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Soal Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Jenjang Bahasa Inggris 2022-2023

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Jln. Jendral Sudirman No. 34 Telp.(0231) 8835558 Losari – Brebes 52255
Email :[email protected]. smkisdip.mysch.id
NPSN : 69968899 NSS : 402032910097
➢ I. Teknik Bisnis dan Sepeda Motor ➢ II. Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan
➢ III. Perbankan dan Keuangan Mikro ➢ IV. Perhotelan



Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Waktu : 120 Menit

Kelas : XII Dimulai Pukul :
Hari/Tanggal : Berakhir :

1. Berdoalah sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan soal.
2. Tulislah identitas anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal – soal dengan teliti sebelum anda menjawab.
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal – soal yang dianggap mudah.
5. Bentuk soal objektif dan uraian, semua harus dijawab pada lembar jawaban yang
disediakan panitia.

1. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 pilihan ganda
2. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menyilangkan pada salah satu huruf
A, B, C, D, atau E di lembar jawaban .
3. Untuk membetulkan jawaban, coret dengan tanda sama dengan pada jawaban salah,
kemudian silang jawaban yang benar.


Question 1 to 4 refer to the following text.

Indonesia is an archipelagic country situated in Southeast Asia. It consist of more than seventeen
thousand islands. Sumatera, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, and Papua are five biggest islands. Varied
ethnic groups scattered across the archipelago makes Indonesia rich in culture. Millions of
Indonesia people speak different languages and carry out various traditions. Despite the great
diversity, the national motto of the country is “Bhineka Tunggal Ika” which means “Unity in
Abundant visitors come to Indonesia for the cultural experience. Various traditional dances,
wonderful traditional rites and local artworks become a great attraction for people around the
Blessed with beautiful landscape, Indonesia is well known as an international tourist destination.
Dense forests, exquisite beaches, exotic mountains, and beautiful undersea world make Indonesia
a prime destination for those who love nature.
1. What is the social function of the text?
a. To describe Indonesia’s location
b. To describe Indonesia’s various culture
c. To describe Indonesia’s beautiful nature
d. To describe Indonesia as an archipelagic country
2. From the text, we know that main idea of the last paragraph is …
a. The nature in Indonesia
b. The rich culture of Indonesia
c. The world’s tourist destination
d. A great attraction in Indonesia
3. According to the text, the word “archipelagic” means ….
a. a great diversity
b. a group of islands
c. varied ethnic groups
d. various traditional dances
4. What can we conclude from the text?
a. Indonesia consist of five big islands.
b. Indonesia is visited because of its motto
c. Indonesian people speak diverse languages
d. Indonesia consists of millions of ethnic groups.

Question 5 to 8 refer to the following text.

One of the campers at Ranca Upas Camping Site went missing when she went hiking with her
friends. On Sunday 27 September 2020, at about 3 p.m., her friends realized that Rani was not
with them. They looked for her and kept calling her name but they could not find her. They made
a report to the officers in the evening and there was a SAR team looking for Rani on the
mountain and in the woods. Her friends said that Rani loved taking pictures so she had possibly
taken the wrong path while walking.
“The camping site area is not dangerous and it’s highly possible for us to find Rani.” Said Arifin,
the officer on duty.
5. According to the text, what is the newsworthy event of the day?
a. A camper went missing.
b. SAR Team found Rani
c. Rani possibly took the right path
d. The camping area is not too dangerous
6. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the text?
a. Rani wnt hiking without her friends
b. Rani’s friends looked for Rani a whole night
c. The officer on duty felt confident in finding Rani
d. Rani went missing while taking pictures in the wood
7. The looked for her and kept calling her name but “they could not find her”
The underlined sentence also means ….
a. She could not fine
b. She could not be found
c. They could not be found
d. She could not find them

8. “.... Rani was not with them. “(Paragraph 2)

The word “them” refers to ….
a. Her friends
b. The officers
c. The campers
d. The SAR teams

Question 9 to 12 refer to the following text.

