B767 L3 ATA 24 Electrical Power
B767 L3 ATA 24 Electrical Power
B767 L3 ATA 24 Electrical Power
BOEING 767--300
ATA 24
For training purpose and internal use only.
Copyright by Lufthansa LAN Technical Training S.A.
All rights reserved. No parts of this training manual may
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Lufthansa LAN Technical Training
ATA 24-- 00
ATA 24-- 00
AC Power Hydraulic Motor Generator
AC electrical power for airplane ground operations is supplied through the ex- A hydraulic motor generator (HMG) operates as a non--time limited backup
ternal power panel or by the auxiliary power unit (APU) generator. source if there is loss of all main electrical power.
For inflight operations, power is normally supplied by an integrated drive The HMG supplies ac and dc power to the:
generator (IDG) mounted on each engine or by the APU generator. S standby system,
Power sources are not paralleled. S captain’s flight instruments,
S and selected navigation, communication, lighting, and anti--icing loads.
Major ac system--components, located in the main equipment center include: The HMG has a generator control unit located in the main equipment center.
S four generator control units (GCU’s),
S the bus power control unit (BPCU),
System Control and Indication
S and power panels.
Manual and automatic source selection is controlled using the electrical system
control panel (P5) in the flight compartment.
The GCU’s and BPCU provide:
The auxiliary electrical system control panel (P61) is used to test generator out-
S automatic source selection, put.
S protection, A momentary test switch (P61) is used for HMG checkout.
S and fault monitoring for the electrical system. Electrical system monitoring is available on EICAS.
DC Power
Airplane dc power is normally produced by ac to dc conversion. A battery sys-
tem provides alternate dc and standby power.
ATA 24-- 00
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ATA 24-- 00
General DC Power
The electrical power system consists of both 115 and 28 volt ac and dc dis- The left and right dc buses supply power to those loads requiring dc power.
tribution buses. Each main dc bus is divided into independent sections. When either bus is un-
powered the dc tie control unit automatically energizes the dc tie relay.
The dc standby bus supplies power to certain essential airplane loads and will
AC Power transfer sources in case of primary source loss.
The main ac buses supply all of the essential ac loads in the airplane. Each The dc ground handling bus supplies dc power for ground handling equip-
bus is divided into independent sections. ment and is energized on the ground only.
An ac tie bus provides interconnection between the main buses under certain A main battery/battery charger system provides a dedicated source of power
conditions. for operation of the standby and autoland systems.
The utility buses supply non--essential loads such as passenger entertain- The separate APU battery/battery charger system provides power for APU
ment and reading lights. starting.
Galley power is also considered as non--essential load. The non--essential
load can be de--energized automatically for load shedding purposes.
The APU starter motor is energized by the APU TR unit if the right main ac Hydraulic Motor Generator System
bus is energized during APU starting. The hydraulic motor generator system provides a non--time limited alternate
The ground service bus supplies both inflight and ground loads. These in- source of ac and dc power after loss of all generator power. An ac generator
clude interior lights, battery chargers and cooling fans. supplies captain’s flight instrument, left and right transfer buses. A dc genera-
tor can power the hot battery bus.
The ground handling bus supplies loads such as cargo handling equipment
that are used only during ground operations. This bus is only powered on the
The center buses supply both ac and dc power to the center channel equip-
ment of the autoland system. During category III autoland operation, the buses
are supplied from alternate sources independent of the main buses.
The flight instrument transfer buses supply power to selected captain’s and
first officer’s flight instruments and allows automatic transfer to an alternate
power source in case of normal source failure.
The ac standby bus supplies single phase power to essential flight loads and
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ATA 24-- 00
For Training Purposes Only
ATA 24-- 00
General AC BUS OFF Lights
Normal operation of the electrical power system is performed at the electrical An ac BUS OFF indicator light illuminates when the associated main ac bus is
system control panel and the auxiliary electrical system control panel. Both de-energized.
momentary and alternate action pushbutton switches are used on the electrical
panels. The alternate action switches are normally in the latched (ON) position.
This allows automatic operation of the electrical system breakers and relays Utility Bus Switches
under the control of the system‘s computers. Switch indicator lights are powe- The alternate action utility bus switches provide manual control of the power
red by the master dim and test system. relays connecting utility and galley buses to the main ac buses. The ON legend
is seen when the switch is latched (ON). The amber OFF light illuminates when
the associated utility bus relay (UBR) is open.
Electrical System Control Panel (P5)
The momentary external power switch controls the position of the external
power contactor. A white AVAIL light indicates power is of proper quality. The Generator Drive Disconnect Switches
white ON light illuminates when the external power contactor is closed. Pushing the momentary generator drive disconnect switches causes a me-
chanical disconnection between the integrated drive generator and the engine
when the associated engine fuel control switch is not off. An amber DRIVE light
Generator Control Switches on the switch illuminates for either high IDG oil temperature or low IDG oil pres-
The generator control switches provide a control signal which closes the sure.
generator control relay (GCR), and, when proper power is available, enables
automatic closing of the generator circuit breaker (GCB). The flow bar and ON
legend indicate switch position. An amber OFF light illuminates when the asso-
ciated generator circuit breaker is open.
breaker. In this case, the AUTO light normally illuminates and the ISLN light is
OFF. If the ISLN light illuminates when the bus tie switch is latched, then a fault
has tripped and locked the BTB open.
ATA 24-- 00
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ATA 24-- 00
Battery Switch
The alternate action battery switch controls connection of the battery bus to the
left dc bus or the hot battery bus. The ON legend is seen when the switch is
latched (ON). An amber OFF light illuminates when the battery switch is un-
latched during normal ground and flight operations.
ATA 24-- 00
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ATA 24-- 00
Ground Service Switch
A single momentary switch allows the ground service bus to be powered
directly from the APU generator or external power. Pushing the ground service
switch connects or disconnects the APU generator or external power if the right
main ac bus is de--energized. A light inside the switch illuminates to indicate
that the ground service bus is powered directly from external or APU generator
ATA 24-- 00
For Training Purposes Only
ATA 24-- 00
If a fault exists in the external power circuit, BPCU trips the EPC to protect the
power source and loads.
The panel is located on lower right side of section 41. Two latches provide for
opening/closing. The forward end incorporates two hinge assemblies.
Physical Description/Features
The external power receptacle allows connection of ac ground power. An
AN3114--1B receptacle accommodates an AN3430 plug. A cover on the back
of the receptacle protects the feeder connections. An optional plug support
attachment can provide support for the plug and cable when connected. Pins
A, B, C and N are used for ac power. Pins E and F complete the dc interlock
The external power interlock circuit is compatible with three groundpower cart
1. Pin F shorted to pin E.
2. Pin F isolated and 28 volts dc applied to pin E by a ground source.
3. Pin F driving the hold--in coil of a manually--set ground contactor. When the
contactor is closed, 28 volts dc is applied to pin E by a ground source.
cuits. The EPC is solenoid operated normally open type. A pull--in coil oper-
ates with 15 to 29.5 volts dc, while the holding coil operating voltage is 10 to
29.5 volts dc. throw), energized by 28 volt dc.
Before the external power contactor is allowed to close, external power quality
is sensed by the BPCU. The BPCU checks the external power for:
S Over/Under Voltage (OV, UV).
S Over/Under Frequency (OF, UF).
S Phase sequencing.
The highest phase voltage is sensed for OV (130.75 +/-- 1.75 volts ac) and a 3
phase average is determined for UV (104.5 +/-- 1,5 volts ac).
Single phase frequency sensing is used for UF (372.5 +/-- 2.5 Hz) and OF
(427.5 +/-- 2 Hz). Proper phase sequence is A, B, C.
The external power plug completes the external power interlock circuit through
For Training Purposes Only
pins E and F.
Good power quality causes the EXT PWR AVAIL, AC CONNECTED and NOT
IN USE lights to illuminate.
The APU GEN AVAIL and GND MODE signals are received over the serial
data link.
APU GEN AVAIL signal indicates no faults, GCR closed and APU on speed.
APU shutdown or air mode deenergizes this K101 coil.
SVCE XFR relay energizes to power the 115 volt ac ground service bus from
external power.
Panel light indications are on the P21 and P30 panels. A white light illuminates
on the forward flight attendants panel and the NOT IN USE light at P30 extin-
With all conditions satisfied, a power control relay energizes to supply nominal
28 volt dc power to the external power contactor pull--in coil.
The EPC holding coil remains energized until the power control relay is deener-
gized. The pull--in coil operates with 15--29.5 volts dc, while the holding coil op-
erating voltage is 10 to 29.5 volts dc.
For Training Purposes Only
The generator control unit (GCU) provides automatic control and protection
System Description
functions for the IDG by monitoring the IDG output and control switches. The
The integrated drive generator (IDG) consists of a constant speed drive and GCU provides voltage regulation control for the IDG and transmits protective
generator installed side--by--side in a common housing. The external oil system trip commands to the GCB, preventing damage to loads and source equip-
consists of an air/oil heat exchanger and fuel/oil cooler connected in series. ment, if IDG output exceeds safe operating limits.
General component Locations IDG oil pressure and temperature information is provided to both EICAS com-
Each integrated drive generator (IDG) is attached to the back of the main puters for display and message generation.
gearbox. The air/oil heat exchanger and fuel/oil cooler are mounted on the
right and left side of each engine.
Engine fuel flow is the primary cooling source through the fuel/oil cooler. An
For Training Purposes Only
air/oil heat exchanger provides supplemental cooling. The air/oil heat ex-
changer valve is controlled by the electronic engine control (EEC) or the gener-
ator control unit (GCU). Fan air or 2.5 bleed air flows through the air/oil heat
exchanger during periods of low fuel flow, high IDG oil temperature or high en-
gine oil temperature.
Allows ground only restoration of main gearbox and IDG input spline mechani- operating frequency is observed outside 400 +/--5 Hz but within 400 +/--20 Hz,
cal connection, by resetting a spring--loaded split--nut pawl. a one time governor adjustment may be performed. One turn changes the fre-
quency 3 to 3.5 Hz, counterclockwise to increase and clockwise to decrease.
Oil Ports
Set frequency to 400 +/--1 Hz.
The oil in and oil out ports provide the interface between the IDG and the exter-
nal oil cooling system.
control piston. This causes the variable wobbler to move in the add direction.
The variable hydraulic displacement unit functions as a hydraulic pump. High
pressure oil is ported to the fixed hydraulic unit. The fixed hydraulic unit
functions as a hydraulic motor and rotates in the same direction as the carrier
shaft. Power flows from the carrier shaft to variable and fixed hydraulic units
and then to a trim gear. The trim gear will rotate in the opposite direction of the
carrier shaft.
For Training Purposes Only
Tap the QAD ring with a soft mallet to center the ring. Check the torque value
of the tension bolt. Install the oil lines and electrical connections, service the
IDG and check for proper operation.
The unit is mounted to the left side of the engine.
Physical Description/Features
A single housing contains separate engine oil and integrated drive generator
heat exchanger cores that share a common internal fuel flow passage.
Fuel flow through the unit is continuous, but is affected by N2 and a fuel pump
bypass valve. A pressure relief valve permits the fuel to bypass the integrated
drive generator heat exchanger core if fuel icing occurs in the core.
The integrated drive generator oil flow is continuous and is not affected by the
engine fuel/oil cooler bypass valve.
The HPC secondary Flow Control/IDG Air oil Heat Exchanger Valve Override The valve consists of three main subassemblies: solenoid, dual butterfly
Solenoid controls Ps3 pneumatic pressure to the Override Fuel Pressure valves mounted on a single shaft, and a fuel pressure driven actuator. Valve
Switch. operation is either fully open or closed and is initiated by a signal to the
solenoid. The valve is spring loaded to the open (fail--safe) position. Dual rotary
switches, located on the bottom edge of the valve body, provide valve position
Location signals for EICAS. A visual valve position indicator is located on the top edge
The IDG Air/Oil Heat Exchanger and Valve are mounted in the aft side of the of the valve body. The valve is a line replaceable unit.
intermediate case at the 4 o’clock position.
HPC Secondary Flow Control / IDG Air / Oil Heat Exchanger Valve Override
The HPC Secondary Flow Control/IDG Air/Oil Heat Exchanger Valve Override Solenoid
Solenoid and the Override Fuel Pressure Switch are mounted on the aft side of
The unit consists of two solenoids mounted to a common valve housing. Indi-
the intermediate case at the 1 o’clock position.
vidual solenoids are not line replaceable units. The left solenoid controls filtered
Ps3 muscle pressure to the override fuel pressure switch. This solenoid is con-
trolled by the Electronic Engine Control (EEC).
