OPC 40223 - UA Companion Specification For Pumps and Vacuum Pumps 1.00
OPC 40223 - UA Companion Specification For Pumps and Vacuum Pumps 1.00
OPC 40223 - UA Companion Specification For Pumps and Vacuum Pumps 1.00
Release 1.0
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 13
2 Normative references ......................................................................................................................... 14
3 Terms, definitions and conventions ................................................................................................. 16
3.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 16
3.2 OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps terms............................................................................... 16
3.3 Conventions used in this document ................................................................................................. 17
4 General information to Pumps and Vacuum Pumps and OPC UA ................................................ 21
4.1 Introduction to Pumps and Vacuum Pumps .................................................................................... 21
4.2 Introduction to OPC Unified Architecture ........................................................................................ 21
5 Use cases ............................................................................................................................................ 27
5.1 Device Identification ........................................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 27
5.3 Maintenance Management ................................................................................................................. 27
5.4 Operation ............................................................................................................................................. 27
6 OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps information model overview ........................................ 28
6.1 Modelling Concepts ............................................................................................................................ 28
6.2 Model Overview .................................................................................................................................. 29
6.3 Extending FunctionalGroups ............................................................................................................ 31
7 OPC UA ObjectTypes ......................................................................................................................... 32
7.1 PumpType ObjectType Definition ..................................................................................................... 32
7.2 IPumpVendorNameplateType ObjectType Definition ..................................................................... 33
7.3 MarkingsType ObjectType Definition ............................................................................................... 34
7.4 PumpIdentificationType ObjectType Definition............................................................................... 35
7.5 DocumentationType ObjectType Definition ..................................................................................... 36
7.6 MaintenanceGroupType ObjectType Definition .............................................................................. 38
7.7 GeneralMaintenanceType ObjectType Definition ............................................................................ 39
7.8 ConditionBasedMaintenanceType ObjectType Definition ............................................................. 42
7.9 PreventiveMaintenanceType ObjectType Definition ....................................................................... 43
7.10 BreakdownMaintenanceType ObjectType Definition ...................................................................... 44
7.11 SupervisionType ObjectType Definition .......................................................................................... 45
7.12 SupervisionMechanicsType ObjectType Definition ........................................................................ 46
7.13 SupervisionHardwareType ObjectType Definition .......................................................................... 47
7.14 SupervisionSoftwareType ObjectType Definition ........................................................................... 48
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
• This document is provided "as is" by the OPC Foundation and VDMA.
• Right of use for this specification is restricted to this specification and does not grant rights of use for referred documents.
• Right of use for this specification will be granted without cost.
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• The document shall not be used in conjunction with company advertising, shall not be sold or licensed to any party.
• The intellectual property and copyright is solely owned by the OPC Foundation and VDMA.
The attention of adopters is directed to the possibility that compliance with or adoption of OPC or VDMA speci-
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OPC or VDMA specifications are prospective and advisory only. Prospective users are responsible for protecting
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The entire risk as to the quality and performance of software developed using this specification is borne by you.
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meet these requirements may claim only that the product was based on this specification and must not claim
compliance or conformance with this specification.
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
Most computer and software brand names have trademarks or registered trademarks. The individual trademarks
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Should any provision of this Agreement be held to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal by a court, the validity
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This Agreement embodies the entire understanding between the parties with respect to, and supersedes any
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
The OPC 40223 specification is developed by members of VDMA and/or the OPC Foundation. OPC UA is a
machine to machine communication technology to transmit characteristics of products (e.g. manufacturer name,
device type or components) and process data (e.g. temperatures, pressures or feed rates). To enable vendor
independent interoperability the description of product characteristics and process data has to be standardized
utilizing technical specifications, the OPC UA companion specifications.
VDMA Pumps + Systems / Compressors, Compressed Air- and Vacuum Technology
The VDMA represents around 3300 German and European companies in the mechanical engineering industry.
The industry represents innovation, export orientation, medium-sized companies and employs around four mil-
lion people in Europe, more than one million of them in Germany.
Under the roof of VDMA the professional associations Pumps + Systems and Compressors, Compressed Air
and Vacuum technology offer its members a management platform for informal meetings also on an interna-
tional level. Beyond that a continuous, significant support of international regulations (standards, guidelines,
recommendations) and its constant adaptation to changing requirements is administered. As unique feature of
the professional associations the Research Funds Pumps and Vacuum technology, active in precompetitive
manor offering the members to obtain fundamental knowledge-based methods.
OPC Foundation
OPC is the interoperability standard for the secure and reliable exchange of data and information in the industrial
automation space and in other industries. It is platform independent and ensures the seamless flow of infor-
mation among devices from multiple vendors. The OPC Foundation is responsible for the development and
maintenance of this standard.
OPC UA is a platform independent service-oriented architecture that integrates all the functionality of the indi-
vidual OPC Classic specifications into one extensible framework. This multi-layered approach accomplishes the
original design specification goals of:
– Platform independence: from an embedded microcontroller to cloud-based infrastructure
– Secure: encryption, authentication, authorization and auditing
– Extensible: ability to add new features including transports without affecting existing applications
– Comprehensive information modelling capabilities: for defining any model from simple to complex
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
1 Scope
In their basic function of conveying fluids or gases, pumps and vacuum pumps perform elementary tasks in
numerous technical processes in the process industry, building technology, the semiconductor and manufac-
turing industries, the food industry and water management. Additional functionalities, such as self-monitoring,
the generation of status and diagnostic information, offer great potential for optimizing operating processes.
Information for the identification of pumps is essential for device management, measured values for energy
consumption are an important source for energy management applications, etc. Highly functional pumps are
also multivariable devices (e.g. pressure, volume flow, temperature, etc.) because they require information
about the process during operation. Their versatile use and special significance make pumps and vacuum
pumps an important asset in the current developments around Industry 4.0 (I4.0).
I4.0 stands for the intelligent digital networking of products and processes to optimize the value chains of man-
ufacturers and users. The central object of current developments is the I4.0-component, a composition of Ad-
ministration Shell and asset. The Administration Shell represents the asset - e.g. a pump or vacuum pump - in
the digital I4.0-world. Among other things, it consists of submodels that describe different aspects or functions
of the asset in the form of standardized properties. They form the basis for a common language of pumps.
In 2019 pump manufacturers of the VDMA trade associations Pumps + Systems and Compressors, Com-
pressed Air and Vacuum Technology have specified a manufacturer-independent Administration Shell for
pumps and vacuum pumps for applications in the process industry, building technology, the semiconductor and
manufacturing industries, the food industry and water management. The work focused on three main I4.0 ap-
plication scenarios for the digital integration of pumps and vacuum pumps into the I4.0 information world: the
support of continuous and dynamic engineering over the life cycle, optimized operation through transparency
and adaptability of delivered products, and the provision of value-based services.
