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Methods For Quantifying The Stable Sintering Region in Laser Sintered Polyamide-12

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Methods for Quantifying the Stable Sintering Region in

Laser Sintered Polyamide-12

M. Vasquez,1 B. Haworth,2 N. Hopkinson3

Additive Manufacturing Research Group, Loughborough University, Loughborough,
Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK

Department of Materials, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK

Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, S10 2TN UK

Manufacturing complex parts by the laser sintering amide)-12. Polyamide-12 is the most commonly used
process requires a minimum amount of energy input laser sintering polymer (currently around 95% of the total
for consolidation of polymer particles to occur; how- laser sintering polymer market), however, the range of
ever too much energy can result in a decline in
mechanical properties. This decrease is thought to be available polymer materials is fairly limited in compari-
the result of polymer chain degradation. A stable sin- son to competitive processes such as injection molding
tering region (SSR) has been proposed to describe the [2]. One of the main advantages of laser sintering over
optimum temperature range for successful laser sinter- traditional molding techniques is geometric freedom in
ing. This article will aim to quantify the SSR for poly- part design, which has allowed successful utilization of
amide-12 by using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to
provide a framework for identifying key laser sintering the process in diverse applications including ducting for
processing parameters. Weight loss with respect to fighter aircraft, i-Phone cases, and even rideable snow-
temperature is the main measurement output of the board binding prototypes.
TGA procedure. However, the precise temperature and During laser sintering, the build process takes place in
thermal history of a material is difficult to quantify
a nitrogen controlled chamber. The polymer is heated to
during the laser sintering process; instead an energy
input approach has been developed. A degradation an elevated temperature prior to the commencement of
energy was calculated from the TGA data and was the build. The actual sintering takes place on a bed of
used in conjunction with a laser sintering formula powder which in the case of polyamide-12 is heated to a
called energy melt ratio to prescribe build parameters temperature about 128C below the crystalline ‘‘peak’’ melt
for laser sintered parts. The mechanical properties of
these parts illustrated the effect of degradation at temperature. Polyamide-12 is a semi-crystalline polymer
various levels of energy input. Implications for this that has a wide super-cooling region; this has been shown
work include optimizing the material selection process to be a key factor for laser sintering processing [3]. A
for polymer laser sintering materials beyond polyam- direct beam CO2 laser applies energy to the material to
ide-12. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 53:1230–1240, 2013. ª 2012 Soci-
take it above the melting point and to consolidate the
ety of Plastics Engineers
specified area. After a layer of powder is sintered another
layer of material is deposited onto the build using a coun-
ter-rotating roller or a blade. Typically, the laser absorb-
INTRODUCTION ance for laser sintering processes exceeds 90% [4–6]. The
Laser sintering is an additive manufacturing technology unsintered powder surrounding the consolidated cross-sec-
that uses a laser to consolidate prototype and end-use tion serves as a part-support structure. This allows com-
3-dimensional computer aided design objects from pow- plex shapes to be constructed without the need for molds
dered material [1]. Although metal and ceramic powders and tooling [7]. When the build is complete the part is
are frequently processed using laser sintering, the focus of cleaned by removing this loose powder.
this work will be on polymers, specifically nylon (poly- Control of the thermal conditions inside the laser sin-
tering machine is one of the fundamental requirements for
creating parts with good mechanical properties, since this
Correspondence to: Mike Vasquez; e-mail: [email protected]
DOI 10.1002/pen.23386
is controlled by the rheological properties of the polymers
Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). at low deformation rates, specifically the temperature
C 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers
V dependence of viscosity [8, 9]. The factors that the


