unltf) selected with equal probabilities (unweighted sample an pr
secondary unit)*
- 55 -
The simplicity of formulae (?3) and (2/l) and the usual efficiency of this design
make it particularly interesting.
This type of sampling is use^ in th^ field work of v forest inventory. The ultimate
units are points (or lines) and are not characterized by a given area or by a tree. At
each point the treee (trees are not the sampling unito) are selected with a probability
proportional to on? characteristic which is:
In other words for each tree there is a corresponding area of plot proportional to thin
characteristic and the bigger this characteristic, the larger the plot. It ip for this
reason that this type of design is sometimes called "polyareal plot sampling".
These decigns - in particular the "horizontal point sampling" - have developed very
fast in the last twenty years in forestry, first in North America (using angle gauges or
prisms), and then in other temperate zones (especially in Europe with the Spiegel
Relaskop). Their use in tropical forests is hampered by limiting practical factors, such
as the opacity of the undergrowth and the various heights of buttresses. In addition,
these designs do not give directly a representative picture of the forest at each point because
the trees are not selected with the same probability: this shortcoming is more serious in
mixed tropical forests where it may be interesting to know the distribution of the species
and diameter classes at each sampling location. However, it has been successfully used
in some casec and be recommended in the tropics in homogeneous stands (pine forestc
or plantations).
Except for thic difference in the nature of the sampling units, all the designs
described above are applicable. In particular, if the lines have different lengths, it
is worthwhile using a ratio estimate with the length of the line as an auxiliary parameter.
As in the case of area elements cr trees, clustering may be used with any type of design.
Therefore it is not necessary to resume the designs listed above, and we will only
mention what is to be changed in the formulae.
Let us take the case of a horizontal point sampling design. The point i being the
this unit Is
ultimate upling unit, the value y< of the pftrmeter y Pr area unit in
equal tot
y if the vnlue of the parameter y for the k selected tree of the point i
(if y is a nunber of stems, y will be ecjunl to 1 whatever Y is).
BA. , is the basal area of the k selected tree of the point i
i f
2 Q
F is the basal area factor (er^ial to P = 10,000 ^in TJ,
in square metres
Similar formulae ar^ applicable to the three other designs in. which the banal arers of the
trees are replaced by the relevant characteristics, dianoter, n^uare of height or height,
and corresponding v^luo or the i>ctor P.
Strictly cpeakin, as the yonulation (and/or the ntrat^, and/or the intermediate
unitn) in P forester] area, the sisee of the units are to bo measured in areas. But as a
unit has no defined area (there are PR many areas as valuer; of the characteristic) the
total number of ultimate unito i'\ tho population (or in ?ny division of it) cannot be
defined precisely. Provided that the total nunber of trees relecteH in all the units is
relatively small compared to the total number of treec of the population (or of the
related subdivision of it) t
1 General considerations
By systematic sampling designs we mean all nanplin^ designs r,t one, several or all
stages at which a selection of sampling unite ie made pccordin^j to a systematic pattern,
i.e. by selecting only a first unit at random, the location of the other sanplin^ units
being automatically 'lerfuced fron this first selection.
Any design which includes a systematic selection of the units in not strictly
according to sejnpling theory for the following reasonn:
- Only one unit is selected at random, the other units are not independently
selected (in terms of statistics it is said that each one does not correspond
to a "degree of freedom"); in this case the variance cannot be estimated.
This can be understood also if we compare the whole systematic sample as a
cluster. We have seen that the cluster can only be considered as a sampling
unit (not the constitutive unite) and no variance can be calculated fron the
vmluft of the parameter in only one unit*
- 57 -
- Onoe the first unit IB selected the other unitp, which do not belong to the
future sample, have a zero-probability of being elected and the other unite
of the sample have a probability of being selected equal to 1, In other
words moat of the units of the population are definitely excluded from the
selection because of the prearranged pattern of thifl systematic design*
This in contrary to a basic principle of the sampling theory.
All random designs listed in paragraph 422, with the exception of the two-stage
sampling design with unequal probabilities f have one or more corresponding systematic ones:
in particular, several noRsibilities of systematic designs exist, corresponding to each
two-stage random design, whether the systematic selection is made at the first stage, at
the second etage or at both stages.
The estimate of the mean value of a parameter per unit (or per ize unit) in, a
systematic design is, in most cases, given by the earne expression as for the corresponding
random design. So the formulae given in paragraph 422 are generally applicable.
However, caution is necessary in the estimation of the mean value of some parameters.
If there ia a periodic trend in the values of a parameter and if the systematic design has
the same "wave length" f the estimate of the mean might have a rather important bias. This
may happen, for instance, if the topography is roughly a succession of parallel ridges and
valleys arid if the systematic layout of the sampling units is such that units appear mainly
on the ridges (or in the valleys), the mean value of the parameter will be overestimated (or
underestimated ).
In order to avoid ouch troublesome coincidences, one would have to check very
carefully that the distances between sampling units are not espial ( or a multiple) of the
_ ;
For such parameters the variance* of the estimated means can be determined by the
formula for the corresponding random design*
Many statisticians have otudied the problem and although there la no completely
factory estimation of the variances given by the sampling theory, some calculations
give reasonably reliable estimates. We will give belou some of the more usual ones.
For the sake of simplicity we will limit ourselves to the one-stage staple systematic
design. Extension of this case can be made easily for the stratified and/ or two-stage
systematic designs.
First method: Stratification with overlapping strata Kith two sampling units
a) Let us suppose we have only one line of sampling units (plots or trees along a line)
or that the sample consists of eo^ial parallel and eciuidistant sampling units
(strips or lines of plot-record units). An estimation of the variance is:
where y is the sample nean (estimate of the mean value per unit of the parameter
n N m N
lh ~ i (25)
h-1 N"
N 'Hi
J\ may be ostimated by n^
and n are respectively the number of
units "lo-'- the line h and the total number of snplinr units:
and are the th
y ih yh respectively value of y in the i sampling unit of
line h and the estimated mean value of y per unit in line h:
i=1 y ih
In each ctratui the variance v(y h ) crji be estimated by the formula (2/1) where C :i
le diffo
nd the differences (y.,+1 - y ) are restricted to the stratum and the estimated variance
of y will be:
n 1
is the number of strata: n 1
# -r
We will limit ouraelve* to the cae of one line of unagual sampling unit* or of
equidistant parallel gampling unit* of unequal jge (for inatanoe trip of me width
but of unequal length). We will apply the first method of trtifiotion with
overlapping trat* of two unit t nd will coruilder th are* x of a unit a the
auxiliary parameter.
- 60 -
J&timate of the mean value of the parameter per size (area) unit;
1 1-f
72 2n(n-i; 1
f sys
- 2R. t
i1 (
(where the symbols are similar to the one used in paragraph /' 2.11 ;.
- 61 -
1 Introduction
Both areas and mean values of the parameters per area unit may be estimated
use of aerial photographs (and nape) and/or field measurements and
observations, these
estimations being made by complete census or by sampling.
We will not consider in this edition the case of the estimation of the mean values
per area unit of the parameters made completely or partially through use of aerial
photographs (or any other remote sensing data), since such techniques are mostly restricted
to some fairly uniform temperate forests and plantations and are for the time
being of
little relevance for tropical countries. Difficulty of species identification from
aerial photographs in the tropics, loose correlation between crown characteristics and bole
dimensions, and the impossibility of defect assessment from aerial photographs severely
limits the applicability of photogrammetric measurements in surveys of tropical forests.
However, some literature is quoted in Appendix ITwhich should be consulted in case such
methods appear feasible in the tropics (for instance in plantations).
Conventional aerial photographs have in the paet been the only retnote sensing tool
used in forest inventory, and will certainly remain the most important one for a
long time.
One first part of this chapter will reetrict the study of remote
sensing in forest inventory
to that of conventional aerial photographs, but sub-chapter 6 will be devoted to a
description and present applications to forest inventory of the new remote sensing tools.
We will assume in this chapter that good topographic (or only planimetric) mapping
over the whole area exists at a suitable^ '7 scale, permitting the reduction to a
negligible value of the error on the estimate of the total area to be inventoried. If
this is not the case, and if the inventory to be made is not a broad reconnaissance
survey or does not apply to a relatively small area which can be topographically surveyed
on the ground, the first objective of the inventory should be to have this mapping done
from the existing remote sensing imagery by a cartographic institute
using plotters of the
first order. We will not study this technique nor the topographical
survey methods which
are well described in relevant manuals and textbooks.
In case this topographic mapping is not possible for financial or other reasons it
must be pointed out that the resulting error over the total area will increase the errors
on the estimates of the total volurr.es (or totals of other
- Criterion of present land use; this criterion defines the most important
classification as it separates the forests from other land ueee and vegetation
types. In this classification the forest areas are broken down into very
broad and universally accepted classes.
- Criteria of forest management: under this heading we include all the factors
which are of direct relevance for forest management such as:
- ownership and tenure; for instance, if there are publicly and privately
owned forests in the inventoried area it is almost certain that it will
be necessary to give separate results for each type of forest. The same
occurs if there are forests under concessions which need to be separated
from the other forests;
In most cases this type of classification is not used for assessing the present
land use pattern as this pattern differs generally from the one of the potential or
climax vegetation types which are considered in these classifications* However, they
may be used in forest inventory for a primary broad stratification of the forests to be
inventoried 9 especially when original vegetation has been more or less untouched*
UHB5CO, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and FAO have been specially
interested in f and have sponsored, the preparation of world or regional maps on
specialised ecological aspects (including soils ) f e.g* the Crop Ecological Map of
Papadakis referred to above, a study of the "Agroclimatology of the Semi-Arid Areas
South of the Sahara in West Africa", by J. Cochem* and P. Franquin, jointly published
in 1967 by FAO, UNESCO and WMO, and a World Soils Map by FAO to be completed in 1974.
Though MO has not yet specifically recommended any one system for a classification of
vegetation on a world or regional basis, the Holdridge System appears to be of speoial
interest both for its simplicity and easy adoption for forest inventory purposes. A
description of this system is given by Holdridge (1967). IMs sytem has been applied
to the compilation of ecological maps in several countries of Latin America.
231 An area classification scheme was devised at PAO Headquarters at a Beet ing of
forest inventory experts in September 1967 and PAO inventory projects hay* been
asked to use it (with eventual introduction of sub-divisions tc satisfy individual project
requirements). In the preparation of this classification efforts were made to conform to
the categories and definitions used by PAO in its World Forest Inventory compilation.
ftie elaboration of world, regional and national statistics on forest resources will be nore
easily obtained as more agencies accept this classification.
The step* in the classification and the definitions and explanations required are
ae follows:
Classify the area into: The basis for this division should be defined and
I. Land area the date given, e.g. according to existing carto-
II* titter area graphy, aerial photography, etc. Mangrove and
coastal palm forests are to be assigned to "land".
Classify "Land Area" into: Consider as forests: all lands with a "forest
A. Forest Area caver" (including natural bamboo and palm); i.e.,
3. Other Wooded Area with trees whose crowns cover more than 20jt of
Non-Pores t Area the area, and not used primarily for purposes
other than forestry. Por the definition of a
tree use the following one given by the
"Terminology of forest science, technology,
practice and products" (edited by P.C. Pord
Robertson and authorized by the joint PAO/IUPRO
Conmiittee on Forestry Bibliography and Terminology )i
Classify the "Forest ire* Tbe differentiation between natural and man-made
Classify the "Non-Forest Area* (a) includes shifting cultivation areas wnere
(contd. )
2. Other lands
a. Barren land rock, sand, ice, etc.
b. Natural range lands E.g. prairies, pampas, steppes. If a scattered
and tfraPslandB layer of woody vegetation exists, the area should
be classified in "other wooded areas *
A. Forest area
1. Natural forests
a. Broadleaved excluding mangroves
b. Coniferous
c. Mixed broadleaved and coniferous
d. Pure bamboo
e. Mangrove
f. Coastal and riverine palms
g. Temporarily unstocked
2. Man-made fdrests
1 . Agricultural land
a. Crop* and lmpcrov*d paaturee
b. Plantations
2. Other land*
a. Barren
b. Natural rang and grassland*
d. Hath, tundra
e. Urban, industrial and oowwunioaticn
f. Other
- 68 -
The following teirt is issued from the note "Actual and potential role of man-made
forosts in the changing world pattern of wood consumption which was delivered by the
1 11
Secretariat of the "World Symposium on man-made forests and their industrial importance"
(Canberra, 14-?5 April
"The phrase sounds simple enough but has caused difficulty in definition and
differences in interpretation. In fact, certain of the natural distinctions
between types are blurred and some degree of arbitrary definition is needed. Any
final, authoritative definition must await the findings of the current Multilingual
Forestry Terminology Project, which is working under the guidance of the joint
FAO/IUFRO Committee on Bibliography and Terminology and with the comprehensive
support of the U.S. Forest Service, the Department of Forestry in Canada, and the
Society of American Foresters. Meanwhile, some guidance is available from the
definitions adopted by the second session of the European Forestry Commission's
Working Party on Afforestation and Reforestation (1953) f as amended by its third
session (1954), as well as existing terminologies such as "British Commonwealth
Forest Terminology, Part I" and the Society of American Foresters' "Forestry
regenerated by wholly natural means. They are the most clear cut examples
of a Natural Forest.
bhape> - "Forest implies width ac well ae length and can scarcely be applied
to row plantations. Likewise "forest crops" implies that a high proportion of the
trees are growing in competition with each other in the "crop" rather than with
other forms of vegetation outside it and are thus capable of forming a true forest
environment. Row plantations, avenues, etc., in which a high proportion of the
treep are subject to edge effect, do not conform to this description. Though
unqueotionably man-fnade, they are not strictly forests. Wide shelterbelte of a
kilometre or so wide, like the "green belt" at Khartoum, on the other hand, equally
rlelinitely are. It in thought that a 100 m width should be the minimum to
constitute a forest. In practice, the importance of row plantations and shelter-
bolts in many countries often makes it essential that they be considered together
with more orthodox shapes of man-fnade forests, as will be done in the present
nympoeium, but they ehould be mentioned explicitly. It should be noted that the
European Forestry Commission s Working Party on Afforestation and Reforestation
Stocking. - "r'or^st" implies a closed canopy, at least when the trees are
old enough to form one, and hence a certain minimum stocking. This needs to be
specified strictly in order to avoid the fallacious inflation of figures for areas
"at forested" by the inclusion of "plantations" only 1o stocked and largely
incapable of making full use of the productive capacity of the site. It is
proposed that for young crops not yet thinned, full stocking tfhould Mean a minimum
of 1,000 stem/ha or 75$ of the trees planted, whichever ie the less, with a
reasonably uniform distribution. Plantations with 25-75# survival or 300 to 1 f OOO
stens/ha should be considered as partially stocked and those with less than 2$%
survival or less than 300 stems/ha as poorly stocked* The latter should, in many
cases, be considered for writing off and complete replanting*
years from the date of their original introduction into that area, but that after
250 years the species should be considered as naturalized, when only artificially
raised crops could be considered as man-made.
31 Introduction
311 Area estimation with or without forest mapping.. The use of all the
classifications listed in paragraph 21 leads to a distribution of the total
area in sub-divisions or strata. One objective of a forest inventory is to get
satisfactory stimates of these areas (or of the proportions of these areas with respect
to the total area). In many oases an additional objective of a forest inventory is to
know the exact location of these areas by a delineation on a map.
The classifications listed above are of two sorts:
(a) Some existing classifications are already given and cannot be avoided or
amended by the inventory expert. TMs is the case, for instance, of the ownership and
administrative classifications. Estimation and mapping of the areas of the corresponding
classes do not generally require interpretation of aerial photographs: they consist
mainly in transferring onto the available topographic (or planimetrio) maps information
obtained from existing documentation (such as laws creating forest reserves, concession
agreements, eto.), and in measuring areas on these maps. Aerial photographs may be used
occasionally to add to the maps some missing details referred to in the relevant
documentation (planimetric or topographic features such as a small river, the ridge of a
range of hills, etc.).
(b) 3ome other classifications are set up partly or entirely by the
officer, e.g. classifications of present land-use, of accessibility, of "condition
classes". But the inventory officer must
try as far as possible to fit his olaJiifjoations
with existing and well-accepted ones, so as to allow for comparison and addition of
results given by different inventories designed by different foresters. Unfortunately
this is not very often the case and too many inventory operations develop their own
classifications, disregarding the existing ones. If former classifications are not
deemed satisfactory one should first try to refine or to condense them in order that
classes (or groups of classes) of his own classification are compatible with classes (or
groups of classes] of an exiting one. Only if this attempt proves unsuccessful will a
new classification be made.
(Many text books and manuals exist on aerial photography and photointerpretation.
Some of them are listed in the bibliography, and it is not intended to review or even to
summarize in the following paragraphs all relevant information, but more simply to point
out the most important elements for inventory officers using conventional aerial
photography. )
321.1 Scale
321.11 Definition
H is exactly the distance between the lens of the camera and its vertical
projection on the ground*
If the terrain is not completely flat the scale is not uniform all over a given
photograph. This is particularly important when the scale is relatively large
(relatively low average altitude) and the terrain is mountainous (significant
between altitudes of various points of the terrain).
3?1.1? Suitable soalee for forest inventory (scale requirements for forest
j nventory }
The medium and small scales are generally used only for stratifying, mapping and
estimating the forest areas in forest inventories where all or most of the parameters are
estimated through field work. The most suitable scale in each forest inventory depends
much on the refinement of the stratification to be made and on the criteria used for this
stratification. For instance, if individual species must be recognized, a medium scale
may be necessary. But if the stratification does not imply the recognition of individual
species, a smaller scale may suffice. This happens very often in mixed tropical forests
in which identification of individual species is generally not feasible at present, at
least at scales smaller than 1/10,000 and therefore is not used as a criterion for
In many tropical countries the only photographs available have a small scale since
aerial surveys are primarily designed for topographic mapping at a scale generally not
larger than 1 /SO, 000.
The following table roughly summarizes the use of the various scales of aerial
photographs for forest inventory:
Scale Uses
Conventional aerial photographs are images of the reflexion by the objects of the
electromagnetic radiations of the visible spectrum (O^/* - 0.8/^ ) with the possible
addition of those of the near infra-red (up to 1 JUL ), In the latter case the photographs
are callsd infra-red photographs.
32 1 . 2 1
(Conventional photographs witnout the near infra-red
Panchromatic black and white photographs are the moot common and moet used up to now,
In fact most of the oxtenfuve aerial nurveys for topographic mapping use panchromatic
films. They are also the ones which most people are more accustomed to. The spectral
sensitivity of moet of the serial mnchromatir films ranges between 0.36/*- and 0.72^
In many cases they are uped with a minus blue filter to cut off blue light below G.5yU
Resolution (in terms of lines per millimetre recorded by the film) f speed and grain vary
considerably from one film to another,
Colour aerial photo^raphn ere much lees oomnon and are generally used for special
purposes on limi ted area*. They are now only a little more expensive than the corresponding
panchromatic photographtu It io said that "the human eye can separate more than 100 times
more colour combinations (huep, values and chroma* ) than gray scale values (ratio of 20 f OOO
to 200)". Species identification as well as detection of diseased stands is easier on
colour aerial photographs than on panchromatic ones so that a more refined stratification
is generally feasible*.
The sensitivity of infra-red black and white films extends to 0.9yU-or LO^U .
Filters generally cut out the blue and blue-green wavelengths, so that the range of
sensitivity is approximately from 0.6,U to 0.9^ . The main differences for forestry
interpretation between the black and white film and the infra-red one are the following:
- better individual izat ion of the trees on the infra-red photographs than on the
panchromatic onee consequently it is easier to delineate the stand* on
The colour infra-red films ("false-col our" film or Russian "spectro zonal" film)
allow for the reproduction in colour of the same spectral range as the infra-red black
and white film. It combines the advantages of the colour reproduction (large number
of combination of hues, values and chroma*) and these of sensing the near infra-red
(detection of humidity and of atreus of vegetation). Identification of species, and
more generally refined et ratifications baaed on soil moisture, stand composition and
vegetation health in eam*r or, thir. type of film than on the three former ones.
321.3 Printing
Prints (on opaque or transparent mediums) are made from negatives by contact
printing or automatic dodging printers. The latter is more economic and "haa the
advantage of accommodatl n# on one print the range of densities occurring on the negative".
contrast (or colour contrast for colour photography) which oan be defined as
"the actual difference in photographic tone or brightness between a particular
feature that is to be interpreted and the background against which it is imaged";
where H is the height of the camera above the ground and P is the "air base",
vis, the horizontal distance between the two points of observation; Dp being
expressed as the sum of the projections parallel to the flight line on each
photograph of the distances between the two features. This formula is used
in photogrametry for measurement on the photographs of such things as tree
height* A measuring instrument based on this formula is the parallax bar; a
simpler device is the parallax wedge*
Along the same flight line, the areas covered by two successive photographs ar*
overlapping* This overlap can be expressed as a percentage of the area covered by one
photograph and is called "forward lap" (or endlap)* The "side lap" corresponds to the
overlap between photographs in adjacent parallel flights*
Forward lap is usually between *)$% to 65^. and side lap is more variable, from
to 4Q< or nore. Both overlaps are necessary for good stsrtosooplo interpretation and
plotting for mapping of the surveyed area*
S - 1,000,000 ha
R - 0.20
WH will have:
Plight lines should be theoretically parallel and e<juidistant Due to man/ factors
rf^h ae crabbing and drift of the flight, tilt and tip of the aircraft f the overlaps are
not ronatant,
Flight indices on stable transparent mediupi, where the flight lines are drawn with
the indication of the centre of the successive photographs, are very useful and ust be
requested in any aerial survey contract*
Tilt and tip of the aircraft result in the osjiexa tilt which is equal to the
inclination of oajnera axis with respect to the vertical, ttms the plane of the photograph
is not exactly horisontal. Bie tilte4 photographs oan be reotiflfd. i.e. projects* onto
a horizontal reference plane, the anfle between the photograph plans and the horisontal
being det Drained by ground reoonnal seance ur frosi filgfo'i d^ta.