211 Panorama Street

25 August 2020
Dear Mr Nathan,
HRD manager of Brata Company
05 Setia Dharma Street
Bandung, 401011
I have read the job vacancy at your website www.bratacom.com seeking for a graphic designer. I
would like to apply for the position since I meet the requirements.
I graduated from Madja Lengkana University in 2017. I have three years of work experience in
graphic design. I create visual concepts by using computer software. I can develop the overall
layout and production design for application such as advertisements, magazines. Brochures, and
reports. I also can communicate well both in English and Japanese. I can work under pressure
and meet my deadlines on time. In addition, I enclosed a recommendation letter from Mr
Sarwana, my former boss.
Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to having an interview. I can be
contacted at [email protected] or 08934899356

Sincerely your,
Jamie Billy

9. What is the text about?

a. Advertisement to seek for job application
b. Information to apply for the job vacancy
c. Application letter for a graphic designer position
d. Announcement about graphic designer recruitment.
10. Why is the application interested in the position?
a. He can work under pressure
b. He has the qualification for the job
c. He has three years of work experience
d. He has checked the company’s website
11. “I also can communicate well both in English and Japanese”.
The sentence above means that the writer uses English and Japanese well in …
a. Communicate
b. Communicator
c. Communicative
d. Communication
12. Thank you for your consideration … “ (paragraph 3)
The word “your” in the sentence refers to ….
a. Jamie Billy
b. Mr. Nathan
c. Mr. Sarwana
d. Brata Company

Question 13 and 14 refer to the following dialogue

Rama : Hi, Sarah. Thank you for coming. I’m very delighted
Sarah : Oh, I’m so excited to be here. Cindy is a very lovely bride.
Rama : Thanks a lot
Sarah : You are very lucky to find your true love. I congratulate you on the new chapter of your
Rama : Thanks for your kind wishes. How about taking a picture?
Sarah : I’d love to!
13. Where does the dialogue take place?
a. In a restaurant
b. In a photo Studio
c. At a wedding party
d. At a friends house
14. According to the dialogue, which statement is TRUE about Sarah?
a. She is sad
b. She feels happy
c. She is very lucky
d. She looks wonderful

Question 15 - 17 refer to the following dialogue

Kalin : It’s great news that Romeo was promoted to be a manager.
Kinan : That’s right. How do you know about it?
Kalin : Oh, my supervisor told me about it.
Kinan : What do you think if I come to your house after work to congratulate Romeo? I’ll bring
him something to celebrate his achievement
Kalin : That would be great. I guess he’ll be at home after work. You can come with me.
Kinan : Thanks. Now let’s get back to work
15. What will they probably do after work?
a. They will be at home
b. They will go to Kalin’s house
c. They will talk to Kinan’s supervisor
d. They will be promoted to be a manager
16. Where do you think the conversation happens?
a. At he office
b. At Kalin’s home
c. At Kinan’s home
d. At Romeo’s home
17. “… to celebrate his achievement.”
The word “achievement” in the sentence has a similar meaning with ….
a. Goal
b. Salary
c. Objective
d. Accomplishment

Question 18 - 21 refer to the following text.

Wearing Mask is Important
The Covid-19 infection rate in Indonesia keeps increasing, but there are a lot of people that seem
to be unconcerned about the government’s advice to wear masks outside the house. Here are
some reason why wearing a mask is important.
Firstly, the virus attacks the respiratory system. That’s why we need to cover our nose and mouth
by using masks so that we are safe from potential exposure risk from an infected person whether
they have symptoms or not.
Secondly, mas help cover our sneezes and coughs. That way, we don’t only protect ourselves
but also we take responsibilities of other people’s health and safety.
Wearing masks fulfill our responsibilities to ourselves and other so that bad things won’t happen
to all of us. That’s why wearing a mask is important.
18. What does the writer think of wearing a mask?
a. He/she is not worried about everyone’s health condition
b. He/she is unconcerned that wearing mask is important
c. He/she disagree with the government’s advice to wear mask
d. He/she believes that wearing a mask is necessary for protection
19. After reading the text, the readers are expected to ….
a. Be aware of healthy lifestyle
b. Be safe from the Covid-19 infection
c. Wear masks anytime when they are not at home
d. Know the current Covid-19 infection rate
20. What probably caused the writer to write the text?
a. The increasing rate of Covid-19 infection
b. The number of infected persons in Indonesia
c. The people are unaware of the danger of Covid-19
d. The government’s act in handling Covid-19
21. “That’s why we need to cover our nose ….” (paragraph 2)
The word “we” refers to ….
a. The people
b. The readers
c. The government
d. The writer and the readers

Question 22 – 24 refer to the following text.