Based on acknowledged and applied National, European and International Standards the descriptions and def-
initions were used to develop submodels for pumps in the Administration Shell project. The developments are
based on fundamental work in the I4.0 environment, which describes the general structure of the administration
shell. On this basis, pump-specific submodels are developed. These are based on different standards which
describe aspects and requirements of pumps. In this OPC UA Companion Specification the contents of the
individual sumodels of the Asset Administration Shell were transferred to the information model of OPC UA.
Alongside the development of this OPC UA Companion Specification, the submodels and properties of the
Asset Administration Shell for pumps and vacuum pumps were integrated into the product classification system
ECLASS. Following the ECLASS Release 12.0 this OPC UA Companion Specification can be extended by the
ECLASS references.
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
2 Normative references
DIN EN ISO 17769 -2 - Liquid pumps and installation – General terms, definitions, quantities, letter symbols and
units – Part 2: Pumping System. Beuth-Verlag, 2013
DIN 28400-2 - Vacuum technology; terms and definitions; vacuum pumps. Beuth-Verlag, 1980
DIN 28426-1 - Vacuum technology; acceptance specifications for rotary plunger vacuum pumps. Beuth-Verlag,
IEC 60050-351 - International electrotechnical vocabulary –Part 351: Control technology. IEC, 2013
DIN EN ISO 80000-8 - Quantities and units – Part 8: Acoustics. Beuth-Verlag, 2020
VDMA 24223 - Device Profile for Liquid and Vacuum Pumps- Part I: Device Information Model, Universal Profile
Elements Generic Pumps.” 2006
VDMA 24223 - Device Profile for Liquid and Vacuum Pumps- Part IIA: Vacuum Pumps.” 2006
VDI 3805-4 - Product data exchange in the building services (TGA) - Pumps. Beuth-Verlag, 1999
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
3.1 Overview
It is assumed that basic concepts of OPC UA information modelling, OPC Unified Architecture - Part 100, and
OPC UA for Machinery - Part 1 are understood in this specification. This specification will use these concepts
to describe the OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Information Model. For the purposes of this document,
the terms and definitions given in OPC 10000-1, OPC 10000-3, OPC 10000-4, OPC 10000-5, OPC 10000-7,
OPC 10000-100, OPC 40001-1, and VDMA 24223.
Note that OPC UA terms and terms defined in this specification are italicized in the specification.
3.2.1 PumpClass
Specific type of a Pump and value of the PumpClass Variable of an instance of the FunctionalGroup Design of
a Pump.
EXAMPLE 1 The pump P1 is of the PumpClass positive displacement pump.
EXAMPLE 2 The pump P2 is of the PumpClass turbo vacuum pump.
3.2.2 FunctionalGroup
Instance of the 2:FunctionalGroupType or one of its subtypes.
Note 1 to entry: In this specification, FunctionalGroup usually refers to an instance of a Pump specific ObjectType like
OperationalGroupType, ActuationType, or DesignType.
EXAMPLE 1 The pump P1 has the FunctionalGroups Identification, Design, and Operational.
3.2.3 KindOfQuantity
aspect common to mutually comparable quantities
Note 1 to entry: The division of the concept of quantity into several kinds of quantity is to some extent arbitrary. Examples:
• The quantities diameter, circumference, and wavelength, are generally considered to be quantities of the same
kind, namely of the kind of quantity called length.
• The quantities heat, kinetic energy, and potential energy, are generally considered to be quantities of the same
kind, namely of the kind of quantity called energy.
Note 2 to entry: Quantities of the same kind within a given system of quantities have the same dimension of a quantity.
However, quantities of the same dimension are not necessarily of the same kind.
Examples: The quantities moment of force and energy are not of the same kind, although they have the same dimension.
Similarly for heat capacity and entropy, as well as for relative permeability and mass fraction.
Note 3 to entry: The term "kind" is mainly used in expressions such as "quantities of the same kind." Two quantities of the
same kind are mutually comparable, so that they can be placed in order of magnitude. Length and mass are quantities of
different kinds because they are not mutually comparable.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 1.2, modified – Note 3 has been modified.]
3.2.4 Port
Connection point to a Pump used for fluids or auxiliary devices.
Note 1 to entry: Ports are described in chapter 6.2.
EXAMPLE 1 The pump P1 has its process fluid inlet connected at the Port InletConnectionPort.
EXAMPLE 2 The pump P1 has its drive connected at the Port DrivePort.
3.2.5 Pump
Asset of the DeviceClass Pump and representation of a pump or vacuum pump.
Note 1 to entry: This term includes all described pump types defined in this specification.
EXAMPLE 1 The pump P1 has the FunctionalGroups Identification, Design, and Operational.
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
Components of Nodes can be complex that is containing components by themselves. The TypeDefinition, Node-
Class and DataType can be derived from the type definitions, and the symbolic name can be created as defined
in Therefore, those containing components are not explicitly specified; they are implicitly specified by
the type definitions.
The Other column defines additional characteristics of the Node. Examples of characteristics that can appear
in this column are show in Table 3.
Table 3 – Examples of Other Characteristics
Name Short Name Description
0:Mandatory M The Node has the Mandatory ModellingRule.
0:Optional O The Node has the Optional ModellingRule.
0:MandatoryPlaceholder MP The Node has the MandatoryPlaceholder ModellingRule.
0:OptionalPlaceholder OP The Node has the OptionalPlaceholder ModellingRule.
ReadOnly RO The Node AccessLevel has the CurrentRead bit set but not the CurrentWrite bit.
ReadWrite RW The Node AccessLevel has the CurrentRead and CurrentWrite bits set.
WriteOnly WO The Node AccessLevel has the CurrentWrite bit set but not the CurrentRead bit.
If multiple characteristics are defined they are separated by commas. The name or the short name may be used. NodeIds
The NodeIds of all Nodes described in this standard are only symbolic names. Annex A defines the actual
The symbolic name of each Node defined in this document is its BrowseName, or, when it is part of another
Node, the BrowseName of the other Node, a “.”, and the BrowseName of itself. In this case “part of” means that
the whole has a HasProperty or HasComponent Reference to its part. Since all Nodes not being part of another
Node have a unique name in this document, the symbolic name is unique.
The NamespaceUri for all NodeIds defined in this document is defined in Annex A. The NamespaceIndex for
this NamespaceUri is vendor-specific and depends on the position of the NamespaceUri in the server
namespace table.
Note that this document not only defines concrete Nodes, but also requires that some Nodes shall be generated,
for example one for each Session running on the Server. The NodeIds of those Nodes are Server-specific,
including the namespace. But the NamespaceIndex of those Nodes cannot be the NamespaceIndex used for
the Nodes defined in this document, because they are not defined by this document but generated by the Server. BrowseNames
The text part of the BrowseNames for all Nodes defined in this document is specified in the tables defining the
Nodes. The NamespaceUri for all BrowseNames defined in this document is defined in Annex A.