operator controls while running the machine include laser Childs et al. [5] and Dong et al. [4] created two-dimensional
power, laser scan count, scan spacing, and part bed and three-dimensional finite element simulations of the laser
temperature. There has been previous work to quantita- sintering process, respectively. Online optical temperature
tively correlate laser sintering inputs, including the monitoring has also been adapted by Chivel and Smurov for
Andrew’s number and also the energy melt ratio (EMR) the process on customized machines [16]. Williams and
[10]. EMR, as introduced by Starr et al, is the ratio of the Deckard modeled the effect of some individual machine pa-
applied energy density relative to the theoretical energy to rameters (laser power and scan spacing) on the laser sinter-
melt a single layer of material [10]. The numerator in Eq. ing process [17]. Wiria et al. modeled the heat transfer pro-
1 represents the applied energy density in laser sintering, cess during laser sintering for tissue engineering scaffolds
based on the chosen process settings, whilst the denomina- [18]. Using optical thermography it was shown that temper-
tor indicates the theoretical energy required to melt a given atures in the central part of the incident laser could increase
material in the process. An increase in EMR will indicate by as much as 208C with the addition of 1 W on the laser
that far more energy is supplied to the process than is the- power setting [18].
oretically required for melting. Energy density is com- Most polymers do not have an exact point of degrada-
prised of the machine specific settings that dictate the tion, which is induced by thermally activated chemical
amount of energy being applied to the top layers of pow- reactions; however attempts have been made to assess the
der including laser power, number of times the laser passes acceptable thermal processing regions for more estab-
over the part, laser speed, and laser spacing. The theoreti- lished technologies such as injection molding. Work by
cal energy to melt the applied powder can be calculated Colin and Verdu used a combination of temperature and
from bed temperature, powder packing density, specific molar mass data to create polymer processability windows
heat, melt temperature, and heat of fusion. EMR is cur- [19]. Because factors other than temperature can account
rently the most comprehensive and practical method to for degradation (process residence time and mechanical
compare laser sintering parameters because it incorporates stress), including mechanisms such as hydrolysis and
bed temperature which is an important machine parameter
themo-oxidation, thermal stability is not easily defined
not considered in other energy density calculations.
and is also difficult to predict in a manufacturing environ-
PS ment. Previous work by Ghosh et al. and Herrera et al.
yV z has outlined the chemical reactions that occur during
EMR ¼  B
Cp ðTm  Tb Þ þ hf  ðQÞðUÞ degradation for polymers such as polyamide [20, 21].
However, these studies did not examine the exact chemi-
where P, S, y, VB, z, Cp, Tm, Tb, hf, Q, and F are laser cal reactions occurring during the laser sintering process
power, scan count, scan spacing, beam speed, layer thick- for polyamide-12; instead, the aim of this research was to
ness, specific heat capacity, melting temperature, powder develop a quantitative method to connect the material
bed temperature, enthalpy of melt, material density, and characterization data for PA-12 from thermogravimetric
packing density (respectively). analysis (TGA) and then to utilize it to prescribe an
The effect of increasing energy density on part mechani- optimum window for sintering, before the onset of degra-
cal properties was investigated by Caulfield et al. [11]. This dation affects mechanical properties.
work showed that tensile strength, modulus, and elongation Bates et al. outlined a method to use TGA to create a
at break generally increase with more input energy. Ho thermal model to predict temperature distributions at a weld
et al. [12] obtained similar results with laser sintered poly- interface during transmission welding [22]. The method pre-
carbonate (PC) and Majewski et al. [13] showed the same dicted an upper limit for the energy delivered to the inter-
pattern exists following high speed sintering. These studies face of the weld. A similar method was implemented in the
suggest that higher energy promotes more complete consoli- present study, applied to the laser sintering process.
dation of powders during manufacture. The link between The Kissinger method for analyzing degradation
sintering variables and component properties is the develop- kinetics using TGA was the primary means for translating
ment of internal structure during thermal processing. raw TGA data into a measure of energy required for deg-
Zarringhalam et al. examined the microstructure of a laser radation [23]. The mathematical explanation behind the
sintered polyamide (PA)-12 part which showed un-melted method is described in the following section. Dynamic
cores within a spherulitic texture, an indication that insuffi- TGA records the weight loss of a material as it is heated
cient energy was delivered to induce full melting [14]. How- at a controlled rate through a defined temperature region.
ever, an optimum energy density appears to be reached, af- It is noted that TGA measurements only record degrada-
ter which mechanical properties decline due to polymer deg- tion indirectly, as it pertains to weight loss, and therefore
radation. Vasquez et al. established the term ‘‘Stable circumstances where volatile compounds are released.
Sintering Region’’ to characterize the thermal window for An outline of the assumptions for the Kissinger method
effective laser sintering prior to the onset of significant ma- is described below and has been adapted from Pramoda
terial degradation [15]. et al. [24]. The rate of reaction can be defined as the ratio
There have been several other studies that have investi- of actual weight loss to the total weight loss correspond-
gated thermal phenomena during the laser sintering process. ing to the degradation process. This ratio (a) is shown in