- 76-
(important when the aerial coverage if obtained from several flights or when it is to be
uped in combination with other surveys covering neighbouring areas ) f cloud cover (which
must be less than a given percentage), time of day - shadows must not reduce the value of
the photographs for interpretation.
flying season, number of likely photographio days and general meteorological
topography, terrain and altitudec in area to be photographed;
existing documentation (mape) and groirid control;
location of airports with servicing facilities
permits required, etc,..
The cost of an aerial survey is not only determined by the size of the area to oe
inventoried for given scale and characteristics of the photographs. Positioning
(mobilization and demobilization) and stand-by may have an important bearing, especially
in tropical countries where the cloud cover is often a serious inconvenience. The basis
for payment may be photography only; photography plus positioning; photography, positioning
and standby; photography, positioning, standby and flying hours, or various combinations.
It is a matter of weighing the various components, when bids are received, in an attempt
to ensure that photography will be obtained at a reasonable price.
- 77 -
The example below shows the range of costs per item according to the relative
importance given to them by the tenderers. It is related to a survey made in 1972
various scales within an area of 5,000 km^ in a tropical country*
Bids (in US S)
Some clauses within the inventoried area are relatively easy to identify and
delineate, aa they are defined by geographical limit*, such as classes corresponding to
ownership, tenure, administration or physiography* Die nost important and most
interesting part of the photointarpretation work in forest inventory is related to the
identification (and eventually delineation) of the various olassss of land use t vagetation,
forest type and accessibility,
photointerpretation must be aa uniform as possible over time from the beginning
to the end of the work; the keys thus nerve as a permanent reference to the
photointerprotation must be aa conaietent aa possible regardl^'* of the photo-
interpreters and the keys will serve to reduce the discrepancies between them,
These keys also serve as an aid for the field teame in on-the-spot recognition of
the different photointerpretation classes and thua make it easier to match the
photointerpretation and field classifications.
Mirror stereoscopes use a combination of prisms, mirrors and lenses to avoid the
abcve-wentioned defects of the lenc stereoscopes. They are the basic instruments of
photointerpretation an the office. Different types of frame wake it possible to soan ths
whole area vnth high ma^nifi cation, either by moving the plate on which the photographs are
put, or by moving the whole optical net, or oijy the mirrore ("0*d Delft" scanning
Of the opecial application etereoscoper, one ha* been designed to allow for the
stereoRcopic viewing of seveial ucc*RBive photographs of the &oue flight strip; another
has been designed fcr training purposes and permits simultaneous viewing of the sane
photographs by two interpreters.
atereo gramme. If denoity cf the <^rown cover is used as criterion for stratification,
"density ecalen" reproducing crown covers with different percentages of crown oioture can
be used.
S34 1 I n tr oduc t. j o ri
A plot is assigned to a given class if more than 5&f> of its area belongs to this
clafle. The corresponding parameter for this class has the value 1 in this plot; in
a plot not assigned to this class. The proportion of the total area covered by a given
photointefrpretation class and the standard error are estimated by formulas given in
paragraph 53 of this chapter.
- Sampling design.
For the sake of convenience the layout of the sampling plots is often made directly
on the photographs. The effective area of one photograph is assumed to be a rectangle in
the middle part, the sides of which are determined from the average endlap and sidelap of
the photographic coverage. Plots are selected in each rectangle according to a systematic
or random pattern. If the topography is even and the overlaps nearly constant, then a
systematic distribution of the plots on each photograph will result approximately in a
systematic distribution over the inventoried are*.
Due to variations in scale and in overlaps, the sampling intensity - which is the sane
in each rectangle - varies from one photograph to the next. A correction factor haa to be
applied to all the plots of a given photograph (or group of photographs of approximately
the same scale and having the same overlaps) to take into account these variations in
sampling intensity when they are significant. 0)
When forest mapping is required, the various classes must be delineated on the
photographs. The effective area of each photograph has first to be delineated and the
delineation on this photograph restricted to the effective area. Detailed instructions
have to specify the dimensions of the minimum patch to be delineated (in relation to the
scales of both the photography and the final map), the precision of the delineation, and
other items such as degree of illumination of the photographs under the stereoscope, type
of pen or pencil to be used, rubbing out of the wrong lines, etc.
(1) Other more sophisticated methods of correction exist: cne of them consists of
determining the effective area of each photograph and using a correction factor
related to the scale of the photograph.
- 81 -
41 Introduction
In this case the operator does not have a stereoscopic view of the area to be mapped
during the transfer, since only one photograph is used at a given time. The stereoscopic
interpretation is assumed to have been done before the mapping operation and cannot be
checked and eventually corrected during the mapping; this is a serious shortcoming but on
the other hand the equipment used is simpler and less expensive* The instruments must
allow for adaptation cf the scale of the photograph to that of the map to be drawn.
Adjustment of the photograph must be possible around its centre in order to rectify the
photograph, if necessary, to take into account the relief displacements and thus t9 put in
optical coincidence the same terrain features on the photograph and on the map. To avoid
too much manipulation of the photographs the transfer of the interpretation lines should
be restricted to the central effective area of each photograph (see paragraph 3343)
The usual instruments are based on the principle of the camera lucida and most of them
are called sketchmasters (Zeiss Aerosketchmaster f Aero Service Universal and Vertical
Sketchmasters, Abrams Oblique Sketchmaster). The following description of this type of
instrument is extracted from the "Manual of Photographic Interpretation" of the American
Society of Photogrammetry: The observer perceives two superimposed images, one from the
photograph and the other from the manuscript (map). This result is attained by means of
a serai-transparent mirror which both reflects and transmits light. The eye receives the
image of the manuscript by transmitted light. The operator can adjust the instrument so
that selected images on the photograph coincide wj,th their true positions on the manuscript.
Most of the camera lucida instruments can be raised or lowered to change the scale and
tilted to compensate for tilts in the photographs". The ratio of the scales of the
photograph and of the map can generally be down to 1*3 or 1i4
The main advantage of this type of transfer over the use of single photographs is
that it allows for a simultaneous photointerpretation f or for checks and possible corrections
of the photointerpretation work if this has already been performed.
- The Radial Line Stereoscopic Plotters (third order), such as the Kail Plotter or
the Hilger and Watte Plotter, whose principle is the following: each point of the
terrain correflponds to the intersection of two linea, each one passing through the
centrtof one of the two photographs ("radial lines"): the two lines are moved in
order to intersect at the points along a limit between forest classes, and a
mechanism links their intersection, possibly through a pantograph, to a drawing
pencil marking the reference map or manuscript* These instruments to not correct
for tilt and are difficult to use for transfer of detail near the flight line.
- The Multiscope and the Hilger and Watts Stereoskstch consist basically of a mirror
stereoscope combined with a camera luoida. Itoe photograph tables of the first
instrument (or the drawing table of the second) can be tilted to rectify ths
photographic image and take into account the relief displacement. In addition,
scales can be adjusted by inserting different lenses or moving up and down the
drawing table (Stereoaketch).
- More sophisticated stereoplotters using the principle of the fused floating dots
(for instance a parallax bar) can be used, such as the Zeiss Stereopret or some
stereoplotterR of third order (Zeiss Stereotope or S.O.M. Stereoflei).
51 Introductory remarks
As already mentioned in paragraph 334 f estimation of the areas of ths different forest
or vegetation classes does not require mapping of these areas; an objective estimation
can be performed by allocating, through photointerpretation, every photoplot of a sample to
its forest or vegetation class, provided the sampling design is sound and that correction
factors are applied to take into account the possible variations in scale and in overlapping
of the photographs.
Accuracy of the area results should be of the same order of magnitude as the total
error (sampling and measurement errors) of these estimates; there is no point providing
area results to the nearest hectare if the total error is expected to be around 100 hectares.
Area results should be given in the metric system whenever possible. If the British
system is used, both British and metric units should be given, as is required in all
inventories carried out by FAO.
Whatever method is used for estimating areas on maps, the precision of the estimation
will be higher with larger scales. Thie shows the importance of transferring details of
photographs onto maps at a scale which is not too much smaller than that of the photographs.
On a forest map, patches with dimensions smaller than a certain minimum are not shown*
This provision is generally necessary to avoid difficulties in reading the map, but it may
lead to biased estimations of some forest classes. The most obvious case of such bias is
when a classification of forests is made according to ths individual site of forest patches,
the area of the forest class corresponding to the smallest patents being underestimated*
This problem must be kept in mind, particularly when estimating forest areas on small-scale
A fundamental prerequisite for estimating aras on maps is that ths maps must be
drawn on a pap*r with a high dimensional stability opsffioisnt* This is particularly tru<
for nap* drawn on tracing paper ordinary
j oossisrcial tracing j*per oan expand up to 15jt.
Many stable-based materials are readily available (with polycstsr bass or estar base, ths
lcttr b*iog less stable), and it is highly recommend d that t\?c* b* u**d for mapping in
ordsr to avoid considerable and unknown bis*** in ths arsn estimation*
- 83 -
There are several ways of measuring area* on maps. The indi cations given below refer
only to planimetering and to methods baaed on sampling techniques, sinoe the other ones are
deemed less practical in most cases (such as the one using geometric formulas and
coordinates or the one baaed on weighting)*
Hand planimeters have been used for some time and now there exist the much more
accurate and rapid electronic planlmeters such as the Stanley Cintel Electronic Planimeter
or the Kimoto Electronic Scanning Planimeter. In addition to the need for dimensionally
stable paper , mentioned above, other precautions have to be taken, among which can be
quoted the following:
(a) correct the scale setting given with the instrument against a master area
generally provided with the instrument;
(b) check that the measuring wheel is parallel to the tracer arm;
(c) avoid any slipping of the measuring wheel during the measurement operation;
dt, to each of which ie attached the value 1 if it is inside the forest class
or if it IP ^-itflide (dot grid wy*tem);
- or parallel lines (or "transects") to each of which is attached the part of its
length within the forest class the transect system is less used than the dot
The areas of the forest clafls have to be estimated by multiplying the number of dots
within the class (dot grid system), or the mum of the lengths of the parts of transects
within the class, by an area extension factor (area of the unit square of the dot grid or
unit length multiplied by distance between two neighbouring transects).
The error formula given in paragraph 422 of Chapter 3 for estimation of a Droportion
is not applicable in the case of the dot grid method as the dots (sampling units) are
systematically distributed. Several authors have worked on the problem of error
estimatior in dot grid measurements f and error formulas hare been developed. An
of the standard error is given by the following formula Rafter
acceptable approximation
Chevrou - 97 1 ) 1
(*) - 56.5
where s
the arrop ln p^.nt^
is the number of dots found
O n the estimated area of a forest class;
within this forest class j
dot count must be carefully performed and repeated, preferably by another operator.
If the two counts differ significantly, at least one other count must be carried out* Use
of small hand counters is recommended in order to avoid mistakes in enumeration* Counting
can be restricted to marginal parts of the area, the central part being divided into
rectangles or squares of known area* If a slight discrepancy is found between the sum of
the areas of the forest classes estimated by dot count and the exact known value of this
total, each individual area has to be corrected by the ratio of this exact value to the
estimated total.
Estimation by dot countr. and by planimetering can be combined in certain cases* For
instance the areas of the inventory units can be estimated by planimetering, the estimates
being corrected by the ratio of the exact value of the total inventoried area to the sum
of the estimated areas of the inventory units, and the areas of the strata within the
inventory units can be calculated from dot counts and corrected according to the same
Sampling designs in which the dots are replaced by "photoplots" are generally used*
The delineation of the forest classes on the photographs is not necessary unless the number
of plots per photograph is large* Examples of one- or two-stage sampling designs have
already been described in paragraph 334.2. Other designs are possible: for instance one
can imagine a three-stage sampling design wherein the primary units are parallel, but non-
adjacent strips, the secondary units are photographs within these strips and the tertiary
units are the photo plots on the effective area of each selected photograph* Multi-stage
sampling designs can also be foreseen using different photographic coverage, for instance
one space satellite coverage plus two aerial coverages, one of the latter at email-scale
and the other at a larger scale (see paragraph 622),
It is thought that Kith the rapid development of remote sensing techniques and the
increasing concern for the maintenance of the forest cover these studies on forest
monitoring will develop considerably in the near future at the local and nationaJ levels
tLB well as at the rei^ional and world level*. Sampling theory offers a Jot ^f very useful
and efficient techniques provided they are utilized carefully and on * nound b*in*
611 New forms of remote sensing * The principle of coTventlonal panchromatic aerial
photographs can be stated as follows!
By means of a film covered with a silver salt emulsion they reproduce the re}atlvs
intensities of the natural electromagnetic radiations of all the bands of the visible
spectrum (the bands may be limited by a filter), the camera be i rig" situated aboard an
aircraft* Innovations in remote sensing with respect to normal panchromatic aerial
photography relate simultaneously to one or mor* of the characteristics mentioned in this
a) The orbiting of manned or unmanned artificial satellites has now become a comnonplaoe
operation. When such satellites are fitted with remote sensors (cameras or scanners) and
with devices for storing or transmitting the images or signals collected (-television ey*t f
reproduction of signals on magnetic tape), one can obtain actual or televised photographic
Images, or data recorded on magnetic tape or disc, corresponding to the radiations received
front the overflown areas. The images obtained have the following advantages i
- they oan cover a very large area in a single exposure (approximately 3 million ha
for 10 x 70 mm negatives at a scale of 1/2,500,000) ;
- distortions due to relief are negligible and the picture has the planimetric
value of a map*
The images suffer from one major drawback, namely their poor ground resolution
whioh corresponds to a dimension generally exceeding 80 m. Ground resolution ! limited
primarily by the height of the spacecraft, but it also depend* on the nature of the imog*
obtained. If the photograph is taken directly on a sensitive film, ground resolution
will also depen^ on the fineness of the emulsion grain. When the picture is televised,
i.e. from an unmanned satellite, ground resolution will depend on the scanning intensity
of th television system*
a specified contrast.
J/ i*e. the siae of the smallest object detectable on the image for
- 86 -
The Most difficult problem ha* been to develop a precise height-finding system, an
accurate measurement of the camera's height from the ground being essential for a proper
estimate of scale and, consequently, sufficiently preoiee photograrmetrio data; the
first altimeters used worked on radar which did not penetrate all plant cover.
The following table taken from the book "Remote Sensing, with special reference to
Agriculture and Forestry" (U.S. National Academy of Science) indicates the wavelength and
frequency intervals of the different electromagnetic radiations as well as the
corresponding sensors used to study natural resources.
Hie use of part of the near infra-red (fron 0. 78/4- to O.JOyu ) in association with
visible radiations of 0.51* (or 0.6 M J to 0.78iAhas already been dealt with in paragraph
i at ion
(between 0.5 cm and 1 m and especially between 0.86 am and 3.3 cm)
possesses the great advantage of being able to penetrate cloud formations and of being
relatively little attenuated by rain. Its use is proving very interesting in tropical
regions where conventional photographic coverage is a time-consuming procedure because
of the Marly permanent presence of a rather low cloud base.
- 87 -
611.3 Scanners
The use of new radiations and requirements for continuous automatic re- transmission
(especially from unmanned satellites) have led to the increased use of scanners. A staple
scanner consists of an optical device (generally a rotating siirror ooupled to a parabolic
mirror) and a sensor which converts into electric signals the variations in the intensity
of radiation in a certain band of the spectrum (like a photo-electric cell)* Through the
movement of its optical system and of the aircraft, the scanner examines the soene to be
observed in parallel contiguous stripe. Hie electric signals are then received in a
cathode ray tube for display on a televioion screen or for printing on a sensitive film.
They can also be transcribed onto magnetic tape and then processed by computer.
Another important element in the field of remote sensing is the separate reception of
the radiation received on each waveband. The advantage of isolating certain spectrum
bands is obvious. For example y two objects to be differentiated may reflect with the
same overall intensity the total radiation of the visible spectrum whilst reflecting with
very different intensities a specified band of the visible spectrum* In other words, their
"signature", or response with reaptct to that band, will be different and distinction
between them will be clearer*
Application of the principle of band selection is not new in faot| the yellow filter
Intended to stop radiation with a wavelength of under O.JO/*, is an exam pie. of selection in
that it amounts to selecting the 0*50,4* to Q.'lQ/*. band of the visible spectrum.
Conventional colour photography also involves such selection, as in these* emulsions a
y*llcw layer receivea 0.38 A*. to 0.48/A radiation, a magenta layer O.JC^ to O.Jo^ji radiation,
a eye*) layer 0.6o/^to 0. InJA f
the three images being superimposed (unlike black-and-white
panchromatic film uji which a single image is formed). An interesting example of colour
fill* is the spectrozonal film used in the U.S.S.k.j its emulsion possesses only two layers
and it has proved very useful in forestry.
by an equivalent system in which the GmMrator cameras, are replaced Igr ee*or|
for example, the "multi spectral line scanner eyatem, in which several scanners
in a
operate together, each one reproducing the radiation emitted by the object
band of the it has a optical device beaming the total
speoifio spectrum | single
radiation onto a prism which scatters it according to wavelength! the scattered
radiation passes through a nwiber of sensors each of whioh is sensitive to a
The major innovation in the field of reproduction is the use of the cathode ray tuba*
The electrical data transmitted by a sensor are converted by the tube into visible
information* It is the principle of television applied to the recording of radiations
which are not limited to the visible spectrum. The picture obtained may therefore be a
black-and-white or colour image on a television screen, or it may be obtained directly by
sensitizing a film at the output of the tube* In this way black-and-white cliches are
obtained from radiation in the thermal infra-red or radar radiation. These same cliches
can be converted into pictures in standard coded colours where each shade of grey is
represented by a colour and a nhade in that colour, thus permitting naked-eye differentiations
which would be impossible on the corresponding black-and-white clichfc. Electric impulses
at the scanner output can also be stored on magnetic tapes or discs*
A imple devire whir.h can improve the human interpretation of the cliches obtained is
additive viewing* This Consists of the projection onto a single screen, through particular
colour filters and with varying intensities, of positive black-and-white transparencies -
each corresponding to a given waveband. The result obtained is a "false colour" picture.
The /alue of this device lien in the fact that the different shades of grey are converted
into a much greater number >f colours and colour shades (chromae, hues, and values)* By
altenn,', the filter^ ne can obtain the false colour image that best displays the difference
netween two object* that won id otherwise be undetectable on black-and-white cliches.
Micro dens it pane trie anal^Bio is a technique whereby a light spot scans a photographic trann-
parenoy and the variations in luminous intensity transmitted through the photograph are
transcribed onto a graph. The system operates by means of a sensor which converts the
variations in luminous intensity into electric impulses, the impulses being amplified and
transmitter through a ncnbing arm to the graph. A type of crown can thus be reproduced
ae a certain curve shape. One can imagine the possibilities of this method* For
example, if the type of ourve corresponding to a given species is fed into a computer
together with the tolerated fluctuations, it becomes possible, with the mi erode nsi tome trie
device linked to the computer, to count (and perform calculations on) the number of
"f>rreBp:> riding orownfi encountered.
Mere generally, tne introduction into a computer of the magnetic media storing all
tn* data relating to the electric signals produced by scanners sensing the radiation from
the observed acene (or fro a photographic image of it) permits automat i c ( and objective )
processing of the data* It it is likewibe given the data on the aircraft's path the
oonputer can thus make It possible for instance to locate the hot points observed by the
thermal lufr-r*d sensor. The advantages in many cases of such automatic processing
over huiai) interpretation are clear, especially for radiation outside the visibl* ptotrup
where the cliches obtained have a poor rtswiblance to the visual imago to which we are
ecu* toned*
614 Orthophotography* A new technique has been developed for plotting from
aerial photographs. It consists of reproducing photographically and without
geographical distortion the portion of land common to the two photographs of a stereogra*.
Orthophotography is therefore photographic plotting as opposed to the conventional
cartographic plotting which results in topographic maps. All the orthophotographs for
a particular region can therefore be brought together to form what is called an
orthophotoplan which has the same plan! me trie value as a map. Ihe lines traced on the
stereograms - such as boundaries of forest types and, of course , contour lines - can be
automatically reproduced on the orthophotoplan. Plotting of forest boundaries can also
be done under a stereoscope from the stereogram composed of the worked up photograph and
the corresponding or the photograph.
The chief interest of this device is that it allows more thorough and concrete
mapping than normal mapping. It is also about ten times quicker. Its price remains
high; for example f plotting by Orthophotography of the useful part of a 23 x 23 on
negative costs between US$ 80 and 140, the price depending on the scale and on the quantity
of additional information to be plotted (e.g. boundaries of forest types). If contour
plotting is added to this, the cost ranges between about US $ 160 and 250.
Systems for the early detection of forest fires are worth mentioning although they
are not directly relevant to forest inventory. On<t employs an aircraft flying at a
An "active" radar device (i.e. one recording the bea reflected by ground objects
of the radiations emitted by itself) has been successfully used in one of the dense tropical
forest fones of Latin America (Nicaragua, southeast Panama and northwest Colombia) and has
permitted mapping of eone* permanently covered by a fairly low cloud base. Another very
important "active" radar mapping operation was carried out in the northwestern part of
Brasilia* Anaconia.
fciebasic principle is still the saMf namely, a scanner (in this oae an antenna)
covering the observed terrain in strip* transverse to the direction of flight, electric
signals being introduced into a cathode ray tube which continuously senaitiaaa a film.
- 90 -
One feature of thefle devices which should be noted is that the photographed strip is not
situated vertically underneath the aircraft but to one side (side^-looking radar); this
allows better determination of the distance to the ground from chronometric measurements*
The original scale of the pictures obtained in Panama was around 1/200,000. In the
southeast region (southern part of the province of Darien) they have allowed satisfactory
planimetric mapping at a scale of 1/250,000 and mapping of vegetation by major classes.
