Ch16. Inspection - QOS
Ch16. Inspection - QOS
Ch16. Inspection - QOS
Customer satisfaction is the major determining factor in the emergence of new services,
setting standards and designing of network. Therefore, the customer requirements and
expectations are paramount consideration in Quality of service standards.
1.1 Section 11 (1) (b) (v) of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997
mandates the Authority to “lay down the standards of quality of service to be provided
by the service providers and ensure the quality of service and conduct the periodical
survey of such service provided by the service providers so as to protect interest of the
consumers of telecommunication services”. In the discharge of these functions and in
order to
(i) Create conditions for customer satisfaction by making known the quality of service
which the service provider is required to provide and the user has a right to expect;
(ii) Measure the Quality of Service provided by the Service Providers from time to time
and to compare them with the norms so as to assess the level of performance; and
(iii) To generally protect the interests of consumers of telecommunication services,
Inspection Circle is conducting the Survey of Quality of service for the selected SSAs
(Total 109 cities) which are categorized under I , II and III in respect of Basic services,
CMTS Services and Broadband services during April 09 to Sep 09 (Round II) and Oct 09 to
March 10 (Round III). One Nodal Officer from Inspection circle and One Nodal Officer
from SSA are nominated (by The GM / TDM of the SSA) for the Survey of Quality of
Service in every Six month of span.
(i) DEL Growth (NET) (% of Target Achieved): The NET DEL growth for the SSA is to
be taken into consideration for the performance measurement. The minimum and
maximum norm for this parameter is 90% to 100%. Targets/ achievement of DELs will be
taken as Landline + WLL (Fixed + Limited mobility).
(ii) Oldest Waiting List (Date): Date of the oldest waiting list is to be taken for the
performance measurement of QoS. Date of oldest waiting list should be with in one
month minimum and up to maximum six month.
(iii) Installation in on demand areas (Within Seven days): This norm is in regard to
provision of a telephone after registration of demand. If the telephone can be provided
on demand, the same should be provided within the benchmark of 7 days. In all other
cases, waiting list should be maintained and connections released in a non-
discriminatory manner as per the waiting list. BSNL provides access to telephone in
remote and rural areas on account of its social obligation being a Public Sector
Undertaking (PSU). Moreover, mobile phones are increasingly being used as a
substitutable service for fixed line telephones. It is in the interest of service provider
(BSNL) to provide the telephone connection at the earliest as the customer has wide
choice available now. Areas where difficulties in providing the connection within seven
days in certain cases such as cable pair not available in the particular locality falling
within the exchange area on demand, technical non-feasibility, problems associated
with permission from local bodies for laying cables i.e. Right of Way (ROW) etc, are not
taken into consideration / account while the calculating the performance measurement
of QoS.
(iv) Shift Intra Exchange (Within Three days): Minimum 90% of the shift intra
exchange cases should be provided within three days after the payment. For better
Quality of Services all 100% cases must be shifted within three days for intra exchange
(v) Shift Inter Exchange (Within Seven days): Shift cases where the telephone is shift
from one exchange to other exchange are considered as Shift Inter Exchange. Minimum
90% cases should be provided within seven days after the registration / payment;
however efforts should be made to provide all (100%) cases within the benchmark
period of seven days.
(vi) Broadband (% of Target achieved): For every SSA broadband connection target is
distributed by the circle office. During the Survey of QoS the percentage of target
achieved is calculated as ratio of number of connection provided divided by six monthly
targets (as SQoS is done in the interval of Six month). Minimum 90% and Maximum
100% should be achieved by the SSA within the desired period.
(vii) Leased line after payment: The norm for leased line after payment is within 30
days. Up to 90% cases of leased line after payment should be provided within 30 days
and 100% for the excellent Quality of service.