Eq. 2 where M, M0, and Mf are the actual mass, initial      
mass, and final mass, respectively. b EA 1 AR
ln 2
¼ þ ln (11)
Tmax R Tmax EA
ðM0  MÞ
a¼ (2) Based on Eq. 11 one can solve for the activation
M0  Mf
energy (EA) by plotting ln(b/ T2max ) as an ordinate, versus
Equation 3 is the basic rate equation used in kinetic stud- 1/Tmax at various heating rates. This results in a linear
ies (where k is the rate constant, f(a) is the rate of conver- plot whose slope can be evaluated to determine the acti-
sion, and da/dt is the rate of degradation), illustrating that vation energy for degradation. Equation 11 was therefore
f(a) is proportional to the concentration of reaction material. applied to analyze the PA12 TGA data in the following
sections of this article.
¼ k f ðaÞ (3)
The Arrhenius expression (4) is then used to describe Two thermal techniques were employed to characterize
the temperature dependence of the rate constant. Gener- a virgin laser sintering grade of polyamide-12, PA 2200
ally for the Arrhenius equation, k can be considered as supplied by EOS Gmbh (Munich, Germany) with an aver-
the number of collisions that result in a given reaction age particle size of 56 lm [25]. Standard differential
per second. The pre-exponential factor (A) represents the scanning calorimetry (DSC) and TGA techniques were
total number of collisions (leading to a reaction or not) used to outline the ‘‘Stable Sintering Region’’ of the mate-
per second and the term (2Ea/RT) is the probability that rial. Further analysis using the Kissinger method was
for any given collision, a reaction will occur where Ea applied to the TGA results, as described in the previous
and R are the activation energy and gas constant, respec- section. The combination of DSC and TGA allowed for a
tively. complete analysis of the thermal response to a dynamic
heating scan, from solid-state to melt-phase and finally to
Ea chemical breakdown.
k ¼ A exp  (4)
The TGA protocol measures weight loss using a con-
stant heating rate of b: DSC is a thermal measurement technique that tracks
the heat flow to/from a sample during phase transitions,
dT dT when subjected to a thermal scan. It is a common tech-
! dt ¼
b¼ (5)
dt b nique used for characterizing polymer laser sintering
Combining Eqs. 2–5 results in Eq. 6 and simplifies to Eq. 7: materials. A TA Instruments Q200 was used to perform
the thermal analysis on the polyamide-12 powder sample.
da Ea The ASTM D3418-08 protocol was followed for heating
b ¼ Af ðaÞeRT (6)
dT and sample preparation [26]. Two separate samples of
mass 6.6 6 0.1 mg from the virgin batch of material were
da A Ea heated from 20 to 2208C at 10 8C min21. Samples were
¼ eRT dT (7)
f ðaÞ b sealed inside an aluminum container and nitrogen gas was
used to create an inert atmosphere, circulated at a flow
Equation 8 can be integrated within the constraints of ini- rate of 50 cm3 min21. Results were analyzed using TA
tial temperature (To) corresponding to a degree of conver- Universal Analysis Software.
sion (ao) and a peak temperature (Tp) corresponding to ap
e dT (8)
T0 RT TGA is another common tool for assessing the thermal
characteristics of a material. TGA is primarily used to
      investigate degradation in materials and can provide
b EA 1 AR
ln 2
¼ þ ln (9) insight into volatility, moisture content, lifetime predic-
Tmax R Tmax EA
tion, and to determine fillers or other inorganic media. An
indium calibrated TA Instruments SDT 2960 was used to
The Kissinger method for solving Eq. 8 assumes that test powder samples heated from 308C to 6008C in a 95%
n ¼ 1. nitrogen atmosphere. The choice of atmosphere was made
    to simulate the conditions that are commonly used in laser
b AR E
ln 2
¼ ln þ lnðnð1  amax Þn1 Þ  (10) sintering machines. Three separate tests were completed
Tmax EA RTmax on samples of the virgin powder and data were analyzed


FIG. 1. Laser sintering test specimen and build setup side view.

using TA Universal Analysis software at heating rates of properties [27]. Figure 1 shows the build setup and the
58C min21, 108C min21, and 208C min21. dimensions of the test pieces. There was a 6 mm layer
before the first sintered layer and 3 mm after the final
sintered layer. The tensile bars were built in the
Hot Stage Microscopy so-called YX direction on the build area, i.e. on the hori-
Hot stage microscopy was used as a practical measure- zontal plane of the bed, with the long dimension of the
ment of the coalescence of PA-12 powder particles to test piece in the Y-direction.
complement the predicted sintering onset position. A Laser power (between 6 and 25 W) was chosen to be the
Leica light microscope with a dynamic heating rate primary variable between the test specimens. Sets of seven
program between 408C and 2208C at 10 8C min21 was tensile bars were built at each power setting, five of which
used to observe the behavior of a thin layer of polymer were used for testing. Table 1 shows the machine parameters
particles on a glass slide. used during the build. The power parameters were random-
ized throughout the individual layers of the build.