The control pointsused were small metal pyramids cleared of all vegetation f possessing
known coordinates and easily located on the radar pictures.
Several thousands of satellites have already been launched for various purposes
(weather observation, intercontinental broadcasts, radiation Btudies f etc.). In the
field of natural resources evaluation, data obtained from flights such as Gemini and
Apollo have opened the way to special studies. A great step forward was taken in July
1972 with the launching in the United States of the first Earth Resources Technology
Satellite (ERTS-A).
- lifetime: 1
- altitude: y2<j km on a sun synchronous orbit;
- repeated coverage of the same zone every 18 days;
- earth distance between two passes 2 160 km;
- satellite-borne sensors: - a television system (RBV) recording images in three
bands of the visible spectrum and of the near
i nf ra-red ;
The scale of the original pictures obtained (70 mm) - for each band and also for
the composite colour pictures^- is about 1/2,500 f OOO. Each negative corresponds to a
180 km square, i.e. 33 f 000 km* Ground resolution of the negatives varies between 60
and 150 m depending on the contrast of the scene examined and the sensor concerned.
Longitudinal and lateral overlap is low, around 15$. At the time this manual is written
it is too early to indicate what is the real value of this imagery for forest inventory
in the tropics, but it can be predicted that it may be very useful for broad vegetation
and forest typing in large-scale forest surveys f especially if dombined with other
photographic coverages as indicated in the following paragraph.
\J See "The benefits of multi-stage variable probability sampling u*ing space and
aircraft i^^ery" by Philip 0. Langley in "Application of remote senior* in forestry",
joint report by working group on Remote Sensing of former Section 25 of IUFRO.
- 91 -
coverage is, in turn, divided into a grid from which squares are Belected on the same
basis as previously, and theee square* are photographed on a larger scale (1/5,000 to
1/?5,000). Finally, field sampling plots are selected within the latter squares, and
the reaults of the field work are applied to the whole zone. This method will probably
prove profitable when spatial coverage i readily available, but it is limited by its
nature to national or regional inventory operations.
1 Introduction
In addition to the areas, there are many characteristics of the forest stands which
it is useful to know for their management and that inventory is aimed at estimating. The
most common and generally the most important character is tics are related to the volume of
wood; gross or net or extract able volumes, by species, groups of species, by diameter
classes or groups of diameter classes, by quantity classes, down to a minimum diameter,
estimated at the time of the inventory or subsequently (through the estimation of volume
increment), etc. But often other characteristics are just as, if not more, important.
Humbeaof stems by area unit, by species and diameter classes are basic parameters which
are generally easy to determine from the basic inventory data and are necessary in forest
management. Other parameters related to the volume of wood may be more interesting to
know than the volume itself: for instance in many forest inventories it would be more
important to estimate the wood potential in terms of value, taking into consideration the
different species and types of the standing volume. Assessment of quantities of other
forest products, such as cork, is sometimes the main objective of a forest inventory. In
almost all forest inventories additional parameters have to be estimated, such as those
related to site and accessibility. The contents of this chapter will be restricted to
the problems of volume estimation, quality appraisal and accessibility assessment.
In most forest inventories volume information is obtained from the field inventory,
although stratification by photointerpretation may be based on items in relation with the
total volume of the stands (such as density and height of the dominant trees). However,
in BOB* temperate countries, when species identification is feasible on aerial photographs,
mott of the volume information is taken from the photographs through pho to gramme tri o
measurements, the remaining part of this information being obtained from a few field
samples. This method which has proved efficient for some temperate forests is not
applicable to the mixed tropical forests. For this reason photograometrie measurements
for volume estimation will not be considered in this chapter.
o) other measurements
c) quality appraisal and other evaluation without true measurements, mainly for stand
description, site quality and accessibility*
2 tree measurements
21 Definition of^tej
The following definitions have served for forest inventories carried out by FAO.
a) Stem: for trees of deliquescent form, the length of the trunk between ground
level and the crown point (eee below for the definition of the crown point);
for trees of exourrent form the length of the trunk between ground level and
the top of the tree.
Hemarki Deliquescent formed trees, especially broadleaved species, hare a stem which
is strongly evident in the lower portion but, due to branching, becomes less distinguishable
in the upper crown (many trees of tropical broadleaved species have however a clear bole up
to the crown point and the stem is easily distinguishable). Exourrent-formed trees
exemplified by numerous coniferous species have a definite central stem which extends from
ground to top* When there is a fork, the number of sterna to be recorded depends on the
location of the fork with regard to the reference height for diameter measurement (breast
height for non-buttressed trees): if at the reference height the main stem ia already
divided in two or more stems, these latter hare to be recorded instead of the main stem.
b) Crown point: the crown point is located at the origin of the lowest crown-
forming branches, living or dead; at this point in many broadleaved species
the stem starts to disperse into the crown; isolated single branch** below
this point, if they are at a distance of more than half a specified log length
from other branches, should net be used to determine the crown point*
o) D.bh t the diameter at 1*30 metres (4*3 feet) above ground levti (for trees
standing on slopes, the point of meamsgmsmnt wmmt be determined ca the upidll
Case of buttressed trees: if buttresses exist and are higher than the breast
height level, d.b.h. measurements are useless: buttresses are often irregular
in cross section, are difficult to measure at standard breast height with
accuracy and their dimensions have a loose relationship with the volume of
the tree; a satisfactory standard procedure for measuring the diameter of
buttressed trees has still not been developed and different procedures have
been used up to now; measurement just above the termination of swelling or
irregularity or at a given distance above that point (30 centimetres was
reooemiended for FAO inventory operations in the former edition of this manual).
- Total height: the vertical distance between ground level and top of the tree.
- Bole height: the distance between ground level and crown point: it
expresses the height of the clean, main stem of a tree.
- Merchantable height: the distance between ground level and the terminal
position of the last usable portion of a tree.
There are several criteria which can define this upper terminal and the
exact location is, to a large extent, subjective and made more problematical
due to the difficulty of sighting the upper part of a stem in a tree crown
under forest conditions* The upper position may be defined by a chosen
minimum top diameter or by branching, irregular form, defect, etc., which
limits what is considered the utllisable wood in a stem* The merchantable
height may be up to a minimum top diameter or below but never above it.
The minimum top diameter chosen will depend on the intended use of the wood
in the stem. The definition of the utilisable wood and of the corresponding
eliminating defects must be as precise as possible in order to reduce the
personal component to a minimum (and preferably to sero).
Stump height: the distance between ground level and the basal position
of the main stem where a tree is out.
this length depends on cutting practices. For the buttressed trees in the
tropi oe, stump height is generally considered just above the buttresses.
- Merchantable length i the aum of the lengths of the portions of a tree which
are out and utilised: this includes material suoh as trim allowance which
may be wasted in the manufacturing process .
** Excurrent__form
H Hm
-d \
b Deliquescent fora
point mm top du
/ Hm T
L Hb
y \
(note no mm. top dia.)
binocular* are used. Secondly the log* deemed merchantable 67 the inventory
people May not be identical to those out by the logger* &ie is particularly
true for mixed tropical hardwoods due to the changing condition* in local and
international market*, in accessibility of the inventoried mone and in logging
practice*. Finally the assessment of Merchantable length on tattling tree*
take* only the external defect* into account in most case* and not inner
defect* which are often vjore decisive factors ef merchantibility*
- Defective length: the SUM of the lengths of the portion of the stem which
diameter is larger than the minimum acceptable but which cannot be utilised
because of some kind of defect*
- Crown lengths the distance between crown point and the tip of the tree*
22 Enumeration
Before any tree is measured, It must be decided whether the tree b* longs to the
pie or not* This is the principle of enrameratioc and its importance must not be under-
estimated* Enumeration is not the samt in sampling units of * givn area and in point or
line sampling*
a) whether the tree i* within the sampling unit: the distance of the axis of the tree
from the centre of the plot (circular plots) or from a side (or an axis) of the plot
(square or rectangular plots) must be smaller than a given length; precise
instructions hare to be given to the inventory crews as to how to measure this
distance, and whether the distance is to be measured horisontally or along the
terrain, as well as particular indications on borderline trees;
Every tree in the surrounding* of the point which satisfies the species and minisnmi Bite
requirements and with R ^r belongs to the eejiple.
Onoe the tree is known to belong to the Maple, then other measurements on this tree
nay be made. Sometimes point sampling ie used only for estimating the ba*al area of the
stand: in each sampling point the basal area per hectare ie equal to:
p x BiP
where p is the number of trees around the sampling point for which &<r
H and are measured in the horizontal plan of the observer's eye* In inclined
terrain a correction has to be introduced for every tree in relation to the slope of the
sight line of the tree. Simple angle gauges and prisms do not permit automatic
correction whereas the Bitteriioh relascopee make provision for it.
23 Species identification
a) It is often not neoesaary to identify all the trees botanioally within the
whole inventory sample. In view of this, several devices can be adopted
such an:
~ enumeration of all trees with a diameter larger than the minimum exploitable
diameter and ot the trees of the "desirable" speoies below this diameter i
this device saves quite a lot of time as a large nonber of small trees do
not have to be measured and recorded;
- species with very little ooourreaoe vhioh have very little ofcaaoe of being
us*d need oot be identified with certainty and o*& be merged under one or
several groups of "undetetrvined", possibly hy botanical fmmilie**
The selection of one ox the other of the two first device* assomeo that the
*deeirabl* M epeoiee o*n be perfectly id*trtifie^..
b) In order to record less trees, and taking into account the fact that the
coefficients of variation of parameters related to mailer diameter classes are
often lower than those for large diameter claasee, it is useful to adopt
different ies of sampling unite (or of the sample) according to diameter
classes t for instance each sampling unit or recording unit nay consist of two
or three concentric oiroulax plots, the smaller circle being the sampling unit
or the recording unit of the smaller dl matter classes.
c) Once the different characteristics of the enumeration work has been decided,
efforts should be aimed at securing species identification bj every possible
Beans, among which can be quoted the following:
- limited number and permanence of the tree spotters in order to obtain the most
homogeneous data;
- preliminary collection of wood, leaf and fruit samples for reference purposes
throughout the inventory;
- use of systematic botanical check procedures such aa the following which was
used in Sarawak: a sample of leaves was collected acd put in a separate oag
for every tree of the sample, the bags being further despatched to a botanist
who crosschecked the local name given by the trespotter and his own
24 Measurements
Estimation of the volumes of the trees of the field sample and of the stands is made
- at breast height and
through measurement* of characteristics of these trees: diametsr
at aay other l*rel of the stem or possibly of the branches (on felled treee); heigfrt up
to a firwn lenrel of the stem, or leajrth along the stm or the branches, and bark thickness
generally at toremst height only on standing trees. Measurements are made either on standing
treee or on felled treee, especially for the assessment of volume relationships*
- 100 -
241 Measurement units. *Pie use of the metric system IB highly recommended as it is
the most practical and as most countries have adopted it or intend to adopt it
in the near future. Conversion to volume and weight units through appropriate relation-
ship* is also easier with the DO trie system. Diameter is generally expressed in centimetres,
or sometimes in metres. Height and length are practically always expressed in metres and
bark thickness is often given in Millimetres. Diameter increment in determined in
centimetres or millimetres.
242.1 It could be imagined that all measurements are taken to the smallest possible
discernible unit or part of unit. This would be unrealistic, mainly because
measurement errors in a forest inventory are often greater than the nearest unit. As this
might also be more expensive, many measurements - with the exception of bark and diameter
increment measurements - are made by classes.
Die amplitude of the classes used for diameter, height and length measurement is
determined in the light of such factors as:
a) 1he amplitude of the diameter classes used in the metric system is generally
5 or 10 om f the minimum diameters being a multiple of 2*5 cm* However, due
to the different minimum diameter* adopted (5 om t cm, 10 cm, 15 cm) it is
not always feasible to make easy comparisons between inventories;
b) when using British measurements, one should try to use class limits
approximately equal to clans limits in the metric system, which means diameter
classes equal to 2 or 4 inches, and length or height classes equal to 5 or
10 feet|
the attached table show* the minimum standard class limits which are
recommended for FiO inventories in the metric and British systems;
o) when the inventory uers are interested only in volume estimates, the use of
classes of equal basal area amplitude (basal area classes) instead of diameter
classes may be recommended; the volume estimates obtained through volume
relationships are indeed statistically more valid when they are derived from
enumeration with basal area classes than when derived from enumeration with
diameter classes; basal area classes can be used for instance in an inventory
of tropical mixed hardwoods for tress above the minimum exploitability diameter
(volume estimates above this diameter) whereas diameter clasnss are used for
tress below this diameter, sinoe estimates of numbers by diameter classes of
these stems are more useful for management purposes than volume estimates.
Moreover, suoh a system can be applied insofar as comparability of inventories
is possible, i.e. when one is interested only in the comparison of volume
estimates above the minimum exploit ability diameter.
- 101 -
Metric System Approx. equivalent Actual equivalents
cm. in British system in cm.
ins .
Metric System Approx. equivalent Actual equivalents
cm. in British system in cm.
0- 3
- 102 -
- a systematic component (bias) originates from the difference between the actual
moan diameter of the trees within a diameter class and ths aide lass di erne tor,
and/or from ths difference between the mean basal area of the trees of this
diameter class and the basal area corresponding to ths midclass diameter; these
differences come from the distribution of ths diameters within the diameter class;
- a random component comes from the fact that, in a forest inventory, only a sample
of trees of a given diameter class is measured and the estimate of the mean
diameter of this class (and of the mean basal area) has a sampling error (in
general the estimate of the mean diameter of the class from ths sample is not
equal to the actual mean diameter of this class, itself different from the mid-
class diameter in many oases - see above).
It is complicated to have to take this type of error into account in the error
calculation of the final results. The best solution is to adopt small classes since the
magnitude of these errors increases with the smplitude of ths classes, and to consider that
the corresponding errors are negligible .
For reasons mainly of practicability calipers are little used in tropical forest
inventories} the fairly large sise of the trees, the occurrence of high buttresses, of
aerial roots, ths difficult working conditions maks ths use of oaliper* little adapted
to thess forests.
dirth tapes are used on felled trees and on standing trees with buttresses less than
approximately 2 metres high* Regarding the use of tapes in tropical forest inventories,
ths following indications are worth mentioning:
For trees with "diameter at breast height " higher than 2 metres, procedures and
instruments for measurement of upper stem diameters have to be used*
Instruments for measuring diameters at any height are more sophisticated and more
expensive* In order of increasing sophistication the more interesting ones are:
- the Wheeler pentaprism which consists of a metallic rail with one fixed and one
sliding prism, the distance between the two prisms being equal to the measured
diameter; the only drawback of this simple and precise instrument is that the
rail must be as long as the maximum diameter to be measured, which does not
permit its use for the biggest trees in tropical inventories;
- instruments such as the "Dlatromb" wherein two indices are pat in optical
coincidence with the edges of the stem and are at a fixed horizontal distance
from the eye of the observer (the indices are fitted on a bar sliding on a rod,
the distance between the eye at the end of the rod and this bar being such that
its horizontal projection is constant);
- the Barr and Stroud dendrometer has magnifying optics, uses split-image
coincidence and Is a very precis* but rather expensive instrwent*
a) on all trees (or a fraction of tarns.) of the sample in connection with measurements
of tipper stem diameters when the volimie of the standing trees of the sample is
estimated by geometric formulas using these measurement data;
- 10/1
b) on all trees (or a fraction of them) of the sample in addition to the d.b.h.
when the volume of the trees of the sample is estimated through volume
equations tuning diameter and height ao independent parameters;
As fcr the measurement of upper stem diameters f many instruments exist and the less
expensive and sophisticated ones may be particularly useful in certain conditions and
especially in some tropical forest inventories* Direct measurement with telescopic poles
is possible only fcr small heights - for greater heights (total height, bole height f
merchantable height of usual trees) indirect measurement by hypsometers has to be used*
The Christen faypscmeter is a very cheap and handy instrument which is recommended for
tropical forest inventories when the precision required is not very high* Other well-
known hypsometers much as the Blume-Leiss or Haga hypeometers are more precise but
measurements are mere time-consuming and sometimes require too great a distance between
the observer and the tree in tropical forests with a thick undergrowth* Clinometer*,
such as the Suunto clinometer t can be used also but the heights cannot be read directly
and have to be calculated from the elopes measured with the instrument. The Bitterlich
relascope ie used also for height measurements generally in connection with upper stem
diameter measurements.
111 diameter*, at breast height and on the upper stem, are measurements over bark on
the standing trees, but merchantable volume* do not include the volume of the bark. The
problem is to relate the volumes under bark of the tree with the diameters over bark and
possibly also with measurement* of the bark*
If the volum* of the standing trees of the sample is estimated without the help of
volume equations, volume* under bark have to be estimated from volumes over bark using a
conversion factor calculated from bark measurement at breast height*
If volume equations are used and established from a sample of felled trees, the
best solution is to estimate the volumes under bark of these sample trees and to relate
these volumes through regression analysis to the d.b.h* over bark (and possible height
and other upper stem diameter* over bark)* In this csss bark thickness is measured with
a rule on the face of the logs.
The most common bark gmuges for measuring bark thickness at breast height on standing
trees have been designed in Sweden. Risks of underestimation and over estimation in bark
thickness measurements are mwerous find much care and training is necessary.
31 Definition of volumes
The following definitions were included in the first edition of this Manual as
standard definitions for all FAO forest inventories:
Net volume; the volume of a specified portion of a tree without bark and with
deductions made for defects or unusable material; the term should alro be
qualified according to the portion of the tree to which it refers,
total volume: the volume included in the main stem cf & tree; for deliquescent-
formed trees, up to the crown point; for excurrent-forwed trees up to the
tip of the tree,
Branch volume; for excurrent-formed trees, the volume of all branches; for
deliquescent-formed trees, the volume above the crown point (and any
branches which may occur below).
Industrial volume; the potentially usable net volwe of round wood, without
deduction for losses due to utili station standards of logging and manufacturing
processes; it equals the sum of log volumes plus other usable volume.
Log volume; the net volume of a tree considered suitable for veneer logs, sawlogs,
sleeper logs, piling and poles; this volume may also be used for pulpwood,
chipboard or other industrial use*
Other usable voluge; the net volume of a tree not suitable for purposes listed
under log volume but usable for posts, pulpwood, chipboard and for other
(2) Gross volumes as well as all other volumes refer to a minimum d.b.h. of the
relevant trees and also to a minimum diameter at the small end of the stew
branches .
- 106 -
a) It ia suggested that the adjective "commercial" when added to the terms "industrial",
"log" or "other usable volume" or to specified portions of the volumes, distinguishes
volume which can be economically removed under given conditions.
d) 7*ieactual usefulness of the assessment of "net volumes" thus does not appear
fundamental, as these are generally different from the commercial volumes which are in most
inventories among the most important results to obtain. This is all the more true as some
subjectivity and personal bias is almost unavoidable in the assessment of net volumes. In
many tropical forest inventories procedures such as the following can be adopted!
2. use the basic quality data to classify (or "stratify") these gross standing
volumes by quality classes (or grades), the basic quality data being obtained
by observation of external defects, by decay information at breast height on
standing trees and possibly also by detailed quality analysis of a subsample
of felled trees;
32 Volume units
Volume estimates can be expressed either in cubic unit 4 showing the total contents of
a tree (or portion specified), or in terms of the quantity of the ultimate products which
can be processed from the tree or section. The North American board foot unit is such an
etad product volume. The use of an estimated end product volume has the advantage of a
direct assessment of final products expected, and thus facilitates evaluation. However,
- 107 -
this type of measurement unit has significant shortcoming in that it shows the estimated
output in terms of only one product, sawn board* or lumber, and for sawlogs this volume
depends on the amount of defects in the log, the skill of the sawyer, the thickness of the
saws used f the thickness of the lumber sawn and the amount of taper in the log. There is
indeed a general implicit agreement in tropical forest inventories to limit the volume
estimation at the exit of the logging unit or sometimes to the yard of the wood mills. In
view of the above and other limitations it seems logical to follow this latter custom and
to abandon the UBS of end product volume units. Additional results in board foot units
will be given only when it is considered essential.
As for linear measurements (see above paragraph 241) the use of the metric system
(cubic metres as volume units) is highly recommended. In countries where the British
system is still in use, it may be advisable to produce results in cubic feet and also in
cubic metres: many of these countries intend to shift to the metric system in the future,
and international statistics on wood resources could be facilitated. The use of the metric
system and of both systems in countries using the British system has been recommended as a
standard procedure in all forest inventories carried out by PAO.
values of the known parameters measured and recorded in the sample are used to
estimate the means and totals of these parameters or of other related characteristics in
the inventoried forest area and in parts of it. Mean and total volumes are among the
main estimates to obtain from the inventory.
All observation made in the sampling units for volume estimation are observations on
trees. In the firt*t step of the volume estimation process these observations are used
either for assessing the volumes of the trees in the sampling units (and consequently the
corresponding volumes of the stand in the sampling units) or for directly estimating the
stand characteristics in the sampling unite. A Rimplr example of this latter case is the
sweep with a Bitterlich relaacope made at a point in a plantation, the sampling unit being
the point and th stand characteristic being its basal area at this point; the elementary
observations are made on the trees around this point, but the individual tree volumes are
not (arri cannot) be *Rt:lroat^ from this p"mp}
The estimation of the individual tree volumes in the first case or the direct
*otimation of the stand volumes in *aoh warpHng unit in the second case can be made
- either ty formulas (such aa geometric formulae for volumes of simple solids) and
graphic procedure*, provided that miffici^nt detailed measurements are made;
- or by quantitative relationships between the fe</
measured parameters and the
volumes, such as volume equations established by regression analysis.
Iii view of the above two considerations a general classification of volume estimation
the expression "quantitative relati one hips" being synonymous with relations derived from
(1) In most cases for estimation of individual tree volumes the measured parameters are
limited to diameter at breast height and height (total, or merchantable, etc.).