(viii) Additional facility < 24hrs: The service provider is supposed to provide the
additional facility, wherever the customer has made requests, at the earliest. From
the Quality of Service point of view 90% of such request should be complete within 24
(ix) POI Provision after payment: Point of Interconnection is provided for the
connectivity between BSNL and Private Operators for exchange of calls. POI should be
provision within 3 month after the payment / from the date of demand draft issue. At
least 90% of the POI should be provisioned within 3 months.
(x) Pole less Activity: Target for pole less activity during the financial period is
provided by the circle office. During the Survey of Quality of service the percentage of
pole less activities with A/Ted by Inspection Circle is to be taken into consideration.
From 80% to 100% of target should be achieved by the SSA during the period of six
month. The target is also divided into half yearly for the measurement of performance
of pole less activities.
(xi) IVRS Based Centralized booking: Minimum 95% of the exchanges under the SSA
should be covered by the centralized Interactive Voice Response System based booking.
(xii) Fault Rate: Number of faults per hundred subscribers per month is considering
as fault rate of the SSA. The norm for fault rate is up to five faults per 100 subscribers is
permissible during a month. However as per the guide line from in BSNL H/Q it is
maximum up to 7 per 100 subscribers. To maintain Quality of Service satisfaction high,
the fault rate should be kept low as possible.
(xiii) The faults which may be excluded from the count are faults due to natural
calamities such as fire, flood, cyclone, earthquake or any other force-majeure etc. which
are beyond the control of service provider.
(xiv) Repeat Fault: Norms for the Repeat fault is between “0.1% to 0.05%.”
(xv) Time Taken to Repair: Mean Time to Repair is calculated as
(xvi) Mean Time to Repair = sum of duration of each repair time in hours for all the
fault incidences in a Quarter (3 months) / Total number of fault incidences in a month.
(xvii) For counting the duration of repair time only working hours shall be counted.
The duration shall be from the time of the complaint till the time of repair of the fault,
excluding non-working hours and holidays. Generally the non-working hours will be
counted from 6.00 PM to 8.00 AM.
(xviii) Time taken to repair must lies between 8 hours and up to 12 hours. For excellent
quality of service this parameter plays an important role hence this should be kept
minimum as possible.
Call Completion Rate is defined as the ratio of the number of successful calls to the
number of call attempts. Not all call attempts result in successful calls i.e. called party
answers. A variety of reasons such as called line busy, no answer and congestion in the
network as well as subscriber behavior like premature release, wrong dialing etc. are
responsible for the failure. Congestion or blocking occurs due to either common control
equipment congestion in the exchange or congestion in the trunk circuit /junction group
to handle the calls. CCR is measure during the day busy / night busy hour.
(i) CCR (Terminating at Level II TAX) : Minimum 35% of terminating calls at the level
II TAX of SSA should be successful calls under this performance indicator.
(ii) Local CCR: Benchmark for this performance indicator is more than 55% of the
local terminating calls should be successful calls for all the local switches in the SSA.
There is a direct relationship between Customer Satisfaction and the Quality of Service.
The Quality of Service depends on the provider of the service who is responsible for
improving and maintaining the network performance and customer care. The Network
Performance is the ability of a network or network portion to provide the functions
related to communications between users. Similarly, performance in customer care
depends on the ability of the service providers to address the consumer complaints and
requests in regard to service, including billing.
The different areas leading to customer satisfaction for different parameters for
customer perception of service are mention below:
1. STD Service: Here we get the response from customer regarding the STD services
availed by him/her.
2. Call Center/Operator Service : The experience with the call center services in
respect of
a. Satisfaction with ease of access of call centre/ customer care or help
b. Satisfaction with the response time taken to answer (waiting time)
the call by the customer care executive.
c. Satisfaction with the time taken by call centre/ customer care/ help
line to resolve the complaint.
d. Satisfaction with the problem solving ability of the customer care
e. Satisfaction with the achievement of a satisfactory solution or
resolution of complaint.