If the BrowseName is not defined by this document, a namespace index prefix like ‘0:EngineeringUnits’ or ‘2:De-
viceRevision’ is added to the BrowseName. This is typically necessary if a Property of another specification is
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
overwritten or used in the OPC UA types defined in this document. Table 158 provides a list of namespaces
and their indexes as used in this document. General
The Attributes of Nodes, their DataTypes and descriptions are defined in OPC 10000-3. Attributes not marked
as optional are mandatory and shall be provided by a Server. The following tables define if the Attribute value
is defined by this specification or if it is server-specific.
For all Nodes specified in this specification, the Attributes named in Table 4 shall be set as specified in the table.
Table 4 – Common Node Attributes
Attribute Value
DisplayName The DisplayName is a LocalizedText. Each server shall provide the DisplayName identical to
the BrowseName of the Node for the LocaleId “en”. Whether the server provides translated
names for other LocaleIds is server-specific.
Description Optionally a server-specific description is provided.
NodeClass Shall reflect the NodeClass of the Node.
NodeId The NodeId is described by BrowseNames as defined in
WriteMask Optionally the WriteMask Attribute can be provided. If the WriteMask Attribute is provided, it
shall set all non-server-specific Attributes to not writable. For example, the Description Attribute
may be set to writable since a Server may provide a server-specific description for the Node.
The NodeId shall not be writable, because it is defined for each Node in this specification.
UserWriteMask Optionally the UserWriteMask Attribute can be provided. The same rules as for the WriteMask
Attribute apply.
RolePermissions Optionally server-specific role permissions can be provided.
UserRolePermissions Optionally the role permissions of the current Session can be provided. The value is server-
specific and depend on the RolePermissions Attribute (if provided) and the current Session.
AccessRestrictions Optionally server-specific access restrictions can be provided. Objects
For all Objects specified in this specification, the Attributes named in Table 5 shall be set as specified in the
table. The definitions for the Attributes can be found in OPC 10000-3.
Table 5 – Common Object Attributes
Attribute Value
EventNotifier Whether the Node can be used to subscribe to Events or not is server-specific. Variables
For all Variables specified in this specification, the Attributes named in Table 6 shall be set as specified in the
table. The definitions for the Attributes can be found in OPC 10000-3.
Table 6 – Common Variable Attributes
Attribute Value
MinimumSamplingInterval Optionally, a server-specific minimum sampling interval is provided.
AccessLevel The access level for Variables used for type definitions is server-specific, for all other Varia-
bles defined in this specification, the access level shall allow reading; other settings are
UserAccessLevel The value for the UserAccessLevel Attribute is server-specific. It is assumed that all Varia-
bles can be accessed by at least one user.
Value For Variables used as InstanceDeclarations, the value is server-specific; otherwise it shall
represent the value described in the text.
ArrayDimensions If the ValueRank does not identify an array of a specific dimension (i.e. ValueRank <= 0) the
ArrayDimensions can either be set to null or the Attribute is missing. This behavior is server-
If the ValueRank specifies an array of a specific dimension (i.e. ValueRank > 0) then the Ar-
rayDimensions Attribute shall be specified in the table defining the Variable.
Historizing The value for the Historizing Attribute is server-specific.
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
Attribute Value
AccessLevelEx If the AccessLevelEx Attribute is provided, it shall have the bits 8, 9, and 10 set to 0, mean-
ing that read and write operations on an individual Variable are atomic, and arrays can be
partly written. VariableTypes
For all VariableTypes specified in this specification, the Attributes named in Table 7 shall be set as specified in
the table. The definitions for the Attributes can be found in OPC 10000-3.
Table 7 – Common VariableType Attributes
Attributes Value
Value Optionally a server-specific default value can be provided.
ArrayDimensions If the ValueRank does not identify an array of a specific dimension (i.e. ValueRank <= 0) the Ar-
rayDimensions can either be set to null or the Attribute is missing. This behavior is server-spe-
If the ValueRank specifies an array of a specific dimension (i.e. ValueRank > 0) then the ArrayDi-
mensions Attribute shall be specified in the table defining the VariableType. Methods
For all Methods specified in this specification, the Attributes named in Table 8 shall be set as specified in the
table. The definitions for the Attributes can be found in OPC 10000-3.
Table 8 – Common Method Attributes
Attributes Value
Executable All Methods defined in this specification shall be executable (Executable Attribute set to “True”),
unless it is defined differently in the Method definition.
UserExecutable The value of the UserExecutable Attribute is server-specific. It is assumed that all Methods can
be executed by at least one user.
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
OPC UA provides a robust and reliable communication infrastructure having mechanisms for handling lost mes-
sages, failover, heartbeat, etc. With its binary encoded data, it offers a high-performing data exchange solution.
Security is built into OPC UA as security requirements become more and more important especially since envi-
ronments are connected to the office network or the internet and attackers are starting to focus on automation
systems. Concepts
OPC UA provides a framework that can be used to represent complex information as Objects in an Ad-
dressSpace which can be accessed with standard services. These Objects consist of Nodes connected by
References. Different classes of Nodes convey different semantics. For example, a Variable Node represents
a value that can be read or written. The Variable Node has an associated DataType that can define the actual
value, such as a string, float, structure etc. It can also describe the Variable value as a variant. A Method Node
represents a function that can be called. Every Node has a number of Attributes including a unique identifier
called a NodeId and non-localized name called as BrowseName. An Object representing a ‘Reservation’ is
shown in Figure 2.
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
Method Nodes
Cancel define complex
Object Nodes
convey semantics
and structure
Variable Nodes
provide access to data
Last Name
First Name
Object and Variable Nodes represent instances and they always reference a TypeDefinition (ObjectType or
VariableType) Node which describes their semantics and structure. illustrates the relationship between an in-
stance and its TypeDefinition.
The type Nodes are templates that define all of the children that can be present in an instance of the type. In
the example in Figure 3 the PersonType ObjectType defines two children: First Name and Last Name. All in-
stances of PersonType are expected to have the same children with the same BrowseNames. Within a type the
BrowseNames uniquely identify the children. This means Client applications can be designed to search for
children based on the BrowseNames from the type instead of NodeIds. This eliminates the need for manual
reconfiguration of systems if a Client uses types that multiple Servers implement.
OPC UA also supports the concept of sub-typing. This allows a modeler to take an existing type and extend it.
There are rules regarding sub-typing defined in OPC 10000-3, but in general they allow the extension of a given
type or the restriction of a DataType. For example, the modeler may decide that the existing ObjectType in some
cases needs an additional Variable. The modeler can create a subtype of the ObjectType and add the Variable.
A Client that is expecting the parent type can treat the new type as if it was of the parent type. Regarding
DataTypes, subtypes can only restrict. If a Variable is defined to have a numeric value, a sub type could restrict
it to a float.
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
Structure and
semantics can
BaseObjectType be inherited
from other types
ObjectType Nodes
First Name are templates that
describe the structure
[String] of an instance
Last Name
References allow Nodes to be connected in ways that describe their relationships. All References have a Ref-
erenceType that specifies the semantics of the relationship. References can be hierarchical or non-hierarchical.
Hierarchical references are used to create the structure of Objects and Variables. Non-hierarchical are used to
create arbitrary associations. Applications can define their own ReferenceType by creating subtypes of an ex-
isting ReferenceType. Subtypes inherit the semantics of the parent but may add additional restrictions.