Dear Beloved Customer,
We would like to thank you for your valuable support and contribution for the last twenty five
years to Roccoco fast food Deli. We’ve made many beautiful memories together
We are sorry to inform you that effective 16 March 2020 we will temporarily be closed due to
the pandemic.
Our branches on Martanegara Building and Hayam Wuruk street are still abailable for take-away
Let’s stay at home and stay healthy

22. Which sentence is TRUE according to the text?

a. The announcement is for the employees
b. The restaurant’s branches will also be inactive
c. The restaurant will not operate anymore
d. The pandemic has caused the restaurant to close
23. What is the purpose of the announcement?
a. To ask people to fight the pandemic
b. To ask the customers to stay at home
c. To say that they’re moving to another place
d. To say that they won’t be operation for a while
24. “… are still available for take-away only.” (paragraph 3)
The word “available” in the sentences has a similar meaning with ….
a. Open
b. Occupied
c. Liberated
d. Organized

Question 25 – 26 refer to the following text.

Dear Rachel greens
Lyn Rosaly
Steven Goods
Cordially request the pleasure of your company
And the joyous occasion of their marriage
At Kanaya Building
215 west pyramid street
On Saturday, May 18, 2020
At 8.00 p.m
Dress code: classic white

25. We can conclude that the text is a/an ….

a. Notice
b. Personal letter
c. Announcement
d. Formal invitation
26. From the text above, we can infer that ….
a. Lyn Rosaly is the sender of the letter
b. Rachel Greens invited her friends in the letter
c. The wedding party will be held in the afternoon
d. Lyn Rosaly and Greens Goods will come in white

Question 27– 29 refer to the following picture.

27. What does the sign tell us?

a. We must clean the floor
b. The floor is dry and being cleaned
c. We must be careful on the street
d. We have to be careful with the wet floor
28. We can we infer from the sign?
a. The floor is slippery
b. The floor is very dangerous
c. Somebody falls on the street
d. We must be careful of the sign
29. After reading the information on the sign, the readers will probably ….
a. Stop walking
b. Clean the floor
c. Help to dry the floor
d. Walk carefully when passing by

Question 30 – 32 refer to the following text.

Nuansa Cendekia Secondary school is fully accredited comprehensive three years secondary
school, that has been providing the best education system since 1950. The school has received
various awards for their achievement in the education for all children. One of the most
prestigious awards is the rights respecting awards from UNICED.
Each class consists of twenty students so the total student population is approximately 360. The
majority of their certified staff have a Master’s degree. The teachers are trained semester to
upgrade their quality in giving the best education to the students.
Nuansa Cendekia Secondary School has been listed in Monthly education Magazine as one of
the top primary schools. Being provided with a lot of beneficial extra curricular activities, the
students are guaranteed to build their soft skill and be prepared for the real life in the future.
30. The author writes the text to ….
a. Retell his/her experience in Nuansa Cendekia
b. Describe Nuansa Cendekia Secondary School
c. Explain why we have to go to Nuansa Cendekia
d. Inform the readers about Nuansa Cendekia’s achievement
31. The main idea of the first paragraph is the … of Nuansa Cendekia Secondary School.
a. Age
b. Awards
c. Quality
d. education
32. From the text, we can conclude that …. (is not TRUE)
a. The school conducts the teachers training annually
b. More than a half of their staff holds a Master degree
c. The school has been around for more than a hundred years
d. The extra-curricular activities are given in secondary school
33. “… to upgrade their quality ….” (paragraph 2)
The word “their” refers to ….
a. Teachers
b. Semester
c. Fifty percent
d. Master degree

Question 34 – 36 refer to the following text

Galih : Hello, Via.
Via : Hi, Galih. Nice to see you.
Galih : Nice to see you, too. How are you?
Via : Fine, thank you. And you?
Galih : I am very well, thanks.
Via : May I introduce my friends? This is Ayu, Zara and Riko.
Galih : How do you do everybody? Glad to meet you.
Ayu : How do you do Galih? Glad to meet you, too.
Galih : Are you all students?
Zara : Yes, we are.
Galih : I am sorry, friends. I have to go now.
Riko : Okay! Goodbye, Galih.
Galih : Good bye, everybody. See you next time.

34. "May I introduce my friends?"

