B-D-A Lesson Template

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Allison Chichizola

Dr. Coddington

BDA Lesson plan


Before-During-After Lesson Plan

Date of Lesson: 11/2/23 Strategy: _Paired Summarizing_

Cooperating Teacher: Meriem McKay

School, Class and Grade Level(s): Spring View Middle School, Life Science, 7th Grade

Period and Time: 2nd period, 9:25-10:02

State Standard(s):


MS-LS.B: Cycle of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems

MS-LS2.C: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience

MS-ESS2.A: Earth’s Material and Systems

Comon Core Standards:

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science

and technical texts

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.1: Prepare and participate effectively in a range of

conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing
their own clearly and persuasively

California English Language Development Standards:

ELD.PI.7.1.Br: Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn-taking

rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others, adding relevant information and evidence,
paraphrasing key ideas, building on responses, and providing useful feedback.

ELD.PI.7.6.Br: reading/viewing closely: a. Explain ideas/ phenomena, processes, and test

relationships based on close reading of a variety of grade-level texts and viewing of multimedia

Objective(s): Students will obtain and evaluate information and use systems thinking as they
read “Carbon in the Global Ecosystem” an article about how carbon moves through the Earth
System and how the burning of fossil fuels is changing the distribution of carbon in this closed
system by annotating and summarizing it with a partner.
- Chapter/Lesson Question: If the amount of carbon changed in one part of a closed
ecosystem, what happened to the carbon in the rest of the ecosystem?
- Lesson Objective: Students will obtain and evaluate information and use system thinking
as they read “Carbon in the Global Ecosystem”.

Materials: Chromebooks, Amplify Program, Amplify Presentation, and “Carbon in the Global
Ecosystem” article.

Explain EL level/needs and Special student issues and needs

EL Student: The EL Student is classified as a level 1 EL learner based on their ELPAC
score. They are still expanding their knowledge, but need to work on their
speaking, reading, writing and listening in English. They especially need to
work on their speaking and reading. They also work best in pairs.
Special The special student has a 504 plan for their ADHD and autism. They are
Student: on the high performing level of the spectrum. They work best
independently, and they need a lot of 1-on-1 learning.

Before: (List/explain the activities the teacher and students will participate in prior to reading the

Timing: __10min____ (e.g., 5 min, 10 min)

Teacher Instructional Activity Student Activity

Teacher will have student open amplify and Students will get Chromebooks out and login
begin on the warmup: into amplify.
The warmup consists of a letter from Dr. Students will read the letter from Dr. Corry
Corry who was part of the Biodome about the econauts final investigation. They
experiment that students previously learned will then answer the question; “What do you
about in the previous lessons. They need to think happened to the carbon that used to be
read the last log about how the Econauts in in the air of the biodome?”, in their own
the biodome buried dead matter and how that words with at least 3 sentences.
disrupted the amount of carbon in the
atmosphere and answer a question about what
happened to the carbon within the biodome.
(In Amplify students are working along a
storyline about the biodome and how
ecosystems flow and connect with each other)

Check for Understanding: I will open the floor for a class discussion as well as ask some
students to share their answers and use probing questions to dive deeper into their reasoning. I
will also encourage students to support their answers with evidence from the letter.
Whole Class Adaptations: I will also have students answer the warmup with their elbow
partner, this way they could start the discussion leading into the paired reading.
EL Adaptations: I will provide sentence frames or starters to help ELL students formulate their
responses to the question. For example, I might give them sentence starters like "In the
Biodome, I learned that..." or "The carbon levels changed because...," which can guide their
answers, this way they can have something to help then start thinking.
Special Student Adaptations: I will, depending on the specific needs of the student, consider
allowing them to respond to the question using an alternative format, such as drawing a picture
or creating a simple diagram to depict what happened to the carbon within the Biodome.

During: (List/explain the activities the teacher and students will complete while reading the

Timing: __10_____

Teacher Instructional Activity Student Activity

Teacher will introduce the article “Carbon in Students will open the article within amplify’s
the Global Ecosystem” while making a library.
connection to the previous discussion, for
those who need adaptions the teacher will
arrange those before partners start reading.
Teacher will direct students to annotate their Students will read through the article with
article on amplify using the highlighting tool their partner while highlighting important
and note making tool. For each highlighted facts and ideas that can help answer the
item, there needs to be a note about why the lesson’s questions. Students will also
student chose to highlight it and how it summarize each paragraph making it a note at
answers the lesson’s question. As well as the bottom of the paragraph. Students may
summarizing each paragraph. Students may also make notes on images/diagrams that they
also make notes on images/diagrams that they feel are important to the lesson.
feel are important to the lesson.
The teacher will instruct students to read the Students will read the first 3 paragraphs with
designated paragraph(s) and summarize it their elbow partner and follow the instructions
with their elbow partner before the discussion (in the box above).
can start and before they switch and find a
new partner.