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Reference Types
can be created
from other reference types
Farmers Animals
The figures above use a notation that was developed for the OPC UA specification. The notation is summarized
in Figure 5 – The OPC UA Information Model Notation. UML representations can also be used; however, the
OPC UA notation is less ambiguous because there is a direct mapping from the elements in the figures to Nodes
in the AddressSpace of an OPC UA Server.
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
<TypeName> <TypeName> <TypeName>
A complete description of the different types of Nodes and References can be found in OPC 10000-3 and the
base structure is described in OPC 10000-5.
OPC UA specification defines a very wide range of functionality in its basic information model. It is not required
that all Clients or Servers support all functionality in the OPC UA specifications. OPC UA includes the concept
of Profiles, which segment the functionality into testable certifiable units. This allows the definition of functional
subsets (that are expected to be implemented) within a companion specification. The Profiles do not restrict
functionality, but generate requirements for a minimum set of functionality (see OPC 10000-7) Namespaces
OPC UA allows information from many different sources to be combined into a single coherent AddressSpace.
Namespaces are used to make this possible by eliminating naming and id conflicts between information from
different sources. Each namespace in OPC UA has a globally unique string called a NamespaceUri which iden-
tifies a naming authority and a locally unique integer called a NamespaceIndex, which is an index into the
Server's table of NamespaceUris. The NamespaceIndex is unique only within the context of a Session between
an OPC UA Client and an OPC UA Server- the NamespaceIndex can change between Sessions and still identify
the same item even though the NamespaceUri's location in the table has changed. The Services defined for
OPC UA use the NamespaceIndex to specify the Namespace for qualified values.
There are two types of structured values in OPC UA that are qualified with NamespaceIndexes: NodeIds and
QualifiedNames. NodeIds are locally unique (and sometimes globally unique) identifiers for Nodes. The same
globally unique NodeId can be used as the identifier in a node in many Servers – the node's instance data may
vary but its semantic meaning is the same regardless of the Server it appears in. This means Clients can have
built-in knowledge of what the data means in these Nodes. OPC UA Information Models generally define globally
unique NodeIds for the TypeDefinitions defined by the Information Model.
QualifiedNames are non-localized names qualified with a Namespace. They are used for the BrowseNames of
Nodes and allow the same names to be used by different information models without conflict. TypeDefinitions
are not allowed to have children with duplicate BrowseNames; however, instances do not have that restriction.
5 Use cases
5.2 Configuration
This use case describes the pre-configuration and commissioning of Pump based on standardized manufacturer
and operator information. For this purpose, general characteristics about the pump type shall be provided by
the manufacturer. Properties that describe operational requirements for Pumps during operation shall be spec-
ified by the operator. Additionally, manufacturer and operator information of a Pump shall be compared.
5.4 Operation
This use case specifies all properties that characterize the operation of a Pump (e.g. current measurement
and control values). It is based on measurements, events, and further information from the Pump operation.
These can be collected and analyzed by the manufacturer or operator. Based on this analysis, Pumps can be
reconfigured or updated during operation. In addition, new services can be loaded into the Pump to optimize
pump operation.
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
An asset administration shell is defined by the Plattform Industrie 4.0 organization as a “standardized digital
representation of the asset, corner stone of the interoperability between the applications managing the manu-
facturing systems. It identifies the Administration Shell and the assets represented by it, holds digital models of
various aspects (submodels) and describes technical functionality exposed by the Administration Shell or re-
spective assets. ” [2]
The content of an asset administration shells consists of submodels and properties. “Each submodel refers to
a well-defined domain or subject matter. Submodels can become standardized and thus become submodels
templates.” [2]
This OPC UA Companion Specification transfers the contents of the asset administration shell for pumps and
vacuum pumps into an OPC UA model by defining generic and specific ObjectTypes, VariableTypes and
DataTypes. In general, submodels are modeled as subtypes of the 2:FunctionalGroupType of OPC 10000-100.
The pump, i.e. the asset administration shell, is modeled as a subtype of the 2:TopologyElementType of OPC
For more information about the asset administration shell metamodel, it is recommended to consult the Details
of the Asset Administration Shell specification [2].
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
6.2.1 Ports
A Pump has several Ports. While most Pumps have inlet and outlet Ports, the number of other Ports may vary.
For this reason, the concept of Ports is introduced. Ports can be used to connect other components or systems
to the Pump. In this specification, the input and output Ports, as well as the drive Port for the connection of the
pump drive are defined. A port is not part of a submodel and therefore a port is modeled as a separate BaseOb-
ject and not, like submodels, as a FunctionalGroup. Figure 8 shows how the Port concept was integrated into
this OPC UA Companion Specification.
6.2.2 Variables
In most cases Variables have the TypeDefinition 0:DataItemType or one of its subtypes. The optional Property
Definition can be added to a Variable that uses such a TypeDefinition. This allows manufacturers to store a
specific definitions for each Variable.
Variables defined in this specification that have the TypeDefinition 0:BaseAnalogType or one of its subtypes,
usually have a predefined unit for the 0:EngineeringUnits Property. If no value is specified, the 0:Engineer-
ingUnits Property should not be instantiated, or the Value Attribute shall be Null. To comply with this Companion
Specification, the default values specified should be used for the 0:EngineeringUnits Property. The 0:Engineer-
ingUnits should be sensible to the use of the application.
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
Variables that use the DataType Boolean are modelled with the TypeDefinition 0:TwoStateDiscreteType. Such
Variables have the TrueState and FalseState Properties which shall be used for defining the actual states.
Variables that are children of the SupvervisionType or one of its subtypes represent supervision states. Such a
supervision state is active if the Boolean value is True (see example 1).
Variables that are not children of SupvervisionType or one of its subtypes provide defined True and False states
in their description (see Example 2).
If the Value Attribute of the Variable RotorBlocked (see section 7.12) is True, this means that the rotor of a pump
is blocked. If the Value Attribute of this Variable is False, it means that the rotor is not blocked.
The Variable ClockwiseRotation (see section 7.20) provides in the Description Attribute the Value Attributes for
the mandatory Properties TrueState and FalseState.
Description Attribute: Direction of rotation in which the shaft is seen to be turning in a clockwise direction when
viewing the drive end of the shaft. A "True" status means that the rotation of pump is clockwise and a "False"
status means that the rotation of pump is anticlockwise.
6.2.3 FunctionalGroups
Where it made sense, the BrowseName of a FunctionalGroup was taken from the recommendation in OPC
A FunctionalGroup that would have no Variables, Objects, or Methods if instantiated shall not be instantiated.
7 OPC UA ObjectTypes
The optional FunctionalGroup Documentation provides Nodes that are used to store Pump documentation, such
as an operating manual and an overview drawing.
The optional FunctionalGroup Events provides collections of Nodes that are used for Pump monitoring, such as
failure states, alarms, and conditions.