IDG Air/Oil Heat Exchanger
The air/oil heat exchanger is a tube and fin assembly in one housing. The oil in
and return ports are located on opposite sides of the heat exchanger aft face. Override Fuel Pressure Switch
Exchanger installation orientates the outlet port above the inlet port. This is a
The switch is a single pole, double throw type, and normally spring loaded open
line replaceable unit.
during static conditions. This is a line replaceable unit.
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The generator control unit provides IDG oil temperature signals to both EICAS
computers for display on the EICAS ELEC/HYD maintenance page.
The K1 TIMER module located in the P61 panel changes the information
requested every 0.5 second (from open to closed then back to open). The
closed circuit discrete represents a request for IDG RISE temperature and the
open condition a request for IDG OUT temperature. Real time updating occurs
200 msec after the IDG OUT temperature discrete is sensed. Each outlet
temperature pulse normally resets and starts a 5 second counter. If the IDG
OUT discrete ceases for greater than 5 seconds, the opposite value of IDG
OUT temperature or IDG RISE temperature for both IDGs goes blank. The
remaining displayed value is continuously updated.
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The Auto Events are for the Electrical System. The 10 minute time delays as-
sure that the messages appear only for a sustained problem in a stabilized
For Training Purposes Only
BRANDS OF OIL. MIXING OILS COULD CAUSE DAMAGE cart into the IDG until an additional 1 to 1.5 gallons are collected from the case
TO THE IDG drain. Replace the scavenge filter and install the case drain plug after
CAUTION: CHECK THAT THE OIL--DRAIN HOSE IS LOWER THAN THE lubricating and installing a new O--ring on the plug. Service the IDG using the
IDG AT ALL POINTS. HOLDING THE HOSE ABOVE THE Integrated Drive Generator oil servicing procedure.
When replacing the scavenge filter, lubricate and install new O--rings on the
filter element and filter cover. Install the filter element into the filter cavity until
an O--ring seal is obtained. Then, install the filter cover. When replacing a
scavenge filter, check it for contamination. Contamination is indicated by
deposits of metallic chunks or pieces that would result from internal breakage
in the IDG or in the external IDG oil cooling system. A moderate number of
bronze or silver colored metallic flakes or flakes of generator insulation are
normal products of wear during operation. Also, damage to the IDG or external
oil cooling system is not necessarily indicated by a considerable number of
nonmetallic items such as black epoxy chips, sleeving, and other forms of
generator insulation. If the filter is contaminated, replace both the filter and the
IDG. When replacing the scavenge filter, lubricate and install new O--rings on
the filter element and filter cover. Install the filter element into the filter cavity
until an O--ring seal is obtained. Then, install the filter cover.
The ac power system generates 115 volt ac and provides control and protec-
tion for airplane electrical loads.
System Description
The primary ac system is a three--phase, four wire, wye-connected system
which operates at a nominal voltage of 115/200 volts ac, nominal frequency of
400 hz and is rated at 90 kva.
The system is divided into left and right main ac channels.
Each channel consists of a main ac bus supplied by an associated integrated
drive generator (IDG).
An APU driven auxiliary generator provides dispatch capability if one primary
source IDG is inoperative and also provides a self sufficient power source for
ground operation.
An external power source can be connected to the ac tie bus through the exter-
nal power receptacle and the external power contactor (EPC).
operating sources.
For Training Purposes Only
Control and Protection
The three generator control units provide automatic control and protection Information returned from the GCU includes:
functions for each channel by monitoring IDG output, BPCU status information S Generator differential protection and overload information,
and control switch positions. The GCU provides protective trip commands to
S Breaker position and status,
the GCB and/or BTB to prevent load and source equipment damage if faults or
failures occur in the system. S Ground mode,
S Dead tie bus,
The BPCU wilI transmit load shedding signals to de--energize non--essential S Underspeed,
load on both main ac buses if an in flight generator shutdown or power source S APU available and
overload occurs. S BITE code data.
The BPCU provides tie bus fault protection by tripping the EPC and sending
signals to GCU’s when a fault occurs on the tie bus.
Protective functions for the external power system are provided by the BPCU BITE
when unacceptable power is supplied or when overload conditions persist. Each GCU and the BPCU has built--in test equipment (BITE) with self--check
and fault diagnostics capability. The BITE display and operating controls are
mounted on the BPCU.
Electrical system status, protection and control information as well as BITE
information is exchanged between the bus power control unit and generator
control units.
The serial data link is bi--directional and bi--polar.
The bus power control unit establishes communications with each GCU. It
sends a data word to the GCU first. The GCU then responds by returning a
data word to the BPCU. This continues until the BPCU has sent and received
data from all three GCU’s.
For Training Purposes Only
The APU generator provides 115 volt ac power, either inflight as a back--up
source or during ground operation.
The unit is mounted to the auxiliary power unit accessory gearbox.
Physical Description/Features
The electromagnetic components of the auxiliary generator are the same as
those used in the IDG and are interchangeable except that the APU generator
is contained in its own magnesium cast housing and has a different input spline
and mounting flange. The generator weighs 61.9 pounds (27.63 kg) dry weight.
Keyhole slots allow mounting of the generator to the auxiliary power unit
accessory gearbox. An aluminum seal plate is installed between the generator
mounting flange and gearbox drive pad. The mounting flange incorporates
three locating pins to position the generator on the APU flange. Elastomer
compound inserts are installed in the seal plate OIL-IN and OIL-OUT ports.
The input shaft incorporates a shear section that shears at 4700 +/- 300 in--lbs.
The APU generator is spray oil cooled and lubricated using APU engine oil.
Pressurization, scavenging and filtering of the oil is provided by the auxiliary
power unit. Generator case pressure, 5 psig above ambient, is introduced from
the APU gearbox through a rotating screw passageway in the input shaft. APU
generator oil is filtered by a 20/40 micron filter. The delta pressure (popout)
indicator activates at 20 psid. A mechanical lockout prevents activation when
oil temperature is below 115 degrees F (46 degrees C). When the filter delta
pressure reaches 35 psid and oil temperature above 115 degrees F
(46 degrees C) an APU shutdown is initiated by the delta P switch.
For Training Purposes Only
A terminal block with four stainless steel studs provides the feeder connec-
tions. A single electrical connector provides all other electrical connections.
For Training Purposes Only
Generator Removal Generator Installation
Remove the auxiliary power unit (APU) harness connector from the generator Lubricate a new O--ring with acryloid and install it in the groove on the genera-
and install the protective connector cap. Be certain all phase leads are identi- tor input spline shaft. Using a hoist, lift the generator by the lifting lug into the
fied. Remove the terminal block and disconnect the phase leads. airplane. Position the generator toward the mounting pad and support the gen-
erator to ensure that no weight is put on the input shaft. Remove protective
covers. Insert the generator onto the APU mounting pad so that the stud nuts
Attach a hoist to the generator case after installing a lifting eye in the lifting
pass through the larger holes in the generator mounting flange and the genera-
boss. Using the hoist, support the generator to be sure its weight does not bear
tor locating pins engage the holes in the seal plate.
on the input shaft. Loosen the generator mounting stud nuts at least seven
complete turns.
Rotate the generator about 7 degrees counterclockwise until the studs are
against the ends of the keyholes in the generator mounting flange. The genera-
CAUTION: DO NOT ALLOW THE GENERATOR TO HANG ON THE IN- tor will then move axially until the generator mounting flange is against the seal
Install the phase leads on the generator terminal block. Carefully connect the
APU harness to the generator electrical connector. Test the APU generator.
Pull the generator axially away from the APU mounting pad so that the align-
ment pins on the generator mounting flange are free from the mating holes.
Rotate the generator approximately 7 degrees clockwise. Refer to the Maintenance Manual 24--21--0l for detailed procedures.
With the generator supported by the hoisting mechanism, pull the generator
axially from the mounting pad. Install protective covers over the oil ports and
spline shaft.
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For Training Purposes Only
The generator control unit (GCU) provides automatic control and protection
functions for each channel by monitoring output parameters and commands.
The generator control units (3) are mounted to the E1 and E2 racks.
Physical Description/Features
Each unit is packaged in an ARINC 600 3 MCU case and weighs 7.5 pounds.
Forced air cooling is provided through E1 and E2 equipment racks. These units
are electrostatic sensitive devices.
The power required to operate internal GCU circuits and external GCB and
BTB contactors is derived from the IDG PMG source with backup from airplane
28 volt dc. Two 3 ampere circuit breakers are provided on the GCU to protect
external dc circuits.
The APU GCU is functionally and physically interchangeable with the IDG
GCU; however, some control and protective functions are changed by pin con-
nections accomplished through the airplane wiring.
All input signals are run through input conditioning circuits to provide signal
shaping and discrete signal levels for sensed inputs.
Output conditioning circuits provide digital--to--analog conversion and discrete
signal levels.
A basic software cycle of 5 msec is used. This allows sufficient speed for fault
isolation and input of new information.
The GCU has built--in test equipment (BITE) with self--check and system fault
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For Training Purposes Only
Main power breakers allow ac power to flow between source and load.
All units are mounted in the main equipment center.
The left generator power panel (P31) contains left channel GCB and BTB.
The P32 right generator power panel contains right channel GCB and BTB.
The APB is mounted in the P34 APU/ external power panel.
Physical Description/Features
The generator circuit breakers (GCB), bus tie breakers (BTB) and auxiliary
power breaker (APB), are all identical and interchangeable each weighing 3.75
pounds. Physical size of the units is 4.7” high x 6.1” Iong x 4.1” wide.
A single electrical connector is provided for auxiliary contacts and control coil
power. Seven normally open, seven normally closed single pole single throw
contacts are rated at 1 ampere at 240 volt ac and 7.5 amperes at 28 volt dc.
The breaker actuator is held open by a core spring. The self de--energizing
close coil supplies actuator closing force. A permanent magnet provides closed
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contact holding force. The self de--energizing trip coil overcomes the perma-
nent magnet holding force.
For Training Purposes Only
The current transformer assembly (CTA) senses current flow for:
S Open phase,
S Load monitoring,
S Overload and differential current protection circuits.
The CTA’s are located in P6, P31, P32, P34 panels.
Physical Description/Features
The CTA comprises three toroidal current transformer sections in a single
package. They are rated at 250 amperes primary current, and have a primary
to secondary current ratio of 1000:1. Each transformer consists of 1000 turns
of number 28 wire wound on a toroidal core. The CTs are capable of operating
over a frequency range from 350 to 440 Hz.
The CTA’s provide load current sensing to the GCU’s for use in open phase,
load monitoring and overload protection circuits. And, are used with similar
current transformers integral to the IDG and auxiliary generator for IDG and
auxiliary generator differential current protection circuits.
The BPCU uses CTA current sensing for tie bus differential protection, external
power overload and external power load monitoring circuits.
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For Training Purposes Only
Purpose Phase Unbalance
The electrical load control unit (ELCU) connects airplane galley load and elec- When the difference between the highest and the lowest phase current is
trically driven hydraulic pumps to the main generator bus. greater than 27 +/- 7 amperes, the phase unbalance protection, sensed by the
internal CTs, will trip and lockout the ELCU in 12 +/- 2 seconds.
The unbalance current protection circuit is deactivated by a jumper for the
Location galley feeder application.
The ELCU’s are located in left and right generator power panels (P31 and
Anti--Cycle/Lockout Protection
The unit is tripped and a lockout occurs for any fault condition or on a remote
Physical Description/Features trip command.
Each ELCU is housed in an aluminum enclosure fitted with a single electrical The lockout is reset by removing and reapplying the 28 volt dc control power.
Also, a trip and lockout occur whenever an ac fault in excess of 250 amps
Main ac connections are by means of six 3/8 inch terminals. results in a drop (less than 7 volts dc) of the remote control voltage to the
The ELCU is rated for three--phase, 115/200 volts, 400 Hz and 40 kva. anti--cycle protection.
Each ELCU consists of a three--phase main contactor, integral current trans-
formers and sensing circuits for overcurrent, phase unbalance current, differen-
tial current, anti--cycle and lockout protection. Remote Control
ELCU contacts are controlled by a remote control input and by a remote trip
Overcurrent Protection The main three phase contacts will be closed by maintaining nominal 28 volt dc
The overcurrent protection has an inverse time delay characteristic and the power at the remote control input.
level can be selected to protect a 10, 20, 30 or 40 kva feeder by proper place- The contacts will be tripped and locked out by a protective trip or by a remote
ment of a jumper between assigned connector pins. trip signal.
Reset is accomplished by removing and reapplying the remote control voltage.
Differential Protection The load shedding relays in the BPCU provide a closed circuit to ground at the
remote trip input of the ELCU during normal galley operation, and opens that
The differential fault current protection function detects the phase current
differences between the phase current sensed by the internal and external CTs. ground from the remote input for load shedding operation.