Gel Permeation Chromatography

In order to calculate the energy values required for Tensile Testing
thermally induced polymer chain degradation such as Test specimens were conditioned at 208C (618C) and
chain scission that could occur in laser sintering it was at 50 percent (65%) relative humidity prior to testing.
necessary to perform molecular weight measurements on A Zwick Z030 tensometer fitted with a long travel con-
the PA 2200 samples. This was completed at Smithers tact extensometer was used to perform the tests. Modu-
Rapra Technology Limited (Shawbury, UK) using con- lus data were measured at 1 mm/min crosshead speed to
ventional high temperature gel permeation chromatogra- 0.25% strain, following which the tensile strength and
phy. A single solution of the sample was prepared using elongation at break were measured at 5 mm/min until
10 mL solvent (1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol) to 20 specimen failure. The software provided by Zwick,
mg of PA 2200 powder. The mixture was left overnight TestXpert, was used for the calculation of the tensile
to dissolve and then was mixed and filtered through a strength, Young’s Modulus, and elongation at break for
0.45 lm polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane prior each of the parts.
to chromatography.
TABLE 1. EOS P100 build settings.
Laser Sintering Build Parameter Set point
The energy values calculated from the TGA data
Layer thickness 0.1 mm
were converted to EMR values that corresponded to the Part bed temperature 1728C
predicted energy required to impart degradation. The Removal chamber temperature 1508C
details of this procedure are outlined in the next section. Laser power (hatching) 6,10,14,18,22,25 W
An EOS P100 laser sintering machine was used to pro- Scan speed (hatching) 2500 mm s21
duce Type IV tensile specimens according to the ASTM Scan spacing 0.20 mm
Pre-heat time 2h
Standard D638-10 Standard Test Method for tensile


FIG. 4. TGA results for 1% weight loss at various heating rates.
FIG. 2. Moisture content adjustment for PA-12 powders.

have been adjusted with the moisture content factor sub-

tracted, so that further analysis of weight percent is inde-
The laser sintering grade of PA12 has a crystalline pendent of moisture content. On average, the moisture
melting point of 1858C and a melt enthalpy of 97.2 J g21. content in the samples was in the range 0.2–0.3% for PA-
PA-12 is a semi-crystalline polymer and has relatively 12. Modified TGA data for the various heating rates
sharp melt and recrystallization peaks. The specific heat tested are shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
capacity of the material was 3250 J kg21 K21. Figure 2 The minimum onset temperature to allow polymer flow
illustrates a slight correction for the TGA data in order to during laser sintering is toward the lower region of the
account for the moisture content existing in the powder. graph (verified in practice using optical hot stage micros-
Moisture content can be a concern for polymer powders copy in Fig. 5). This is a practical technique in which sin-
especially for polyamides [28]. Because the physical tering kinetics can be observed and predicted sintering
moisture uptake of the polymer can occur quickly it was rates can be assessed using the Frenkel model that sug-
decided that for the TGA protocol the polymer would be gests that sintering rate is proportional to the square root
tested as received and not pre-dried before testing. In of surface tension over viscosity [1]. Figure 5 shows the
order to correct for any excess moisture that the sample transition from solid to sintered particles and the quantita-
of powder may absorb during handling, the TGA results tive temperature range that this occurs. The upper temper-
were adjusted to take this into account. The amount of ature limit was selected in this instance from TGA, for
weight loss that the sample showed from 0 to 1008C was 1% weight loss for a heating rate of 10 8C min21 because
subtracted from the total mass data and a secondary graph the temperature corresponds to stability limits for more
was created. The remaining graphs in the results section conventional processing techniques. The stable sintering

FIG. 3. PA-12: Modified TGA results at variable heating rates.