The mandatory FunctionalGroup 2:Identification provides Nodes for Pump identification, such as the manufac-
turer, serial number, and article number.
The optional FunctionalGroup 2:Maintenance provides collections of Nodes used for Pump maintenance, such
as mean time between failures and installation date.
The optional FunctionalGroup 2:Operational provides collections of Nodes for process data that is used during
normal Pump operation, such as measurements, signals, and actuation.
The optional FunctionalGroup Ports provides Nodes for the representation of Pump Ports, such as the inlet,
outlet, and drive port.
The InstanceDeclarations of the PumpType have additional Attributes defined in Table 10.
The InstanceDeclarations of the IPumpVendorNameplateType have additional Attributes defined in Table 12.
The Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the IEC Common Data Dictionary (CDD). The
basis for this are the IEC 61360-4, 61987 and 62683 standards.
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
The InstanceDeclarations of the MarkingsType have additional Attributes defined in Table 14.
The InstanceDeclarations of the DocumentationType have additional Attributes defined in Table 18. The Varia-
bles and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard DIN EN 13460.
SingleLineDiagramLink Overall power distribution diagram (electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic). This kind of diagram in-
cludes switchboard circuits.
SparePartReference List of all spare parts used within the scope of the work order
SparePartReferenceLink List of all spare parts used within the scope of the work order
Staff List of all maintenance workers involved in the execution of the work order
StaffLink List of all maintenance workers involved in the execution of the work order
TechnicalData Manufacturer`s specification of the item.
TechnicalDataLink Manufacturer`s specification of the item.
TestProgramReport Commissioning report which demonstrates that an item is in compliance with specifications.
TestProgramReportLink Commissioning report which demonstrates that an item is in compliance with specifications.
UnitMaintenanceReport List of work orders for a particular unit. The list is created for a specified period of time
UnitMaintenanceReportLink List of work orders for a particular unit. The list is created for a specified period of time
The InstanceDeclarations of the MaintenanceGroupType have additional Attributes defined in Table 20.
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
The InstanceDeclarations of the GeneralMaintenanceType have additional Attributes defined in Table 22. The
Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standards ISO 13372 and DIN EN 13306.
The InstanceDeclarations of the PreventiveMaintenanceType have additional Attributes defined in Table 26.
The Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standards DIN EN 13306 and VDMA 24223-
The InstanceDeclarations of the PreventiveMaintenanceType have additional Attributes defined in Table 28.
The Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standards ISO 13372 and DIN EN 13306.
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
The InstanceDeclarations of the SupervisionType have additional Attributes defined in Table 30.
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
The InstanceDeclarations of the SupervisionMechanicsType have additional Attributes defined in Table 32. The
Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
The InstanceDeclarations of the SupervisionHardwareType have additional Attributes defined in Table 34. The
Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
The InstanceDeclarations of the SupervisionSoftwareType have additional Attributes defined in Table 36. The
Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
The InstanceDeclarations of the SupervisionProcessFluidType have additional Attributes defined in Table 38.
The Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
The InstanceDeclarations of the SupervisionAuxiliaryDeviceType have additional Attributes defined in Table 42.
The Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
OperatingConditions This property indicates a fault due to non-compliance with specified operating conditions.
Other This property indicates other faults.
Overloading This property indicates an overloading.
ParameterSetting This property indicates a parameter setting error.
Peripheral This property indicates an error in peripherals.
ProcessInfluence This property indicates a fault due to process influence.
SensorElement This property indicates a fault in a sensor element.
StartUp This property indicate an installation fault or fault during start-up.
TemperatureShock This property indicates an excessive temperature shock.
Vibration This property indicates an excessive vibration or impact load.
WearReserveOperation This property indicates that the wear reserve is used up by operation.
WearReserveWear This property indicates that the wear reserve is used up by wear.
The InstanceDeclarations of the SupervisionElectronicsType have additional Attributes defined in Table 44. The
Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
The InstanceDeclarations of the ConfigurationGroupType have additional Attributes defined in Table 46.
The optional Variable AdditionalFieldbuses is a one dimensional array with a limit of 128 entries.
The optional Variable PossibleFluids is a one dimensional array without a limit for possible entries.
The InstanceDeclarations of the DesignType have additional Attributes defined in Table 48. The Variables and
the associated Descriptions are based on the standards DIN EN ISO 17769-1, DIN EN ISO 17769-2, DIN ISO
21360-1, ISO 3529-2, DIN 28400-2, DIN EN ISO 80000-8, ISO/TR 25417 and DIN EN 13306.
The InstanceDeclarations of the SystemRequirementsType have additional Attributes defined in Table 50. The
Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standards DIN EN ISO 17769-1, DIN ISO 21360-
1, ISO 3529-2, DIN 28400-2, DIN EN 13306 and VDI 3805-4.
The InstanceDeclarations of the ImplementationType have additional Attributes defined in Table 52. The Vari-
ables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standards DIN EN ISO 17769-1 and DIN EN 13306.
The InstanceDeclarations of the OperationalGroupType have additional Attributes defined in Table 54.
The InstanceDeclarations of the ControlType have additional Attributes defined in Table 56. The Variables and
the associated Descriptions are based on the standard DIN IEC 60050-351.
The InstanceDeclarations of the ActuationType have additional Attributes defined in Table 58. The Variables
and the associated Descriptions are based on the standards VDMA 24223-1 and DIN IEC 60050-351.
The InstanceDeclarations of the PumpActuationType have additional Attributes defined in Table 60. The Varia-
bles and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
The InstanceDeclarations of the DiscreteObjectType have additional Attributes defined in Table 62. The Varia-
bles and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
The InstanceDeclarations of the DiscreteInputObjectType have additional Attributes defined in Table 64. The
Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
The InstanceDeclarations of the DiscreteOutputObjectType have additional Attributes defined in Table 66. The
Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
The PumpKickObjectType extends its supertype by pump kick specific Variables and is formally defined in Table
The InstanceDeclarations of the PumpKickObjectType have additional Attributes defined in Table 68. The Var-
iables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
The InstanceDeclarations of the SignalsType have additional Attributes defined in Table 70. The Variables and
the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223-1.
The OptionalPlaceholder Object Vibration is used for multiple vibration measurements at a Pump.
The InstanceDeclarations of the MeasurementsType have additional Attributes defined in Table 73. The Varia-
bles and the associated Descriptions are based on the standards VDMA 24223, DIN EN 13306, DIN EN ISO 17769-
1, DIN ISO 21360-1, ISO 2041, DIN EN ISO 80000-8, ISO/ TR 25417, ISO 7967-6, ISO 2710-1 and IEC61987.
The InstanceDeclarations of the VibrationMeasurementType have additional Attributes defined in Table 75. The
Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard IEC61987.
The optional Variables PumpCollectiveIDs, RedundantPumpIDs, and DistributionPriority are one dimensional
arrays without a limit for possible entries.
The InstanceDeclarations of the MultiPumpType have additional Attributes defined in Table 77. The Variables
and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223.
The InstanceDeclarations of the PortType have additional Attributes defined in Table 81. The Variables and the
associated Descriptions are based on the AutomationML semantic.
