TKMB - Analysis Questions 2-66
TKMB - Analysis Questions 2-66
TKMB - Analysis Questions 2-66
1. How can the reader tell that the narrator is telling the story from the point of view of her
younger self?
2. Describe Maycomb County. What type of mood does Harper Lee create in establishing the
story’s setting? Cite examples from the text to support your response.
3. Describe the Radley Place as it is seen from Scout’s point of view. How can we tell that the
Radley Place's reputation is dramatized?
4. How does Jem describe Boo Radley? Based on Jem’s description and dialog with Dill, what can
we infer about the children?
5. How does Dill get Jem to venture into the Radley Place? What does this reveal about Jem?
1. Describe what happens when Miss Caroline discovers that Scout can read. What hints suggest
that Miss Caroline is not in touch with the town of Maycomb?
2. How did Scout learn to read? What can we tell about Scout from this?
3. What happens when Miss Caroline tries to give Walter Cunningham a quarter? What does this
scene illustrate about both Miss Caroline and the town of Maycomb?
1. Why does Calpurnia lecture Scout? What does this reveal about Calpurnia’s beliefs as well as
those of the Finch household?
2. How does Burris Ewell respond to Miss Caroline when she sends him home? What does this
reveal about Burris’s character? What might you guess about the Ewell family?
3. Atticus tells Scout that, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from
his point of view.” What does Atticus mean by this? What do you suppose Atticus is trying to
teach Scout?
1. The children begin finding items in a tree by the Radley Place. After deciding that the Indian-
head pennies are not placed in the tree by accident, Jem takes a long look at the Radley Place.
Why do suppose that is?
205243 Introduction to English Prose (Semester 2/2023)
2. What game do the children play during the summer? How does this impact the way that you
view the children?
3. At the end of the chapter, Scout reveals that on the day that she rolled into the Radley yard,
she heard somebody inside the house laughing. Based on this event and what you have read so
far, who do you suppose it was? How can you tell?
1. Dill asks Scout to marry him. He says that she is the only girl he will ever love. Scout responds
by beating him up twice. What does this interaction reveal about the children? Why do you
suppose Harper Lee adds this detail in the book?
2. When describing Arthur “Boo” Radley, Miss Maudie reveals a more human side of the man
that the children do not consider. How might the reader’s perspective of Boo change after this
3. At the close of the chapter, Atticus tricks Jem into revealing that they were in fact playing a
game based on Boo Radley’s life. From this scene, what can we infer about Atticus?
1. What are some of the reasons Jem and Dill wait until this particular night to get a look at Boo
Radley? What does this reveal about the children?
2. Describe the shadow that the children see while they are on the Radley porch. How does the
shadow act? Who do you suppose it is and how can you tell?
3. Jem decides to go back to retrieve his pants. He explains to Scout that Atticus has never
whipped him and that he wants to keep it that way. Why else might Jem not want Atticus to
know that they were the ones at the Radley Place?
1. According to Jem, when he goes to retrieve his pants, they are sewn up and folded, as though
somebody expected his return. What can you infer from this event?
2. The children find small soap carvings in the knot-hole. Describe the carvings. What can the
reader infer from this?
3. According to Atticus, the tree with the knot-hole is not dying. Why do you suppose Nathan
Radley plugs the hole?
4. Why is Jem crying at the end of the chapter? What can the reader infer?
205243 Introduction to English Prose (Semester 2/2023)
1. How do the men of Maycomb respond when Miss Maudie’s home catches on fire? What does
this reveal about the culture of Maycomb?
2. Who puts the blanket around Scout? What can we infer from this scene?
3. How does Miss Maudie respond to her home burning down? What does this reveal about her
1. How does Atticus respond when Scouts asks if he defends “niggers?” What does this reveal
about his character? What does this reveal about the culture in Maycomb?
2. What keeps Scout from fighting Cecil Jacobs? What can we infer about her?
3. What lesson does Scout teach Uncle Jack? How is this related to what Atticus had previously
taught her?
4. At the end of the chapter, Atticus tells Uncle Jack that he hopes that Jem and Scout get
through the trial without catching Maycomb’s "usual disease." What is the disease?
1. Why is Scout disappointed with her father? What does this reveal about her?
2. According to Miss Maudie, why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird? What is significant about this
3. What do the children discover about Atticus? How does it impact the way they view him?
1. Atticus instructs Jem that no matter what Mrs. Dubose says to him, Jem is to “hold [his] head
high and be a gentleman.” What does this reveal about Atticus?
2. Mrs. Dubose criticizes Scout, saying that she should be in a dress. Aunt Alexandra also
expresses this view. What can the reader infer about the culture and beliefs of Maycomb?