FIG. 5. Hot stage microscopy for PA-12.

region resulting from the two analytical techniques (DSC, Procedure to Determine Laser Sintering Parameters
TGA) is shown in Fig. 6. Using EMR
The EMR [10] was used as a conduit between the Kis-
TGA Kissinger Method Calculation singer TGA data and the physical settings for the laser
Thermal analysis data from TGA were analyzed using sintering machine. The following steps outline the proce-
the Kissinger method, applied to PA12 at various heating dure developed to predict machine settings that would
rates. The key data points that were necessary to perform induce degradation and quantify the upper limit of the sta-
the calculation are highlighted in Fig. 7. The temperature ble sintering region.
at which the maximum degradation occurred, identified EMR is obtained from practical energy density data,
by the derivative mass loss data, was identified for each relative to the theoretical amount of thermal energy
of the heating rates. The Tmax values for the three heat- required to melt a given layer of polymer within the sin-
ing rates are shown in Table 2. Figure 10 shows the re- tering process. The first step is to determine the energy
sultant Kissinger plot for PA-12. The gel permeation density corresponding to degradation onset as determined
chromatography (GPC) molecular weight data are shown by TGA (Eq. 12). Table 3 shows the values needed for
in Fig. 9 and were used to convert the Kissinger result the calculations where TDegOnset, EA, Mw are the
of 279.5 kJ mol21 to a value of 0.014 kJ g21. temperature for degradation onset, activation energy, and

FIG. 6. Stable sintering region for PA-12.


FIG. 7. Typical TGA and derivative weight loss plot with onset temperature and maximum conversion tem-

molecular weight, respectively. The EMR corresponding to degradation was 6.2. This
  predicted EMR was then used to determine the machine
  EA parameters (laser power, scan spacing, layer thickness,
EDeg ¼ TDegOneset  Tm Cp þ Q (12)
Mw and beam speed) that would induce degradation in the
material. The only variable that was changed for the laser
Therefore: sintering builds was laser power. The scan spacing, beam
speed, layer thickness, and scan count were all kept con-
j stant and their values are shown in Table 5. Scan count is
EDeg ¼ 0:43 defined as the number of times the laser scans a given
section. This was held to one pass.
Next, the energy required to melt a single layer of PA-
12 powder was calculated according to the denominator
of the EMR equation. Table 4 includes the relevant varia- Calculating Machine Parameters at Degradation EMR
bles that are necessary for Eq. 13 where Em is the energy
required to melt a layer of material and F is the packing
density. PS
  ðEMRD ÞðEm Þ ¼ (15)
y  VB  z
Em ¼ Cp ðTm  Tb Þ þ hf  ðQÞðUÞ
Em ¼ 0:069
ð6:2Þð0:069Þ ¼
An EMR required for degradation is obtained by divid- ð2500Þ3ð0:1Þ30:20
ing Eq. 12 by Eq. 13.
TABLE 3. Physical parameters for determination of degradation
ED 0:43 energy.
EMRD ¼ ¼ ¼ 6:2 (14)
Em 0:069
EDeg J mm23
TABLE 2. Kissinger data points for PA-12 TGA.

Heating rate (8C min21) TDegOnset 325 8C

Tm 185 8C
Polyamide-12 5 10 20 Cp 3155 J kg21 K21
Ea 279.5 kJ mol21
T at 1% weight loss (8C) 308 325 351 Mw 18,800 g mol21
T-max (8C) 431 438 450 q 0.97 g cm21


TABLE 4. Physical parameters for energy to melt layer.

Em J mm23

Tb 172 8C
Tm 185 8C
Cp 3250 J kg21 K21
hf 97.2 J g21
F 0.5 Dimensionless
q 0.97 g cm23