3. Fault Repair Service: Customer is asked for the time duration to repair the fault
after his complaint, whether he/she is informed after restoration of fault
telephonically or not? Whether customer is getting any alternate facility (like
WLL or Call Transfer) in case of cable cut or when repair time is long?
4. Billing Delivery : Whether customer has
f. Satisfaction with the timely receipt of the bill.
g. Satisfaction with the accuracy and completeness of the bill.
c. Satisfaction with the clarity in bills/ presentation of the billing
5. Bill Deposit : Whether customer has
6. Satisfaction with the mode of Bill Deposit.
7. Satisfaction with the process of resolution of billing complaints.
8. Overall Service Satisfaction: Satisfaction with overall quality of total service
According to the many business guru's and to many more successful companies, the key
to success lies not only in having a good product, but also in being able to provide the
customer with the level of service they desire. Customer service centers plays very
important role in the promotion of services.
Customer Care and retention is increasingly becoming a key issue for most companies in
today’s competitive market place where customers demand immediate access to
information and efficiency of response. Customer care centers are one of the most
powerful tools for improving the quality of customer contact. The following are the key
factors in respect of a good customer service center:-
1. Knowledge about various services: The staff / CSC executive should have a good
knowledge about various services provided/offered by BSNL.
2. Behavioral attitude of staff at CSC: Behavior plays an important role is solving the
need of the customer. Positive attitude towards the customer makes him feels
the importance of himself.
3. Redressal through single window concept: Single window concept helps the
customer to get all his/her needs in a single step.
4. Availability of various forms/recharge coupons: NTC forms, Telephone shifting
forms, FLPP coupons, ITC/Call now cards etc should be available in CSCs.
5. Display of information: Information related to the landline plans, Broadband
plans, and new schemes should be properly displayed on the boards in the CSC.
The key to impact advertising is to position the advertising so that the greatest number
of consumers will be exposed to it,
The following points are covered in this Performance indicator.
1. Display at major entry points: Entry points like Bus stands, Airports, Railway
stations should display with hoarding of welcome message or New
2. Display at Public places: Important public places, Commercial places, Markets
should have hoarding/ wall paintings/banners etc.
3. Display on BSNL buildings: The BSNL premise should be display (with lighting)
with latest plans, services, and schemes etc.
4. Display on pillars: Pillar can be painted with BSNL mono this will not only
advertise the company but also protects pillars from corrosion.
The committee as a customer should verify accessibility of the officers & weightage is
given as excellent, very good, good or satisfactory.
Cellular Mobile Telephone Service - Quality Of Service Objective
Parameters And Their Benchmarks
The quality of service parameters for Cellular Mobile Telephone Service have been
divided into Seven categories in the Survey of Quality of Service namely Network
Performance, Network Faults, Development , Network Usage & CAF, Call Center,
Customer care and Awareness, Metering and Billing.
Each of the parameters in these categories is detailed below:-
Call Set-up Success Rate (within licensees own network)
Call Setup Success Rate is defined in the existing Quality of Service Regulation as the
ratio of Established Calls to Call Attempts. Established Calls means the following events
have happened in call setup:
i) Attempt is made
ii) The TCH is allocated and
iii) The call is routed to the outwards path of the concerned MSC.
Thus this includes complete signaling in the call setup process and does not aim to
measure the performance of the called exchange or that of the Point of Interconnection
CSSR calculation should be measured using OMC generated data Only and
Measurement should be only in Time Consistent Busy Hour.
CSSR is an important parameter to assess the health of the radio network. The
Benchmark for this parameter is set as it should be more than 95%.
Worst affected cells are defined as cells in which the call drop rate exceeds 3% during
cell Bouncing Busy Hour (BBH) or at any other hour of a day. The formula for calculating
the Percentage of worst affected cells having more than 3% TCH drops (call drop rate) is
Percentage of worst affected cells have more than 3% TCH drops (call drop rate
= (No. of worst affected cells having call drop rate >3% in a month X 100) / Total No. of
cells in the licensed service area
The benchmark for this parameter is Percentage of cells having more than 3% TCH drops
(call drop rate) ≤ 5%.