For Training Purposes Only
If the difference of any phase current exceeds 30 amperes, it will trip the ELCU The utility bus switches on the flight compartment electrical panel control power
within 0.05 seconds and lockout. to the remote control input of the ELCU and also reset the load shedding relays
within the BPCU.
Shorting of ELCU pins in lieu of connecting an external CT will disable differen-
tial protection. This is done on the hydraulic pump ELCUs so that only the over-
load protection of the internal CTs is used.
For Training Purposes Only
The utility bus relay (UBR) connects utility bus load to the main generator bus.
The utility bus relays are located in the P31 and P32 generator power panels.
Physical Description/Features
The UBR is rated for 115/200 volt ac, 400 Hz, 50 amp, three--phase power.
The three--pole single--throw (3PST) relay is normally open.
A control coil is rated at 28 volt dc and pulls in at any voltage above 18 volt dc.
A single set of auxiliary contacts are used to provide UBR status indication.
During normal operation, a load shedding relay within the BPCU provides a
closed circuit to ground for the relay coil, and opens the ground for load
shedding operation.
The utility bus switch in the flight compartment controls the power to the relay
and resets the load shedding relay within the BPCU.
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For Training Purposes Only
General GCR Closure and Tripping
A magnetically latching type relay with separate trip and close coils, known as The GCR is tripped and closed by manual operation of the GEN CONTROL
the generator control relay (GCR), is provided in the GCU to make and break alternate action pushbutton switchlight in the flight compartment.
the voltage regulator PMG power supply circuit. Switch actuation to the latched (ON) position closes the GCR, if open.
When the GCR is tripped the generator field is de--energized. Switch actuation to the released (OFF) position opens the GCR, if closed.
A FIELD OFF light wilI indicate GCR position.
Aircraft with GEN FIELD MANUAL RESET Switches
Voltage Regulator The GCR is also closed and tripped by a momentary GEN FIELD pushbutton
The generator voltage regulator is a self--contained solid state, ”pulse width” switch (optional) installed on the flight compartment accessory panel.
type voltage regulator which controls the system point of regulation (POR) This switch is inhibited if GEN CONT switch is in latched (ON) position.
voltage by varying the full--wave rectified main exciter field power supply
If the GEN CONTROL switch is in the released position, momentary operation
of GEN FIELD pushbutton closes the GCR. A second momentary operation of
The voltage regulator maintains the POR voltage at 115 +/- 1 volt ac for all the pushbutton trips the GCR.
normal steady--state conditions. When the voltage at the point of regulation
The GEN FIELD switch enables the generator to be energized for voltage and
(POR) is lowered or raised the voltage regulator increases or decreases the
frequency checks without closing the APB.
generator exciter field current.
The exciter field current and voltage range from 0 to 4 amperes and 0 to 35 volt
dc respectively for generator loads up to 150 kva.
The voltage regulator is disabled if the generator frequency is less than
335 +10 Hz or the GCR is open.
A ”high--phase takeover” circuit within the voltage regulator limits the highest
phase voltage to 128 volt ac line to neutral. A stability network is included
within the voltage regulator to ensure minimal modulation of steady--state
The voltage regulator includes a current limiting feature to limit the maximum
short circuit current of the APU generator to between 550 and 670 amperes per
phase for any fault. The generator internal current transformer provides the
load current input.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
GCR Protective Tripping
The GCR is tripped by internal GCU protective circuits and by the external fire
Internal fault protection circuitry trips the GCR for:
S Under/Over frequency.
S Under/Over voltage.
S Differential fault,
S Open phase,
S Shorted rotating diode,
S Shorted permanent magnet generator and
S Watchdog circuit protection.
Shorted Rotating Diode
A shorted diode in the generator rotating rectifier assembly is detected by
sensing the average exciter field current and the average 3--phase main
generator current.
When a shorted diode is detected, (generator load current less than 247 amps
and exciter field current greater than 2.76 amps) the GCR is tripped in 5.5 to 7
seconds. This method of detecting shorted diode will sense, under most oper-
ating conditions, two open diodes.
Shorted Permanent Magnet Generator
The shorted PMG protection circuit prevents GCU damage in the event of a
short to ground on any PMG phase. For this type of fault a large ac compo-
nent in the three--phase half--wave rectified PMG signal would be detected and
a GCR trip will occur within 2.0 seconds maximum.
The shorted rotating diode protection locks out the shorted PMG protection
Protection Trip Reset
For Training Purposes Only
All protection trips require a reset signal. Resetting occurs when the GEN
CONT switch is unlatched to the OFF position.
The system returns to automatic operation by latching the switch back to the
ON position.
For Training Purposes Only
General APB Request
The auxiliary power breaker (APB) is automatically controlled by the APU The APB REQUEST signal requires that there are:
generator control unit (APU GCU) when the APU generator control switch is S No differential faults.
latched (ON). When the control switch is unlatched (OFF), then the APB is
S APU generator switch is latched (ON).
tripped open.
S APU RPM is at least 95%.
S GCR is closed.
Power S APB initial protection does not detect abnormal frequency or voltage.
The battery bus or the APU generator permanent magnet generator (PMG)
supplies power to energize the APB close and trip coils. The circuit breakers
(CB1 and CB2), located on the GCU front panel, control power to the APU gen- Close and Trip Commands
erator control switch and the APB. When there is an APB REQUEST signal and no EPC REQUEST signal while
in the GND mode, the APB close control relay automatically closes if there is
no voltage on the tie bus. If the main power breakers (GCB, BTB, EPC) are
APB Control Relays open and phase B voltage on the tie bus is zero, then an enabling signal is
APB close and trip control relays in the APU GCU control close and trip signals available to gate 1 from gate 3. After gate 1 is enabled, a 50 msec close pulse
to the APB. The momentary type relays route 50 msec close or trip signals to is generated by the single shot (SS).
the magnetic latching type APB. A close signal requires an output from gate 1.
This requires an APB REQUEST with no EPC REQUEST while in the ground
Any protective function trip of the GCR also energizes the APB trip control
(GND) mode and no voltage on the tie bus.
relay. The system is reset after a protective function trip by cycling the APU
generator control switch OFF and, then, ON. This closes the GCR, It will trip
again if the fault still exists.
APU Generator/External Power Priority
External power has priority over APU generator power when there is an EPC
REQUEST signal in the GND mode. This removes the enabling signal to gate Indications
1 frorn gate 4. If closed, the APB trips open and the EPC then closes. The
The OFF light on the APU generator control switch is illuminated when the
BPCU sends the EPC REQUEST signal over the serial data link when external
switch is unlatched (manual trip). The OFF light is also illuminated when the
power quality is acceptable and the external power control switch is pushed
switch is latched, and the APU RPM is at least 95%, and both the EPC and
while the EPC is open. The GND mode is determined by an air/ground relay
APB are open (fault trip).
and thrust lever microswitches. Pushing the external power switch while the
For Training Purposes Only
EPC is closed removes the EPC REQUEST signal and opens the EPC. Gate
4 then supplies an enabling signal to gate 1 to allow the APB to close. The EICAS advisory message APU GEN OFF is displayed after a five second
time delay when the APB is tripped open manually or automatically because of
a fault.
For Training Purposes Only
General Aircraft with GEN FIELD MANUAL RESET Switches
A magnetically latching type relay with separate trip and close coils, known as The GCR is also closed and tripped by a momentary GEN FIELD pushbutton
the generator control relay (GCR), is provided in the GCU to make and break switch (optional) installed on the flight compartment accessory panel.
the voltage regulator PMG power supply circuit. This switch is inhibited if GEN CONT switch is in latched (ON) position.
When the GCR is tripped the generator field is de--energized. If the GEN CONTROL switch is in the released position, momentary operation
A FIELD OFF light wilI indicate GCR position. of GEN FIELD pushbutton closes the GCR. A second momentary operation of
The left and right GCR generator control are the same. the pushbutton will trip the GCR.
The GEN FIELD switch enables the generator to be energized for voltage and
Voltage Regulator frequency checks without closing the GCB.
The generator voltage regulator is a self--contained solid state, ”pulse width”
type voltage regulator which controls the system point of regulation (POR)
voltage by varying the full--wave rectified main exciter field power supply
The voltage regulator maintains the POR voltage at 115 +/- 1 volt ac for all
normal steady--state conditions. When the voltage at the point of regulation
(POR) is lowered or raised the voltage regulator increases or decreases the
generator exciter field current. The exciter field current and voltage range from
0 to 4 amperes and 0 to 35 volt dc respectively for generator loads up to 150
kva. The voltage regulator is disabled if the generator frequency is less than
335 +/- 10 Hz or the GCR is open.
A ”high--phase takeover” circuit within the voltage regulator limits the highest
phase voltage to 128 volt ac line to neutral. A stability network is included
within the voltage regulator to ensure minimal modulation of steady--state
The voltage regulator includes a current limiting feature to limit the maximum
short circuit current of the IDG to between 550 and 670 amperes per phase for
any fault. The generator internal current transformer provides the load current
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
GCR Protective Tripping
The GCR is tripped by internal GCU protective circuits, by the external fire
switch and by the IDG disconnect switch when the associated engine fuel
control switch is not in the “OFF” positon.
Internal fault protection circuitry trips the GCR for:
S Under/Over frequency,
S Under/over voltage,
S Differential fault,
S Open phase,
S Shorted rotating diode,
S Shorted permanent magnet generator and
S Watchdog circuit protection.
Shorted Rotating Diode
A shorted diode in the generator rotating rectifier assembly is detected by
sensing the average exciter field current and the average 3--phase main
generator current.
When a shorted diode is detected, (generator load current less than 247 amps
and exciter field current greater than 2.76 amps) the GCR is tripped in 5.5 to 7
seconds. This method of detecting shorted diode will sense, under most
operating conditions, two open diodes.
For Training Purposes Only
The generator circuit breakers (GCB) connect the main generators to main ac
Ioad buses.
These breakers are automatically controlled by the associated generator
control unit (GCU) if the appropriate generator control switch is latched to the
ON position.
Since both GCBs operate identically only the left GCB control will be
Power Requirements
The battery bus or the IDG permanent magnet generator (PMG) supply power
to energize the GCB close and trip coils.
The circuit breakers (CB1 and CB2) control power to the respective close/trip
coils and generator control switch.
For Training Purposes Only
GCB Control Relays Close and Trip Commands
GCB close and trip control relays are provided in the GCU for supplying close When generator power is of proper voltage and frequency, the GCB close
and trip signals to the external generator circuit breaker. control relay shall automatically close provided there is no voltage on the main
The non--latching type relays route 50 msec close or trip signals to the bus.
magnetic latching GCB. If the BTB trips open and phase B voltage on the main bus is zero, then an
enabling signal is applied to gate 2.
IDG/Ext Power Priority
When all conditions at gate 1 are satisfied a 50 msec close pulse is generated
Initially powering the generator control unit on the ground (GND), all control by the single shot.
switches in automatic position, causes an enabling output from gate 6 to be
Any protective function trip of the GCR also energizes the GCB trip control
applied to gate 1.
Assume the Ieft IDG is operating and the associated generator circuit breaker
The system is reset after a protective function trip by actuating the GEN
is closed.
CONTROL switch to OFF and then back to ON again. This action will close the
The BPCU sends the EPC REQUEST signal over the serial data link when GCR.
external power is available, EPC open and the external power switch is
If the fault condition is still present, a second protective trip function is initiated.
pressed. The EPC REQUEST signal is accepted only during ground conditions
(sensed by air/ground relay and thrust lever microswitches). Indications
This gives priority to external power and removes the enabling signal to Gate 1. The OFF indicator light in the GEN CONT switchlight illuminates whenever the
The left GCB trips open allowing the left BTB to close. GCB is tripped.
Pushing the momentary external power switch after the EPC is closed, EICAS displayes the advisory (caution-CAA) message “L GEN OFF” when the
removes EPC REQUEST signal and also applies a trip signal to the EPC. An GCB is open and the “L ENG SHUTDOWN” message is not present.
enabling signal is reapplied to gate 1. A BUS OFF light illuminates if the GCB is tripped and the ac load bus is not
When the BUS TIE switch is unlatched an enabling output is supplied from powered from another source (BTB open).
gate 6. The caution message “L AC BUS OFF” is displayed by EICAS.
GCB Request
Upon engine start--up, the IDG has priority over external or APU generator
power. The GCB REQUEST enabling signal causes the BTB to trip open
isolating the main ac load bus from external or APU generator power.
The GCB REQUEST signal requires the following conditions to be satisfied:
For Training Purposes Only
S No differential faults.
S Generator control switch latched ON otherwise a 28 volt dc signal is sent to
the GCB trip coil through the GCB trip isolation diode.