Using this theoretical approach, the predicted laser

power for degradation under these processing settings was
21 W. Therefore a set of tensile bars were constructed in FIG. 8. Kissinger plot for experimental TGA work at variable heating
the same build ranging from 6 to 25 W to explore rates using PA-12.
possible effects of process-induced material degradation.
Figure 8 shows the visual effect of increasing the input
energy for the build. The tensile specimens on the left with previous reported research. Furthermore, the peaks
appear lighter in color, suggesting that just the top surface and onset of plateaus surround the predicted degradation
of particles are being melted. In contrast, the higher laser EMR proposed in this article. The Young’s modulus
power specimens scatter more light (appear more peaked at an EMR value less than predicted and stayed
‘‘glossy’’) suggesting a greater degree of melting, overall. fairly constant; however the property values were still
Tensile properties data (Young’s modulus, tensile roughly 15% below the maximum value. The peak stress
strength, and elongation at break) are plotted as a function was maximal at 53.9 (61) MPa at 18 W power, then
of EMR in Figs. 9–11 with error bars representing the stand- decreased at both 22 and 25 W (a 3.5% decrease in
ard deviation of results in each trial. Each of the figures properties from the maximum value beyond the point of
identifies the predicted point of degradation (6.2 EMR). predicted degradation). There was a very clear peak in
The initial positive relationships observed in the plots mechanical properties for the elongation at break parame-
are induced by increased efficiency in the sintering pro- ter, the maximum occurred very close to the predicted
cess, as more thermal energy is transferred to the PA-12 EMR. Above 22 W (6.38 EMR), however, there was a
powder; melt-state viscosity decreases with temperature about a 5% decline in properties and this trend would
(Haworth et al, 2011) once the EMR is sufficiently high have been expected to continue, at higher power input
to raise the typical sintering temperature above the crys- levels. These results confirm the existence of a ‘‘stable
talline melting endotherm. Similar qualitative trends are sintering region’’ between the melting endotherm and the
observed for all properties investigated (Figs. 11–13); onset of material decomposition.
however modulus data show the highest level of variabili- The estimated degradation point is based upon an
ty, due to the nonlinear behavior of the PA12 materials. assumption that a 1% weight loss is the critical point at
As EMR increases, resulting in a progressive increase which mechanical properties would be affected for poly-
in powder sintering temperature, properties increase amide-12 in laser sintering processes. This weight loss
toward optimum levels, before detectable decreases are percent corresponded to the upper processing temperature
observed. Since this region corresponds to the EMR at range for injection molding and was deemed as a reasona-
the predicted degradation point, practical verification of ble estimation of the temperature region that would start
the approach has been achieved.

The tensile data have shown that there are plateaus and
declines in the mechanical properties that are consistent

TABLE 5. Laser sintering build parameters.


S 1 Dimensionless
Y 0.20 mm
Vb 2500 mm s21
Z 0.1 mm
FIG. 9. Molecular weight distribution for PA-12 using GPC.


FIG. 10. In-process image of the effect of variable laser power (6–25 W) on tensile specimens.

to affect properties. However, based on the tensile data the reported approach is that through a set of analytical
above, the critical EMR might be close to, but slightly tests on competitive materials (DSC, TGA, and GPC), it is
higher: around 6.38 EMR (or 22 W power). Utilizing the possible to specify a set of parameters that are close to the
method outlined in the previous sections, an EMR value values of property maxima. This could be beneficial not
of 6.38 at these specific laser sintering parameters would only for future development of materials, but also to allow
suggest a measurable TGA weight loss between 1 and optimum process parameters to be specified more exactly
1.25%. In commercial practice, it would be best most use- based upon measured physio-chemical properties of the
ful for users to maintain energy input values just below polymers. Laser sintering can be quite time consuming due
the critical point of degradation from input of the laser. to long warm up and cool down times and this can limit
The small discrepancy in degradation point could be due the amount of materials development that is possible on a
to several reasons including thermal inefficiency, such single machine, thus restricting the commercial potential of
that the total amount of energy imparted by the laser is the process to some extent. In the current study, it is also
only partially absorbed by the polymer. noted that PA-12’s large super cooling window enables a
Laser sintering is a difficult process on which to predict significant range of energy inputs to be tested, which might
exact outcomes, based on a complex set of independent but be difficult to recreate with materials that have a small
interactive variables and some inherent differences from super-cooling process windows that tend to curl or crash
machine to machine. However, one of the main benefits of builds when large temperature differences are introduced

FIG. 11. PA-12 tensile properties data: tensile strength. FIG. 12. PA-12 tensile properties data: elongation at break.


development in laser sintering. This science-based meth-
odology also offers improved process control and consis-
tency, thereby reducing lead-time for maximizing part
properties, such that the current ‘‘trial and error’’ and ex-
perience-based methods can be eliminated, offering
potential to save time and material whilst improving part
consistency. There are several opportunities to enhance
this method through the understanding of the degradation
products induced by high input energy delivery. TGA
measurements allow for measurement of volatile com-
pounds that occur during events such as chain scission
but other mechanisms like chain extension could be
occurring. Further experimental work using GPC and
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) could
clarify the impact of high energy delivery in laser sinter-
FIG. 13. PA-12 tensile properties data: Young’s modulus.
ing and help to refine the method to quantify the stable
between the sintered area and the fresh powder being sintering region for practical use with multiple materials.
applied for the next layer. Furthermore, it is well known
that porosity plays a determining role in the mechanical
performance of laser sintered parts. This is especially the
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