Light CH4

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Science Name: .............................................................

Class: ...........
Worksheets for science tto2 Teacher’s remarks:
School year 2020-2021

In this booklet, we will engage with the wonders of light,
shadows and reflections. In every lesson you will need a pen, a
(sharp) pencil, a pencil sharpener and a set square. Light is
drawn on paper with a sharp pencil and a set square, because
light travels in straight lines, not wiggly ones. We will also get a
better understanding to colours, both additive (light) and subtractive (paint) and, of
course, the rainbow.

Lesson 1: introduction, light sources, field of vision

Lesson 2: shadow and the spectrum of light
Lesson 3: planar mirrors and mirror images
Lesson 4: convex and concave mirrors
Lesson 5: colours, the eye and astronomy
Lesson 6: test of first seven lessons (Introduction and Light)

Hermann Wesselink College, Amstelveen
Courtesy St. Bonifatiuscollege in Utrecht
Assignment 35: Concave or convex mirrors
In the photographs below you see concave and convex mirrors.
 Which mirrors are concave? Which are convex?

How can you tell the difference between the convex and concave mirrors?

The reflection in a convex mirror is smaller than in a flat mirror. In the middle-upper picture
you see the cars in the wing mirror to appear smaller than they really.
Why is the mirror used for the wing of a car a convex mirror? What is the advantage?

In shops there are also often mirrors meant to prevent shoplifting.

Are shop mirrors concave or convex? What is the advantage?

Assignment 36
The Artist M. C. Escher used a reflective sphere to draw a

Is the sphere behaving as a concave or convex mirror?

Why do you think mister Escher used a sphere as a mirror

instead of a planar mirror?
Assignment 37: Field of view from a planar mirror
Below there is a lady looking at herself via a planar mirror. Construct het field of view
via the mirror using the five steps.

Assignment 38: Field of view from a convex mirror

Below is the same lady, but now she is looking at herself using a convex mirror.
These kind of mirrors are usually found on the ceiling of shops. Construct het field of
view via the mirror using the six steps.
Assignment 39: Full-length mirror
In the opposite photograph you see a full-length mirror. However, the
mirror does not reach to the floor and in addition the mirror is slightly
slanted to the rear. Can you see your feet in that case?
Can the woman in the drawing below see her feet? Draw the entire field of

. mirror

Assignment 40
In the drawing below you see a dentist's mirror and the eye of the dentist. Show in
a drawing which part the dentist can see.


dentist's mirror

Ask you teacher for some tiny mirrors and experiment with how they work. Play
around for 5 minutes, then continue with the assignments.
Assignment 41: Concave mirrors
With a concave mirror the reflection can be magnified and concave
mirrors are therefore often used as joke mirrors. Concave mirrors are
also much used for focusing light. The largest telescopes make use
of large concave mirrors to focus the weak light of the most distant
stars. In the photograph opposite you can see the mirror of the
Hubble Space Telescope, the largest telescope in space.
How can you see in the photograph that the mirror is concave?

The largest solar power-station at the moment is in the

Mojave Desert in South California. The power station consists of
400.000 curved mirrors in total divided over seven areas. Each
mirror focuses the sunbeams on a tube through which oil flows. The
oil is heated to almost 400 °C and subsequently drives a steam
turbine which produces electricity.
The mirror in the drawing below is a quarter of a circle. Where is the
centre of the circle?

Extend the light rays up to the mirror and construct the normal for each
Concave mirror in the Mojave
light ray (make use of the centre of the circle) Desert. The radiation is
collected in a tube through
Draw how the light rays are reflected by the mirror. whichoil flows

Sun light

Revolvable concave mirror.

The sunlight is focused by
the concave mirror

Where does the tube with oil have to be placed? Indicate the spot in the

In the course of the year the height of the sun changes and so the
direction in which the sunlight comes in. How could you take this into
Assignment 42: Mirror box puzzle
We are going to take a closer look at the shoe box from the previous lesson . As you have
seen, this box turns the image that you see upside down; for this purpose three mirrors are
used. In the figure below you see these three mirrors and two light beams in a drawing.

30 30

Draw how the two light beams are reflected by the three mirrors.

The two slanted mirrors form an angle of 30with the bottom of the box. This means
that all angles in the drawing are 30, 60or 90.
Indicate all angles of 60in the drawing.
Why is the image now upside down? Explain this on the basis of the drawing.

When you use four instead of three mirrors then the image will be upright again. The two
slanted mirrors on the bottom have not changed their positions.
Draw the two other mirrors in order to get an upright image.

30 30
Assignment 43
In the drawing below you see a schematic representation of the shelves in a shop, a
mirror, and the eye of the shopkeeper.




a) Draw the field of vision of the shopkeeper.

b) We could replace the flat mirror by a convex or a concave mirror.
With which mirror could we enlarge the shopkeeper’s field of vision? Show in the
drawing below how this works!




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