The expressions above to express....
a. an introduction myself
b. an introduction people
c. a greeting
d. a parting
35. "How do you do, everybody?"
Everybody means ....
a. Galih
b. Riko
c. Via, Ayu, Zara, and Riko
d. Ayu, Zara, and Riko
36. If someone asks you "how do you do?", what do you answer to that expression?
a. How are you?
b. How do you do?
c. What is your name?
d. You're welcome
37. Dani : Ratih, this is my sister, Dina.
Ratih : Hi, nice to meet you.
Dina : " ..... "
a. I am fine. Thank you.
b. I hope you nice
c. Thanks you for you
d. Nice to meet you, too

Question 38 – 42 refer to the following dialogue

Elena : Good morning, Mr Bobby, Are you ready for the interview?
Bobby : Sure. Ma’am. I hope it goes well
Elena : Can you tell me what your responsibilities are in your current job?
Bobby : As a programming staff at a computer company, I must handle system administration
and in-house programming for the company.
Elena : Can you work under pressure?
Bobby : Yes, I’m able to work under pressure and I always meet the deadline on time.
Elena : Then, why do you want to resign?
Bobby : I moved here with my wife so I proposed to resign
Elena : Well, we’ll let you know in a few days. Thank you for coming
Bobby : My pleasure, Ma’am
38. Which sentence of the dialogue is expressing obligation?
a. I’m able to work under pressure
b. I always meet the deadline on time
c. I must handle system administration
d. I moved here with my wife so I proposed to resign.
39. From the dialogue, we can infer that ….
a. Bobby is accepted in the new company
b. Bobby is still waiting for the decision
c. Elena recommends Bobby for the job
d. Elena wants to work under pressure
40. What is the dialogue mainly talking about?
a. A job opportunity
b. A job description
c. A job experience
d. A job interview
41. Why did Bobby resign from the previous job?
a. He wants a new job
b. He feels very tired
c. He likes the new city
d. He moved to a new city
42. According to the dialogue, Bobby also … handle in house programming for the company.
a. Has to
b. Need to
c. Ought to
d. Wants to
Questions 43 to 45 refer to the following dialogue.
Sadam : I’m so delighted to see you again, Shefina.
Shefina : Me too. It’s neem a while since we worked together in Fire Project last month.
Sadam : When did you arrive in Bandung?
Shefina : I arrived yesterday. I had along flight
Sadam : You must be tired
Shefina : Yes, it was about seven hours
43. From the dialogue, we can infer that ….
a. Sadam and Shefina had a long flight
b. Sadam and Shefina met last month
c. Shefina has been in Bandung since last mount
d. Shefina spent more than ten hours at the airport
44. What is the conversation mainly about?
a. A trip that someone has taken
b. The person’ last project together
c. Two persons meet again after a while
d. A very long flight that makes one tired
45. “… I’m so delighted…”
The word “delighted” refers to ….
a. Unhappy
b. Nervous
c. Jealous
d. Glad

From question 46 to 50, choose the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue.
46. Erma : My friends and I are going to Solo this holiday, but all of the good rooms are fully
Ika : …. They’re affordable and comfortable.
Erma : Thanks for your recommendation
a. How about coming to my house?
b. I suggest you to bring your own tent
c. We’d better visit Solo and Magelang
d. If I were you, I would stay at airy rooms
47. Alika : What do you think about people who buy follower for their social media account?
Amira : ….. We’d better be true and honest about ourselves
Alika : Indeed! The most important thing is to have a lot of friends in our real life.
a. I think it will be useless
b. I think people love using social media
c. my opinion, your posts are nice.
d. To my mind, you are a good friend.
48. Alex : Hello, can I speak with Ms. Sabita, Please?
Kanaya : Hello, …. I’m afraid she is out of town for a week.
Alex : Oh, this is Alex Rimbaud from Bath Agency. Just tell her I called.
a. may I take a massage?
b. who’s calling please?
c. what can I do for you?
d. can I be of any assistant?
49. Lucca : Oh, dear! I’m running out of breath
Sarah : Wait …. Please, sit down
Lucca : Thank, Sarah. It’s very kind of you
a. Let me get you a chair
b. Would you like something?
c. How about seeing a doctor?
d. Should I call the emergency number?
50. Olivia : I just have been fined for parking in front of the library.
Ruth : …..
Olivia : Yes, I didn’t know that there’s a parking lot fifty meters from the library
a. You need to be careful while parking
b. You should drive your car to the library
c. You will park your car in the parking area
d. You mustn’t park your car in front of the library

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