Department of Education
Schools Division of Palawan
Bancalaan, Balabac, Palawan
A. Content standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. The digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory
systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy
2. Diseases that result from nutrient deficiency and ingestion of harmful substances, and their
prevention and treatment.
B. Performance standard
The learners should be able to:
Present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting from nutrient deficiency
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion; S8LT-IVa13-b14
The Digestive System:
LEARNING RESOURCES (Indicator 6:Used differentiated, developmentallY
appropriate learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests and experiences.)
A. References
1. Science-Grade 8 Learner’s Module First Edition 2013(Unit 4 module 2 pp.430-442.)
2. K to 12 Curriculum Guide Science 8 page 147-148.
B. Other Learning Resource
1.Philippines Department of Education. (2004). Biology: Science and technology textbook for 2 nd
III. PROCEDURE (Lesson Development) (Indicator 7: Plans, manages and implements developmentally sequenced
teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts)
Activity 1:.
(Indicator 3: Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop
Part 1A. A gutsy game critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking
Q1. The game you are about to play is an analogy of skills)
the digestive system.
What do the tokens represent?
Q2. What do the spaces on the board game
Q3. What do the directions on some of the spaces Possible answer:
tell you about the digestive system? Different species of organisms have different ways of
digesting their food. In human, digestion starts in the mouth
How does the digestive system break down food to where food is chewed and broken down to smaller pieces
nourish the body? for easier digestion.
Indicator 3: Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop
critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking
G. Developing Mastery (Leads To Formative To have a healthy lifestyle, maintain a proper nutrient
Assessment 3)
Analysing the issue:
1.identify the organs that make up the digestive we intake and good flow of digestion in every healthy
system; and individual.
2.describe the function of each organ. (Indicator 6: Uses differentiated, developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
H. Finding Practical Application of Concepts interests and experiences.
and Skills in Daily Living
Food gives organisms energy that enables them to
carry out the many activities they do each day; food PERFORMANCE TASK
is basic unit of life. ( (Indicator 9: Designs, selects, organizes, and uses diagnostic,
formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with
I. Making Generalization and Abstractions
curriculum requirements)
about the lesson
(Let some students generalize of what they learned Summative Assessment:
about the lesson Or Make a summary what the I.Multiple choice:choose the correct answer.
students should learned) 1.) Digestion starts in what part of the body?
J. Evaluating Learning b.tongue
Call some students to: c. mouth
a. Describe the process of mechanical digestion d. all of the above
and 2.) Esophagus also known as?
b. Explain how the physical breaking down of a. parynx
food helps in its digestion. b. larynx
c. gullet
K. Additional Activities for Application or d. thyroid
Remediation 3.) Digestion ends in what part of digestive system?
1. Identify the correct answer regarding our topics a. anus
Indicator 6: Uses differentiated, developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs,
b. large intestine
strengths, interests and experiences. c. small intestine
d. stomach
4.) The wastes material are excreted out of the body
through the___________?
Assignments: a. rectum
Bring the following materials for the next activity # 2 b. feces
for each group:” How do enzymes affect digestion.? c. anus
1 tablespoon of granulated gelatin d. none of the choices
Water 5.) After swallowing the food, the foods turning into
10ml pineapple juice what?
Measuring cup a. amylase
Spoon b. gastric juices
Graduated cylinder/salaan c. bolus
3 droppers d. enzymes
Hot plate
No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation. ________
No. of learners who required additional activities for remediation. __________
No. of learners who continue to require remediation. _________
Prepared by:
Observed by:
Secondary School Head Teacher III