Check for Understanding: Before switching partners each time I will ask students to share out
the summaries they have created for that section. I will repeat it each time they are about to
switch after they have read a section of the article.

Whole Class Adaptations: I will have students popcorn read the article with their partner so
that there is less pressure on them individually and they can have discussion about annotations
and summaries while reading together.
EL Adaptations: I will provide the ELL student with a set of annotated examples or model
annotations. These annotations can serve as a guide, showing them what to look for, how to
highlight, and what types of notes to make.
Special Student Adaptations: I will select a text that is appropriate for the student's reading
level and cognitive abilities. Modify the text by simplifying the language, reducing the length,
or providing a summary of each paragraph to scaffold comprehension.

After: (List/explain the activities the teacher and students will complete after reading the
Timing: ___15____

Teacher Instructional Activity Student Activity

The teacher will check in to make sure that Students will share their annotation and
students are finished with that section of the summaries with their elbow partner. They
article and then direct students to share their will also listen to their partner’s annotations
annotations/summaries for about 3 minutes and summaries.
with their elbow partner.
Teacher will then tell students to stand up Students will read the next section of the
with their Chromebooks and find a new article with their new partner as well as share
partner to read the next section of the article their annotation and summaries with their
with and share their annotations/summaries new partner. They will also listen to their
with. Repeat one or two more times partner’s annotations and summaries. They
(depending on the time). will repeat this one to two more times with
new partners each time.

Check for Understanding: I will, after the sharing rounds, bring the class back together for a
whole-class discussion. Ask students to share any interesting insights or highlights they
learned from their peers during the sharing activity.
Whole Class Adaptations: I will make groups instead of having students partner up so that way
there is less pressure on each student and students would have more ideas to add to those
annotations and summaries.
EL Adaptations: I will, while the ELL student is interacting with their partners, encourage the
partners to ask open-ended questions and provide opportunities for the ELL student to share
their insights. For example, "Can you tell me what you found most interesting in the article?"
Special Student Adaptations: I will be open to flexible participation. If the special needs
student prefers a one-on-one conversation with the teacher or a dedicated aide rather than peer
interactions, provide this option as an alternative. The focus should be on ensuring their
comprehension and engagement.
(Note: CFU should measure the objectives/standards for the lesson)

Adaptations for GATE students: I would challenge GATE students to think about real-world
applications of the Biodome experiment and the concepts discussed in the article. How could the
findings be applied to current environmental challenges or technological advancements? (This
school doesn't have a GATE program, but I included it for future use)


*Send the lesson plan to me at least two days in advance so I can give you feedback.

*Make sure that all activities work toward achieving the standard and objective(s) for the lesson.

*Use your knowledge of students’ interests, strengths, learning styles to design instruction.

*Include in the activities how you will check for understanding and progress.

*Make sure the cooperating teacher (CT) has the evaluation. Meet afterward to discuss the
lesson. The CT should fill in by hand and sign it as well to be a valid eval.
*Upload the lesson, reflection (separate document from lesson plan), and teacher evaluation to
Canvas—upload all at the same time. Upload all supporting documents, like PowerPoint/Prezi,
worksheets, graphic organizers, etc.

Always Pre-Read Evaluation Criteria:

The standards are appropriate for this lesson and grade level.

___ The objective is clearly stated and mirrors one or more of the standards chosen for
the lesson.
___ The lesson plan includes the three steps (before, during, and after) and follows a
logical sequence.
___ The “during” section of the lesson helped students comprehend the material.
___ Each step of the lesson is described in sufficient detail.
___ The activities are related to the objective.
___ Materials (trade book, textbook, or expository excerpt) are suitable for the subject
area, topic, and age level.
___ The student provided a focus for the lesson and effectively communicated this to the class.
___ The student used effective questions and strategies for eliciting responses.
___ The student differentiated instruction by adapting instruction, activities, and strategies
according to the needs of specific students.
___ The student provided clear instructions for activities.
___ The student implemented each step of the lesson effectively and paced the lesson well.
___ The student effectively managed the classroom – behaviors, collecting papers, etc.

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