S The IDG input speed must be greater than 4300 rpm.
S GCR is closed and GCB initial protection does not detect abnormal fre-
quency or voltage problems.
For Training Purposes Only
The bus tie breakers (BTB), when their main contacts are closed connect ac tie
bus to a main ac load bus.
These breakers are automatically controlled by the associated generator con-
trol unit (GCU) if the appropriate bus tie switch is latched to the AUTO position.
If the control switches are released to the ISLN position the BTBs are opened
by a trip signal transmitted directly from the switch to the breaker coil.
Both BTBs operate identically. Only the left BTB control is discussed here.
Power Requirements
The battery bus or the IDG Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) supply power
to energize the BTB close and trip coils. The circuit breakers (CB1 and CB2)
Iocated on the GCU front panel control power to the respective close/trip coils
and BUS TIE switch.
For Training Purposes Only
BTB Control Relays BTB Protection Lockout
BTB cIose and trip control relays are provided in the GCU for supplying close The BTB protection lockout is activated for main ac load bus and ac tie bus
and trip signals to the bus tie breaker. differential fault protection, additional overload protection for IDG and APU
The non-latching type relays route a 50 msec close or trip signal to the generator and additional undervoltage protection when a single IDG is
magnetic latching BTB. supplying both main ac load buses.
When the conditions at Gate 3 are satisfied the BTB close control relay is
energized for 50 msec. 28 volt dc must pass through airplane interlock circuitry
before reaching the BTB close coil.
The bus tie breaker is magnetic latching.
With the BUS TIE switch actuated to the latched (AUTO) position, the BTB trip
coil will be energized if the GCB is commanded to close (L GCB REQ at
gate 1) or a BTB protection lockout signal is present.
For Training Purposes Only
The bus ready input is important when the bus tie breaker is closing to allow
power flow into the ac tie bus.
The bus ready signal is provided to allow normal bus transfer and inhibit
paralleling of two power sources.
If power is flowing into the ac tie bus the APB, EPC and opposite GCB must be
For Training Purposes Only
Generator Load
Each GCU provides a dc voltage output to both EICAS computers proportional
to the associated ac generator channel load.
The GCU senses generator load current from the generator current
Generator load is displayed on the EICAS ELEC/HYD maintenance page for
values between 0 and 1.50 (1.00 = 90 KVA).
External Power Load
The BPCU provides a dc voltage output to both EICAS computers proportional
to the external power load.
The BPCU senses external load from the ground power current transformer.
The ac load for main ac, ground service and ground handling buses is dis-
played for values between 0 and 1.50 (1.00 = 90 KVA) on the EICAS
ELEC/HYD maintenance page.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
General Shorted Permanent Magnet Generator Protection
The GCU protective functions monitor system parameters including current, The shorted permanent magnet generator protection prevents GCU damage in
voltage and frequency. They protect the main generating channel in the event the event of a short to ground on any PMG phase. For this type of fault, a large
of system faults and protect equipment connected to the system from ac component in the three--phase half--wave rectified PMG input to the voltage
”out--of--limits” electrical power quality. regulator would be detected.
The limits and the delays of the various protective functions are such as to
Overfrequency and Underfrequency Protection
selectively isolate any fault with a minimum reduction of generating capacity
and a minimum interruption of power to the airplane load buses. Overfrequency and underfrequency protection information is sensed from the
permanent magnet generator frequency.
The system is designed such that any fault producing a signal which trips both Shorted Rotating Diode
the GCR and GCB, a reset must be initiated. A shorted diode in the generator rotating rectifier assembly is detected by
The reset is accomplished by unlatching and re-latching the Generator control sensing the average exciter field current and the average three--phase main
switch. The GCR is closed and GCB will be enabled for automatic operation. generator current. Under most operating conditions, this method of detecting a
A reset can also be generated by removing and applying power to the shorted diode will also sense two open diodes and provide a GCR trip.
corresponding Generator control unit. The shorted rotating diode protection is locked out by underspeed to prevent
nuisance trips.
In addition, shorted rotating diode protection is locked out during single IDG
The Generator control unit senses three phase power from the permanent operation. After automatic load reduction a single generator with one or two
magnet Generator for frequency protection functions. open diodes will be capable of carrying the remaining load without causing a
The point of regulation (POR) feedback provides three phase ac input for protective trip.
under/overvoltage protection functions.
Underspeed Protection
Generator internal current transformers provide current sensing for open phase
and shorted rotated diode protection. A four pole magnetic pickup unit (MPU) located on the IDG input shaft senses
the IDG input speed and provides an output signal proportional to input speed
Protective Functions to the GCU for underspeed protection.
In the air, an underspeed fault trip is inhibited unless an underfrequency FAULT
Overvoltage/Undervoltage Protection
also occurs.
Overvoltage protection determines if the highest phase of the three--phase
voltages has exceeded limits at the point of regulation.
For Training Purposes Only
Undervoltage protection senses the average of the three phase peak sensed
voltages at the point of regulation.
For Training Purposes Only
The current transformer assemblies(CTAs) provide load current sensing to the
GCUs for use in:
S Open phase,
S Overload protection circuits, and
S Operate with current transformers integral to the IDG and auxiliary genera-
tor for use in IDG and auxiliary generator differential current protection
The internal current transformers also supply EICAS with load information.
The BPCU uses CTA current sensing for:
S Tie bus differential protection.
S External power overload.
S External power load monitoring circuits.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
General Generator Differential Protection
The generator differential protection isolates any short circuit fault within the Only left IDG channel operation is discussed since both channels are the
generator/generator feeder/load bus zones with a minimum interruption of same.
power. Assume the GCBs are closed and BTBs are open.
There are three generator differential protection current transformer (DPCT) When a fault (current difference greater than 31.5 +/-- 3.5 amps) is sensed at
assemblies per IDG channel. Flag 1 by the GCU a generator differential protection signal causes the left BTB
The APU channel contains two transformers. When a GCU senses a genera- followed by the left GCB to trip and lock open.
tor differential protection fault it initiates an isolation sequence. If the fault disappears, fault isolation is complete. If the fault persists at Flag 2,
The tie bus differential protection isolates short circuit faults on external power the generator field control relay is tripped and the LBTB is enabled for auto-
feeder or tie bus with a minimum interruption of power. matic operation.
Each channel contains a single tie bus differential protection current trans- The auxiliary power generator control unit (APGCU) differential protection cir-
former. These CTs send current flow information to the BPCU for generating a cuitry isolates any short circuit fault between APU generator neutral return and
tie bus differential protection signal. The signal does not trigger any action in T111.
the system directly, but is used in conjunction with the generator differential If a minimum differential fault current of 31,5 +/-- 3,5 amps is sensed by the
protection signals (or lack of signals). current transformers the APGCU initiates an APB trip signal. An uncleared
The generator differential protection and tie bus differential protection zones fault will cause the GCR to trip.
have a common area called the overlap zone. Current sensing in the overlap
zone is done by the overlap current transformers, T127 and T128. For faults
located in the overlap zone the tripping sequence must be coordinated for any
combination of operating generators so that the fault condition is isolated
without unpowering more than one main ac bus.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
Tie Bus Differential Protection
External Power Assume L IDG is powering both main buses.
If external power is the power source, when a tie bus differential protection If fault is at flag 3 tripping sequence is same as first example.
signal (fault current of 30 amps) is generated the BPCU trips the EPC and For a fault at flag 5 the tripping sequence is as follows:
locks it open.
Right GCU senses a current difference in the generator differential protection
APU Generator zone causing the RBTB to trip and lock open isolating the fault.
When the APU generator is a single source of power the APU generator Assume L IDG is powering left channel and the APU generator is powering
control unit receives a tie bus differential protection signal from the BPCU over right channel.
the serial data link. This causes the APB to be tripped and locked open.
With the fault at flag 3 the tripping sequence is the same as first example.
For external or APU generator power the BPCU also signals the GCUs to trip
When the fault is at flag 4 the left GCU senses a generator differential protec-
and lock open the BTBs.
tion fault and the BPCU senses a tie bus differential protection fault. These
IDG two signals plus LBTB open and no current input to the left GCU from L GEN
OVERLAP CT indicate a fault on tie bus side of LBTB.
When either IDG supplies both main buses the BPCU sends a tie bus differen-
tial protection signal to each GCU that causes both BTBs and APB to be The following tripping sequence occurs: L GCU locks LBTB open, BPCU sends
tripped and locked open. The BPCU locks out the EPC. a tie bus differential protection signal to APU and RGCU to trip and lock open
APB and RBTB respectively, and BPCU locks EPC open.
When each main bus is powered from a separate source and a tie bus differen-
tial protection signal is generated with no generator differential protection Indications
signals the APB, EPC and both BTBs receive trip signals and are locked open.
The indications for differential faults consist of P5 electrical system control
Overlap Fault Zone Protection panel lights and corresponding EICAS messages. The BITE messages and
fault isolation manual should be used for troubleshooting.
The tie bus differential protection coordinates with the generator differential
protection for faults located in the overlap zone of these protective loops. The The corresponding BUS TIE, GEN CONT and EXT PWR switches must be
protection will instantly open the BTB (if closed) for any fault directly on either cycled to reset the tripped breaker.
side of the GCB, APB, EPC or other BTB if required to isolate the fault.
Assume both IDG’s are operating, GCB’s closed and BTB’s open.
If the fault is at flag 3, then generator differential protection and tie bus differen-
tial protection signals are generated.
The tripping sequence is as follows:
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
This illustration shows the actions resulting from a differential fault in the
different sections.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
General Subsystem Features
During two generator operation, the Electrical Power System can supply all
required electrical power.
Each generator is rated for 90 kva continuous operation measured at the
generator terminals. The capacity available at the load bus for an IDG is
86 kva and for the auxiliary generator is 83.2 kva. This allows for feeder losses
of 4 and 6.8 kva respectively, at 90 kva.
During single generator operation, the total airplane load demands can exceed
the continuous rated capacity of one generator. Automatic load shedding
circuits are provided which will de--energize the left and right utility and galley
buses to prevent generator overload.
However, the APU generator can be used as a power source and the galley
loads can be applied again.
The airplane may be dispatched with one engine generator and the APU gener-
ator supplying power to the buses.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
General Utility Bus Switchlights
Load shedding is accomplished automatically using relays, power breaker and The two alternate action utility bus switchlights on the flight compartment
switch position and load shed logic in the BPCU. Electrical power is selectively control panel, latched to ON position, provide airplane 28 volts dc power to the
removed from non--essential loads, such as those powered from the utility coil(s) of the corresponding ELCU(S) and UBR for closing.
buses and galleys. Actuation to the released (out) position will remove coil power opening the
relays and also provides the BPCU with a manual reset signal.
An OFF indicator light in the utility bus switchlight assembly illuminates
The primary purpose of ac load shedding is to protect an electrical power
whenever the left utility bus relay or right utility bus relay is de--energized.
source (generator or external power) from an existing overload or from an
anticipated overload. (An overload is anticipated, for example, when a source is
lost during operations that would normally use two sources). Another purpose
of load shedding is to maximize the pneumatic output of the APU for engine
starting when the APU is also being used to supply electrical power to the air-
Normal Sequence
Electrical load management/shedding is provided to maintain electrical loading
within source ratings during both normal and abnormal airplane operating con-
This load reduction is achieved by selectively de--energizing non--essential
loads and buses, as required, during airplane conditions where the source is
overloaded or where there is a high probability that normal procedures (such as
prior to and at engine start) will cause an overload.
System load shedding is controlled primarily through the bus power control unit
(BPCU) which normally provides a circuit to ground for the left and right Utility
Bus Relays (UBR) and the galley Electrical Load Control Units (ELCU).
The BPCU monitors overload information from all main ac power sources as
well as all main power breaker positions, and contains the logic for load
shedding in the event of a source overload or a generator loss in flight.
Other airplane load reduction methods are implemented by relays and circuits
For Training Purposes Only
external to BPCU.
For Training Purposes Only
Load Shedding Controlled by the Bus Power Control Unit Load Shedding Controlled by Relays and the Bus Power Control Unit
Certain load sheds are completely controlled by load shed logic in the BPCU. There is a load shed which is controlled by both the BPCU and relays. On the
If a generator is lost in the air mode, the BPCU automatically trips utility bus ground with the APU or external power supplying electrical power to the air-
relays (UBR’s) and electrical load control units (ELCU’s) to remove non--essen- plane, if any electric hydraulic pump (other than the right pump) is operating
tial utility bus and galley loads. The purpose of this load shed is to prevent an and the source becomes overloaded, then galley loads are automatically shed.
overload of the remaining generator. In the ground mode, loss of a generator This is accomplished using relays and pump switches to sense pump opera-
does not automatically cause a load shed. In this mode, one source operation tion. In addition, the BPCU, senses the overload condition.
is normal.