3. When Scout asks Atticus if he is a “nigger-lover,” Atticus responds that he certainly is. He then
goes on to say “it’s never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name.” What does
Atticus mean by this? What can we infer about his character?
4. At the end of the chapter, Atticus tells Jem that Mrs. Dubose is the bravest person he ever
knew. How does Atticus define courage? How might this definition of courage potentially apply
to Atticus and the children later in the book?
1. How are Scout and Jem generally received when they attend First Purchase with Calpurnia?
What can you infer about the culture of Maycomb?
2. How is Reverend Sykes’s sermon different from the sermons that Scout and Jem normally
hear? What happens when they do not raise enough money for Helen Robinson? What can the
reader infer about the culture of First Purchase?
3. How does Calpurnia’s speech change at church? What explanation does she give Scout for this
change? What does this reveal about Calpurnia?
1. When Atticus asks Scout and Jem how they would like it if Aunt Alexandra lives with them,
Scout says that she would like it very much, which is a lie. What is Scout’s rationale for lying?
What does this reveal about her?
2. Contrast Atticus and Aunt Alexandra. What is different about the way that they treat other
people? How does Aunt Alexandra’s character allow the reader to have a better appreciation of
3. What causes Scout to cry at the end of the chapter? What does she recognize as the cause of
Atticus’s talk about behaving like a little lady and gentlemen? How does Scout’s reaction impact
2. Jem tells Scout that he will spank her if she antagonizes Aunt Alexandra. Scout responds by
punching Jem in the mouth. What does this event reveal about both Jem and Scout?
3. What is the “remaining code of childhood” that Jem breaks? What does this reveal about him?
1. Atticus tells Link Deas, “Link, that boy might go to the chair, but he’s not going till the truth’s
told.” What is the “truth" that must be told? What is the significance of Atticus’s statement?
2. Who shows up to the jailhouse in the middle of the night? What do you suppose is their plan?
3. How does Walter Cunningham respond to Scout’s attempt to have a conversation with him?
Why do you suppose he responds this way?
205243 Introduction to English Prose (Semester 2/2023)
1. What is the subtle change in Atticus’s behavior when he addresses Aunt Alexandra? What can
we infer from this change?
2. Describe the scene at the courthouse. What can we infer about the event?
3. Scout notices that all of the jurors seem to be farmers and one or two of them appear to be
Cunninghams. What is the significance of this?
1. Describe the Ewell residence. Consider what we have learned about the Ewells so far. What
can the reader infer about Bob Ewell?
2. Describe how Bob Ewell acts when he is on the witness stand. What can we infer about his
3. Why is it significant that Bob Ewell is left-handed? What is Atticus trying to imply?
1. When first questioned, Mayella begins sobbing and claims that she is afraid of Atticus. Why do
you suppose Mayella does this?
2. Why does Mayella believe that Atticus is mocking her? From this, what can we infer about her
3. Describe how Mayella responds when Atticus questions her about her father. What is Mr.
Ewell’s demeanor like during the questioning? What can the reader reasonably guess?
4. At the end of the chapter, Mayella says that if the jurors do not convict Tom Robinson that
they are a bunch of cowards. What do you suppose is the cause of this outburst?
1. According to Tom Robinson, why did he run from Mayella even though he is not guilty? Is he
telling the truth? What can we tell about Maycomb during the period?
2. How do people react when Tom Robinson admits that he felt sorry for Mayella? Why do you
suppose they respond this way?
3. Describe the language that Mr. Gilmore uses when he is cross-examining Tom. What type of
language does Tom use when he is responding? What does this exchange reveal about
205243 Introduction to English Prose (Semester 2/2023)
1. Dolphus Raymond allows for the people of Maycomb to believe that he is a drunkard. Why
does he let people believe this?
2. During his closing arguments, Atticus unbuttons his vest and collar and takes off his coat. Why
does he do this? In what manner does he address the jurors?
3. What is the unspeakable act that Mayella commits? What does this reveal about the beliefs in
1. When Atticus tells Jem and Scout that he expects a verdict before they get back, Jem asks if
Atticus thinks that they’ll find Tom Robinson innocent that quickly. Atticus opens his mouth, but
then pauses and does not answer. What was Atticus going to say? What can we infer from this
2. Contrary to Atticus’s prediction, the jury deliberates until late into the evening. Why do you
suppose this is? What can the reader infer?
3. At the end of the chapter, Reverend Sykes tells Scout to stand up when Atticus passes. How do
you suppose the black community feels about Atticus?
