NotaSS 210605 063705

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Site Supervisor Scope of Works
- Assist the superior in site arrangements.
- Monitoring & Oversees operations & provide site information’s to Site
Engineers on a day-to-days basis.
- Study the drawings, Work Specifications & Work Method of Statement
before execute the work.
- Highlight & reported any discrepancies to the Site Engineers for
- Supervision with managing the workers, Sub-contractors, material,
equipment & machinery as per daily planning/ Work Program.
- Ensure the work is done safely, on time, within budget & ensure the
quality standards
- Monitor progress, oversee the purchasing & delivery of materials &
carry out safety checks & sort out any problem which could hold work
as the matter arise.
- Keep in close contact with team members at all times & liaise with
Architect, Engineers, Surveyors and Planners.
i. Pengetahuan & Kompeten ( Knowledge & Competent)
ii. Pengetahuan & Kompeten ( Knowledge & Competent)
iii. Berkesan & kerja berpasukan (Effective & Teamwork)
iv. Dipercayai & Komunikasi (Reliable & Comunication)
v. Beretika dan Mengambilkira aspek Alam Sekitar (Ethical &


i. Construction Drawing
ii. Work Specification
iii. Architect & Engineer Instructions
iv. Contract Document
v. Work Programme
vi. Bill of Quantities
vii. Safety, Healthy & Environment Plan
viii. Project Quality Plan or Quality Management Plan


Element For Sub Structure
a) Piling
b) Footing and Pilecap
c) Column Stump and Wall

The Category of foundation

i. Footing – Standard practice foundation applied for single storey
building/structure ie. Banglow , Terrace House etc.

ii. Pile and pilecap – Standard practice foundation for heavier and higher
building and Bridge structure.

Pile be determined by
1) Pile to length (Tension and Friction Pile) -
Pile settles with consolidating soil

2) Pile to set at hard stratum (end- bearing pile)

Consolidation causes down drag (driven and pressure)
forces on piles as soil settles more than the pile or bored pile.

Pile have many types such as

1) Drop Hammer Pile – applied to Tanalised Treated Timber pile, RC
concrete pile, spun pile & bakau pile

2) Hydraulic Jacking Pile – applied to RC concrete’s base pile.

What is Pile Foundation?

It is a foundation system that transfers the working loads to a deeper and
competent soil layer.

When To Use Pile Foundations?

1) Inadequate or insufficient of Bearing Capacity ie. substructure not sit
on firm layer.
2) To Prevent Uplift Forces
3) To Reduce Excessive Settlement
Industrialized Building System (IBS)
Industrialized Building System (IBS) Malaysia is defined as the components
that are manufactured in a controlled setting and environment, regardless of
whether the production is done on-site or off-site, assembled, fabricated or
sited into the works of construction. IBS materials supplied and built by
manufacturers, suppliers, contractors are entitled to Green Building Index
(GBI) for building projects completed in Malaysia, IBS is classified as eco-
friendly and green building materials in Malaysia.
1) Drawing

i. Architectural Drawing
ii. Civil & Structural Drawing
iii. Mechanical & Electrical Drawing
iv. Shop Drawing
v. As Build Drawing
b. Checklist
A construction checklist is a guide of the items that need to have ready
for construction or a list of procedures and processes that you need to do to
finish the process of construction.
c. Flowchart

A flowchart is a visual representation of the sequence of steps and decisions

needed to perform a process. Each step in the sequence is noted within
a diagram shape. ... With proper design and construction, it communicates the
steps in a process very effectively and efficiently.
c. Process flow
Process Flow designated by a Contractor. It is a process of creating the
description of a work sequence, usually represented by detailed plans and

Construction planning is a process of identifying activities and resources

required to make the design a physical reality.
d. Report requirements
e. Non-Conformance Report (NCR)

A non-conformance report, or non-conformity report or NCR, is

a construction-related document that addresses specification deviation or
work that fails to meet quality standards.
e. RFI (Request For Inspection)