Load Shed Reset
Another example of load shedding controlled completely by the BPCU is a
generator overload not caused by operation of electric hydraulic pumps. The In most cases, a load shed is reset automatically when the condition causing
BPCU automatically removes power to non--essential loads powered by the the load shed goes away. The exception is a load shed caused by a source
overloaded source by tripping the appropriate UBR’s and ELCU’s. overload. This requires a manual reset and is usually accomplished by cycling
utility bus switches corresponding to the shed utility bus and galley loads.
Load Shedding controlled by Relays
Some load shedding is automatically controlled by relays, using switch and
breaker positions (APB and GCB’s).
An example is the engine start load shed. If the APU is being used for both
electrical power and pneumatics, an engine start automatically causes load
shedding of any utility bus and galley loads powered by the APU generator.
Another example of load shedding controlled by relays, and using switch and
breaker positions, is the fuel jettison load shed. If the fuel jettison switch is ON,
and only one source is available, then the closed position of both BTB’s and
load shed relays are used to remove power to additional (other than utility bus
and galley loads) non--essential loads.
If an engine is shut down in the air mode, and the right utility bus relay is open,
a load shed relay is energized to remove power from the ground service exten-
sion bus. This is another example of a load shed controlled by relays and, in
this case, engine speed cards.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
Figure 59
SCL/nuv Nov 2001 Page: 131
Lufthansa LAN Technical Training
Load shedding in response to a generator loss (and subsequent one generator
operation) in the air mode and a source overload in the air and ground modes,
is controlled using load shed logic in the BPCU. The BPCU can open and close
the utility bus relays (UBR’s) and the galley electrical load control units
(ELCU’s) by controlling a circuit to ground for each relay.
When the BPCU is powered, when 115 volt ac power is available for main
buses, and when no load shed condition exists, solid state switches are energi-
zed to provide closed circuits to ground for the UBRs and ELCUs. This allows
the relays to be closed.
When a load shed condition exists, the BPCU opens some or all of these
relays by de--energizing solid state switches to remove grounds.
The BPCU receives overload data for the IDG’s and the APU generator and
information about main power breaker position (GCBs, BTBs, and APB) via
serial data link inputs from the generator control units. Also, the BPCU moni-
tors the external power load and EPC position directly.
The overload limits are 90 kva and 112.5 kva. Main power breaker positions
are checked to determine the number of operating power sources.
Air or ground mode is determined from individual thrust lever switches wired in
series with an air/ground relay.
When the two alternate action utility bus switches (P5) are latched (ON),
28 volt dc power is available to enable closing of associated UBRs and ELCUs.
Unlatching these switches, opens the relays and provides the BPCU with a
manual reset signal.
An OFF light on a utility bus switch illuminates when the associated UBR is
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
Normally, two generators are used for electrical power during operation of the
airplane. If a power source is lost while in the air mode, there is automatic load
shedding to protect the remaining power source. Loss of a power source in the
ground mode does not result in automatic load shedding. (It is normal to use
one power source, the APU generator, in the ground mode. Also, it is not as
critical to protect a remaining IDG when in the ground mode).
Normal Sequence
In the inflight mode, the ac electrical system sheds all utility and galley bus
power with the loss of a power source. The inflight mode is defined as the
ground/air relays in the air mode or both power levers advanced greater than
9--1/2 degrees from idle.
This load shed protects the remaining IDG from overloading during and after
When this load shed occurs, the OFF light on the corresponding utility bus
switch comes on, and the advisory message ”L(R) UTIL BUS OFF” appears on
For Training Purposes Only
General Normal Sequence -- Without Electric Hydraulic Pumps
Automatic load shedding is available to protect a power source (IDG, APU Each generator control unit (GCU) monitors the load at the generator output to
generator, or external power) if there is a source overload. protect its channel against an overload condition. If the GCU detects an
There are two cases to consider. The first case is without an electric hydraulic overload between 90 to 112.5 kva (overload 1) or greater than 112.5 kva
pump operating, other than the right pump. (overload 2), the GCU signals the BPCU over the serial data link that an
overload condition exists on its channel. If the overload 1 condition exists for
Source Overload Without Electrical Hydraulic Pumps Operating 4.5 minutes or the overload 2 condition exists for 4 seconds, the BPCU causes
For this case, an overload condition is defined as 90 to 112.5 kva for 4.5 load shedding and determines which non--essential loads are to be shed.
minutes or greater than 112.5 kva for 4 seconds. If a power source is As an example, if both main ac buses are powered from their respective IDGs,
overloaded in either the air or ground mode, the ac electrical system sheds any and an overload condition occurs for the left IDG, the BPCU signals the left
utility bus and galleys powered by that power source by tripping the associated UBR and all ELCUs connected to the left main bus to trip in 4.5 minutes for an
UBR(s) and ELCU(s). overload 1 condition and in 4 seconds for an overload 2 condition. This action
sheds the left utility bus and associated galleys.
Source Overload With Electrical Hydraulic Pumps Operating
When a load shed occurs, the corresponding UTILITY BUS switch OFF light
The second case is with any electric hydraulic pump, other than the right pump, comes on and the advisory message L(R) UTIL BUS OFF appears on EICAS.
operating on the ground and either external power or the APU generator Reset is manual by cycling the utility bus switch.
supplying electrical power. In this case, a source overload condition is defined
as 90 kva for 3 seconds. Normal Sequence -- With Electric Hydraulic Pumps Operating
If either external power or the APU generator is overloaded, the ac electrical The BPCU monitors the external power system load and receives APU genera-
system sheds only galley power by tripping all ELCU’s. For this load shed, tor control unit signals to initiate load shedding in response to overload condi-
there is only a 3 second time delay because it is assumed that the cause of the tions.
overload is operation of the pump(s), and that, without load shedding, the Each of the four electric hydraulic pumps is rated at 15 kva (45 amps per
overload will continue as long as the pump(s) are operating. Also, only galleys phase) and draws 167 amps per phase start--up current. If an overload condi-
are shed because this is sufficient to remove an overload caused by using the tion exists with any pump (other than the right pump) operating, only galleys
electric hydraulic pump(s). are shed. Here, an overload condition is defined as 90 kva for 3 seconds. The
right electric hydraulic pump is normally operated on the ground for brakes and
is not included in the overload circuit.
Reset is manual and is accomplished by turning the electric hydraulic pump
switches off (all pumps except the right demand pump) or by cycling either BTB
switch or by pulling and resetting the ENGINE START LOAD SHED RESET
For Training Purposes Only
circuit breaker.
For Training Purposes Only
Normal Sequence
An operating auxiliary power unit can simultaneously supply air for pneumatics
and electrical power. The electrical power has priority over pneumatics.
In order to maintain proper air supply to the engine during starting, the electri-
cal load on the APU generator is reduced by automatic load shedding.
For Training Purposes Only
When the fuel jettison control switch (S3) on the P5 overhead panel is ”ON”
and both BTBs are closed (only one generator operating), load shed relays
K2091 (left) and K2092 (right) are energized. This sheds loads that receive
power through these relays.
This is in addition to shedding utility buses and galleys and minimizes the
possibility of an overload while the fuel jettison pumps are operating.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
Normally, in the air mode with only one generator supplying power to both main
buses, only utility buses and galleys are shed. This applies to the case where
both engines are running (and a fuel jettison pump is not operating).
If, however, either engine is not running, then the associated ac hydraulic
motor pump (ACMP) operates.
To prevent this additional electrical load from causing an overload of the one
operating generator, additional non--essential loads (ground service extension
bus loads) are shed.
Normal Sequence
In the inflight mode, if a generator is lost and there is only one source
operating, the ac electrical system trips both utility bus relays (UBR’s) and all
electrical load control units (ELCUs) to remove power from the utility buses and
associated galleys.
Indications are OFF lights on the utility bus switches and the advisory
If, in addition, either engine is not running, a load shed relay (K622) is energi-
zed. This removes power to selected non--essential ground service loads
(ground service extension bus loads), such as indirect ceiling lights, water line
heaters, and drain mast heat.
There is no flight compartment indication of this load shed.
For Training Purposes Only
Operation Ground Load Shed with APU or External Power
On the ground, with external power or the APU generator supplying airplane
Engine Start Load Shed
loads and electric hydraulic pumps operating, the overload limits are changed.
The APU is capable of supplying both electric and pneumatic power simulta- Any electric hydraulic pump operating (except the right pump) reduces the
neously to airplane systems. Electrical power has priority over pneumatics. overload limit to 90 KVA for 3 seconds and limits load shedding to galleys only.
During engine start, electrical loads are automatically shed to increase air flow
A load shedding circuit is armed when K204 AIR/GND SYS NO. 2 relay is en-
to the engine starter when the APU is supplying both electric and pneumatic
ergized and any electric hydraulic pump switch (except the right pump) is ON.
The BPCU monitors external power system load, and receives overload signals
When the left engine start switch is in GND, the K10247 L ENG START 2 relay
from the APU generator control unit. Exceeding 90 KVA load limit for 3 seconds
is energized. Both L and R utility bus reset relays are energized, removing all
energizes and latches K10391 GND GALLEY LOAD SHED CONT relay.
power from utility buses and galleys.
This causes K10136 GALLEY GND LOAD SHED relay to energize, removing
The utility bus OFF lights illuminate. EICAS does not display the advisory
all galley power controlled by ELCUs.
message(s) L (R) UTIL BUS OFF.
No indicator lights or EICAS messages appear.
When the left generator circuit breaker closes, the K1 L UTIL BUS RESET
relay relaxes, establishing left utility bus and left aft galley power. The K10247 Reset is done in any of three ways:
L ENG START 2 relay relaxes at engine starter cutout. S Turn OFF all electric hydraulic pump switches except the right pump.
When the left engine is running (IDG powering the busses), moving the right S Cycle either BTB switch.
engine start switch to GND energizes K10250 R ENG START 2 relay and S Pull and reset the ENG START LOAD SHED RESET CB.
K2 R UTIL BUS RESET relay. Power is removed from the right utility bus and
forward galleys. Automatic Flight Reset
The right utility bus OFF light illuminates. EICAS does not display the advisory When an IDG fails in flight, both utility buses and all galleys are load shed and
message R UTIL BUS OFF. locked out until a second power source is established. An automatic reset
These buses are again powered when the right generator circuit breaker signal is sent to the BPCU only in flight.
closes. The K10250 R ENG START 2 relay relaxes at engine starter cutout. With only one power source available in flight, both bus tie breakers are
normally closed automatically. Establishing a second power source automati-
cally opens one bus tie breaker, which energizes K10109 UTIL/GALLEY FLT
RESET relay.
This relay energizes for 1.5 seconds when power is applied.
K1 and K2 then energize for 1.5 seconds, applying a ground to the BPCU
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
General APU Underspeed Overlap Load Sense
The Generator Control Units (GCU’s) and Bus Power Control Unit (BPCU) are IDG Underspeed Bus Ready/Aux Contacts
individually responsible for isolating fault conditions and storing the results in Exciter Field/Voltage Regulator
non--volatile memory (NVM). This memory is used to store the results of opera-
The protection trips for the BPCU are the following:
tional and maintenance BITE tests. A special memory chip is used that retains
data even if power is removed. The memory is divided into flights. The defini- Overfrequency Open Phase
tion of a flight is both engines shutdown followed by the start of one main Underfrequency Overcurrent
engine and a cycle of the ground mode input. Overvoltage Differential Current Protection
A primary feature of BITE is the alphanumeric display located on the BPCU.
This is a 24 character readout that displays English language messages The status monitors check the ac electrical system for active or passive failures
describing what faults have occurred and which area of the system contains that do not cause a protection trip. The status monitors look at the circuits
the problem. BITE defines which LRU has failed or if a failure has occurred in within the GCU or BPCU to insure operation within a known band; if operation
the wiring or sensors associated with the ac electrical system. falls outside the band an isolation procedure is started to identify the LRU.
The status monitors for the GCU are shown below: S Speed Measurement Circuit
Power Supplies Temperature Bulbs
The circuits checked in the BPCU are:
Current Sensing GCB/APB
Circuit Breakers (Front Panel) BTB S Digital Input Circuits
CT Loop GCR S Voltage and Current Input Peak Holding Circuits
Serial Link GEN Control SW/BTB SW S Frequency Sense Circuit
Low Oil Pressure Dead Main Bus Sense
For Training Purposes Only
Power Requirements
The BITE tests can be performed with the airplane completely powered or with
only the battery switch latched to ON.
Built--In Test (BIT) Switch
Pressing and releasing the BIT switch retrieves the fault message stored in the
GCU and BPCU non--volatile memories (NVM) for faults detected by opera-
tional BITE.