The call drop represents the service provider’s ability to maintain a call once it has been
correctly established. The objective of this parameter is to provide the consumer with
an expectation of how successful a mobile network will be at retaining the signal
throughout the whole duration of the call. This parameter shall include both incoming
calls and outgoing calls which, once they have been established and have an assigned
traffic channel (TCH), are dropped or interrupted prior to their normal completion by
the user, the cause of the early termination being within the service provider’s network.
This parameter measures failure in coverage, problems with the quality of the signal,
network congestion and network failure.
Call drops in network can be caused by any or a combination of the following reasons:
♦ Equipment: GSM radios/Combiners can be a cause of this, solution to this is
replacement of the unit. A Mobile Station (phone) can also be a cause.
♦ VSWR (voltage wave standing ratio): VSWR caused by poor connections on feeders,
water penetration, fault on antenna etc.
♦ Transmission problem: If transmission is not perfect, high B.E.R (Bit Error Rate) or
other factors causing inaccuracy of transmission.
♦ Interference: when there's frequency interfere (either co-channel or adjacent
♦ Hand-over: if hand-over between two sectors is not well defined
♦ Antenna down-tilts wrong (coverage shortfalls or interference)
♦ Antenna on one sector pointing in different directions (Bad site performance and
dropped calls)
♦ Antenna support structure not rigid (dropped calls)
♦ Antenna obstructed (poor performance and dropped calls)
As per the Quality of Service Regulation the benchmark for Call Drop is <2%.
Percentage of cells with >10% Handover Failure: The benchmark for % of cells with
>10% handover failure should be ≤ 10%.
1. Availability of BTS:
“BTSs accumulated downtime (not available for service)” shall basically measure the
downtime of the BTSs, including its transmission links/circuits during the period of a
measurement, but excludes all planned service downtime for any maintenance or
software upgradation. For measuring the performance against the benchmark for this
parameter the down time of each BTS lasting for more than 1 hour at a time in a day
during the period of a measurement shall be taken for computation. The total duration
in hours of all such instances of downtime of BTSs shall be calculated. Thereafter,
performance against the benchmark (Availability of BTS should be more than 98%) shall
be measured through the following formula:
3. BTS interruption rate: Interrupted BTS is the BTS down for more than 1 Hrs in a
day. The performance measurement for BTS interruption rate is calculated as
= Total No. of faults occasions in a month / total number of BTS in the city X no
of days.
The benchmark for this indicator is up to 20%.
Call centers are one of the most powerful tools for improving the quality of customer
3. Complaints in the call centers over the month / 100 subscriber’s base.
The benchmark for this parameter is less than 1% complaints over the
The following points are check for the Survey of Quality of Services in respect of
customer acre and awareness.
CSC staff-customer friendly attitude knowledge of Mobile service & Tariff plans.
Availability of various forms & pamphlets.
Issue of welcome kit along with sim.
Visibility of BSNL brand in the city.
Display of Mobile features / Facilities / tariff etc in CSC and other suitable
locations.According to the feedback and visualization marking is done in the
manner of Excellent, Very Good, Good and Satisfactory.
1. Billing complaints per 100 bills issued (benchmark <0.1%): The percentage of bills
resulting in a customer complaint indicates the billing performance. It includes charging
errors in preparation of bills by the service providers. This also relates to the handling of
billing/charging to customers and is reflected in the number of complaints received from
customers due to billing/charging errors, including the timeliness in delivery of bills. All
complaints on each bill are taken as one complaint. The types of billing complaints could
include double charges, excess charges, wrong billing, payment made and not credited
or wrongly credited, bill received late or bill not received, wrong address of the bill or
any other billing errors.
4. Timely issue of Bills and realization of the extent of 95% during the Billing cycle.
Benchmark for this performance indicator is by schedule date.