The InstanceDeclarations of the DrivePortType have additional Attributes defined in Table 83.
The InstanceDeclarations of the InletConnectionPortType have additional Attributes defined in Table 85.
The InstanceDeclarations of the OutletConnectionPortType have additional Attributes defined in Table 87.
The InstanceDeclarations of the ConnectionDesignType have additional Attributes defined in Table 89. The
Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard DIN EN 1333.
The InstanceDeclarations of the InletConnectionDesignType have additional Attributes defined in Table 91.
The Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standards DIN EN ISO 17769-1, DIN 28426-1,
ISO 3529-2 and ISO 21360-2.
The InstanceDeclarations of the OutletConnectionDesignType have additional Attributes defined in Table 93.
The Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard DIN EN ISO 17769-1.
Table 95. The Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard DIN EN ISO 17769-1 and
ECLASS entries.
The InstanceDeclarations of the DriveMeasurementsType have additional Attributes defined in Table 108. The
Variables and the associated Descriptions are based on the standards VDMA 24223 and DIN EN ISO 17769-1.
the TypeDefinition 0:PropertyType and the BrowseName KindOfQuantity defined in Table 113. In this Variables
the measurements can be matched to a physical quantity. To comply with this Companion Specification, the
default values for the Property 0:EngineeringUnits and the Property KindOfQuantity provided in Table 114
should be used. The values should be sensible to the use of the application.
Table 112 – OutletConnectionMeasurementsType Definition
Attribute Value
BrowseName OutletConnectionMeasurementsType
IsAbstract False
References Node Class BrowseName DataType TypeDefinition Other
Subtype of the 2:FunctionalGroupType defined in OPC 10000-100, i.e. inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node.
0: HasComponent Variable MeanVelocityAtOutlet 0:Double 0:BaseAnalogType O, RO
0:HasComponent Variable OutletTemperatureOfThePump 0:Double 0:BaseAnalogType O, RO
0:GeneratesEvent ObjectType 0:LimitAlarmType Defined in OPC 10000-9
8 OPC UA DataTypes
8.1 PhysicalAddressDataType
The structure PhysicalAddressDataType defines parameters for the physical address of the manufacturer in
Table 115.
Table 115 – PhysicalAddressDataType Structure
Name Type Description
PhysicalAddressDataType structure Subtype of 0:Structure defined in OPC 10000-5.
Street 0:LocalizedText Street name where the manufacturer is located.
Number 0:LocalizedText Street number where the manufacturer is located.
City 0:LocalizedText City where the manufacturer is located.
PostalCode 0:LocalizedText Postal code where the manufacturer is located.
State 0:LocalizedText State where the manufacturer is located.
Country 0:LocalizedText Country where the manufacturer is located.
8.2 DeclarationOfConformityOptionSet
The DeclarationOfConformityOptionSet defines flags for directives on the basis of which conformity was deter-
mined in Table 116.
Table 116 – DeclarationOfConformityOptionSet Values
Value Bit No. Description
2006_42_EC 0 Directives of the EU Declaration of Conformity - 2006/ 42/ EG, concerning machinery and amending
Directive 95/16/EG
2009_125_EC 1 Directives of the EU Declaration of Conformity - 2009/ 125/ EC, establishing a framework for the
setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products
2011_65_EU 2 Directives of the EU Declaration of Conformity - 2011/ 65/ EU, restriction of the use of certain haz-
ardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment
2014_35_EU 3 Directives of the EU Declaration of Conformity - 2014/ 35/ EU, harmonization of the laws of the
Member States on the provision of electrical equipment for use within certain voltage limits on the
2014_34_EU 4 Directives of the SEU Declaration of Conformity - 2014/ 34/ EU, harmonization of the laws of the
Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explo-
sive atmospheres
2014_30_EU 5 Directives of the EU Declaration of Conformity - 2014/ 30/ EU, harmonization of the laws of the
Member States on electromagnetic compatibility
2014_68_EU 6 Directives of the EU Declaration of Conformity - 2014/ 68/ EU, harmonization of Member States'
legislation on the provision of pressure equipment on the market
2014_29_EU 7 Directives of the EU Declaration of Conformity - 2014/ 29/ EU, harmonization of the laws of the
Member States relating to the making available on the market of simple pressure vessels
8.3 ExplosionProtectionOptionSet
The ExplosionProtectionOptionSet defines flags for the category of explosion protection for devices according
to EU Directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX) in Table 118.
Table 118 – ExplosionProtectionOptionSet Values
Value Bit No. Description
M1 0 This category is intended for use in underground mines and their surface installations which may be endan-
gered by firedamp and/or combustible dust. Category 1 comprises devices designed to be capable of func-
tioning in conformity with the parameters specified by the manufacturer and ensuring a very high level of
safety. (2014/34/EU)
M2 1 This category is intended for use in underground mines and their surface installations which may be endan-
gered by firedamp and/or combustible dust. Category 2 comprises devices designed to be capable of func-
tioning in conformity with the parameters specified by the manufacturer and ensuring a high level of safety.
1G 2 Devices in this category are intended for use in areas in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a
mixture of air and gases, vapors or mists is present. Category 1 comprises devices designed to be capable
of functioning in conformity with the parameters specified by the manufacturer and ensuring a very high level
of safety. (2014/34/EU)
2G 3 Devices in this category are intended for use in areas in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mix-
ture of air and gases, vapors or mists is present. Category 2 comprises devices designed to be capable of
functioning in conformity with the parameters specified by the manufacturer and ensuring a high level of
safety. (2014/34/EU)
3G 4 Devices in this category are intended for use in areas in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mix-
ture of air and gases, vapors or mists is present. Category 3 comprises devices designed to be capable of
functioning in conformity with the parameters specified by the manufacturer and ensuring a normal level of
safety. (2014/34/EU)
1D 5 Devices in this category are intended for use in areas in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mix-
ture of air and dust is present. Category 1 comprises devices designed to be capable of functioning in con-
formity with the parameters specified by the manufacturer and ensuring a very high level of safety.
2D 6 Devices in this category are intended for use in areas in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mix-
ture of air and dust is present. Category 2 comprises devices designed to be capable of functioning in con-
formity with the parameters specified by the manufacturer and ensuring a high level of safety. (2014/34/EU)
3D 7 Devices in this category are intended for use in areas in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mix-
ture of air and dust is present. Category 3 comprises devices designed to be capable of functioning in con-
formity with the parameters specified by the manufacturer and ensuring a normal level of safety.
8.4 ExplosionZoneOptionSet
The ExplosionZoneOptionSet defines flags for the category of explosion zones for Pumps according to defini-
tions from the hazardous substances ordinance (GefStoffV) in Table 120.
Table 120 – ExplosionZoneOptionSet Values
Value Bit No. Description
Zone 0 0 A zone in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with air of flammable substances in the
form of gas, vapor or mist is present continuously or for long periods or frequently.