The system message is displayed for 2 seconds.
The fault message, displayed for 15 seconds, identifies any protection trips or
status monitor faults.
The failed component or circuit message is displayed for 15 seconds. If there is
no fault data stored for a flight, an OK is displayed for 2 seconds.
Fault data from previous flights is retrieved by pushing the BIT switch during
the 15 seconds that FOR PREVIOUS FLT PUSH NOW message displays.
Previous flight data is retrievable for up to six flights.
For the messages that identify the GCU or BPCU as failed, a hexadecimal
code number is displayed.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
Periodic Test
The periodic test is normally performed at scheduled airline checks.
Pushing and releasing the PERIODIC TEST switch starts the maintenance
BITE test which is a limited end--to--end test of the GCU or BPCU.
The results of the test are stored in the NVM.
When the test is complete and stored in the NVM, the contents of the NVM for
that flight are displayed.
The NVM contents are the maintenance test results plus any operational BITE
faults detected for the last flight.
For the messages that identify the GCU or BPCU as failed, a hexadecimal
code number is displayed.
The PERIODIC TEST switch can retrieve previous flight data in the same
manner as the BIT switch.
The RESET switch clears the BPCU and GCU memories each time it is
pushed. This action makes previous memory entries inaccessible.
Each time the switch is pushed, the display will state that the BPCU, Left,
Right, and APU GCU memories were cleared when the power system name
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
The main generator develops 5 kva, 120/208 volt ac at 400 hz and 50 ampere,
28 volt dc power.
The hydraulic motor generator shutoff valve is a three port rotary selector
valve. The valve is opened electrically by a 28 volt dc valve actuator motor or
manually using the manual override arm (position indicator).
S Slide valve.
S And feedback spring (not shown).
A change in generator load causes a speed change. The speed control module
supplies servo power and completes the circuit to either increase or decrease
speed coil. Motor displacement increases or decreases causing an increase or
decrease in motor speed.
switches emergency light power source from the right dc bus to battery bus.
Grounding the L Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator (L RDMI) Inertial Refer-
ence System (IRS) source select input changes heading data source from right
IRS to center IRS.
For Training Purposes Only
Purpose General Subsystem Features
The dc power system is provided on the airplane to supply loads requiring dc
The TRU’s are normally operated isolated to supply their respective load
System Description buses. In addition, under normal system operation, the battery bus, dc standby
The main dc system is a 2--wire system using the airframe structure as the bus and the center dc bus are supplied from the left 28 volt dc bus.
ground return circuit. Two main distribution buses, located in the P6 panel, sup-
DC Tie Bus
ply essential and non--essential loads.
A dc tie bus and automatic operating dc tie control unit allows a single TRU to
Transformer rectifier units (TRU), energized by the main ac buses, separately
supply both main dc buses.
power each main dc bus.
The battery/battery charger systems consist of a 24 volt vented nickel -- Battery Charger
cadmium battery and a separate dedicated battery charger to recharge and Battery charging is constant current and temperature compensated to prevent
maintain the battery at its full state of charge. thermal runaway. A temperature sensing device and a thermal switch, both
A standby power system is provided to supply 28 volt dc and single phase 115 integral to the battery, provide temperature sensing and overtemperature
volt ac power to essential instrument, communication and navigation equip- protection signals for charger control and deactivation.
ment in the event of complete loss of primary ac power. The second battery/battery charger system is dedicated to supply dc power to
The main and APU batteries are automatically tied together using a remote start the auxiliary power unit.
control circuit breaker (RCCB) (Aircraft with extended stby power). If the HMG
is not available, the batteries and static inverter supply power to the standby APU TRU
buses. In this case, up to 90 minutes of 28 volt dc and single phase 115 volt ac The APU start transformer rectifier unit can operate to supply dc power to the
power is available to essential instrument, communication, and navigation APU starter motor when the 115 volt ac right bus is powered.
Static Inverter
The standby system also serves as an independent source for the autoland
system center channel. The static inverter converts dc power to single phase ac power for the ac
standby bus. Two switches located on the P5 panel control the standby
General Component Locations system.
The TRU’s, main battery/battery charger system and static inverter are located The BATTERY switch controls inverter backup dc input power and the
in the main equipment center. STANDBY POWER rotary Switch controls auto/manual standby modes.
A second, separate battery/battery charger system and the APU transformer System Status Indication
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
Figure 77 DC Generation
SCL/nuv Nov 2001 Page: 171
Lufthansa LAN Technical Training
General Features
Two transformer rectifier units (TRU) supply dc power to the airplane. Each unit
has a 120 amp capacity.
For Training Purposes Only
The transformer rectifier unit is a non--regulated ac to dc converter. It converts
115/200 volt ac, 3 phase, 400 Hz power to 28 volt dc output power for the main
dc system.
Both TRU’s are located in the main equipment center on the E3 rack.
Physical Description/Features
Each TRU is packaged in a 6MCU case and weighs 23 pounds. Cooling air
orifices are on the bottom of the case.
The TRU contains:
S An input power transformer,
S 24 silicon power diodes,
S Input and out filter components
S A current shunt.
The output voltage of the TRU is 26.0 to 29.5 volt dc.
The rated output current is 120 amps with forced air cooling, and 60 amps for
30 minutes with radiation and convection cooling.
Each TRU can deliver an overload current of 180 amps for 5 minutes,
600 amps for 5 seconds and a short circuit current for 1.2 sec.
The internal metering shunt is rated at 150 amps/50 mV.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
The main battery/battery charger system provides a dedicated source of dc
power for operation of the standby and autoland systems.
A separate APU battery/battery charger system provides power for APU start.
Main battery and battery charger are located in the forward equipment area.
APU battery and battery charger are located in aft equipment center E6 rack.
Physical Description/Features
The main and APU batteries are a nickel--cadmium type, with 40 amp--hour
capacity, and rated at 24 volt dc nominal.
The batteries are identical and interchangeable and each weighs 96 pounds.
A stainless steel container with cover is used to house the 20 cells. An electro-
lyte solution of potassium hydroxide and water is used. Individual cell venting
pressure is 2--10 psig.
A thermistor thermal sensor provides the battery charger with battery internal
temperature information. An internal thermal switch provides backup over
temperature protection by de--energizing the battery charger.
Battery Charger
The main and APU battery chargers are identical and interchangeable.
Each unit is packaged in a 6 MCU case and weighs 21 pounds. Both forced air
and convection cooling are available. External fin heat sinks are incorporated
into the case. The input/control connector is used for 115 volt ac input power,
control signals and battery temperature sensing inputs. A two--stud terminal
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
When externally commanded the charger operates in the constant potential
Transformer Rectifier (TR) unit mode.
In this mode the system provides a regulated output voltage of 27.75 volts dc
to airplane equipment without significant discharge of the battery.
The current limit is a nominal 64 amperes.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
The charger provides a constant current charge of 38 amperes to the battery.
Battery temperature, as measured by the thermistor thermal sensor inside the
battery, and battery terminal voltage are sensed by the charger.
The voltage switch (inflection) point is set by the battery temperature. If the
battery temperature is very low, the voltage switch (inflection) point is shifted
upwards and may reach 36 volts dc .
A low battery terminal voltage can be used to initiate the constant current
charge mode.
Battery charging also begins independent of the battery terminal voltage
whenever power to the charger is initially applied, or power to the charger is
interrupted for longer than 0.5 seconds during any operational mode of the
As charging progresses the battery voltage rises. The charger measures the
constant current charge time required to reach the voltage switch (inflection)
point. When this point is reached, the charger initiates a proportional over-
charge as a percentage of base charge time.
After completion of the constant current base charge and proportional
overcharge, the charger reverts to a constant voltage region of operation.
The charger acts as a voltage regulator power supply at approximately 27.75
volts dc with a current limit of 38 amperes. In this floating mode the charger
supplies the hot battery bus loads thus preventing slow depletion of the battery.
The battery charger is capable of fully recharging a battery within a 75 minute
time period, provided the minimum battery voltage is 4 volts dc to initiate the
charge cycle.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
The dc current shunts input a voltage to EICAS proportional to sensed current
The battery current monitor senses current flow into and out of the battery.
A main battery shunt is connected on the ground side of the main battery.
An APU battery shunt is connected on the ground side of the APU battery
The main battery current monitor is mounted in the main equipment center.
The APU battery current monitor is mounted in the aft equipment area.
Physical Description/Features
The shunts are calibrated resistance elements rated at 150 amp/50 mV.
The main and the APU battery current flow is sensed by routing the ground
side of the battery feeder through a hole in the battery current monitor.
The battery current monitor is energized by the battery bus during normal flight
operation. During autoland operation the battery current monitor is de--ener-
When the main or APU battery is discharging greater than 6 amperes a ground
signal is provided to illuminate the associated discharge (DISCH) light.
The signal also activates the associated MAIN BAT DISCH / APU BAT DISCH
advisory level EICAS message.
For Training Purposes Only
The static inverter converts dc power to single phase ac power. When all other
ac power is not available, the inverter supplies selected equipment on the
ground or inflight.
The static inverter is located in the main equipment center.
Physical Description/Features
The static inverter is packaged in a 6 MCU enclosure and weighs 22.5 pounds.
Normally the inverter is forced air cooled (blow--through) but during automatic
standby operation the unit is cooled by natural convection. All electrical
connections are made on the front of the unit. The dc input power connections
consist of stud terminals on a terminal block and the ac output power
connections are through a 4--pin connector.
The static inverter is rated at 1000 VA for an input voltage range of 18 to 29.5
volts dc.
The output is 115 + 5 volts ac at 400 + /–0.1 Hz for the entire load range.
The inverter will supply 100% of the rated load continuously and 150% of the
rated load for five minutes when forced air cooled. The inverter is capable of
supplying full rated load for 30 minutes with natural convection cooling only.
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
The APU transformer rectifier unit supplies dc power to the APU starter motor.
This occurs when the right main ac bus is energized and the APU is started.
The APU TRU is located in the E6 rack. Access to the unit is through the aft
cargo door.
Physical Description/Features
Each unit weighs 17 pounds (7.7 Kg).
Electrically the unit consists of a power transformer, and two three--phase,
fullwave rectifiers which produce 28 volts dc.
It is rated at 200 amps intermittent duty, 400 amps for 30 seconds.
The capability exists for producing 1200 amps for shorter time periods.
Internal to the unit is a cooling fan and five thermal switches. The fan will
operate anytime the APU start relay is activated and the right main ac bus is
powered. Air from the aft equipment center is drawn through the APU TRU.
The fan continues to run until the temperature drops below 1250F (520C).
Three thermal switches, connected in parallel, will cause the ac input to the
APU TRU to be disconnected when the internal temperature exceeds 2500F
For Training Purposes Only
For Training Purposes Only
Operation Autoland
If either the captain’s or first officer’s flight instrument transfer bus switches to
Transformer Rectifier Unit
its alternate power source during autoland, then a ground signal is applied from
Each TRU requires a 115 volt ac input from either the left or right main ac bus. either instrument bus voltage sensing unit (M10374 or M10375) through K123
The TRU circuitry employs a wye primary winding and two parallel wye--delta CENTER BUS ISOL RELAY to energize K108.
secondary connections, with full--wave rectification of the output through a
silicon diode bridge network. The pulsating dc from the rectifier is smoothed by
the output LC filter to reduce ripple. The input LC filter provides EMI
The three--phase input wiring to each TRU is protected by a 3 phase thermal
circuit breaker. The dc output feeder is adequately sized to carry dc fault
currents up to a level that causes the 3 phase input thermal circuit breaker to
A calibrated shunt provides the EICAS computers with signals indicating output
current flow.
When K108 dc bus tie relay is energized a status and maintenance message
T--R UNIT is displayed on EICAS. This normally indicates a TRU failure.
For Training Purposes Only
Operation Charger Shut--Down Conditions
The battery charger shuts down for the following:
AC Input
S Input ac voltage less than 94 volts or greater than 134 volts. The charger
The ground service bus powers the battery charger via K115 MAIN BATTERY
returns to normal operation in 10 to 25 seconds after an overvoltage condi-
CHARGER relay. Three phase ac input power between 105 to 122 volts is
tion clears. It returns to normal operation immediately after the undervoltage
required for normal operation of the battery charger.
condition clears.
When K115 is energized the ac input power is removed from the battery
S An open in the battery interlock circuit causes a shutdown.
K115 energizes if the:
S STBY PWR switch is positioned to BAT.
S Anytime the battery power connector is not connected when the battery
S Hydraulic motor generator system is tested or
charger is initially energized causes a shutdown. The battery charger does
S The battery thermal switch closes. not start unless the voltage sensed at the output terminals is above 4 volts.