- 108 -
other trees or stands^ ' and of restricted application: the volume equations, for instance,
are generally valid for a given region, for a given Bite quality, for a given species or
group of species, sometimes for a given range of d.b.h. y eto. (The principles of this
classification are taken from "Planning a forest inventory" by B. Husch, but the
classification is presented in a different order.)
V - f.g.h
where f f g and h stand respectively for the form factor, the basal area at breast height
(or above buttresses) and the total height of the stem (from the stump or from the
buttresses) or up to minimum diameter.
If it ie generally possible to determine the basal area at breast height and the
height effectively and with reasonable accuracy, this is not the case for the form factor,
since the form of the stem is not easy to characterise and may not be uniform all along the
stem. In addition the volumes to be estimated may include the volume of the branches, and
in this case the ratio of the volume to the product basal area x height is even more
difficult to estimate.
The most obvious way of computing the volume(8) of a single tree is to divide it
(virtually with an optical device if it is standing) in sections of equal or unequal length
(logs or "frustums" of the stem, branches in certain cases), to estimate by geometric
formulas the volume of these individual parts and then to add the volumes so obtained* The
geometric formulas giving the volume of a section from its length and diameters at the
and/or at mid-length cannot give completely accurate results as a log is never identical
to one of the simplest corresponding geometric solids. But their accuracy is generally
sufficient with respect to the measurement errors and it is all the more true as the number
of sections is higher.
- Huber's formula:
- Newton's formula: v -
(1) However these trees or stands must belong in principle to the inventoried population.
- 10* -
(The volumes considered can be volumes over bark or volumes under bark
with, in thie latter oaae f the diameters d, , d , d being measured
under bark.) b m u
These three formulas are valid if the log can be assimilated to a frustum of
paraboloid of revolution. Newton's formula is also applicable if the log is approximat'ily
a frustum of cone or of neloid; for these two latter oases, Huber's formula gives an
underestimation of the volume of the log whereas Smalian's formula gives an over-en timat ion
which is twice as big as the underestimation of Huber s formula.
The use of Newton B formula is highly recommended when the logs are long, i*e when
the number of logs per tree is small, and of course when the whole stem is not divided into
sections. Thin means that to estimate the volume of a stem up to a given minjmum top
diameter there must be at least two diameter measurements - at stump height or above the
but tresses | and at mid-point between stump and the minimum top diameter - and the
measurement of the height from the stump to the minimum top diameter.
- division in sections of equal length from the stump, the last section often being
assimilated to a simple fraction of this unit length; this procedure is the most
common in forest inventory;
- division in sections such as the difference between their diameters at large and
small ends is constant: the lengths of the sections are generally different unless
the tree form is conic;
instruments used for measuring upper-stem diameter and height for estimation of
volumes of standing trees were presented briefly in paragraph ?43 Th* Bitterlich
relascopes used with a tripod prove to be very useful dendrometers for the simultaneous
measurement of diameters and lengths of the various sections. Volumes of standing sample
trees for the assessment of volume equations in tropical forest inventories have ofter been
computed from relascope measurements on standing trees, when felling of trees for thie
purpose was not possible,
342.1 Introduction
The expression "volume equations" is used rather than the more oomaion one "volume
tables" in order to indicate that only equations (or formulas) giving the volume of a tre*
("dependent variate") as a function of the characteristics (maicly diameter at breast
height and height) and derived from statistical regression analysis, are dealt with in
this paragraph.
The expression Volume tables" includes indeed not only the volume tables drawn from
thl type of equation! but also those which wre (and sometimes still are) established by
graphical or "sewd-graphJcal" methods (like Keen and Page's method) which should no longer
be used, as they include some personal bias and do not allow for a sound estimation of the
statist* oa) error.
~ 110
The advantage of the use of volume equations in forest inventory it evident; they
permit 9 fro* detailed measurements on a lift! ted number of trees judiciously selected within
the forested area "sample trees"), the objeotive estimation of the volume of a much larger
number of tree* in the sampling units and finally the estimation of the total and mean
volumes within the Inrentoried area*
in inappropriate set of volume equations or* more generally, bad volume equations,
whether constructed for this inventory or not, may significantly reduce the reliability
of the results. This is all the more true as the sampling error due to the inventory
sampling itself is low: in this oase a large component of the total error (including the
Measurement errors) may unexpectedly be due to the use of the volume equations*
The methods used for volume estimation by volume equation are statistical methods*
Some of them - method of least squares, principally, but also some "non-parametric" multi-
variate analysis methods and automatic classification - consist purely in mathematical
computations and are used for the assessment of the equations* Regression analysis on
the contrary serves for the application of the equation to the trees in the sampling units
and oannot be applied without restrictive conditions. In other words it ie always possible
to establish by a mathematical method a relation of a statistical nature between the volume
and some characteristics of sample trees, but if we want to know tbe statistical error
corresponding to the application of this equation to a tree or group of treea in th*
population, some conditions must be fulfilled which we shall deal with in paragraph M?4
- 111 -
The most significant measured characteristic to which the volume(s) of a tree is (are)
related ie its d.b.h. Therefore all volume equation will have d.b.h. and possibly
exponents and functions of d.b.h. as independent variates. Very often one height - either
total height or bole height or any other specified height - and exponents or functions of
this height are added to d.b.h. Finally other characteristics are introduced in the Boat
elaborated ones, such as bark thickness or some form quotients (i.e. ratios between two
diameters at different heights of the stem).
Thus volume equations can bs grouped into the tree following categories:
a) "local volume tables which relate the volume(e) of a tree only to d.b.h. or exponents
and functions of d.b.h. (such as basal area). The two most common ones are:
v -
log v - b + Klog d or v - B d
b b
(with B }0 ore whether the logarithms are decimal or naperian)
a f
a f
b ,
b. constants
b) "standard" volume equations which include as independent variates d.b.h. and a given
height, and functions of these two character in tics. The most common "standard" volume
equation is:
v - c * c^d^h
o 1
c and o, - oonstanta
o 1
c) more elaborated volume equations specially developed for research purposes or for
national forest surveys and whioh include d.b.h., one or several heights and other
Whioh of these types of volume equations to choose for a given forest inventory is a
difficult question. In many tropical forest inventories the choice is often between
"local" volume equations for every epecies or group of species and possibly by part of the
inventoried area and "standard" volume equations for all species or for groups of species.
There is no general solution, and each case must be studied carefully taking into
consideration the total precision required, the costs involved in both solutions and
logistic problems. However, regarding this problem, two remarks are worth mentioning:
a) It has been found in some mixed tropical hardwoods (e.g. semi-deciduous and
evergreen forests in west Africa) that, for a given species or possibly group of species,
the avsrag* bole height (from top of buttress to crown point) in every diameter class
above a certain diameter (say 50 centimetres) was nearly constant. Since the most
important volumes are generally those of trees above this diameter (which is, in many
the minimal diameter of exploitability) the inclusion of bole height in the
volume equation does not appear essential, provided that the number of trees in the sampling
- 112 -
units of the corresponding species in each diameter class is large enough and that the
variability within each diameter class around this constant mean is relatively small*
b) The use of a "standard" table implies the measurement of a height on every tree
within the sampling units, or at least on a part of them* The additional cost is
significant since the time required for enumeration may be double or even longer* On the
other hand the reduction of the sampling error due to the use of a "standard" table instead
of a "local" table may be insignificant in relation to the total error which includes the
sampling error of the sampling design and the measurement errors. In such cases the use
of local volume tables proves to be more efficient since the increase of the sampling error
is more than compensated by the reduction of the cost*
In some recent inventories, the volume equation approach is not as simple as those
described above and consists in a more or less complicated combination of "standard" and
"local" volume equations* The main purpose of this type of procedure is to avoid the
measurement of the second characteristic (height) on every tree of the inventory sample
while trying at the same time to reduce the sampling error due to the use of volume
equations. Many procedures of this type can be contemplated, and it is impossible to
list and describe them all* The following two examples give a good illustration of this
type of approach*
1st example* Volume equation of the FAO/UMDP nationwide forest inventory in West
- d.b.h. over bark (D ) and height class on all the 41 * 200 trees of the inventory
- d.b.h. (D,) 9 diameter at 16 feet (Di6)t diameter at 32 feet (1*32), diameter at
crown point (D c ) (all diameters over bark) and bole height (H) on 16,600 trees
out of 41,200 of the inventory sample (subsanple) for determination by geometric
formulas of an estimate V g of the volume of the standing tree;
- detailed measurements for accurate determination of the volume of the bole (Vjp)
on 720 felled trees out of 16,600*
b) Procedure followed:
- assessment of one equation (by method of least squares) between Vy and Vif Y fl
being calculated from the measurements DS, Dl6i &32t D c *nd H made on the standing
trees, from the 720 felled trees:
Yp a + b V B + c Vg ;
- application of this latter equation to the 16,600 trees for determination of their
(estimated) YF;
- assessment of local volume equations (by method of least squares) by species and
height class from the 16,600 trees of the type:
YF - a '
+ D -I- D (i - 1 to total number of species x height classes);
bj t oj g
application orf these local volume equations to the 41 f 200 trees of the inventory
sample for the estimation of the volumes in each sampling unit*
2nd example. Volume equations of the PAO/UNDP inventory in the Auree Mountains in
Algeria (by the SpanJ ab consulting firm 0*T.lO*
b) Procedure followed:
- assessment of one "standard" volume equation (by the method of least squares) for
each of the two species from the small subseirple of trees: y
2~ 2
V - a 4 bH + cD + dD H for Pi"-HUB
- -
hale*Fpa OF is
S 6 ~
V - a 1
4 b 1
D H for Cedrus
- allocation of *n^h compartment to one of the five ntrata with the UB* of the
height measxirem^ntB in the Bubsa^pJe of the
- aseessment of one "local volume equaticr* per species ri
ar>d jver Btra*cuw
V B and D B from the subsample of trees of e,oh *7>eeie ftnd of all aorrpftrtmentB of
the stratum considered:
IM Ml D 4c llt t
V . a
4 b
D (j^lto total of r<peoies i
Rtratum rlasaes)
applioation of these "local" volume mqia*.t:on tr. 1L the trees of tbe inventory
sample for the fRtimation of the vc2umes jn tbe uairpHn/r
type of approach illustrated bj the above two samples cue be oonsidered generally
as more efficient than a simple conventional approach using only one type of volosie
equations. How*ver f their relative efficiency oanrtot he. aB***ed precisely as the ocwplei
procedure makes the computation of the sampling error too difficult if not impossible. It
is of the vtost importance, as for the simple approach, to a*o*rtair fulfilment of the
conditions required for the use of statistical methods at each step oT tV prooedtire.
In manr forest inventories using the volume equation approach for the estimation of
the volue(s) of the trees, insufficient consideration is given t:> thn otmtisti^al aspects p
ajxi more precisely to the statistical reqnair*ments f which mist be fulfilled to get reMnble
estimates of the volumes and of the sampling error* of these eetimntet* Up to now there
is no evidence in forest literature that all these aepeots have been treated, jtnd there Is
an urgent need for a clarification o^ all the related probliws. %* following
oonni derations are no more than general indications sn<3
- 11/1
Geographic distribution of the plots fron fhich the sample trees are selected should
preferably bs based on an objective sampling design either at random or systematic, or on
a stratified random or stratified systematic design (by forest type, for instance).
Concentration of sample felled trees in a very limited number of locations within the
forest area is often decided upon for evident logistic and economic reasons. However, it
must be realised, even if the location of these large plots is determined objectively -
which should always be the case - that the more concentrated the sample, the larger is
likely to be the sampling error* Again for logistic and economic reasons the sample trees
are often selected close to roads or to openings; in such cases, a bias in volume
estimation may occur as the growing conditions of the trees are different.
Regarding the distribution per species and/or per diameter class the problem is more
complicated, A representative distribution of the sample trees (i.e. proportional to the
ties occurrence) among the species and/or the diameter class appears intuitively the surest
method, if not the best. However, some considerations may preclude the use of a
representative sample; for instance, such a sample often results in a large uncertainty in
the volume estimates of the biggest trees since these are little represented in the Copulation.
It may be more efficient to solve this problem by proportioning the number of sample trees
per diameter class to the relative volumes of each class in the whole population (which is
in many oases close to a Heyman'e allocation). In each location, the sample trees can be
selected by relascope in such a way as to approach more closely this optimum allocation.
The rejection of trees from the sample because such characteristics as crooks, leaning
trees, forked trees, etc, must be done on a sound basis. A general principle is that no
sample tree should be rejected if the corresponding volume equation is applicable to any
tree of the same standards within the forested area. The only exception to this rule
should bs when the tree cannot be accurately measured (for instance when creepers and
foliaceous epiphytic vegetation make diameter measurements unreliable).
There is no universal answer as to the number of sample trees to be selected for any
one volume equation* The larger the msaber the more precise will be the estimate, but
it also depends on many other factors such as the diameter and the height range of ths
trees, the sise of the area, the number of forest types, the variation of site factors,
etc. "Local" volume equations in limited areas for a given epeoiee or group of species
have been constructed with 100, or even less, sample treea.
a) Once the sample trees have been selected and measured, and their volumes computed,
the soatter diagram with the volumes, V, on the y-axis and the main independent variates,
d.b,h., or (d.b.h. )?i H, on the x-axis is drawn, A first visual observation will give
an idea of the strength and form of the correlation, and will show any need for more
sample trees in certain olasses of the independent variate and the possible abnormalities
which may result from measurement or computation errors,
The observation of the soatter diagram will also show if it has to be split in two
or more parts corresponding to different portions of the range of values of the dependent
variates. If this is the case there will be a need for two or more volume equations.
b) If the variation of the volume within a class of the independent variate innrefcsee
with this variate, it will be necessary:
- either to transform the dependent and independent variates (for instance by the
use of a logarithmic transformation) in order to get a more satisfactory scatter
- or to weight all the variates in each class of the dependent variates by a quantity
proportional to the inverse of the standard deviation of th* volumes in this class ;
c) Then a model of volume equation has to be chosen. The choice of the most suitable
model is facilitated by observation of the scatter diagram of the weighted and/or
transformed variates if the curve :
/- ._V 1_ 7
(dbh) fonh/
of th* above example Phows * parabolic tendency toward the x-axie, it may b* convenient to
fi model;
-I- b +
(dbh)' (dbh)
lrk.h w 4
1. 1 result finally In th* following volume equation:
V - a -f c' v
dbh) + b(dhh)
Another way of constructing th< model is to draw up a list of the most significant
(or ^ritre forced) *rpre*slons of the independent variatep, for instance:
1 -
-i- , oonatam, TTT t ** (expressions, respectively weighted
2 dbh Hbh
(dbh) (dbh)
ofi constant, dbh, (dbh)', (dbh)H, (dbh) H, H)
(for instance - + b)
(dbh) (dbh)
and saoh of the subsequsnt onss differing from the former by ths inclusion of an additional
variats. Tb* last one is the most complete and pored ss f but ths fmin in precision from
the prsedin# on* maj not b signifioant. Interpretation f ths oomputsr outputs and
lection of *.h inputs in tb^se prourrmsmies re<iuire the assistance of a statistician*
" OM o<njtrjun^n rar> b* added to the model in these programmes, such as a fixed value of
conntant In the
- 116 -
With the development of automatic data processing, the use of sighting (including
the research of the beet weight) and of stepwise regression analysis should be practised
to an increasing extent* These techniques allow for a sound estimation of the
statistical errors in the use of voluae equations .
The validity of the adjustment by regression analysis can be tested by the value of
the multiple correlation coefficient which is equal to the correlation coefficient when
the dependent variate (volume) is a function of only one expression of the independent
variates, for instance: V - a + b(dbh) . This adjustment will become more valid as this
coefficient approaches 1 (maximum value of the coefficient in the case of a perfect
Estimation of the variance and standard error of the mean value of the volume given
by the equation for given values of the independent variates, and estimation of the standard
error of the application of this value to the trees of the inventory sample with the same
characteristics, are given by rather sophisticated formulas, and advice from a statistician
would have to be sought for detailed information. The problem posed by the combination of
the error with the error due to the inventory sampling is a difficult question which does
not seem to have been very much dealt with in the forestry literature. Here too, the
advice of a specialist must be sought as it is necessary to know what is the incidence of
the volume equations on the total error of the volume estimates*
- assess separate volume equations for the most important species and apply a
common volume equation for the remaining ones;
- assess separate volume equations for the most important species and group each
of the remaining species with one of these species, by a comparative study either
of the fonr factor (in the rase of "standard" volume tables) or of the diameter-
height diagram (in the case of "local" volume tables);
group the species by homogeneous classes in order to get more sample trees for
each volume equation*
This last grouping can be done more or less objective!/ by comparison of scatter
diagrams corresponding to different species, by a oovariance analysis by groups of two
species (when the number of species ie small), or by a statistical method of automatic
classification (multi variate analysis plus cluster analysis). The two latter methods are
the best and the most comprehensive and objective ones, but they require a sufficient
expertise and the availability of appropriate computer programmes. Here too, the
assistance of a statistician is necessary.
advantages are Important: in comparison with the direct method of volume estimation it
generally costs considerably lees; the volume equations can be used for further
inventories and other purposes and will remain as a tool for the f ores ttr which can be
refined later on; the measurement data collected for the construction of volume equations,
which are generally more detailed than in the other method, may serve as a basic material
for further mensuration studies. These advantages are of particular interest in many
developing countries of the tropical world where forest mensuration is a new research field and
where mensuration data and volume tables are lacking.
4 Quality assessment
volumeV or "LJt pl~*o v d vcl-jm-s A*-e thob obtained L^ uedu^tion of portions claoo-.Tj.ed as
defective for sawnwood or plywood production from the corresponding gross volumes.
Although this is a common procedure, the validity and usefulness of the concept of "net
volvwe" are doubtful in the case of inventory of mixed tropical hardwoods, for the reasons
given below*
Even if we consider as negligible the bias coming from the viewpoint of the inventory
people, there are other reasons why the so-called net volumes are significantly different
from the volume of usable material, among which can be quoted:
- quality assessment of standing trees most often does not take into consideration
the inner defects which are not visible and which cannot be safely predicted and
precisely estimated from external observation; even for the external defects
quality assessment may be invalidated by difficulty in evaluating the defects on the
upper part of the tree;
Quality assessment ie useful for controlling (or "monitoring") the growing stock.
In repeated inventories of a given forested area, quality assessment makes possible a study
of the evolution of the stands with regard to the quality characteristics and the defect
occurrence. For such a comparative study, and provided that the quality classification
of the standing volumes is meaningful, the equivalence between the volume of the
- 11Q -
"non-defective" classes and the usable material is not required; what is important is
that, for instance, a better "score" in the second inventory as compared to the first
inventory means a real improvement with regard to quality characteristic* aoi defect
Quality assessment is also useful for comparing two or more inventoried areas* Here
too, there is no need for an equivalence between the volumes of the "non-defective" classes
and the usable material, but the quality indicators must be relevant*
Some indications of the assessment of recovery factors are given below in subchapter
5 "Recovery studies".
For the sake of presentation, these methods can be divided into methods of assessment
of external characteristics and defects and methods of assessment of inner defects*
External characteristics and defects can be recorded on standing trees as well as on felled
trees whereas the estimation of inner defects on standing trees can be made only through
partial and somewhat imprecise observations.
For assessment of external charact eristics and defects on standing trees as well as
on felled trees two basic approaches may be adopted:
1) the section concept: the stem is divided into a number of sections, each of an
absolute, relative or variable length, the quality of each section being assessed
V -2
Log No
@ B
J A*.
- 121 -
Figure V-3
- 122 -
Tha diviaion of the stem la governad by tha location of tha important da facts, tha
purpoaa being to separate tha logs of matarial deemed usable from tha dafaotiva portions t
This mathod ia illustratad in Figure V-4 Tha limit of each aaction would have to ba
datarminad by aya using judgamsnt. To datarmina volumes, tha length! of tha section*
would have to ba datarminad and tapar function* used* If these functions are not
available it would ba necessary, in addition, to measure and- or mid-diametars of tha
This procedure is accurate and practical for quality studies based on measurements
of felled traaa but ita practicality ia doubtful if appliad to quality assessment of
standing traaa; it is time-consuming, difficult and entails a graat element of subjectivity.
Moreover assessment of defective parts and usable parts cannot generally ba dona with
precision, at least in tha oasa of mixed tropical hardwoods as has bean shown in paragraph
Figure V-4
t t
t t
- 123 -
Figure V-5 illustrates the manner in which the tree concept of quality assessment
applies the quality of only a specified lower portion of the stem to classify the whole
stem. The specified length of this chosen portion of the lower stem does not usually
exceed six to eight metres* Usually, only one specified length is used for each inventory
though f in some instances, it may be necessary to specify lengths according to species.
In buttressed trees the specified length is applied to the trunk above the buttress*
Volume is presented as total volume of the tree. In general, the lower portion of the
stem contains the greater part of the total volume and is the part of the tree of greatest
potential value.
Ibe advantages of assessing quality by the tree concept, as compared with the
sectional concept, are:
Figure V-5
Th quality of Lof No. 1 nay d fro *
of pacified quality claa*. The trt mm whol*
takva it quality from th quality classification of
Lof No. 1.
421.2 Quotations
Once the gross volume of a "recording unit" (tree f or section of a tree) bar
-^ *-.
determined, it has to be classified in one of the various quality classes. Th<* i
number of quality classes must be decided carefully, taking into account the purport of
the quality assessment exercise, the increased risks of subjectivity inherent in a -i-t^i i-
classification and the relatively sparse information obtained from a very broad
The allocation of the volume of a recording unit to a given quality class can be
done in a global way, direotly from a global appraisal of the various characteristics and
defects, or in an analytical way by evaluating separately the different types of defect
and subsequently regrouping the corresponding quotations for the final allocation of the
unit to one of the quality classes.
