Biodiversity and Conservation - CBSE Biology Class XII Notes Cbsebiology4u
Biodiversity and Conservation - CBSE Biology Class XII Notes Cbsebiology4u
Biodiversity and Conservation - CBSE Biology Class XII Notes Cbsebiology4u
✔ The combined diversity at all the levels of biological organization.
✔ Popularised by: Edward Wilson
➔ Types of Biodiversity
🙞 Genetic Diversity: High degree of diversity shown by a single species
over a distributional range.
o Example-1: Rauwolfia vomitoria – Grows in the Himalayan
ranges. Shows variation in the potency and concentration of the
reserpine (active chemical)
o Example-2: Occurrence of more than 50,000 strains of rice in
India that are genetically different. 1/12
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➔ Latitudinal Gradient:
✔ Species diversity decreases from equator to pole.
✔ Tropics have higher species than temperate/polar areas.
✔ Example: Colombia (near equator) – 1400 bird species ; India
(Tropics)-1200 species; New York (Temperate)–105 species ;
Greenland (polar)– 56 species.
☞ Why does tropics have greater biological diversity than the
temperate region? 3/12
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➢ Species-Area relationships:
✔ It describes the relationship between the area of a habitat, or of
part of a habitat, and the number of species found within that
✔ It is usually constructed for a single type of organism.
✔ Alexander von Humboldt observed that within a region species
richness increased with increasing explored area, but only up to a
✔ Species diversity is the number of diversity or the variety of species
in a particular region. It can be explained by
o Species Richness – The number of species present in a
particular area.
o Species even-ness – How evenly is the distribution of the
number of each species.
✔ The relation between species richness and area for a wide variety of
taxa (angiosperm plants, birds, bats, freshwater fishes) is a
rectangular hyperbola. 4/12
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➔ Why Should We Conserve Biodiversity?
1. Narrowly Utilitarian Argument:
✔ Views biodiversity as a source for various products
✔ Benefits from biodiversity:
o Food (cereals, pulses, fruits)
o Firewood
o Fibre
o Construction materials
o Industrial products
o Products of medical importance
✔ Bioprospecting: exploring molecular, genetic and species-level
diversity for products of economic importance.
2. Broadly Utilitarian Argument
✔ Argues about many ecosystem services that nature provides.
✔ Example-1: Amazon forest produces 20% of total Oxygen in the
atmosphere via photosynthesis.
✔ Example-2: Pollination – Ecosystem, provides pollinators layer –
bees, bumblebees, birds and bats.
✔ Example-3: the aesthetic pleasures of walking through thick
woods, watching spring flowers in full bloom or waking up to a
bulbul’s song in the morning. 7/12
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3. Ethical Argument
✔ We share the planet with millions of plants, animals and microbe
✔ Every species has an intrinsic value, even if it does not have any
economic value.
✔ We have a moral duty to care for their well-being and pass on our
biological legacy in good order to future generations.
➔ How Do We Conserve Biodiversity?
1. In situ conservation:
✔ Also known as on site conservation.
✔ Conservation and protection of the entire ecosystem – biodiversity
at all levels is protected.
✔ Biodiversity Hotspots: Regions with very high levels of species
richness and high degree of endemism, that are identified for
maximum protection.
✔ Total biodiversity hotspots in the world = 34
✔ Biodiversity hotspots of India with exceptionally high biodiversity
o Western Ghats & Sri Lanka:
▪ Includes entire Western Ghats (and Sri Lanka)
o Indo-Burma:
▪ Includes entire North-eastern India, except Assam and
Andaman group of Islands (and Myanmar, Thailand,
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and southern China)
o Himalaya:
▪ Includes the entire Indian Himalayan region (and that
falling in Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, China and
✔ In India, ecologically unique and biodiversity-rich regions are
legally protected as
o biosphere reserves -14
o national parks – 90
o sanctuaries – 448
✔ Sacred Groves:
o These are forest fragments of varying sizes, which are
communally protected, and which usually have a significant
religious connotation for the protecting community.
o Hunting and logging are usually strictly prohibited within
these patches. 8/12
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