Battery Charger Charge Mode
When the K104 MAIN BATTERY relay is de--energized a ground signal is S A battery temperature (sensed by temp sensor) above 630C (1450F) causes
applied to the main battery charger. This initiates the battery chargers constant a shutdown. When the temperature drops to 570C (1350F) the charger
current charge mode. returns to normal operation.
For Training Purposes Only
Battery Charger Operational Status Battery Current Monitor
During normal operation the battery charger provides both EICAS computers a The battery current monitor senses charge and discharge current flow in the
closed circuit to ground. main battery cable. This current flow is sensed by routing the ground side of
An open circuit to EICAS is caused by a: the battery feeder through a hole in the unit.
S Loss of input power For battery charge current greater than 20 +/– 4 amps the unit provides a
ground signal to K10425 MAIN BATTERY CHARGER DETECTOR relay
S Loss of battery interlock
completing the main battery charger to EICAS fault monitoring circuit.
S Overtemperature faults.
With battery discharge current flow greater than 6 +/– 1 amp the unit provides
STBY PWR Switch OFF or AUTO a ground signal to both EICAS computers.
With the STBY PWR switch in the OFF or AUTO position the K695 CHGR The MAIN BAT DISCH advisory message is displayed after a 10 second time
SIGNAL CONT relay is relaxed. delay. The main battery DISCH panel light also illuminates.
When EICAS senses an open circuit from the battery charger the latched Activating alternate gear extend system momentarily energizes K10370 ALTN
status and maintenance message “MAIN BAT CHGR“ is displayed after a EXTEND CONT latch relay inhibiting the MAIN BAT DISCH EICAS message.
10 second time delay.
For Training Purposes Only
APU BATTERY CHARGING SYSTEM Charger Shut--Down Conditions
The battery charger shuts down for the following:
Operation S Input ac voltage less than 94 volts or greater than 134 volts.
AC Input The charger returns to normal operation in 10 to 25 seconds after an over-
voltage condition clears. It returns to normal operation immediately after
The ground service bus powers the battery charger via K116 APU BATTERY then undervoltage condition clears.
CHARGER INTLK relay. Three phase ac input power between 105 to 122 volts
is required for normal operation of the battery charger. S An open in the battery interlock circuit causes a shutdown.
When K116 is energized the ac input power is removed from the battery S Anytime the battery power connector is not connected when the battery
charger. K116 energizes if: charger is initially energized causes a shutdown.
The battery charger does not start unless the voltage sensed at the output
S the STBY PWR switch is positioned to BAT, terminals is above 4 volts.
S the K197 APU START relay is energized, or S A battery temperature (sensed by temp sensor) above 630C (1450F) causes
S the battery thermal switch closes. a shutdown. When the temperature drops to 570C (1350F) the charger re-
turns to normal operation.
Battery Charger Charge Mode
S An internally caused overcurrent condition or inverter circuit unbalance
When the K122 ISLN REQUEST and K10416 EXT STBY PWR IND relays are causes a cyclic shutdown. The overcurrent shutdown signal has a fixed
de--energized a ground signal is applied to the APU battery charger. time duration, and when it clears, a soft start is applied to the inverter.
This initiates the battery chargers constant current charge mode. An open circuit input to both EICAS computers is caused by:
A new charge cycle occurs for one of the following: S Loss of input power,
S if ac input power is initially applied OR has been interrupted for more than S battery interlock and
0.5 seconds and then reapplied, OR
S overtemperature faults
S if the sensed battery voltage drops below 23 volts dc, OR
The status and latched maintenance message APU BAT CHGR is displayed
S the charger has operated (more than 0.5 seconds) in the T--R mode and is after a 10 second time delay. When the right main ac bus is unpowered the
switched to the charge mode. message is inhibited.
The constant current charge is at 38 amperes. The battery charger output
voltage rises to the temperature compensated voltage switch (inflection) point. Battery Current Monitor
After the proportional overcharge is completed the battery charger enters the The battery current monitor senses charge and discharge current flow in the
constant voltage region of the charge mode, current limited to 38 Amperes. battery cable. This current flow is sensed by routing the ground side of the
battery feeder through a hole in the unit.
Battery Charger Transformer Rectifier Mode For battery charge current greater than 20 +/– 4 Amps the unit provides a
For Training Purposes Only
When the K122 ISLN REQUEST or K10416 EXT STBY PWR IND relays are ground signal to K10418 APU BATTERY CHARGING DETECTION relay
energized the battery charger is signaled to operate in the transformer rectifier completing the APU battery charger to EICAS fault monitoring circuit.
mode. In this mode the output is 27.75 volts dc, constant voltage, at up to 64 With battery discharge current flow greater than 6 +/– 1 amp the unit provides
amps. This mode maintains battery charge without unnecessary electrolyte a ground signal through K10422 APU BATTERY DISCHARGE INDICATOR
loss. INHIBIT relay to both EICAS computers.
The APU BAT DISCH advisory message is displayed after a 10 second time
delay. The APU battery DISCH panel light also illuminates.
For Training Purposes Only
General Automatic Standby Power (with 115 volt ac xfer bus powered)
A standby power system is provided to supply 28 volt dc and single phase 115 When all main ac and dc buses are powered with the STBY PWR switch in
volt ac power to essential instrument, communication and navigation equip- AUTO and the BAT switch ON, K105 and K113 UNDER VOLTAGE SENSE
ment in the event of complete loss of primary ac power. relays are energized.
The standby system (ac and dc) also serves as an independent power source The ac standby bus is powered from the L 115 volt ac bus.
for the center channel of the Autoland System. When K106 MAIN BAT XFR relay energizes, K104 MAIN BATTERY RELAY,
K10416 EXT STBY PWR IND relay and the remote controlled circuit breaker
Manual Standby Power
(RCCB) are de--energized.
When all main ac and dc buses are unpowered or the standby power control
The main and APU batteries are no longer connected together.
switch is OFF, all standby system relays are relaxed and the ac and dc standby
buses are de--energized. Automatic Standby Power (with 115 volt ac xfer bus unpowered)
STBY PWR Switch OFF and BAT Switch ON (with Main AC Buses unpowered) With loss of power to the L 115 volt ac transfer bus the ac standby power relay,
K105, relaxes and the static inverter supplies the 115 volt ac standby bus.
Latching the BAT switch ON energizes the K104 MAIN BATTERY relay, and
the battery bus receives power from the hot battery bus. With no power on the L 28 volt dc bus the undervoltage sense relay, K113, and
the main battery transfer relay, K106, are de--energized. This causes K104,
Important: * K106 MAIN BAT XFER relay permits the K104 MAIN BATTERY
K10416 and the remote controlled circuit breaker (RCCB) to energize.
relay to close only when the left dc bus is unpowered. Only one of these both
relays can be energized to the same time! * The main and APU batteries are connected together, and supply the static in-
verter and dc standby bus.
The M10496 MAIN/APU BAT TIE remote control circuit breaker (RCCB) is
energized when the battery bus is powered. MAIN BAT DISCH and APU BAT DISCH lights illuminate.
This action connects the main and APU batteries together. K10416 The advisory EICAS messages MAIN BAT DISCH and APU BAT DISCH are
EXTENDED STBY PWR IND relay is energized and supplies a ground to displayed.
EICAS if the remote controlled circuit breaker malfunctions.
BAT Switch Off
The static inverter is powered but not loaded. When the K109 STANDBY PWR
When the BAT switch is OFF (released to out position) and the left main dc bus
relay is energized both ac and dc standby buses are de--energized. This
is energized (powers Master Dim & Test) the amber OFF light in the battery
causes K110 DC STBY BUS OFF and K138 AC STBY BUS OFF relays to re-
switch is illuminated and the BATTERY OFF EICAS advisory message is dis-
main relaxed and illuminates the STBY BUS OFF light.
Note: The STBY BUS OFF light is not dimmable.
STBY PWR Switch BAT and BAT Switch ON (with Main AC Buses unpowered)
For Training Purposes Only
When the STBY PWR switch is selected to BAT, the K109 AC STANDBY
PWR, K105 AC STBY PWR and K106 MAIN BAT XFR relays remain relaxed.
The ac standby bus is powered from the static inverter and the dc standby bus
is powered from the battery. This extinguishes the STBY BUS OFF light and
illuminates the MAIN and APU BAT DISCH lights.
CAT III Autoland Power
During autoland the ac and dc center bus power sources are transferred when
K123 CTR BUS ISOL relay is energized. The energizing of K123 causes K105
AC STBY PWR relay and K106 MAIN BAT XFER relay to relax. This cause the
K104 MAIN BAT relay to energize to connect the bat bus to the hot bat bus.
The static inverter supplies the 115 volt ac standby bus while the dc standby
bus is powered from the hot battery bus.
Closure of the RCCB is inhibited due to the energized ISLN REQUEST relay
K122. The EICAS message APU BAT. NO STBY is also inhibit during autoland
bus isolation.
APU Starting
When the APU is started the K197 APU START relay is energized. This pre-
vents the RCCB to energize.
For Training Purposes Only
The APU start transformer rectifier unit operates to supply dc power to the APU
starter motor during an APU start if the 115 volt ac right main bus is powered.
When the right main ac bus is powered, K615 APU TRU ENABLE relay is
energized by phase C power from the right main ac bus. Power from the 28
volt right main dc bus energizes K617 APU BAT/TRU SELECT relay. The K618
TRU APU START relay energizes and 115 volt ac is supplied to the APU start
transformer rectifier unit. The 28 volt dc output is supplied directly to the APU
starter motor.
The TRU cooling fan operates continuously anytime the K618 TRU APU
START relay is energized. After K197 APU START relay relaxes, the cooling
fan operates if the temperature is above 1250F (520C).
If the internal temperature of the TRU exceeds 2500F (1210C), then the K616
TRU OVERHEAT relay energizes. This causes the K617 APU BAT/TRU
SELECT relay to relax and energizes the K117 APU CRANK CONTACTOR
relay. The APU battery then supplies the APU starter motor with power.
During the start sequence (APU starter contactor signal present) an APU TRU
internal temperature above 2500F (1210C) causes K616 APU START TRU
OVERHEAT relay to energize. This relay remains energized until the starter
contactor signal is removed.
With K10163 de--energized then K117 APU CRANK CONTACTOR relay
energizes allowing the APU battery to power the APU starter motor.
When the 115 volt ac right main bus is not powered, the APU starter motor
receives dc power from the APU battery during APU start.
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The dc current shunts are calibrated resistance elements.
The main battery shunt is connected on the ground side of the battery.
The APU battery shunt is connected on the ground side of the battery charger.
The transformer rectifier units (TRU) incorporate a load shunt for current indi-
These shunts are rated at 150 amp/50mV.
EICAS DC Displays
The dc current shunts input a voltage to EICAS proportional to sensed current
flow. The dc bus voltage inputs to EICAS are taken directly from the
appropriate dc bus.
The left EICAS computer monitors the APU battery bus.
Hydraulic motor generator dc output is monitored by the right EICAS computer.
The current and voltage indications are displayed on the EICAS ELEC/HYD
maintenance page in digital readouts. The dc voltage range is from 0 to 40
volts. The dc amperage range is 0 +/– 2 to +/– 150.
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For Training Purposes Only
Purpose The tie bus interconnects the two main ac distribution centers (through the
The power distribution system routes source power to airplane electrical loads. BTBs) and provides a connection to the auxiliary power breaker and external
power contactor. The tie bus feeders are connected in a ring--bus configuration
System Description between the left and right BTB, APB and EPC.
The ac power from each airplane source, consisting of the two IDGs, auxiliary
generator and external power, when connected is supplied through generator
feeders, external power feeders and the bus tie feeders to two main ac distribu-
tion centers in the airplane for further distribution to various ac load buses.
General Component Locations
The main ac distribution centers are electrically connected between the left
GCB and BTB for the left channel, and between the right GCB and BTB for the
right channel. These distribution centers are located in the P31 and P32 power
panels. Load bus feeders supply power from the P31 and P32 panels to the P6
main power distribution panel.
Integrated drive generator feeders are routed through the floor beams inside of
fuselage section. At the power panel, the aluminum wire feeders are connected
directly to the GCB/APB terminals using Copalum lug terminations.
The external power feeder connects the external power receptacle to the exter-
nal power contactor. This feeder is all copper and rated to carry 90 kva
For Training Purposes Only
OPERATION Autoland Configuration
When the three autopilots are armed for approach and no faults exist, the
center buses transfer from the left system to the standby system. This provides
It is desired that the airplane be able to land in Category III B conditions. The three independent power sources for the three autopilots.
categories are established by the regulatory agencies based on airplane certifi-
At the same time, the bus tie breakers (BTB) go into an isolation mode.
cation, airport facilities, flight crew proficiency and airline maintenance.