Broadband Service - Quality Of Service Objective Parameters And Their
(i) Total no. of faults registered (i.e. complaints): The benchmark for this
performance indicator it should be lie within 2% in a month.
(ii) Percentage (%) of faults repaired by next working day: Fault Repair/ Restoration
Time mean the time taken to restore an existing customer’s service to operational level
from the time that a problem or fault is reported. Only those complaints, which have
been registered till the close of the business hours of the day, will be taken into account.
Complaints registered after the business hours will be taken as being registered in the
next day business hours. It is desirable that 100% of the complaints should be repaired
within the same working day or in 24 hours of the booking complaint.
However the benchmark for this parameter is more than 90% of the complaints /
faults are to be repaired by next working day.
Percentage (%) of faults repaired within 3 working days: More than 99% of the faults
should be repaired within 3 working days.
1. Total no. of bills issued in Time: Benchmark for this indicator is 100% of the bills
should be issued in Time.
2. No. of bills disputed (No. of complaints received): Less than 2% of bills may
receive complaints.
3. Bill Complaints received as a fraction of total bills issued during last billing cycle
(Percentage (%) of bills disputed): Less than 2% of total bills may receive
4. Percentage (%) of billing complaints resolved within 4 weeks: more than 99% of
the complaints must be resolve within 4 weeks.
5. Percentage (%) of cases to whom refund (of deposits) made within 60 days of
closures: > 99% refund cases should be refund within 60 days of closures.
6. Automation of Bill delivery/ Receipt (e-billing): Same as in case of basic service.
(i) Whether Staff posted for CSC in Broadband is Trained, Dedicated and Adequate:
Already discuss in Basic and CMTS services.
(ii) Whether E-mail queries received by nodal in charge (of SSA) is being replied: Yes
/ No.
(iii) Percentage (%) of calls answered by operators (voice to voice) within 60 secs:
Same as in CMTS services.
(iv) Percentage (%) of calls answered by operators (voice to voice) within 90 secs:
Same as in CMTS services.
(v) Display/Circulation of Contact nos. (Mobile, Basic) of Broadband Service Staff
(SSA/Station) among customers: Yes / No.
(vi) Whether Help Desks are functioning and properly manned: Yes / No.
(i) Download Bandwidth at 2 Km: Subscribers have different bandwidth plans like
256 Kbps, 2 Mbps or 8 Mbps. Check the speed with the help of Broadband speed meter
software at 2 Km it should be more than 2 Mbps.
(ii) Broadband connections speed available (download) from ISP node to user (with
respect to plan taken): Benchmark for this performance indicator is more than 80%.
(i) Total Operational Time Hours: More than 22 Hrs per day.
(ii) Service Availability / Uptime (for all users) in Percentage (%): The Users must get
broadband services more than 98% in a month.
1. As per Section 11 (1) (b) (v) of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997
laid down the standards of quality of service to be provided by the service providers ..
2. Inspection Circle is conducting the Survey of Quality of service for the selected SSAs.
3. One Nodal Officer from Inspection circle and One Nodal Officer from SSA are
nominated (by The GM / TDM of the SSA) for the Survey of Quality of Service in every Six
month of span.
2) Shift Intra Exchange (Within Three days): Minimum 90% and up to 100% of the
cases should be provided within three days after the payment.
3) Shift Inter Exchange (Within Seven days): Minimum 90% and upto 100% of the
cases should be provided.
4) Leased line after payment: Up to 90% cases of leased line after payment should
be provided within 30 days and 100% for the excellent Quality of service.
5) POI Provision after payment: At least 90% of the POI should be provisioned
within 3 months.
6) Fault Rate: up to five faults per 100 subscribers is permissible during a month.
However it is maximum up to 7 per 100 subscribers.
9) Call Completion Rate : (Terminating )Minimum 35%. Local CCR:More than 55%.
10) Billing Complaints.The benchmark for this parameter is not more than
0.1% of bills.