Mapeh9 Q2
Mapeh9 Q2
Mapeh9 Q2
Region VII – Central Visayas
District of San Fernando II
Second Quarter Examination for MAPEH 9
S.Y. 2023 - 2024
NAME: ______________________________________
GRADE & SECTION :______________________ SCORE:_______________
DIRECTION: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the rate of speed of a musical piece or passage indicated by one of a series of directions?
a. Tempo b. melody c. harmony d. timber
2. An element of music that refers to a series of pitches that makes a tune.
a. Rhythm b. melody c. harmony d. timber
3. In music what do you call the sound of two or more notes heard simultaneously?
a. Rhythm b. melody c. harmony d. timber
4. An element of music that refers to the layers of sound or how sparse or dense the music is?
a.Rhythm b. melody c. harmony d. Texture
5. An element of music that refers to the volume of the sound or note.
a. Dynamics b. pitch c. timbre d. tempo
6. Rhythm has three categories. What do you call the category of rhythm that known as
a. Slow b. moderate c. fast d. tempo
7. What do you call the category of rhythm that known as Allegro?
b. Slow b. moderate c. fast d. tempo
8. What do you call the category of rhythm that known as moderato?
c. Slow b. moderate c. fast d. tempo
9. What kind of texture when the music is accompanied by only one instrument?
a. monophonic b. Homophonic c. Polyphonic d. allegro
10. What kind of texture when the music is accompanied by 3 or more instruments?
a. monophonic b. Homophonic c. Polyphonic d. allegro
11. Classical arts that focus on realistic and humanistic art and its subject are mostly biblical
scenes and portraits.
a. Baroque art b. renaissance period c. classical arts d. antique arts
12 This term was derived from the Portuguese word “barocco” which means “irregularly shaped pearl or stone.
a.Baroque b. renaissance c. classical d. antique
13. It is the relationship in scale or shape between one element and another, or between a
whole object and one of its parts.
a. Balance b. Proportion c. Variety d. Movement
14. Which of the following is another word for "center of interest"?
a. Focal Point c. Emphasis
b. Dominance d. All of the above
15. . It is the physical volume of a shape and the space that it occupies.
a. Form b shape C. Tone D. Color
16. It is the path our eyes follow when we look at a work of art, and it is generally very important
to keep a viewer’s eyes engaged in the work.
a.Form b. Shape c. Tone D. Movement
17 . A continuance, a flow, or a feeling of motion achieved by the repetition shape, color of
regulated visual information.
a. Form b. rhythm C. Tone D. Pattern
18. Who is the artist of the famous portrait painting Mona Lisa?
a. Trujillo Juan b. Leonardo da Vinci c. Michaelangelo d. Raphael
19. Jhelo is an artist. He painted an artwork which is equal designs and details in both sides.
What element of arts did he apply?
a. balance c. balance and it is radial symmetry
b. balance and it is Symmetry d. balance and it is asymmetry
20. A grade 8 artist named Angelo created an artwork. At first he divided and mark his bond
paper into 4 equal parts. The design of his artwork is even. The details in all quadrant is the
same and balance. What do you think the type of balance did he applied?
a. Radial symmetry c. symmetry
b. Balance d. asymmetry
21. Social Dances are of two classifications namely, Latin American and Modern Standard
Dances. Which of the following is an example of Modern Standard Dances?
a. Cha-cha-cha b. Jive c. Rumba d. Tango
22. This is one of the Latin American Dances which was originated in Cuba.
a. Paso Doble b. Tango c. Cha-cha d . Swing
23. This is the Modern Standard Dance originated in USA.
a. Jive/Boogie b. Swing c. Samba D. Foxtrot
24. It is an activity usually performed with a partner and in groups done for social and
recreational purposes.
a. Dance sports b. Social dance c. Festival Dance d. All of them
25. These are dances intended primarily to get to know other people in the attendance to a
certain social function?
a. social dance b. folk dance c. hip hop d. festival dance
26. This dance is also called “ballroom dances”.
a. social dance b. folk dance c. hip hop d. festival dance
27. Social dances develop appropriate social behavior, where do you think this aspect fall?
a. personal values b. physical values c. social values d. emotional values
28. Social dances offers a moderate form of exercise, where do you think this aspect fall?
a. personal values b.physical values c. social values d. emotional values
29. Social dances develops excellent way to relate and deal with other people, where do you
think this aspect fall?
a. personal values b.physical values c. social values d. emotional values
30 . How do social dances contribute to one’s fitness and wellbeing?
a. They help make one physically engaged and active preventing lifestyle diseases.
b. They cure lifestyle diseases
c. They help prevent sedentary lifestyle-related diseases
d. They develop one’s talent in dancing
31. A drug that slows down the speed of the body’s functions most especially the central
nervous system.
a. Stimulants b. Depressants c. Hallucinogens d . Narcotics
32. A drug that relieves pain, dulls the senses, and causes sleep.
a. Inhalants b. Stimulants c. Hallucinogens d. Narcotics
33. Which of the following is a hallucinogen?
a. Lysergic acid and diethylamide b. Shabu c. Cocaine d. Nicotine
34. Which of the following is not a stimulant drug?
a. Shabu b. caffeine c. Barbiturates d. Nicotine
35. All of these are categorized as depressants EXCEPT.
a. Alcohol b. tranquilizers c. Barbiturates d. Psilocybin
36. What do you call a substance that affects the way your body or mind work?
a. OTC Medicines b. Prescription Medicines c. Drugs d. Side Effects
37. A type of drugs that affects all senses and make user see, hear and feel things that don’t
a. Hallucinogens b. Inhalants c. Narcotics d. Stimulants
38. Which of the following is a gateway drug.
a. LSD b. cigarettes c. Heroin d. Barbiturates
39. It is the other term for shabu.
a. methamphetamine hydrochloride b. solvents c. heroin d. cannabis sativa
40. The following are the three major drugs of abuse in the Philippines EXCEPT _______.
a. Inhalants b. Shabu c. Marijuana d. Tranquilizers
PSDS, San Fernando District II
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. C
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. D
15. A
16. D
17. D
18. B
19. B
20. A
21. D
22. C
23. D
24. D
25. A
26. A
27. C
28. B
29. C
30. A
31. B
32. D
33. A
34. C
35. D
36. C
37. A
38. B
39. A
40. D