Zone 1 1 A zone in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with air of flammable substances in the
form of gas, vapor or mist is likely to occur in normal operation occasionally.
Zone 2 2 A zone in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with air of flammable substances in the
form of gas, vapor or mist is not likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for a
short period only.
Zone 20 3 A zone in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in air is present con-
tinuously, for long periods or frequently.
Zone 21 4 A zone in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in air is likely to occur
in normal operation occasionally.
Zone 22 5 A zone in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in air is not likely to
occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for a short period only.
8.5 OfferedControlModesOptionSet
The OfferedControlModesOptionSet defines flags for offered control modes supported by the manufacturer of
a Pump in Table 122. The Values and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223.
Table 122 – OfferedControlModesOptionSet Values
Value Bit No. Description
Constant pressure control 0 Constant pressure control mode
Constant temperature control 1 Constant temperature control mode
Differential pressure control 2 Differential pressure control mode
Constant differential pressure control 3 Constant differential pressure control mode
Variable differential pressure control 4 Variable differential pressure control mode
Flow_dependent differential pressure control 5 Flow-dependent differential pressure control mode
Return flow temperature control 6 Return flow temperature control mode
Flow temperature control 7 Flow temperature control mode
Flow rate control 8 Flow rate control mode
Automatic 9 Automatic control mode
Uncontrolled 10 None / uncontrolled mode
Speed control 11 Speed control mode
8.6 OfferedFieldbusesOptionSet
The OfferedFieldbusesOptionSet defines flags for fieldbuses supported by the manufacturer of a Pump in Table
Table 124 – OfferedFieldbusesOptionSet Values
Value Bit No. Description
Other 0 Additional fieldbuses listed in the AdditionalFieldbuses variable
AS_Interface 2 AS-Interface
BACnet_IP 3 BACnet/IP
Bluetooth 5 Bluetooth
Bluetooth Low Energy 6 Bluetooth Low Energy
CANopen 8 CANopen
CC_Link 9 CC-Link
ControlNet 10 ControlNet
DeviceNet 13 DeviceNet
EnOcean 16 EnOcean
EtherCAT 17 EtherCAT
Ethernet_IP 18 Ethernet/IP
Ethernet TCP_IP 19 Ethernet TCP/IP
IEEE1588 20 IEEE1588
Interbus 22 Interbus
IO_Link 23 IO-Link
LIN_Bus 27 LIN-Bus
M_Bus 30 M-Bus
Modbus TCP 31 Modbus TCP
Modbus RTU 32 Modbus RTU
MP_Bus 33 MP-Bus
Powerlink 40 Powerlink
Thread 43 Thread
X2X_Link 46 X2X-Link
ZigBee 48 ZigBee
Z_Wave 49 Z-Wave
Other on Bit 0 is used to indicate that the manufacturer has added specific fieldbuses in the AdditionalFieldbuses
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Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
8.7 ControlModeEnum
The enumeration ControlModeEnum defines possible Pump control modes in Table 126.
Table 126 – ControlModeEnum Items
Name Value Description
ConstantPressureControl 0 Constant pressure control mode
ConstantTemperatureControl 1 Constant temperature control mode
DifferentialPressureControl 2 Differential pressure control mode
ConstantDifferentialPressureControl 3 Constant differential pressure control mode
VariableDifferentialPressureControl 4 Variable differential pressure control mode
FlowDependentDifferentialPressureControl 5 Flow-dependent differential pressure control mode
ReturnFlowTemperatureControl 6 Return flow temperature control mode
FlowTemperatureControl 7 Flow temperature control mode
FlowRateControl 8 Flow rate control mode
SpeedControl 9 Speed control mode
Automatic 10 Automatic control mode
Uncontrolled 11 None / uncontrolled mode
8.8 PumpClassEnum
The enumeration PumpClassEnum defines possible Pump PumpClasss in Table 128.
Table 128 – PumpClassEnum Items
Name Value Description
RotodynamicPump 0 Rotodynamic pump
PositiveDisplacementPump 1 Positive displacement pump
ProcessVacuumPump 2 Process vacuum pump
TurboVacuumPump 3 Turbo vacuum pump
VacuumPump 4 Vacuum pump
LiquidPump 5 Liquid pump
Pump 6 Pump
8.9 DistributionTypeEnum
The enumeration DistributionTypeEnum defines possible Pump distributions in Table 130. The Values and the
associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223.
Table 130 – DistributionTypeEnum Items
Name Value Description
ManufacturerSpecific 0 Manufacturer specific distribution of operation time
OperatorSpecific 1 Operator specific distribution of operation time
ConcerningTimeDistribution 2 Equivalent distribution of operation time, concerning time distribution
ConcerningLoadDistribution 3 Equivalent distribution of operation time, concerning load distribution
8.10 ExchangeModeEnum
The enumeration ExchangeModeEnum defines possible Pump exchange modes in Table 132. The Values and
the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223.
Table 132 – ExchangeModeEnum Items
Name Value Description
ManufacturerSpecific 0 Manufacturer specific pump exchange mode
ExchangeDisabled 1 Pump exchange disabled
OperatorSpecific 2 Operator specific pump exchange mode
8.11 FieldbusEnum
The enumeration FieldbusEnum defines possible Pump fieldbuses in Table 134.
Table 134 – FieldbusEnum Items
Name Value Description
Other 0 Fieldbus is not specified in this enumeration
AS-Interface 2 AS-Interface
BACnet/IP 3 BACnet/IP
Bluetooth 5 Bluetooth
BluetoothLowEnergy 6 Bluetooth Low Energy
CANopen 8 CANopen
CC-Link 9 CC-Link
ControlNet 10 ControlNet
DeviceNet 13 DeviceNet
EnOcean 16 EnOcean
EtherCAT 17 EtherCAT
Ethernet/IP 18 Ethernet/IP
EthernetTCP/IP 19 Ethernet TCP/IP
IEEE1588 20 IEEE1588
Interbus 22 Interbus
IO-Link 23 IO-Link
LIN-Bus 27 LIN-Bus
M-Bus 30 M-Bus
ModbusTCP 31 Modbus TCP
ModbusRTU 32 Modbus RTU
MP-Bus 33 MP-Bus
Powerlink 40 Powerlink
Thread 43 Thread
X2X-Link 46 X2X-Link
ZigBee 48 ZigBee
Z-Wave 49 Z-Wave
Manufacturer specific on Value 0 is used to indicate that a manufacturer specific fieldbus is needed.
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
8.12 MaintenanceLevelEnum
The enumeration MaintenanceLevelEnum defines possible Pump maintenance levels in Table 136. The Values
and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard DIN EN 13306.
Table 136 – MaintenanceLevelEnum Items
Name Value Description
Level1 0 Level 1 is characterized by simple actions carried out with minimal training
Level2 1 Level 2 is characterized by basic actions which have to be carried out by qualified personnel using detailed
Level3 2 Level 3 is characterized by complex actions carried out by qualified technical personnel using detailed pro-
Level4 3 Level 4 is characterized by actions which imply the know-how of a technique or a technology and carried out
by specialized technical personnel
Level5 4 Level 5 is characterized by actions which imply a knowledge held by the manufacturer or a specialized com-
pany with industrial logistic support equipment
8.13 MultiPumpOperationModeEnum
The enumeration MultiPumpOperationModeEnum defines possible multi Pump operation modes in Table 138.
