Soal Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Jenjang Bahasa Inggris 2022-2023
Soal Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Jenjang Bahasa Inggris 2022-2023
Soal Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Jenjang Bahasa Inggris 2022-2023
1. Berdoalah sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan soal.
2. Tulislah identitas anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal – soal dengan teliti sebelum anda menjawab.
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal – soal yang dianggap mudah.
5. Bentuk soal objektif dan uraian, semua harus dijawab pada lembar jawaban yang
disediakan panitia.
1. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 pilihan ganda
2. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menyilangkan pada salah satu huruf
A, B, C, D, atau E di lembar jawaban .
3. Untuk membetulkan jawaban, coret dengan tanda sama dengan pada jawaban salah,
kemudian silang jawaban yang benar.
One of the campers at Ranca Upas Camping Site went missing when she went hiking with her
friends. On Sunday 27 September 2020, at about 3 p.m., her friends realized that Rani was not
with them. They looked for her and kept calling her name but they could not find her. They made
a report to the officers in the evening and there was a SAR team looking for Rani on the
mountain and in the woods. Her friends said that Rani loved taking pictures so she had possibly
taken the wrong path while walking.
“The camping site area is not dangerous and it’s highly possible for us to find Rani.” Said Arifin,
the officer on duty.
5. According to the text, what is the newsworthy event of the day?
a. A camper went missing.
b. SAR Team found Rani
c. Rani possibly took the right path
d. The camping area is not too dangerous
6. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the text?
a. Rani wnt hiking without her friends
b. Rani’s friends looked for Rani a whole night
c. The officer on duty felt confident in finding Rani
d. Rani went missing while taking pictures in the wood
7. The looked for her and kept calling her name but “they could not find her”
The underlined sentence also means ….
a. She could not fine
b. She could not be found
c. They could not be found
d. She could not find them
Sincerely your,
Jamie Billy
From question 46 to 50, choose the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue.
46. Erma : My friends and I are going to Solo this holiday, but all of the good rooms are fully
Ika : …. They’re affordable and comfortable.
Erma : Thanks for your recommendation
a. How about coming to my house?
b. I suggest you to bring your own tent
c. We’d better visit Solo and Magelang
d. If I were you, I would stay at airy rooms
47. Alika : What do you think about people who buy follower for their social media account?
Amira : ….. We’d better be true and honest about ourselves
Alika : Indeed! The most important thing is to have a lot of friends in our real life.
a. I think it will be useless
b. I think people love using social media
c. my opinion, your posts are nice.
d. To my mind, you are a good friend.
48. Alex : Hello, can I speak with Ms. Sabita, Please?
Kanaya : Hello, …. I’m afraid she is out of town for a week.
Alex : Oh, this is Alex Rimbaud from Bath Agency. Just tell her I called.
a. may I take a massage?
b. who’s calling please?
c. what can I do for you?
d. can I be of any assistant?
49. Lucca : Oh, dear! I’m running out of breath
Sarah : Wait …. Please, sit down
Lucca : Thank, Sarah. It’s very kind of you
a. Let me get you a chair
b. Would you like something?
c. How about seeing a doctor?
d. Should I call the emergency number?
50. Olivia : I just have been fined for parking in front of the library.
Ruth : …..
Olivia : Yes, I didn’t know that there’s a parking lot fifty meters from the library
a. You need to be careful while parking
b. You should drive your car to the library
c. You will park your car in the parking area
d. You mustn’t park your car in front of the library