Global Warming - Quizizz

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1/15/24, 4:53 PM Global Warming | Quizizz

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Global Warming
Total pertanyaan: 15
Waktu lembar kerja: 42menit
Nama instruktur: Achmad Firmansyah

1. What is Global Warming?

a) Decreasing temperature in a city b) Increasing rain rates in Earth

c) Increasing temperature in Earth's d) Decreasing temperature rates


2. Without the Greenhouse Effect the Earth would be too

a) dead b) funny

c) warm d) cold

3. Which of the following is NOT an effect of Global Warming?

a) Coastal regions will be covered with b) Some areas will experience serious
rising sea levels. droughts

c) The Earth's rotation will slow down and d) Polar ice caps will melt.
eventually stop

4. The main human activity that releases greenhouse gases is

a) eating meat b) burning fossil fuels

c) texting on cellphones d) using bottled water

5. Which 2 greenhouse gases contribute the MOST to global warming of Earth?

a) N2O and H2O b) CO2 and CH4

c) O3 and H2O 1/6
1/15/24, 4:53 PM Global Warming | Quizizz

6. How can global warming cause sea levels to rise? Choose the best answer.

a) by melting glaciers and ice caps b) by creating bigger and more powerful

c) by increasing the number of undersea d) by causing it to rain more often

volcanic eruptions

7. Why does cutting down trees increase global warming?

a) trees absorbs the sun's energy without b) trees soak up carbon dioxide
radiating back into the atmosphere

c) trees provide shade which counteracts d) trees drain greenhouse gases like
global warming methane from soil

8. Things you can do to help decrease global warming include:

a) Keep your freezer door open. b) Turn off your lights when you’re not
using them.

c) Eat more ice cream. d) Keep your air conditioner on high.


The graph below shows CO2 emissions and temperatures from 1909 to 1949. What
conclusion is best supported by the graph?

a) As carbon dioxide concentrations b) As carbon dioxide concentrations

decrease, temperatures increase increase, temperatures increase

c) As carbon dioxide concentrations d) There is no relationship between carbon

increase, temperatures decrease dioxide concentrations and temperatures 2/6
1/15/24, 4:53 PM Global Warming | Quizizz


How is the greenhouse effect produced?

a) When the green house is burned. b) When solar energy trespasses the

c) When some energy is reflected back to d) When the sun doesn't emit radiation.

11. What is the greenhouse effect?

a) A natural process where the ocean b) A man-made process where gases trap
traps heat in the atmosphere. heat in the atmosphere.

c) A man-made process where the ocean d) A natural process where gases trap
traps heat in the atmosphere. heat in the atmosphere.

12. Which of these is NOT a greenhouse gas?

a) Methane b) Oxygen Gas

c) Nitrous Oxide d) Carbon Dioxide 3/6
1/15/24, 4:53 PM Global Warming | Quizizz


This is a simple diagram of the greenhouse effect. According to this diagram, the energy
first comes from...

a) The Earth b) The Sun

c) The Atmosphere

14. Which one is not a cause of Climate Change

a) Intensive Farming / Livestock Gas b) Fossil Fuel

c) South Pole Ice melting d) Deforestation

15. Waste disposal also producing greenhouse gases, which one is not belong to waste
disposal example?

a) dirt / feces b) mud

c) Perfume spray d) Detergent / Washing liquid 4/6
1/15/24, 4:53 PM Global Warming | Quizizz

Kunci Jawaban

1. c) Increasing 2. d) cold 3. c) The Earth's rotation

temperature in will slow down and
Earth's atmosphere eventually stop

4. b) burning fossil fuels 5. b) CO2 and CH4 6. a) by melting glaciers

and ice caps

7. b) trees soak up carbon 8. b) Turn off your lights 9. b) As carbon dioxide

dioxide when you’re not using concentrations
them. increase,

10. c) When some energy 11. d) A natural process 12. b) Oxygen Gas
is reflected back to where gases trap
earth. heat in the

13. b) The Sun 14. c) South Pole Ice 15. b) mud

melting 5/6
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