The use of binoculars is reoomnended for the observation of the upper sections of
the standing sterna when the section procedure it ueed* Ihe observer must turn all around
the trees, and at a certain distance, in order to make a full inspection; this latter
requirement is fundamental but is not always fulfilled in inventories of mixed tropical
hardwood* where access ie often difficult*
- 12 5 -
The internal defecta are evaluated on stump cross-sections or breast height cross-
sections and possibly also on other cross-sections. Volume of rotten parts and
consequently of sound volume can thus be estimated precisely* !Bae most important problem
is how to quote, combine and enter in the classification other internal defects such as
insect damage, eccentricity, B tains, splits, etc. Here, too, a satisfactory quotation
key has to be devised whereby the various defects and their different degrees of gravity
can be combined. Applicability of existing grading scales is worth testing.
*) Recovery studies
51 Principle
Recovery factors are also useful for the owner and the manager of the inventoried
forests. Fro* the Market prices of the usable wood he can determine, by the use of the
results of the recovery study the price at which he can "sell" the standing volumes,
taking into consideration the logging and transport costs* More generally, the informa-
tion provided toy a recovery study is useful for the owner or the manager of the forest
when dealing with the logging contractors*
The question has been raised as to whether the estimation of these ratios should
be provided by the inventory people or whether it should be left to others auoh as
economists or logging specialists.
It seems obvious, however, that the people responsible for the inventory work
are the beet acquainted with the figures they produce, with their validity and their
applicability, and that they should therefore be involved in the estimation of these
ratios, either by themselves or preferably in cooperation with logging and other
Studies related to the estimation of these ratios are called here "recovery studies , 11
but their principle is the same as for those called in other documents "forest utilization"
studies or "harvesting intensity" studies,
In addition to the estimation of the e it rac table volumes (or of the parts of the
gross volumes which are left in forests), it is also interesting to know the percentage
of each commercial grade of the extractable volumes, as the respective value and
possible utilisation of the various grades are different. A recovery study should aim
at estimating these percentages, although in some oases grading is not as objective as
it could be,
The eztractable volumes to be considered are those which come to the mill yards if
the wood is to be processed locally, or to the harbours if it is to be exported. In the
case of domestic processing the conversion factor of the mill is applied to the extract--
able volumes given by the inventory in order to relate the output of the mill to the
existing volumes in a given forest area.
53 deueral procedure
In mixed tropical hardooods the recovery studies can be split in three main parts:
~ estimation of the selection of the standing trees; if for certain epeciee all
trees which can be logged according to the management regulations are effectively f*ile*} ?
for many o there thers is a selection of the standing trees, for instance those which
- 12? -
assumed to be rotten inside after tapping the bole with a humor are generally not felled;
- estimation of the
percentage of treee felled but not used due to splitting,
breaking, significant decay not detected previously, bad logging conditions, etc.;
-estimation per inventory quality class of the percentage of rejected volumes and
possibly of percentages of the different commercial grades and further determination of
the global recovery factors and grade percentages for the whole gross stock.
532 Implementation
If a survey of logging units is carried out, the sample of these units will have
to be carefully constituted and stratified according tc the main utilization destination
of the extracted wood (e.g. local processing or log experts, pulp or other industrial
uses) and possibly also according to the logging system used and to the accessibility if
this varies significantly from one part of the inventoried area to the other. Die most
evident procedure within a logging unit seems to be:
- before logging, the full enumeration and numbering of all trees of the studied
species above the minimum acceptable diameter, with estimation of their gross volumes
and with quality assessment, in an area which is soon to be logged;
- after logging, the counting of abandoned standing and felled treer and the
measurement of the extracted logs and logging losses and wast*.
Recording and processing of the data (with possible use of multiple regression
analysis between inventory quality classes and commercial grades) has to be* designed
carefully. The total cost of a consistent recovery study is not negligible, and its
programming and budgeting must be included in the planning stage of the inventory.
533 Example
The following graph illustrates the principle and the procedure for a recovery
study. It is adapted from a similar graph drawn for a recovery study performed within
the framework of an PAO/UNDP inventory In hill dipterooarp forests of Sarawak.
- 128 -
Log irretrievable I
Misjudged by felling
Other reasons
- 129 -
6 Accessibility studies
61 Introduction
- the inventory results must be as complete and meaningful as possible and must
therefore include data on accessibility in order to give information to the users
of the inventory which can be directly and immediately utilized by them;
- the inventory crews are collecting data in a large number of units objectively
located over the whole inventoried area, and are thus in a better position than
most of the users to record also accessibility data, particularly as it may be
appropriate for further computations to have accessibility data and volume data
recorded entirely or partly in the same sampling units;
For a given level of the forest inventory (world, regional, national, subnational,
preinvestment or local level) and a given level of precision, the accessibility study can
be defined as providing an answer to the following question (Nilsson,
"How much wood specified by Eipecies, dimensions and qualities can be made available
at tentative markets (mill sites) within alternative cost limits per unit volume ?"
Given this definition, poesibly complemented by the introduction of the time factor,
the method used for assessing accessibility in a given forest inventory nust solve the
following problems:
It is clear from the above considerations that a permanent dialogue between the
inventory and the logging specialists must be maintained in order to design a suitable
method of accessibility assessment within a given forest inventory. This is particularly
true for the problems of the selection and quantification of the accessibility parameters,
whereas the third problem lies essentially within the competence of the logging specialist.
In the following paragraphs we will deal only with the selection and quantification of
- 130 -
621 The cost of logging, transport and forest roads varies according to an almost
infinite number of factors. Some of these have a strong influence, whereas
other are of only minor importance and can therefore be disregarded for the purpose of
assessing accessibility* The practical approach is, then, to establish the correlation
between the selected factors and the logging and transport costs. This can now be made
by logging specialists in various ways, the most practical being to set up mathematical
models for each work operation quantifying the influence on the cost of the selected
factors. In such model building the logging specialist should endeavour to make use of
parameters which are already measured in the inventory end should be rather cautious in
introducing additional parameters which might be difficult and costly to measure by the
inventory crews. The advantage of the use of mathematical models is that they can be
included in the computer programmes of the inventory, thus enabling the accessibility
of the inventoried forests to be assessed simultaneously with the inventory results on
the quantity and quality of the resource.
The accessibility parameters can be classified mainly into two groups, namely the
forest condition parameters and the socio-economic parameters.
The values of these parameters for a given inventoried forest or for a part of it
have to be combined with production data in the mathematical models for the assessment of
the management and harvesting costs. These production data have to be determined for the
various forest work operations (mainly logging, transport, road construction and maintenance)
from work studies and production and cost control schemes.
Like other parameters (see paragraph 221 of Chapter 3) accessibility parameters can
be given continuous or discrete values through direct measurements or can be assigned to
a given class (especially in the case of descriptive or qualitative parameters).
622 The forest condition parameters. The forest condition parameters are
physical parameters related to the trees, to the stands and to the land, to
the climate and to the location (with regard to existing or possible access to the forest)*
Most of the tree and stand parameters are generally estimated by field sampling
procedures and many physical data on the land can also be collected during the forest
inventory. It is important that the forest inventory data be collected in such a way as
to enable the results to be applied to exploitation area units. Their precision is
dependent on the sampling intensity of the forest inventory in relation to the size of
the exploitation unit. Data obtained from low sampling intensity over a large area can
give accurate estimates for the whole area, but do not generally give sufficiently
accurate data for the assessment of logging costs for parts of that area. Apart from
the sampling intensity the distribution of the sample has also to be considered* A
systematic one-stage sampling design is often considered useful as it allows for the
possibility of changing the limits of the exploitation units.
These are estimated in all forest inventories and are mainly numbers of stems and
the corresponding gross or net volumes per diameter (and possibly height) classes, and per
species or groups of species. Rie mean and total estimates must be given with sufficient
precision per exploitation units if they are to be used for assessing accessibility.
- 131 -
They include also parameters of quality (oee eubchapter 4) which are to be estimated to
determine the percentage per species (or groups of speciee) and per size classes of the
trees which vail not be felled due to their visible defects and which also serve for
estimating the extractable volumes by meanc of a recovery study.
The main characteristics of terrain and soil which have an influence on forest
accessibility are considered in the "IUFRO proposal for international system of terrain
classification and in the PAD note "Tentative checklist for describing and quantifying
a) terrain parameters
- terrain pattern which can be described by geomorpho logical features such as
relief amplitudes, regular or irregular drainage pattern, stream frequencies,
rock outcrops, etc.;
- area of a single physiographic feature ("terrain unit") defined by its relief
amplitude, its length and width;
width and depth of rivers and creeks ;
b) soil parameters
- bearing capacity in moist state for off-the-road vehicles;
- suitability for road construction and maintenance which takes into account the
depth and the texture of the soil and the stoniness of the surface (1);
- susceptibility to erosion which is important when considering in particular the
road construction and maintenance costs.
The climatic parameters useful for assessing logging costs are related to the
following itemst
- rainfall, the corresponding characteristics being the amount and the distribution
of annual rainfall and the maximum rainfall per hour and per day;
(1) Deposit of gravel and quarry sites should also be recorded by the inventory
crews outside the sampling unite, especially when such deposits and sites are
- 132 -
The main location and access parameters useful for accessibility assenprnent ar:
distance and transport routes to wood-using centres (mills, cities, densely
populated areas, export ports);
- data concerning the existing and potential transport network inside the forests,
such as the network density and the distance of cross-country transport per typen,
standards and capacity classes (estimation of the road length can be made through
the use of a rectangular transect system and the application of the "needle
problem" method).
623 The cocioeconomic parameters. Hies* parameters are absolute and are
determined by the national economy and laws. They are needed to establish copt
unit time of production factors in the cost formulas. Three groups of data can be
distinguished here: labour, equipment, and other data.
Equipment: Operating costs based on purchase prices, customs duties, cost of fuel,
facilities for and cost of servicing, etc.
632.11 Slo
Slopes with lengths of more than 50 metres are defined ae major slopes. Slopes with
lengths of 10-5 metres are defined as minor elopes, for example lesser valleys and
hillocks. Variations of less than 10 metres in length are defined as "ground roughness".
(a) Gradient
The average gradient in recorded in per cent. The following classes are adopted:
1 . o - 5 $ .
With regard to major slopes the length of slope is recorded in metres in the
following classes:
Minor slopes
1. 10 - 50 m
Major slopes
2. 50 - 100 m
3. 100 - 200 m
4. 200 - 400 m
5. 400 - 600 m
6. 600 - 800 m
7. 800 - 100C m
8. 10OO - 1200 m
3. 1200 - I^OO m
10. > 15OO m
Minor slopes may
Classes with wider intervals may be obtained by amalgamation.
occur also as parts of a major slop*.
- 134 -
The aspect of the slope is recorded as the compass bearing in the following way:
The roughness of the ground IB described independently of the slope on the basis of
the occurrence of obstacles, i.e. local surface
variations, boulders, rocks, stumps, holes,
hollows, etc. of more than 30 cm height or depth.
1. very smooth ground; average distance between obstacles > 5.0 m; minimum
distance between obstacles >
2. smooth ground; average distance between obstacles > 5.0 m; minimum distance
between obstacles <T 30;
3 uneven ground; average distance between obstacles 5.0 - 3.0 m;
4. very uneven ground; average distance between obstacles < 3.0 m;
5 ground with boulders and scree;
6. ground with precipices and clefts.
3y distance between obstacles the unencumbered distance between the limits of the
obstacles in understood.
Whatever the gradient classification adopted, 50$ (practical maximum slope for a
tractor at present) and possibly 70$ (occurrence of difficult road construction problems)
should be used ae limits in the gradient classification.
A further method of recording ground roughness together with some other factors
difficult to measure IB shown in the following table. Each parameter is subjectively
assessed in R. difficu 11^ class ranging from 1 to 5 where difficulty class 3 could be regarded
as "normal". Ihe points of the difficulty parameters are added and the sum is then an
erprescion on their aggregate influence on extraction to be ueed in the cost formula for
this operation.
The sum of points out of table gives E through the following conversion table:
- 136 -
Data recording and data processing can be viewed as major linka between the planning
and completion of a forest inventory. Tfce basic inventory data, either gathered in the
field, from photo interpretation or from other sources, cannot be processed without having
first been recorded, edited and condensed. In addition, the data processing prooedur*
mu*t be adapted to the specific requirements and design of the inventory itself. It is,
therefore, essential that the treatment of the data be considered as an integral part of
forest inventory from the very beginning planning stages .
Since the whole field of data recording and processing is very complex and
particularly fast-developing, the contents of this chapter can only be considered as
general guidelines for choosing and implementing the appropriate data recording and
processing methods for a given inventory. The sub-chapter "Data Recording* is restricted
to general requirements for data recording and the means and methods of recording forest
inventory information from various sources . In the sub-chapter "Data Processing" the
different steps and types of data processing are discussed and some practical aspectn vrith
respect to tropical zones are given*
2 Data recording
21 General requirement a
will be
M) A "recording document" is any prepared form on which original data
or automatically by
e.g. ttJLly sheet*. Recording can be done either manually,
special devices (see para. ?3)
- 138 -
The data should be reoorded aa they are measured and no pro oee sing should be done
during the recording stage. If, for example, mean diameter of individual tree* 1* needed
for future calculation, and is assessed by two or more direct measurements, only direct
measurement* *hould be reoorded and the mean diameter calculated later. Similarly, when
measuring diameter* it is better to record actual measurement* rather than the corresponding
diameter classes. This eliminates the possibility of errors occurring in transferring from
measured diameters to classes. Broadly speaking, the simpler the parameters and the
method of recording, the more accurate the corresponding results .
One of the most important tasks in this respect is the design of simple and clearly
arranged recording documents, easy to handle in the field and easy to fill in. The design
of the recording document should aim primarily at facilitating the recording work, and to
a lesser extent the later use of this document for process ing. This is particularly *o
since recording work is usually much more expensive and difficult than processing work*
Thus, practicability appears to be another requirement of general nature to be considered
in data recording.
Before any data recording begins, it is necessary to become acquainted with the
condition* under which the work ie to be executed and with the actual data itself First
of all 9 it is very useful to adapt recording to the personnel in charge of it* For
instance, a very low level of training or experience may call for a simple way of recording*
An example would be use of special tapes for diameter measurement, on which only the
diameter class can be read* Environmental conditions, such as weather, terrain or thick
undergrowth, can also affect recording in the field* In wet weather, for example, it may
be necessary to uee waterproof paper for the field sheets.
22 Specific requirement*
221 With relation to the type oof data. A practical ola**ification of type* of
forest inventory data 1*
is as follows:
- information on the field plot* including site, soil and accessibility data;
(1) For definition of a record unit (RU) see paragraph 412 of Chapter III*
- 139 -
Experience from many inventories in tropical zones has led to the general acceptance
of four basic type* of recordbin each RU in the field:
i: this form include* the identification of the HU and gives all information
on the plot itself as opposed to tree tally, as for instance:
For the tree tally: generally only one of the three following types is need in
connection with type 1 in a given RU:
Type 3: the tree parameters are recorded within a matrix, in which every tree
forms a row and the tree parsmetere the columns.
as for data recording in the office, more sophisticated methods can be used and the
recording system can be aimed more at facilitating data processing since the risk of errors
is very much reduced.
(1) The word matrix stands for any type of two or several entry table
- uo -
222 With relation to data processing. The method of data processing to be used
will affect the recording only to a relatively *mall extent. In any case, the
data fhould be written simply arrl clearly. If th data are to he key punched for electron <-
processing (EDP), it IP more convenient to arrange the data in the punching seruence although
this is not essential ainoe it i generally easy for the krey punch operator to adapt to a
punching plan. In the caae of manual processing, Hnta ehould be arranged in *uch a w*y
"< re-
that computing can start immediately without waiting for time consuming sorting
arranging of the data. In this case the fourth method of tree tally should be avoided
BI nee a continuous recording of species code and diameter requiree a time consumi ^
arrangement of the trees into species/diameter classes and complicates the work. In the
oaae of qualitative data, the coding key for all parameters should be determined prior to
record! ng
of data recording differ also with the methods of data processing. The most
common ype of recording, which is applicable to manual data processing or EDP, uses
handwritten field documents. The plot information sheet (i.e. T^rpe 1) should alwaye
ccrtair. tn following sections:
. ption of work:
Deiieri date, field crew, starting and finishing date
of pl^t survey.
These groups of data should be clearly defined when designing the sheet, to facilitate
control and identification in the office. In the case of further punching for EDP f
numbers can be indicated under the field of the corresponding item on the field
form. The total amount of information recorded in the field form may exceed the 80
columns of a punch card (see also paragraph 311 )
transfer of data from field documents onto punch cards is a significant component
in the total cost of data processing. Therefore, there is an increasing use of other than
documents which avoid this transfer.
Data are recorded on pre- punched 40 column cards with a special portable device.
They are later read directly by the computer and stored on disks or tapes. This method,
usd successfully in the Swedish National Forest Inventory, requires skilled personnel in
the field. Some trials of this method in tropical forests under difficult conditions were
not very successful.
The basic procedure of this method is to mark with a special derioe (e.g. pencil or
narking ink) within predetermined positions on the cards or sheets the data to be recorded
which Mill be interpreted later by an electronic optical reader. The adrantage of wing
sheets rather than cards is that more data can be recorded on sheets 9 whereas most cards
are were or lass limited to a certain amount of data* Trial of this method in one tropical
forest inventory was nut vary satisfactory duo to the large sise of the HU's and the
consequently largo number of species and troes which called for eereral mark- sens ing
documents par RU. However, in some cases, such as inventories of plantations with easy
environmental conditions, these method* should be successful.
- 141 -
This method, used very successfully in forest inventories in West Germany, requires
a computer centre equipped with an optical reader, to read the data and store it on disks
or tapes. On the other hand, the characters recorded in the field must be written very
carefully, following certain standard rules of writing, and must be placed exactly in
their appropriate location on the recording sheet. Since misinterpretation occurs
relatively often, the stored data must be scrutinized thoroughly by special editing
computer routines, specifically designed to locate such errors. Thus the main drawback
of this method for use in tropical forest inventory is its sophistication.
Other methods which may be applicable for recording forest inventory data are:
machine-typed documents for data occurring in the office (photo-interpretation) or serai-
automatic devices such aa auto-recording paper tape calipers described by Badan, which
automatically record the diameter measurements. In special oases, where increment has to
be determined by boring instruments (e.g. plantation inventories in temperate oneB) f tbe
"Increment core measuring device" after Eklund may be used. With a special set of machines
the annual ring information obtained under a microscope is transferred automatically onto
punched cards, or onto paper tapes, since this device can be linked to a card puncher.
All these methods mentioned are applicable only when skilled personnel and
appropriate equipment are available. In most tropical forest inventories for which these
conditions have yet to be fulfilled use of handwritten field documents appears to be the
most appropriate way of recording, regardless of the method used for data processing.
field instructions must be tested ae w*ll. They oheuld ^Ive details about:
the manner the data are to be recorded on the prepared recording documents*
The field instructions should also ffiva details or how to progress within the RU r on
the sequence of tallying tree species and dbh, on the checking procedure during the tally,
and any further information which will facilitate the data collection.
(a) The field documents should be sorted manually Into logical order, which is
A check can also be made to verify
sUiuHanecuely a first check on consistency.
that no document of a sampling unit is missing.
(b) A visual check of the data itself is advisable to detect inconsistencies which could
be cleared with the field crews if they cannot be corrected in the office.
- 142 -
3 Data processing
311 Data capture . One of the main problems in data processing, especially from
the economical point of view, is the arrangement of basic data into a feasible
form for further processing. EDP in particular demands practical and efficient Methods
of data capture, that is the arrangement of the basic data in a computer readable fora*
Any manual transfer of data between the recording phase and the processing phase should be
avoided as much as possible. In addition to the methods described above (see para* 23) f
there are two main types of data capture used for the transfer of the original data from
field sheets to the computer:
Although of decreasing importance in forest inventory, paper tape (as used, for
instance, in teletype technique) is especially appropriate for the transfer of large
amount** of homogeneous data, euoh as long enumeration lists* Paper tapes adapt well also
to automatic data capture, aa in the case of continuous recording of climatic measurements
at field stations* A drawback of the paper tape method is, however, the relatively
troublesome transfer of the paper tape data onto magnetic tape. Special hardware devices
and "free format facility" 0) are needed which will be available only at very few computer
The standard sice punch card consists of columns and rows, in which the perforations
are made at predetermined places by use of special card-punching machines, the keyboard of
which resembles a typewriter.
Punching errors during punching operations can be reduced, if not totally avoided,
by the use of "card-verifier*' machines, on which the punching of the original data is
repeated and checked against the punched card*
Although changes in temperature and humidity could affect dimensions and weight of
cards, causing warping (relative humidity in card-storage rooms should not exceed 65$), the
punched cards are, under present conditions in tropical countries, the most appropriate
way of data capture and transfer, since at almost all computer centres punohed-card readers
are available*
Always use only one card for the storage of a "logical record* . In EDP a
logical record is the smallest part of a data file which is determined by the
logical structure of the recorded data* As an example the logical records
for the 4 basic types of records given in paragraph 221 are respectively!
1* the information on a single plot;
2. the information on a single tree;
3* the tree tally for one species (number of trees per diameter class);
(1) The use of froe-foniat requires special machine-oriented software, which does not need
the definition of the format of each reoord*
- 143 -
If, especially in the latter case, the logical record cannot be stored on a
single card, extension cards for this logical record may be used, provided
that an extension code \s given on the first card.
(ii) The amount of columns to be reserved for on* parameter ("itsa" or "attribute"
of the logical record) is predetermined by the largest figure, which can occur
for this item. Thus in the planning stage of the punch card design, careful
analysis of each item to be stored is necessary*
(iii) The "data fields" (i.e. the number of columns to be reserved for the storage
of one item) can follow on the data card one after the other without blank
columns in between. All items, regardless of whether there are continuous
or discrete variables, should be punched "right justified^ 1 ) in their
respective data fields, decimal points not being punched* All items of
different logical records stored in a given data field require exactly the
same amount of decimals. The identification of the decimals is done later
on by a "format specification" within the computer programme.