The Values and the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223.
Table 138 – MultiPumpOperationModeEnum Items
Name Value Description
Standalone 0 Standalone mode
RedundancyOperation 1 pump fulfils the process function of another pump
AdditionOperation 2 supplementary fulfilling of the process function
MixedRedundancy 3 Redundancy and addition operation mixed
8.14 OperatingModeEnum
The enumeration OperatingModeEnum Pump operating modes in Table 140.
Table 140 – OperatingModeEnum Items
Name Value Description
SingleOperation 0 Single operating mode
SeriesOperation 1 Series operating mode
ParallelOperation 2 Parallel operating mode
8.15 OperationModeEnum
The enumeration OperationModeEnum defines possible Pump operation modes in Table 142. The Values and
the associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223.
Table 142 – OperationModeEnum Items
Name Value Description
AutoControl 0 standard control algorithm, not configurable
ClosedLoopStandardPID 1 pid algorithm, control parameters configurable in functional element ControlPID
Advanced 2 manufacturer specific control algorithm, control parameters configurable
StandBy 3 ready for operation
OpenLoopMin 4 open loop operation at minimum characteristic
OpenLoopValue 5 open loop operation at set point value
OpenLoopMax 6 open loop operation at maximum characteristic
ClosedLoopMin 7 closed loop operation at minimum characteristic
ClosedLoopMax 8 closed loop operation at maximum characteristic
Test 9 Test operation
Calibration 10 Calibration mode
8.16 PortDirectionEnum
The enumeration PortDirectionEnum defines possible Port directions in Table 144. The Values and the associ-
ated Descriptions are based on the AutomationML semantic.
Table 144 – PortDirectionEnum Items
Name Value Description
In 0 Ports with the direction “In” can only be connected to ports with the direction “Out” or “InOut”.
Out 1 Ports with the direction “Out” can only be connected to ports with the direction “In” or “InOut”.
InOut 2 Ports with the direction “InOut” can be connected to ports with arbitrary directions.
8.17 PumpKickModeEnum
The enumeration PumpKickModeEnum defines possible Pump kick modes in Table 146. The Values and the
associated Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223.
Table 146 – PumpKickModeEnum Items
Name Value Description
ManufacturerSpecific 0 Manufacturer specific pump kick mode
Disabled 1 Pump kick mode disabled
OperatorSpecific 2 Operator specific pump kick mode
8.18 PumpRoleEnum
The enumeration PumpRoleEnum defines possible Pump roles in Table 148. The Values and the associated
Descriptions are based on the standard VDMA 24223.
Table 148 – PumpRoleEnum Items
Name Value Description
Slave 0 Slave
Master 1 Master
SlaveAndAuxiliaryMaster 2 Slave and auxiliary master
8.19 StateOfTheItemEnum
The enumeration StateOfTheItemEnum defines possible Pump states in Table 150. The Values and the asso-
ciated Descriptions are based on the standard DIN EN 13306.
Table 150 – StateOfTheItemEnum Items
Name Value Description
IdleState 0 Item is in up state and non-operating outside required time
StandByState 1 Item is in up state and non-operating during required time
OperatingState 2 Item is in up state and operating as required
ExternalDisabledState 3 Item is in up state, but lacks required external resources or is disabled due to planned actions
other than maintenance
DownState 4 Item is unable to perform a required function due to preventive maintenance or a fault
9.2 Profiles Overview
The following sections specify the Facets available for Servers that implement the OPC UA for Pumps and
Vacuum Pumps companion specification. Each section defines and describes a Facet or Profile.
10 Namespaces
Table 157 – Namespaces used in an OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Server
NamespaceURI Description Use
http://opcfoundation.org/UA/ Namespace for NodeIds and BrowseNames defined in the OPC UA Mandatory
specification. This namespace shall have namespace index 0.
Local Server URI Namespace for nodes defined in the local server. This may include Mandatory
types and instances used in an AutoID Device represented by the
Server. This namespace shall have namespace index 1.
http://opcfoundation.org/UA/DI/ Namespace for NodeIds and BrowseNames defined in OPC 10000- Mandatory
100. The namespace index is Server specific.
http://opcfoundation.org/UA/Machinery/ Namespace for NodeIds and BrowseNames defined in this docu- Mandatory
ment. The namespace index is Server specific.
http://opcfoundation.org/UA/Pumps/ Namespace for NodeIds and BrowseNames defined in this docu- Mandatory
ment. The namespace index is Server specific.
Vendor specific types A Server may provide vendor-specific types like types derived from Optional
ObjectTypes defined in this document in a vendor-specific
Vendor specific instances A Server provides vendor-specific instances of the standard types or Mandatory
vendor-specific instances of vendor-specific types in a vendor-spe-
cific namespace.
It is recommended to separate vendor specific types and vendor spe-
cific instances into two or more namespaces.
Table 158 provides a list of namespaces and their index used for BrowseNames in this document. The default
namespace of this document is not listed since all BrowseNames without prefix use this default namespace.
Table 158 – Namespaces used in this document
NamespaceURI Namespace Index Example
http://opcfoundation.org/UA/ 0 0:EngineeringUnit
http://opcfoundation.org/UA/DI/ 2 2:DeviceRevision
http://opcfoundation.org/UA/Machinery/ 3 3:Location
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OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps Release 1.0
Annex A
The CSV released with this version of the specification can be found here:
- http://www.opcfoundation.org/UA/schemas/Pumps/1.0/Opc.Ua.Pumps.NodeIds.csv
NOTE The latest CSV that is compatible with this version of the specification can be found here:
- http://www.opcfoundation.org/UA/schemas/Pumps/Opc.Ua.Pumps.NodeIds.csv
A computer processible version of the complete Information Model defined in this specification is also provided.
It follows the XML Information Model schema syntax defined in OPC 10000-6.
The Information Model Schema for this version of the document can be found here:
- http://www.opcfoundation.org/UA/schemas/Pumps/1.0/Opc.Ua.Pumps.NodeSet2.xml
NOTE The latest Information Model schema that is compatible with this version of the specification can be found here:
- http://www.opcfoundation.org/UA/schemas/Pumps/Opc.Ua.Pumps.NodeSet2.xml
Page 131
Release 1.0 OPC 40223: OPC UA for Pumps and Vacuum Pumps
Annex B
(informative) Example
B.1 Overview
This appendix provides an informal example on how the PumpType defined in this specification can be used.
Annex C
(informative) Bibliography
[1] "VDMA 24223 Device Profile for Liquid and Vacuum Pumps," Frankfurt, 2006.
[2] Plattform Industrie 4.0, Details of the Asset Administration Shell, Berlin: Federal Ministry for Economic
Affairs and Energy (BMWi), 2019.