1. Aunt Alexandra tells Atticus that he should not have allowed the children to attend the trial.
What is Atticus’s response? Do you agree with his opinion? Why or why not?
2. How does the black community show its appreciation for Atticus? How does Atticus respond?
What can we tell about his character?
3. What does Miss Maudie mean when she tells the children that Maycomb is taking a “baby-
step?” Who are some examples from the text that support her opinion?
4. We discover that Bob Ewell confronts Atticus, spitting in Atticus’s face and threatening to “get
him if it took the rest of his life.” Considering that Bob Ewell “won” the case, why do you
suppose he is so angry?
1. How does Atticus respond when Bob Ewell tries to get him to fight? What does this reveal
about Atticus’s character?
2. According to Atticus, there is nothing to fear from Ewell because he got the anger out of his
system the morning he confronted Atticus. Aunt Alexandra disagrees, claiming that Ewell will do
anything to pay off a grudge, even if it is done furtively. Who do you suppose is correct? Why?
205243 Introduction to English Prose (Semester 2/2023)
3. Atticus shocks Scout and Jem when he tells them that a white man who cheats a black man is
trash, regardless of how rich he is or his family heritage. How might this sentiment be related to
what it means to kill a mockingbird?
4. Why does Aunt Alexandra forbid Scout to spend time with Walter Cunningham? How does she
judge people differently than Atticus does?
1. How does Miss Maudie show her support for Scout while Scout is getting questioned by
Stephanie Crawford? What can we infer from this event?
2. What is ironic about how the women of the missionary circle express admiration for J. Grimes
3. Why does Aunt Alexandra give Miss Maudie a look of pure gratitude? What happens that
Scout does not understand?
4. Why does Scout feel more at home in Atticus’s world than with the ladies of the missionary
1. Scout is about to crush a roly-poly bug, but Jem stops her. Why does he stop her? What can
we infer about Jem?
2. Before Atticus can speak with Helen, he is approached by a little girl. How is the girl described?
Who can we infer she is? Why do you suppose Harper Lee adds this detail to the scene?
3. To what does Mr. Underwood compare Tom Robinson’s death in his editorial? What is the
significance of the article's content?
1. Now that she is older, how does Scout feel when she passes the Radley house? What does this
reveal about her character?
2. According to Scout, parents in Maycomb never discuss the Robinson case with her or Jem and
children seem to have been told to be nice to them because neither of them could help having
Atticus as a parent. What can we infer about the town of Maycomb?
3. When Scout asks Jem about Miss Gates’s comments after the Tom Robinson Trial, Jem
becomes furious and warns Scout never to mention the case again. Why do you suppose Jem
responds this way?
205243 Introduction to English Prose (Semester 2/2023)
1. Why does Ruth Jones, the welfare attendant, go to see Atticus? What is the significance of this
2. What is the incident that occurs at Judge Taylor’s home? What is the significance of this
3. How does Bob Ewell harass Helen Robinson? What is the significance of this event?
4. Consider Bob Ewell’s actions towards his supposed enemies. What can we infer about his
character? What can the reader predict?
1. As Scout and Jem walk to the pageant they joke about haints, hot steams, and incantations.
What can we infer about the children?
2. After Scout misses her cue to enter the stage, Jem can tell that she feels bad, even though her
face is hidden behind her costume. What comment does Scout make about Jem? What sense
does the reader get about Jem?
3. Scout and Jem are attacked. Immediately after the struggle, Scout’s toes touch trousers, a belt
buckle, buttons, and a face with prickly stubble. She smells stale whiskey in the air. From these
clues, what can the reader guess? How can we tell?
2. How does Heck Tate contradict Atticus? Given the situation with Bob Ewell, how does Atticus’s
virtue actually end up working against him?
3. Who saves Scout and Jem? How does he react when Scout points him out? Why do you
suppose he reacts this way?
1. Why does Atticus want to speak with Heck Tate out on the front porch? What does this reveal
about his character, even during such circumstances?
2. Atticus initially believes that Jem kills Bob Ewell and that Heck Tate is trying to conceal it.
Atticus insists that it is brought before the court and says that he would not be able to properly
raise Jem keeping something like this hidden. What does this reveal about Atticus’s character?
3. How did Heck Tate really get the switchblade? Who brought the kitchen knife? Who actually
killed Bob Ewell?
1. How does Arthur Radley act when he is with Scout and Jem? What does this reveal about his
2. After Arthur Radley enters his house, what does Scout do while standing on the Radley porch?
What is the significance of this event?
3. Scout says, “As I made my way home, I thought Jem and I would get grown but there wasn’t
much else left for us to learn, except possibly algebra.” What do you suppose she means by this?