In the isolation mode, both BTB’s cannot close simultaneously to power the two
The runway visual range and decision height requirements established for
main buses from one source.
Category III B are typically 150’ -- 700’ and 0’.
Before the autoland bus isolate command (ground) is issued by all three flight
These numbers are based on fail operational capability. This is the level of re-
control computers an initial ground must be supplied by the K108 DC TIE relay
dundancy required such that any single failure occurring below alert height al-
to all three bus isolated inputs. This ground indicates it is possible to perform a
lows the landing to be continued using the remainder of the automatic system.
center bus transfer. The issuance of an autoland bus isolate request initiates
Fail operational requires triple redundancy of power sources, engaged FCCs, center bus transfer.
sensors and servos.
When the K122 ISLN REQUEST relay is energized a 28 volt dc signal
The standby electrical system is used as an independent power source to (AUTOLAND CMD) is applied to the bus power control unit (BPCU).
supply the center channel loads of the center autopilot during triple redundant
The BPCU sends an autoland lockout command to the left and right generator
autoland operation. During autoland operation the battery charger (which oper-
control units to inhibit BTB close command logic. At least one BTB must be
ates in the T--R mode as a constant voltage source) constitutes a third power
open and one GCB closed to energize the autoland relays (K526 and K527).
source. The battery provides instantaneous backup if the battery charger fails.
For backup protection, the circuit to the BTB close coil is opened to interrupt
The static inverter powers the center ac bus. Autoland is inhibited if the static
any BTB close command when the autoland relay is energized. When either
inverter is inoperative.
K526 or K527 AUTOLAND relay is energized, then K123 CENTER BUS
Normal Configuration ISOLATE relay energizes if the static inverter is powered. If the battery switch
is latched to ON, K107 energizes switching the center bus sources.
During non--autoland conditions the left and right generator circuit breakers
(GCB) are closed, the bus tie breakers (BTB) are open, and the K107 CEN- After center bus transfer is successfully completed the bus isolated ground
TER BUS TRANSFER relay is de--energized. input is removed (K107 energized). There is now triple redundancy of power
The center bus ac and dc is supplied from the left main ac and dc buses re- sources, engaged FCCs, sensors and servos.
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For Training Purposes Only
The bus isolation condition is removed in three ways: APU Generator as Backup Power
S If radio altitude is above 200 feet and a fault has been detected which If the APU generator is operating during a multi channel approach, it automati-
results in a NO LAND 3 condition, cally powers the main ac bus if one generator is lost, regardless of altitude.
S After initiation of an auto go--around when the airplane is above 100 feet A generator failure causes the generator circuit breaker (GCB) to trip open.
radio altitude and a positive rate of climb has been established, This causes two things to happen:
S When all autopilots are disconnected. S the corresponding autoland relay de--energizes,
S the BPCU directly senses GCB position through airplane wiring; an open
Generator Loss Above 200 Feet
GCB causes the BPCU to remove the autoland lockout command from the
Between arming of the three autopilots and 200 feet, the loss of a generator is corresponding GCU allowing automatic BTB closure.
sensed by either the captain’s or first officer’s instrument bus voltage sensing
Transfer to the APU generator may result in an interruption time ranging from
unit. Either unit energizes to keep a corresponding flight instrument transfer
less than 0.05 seconds to 10 seconds, depending on the type of failure.
bus powered, energize the dc tie relay, and signal the FCC’s that the buses are
no longer isolated (re--applies ground to bus isolate).
The FCC’s remove autoland bus isolate ground resulting in center buses
switching back to the left main ac and dc buses, and the bus tie breakers
closing to keep both main ac buses powered.
For Training Purposes Only
The flight instrument transfer buses supply power to selected captain’s and first
officer’s flight instruments and automatically transfer to an alternate 115 volt ac
power source when primary source failure occurs. During normal operation the
captains and first officers flight instrument transfer buses are powered from the
L and R 115 volt ac buses respectively.
Flight Instrument Bus Power Transfer
The L and R DC buses supply DC control power to corresponding Instrument
Bus Voltage Sensing Unit through opposite BUS TIE switch. If the voltage of
the primary power source falls below 97 +/– 2 volt ac for 187 +/– 2 msec, the
sensing unit energizes an internal relay through a solid state switch, transfer-
ring to an alternate power source.
An auxiliary set of contacts provides a ground signal to both EICAS computers.
The status and maintenance messages ”CAPT INSTR XFER” and ”F/O INSTR
XFER” are displayed if a power transfer occurs and the primary power source
is still powered.
The sensing unit remains in the transferred position until the primary source
recovers and remains above 106 +/– 2 volt ac for 1.2 +/– 0.2 seconds. The
power interruption during the transfer does not exceed 20 msec.
Removal of the DC control power connects the flight instrument transfer bus to
its primary source.
When either flight instrument transfer bus has switched to its alternate power
source during autoland, a ground signal is applied by either Instrument Bus
Voltage Sensing Unit simultaneously to all flight control computers.
The autoland status indicators will annunciate NO LAND 3.
For Training Purposes Only
A ground is also applied through K123 CTR BUS ISLN relay to K108 DC TIE
relay. The DC tie relay immediately energizes connecting left and right main
DC buses together.
For Training Purposes Only
External Power Integrated Drive Generator System
The external power system allows 115 volt ac ground power to be connected The integrated drive generator (IDG) consists of a constant speed drive (CSD)
for powering ground handling, ground service, left and right main ac buses. An and generator in a common housing. Each integrated drive generator is QAD
external power source can be connected to the external power receptacle ring attached to the accessory gearbox. Constant generator speed is
located in the P30 panel. Other external power components are located in main maintained by a mechanical speed governor. A prismatic light glass oil level
equipment center P34, P37 panels and E2 rack. If the Bus Power Control Unit indicator provides visual indication of oil level. All oil flows through a
(BPCU) senses good power quality the AC CONNECTED and PWR NOT IN non--bypassing scavenge filter. A red button, near the filter housing, pops out to
USE LIGHTS (P30) and AVAIL LIGHT (P5) are illuminated. indicate a clogged filter. The disconnect reset ring allows reconnection of the
The BPCU initiates opening/closing of the external power contactor, ground IDG input spline mechanical connection. Two electrical connectors provide
handling relay, and ground service select and transfer relays. It provides exter- IDG to GCU interface for control, protection and monitoring. A terminal block is
nal power monitoring for fault isolation and contains BITE for external power. used for power feeder connections.
The ground handling bus is automatically powered for good external power The IDG is cooled by an external oil cooling system composed of fuel/oil and
quality, and external power is given priority over APU generator power. air/oil heat exchanger assemblies connected in series. These assemblies are
located on the upper right and the lower left side of each engine.
The ground service bus receives power automatically after the right main ac
bus is powered. When the right main bus is not powered, pushing the The fuel/oil heat exchangers use engine fuel to cool IDG oil.
GROUND SERVICE switch (P21 Forward Attendants Panel) allows the ground An air/oil heat exchanger receives fan air through a pneumatic and electrically
service bus to be powered either from external power or APU generator. controlled cooling air shutoff valve.
Pressing the EXT PWR switch (P5 Overhead Panel) causes closing of the ex- The generator control unit (GCU) monitors IDG inlet and outlet temperature
ternal power contactor and EXT PWR ON light illumination. sensors, and provides both EICAS computers with outlet and rise temperature
External power has priority over the integrated drive generator (IDG) and APU values.
generator when manually selected. Temperature information is displayed on ELEC/HYD maintenance page in 0C.
After both generator circuit breakers close the external power contactor is A generator drive disconnect switch, when pressed, disconnects IDG input
tripped open. shaft from engine accessory gearbox. An amber DRIVE light illuminates for low
The BPCU protection circuitry monitors external power current, voltage and charge pressure of high outlet temperature.
frequency for fault isolation tripping of the external power contactor, ground
handling relay and ground service select/transfer relays.
External power contactor fault protection trips are reset by pushing EXT PWR
For Training Purposes Only
Ground handling and ground service system fault protection trips are reset by
pushing the GROUND SERVICE switch.
For Training Purposes Only
AC Power System
The ac system operates at 115/200 volts ac, 400 Hz and is rated at 90 kva. The maintenance BITE performs a limited internal check of the GCU or BPCU.
Each channel consists of a main ac bus powered by either an IDG or APU The BIT switch retrieves fault messages resulting from protection trips or status
generator. monitor faults. The maintenance BITE test is started by pushing the PERIODIC
TEST switch. A RESET clears the BPCU and GCU memories each time it is
The APU generator, mounted to APU gearbox, is cooled and lubricated using
pushed. This action makes previous entries inaccessible. FRM/FIM is provided
APU oil.
to aid fault isolation.
Each GCU (E1 and E2 rack) automatically controls and protects an individual
generating channel by monitoring source output (IDG or APU generator), serial
data link and control switch positions. The Hydraulic Motor Generator (HMG) system provides a backup source of
electrical power after loss of all generators. An air driven hydraulic pump pres-
Main power breakers (P31, P32 and P34) control ac power flow and are all
surizes the center hydraulic system to power the HMG.
(except EPC) interchangeable.
The HMG and shutoff valve are located in the left wheel well. A generator con-
Current transformer assemblies monitor current flow for open phase,
trol unit (P65) performs control and protection functions. A momentary test
differential protection, load monitoring and overload protection.
switch (P61) is used to perform system checkout.
Electrical load control units (P31 and P32) and utility bus relays (P70) connect
AC bus transfer relays connect the captain’s, left and right ac transfer buses to
non--essential galley and utility bus loads to main ac buses.
the hydraulic motor generator ac output. A dc contactor connects the hydraulic
A GEN CONT switch controls the associated field relay (GCR) and main power motor generator dc output to the hot battery bus.
breaker (GCB or APB). Switch actuation to latched (ON) position closes GCR,
when open. Switch actuation to released (OFF) position opens GCR, when
If GEN CONT switch is unlatched, then the GCR is opened/closed using GEN
FIELD switch.
With the GEN CONT switch latched the main power breaker is automatically
opened/closed by the associated GCU.
The BTB is automatically controlled by the associated GCU if corresponding
BUS TIE switch is latched (AUTO).
The GCU and BPCU protective functions monitor system current, voltage,
frequency and input speed for open phase, overvoltage, undervoltage, shorted
permanent magnet generator, underfrequency, overfrequency, shorted rotating
diode, underspeed, differential current and load shedding faults.
For Training Purposes Only
The GCU’s and BPCU are individually responsible for isolating fault conditions
and storing the results in non--volatile memory (NVM). For protection trips
operational BITE identifies which protection trip occurred and attempts to
isolate LRU that caused trip.
Status monitors check the ac electrical system for active or passive failures not
causing protection trips.
For Training Purposes Only
DC Power System Power Distribution
The dc power system supplies loads requiring dc power. Both transformer recti- Electrical power is routed from each airplane source through feeders to load.
fier units (TRU) are located in the main equipment center. During engine start, with external or APU power supplying load, the engine
The main battery, battery charger and static inverter are located in the main generator automatically takes over powering associated load bus.
equipment center. An APU battery, battery charger and APU transformer recti- When manually selected external power has priority over all other sources.
fier unit are located in the aft equipment center. With the APU generator operating and a failure of either IDG, the APU genera-
The main battery/battery charger system provides dc power for the standby tor automatically powers associated load.
and autoland systems. A separate APU battery/battery charger system sup- If external or APU generator power is not available, and failure of either engine
plies power for APU starting. Both batteries are 40 amp--hour, 20 cell nickel-- generator, then the single remaining generator powers both main load buses.
cadmium, rated at 24 volt dc. During autoland, the center dc bus receives power directly from the hot battery
In the charge mode battery charging is constant current and temperature com- bus and center ac bus is supplied from the static inverter.
pensated. A thermistor and thermal switch, both integral to the battery, provide The flight instrument transfer buses supply power to selected captain’s and first
temperature sensing and overtemperature protection signals for charger control officer’s flight instruments. When the primary power source fails an alternate is
and shutdown. selected automatically.
In the transformer rectifier unit mode the battery charger supplies constant
The standby system static inverter supplies single phase ac power for the ac
standby bus.
The BAT switch controls backup dc input inverter power and STBY POWER
rotary switch controls auto/manual standby modes.
Each TRU normally supplies its own dc load buses. An automatic operating dc
tie control unit allows a single TRU to supply both main dc buses.
The APU TR unit supplies dc power to the APU starter motor anytime the right
main ac bus is powered and the APU is started.
A remote control circuit breaker (RCCB) is automatically activated during
standby power system operation tying the main and APU battery busses
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24--00 FRM/FIM
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The log book entry is 24--22--08--01.
What would you do?
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