Request For Inspection means a written request made by

the Construction Contractor, utilizing a Judicial Council provided form, for the
Project Inspector to complete an inspection of construction work in progress
as required under the Inspection & Test Plan.
f. As Build Drawing

g. Work Programs
h. Specifications

i. Project Quality Plan PQP), Services

The Project Quality Plan should:

• Provide explanatory text describing the nature of the project and the
quality expectations.
• Set out the organizations quality policies (for example, if they are ISO
9001 certified) and how these policies will apply to the project.
• Identify other quality criteria or policies that may need to be followed,
such as the requirements of clients or funders.
Describe how quality requirements will cascade down through the supply chain.

• Describe the activities necessary to deliver the project and the order in
which they will be carried out.
• Describe the resources require
• Set out quality roles and responsibilities.
• Identify the standards that will apply.
• Describe monitoring and reporting procedures and the process for
delivering continuous improvement.
• Describe procedures for dealing with defects.
• Describe document control procedures.
• Describe change control procedures.
• Set out any training requirements.
• Schedule tools that will be used.
j. Site Meetings

k. Progress Reports
m) SHASSIC ( Safety and Healthy
Assessment in Construction)

SHASSIC is a CIDB’s programme to measure the level of safety and health

management and practices of contractor for various aspects of the
construction work activities.

It cover 3 (three) main components of assessment:

1. Document check
2. Site/ workplace inspection
3. Employees interview
n) Creativity
Creativity is the wisdom of finding efficient methods that change the way the project
design easier to understand and every process that helps streamline the project

Creativity is the ability to think through the success of a project

a. The ability to solve problems,
b. The ability to find ways to make things easier,
c. The ability to speed up work and
d. d. economical.

06. Knowledge
i. Methodology
ii. Construction Method

iii. Scope of Work

iv. Work Method of Statement (Aturan

A method of statement is a document that detail the way a work task or

process is to be completed. Method statement describing:-
1) Arrangement,
2) Sequence
Method of construction.

It should outline the hazards involves and include a step guide on how to do
the job safely which implementation of the construction project.

Work Method of Statement (WMS) is a description of how the work shall be

carried out safely. These documents are used as a reference to provide
approved information to employees about how the work should be carried
out and the precautions needed

The Document prepared by contractors & sub-contractors subject to get

approval by Client & Consultants.


i. Front page
ii. Table Content
iii. Scope of Work
iv. Safety and Health
v. Environmental Issue
vi. Quality Assurance and Quality Control
vii. Appendices
04. Attitude

i. Communications
Relevant skills of a site supervisor include: A positive attitude. The ability to
communicate with, motivation and if necessary discipline the workforce. The
ability to understand Drawings, required Material, Specifications, and others
such as contract documents etc.

ii. Team Works

iv. Safety, Healthy & Environment

Safety, Healthy & Environment Policy
iii. Appearance
e. Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment
and Risk Control
Site Supervisors Character
i. Technically knows how to build.
ii. Challenges and critiques as well as monitors work
iii. Focuses on work production, cost, quality and risk
iv. Monitors equipment productivity and usage.
v. Is attentive to timely and accurate record keeping.
vi. Treats individuals with respect and as equals
vii. Is willing to try new ideas
viii. Is willing to work as a team member
ix. Places as much emphasis on planning as on putting out fires
x. Puts a high priority on quality and safety.
v. Manage Changes

vi. Personal Development

Define your personal aims and objectives for undertaking development.
Prepare a development plan for achieving identified development needs,
reviewing and recording progress and the effectiveness of the activities
6 Aspects of Personal Development
i. Spiritual Development. Spirituality is important.
ii. Emotional Development. Being an emotionally strong person will serve
you well in all areas of your life.
iii. Mental Development
iv. Skill Development
v. Social Development
vi. Physical Development.

3 Important Personal Development

Aspects to Consider for Self Growth
The First Aspect - Improving Your Self-Awareness.
The Second Aspect - Knowing and Building Your Own Identity.
The Final Aspect - Discovering and Developing Your Talents.

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