312Editing of data. Editing aims at producing from the basic data file a clean
data file free of punching errors and other inconsistencies. The different
steps of editing are the following:
Sorting is necessary because many checks require that data sets be in chronological
order* It can be done manually, mechanically or electronically. Mechanical sorting of
80-oolumn punch cards by the use of special sorting machines requires that one logical
record be punched on one single card, the hierarchy of sorting being given by the inventory
design. First f coding errors within the sequence codes will be detected and corrected.
Larger amounts of data require electro nioal sorting, making use of special SORTVroutines,
usually provided by the computer manufacturer.
We can consider a given data file a* a two dime visional data matrix of the form:
(1) For example, the value 355 is stored right- justified in a data field of 6 digits if
it is punched in places 4 to 6 of the data field, places 1 to 3 not being used*
- 144 ~
The different data checks common to all inventory data-processing procedures can be
grouped generally under the following types of consistency checks:
- logical and likelihood control; includes all checks on individual items and on
the above-mentioned relations of different items, which can be defined logically
in view of the record and sampling design* Such checks are:
This data file, which should contain only clean and reliable data organized in the
hierarchy of the inventory, serves as input ior all generation operations*
313 Data generation* This step of an inventory data processing system includes
all operations aiming at preparing the basic data for further computations,
and at computing from this data intermediate and definitive results*
The data must be sorted depending on the inventory design, on the type of data
gathered in the field (see para* 221) and on the various classifications used (strata and
inventory units). At any level of study the following estimates have to be computed and
presented inmulti entry tables, related to species or group* of species and to diameter
- means per area unit (number of trees per ha, volumes per ha, etc*)
- totals (mainly volumes)
pi ing errors
The position of every logical data record,
therefore, has to be identified within
the hierarchy of the inventory and the oorr re ponding dmta must be weighted
accordingly and
aggregated within subtotals and to tale for the level of study concerned. The final output
of the calculations at the differed levelc of study are
(a) Stand tables: mean numbers of stems per area unit and possibly corresponding totals
per strata and inventory unit*.
(b) Volume tables (derived from voluwft ecru*tinnei): indi1<H*l tree volumes by dbh
(local volume taVlee) or more ofton bv dbh R^ height, p*r species or group of
(c) Stock tables: mean volumes per area u.nit arri corresponding totals, computed from
stand tables and volume equations, or from individual tree volumes in the sample.
(d) Corresponding standard errors or sampling rror* for given probability levels
according to ths particular sampling design.
While stand tables can be developed directly from the basic data, according to the
sampling design used, special trials have to be carried out to determine a valid set of
volume equations. Prior to the calculation of the final regression analysis, many other
computations have to be performed on the basic data (which are most often Measurement data
on felled trees) which we can call "pre~r egression studies' .1
They include the computation
of the individual volumes of the sample trees, the possible grouping of the data into
different groups of species, the drawing of scatter diagrams, the transformation or
weighting of variables, the testing of provisional regression models and the comparison of
the corresponding regression lines with the basic data. Onoe these various trials are
completed, the final volume equations and the corresponding volume tables can be developed
(for more information on volume equations see paragraph 342 of Chapter V).
"Pre- regression" and regression studies can be carried out on electronic desk
computers with limited storage facilities. It is more appropriate of course to use large
computers, since statistical trials can be carried out much more easily on these machines,
especially if a large amount of basic data has to be treated.
Besides ths basic calculations mentioned above, there are in every forest inventory
some special investigation* which have to be carried out according to specific requirements.
Examples of such additional r^miits required are:
The rsemlts of a forest inventory, regsrding both areas and parameters, are regrouped
for presentation in tables. Following the i?67 meetlcg of inventory experts at FAO
headquarters, a minimum set of standard tables WM recommended which were already
rprodoed in the first edition of this manual. These mininmm table* required by all
inventories are listed below..
- 146 -
Imble Title
YI-2 Areas by (life sones), inventory classes and administrative unit* or other
specific classes.
VI -5 Total areas f volumes per area unit and total volumes with precision
estimates according to inventory units and inventory classes
VI-7 Stock tables for each administrative unit and inventory class according
to dbh classes.
YI-8 Net annual volume increments for inventory classes by administrative unit*.
The formats and some explanation of these tables are given in the following pages.
As stated in Chapter V, paragraph 32, results should be given also in metric system if
the British System is in use in the country.
- 147 -
table TI-1
Ifcble VI-
Date of inventory:
\J This table is to be presented for the whole inventoried area and possibly
for each inventory unit.
Tbbls I- 11
Ownership Classes.
Present forest Arta^Accordiqg
AdministratiTe Unite or Other Specific Inretrtcrr Classes
Date of inventory-!
This tabU to b
! pr*nt*d for the hol inventoried araa and poeeibly for aoh
imrantory unit.
2/ Porect area* an the** oonaldwad undar itw I .A of table 1. Similar table* can
poMibly be prevented for other wooded areaa (itea IB of table 1) if deeded
M 19
y Classification of ownership
Ua* Inolude forest owned by national , state v and oantonal governsientt, corenaenV*
owned corporations, and Crown forests*
1,b. forests belonginf to towm f Tillsfes and ooswnuiss and other local authorities.
Include any other publicly owned forests not elsewhere specified*
3. Forests for which ownership status is in doubt or has not yet bean stabliihed,
Z/ Claaa limitt abould be ehown for eaoh dbh olaae in afreenent with lifcite
indicated in table of paragraph 2421 9 Chapter V.
- 151 -
T*bl> VI-5
Tfcble TI-6
frbla VI-7
2/ ClM0 liaita abould ba ahown for aach dbh olaa in with limits
indioatad in table of paragraph 242*1 in Chaptar V*
Table YI-6
1/ 2/
Net Annual Volume Increments -* for Invtntory Cla*ee -*
by Administrative Units
\J (a) 9p+oify how TO 1 urn* inormtnt figurtt have b*tn obtained and whthr
are I
(o) Specify if all a^es and diaaetert are included; if no. which
and/ or diaaetere are included.
The final tables should contain some indication of the reliability of the results.
Besides the standard errors whloh should be given for every level of stratification for
which final result tables are computed, careful consideration should be given to the
slirnlfloanoe of the results. If t for example, on a certain level of stratification the
number of sampling units representing a particular stratusi is too small, the corresponding
result tables for this stratum should be omittod. If for some reason, however, it is
deemed useful to produce these results, their relative reliability should always be
indicated by giving the area of the corresponding simple and the number of sampling units.
The mention of such indications is therefore highly recoomeided.
The accuracy with which the different results are given depends on the total error
of these results (including sampling and measurement errors). Accuracy of the results
should be of the same order of magnitude as the estimated total error.
The accuracy of frequency figures - numbers of trees per area unit of given species
or species group aod of given diameter classes - must be compatible with their expected
total error: a very small number of trees/ha has often a high total error and consequently
has only an indicative value. A sensible disposition would be to indicate the figure by
a special sign instead of presenting it in the same way as the other figures. A similar
presentation to that indicated by Guin&udeau (1973) could be applied:
asterisk * : at least one tree within the stratum cell, the average
( )
figure : the number of trees /ha of the stratum cell with an accuracy
of 0,1 tree /ha
Presentation of inventory results with an accuracy much higher than their expected
total errors is illusive and misleading, the more so when they are obtained by EDP, since
people trust EDP more than manual data processing.
315 System design. A system design for data processing as a whole should
indicate the logical sequence of the various "activities to be considered in
the planning and implementation phases. Figure H-1 illustrates this in f loir-chart form
in the case of processing of field intentory data including sample tree measurements for
assessment of volwe equation, the area data being derived separately by photo
156 -
- 157 -
(a) The diffsrsnt steps foreseen in a provisional checklist are placed in logical order;
(b) the system design clarifies the way the results are produced, from the basic data
by the computational procedure* corresponding to the inventory design;
(c) the system design is essential to decide upon the type of data processing to be
(d) the system desigti is a necessary tool for all time and cost estimates related to
data processing;
(e) in the case of EDP, the system design is an essential source of information for the
analyst/programmer to develop the appropriate computer routines; the system design
is finally of great help in deciding whether the data processing is to be carried
out by the inventory project itself or whether it must be subcontracted to
specialised data processing firms (see details in paragraph 332).
321 Manual data processing* There are a number of circumstances under which
manual proces si ug by means of mechanical or non-programmable electronic desk
calculators may be considered the most appropriate way of processing inventory data* When
deciding upon the type of data processing to be used the factors to be considered are:
If, on the other hand, DP is adopted, manual processing serves as a procedure for
determining the various computing steps and to analyse the computing procedure to be used
as a basis for the EDP programming. Furthermore, manual calculations are essential for
testing KDP* This is particularly relevant when EDP is being subcontracted to outside
institutions or firms. The programmes are checked by calculating a small portion of the
required results manually and by comparing the results obtained with those of the computer
using a set of teat cards. Thin is often the only means of detecting errors in ths
To avoid human error as much as possible when manually process ing data, it is
essential to give clear instructions for all calculations, for instance by means of detailed
system designe. In addition it is of great help if all computations are done on special
predesigned forms, in which all step* of computation are described and ths user has to
follow ths instructions given on the form. Suoh forms have been developed by Dawkins
(1966) at the Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Oxford, for the calculation in classical
statistical designs including basic sampling designs (unrestricted random and stratified
random). Analogous forms can be designed for any type of manual processing for forest
- 158 -
322 Electronic data processing (EDP). EDP by means of digital computers requires
from the inventory expert a basic knowledge of the fundamental concepts of a
computer, its advantages and restrictions (for details see Loetsoh, ZShrer and Haller 1973
and cited literature). Ibe basic elements of EDP as compared with those of manual data
processing are:
- manpower is only necessary during the phase of setting the rules for computing
(i.e. the programming phase). Once the programmes have been developed and
tested by the analyst/programmers in close collaboration with the inventory
expert, the computer carries out all calculations automatically, so that human
error is avoided;
- arithmetic and logic operations which are carried out in manual processing by
man or auxiliary devices, are preprogrammed and operational during one "run" I/
in the computer;
- tables and intermediate results (. volume, stand or stock tables) can be
stored in the CPU and every "cell" / can be addressed automatically at any and
every moment during the processing operations;
- all results can be printed in definitive form to be included directly in the
final report.
~ "Run" or "job" signifies the whole operation carried out by the computer under the
command of one programme or one set of programmes between the start and stop signal
of the system control*
2/ A "cell" is the smallest unit in the computer which can be addressed and occupied
directly by the programme oooaand.
- 159 -
The basic data stored by EDP on tapes, disks or drums can be considered as a data
bank. Whenever additional information on the inventoried area or parts of it are required
they can be processed using the data bank as input. The facility of data storage is of
particular importance in continuous forest inventory (CFI) for updating purposes or for
timber forecasts made from data recorded at different periods. Finally, data banks are
also useful for the elaboration of countrywide or region-wide statistics using the basic
data of various forest inventories.
13. Storage of basic data and intermediate result B (data bank) on tapes.
The main workload for the inventory specialist in relation to HDP occurs before and
during the first part of the implementation stage of the inventory. Data processing has
to be carefully analysed from the very beginning of the inventory operation and must be
taken into account in the related cost and time studies.
332 Sub-oontraoted data processing. Those parts of data processing not being
carried out by the project itself will normally be sub-contracted to
adequately staffed computer centres, data processing consulting firms, or data processing
departments of universities, etc. A few forms of sub-contracts merit consideration, the
mopt appropriate to be chosen according to the special aseds of the inventory project*
- 161 -
All data processing will be subcontracted, including oard punching, the elaboration
of the system design (in close collaboration with the inventory expert), the treatment of
the data on computer* following the agreed eye tea design and the preparation of the final
results required by the inventory project.
A totally sub-contracted EDP eye tea requires from the inventory project a very
careful appraisal and statement of the work to be done under the contract, defined as
Timing of the EDP work;
- delivery of provisional results for checking and final approval by the project;
- documentation of the EDP programmes, including flow charts of computation
procedures, programme lists, programme decks on cards and/or magnetic tapes,
detailed description of programme operation (preparation of system control
cards, parameter cards, etc.);
- delivery of corrected and sorted data tapes for storage purposes and future
use Iff the project;
delivery of monthly progress reports on status of work done and planned for
the forthcoming month.
- 162 -
- -
analyst/ programmer: programming/ tee ting
- documentation
- production
key punching verifying
- computer time (hours and unit costs, description of computer model,
type, series):
- testing
- mi see 1 laneous t
- rent or purchase of tapes
- travel costs of the contractor
- expenditure costs, etc.
Many forms of sub-contracting parts of the data processing are feasible, such ass
When data processing totally integrated vdthin the inventory project is not possible,
partly sub-contracted ED? is in many cases the most appropriate alternative*
Technical and other specifications to be defined in the contract will be less detailed*
If the contract between the inventory project and the contractor concerns only the use of a
computer and related facilities, the following specifications should be clearly stated!
In most oases the computer centre should charge only for the u0e of the computer
itself and perhaps access to the computer software, on a time or per-oase basis y respectively.
Other services should be granted free of charge. These points should be fully agreed upon
whenever an inventory project contracts EDP work to a computer centre. Only in very few
oases will the use of the computer be totally free to the project*
- 163 -
233 Some vie we of the use of standard programmes. To our knowledge there have
not yet been developed generalised EDP systems for forest inventory
applicable to various types of inventory (sampling) designs and flexible enough for
producing different types of result tables* The FIN5YS system developed in the United
States several years ago (see Prayer et al 1968), although highly flexible, covers only a
few used in that country and requires fairly large computers (minimum
sampling designs
32-K memory). In addition, the programme control by parameter cards appears to be
particularly sophisticated.
PAD is therefore at present developing a generalized EDP system for tropical forest
inventory with the following main features:
- full flexibility for the INPUT and EDITING parts;
- restrictions of the generation and error calculation phase to the most
common sampling designs;
- certain flexibility in the production of OUTOJT (result tables), to generate
tables in addition to the standard ones recommended by PAO (see paragraph 314.1).
There are, however, quite a few other pre-programmed EDP routines available at
almost all computer centres which are very useful and can be included in forest inventory
EDP systems* All regression analysis, variance and co-variance trials, scatter diagrams
and histograms, stratifications and functional descriptions of distribution can be
calculated by means of standard programmes, provided that the computational procedures
incorporated in the programmes are appropriate to the problems to be solved. Collections
of standard programmes to be recommended are, for instance:
In addition, almost all computer manufacturers supply their computer centres with
since these
pre-programmed statistical routines, to which the user can have direct access,
"STSATPACKS" are normally stored on disks or drums.
Standard programmes should be used whenever possible during forest inventory data
processing operations, since time and a considerable amount of money can be saved.
- 164 -
1 Introduction
The former chapters have been devoted to the study of the principal techniques that
are useful in forest inventory, namely sampling techniques f remote sensing techniques,
forest mensuration techniques and data processing. Planning and designing a forest
inventory consist mainly in developing the most efficient combination of these various
techniques to fulfil the objectives of the operation, taking into account the prevailing
human and environmental conditions. In this respect even data pro oes sing problems have
to be contemplated from the very beginning since available means in manpower and
computing facilities also have a bearing on the type of inventory methodology used, as
has already been mentioned in chapter VI.
There is no point trying to cover all the situations and objectives assigned to
forest resource surveys and the corresponding combinations of techniques which are likely
to be the most appropriate in each case. This would be an endless and illusory task.
A more modest and also more realistic approach is used in this chapter where some problems
arising from the combination of these techniques will be dealt with and some recommendations
will be made on the suitability of these techniques to actual working conditions.
Techniques of volume estimation and quality assessment have already been compared
in chapter V. Their effects on the precision and on the usefulness of the inventory
results are far from negligible; but, especially in mixed tropical forests, the largest
part of the total cost involved comes from the field enumeration work* The most
important questions to be considered are therefore related to the latter part of the
inventory work and are mainly the following:
Some indications useful in solving these problems are given in the two main
following sections of this chapter. The formulas corresponding to some classical
combinations of photointerpretation and field sampling procedures are indicated, together
with the oases to which they apply (section 2). General formulas corresponding to the
most classical field sampling designs have already been given in chapter III and the
contents of section 3 sxe restricted to some guidelines on the lection of the most
appropriate field sampling design with special reference to mixed tropical forests.
21 Preliminary remarks
It is assumed in this section that some basic conditions which art those already
indicated in the introduction of Chapter IV are fulfilled! the total area of the
inventoried zone is supposed to be exactly known and mapped at a suitable scale (which
allows for the definition of frames for sampling designs ) y and the stand characteristics
are estimated through field sampling (the case of photogranmetric measurements of stand
characteristics being excluded as it is generally not applicable to inventories of mixed
tropical forests).
Stratum areas can be said to be exactly or almost exactly known when the actual and
present limits of the strata are drawn on a reliable and stable planimetrio map and their
areas carefully planimetered or estimated very precisely by use of very dense dot grids
(see section 5 of chaptBrlV)* The actual and present limits of the strata can be located
on the photographs if:
- very recent aerial photographs at a suitable scale are available, or, if they are
not very recent (say if they are two or three years old, but not more) if no
significant changes are likely to have occurred between the date of the aerial
coverage and the date of the field inventory (significant, that is, in relation
to the accepted accuracy of the area figures);
It can be easily understood from the above considerations that such cases very seldom
happen* Even if the aerial coverage has been taken in the same year as the field work,
inconsistencies and errors in the photointerinterpretation work can always be expected
since conventional interpretation of remote sensing imagery is not a purely objective
exercise* Inconsistencies and errors over time by the same interpreter or between
interpreters can be avoided only if the stratification is simple and easy and if there are
sharp limits between strata (as has already been mentioned in paragraph 334-1 of chapter IV
it is generally difficult to draw objectively a limit between strata as there may be more
or less wide transition zones)*
In the rare oases when an exact (or almost exact) evaluation of the areas of the
strata can be secured, i.e. when it is assumed that there is no misinterpretation in the
photointerpretation, the sampling frame for each stratum is well defined and an independent
selection of the field sample can be made within each stratum* The mean value* and
estimated variances of the forest characteristics per ultimate unit over the whole
population estimated from the field sample can be derived fro* the corresponding formula*
given in chapter III for sampling design* with stratification prior to sampling (formula*
5, 6 of 11, 12 in case of one-stage sampling designs), in which the total sites ft (or
of the strata and N (or X) of the whole population can be replaced by the total area*
S n and S respectively.
- 167 -
Ihe total values of the forest characteristics for the whole inventoried area is
obtained by multiplying the mean value per ultimate unit
by the total number (which is
exactly known) of ultimate units in the whole area. The percentage standard error is the
same aa that of the mean value.
It may happen that an unstratified sample is first selected for the whole area and
that stratification ie made by photointerpretation after the sampling on the basis of
criteria recognised in the field and identifiable on the photographs. If it is possible
to assume that this stratification is fully valid, then the exact sizes of these strata
can be known and the estimated means and their estimated variances are derived from
formulae (?) and (8) of chapter III (in the case of one-stage sampling with equal units),
which are somewhat different from those corresponding to stratification prior to sampling.
Total values are obtained in the same way as in the case of stratification prior to sampling
and the estimated relative standard errors are the same as for the corresponding mean values.
In this case the estimation of the strata through a sampling design increases the
sampling error of the estimates of the total values of stand characteristic! over the whole
inventoried area or over individual strata.
In forest inventory there are various ways of estimating the areas of the strata
using sampling* The main alternatives are:
(a) sampling on the photographs (cr on the maps), the photointerpretation being supposed
to be unbiased (same case as in the above paragraph, planimetering being replaced by
(b) sampling in the field from the same (or a larger) sample used for the estimation of
the stand characteristics: in this method the area estimates are supposed to be
unbiased and do not need to be corrected since identification of the strata is made
on the spot;
(c) sampling from the photographs (or even possibly planimetering on the maps), the area
estimates obtained being afterwards corrected through a sampling in the field, using
the sample used for estimation of the stand characteristics or a larger sample.
When estimating areas through sampling it is important also to distinguish the case
when the sampling units are points or plots (the associated parameter having the values
1 or according to whether the plot belongs to the relevant stratum or not) from the
case when the sampling units are lines or strips (in which case the associated parameter
is a length or a ratio of lengths, both continuous variates).
231 Area estimates from one sample only!
Stratification and estimation of the
areas of the strata oaji be made by sampling on photographs or in the field,
if photographs are considered unsuitable (too old or too bad to allow for a useful
stratification). The sample used for estimation of the areas of the strata may be the
same as the one used in the field for estimation of the stand characteristics or may be a
of the stand characteristics).
larger one (including the sampling units used for the estimation
In this case the associated parameter can take the values 1 or according to
whether the plot belongs to the particular stratum considered or not. The area of a
stratum is obtained by multiplying the total area of the inventoried zone (which is
supposed to be known exactly) by the proportion (estimate) of plots falling in this stratum*
231*11 Area and ataiid characteristics estimation from the same sample
If the plots are randomly distributed the proportions Pu of the strata and their
variances are estimated by formulas (3) and (4) of chapter III if it is a one stage
sampling design, or by formulas (13*)and 14*)of the same chapter if a two-stage design has
been used, in which the primary units are the effective areas of the photographs (supposed
equal) and are selected at random, the same number of plots (secondary units) being sampled
on each selected photograph. Other sampling designs can be contemplated as has already
been mentioned in paragraph 532 of chapter IV. The percentage standard errors of the
estimates of the areas of the strata are equal to those of the corresponding proportions
since the total area is supposed to be known exactly.
The estimates of the mean values per ultimate sampling unit of the stand
characteristics and their variances are obtained by the formulas of the corresponding
unstratified sampling design. The corresponding estimates of the tptal values over the
whole population are obtained by multiplying the estimated means by the total number of
plots in the whole inventoried zone (or by its total area if they are means per area unit)
and their percentage standard errors are the same as those of the respective means.
Estimates of the means per ultimate unit in each stratum and of their variances are
obtained from the individual values in the sampling units belonging to the corresponding
stratum* However oare must be exorcised since the sampling is done within the population
aa a whole and the same formulas as for the whole population do not apply necessarily to
each stratum* Estimates of the totals per stratum are obtained by multiplying the
corresponding estimated means by the estimated area of the respective stratum.
v(Th ) -
v(yh ) + V v(?h )7
where v(y.) and v(P.) stand respectively for the estimated variances of yfa and P^* This
formula is acceptable if v(y) and v(P) are small relative to y and ? respectively.
- 169 -
Attention is drawn to the fact that these deigns are definitely different from
designs using stratification after sampling. In these latter it is assumed that the sixes
of the strata are known exactly or almost exactly, which is not the case with the design*
studied in this paragraph where only an estimate of the sices of the strata is obtained.
In the above paragraphs, as well as in the rest of section 23. we do not consider
the case of correction or weighting of the values found in the individual plots interpreted
on the photographs which are necessary for taking into account the variation in scale and
in overlaps of the photographic coverage used (see paragraph 334.2 of chapter IV). This
correction corresponds to coefficients which appear in the formulas of the estimated means
and totals and adds some complication to the estimation of the corresponding variances.
In order to avoid it f it is recommended that the sample to be used for area estimation by
photointerpretation ia laid out on an existing map or on the corresponding uncontrolled
mosaic provided this can be accepted as a reasonable approximation to a map. In case
correction is deemed preferable, the reader will study with profit the examples given
in paragraph 25.32 of "Forest Inventory" (Volume 1, pages 235-244) by P. Loetsoh and
K. Haller.
231.12 Area estimation from a larger sample than the field sample used fer
estimation of stand characteristics
The field sample for the estimation of the stand characteristics is a subs ample of
the sample used in photointerpretation or in the field for the estimation of the areas of
the strata. If area estimation is made by photointerpretation the field sampling units
of the subsample are centred on the plots interpreted on the photographs and each of them
is supposed to belong entirely to the stratum of the corresponding plot. We will assume
that the selection of the large sample and of the subsample from the large sample are
both random one- at age samples. This type of combined sampling is called two- phase
sampling or double sampling.
Areas are estimated from the large sample of plots t in the same way as described in
the preceding paragraph.
If S, f P, and S stand respectively for the estimated area of the stratum h (L strata
in total), the estimated proportion from the large sample and the total area (exactly known)
of the whole inventoried zone, we have*
\ '
V s
The estimated means y . of the stand characteristics over the whole inventoried zone
where the y. are the estimated mean of the stand oharaot eristic per sampling unit in each
stratum obtained fro* the field subsanple v the summation being extended to all the strata.
the calculation of the variances of the estimates y Bt depends on the way the
subsample has been selected from the sample.
- 170 -
If the numbers of
(a) sampling units per stratum in the subsample it do not depend on the
estimated proportion f^ f * ne corresponding stratum, then ah estimate of the variance
of y Bt is:
<*.> 4
which oan aleo be written ae:
h - 1
(b) If the nh depend on the Pftl the formula giving the estimated variance of
yet is
somewhat different. In case of a proportional allocation of the sampling units in
the field subsample, i.e. if - where n - n, is the size of the subsample,
r^ nP^ jfc
an estimate of the variance is:
- (* iJ (4)
Formulae (?) f (3) f (3') and (4) are known as formulas of double sampling with
stratification, Totals over tne whole inventoried area are obtained by
multiplying the
estimated means by the total area exactly known and their relative standard error is the
same as those of the corresponding means. Estimates of the totals per strata are:
In this case the line will be considered as the sampling unit and the associated
parameter for a given stratum is a continuous variable since the length of the portion of
a line which is found (on the photographs or mape or
possibly in the field) within a given
stratum oan take in principle all values between and the total length of the line .
The oae applies aleo to stripe and to linee of plots, the occurrence of the etretum
checked only at the plots in the latter case, and even also to clusters of plots >
that the number of plots per line or per cluster ie large enough,
We will confine ourselves to the cases when the same sample is used for
the areas of the strata and the stand characteristics.
- 171 -
If all the lines have the same total length 1 within the whole inventoried zone
(e.g. if the inventoried zone is square or rectangular and the lines parallel to one side
of the araa) the areas of the strata are estimated (in a
one-stage design) by:
If the parallel lines are randomly distributed formula (2) of chapter III is
applicable to the estimation of the variance of T n the percentage standard error of S,
In most cases the lines have unequal total lengths and then ratio estimation is
necessary. If we assume a one-stage random design of n parallel lines, and if 1. and
l^ h stand respectively for the total length of line i and the length of the portion(s)
of line i within stratum h, an estimate of the area of stratum h will be:
T, and 1 being respectively the means per line of lengths within stratum h and of
total length.
The standard error of S^ can be estimated by using formulas (10) or (10') of chapter
III related to the variance of a ratio estimate.
The estimates of the means per area unit of the stand characteristics over the
whole population are ratio estimate* in the ca.ee when the lines have different total
lengths, with total length of a line ae the auxiliary parameter. Means for each stratum
oan be estimated also and will be ratio estimates. But, as has already been said in
paragraph 231.11, the sampling design must be considered as unstratified, since the exact
8ie of each stratum ie not known. Indications given in the above mentioned paragraph
concerning the estimation of the means and totals per stratum are valid also in this oaae.
The oaae of continuous lines oan be extended to the caae of continuous stripe, of
linee of plots and of duet era.
232 Area estimates with correction in the field* In many oases there are
unavoidable mietakee biases in the photointerpretation work due to the
interpret ere, to the Gratification adopted which may be too refined, to the bad
characteristic* of the photograph* and, most often, to change* in vegetation which have
occurred between the aerial survey and the field inventory. Estimation of the areas
made by photointerpretation need then to be corrected by field checks made in a subsample
of the photointerpretation sample.
- 172 -
We will confine ourselves to the design described below which is very much used in
forest inventory in temperate zones and which needs to be adapted in an efficient way in
mixed tropical forests, which consists of:
(b) selection (in one stage) of .a subsaaple of plots among the interpreted plots, the
number of these plots in each stratum h (as interpreted on the photographs) being
dependent or independent of the proportion of this stratum (as found by photointerpretation);
(c) identification in the field of the actual strata k to which the plots of the
subsample belong and measurements for estimation of the etand characteristics y in these
An estimate yet f t*16 mean value per unit (or per area unit) over the whole
inventoried zone of the stand characteristic y IP given by:
- -
k. hihk (9)
where y_^ is the estimate of the mean value per sampling unit (or per area unit)
of the stand characteristic y in the part of actual stratum |c belonging to the
photointerpretation stratum h.
The estimate of the mean value per unit (or per area unit) in stratum k of y is
equal to:
1 h' p hk
dk *
The estimated totals T over the whole inventoried zone and T^ over the stratum k
are obtained by multiplying the expressions in (9) and (10) respective by S and
L - -
S P p
^li5'1 h" hk^
f ( S b * in* the arca of the inventoried zone),
y^ in formulas (9) and (10)
being the mean value per area unit.
- 173 -
n* and IL standing as in formula (3) for the sice of the large photo interpretation
sample and the number of units of the subsample selected in stratum h. In most
cases the term ^h can be neglected.
r - (
v,,) J
Although the estimates of the variances of the means and totals of the stand
characteristics per stratum and for the whole inventoried zone are somewhat complicated,
such a design is very useful as it permits a reduction of the error by use of photo-
interpretation, even when the photographs are not completely recent as is often the case.
(Assistance of a statistician will be looked for to determine an estimate of the variances
of the means and totals of the stand characteristics.) However it must be realised that
if the discrepancies between photointerpretation and ground checks are likely to be large
and if the size of the subsample is relatively small y the areas of the strata will be
estimated with a very low accuracy.
The double sampling designs indicated above are used to improve the precision of
the estimates of the stand characteristics through a better estimation of the siee (area)
of the strata. They are called double sampling methods for stratification.
However, double sampling designs can be used in forest inventory for other purpose*.
Double sampling for regression is also used in some cases, for instance when photogrammetric
measurements of a stand character is tic (e.g. gross volume of all species) are made on a
large sample of plots on the photographs and are corrected by regression on the field
subeaiiple of these plots. Assuming that each ample is an unst ratified random sample,
the corrected mean y tie
n per sampling unit is estimated by:
y + b (x'-Z) (13)
where) y is the estimate of the mean per sampling unit of the oharaoteriatio
obtained from the field subsample
- 174 -
is the estimate of the mean per sampling unit of the photogrammetric measurements
of this characteristic on the plots of the large sample
wliere x^ and y< stand for the value of x (photogrammetric measurement) and
An estimate of the variance of y^ e when the size n of the subsample is not too
email is:
n -
y 1
Double sampling for regression can be imagined for the estimation of a stand
characteristic y with any other auxiliary variate x estimated from a larger sample on
photographs or in the field and which is linear! ly correlated with y.
Double sampling for regression is also useful with estimates of areas of strata
obtained by reconnaissance flights along parallel transects used, for instance f to correct
estimates obtained by photointerpretation* However such methods must be used carefully
since it is generally difficult to locate precisely on a map a point overflown because of
the irregular speed and orientation of the plane,
- 175 -
yR -t- i - fct*
where y ie the estimate of the mean per sampling unit of the characteristic
obtained from the subsample
x is the estimate of the mean per sampling unit of the auxiliary parameter
obtained from the field subsample
is the estimate of the mean per sampling unit of the auxiliary parameter
obtained from the large sample
An estimate of the variance of yp - the sma] ler sample (size n ) being a subsample
of the larger one (size n*)
- is equal TO:
**p p * *^ p
B - 2K 8 + R B 2R B - R s
with n, n ,
R and s having the same meaning as above and
- -- 2
An example of double sampling with ratio estimation is the one where an estimate of
timber volume is performed in a quick way on a field sample (this quick estimate being the
auxiliary parameter x) and a more accurate assessment of the volume (y) being made from
detailed tree measurements on a subsanple.
Double sampling designs are a very powerful tool in forest inventory either for
stratification or with the use of an auxiliary parameter (regression or ratio estimation)
but leads in many cases to difficult and rather complicated estimation of the variances of
the result*. In case of double sampling with ratio or regression estimation ths
relationship between the parameter to be estimated and the auxiliary parameter has to be
assessed and ths design must be conceived in order to reduce the unavoidable biases of
ths estimates. Assistance of a statistician proves to be particularly useful in this case.
- 176 -
The former section dealt with Borne aspects of the combination of information obtained
from remote sensing imagery and information collected in the field* It is important indeed
when designing a forest inventory to reduce the field work as much as possible by making
the greatest possible use of interpretation of remote sensing imagery since this involves
less manpower f equipment and operating expenses than field work* However, field work
cannot be avoided in most forest inventories, especially when stand characteristics
including gross and extractable volumes have to be estimated precisely* Even in the case
of surveys of homogeneous stands using large-scale aerial photography and photo volume
tables, ground checks are necessary to correct, through a double sampling procedure, the
estimates obtained from the photographs* In mixed tropical forests field sampling is
generally the most important and expensive part of forest inventory operations, due to the
limitations of interpretation of aerial photographs in these areas. As has already been
mentioned in chapter IV the first constraint on the use of aerial photographs for
estimation of stand characteristics in mixed tropical forests is the difficulty of
identifying tree species. But even if species could be identified satisfactorily, other
difficulties in the estimation of stand characteristics from remote sensing imagery remain,
such as the relatively loose correlation between crown characteristics and stem dimensions
in these natural forests* Furthermore there is no way to assess, from remote sensing
imagery, characteristics of regeneration, of quality and of occurrence of decay or of
accessibility such as soil bearing capacity or ground roughness.
Therefore the choice of the field sampling design is particularly important. Some
indications are given below of the suitability and relative advantages of various types of
distribution of the sample (sampling design strictly speaking) and of the possible nature,
eize and shape of the sampling units. These two topics are considered separately although
they are in fact very closely linkedi for instance the decision whether to use a one-stage
or two-stage sampling design depends partly on the size of the sampling units; if the
latter are relatively large a two-stage sampling design may not bring a significant
increase in efficiency even in an inventory of a vast forested area*
nearly always results in a smaller variance for the estimated mean or total than is given
by a comparable simple random sample*"! Stratification in forest inventory is generally
performed through interpretation of remote sensing imagery prior to the field sampling (or
after sampling if stratification criteria are assessed after the field sampling). It must
be emphasized again that the field sampling is actually stratified only if the size of the
strata can be exactly (or almost exactly) known or if, as in the case of double sampling
for stratification, their size is estimated from a larger sample* Thus formulas giving
the estimated variances obtained from stratified samples (such as formulas (6) or (8) of
chapter III) should not be applied when limits of "strata" are drawn around a set of
sampling unite, and there is no further interpretation to ascertain whether all the units
of these "strata" correspond to the criteria defined for this stratification (e.g* slope
greater than 50J&? height of the dominant trees larger than 15 metres, eto...)*
The criteria for stratification Bust be defined in a clear and under* tandable fora*
Vary refined stratification by photo interpretation is generally illusory since the possible
gain in precision by comparison with a more simple classification may be more than counter-
balanced by subjective biases, misinterpretations and discrepancies between photoi interpreters
and over time* Even in the case of a simple and easy classification, misinterpretations
are possible due to low quality and the age of the remote sensing imagery; it is therefore
necessary to correct the areas of the strata by a sampling procedure such as the one
described in paragraph 232 of this chapter i the precision of the estimated means of the
stand characteristics over the whole inventoried area decreases as the proportion of
misinterpretations increases and the gain by stratification may become insignificant
- 17.'
compared with the total coBt of the stratification work. It must be realized aloo that
when stratification has to be corrected by a sampling procedure an exact assessment of the
actual location of the ntrata IB not possible, th* estimates of their real areas becoming
less precise as the intensity of the fielr* namplr i^ lower.
312 Random versus systematic sampling. In the case of one-stage sampling designs
there is no doubt that the practical advantages of the systematic distribution
of the sampling units greatly exceed its main theoretical shortcoming, that is the difficulty
of estimating the variances of the results. Most of the practical advantages of systematic
sampling in temperate forests are still more evident in tropical mixed forests where
environmental conditions hamper field work. AmDng these advantages may be quoted
reduction of access cost for ari area unit of sample, greater certainty of objectivity in
the selection of the sample (the systematic distribution of the sample leaves less room for
possible modification of the location of the sampling units by the field crews) and more
uniform distribution of the sample (and consequently of information) over the inventoried
area (this latter advantage being more significant in areas which are surveyed for the first
time). Moreover research ie being pursued on the estimation of statistical error in
systematic sampling and it is expected that methods based on the theory of stochastic
processes will soon become available in practice. For all these reasons it is highly
recommended that a systematic distribution of the sampling units should be adopted whenever
one stage sampling is feasible.
These considerations can be illustrated in a very simple and sketchy way in the case
of two-etage designs (aee Desabie - 1966)t
v -
+ -B
(b) the cost of the sampling can often be expressed approximately as:
C nC- + nmC o
is the cost of access to a secondary unit (when the primary unit hatf
been reached) and of recording inventory data in this unit.
It can be understood from these two formulas that v depends very much on A and n
and ic likely to be larger than the variance corresponding to a one-stage design with nm
sampling units. On the other hand the second formula explains why C will be smaller
than the cost of reaching and recording nm secondary units distributed in a one-stage design.
If acceptable estimates of A, B, C-\ and 02 are available the two -stage design can be
optimized under certain constraints using the procedure indicated in paragraph 341 of
chapter III.
This simple formulation should be kept in mind when deciding between a one-stage or
two-stage design., An already said the size of the ultimate sampling units is an important
factor and some one-stage cluster sampling designs do not differ much in cost although they
are fundamentally different as far as variance estimation is concerned. The larger and the
more inaccessible the inventoried area, the more suitable a multi-stage design, but other
factors are important such as the need for information uniformly distributed over the whole
inventoried area and also the size of inventory units for which estimates have to be
314 Equal or unequal probability in sampling. Most field sampling designs used in
forest inventory consist of sampling units selected with equal probabilities
(and without replacement). But there exist some efficient designs for which the probability
of selection of the sampling units are proportional to their size as the one indicated in
paragraph 422.122 of chapter III. When selecting such a design one has to remember that
the sizes of all the units of the population considered (population of the primary units in
the above-mentioned example) have to be known and listed: in certain cases the cost of the
corresponding work may be too high compared with the expected gain in precision.
321 Plot sampling versus polyareal sampling. Plot sampling consists of designs
using area elements as sampling units or record units (with the same sampling
or reoord unit possibly composed of two or three plots of different size for the recording
of different parameters - see for an example paragraph 23 of chapter V), while polyareal
sampling corresponds to point (or line) sampling designs in which the size of the recording
area in each unit is a continuous function of a characteristic of the tree (e.g. its basal
area in horizontal point sampling).
- 179 -
3^2 Size of the sampling units. It is commonly accepted that the coefficient of
variation C y of a given stand characteristic (parameter ), (say number of trees
more than a given diameter per sampling unit) is linked with the area of the sampling unit
by the following empirical relation:
where j (JT
is the standard deviation of the individual values of the stand
characteristic y in the unite of the population
c in equal to 0.5 when the distribution of the values per unit of the stand
characteristic is a random distribution, such ae the Poisaon distribution. This iB
approximately true of parameters related to the occurrence of trees of species with a very
low density in mixed tropical forests (e.g. numbers of stems and correoponding gross
volumes of the "mahoganies" in West Africa forests). For many other parameters in tropical
forests c is found to be rathr lower than 0.5.
na constant
where n and a are respectively the number of the sampling unite and the area of one
aapling unit. The percentage standard error of y (mean value per unit of a stand
characteristic y) is equal tot
_ M
* 0.5-c
For most of the parameters in mixed tropical forests we have C <, O.J). It oan be
concluded from (18) that, for a given sampling intensity^ the smaller the sampling units
the better the precision. However it is useful to have in each sampling unit a fairly
representative image of the forest and this can only be obtained if the sampling units
have a reasonable size: a sampling unit of 0.01 ha in a mixed tropical forest for
estimation of the volume of exploitable size would not be useful in this respect* In
addition the total number of borderline trees in the whole sample (all sampling units) is
higher for a sample consisting of a large number of small sampling units than for an
equivalent bample (same total area) consisting of a smaller number of larger sampling
units of the same shape. The selected size of the sampling units is thus a compromise
between the conflicting requirements of the sampling precision and of the important
practical aspects of re press rrtevtivftneos of the sampling units and reliability of the basic
data. An area of the sampling unit equal to 1 acre (0.4 hal or to 03 ha 10 often
conniderod as a suitable compromise in inventories of mixed tropical forests.
- the minimum perimeter for a given area of the circle compared to other simple
geometric shapes, which in turn implies the minimum number of borderline trees;
- the isotropic image of the forest around the centre given by a circular sampling
Its use in temperate areab ia increasing although it must be realized that, for
practical reasons, the form of these plots is in fact elliptic whenever there is a slope.
(Interesting devices usinc a ran^e-finder and a stadia rod with adjustable sighting marks
for assessment of this type of plot are mentioned in "Forest Inventory" by Loetsch-Zb'hrer-
Haller, Volume II, pages 324-325 and in "Dendrometrie" by Parde", pages 190-199.)
However the difficult environmental conditions and the need for a larger size of the
sampling units prevent the use of circular sampling units ri mixed tropical forests (but
not that of circular recording units: see below, paragraph 324. 3 ) Square or rectangular
sampling unito (and also record units) are often preferred in mixed tropical forests. They
may be stripe of a given width (generally from 10 metres to 25 metres) along parallel lines
of penetration, cut through the undergrowth, and going through all the inventoried area or
through a part or a stratum of it. The width should not be larger than 30 metres - i.e.
15 metres on each side of the transect line - in order to allow for a good control of the
recording operation, and the width can be measured either horizontally or along the terrain;
in the first case no correction has to be made for the determination of the area of ths
strip, but the recording is more time-cone urn ing and possibly less reliable because of the
borderline trees; the second method may be more reliable but involves measurement of the
transverse elopes and more computation. The sampling units can also be either
rectangular plots, or lines of rectangular plots, the plots being, in the second case, the
record units and not the sampling units. The plots cannot be used as the sampling units
as the distance between two consecutive plots along the line is not sufficient to secure
statistical independence with regard to the parameters to be estimated (see paragraph 322.2
of chapter III).
In a study made in Cameroon it has been found that the more elongated the shape of a
rectangular sampling plot of a given site, the better the precision, although this effect
on the precision of the shape of the sampling units was found to be less important and less
significant than the effect of their size. However this was not true for very long
Btrips (unit areas of more than 5 hectares) and very wide strips (100 metres and more in
- 181 -
width) were found to give better precision. Of course the use of ouch very wide plots
would not be possible in practice ir, the inventory of mixed tropical forest.
323.3 Clusters
In inventories of mixed tropical forests, sampling units are often groups or clusters
of circular plots, in order to profit from the advantage* of circular plots while having
at the same time sufficiently large sampling unite. In this case the circular plots are
the recording units, and are often arranged along a straight line or a squared or rectangular
line ("tracts of some European national forest inventories).
However for the same sice
of sampling unit, a cluster of circular plots may have a longer total perimeter (and
consequently more borderline trees) than the equivalent rectangular sampling unit: for
instance a cluster of five circular plots of 0.1 ha has a longer total perimeter than a
rectangle of 200 metres long on 25 metres width (ro\ighly $60 metres against 450 metres).
Onoe a given size of circular plot (recording unit) is chosen the unit sise of a
sampling unit must be ascertained, i.e. what number M of plots each sampling unit must
contain. This is an optimisation problem with M as one of the characteristics of the
sampling design to be determined. The following paragraph gives an example of such an
optimization procedure and is partly extracted from "Sampling Techniques" by Cochran
(2nd edition, pages 244-247).
where Sfc ie the variance between clusters (variance among the total values of y in
the clusters on a circular plot basis)
The first problem is to estimate S, from the variances among the values of y in the
circular plots f i.e. S variance among the values of y in the M plots within a cluster
and S^ variance among Vhe values of y in the circular plots in the whole inventoried area.
We have approximately!
# MS - (M-1) S^
S^ (20)
(this result being obtained by an analysis of the variance of y for the whole
Tt has been found that, in many surveys S can be expressed by the following
empirical formula!
If we have a cost function of the seme type as indicated in paragraph 313 of this
chapter for twostage sampling designs, i.e.:
C * nC^ + nMC<2
(where C, and C ? have the same meaning a in paragraph 3^3, the olunter standing
for the primary unit and the circular plot for the secondary unit)
- 182 -
then the optimization problem amounts finally to find out the values of M (and also n)
which minimi zee
Applying the procedure indicated in paragraph 341 of chapter JII f it can be easily
found that the optimal value Mo of M is given by the following equation:
AM c + C M - G M + - c s? '
o^ (
^o I O i o S) r
Continuous forest inventory comprises all forest inventory designs in which sampling
is used on successive occafiions. This definition is much broader in scope than tjie one of
tne north American CFI in which all the successive inventories use the saroe sample (all
the sampling units are said to be "permanent" unite).
Assembling growth information in this manner presupposes that forest management will
be carried out 0,1 a continuing basis. Although forest management on a continuing basis is
at a very early stage in many tropical countries, and has not even been started in some
casts y inventory officers should always keep in mind the need of such inventories for forest
management purposes and should initiate continuous forest inventory programmes whenever the
concern for forest management and the probability of making use of the results of such
inventories are deemed sufficiently high. In this respect the concept of forest
management must be understood in a broad sense; the monitoring of the forest cover through
the use of permanent plots on remote sensing imagery represents a large field of
application of continuous forest inventory which does not relate only to forest management
but also to land use policy and environmental concern.
42 Description of design
3. to estimate the changes in the forest during the period between inventories,
(Not* that the repetitive process can be continued and on ths occasion of all
subsequent inventories the previous inventory is referred to as the "first
inventory". )
- 183 -
There are four basic ways in which the above information can be obtained:
1. A completely new sample can be drawn from the forest at the time of each inventory.
The sampling units on occasion 2 are different from those taken on occasion 1.
2. The sampling points taken at the first inventory are remeaaured at the second and
all succeeding inventories. This is the concept of permanent sample plots and
the basis of the Continuous Forest Inventory (CFI) developed in North America.
3. At the second inventory a portion of the initial sampling units are remeasured and
new ones are taken. This is often called successive sampling with partial
replacement (SPR).
4. At the second inventory a portion of the sampling units taken at the first inventory
are remeasured.
422 Sampling with partial replacement (SPR). Of the four approaches the most
efficient is the third, successive sampling with partial replacement. If
repeated inventories are planned f inventory officers should design their procedures on
this basis.
Only a concise summary of the design and analysis of this one method is attempted
here and for more details reference should be made to Ware and Cunia (1962) as shown in
the liet of references. A good description of this and the other three kinds of repeated
sampling are also covered in F. Loetsch and K. Haller "Forest Inventory" (volume 1 pages t
259 to 277).
At the initial inventory there are two kinds of sampling units; plots measured only
on the first occasion (unmatched) and plots measured at the first inventory and to be re-
measured at the second (matched). At the second inventory there will be the plots taken
at the first inventory and now to be remeasured (matched). In addition there will be
new plots to be taken which did not appear at the first inventory (new). The following
symbols for the number of sampling units and the observations are needed:
Second inventory
Then: x
*- --
mean of values of the parameter per sampling
unit measured on first occasion from unmatched
a) Estimation of the means per sampling unit at first and second inventories*
1. The estimate z of the mean per sampling unit of the parameter at the
first inventory is;
m u
2, The best estimate y of the mean per sampling unit of the parameter at the
second inventory is given by:
c -
2 * -
, .
eP 2
j j
Iy 2 being obtained similarly to 'x and x
- 185-
and r -
J-i 0-1
r. .
x jr
m i_|n i r
(b) Estimation of difference between the nean value* per sampling unit of the parameter
at fir t and eeoond inventories.
In the oae when the parameter indicated by x and y ia a volume, this differanoa
will express the growth of the stand corresponding to this volume over the period bstw+sn
the two inventories.
Die bast estimate of this mean growth per sampling unit is given by the formulas
where i m
- ZABr. .
- 186 -
9 *- O
" 8 " 8 B
v(g) \ ^
nT rT '
x nT x y -'
5 Sequential sampling
total number of
freed plants in
each sample
number of
observed trees
100 200 300 400 500 600
If the representative points of the last samples remain in the region "no cleaning"
(as in figure 1; the sampling procedure can be stopped and the decision is taken not to
carry out any cleaning operation. If the points stay in the region "cleaning necessary"
further sampling is unnecessary and the decision is taken to begin cleaning. If the
representative points are in the region "continue sampling", no decision can be taken with
- 18? -
The slopes and zero ordi nates of the two parallel lines which are the basic elements
of this sampling procedure are a function oft
- the distribution of the "decision parameter' in the studied population (in the
above example number of freed trees per line), which is to be assimilated for the
sake of simplicity to a classic distribution ouch as binomial or Poisson
- the minimum proportion of freed trees in a line for considering that this line
does not need any cleaning treatment (0ay 6&f> or 12 trees); ("acceptable"
proportion of freed trees);
- the maximum proportion of freed trees in a line for considering that this line
does not need a cleaning treatment (say 5&fo or 10 trees); ("unacceptable"
proportion of freed trees);
- the two accepted risks expressed in percentages of probabilityi
The distribution being known and the four quantities above being decided upon, it
is possible to draw the lines of the chart which will help in taking the decision* A
detailed description of the design and the corresponding formulas is given in "Forest
Inventory" by P. Loetsoh and K. Haller (Volume I 9 pages 2?8 to 289).
Although this procedure is very attractive, it has found relatively Xittle application
in forestry, mainly for the reason that little is known on the distribution of forest
parameters* In mixed tropical forests there is another drawback which results from the
fact that all sampling units must be selected at random, which increases the total aooess
cost of the sampling procedure. It has been applied in forestry for regeneration surveys
and for disease and insect surveys.
- 188 -
(a) Vertioal photography is required to be made with single lens precision aerial camera
of 21 cm focal length and 18 cm x 18 cm format. The camera must be a modern high-
precision aerial camera of the Wild RC 5, RC 8 f or Zeies RMK 15/23 type, equipped
with a high resolution lens capable of producing the highest quality of photography
with panchromatic or infrared film* Details of the camera, lens and filters which
the Contractor uses for this Contract shall be supplied to the Organisation^ ) and
stated in the contract.
(b) Where the Contractor wishes to interpose a window or hatch cover of transparent
material between the camera and the ground, he will ensure that the said window or
hatch cover has been fully tested within six months of the proposed date of
commencement cf photography to establish that it falls within accepted tolerances
for homogeneity, resolution, and freedom from distortion. A certificate of this
test will be submitted to the Organisation for approval with the Calibration
Reports described in Section 3 of the Specifications. The contractor shall ensure
that such window or hatch cover is perfectly olean and free from blemishes at all
times .
(0) *Rie overall focal plane surface of the platen of the camera shall be flat, under
operating conditions, to within plus or minus 0.005 mm. Hie film shall be held
flat in the fooal plane, at the instant of exposure, to within plus or minus
0.005 mjfu ?h* camera platen shall be tested with all the operating stresses present
at the instant of exposure duplicated. The platen tested shall be positively
identified by having the camera cone, or magazine number of the unit, permanently
and irremovably marked thereon. This identifying number shall be noted on the
report of the test.
(s) When a camera is equipped with a pressure altimeter, the altimeter shall be connected
to the static system of the aircraft. The altimeter automatically recorded bjr the
camera must be adjusted to give the sane reading as the aircraft altimeter prior to
the commencement of each photographic flight.
(f) When a easier a is equipped with a cloak for recording times of exposures, the clook
hall be set to correct local tine prior to each photographic flight.
(a) Each omera optical unit to be used in the performance of the Contract shall be
calibrated before the flying of the photography by a competent authority to be
approved by the Organisation and calibration report* rendered as required in Section
3 below* The interval between calibration and photography shall be as short as
possible and in no case shall ezoeed one year.
(1) 6ranisation is ued hereinafter to designate the party which lets the contract.
- 189 -
(b) Calibration Khali be carried out with the optical unit in the same condition as
when used for the contract photography and with the filter fitted in the name
position. After calibration, no adjustment or repair which could in any way
affect the calibration shal] be wade. If the optical unit should be accidentally
disturbed, no further photography may be taken with that camera, which must be
replaced by another that has been calibrated and approved by the Organization.
A calibration report for each camera used shall be submitted to the Organization and
shall contain the following information!
(a) A certificate of calibration showing the name of the approved authority, date and
place of calibration, the maker's serial number of the camera optical unit, the
serial number of the lens and of the platen.
(b) The coordinates of the principal point of auto-colliation relative to the fiducial
(c) The radial distortions of the image with reference to the principal point of auto-
collimation at zero, m^axurer outwards at intervals of not more than 7j* toward
the fiducial ma^ks or reseau cronses in the format corners. (A statement of the
arithmetic mean of these distortions will not be accepted by itself.) Asymmetry
of the distortions may not exceed 0.03 **
(f ) The mean resolution of the image as determined across two diagonals at an interval
of not less than 7^ by the standard method of the approved authority.
The photography vn 11 be t^ken from a flying height such that the mean oontaot scale
of any exposure it and shall not deviate from the required height above
mean sea level by more than plus or minus 5 P*? cent.
The fore and aft overlap between successive photographs in each strip shall be 60
per cent with tolerances of plus 10 percent or minus 5 percent. The lateral overlap
between photographs of every adjacent strip shall be 30 per cent with toleranoee of
plus 20 percent or minus 15 percent. However, the Organization may agree to aooept,
in exceptional cases, photographs where the maximum overlaps (70 per cent and 50 per
oent respectively) are exceeded for reasons of terrain. Wherever variation of
ground level causes a significant change in the contact soale of the photography,
an increase Must be made in the fore and aft overlap which must in no case be less
than 55 percent, to accommodate the enlarged scale of a part or the whole of any
strip. The corresponding increase in the lateral overlap, which mist in no oase be
less than 10 percent, must be made to the whole of every strip which is so affected
by height distortion.
Crab shall not exceed 5 percent or be such tbat it causes gaps in the stereoscopic
cover of the contract area.
not exceed 3
Tilt shalll n for any exposure. The average tilt for nny unction uf 10
eh&ll not exceed 2 and it shall not exceed 1 for the entire photography
The area shall be covered by parallel lines flown in a specified direction and these
flight lines should not diverge from the prescribed directions by more than five
Where the end of a atrip of photography joins the end of another strip flown in the
same ^-eneral direction, the overlap of the fir^t utrip over the second will be 4
Cloud shall not lie over the principal point of any photograph nor shall it cbscure
any ground control point. The aggregate area of cloud and/or cloud shadow on any
single photograph shall not exceed 5 percent of the area of the photograph.
(a) T*\o photographs are required for detailed forest type napping and photointerpretation
studies and should, therefore, be of the highest photographic quality, according to
the following specifications:
(b) Die film emulsion and film base will be determined to suit each case. The film
base shall have the minimum differential distortion and the negatives aho.ll be
free from stain* y scratches, bar marku, dirt and blemishes of all kinds, and finger
or static marks.
(c) Precautions must be taken to avoid distortion of the film during processing.
- 191 -
(0) All automatically recorded data such as flying height, time of photography, and
calibrated focal length must be clearly visible on every print.
(f ) The negatives are required for contact printing and the density, contrast, and
freedom from fog on the negatives is to be such that "normal" grades of paper
will be suitable for the majority of the negatives without excessive shading and
with reasonable times of exposure.
(g) The definition and contrast of the negatives shall be such that prints made as in
the preceding paragraph and the prints supplied shall ohow ample detail throughout
the full range of tones ever the whole photo^riiph and ouch that identification of
detail from one photograph to another shall be possible with certainty.
(1) Residual hyposulphite in any print shall not exceed 0.023 mgm. per square centimeter,
while residual silver shall not exceed 0.01 gm. per square meter.
(j) Prints shall b trimmed to leave a rebate of up to 6 mm. on 3 sides. On the side
where the images of instruments automatically recorded in the camera are located,
the rebate should be sufficient to include these images.
(a) Each exposure in *ach flight line shall be numbered in consecutive order. Tnin
nMbering shall be in the northeast or south-west corner of the negative. The
numbering should not be le** than 4 * nor more than 6 msi. in height. The
consecutive numbering of exposures should be repeated for each flight line (e.g.
the first three exposure* in flight line 5 would be narked 5-1, 5-2 and 5-3)* the
numbering should include all negative* whether falling inside or outside the
speoified areas and whether or not conforming to the specifications, excluding
only obviously useless negatives such as those completely obscured by oloud.
(b) A film shall be in one continuous length without joins, except for the leader mad
trailer which shall be at least 1 metre long. A film and its leader may include
unrequired negative* and will be given a fila roll mber to be indicated by the
Organisation which will be shown at each end of the film.
(o) The margin of the first and last negative for each flight line shall be clearly
marked with:
(i) The indication of the Organisation, mm* of locality and the nusiber of
(iii) Date or datee on which expoeed; the month to be given by neae not number.
(T) taiber of oeera optical wit art lea* and the principal distance
corresponding with the calibration particular* supplied under thi*
peoifi cation*
(e) The titling required on each print is to be clear blook lettering (between 3 mm. and
5 mm. in height for items (i) to (v) below f and between 4 mm. and 6 mm, for item
(vi ) below) and is to read and print in the following order:
(iii) Camera focal length (in mm.) if not automatically reproduced on negative.
(a) A report containing the following details and any others that are considered to be
relevant shall be provided with each film:
(b) A list of all the numbered negatives on the film in numerical sequence and in two
columns 9 with remarks on the following lines:
Offered Additional
(o) Although the information in this paragraph maj not be complete on the original
report* compiled in the field, it must be completed in the two copies of the final
film report to be supplied.
Flight line indices of the photography are required and may vary for each contract*
(i) The Organisation reserves the right to reject within six weeks of the delivery
of the contact prints any photography which fails to meet the specifications*
(ii) Subject to other pertinent provisions of the contract, the contractor will
have the option either to forego payment for rejected photography or to
produce acceptable substitute photography*
Additional photography, if any, taken in the course of the contract and lying
adjacent to the areas to be photographed in accordance with the indications given to
the Contractor by the Organization may be offered to the Organisation* It shall be
at the Organisation * discretion whether or not to accept any or all of the
Only some of the most useful documents dealing with one or several techniques used
in forest inventory are quoted in this bibliography. It mainly includes textbooks or
manuals; articles or communications have been selected only when they were considered
essential . With very few exceptions, all references are in English* When they also
exist in French and/or in Spanish, this is indicated in the margin by (P) and/or (S).
More French and Spanish references will be indicated in the bibliography of the
corresponding versions of this manual*
Loetsoh F. and Haller K.E. - 1964. Forest inventory. Volume 1, 436 pp.
Loetsch F. Ztfhrer F. and Haller K.E. - 1973-
Forest inventory. Volume 2,
469 pp. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft Munchen - Basel - Wien.
This is strictly speaking the only recent textbook on forest inventory and
it covers the whole range of relevant techniques. Tropical aspects of
forest inventory work have not been neglected (as in former textbooks on
forest inventory) and the bibliographies of the two volumes are very
Nyyeso'nen A.
- 1961. Survey methods of tropical forests* FAO publication
no. 13407.
Comparative study of the inventory methods used in the tropics in the late
(S) Ccchran W.O. - 1963 (2nd edition). Sampling techniques. 413 pp. John
Wiley and Sons Inc., New York
A very clear textbook on sampling techniques, describing and demonstrating
most of the sampling designs which may be useful in forest inventory.
Hansen M.H., Hurwitz W.N. and Madow W.G. - 1953. Sample survey methods and
theory. Volume I - Methods and applications. 638 pp. Volume II - Theory.
332 pp. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
Very comprehensive book with emphasiB on demographic surveys.
(P) Schumacher P.X. iind Chapman R.A. - 1954. Sampling methods in forestry and
range management. Durham, North Carolina. Duke University, School of
Forestry. Bulletin No. 7, revised. 222 pp.
(P) Yates F. - 1960 (3rd edition). Sampling methods for censuses and surveys.
440 pp. Oriffin, London.
Tfeisbook is Isss comprehensive than Coohran's as far as the number of
sampling methods and demonstrations are oonosrned, but gives more
explanations and more numerical examples.
- 196 -
Rusoh B. , Miller C.I. and Beers T.W. - 1971. Forest mensuration. The
Ronald Press Co., New York. 410 pp.
A reoent textbook on forest Mensuration with four chapters on forest
inventory and 16 pages of references to relevant literature (mainly English)^
(P only) Parde" J. - 1961. DendromeHrie. Editions de 1'Ecole Nationala deB Eaux
et Forits, Nancy. 3^0 pp.
Very useful and practical textbook on forest mensuration (but with very
little emphasis on tropical forestry).
First main document on the use of weighted regression for volume table
(iv) Accessibility
Frayer E., Wilson W., Peters R. and Bickford C.A. - 1968. "FINSYS, an
efficient data processing system for large forest inventories". Journal
of Forestry, Vol. 66, No.1?. 4 pp.
The paper describes the data processing method developed at CTFT for the
processing of field inventory data in tropical high forests. Examples of
field sheet and output attached.
Very handy and comprehensive manual for self tuition with application of
programming in FORTRAN IV (IBM) and FORTRAN V (UNTVAC). Some basic
knowledge of FORTRAN' recommended.
Ware K.D. and Cunia T. - 196?. Continuous forest inventory with partial
replacement of samples. Forest Science Monograph 3 40 pp.
1 Forest utilization contracts on public land, 1977 31 Appropriate technology in forestry, 1982 (E)
(E F S) 32 Classification and definitions of forest products,
2 Planning forest roads and harvesting systems, 1982 (Ar/E/F/S)
1977 (EFS) 33 Logging of mountain forests, 1982 (E F S)
3 World hat of forestry schools, 1977 (E/F/S) 34 Fruit-bearing forest trees, 1982 (E F S)
3 Rev. 1 World list of forestry schools. 1981 (E/F/S)
. 35 Forestry in China, 1982 (C E)
3 Rev. 2. World list of forestry schools, 1986 (E/F/S) 36 Basic technology in forest operations, 1982 (E F S)
4/1 World pulp and paper demand, supply and trade 37 Conservation and development of tropical forest
- Vol. 1. 1977 (E F S) resources, 1982 (E F S)
4/2 World pulp and paper demand, supply and trade 38 Forest products prices 1962-1981, 1982 (E/F/S)
- Vol. 2. 1977 (E F S) 39 Frame saw manual, 1982 (E)
5 The marketing wood, 1976 (E S)
of tropical 40 Circular saw manual, 1983 (E)
6 National parks planning, 1976 (EPS") 41 Simple technologies for charcoal making, 1983
7 Forestry for local community development, 1978 (EFS)
(Ar EFS) 42 Fuelwood supplies in the developing countries,
8 Establishment techniques for forest plantations. 1983 (Ar EFS)
1978 (ArC E" F S) 43 Forest revenue systems m developing countries,
9 Wood chips - production, handling, transport. 1983 (E F S)
1976 (C E S) 44/1 Food and fruit bearing forest species
1O/1 Assessment of logging costs from forest - 1. Examples from eastern Africa, 1983 (E F S)
inventories in the tropics 44/2 Food and fruit-bearing forest species
- 1 Principles and methodology, 1978 F S) - 2. from southeastern
. (E Examples
10/2 Assessment of logging costs from forest Asia. 1984 (E F S)
inventories in the tropics 44/3 Food and fruit-bearing forest species - 3. Examples
- 2 Data collection and calculations, 1978 (E F S) from Latin America, 1986(ES)
1 1 Savanna afforestation in Africa, 1977 (E F) 45 Establishing pulp and paper mills, 1983 (E)
12 China: forestry support for agriculture, 1978 (E) 46 Forest products prices 1963 1982. 1983 (E/F/S)
13 Forest products prices 1960 1977. 1979 (E/F/S) 47 Technical forestry education - design and
14 Mountain forest roads and harvesting, 1979 (E) implementation, 1984 (E F S)
14 Rev. 1 Logging and transport in steep terrain. 1985 (E)
. 48 Land evaluation for forestry, 1984 (C E F S)
15 AGRIS forestry
- world catalogue of information 49 Wood extraction with oxen and agricultural
and documentation services, 1979 (E/F/S) tractors, 1986 (E F S)
16 China: integrated wood processing industries, 1979 50 Changes in shifting cultivation in Africa, 1984 (E F)
19/1 Pulping and paper making properties of 53 Intensive multiple-use forest management m Kerala,
fast-growing plantation wood species 1984 (E F S)
- Vol. 1. 1980 (E) 54 Planificaci6n del desarrollo forestal. 1984 (S)
19/2 Pulping and paper-making properties of 55 Intensive multiple-use forest management in the
fast-growing plantation wood species tropics, 1985 (E F S)
- Vol. 2, 1980 (E) 56 Breeding poplars for disease resistance. 1985 (E)
20 Forest trae improvement, 1 985 (C E F S) 57 Coconut wood - processing and use. 1985 (E S)
29 World forest products, demand and supply 1990 68 Appropriate forest industries, 1986 (E)
and 2000, 1982 (E F S) 69 Management of forest industries. 1986 (E)
73 Forest products: world outlook projections 95 Forest products prices 1969-1988, 1990 (E/F/S)
1985-20OO, 1986 (E/F/S) 96 Planning and managing forestry research: guideline!
74 Guidelines for forestry information processing, for managers, 1 990 (E)