Pre-Incident Planning Guide ENG
Pre-Incident Planning Guide ENG
Pre-Incident Planning Guide ENG
Table of Contents
What is Pre-Incident Planning? 3
Case Study 9
What is
Planning? For first responders, delays in
turnout, response, and setup, — the
preparation required to leave the
station, transit time to an event,
equipment rollout, organizational
coordination of on-site personnel
and the identification/location of the
most efficient entrance and egress
points — can mean life or death. It can
also mean the difference between a
From the moment a catastrophic
reparable structure versus one set for
incident occurs, in a private home, a
the wrecking ball.
commercial or residential building,
or at any public space, the first But regardless of which type of first
responder clock immediately starts responder you are, preparing and
to tick — fast. It does so because practicing for an incident before it
when an electrical fire breaks out, takes place is critical and what pre-
or a flood inundates a lower floor, or incident planning is all about.
when the unthinkable happens in a
mass casualty event, lives are at stake. It’s imperative that first responders
From dispatch — the ability to have have accurate structural data at their
building plans readily available to be disposal as soon as (or before) they
sent to first responders, in their CAD arrive on scene. This is where 3D data
system, upon assignment of the call capture of the interior and exterior
— to deployment, minutes matter and of buildings for incident pre-planning
seconds count. and response can assist.
Key to that detailed information or data is a building’s While it’s true some of these engineering or floor plan
structural layout, as well as related on-site physical diagrams can be found printed as a physical document
objects like the location of fire hydrants and other or saved on file in a tax assessor or zoning board
water sources, potential site risks, hazardous office, too often this information is either outdated (no
material, and entry and exit points. longer matching as-built conditions), inaccessible when
it’s needed most, or siloed from immediate police, fire
Having a real-time understanding of the physical department or EMT access. In-person tours, property
layout of a building, a free-standing home, an owner meetings, and the like are also helpful — but
apartment complex, a sports arena, a school, a only to a point. Thus, when it comes to planning and
college campus, a house of worship, a factory or analysis any pre-incident plan package must include 2D
power plant, etc., provides first responders with diagrams (which must be measurable, annotatable and
an invaluable tool for as-built spatial detection easily updated) and may include additional info like
and hazard avoidance. It allows first responders to photographs, and videos.
organize faster, enter a building sooner, and know
where they need to be within that structure and the This guide is intended for first responders and their
most efficient routes to get there to maximize their decision-makers: chiefs of police, fire battalion leaders,
effectiveness more quickly than if they didn’t have etc., and individuals with budget responsibility. The
that immediate line-of-sight. And having that dispatch goal is clear: to identify the hardware and software
center data immediately available is critical. advantages of 3D laser scanning while demonstrating
the technologies’ ease-of-use, “plug-in-play,” ability,
and why it makes smart business sense.
As noted in the previous section, 3D technology is Mobile access to fire safety plans is highly important
vital to pre-incident planning because it helps first too; a large majority (87%) say that such access is
responders gather critical real-world structural critical during an actual emergency. Meanwhile,
information with high accuracy before an incident poor integration with software (55%), poor reporting
takes place. And the more that worst-case-scenarios features (45%), and being difficult to use (44%) are the
are simulated — either with 3D laser scanning as well top barriers to fire safety planning tool purchase.
as with even more immersive methods like virtual
reality (a technology which is gaining rapid traction But with the latest FARO hardware and solutions
across a host of industries and allows for quick VR working seamlessly with each other, these bottlenecks
walk-throughs) the greater the likelihood of a faster, and pain points have been eliminated.
more efficient response when a real crisis occurs.
capture fast so as to 4
2 3
Is it simple to re-capture
1 2 3
Capture The In-Office Planning
On-scene Data and Analysis and Execution
(In Preparation and Response)
y Establish capture plan y Process data in accordance with y Periodic plan reviews (to
and objectives capture objectives ensure there have been no
y Walk through site and note material changes)
y Create deliverables: 2D
key features diagrams, 3D diagrams, etc. y Training and tabletop exercises
y Finalize on-site capture plan: and drills
y Preview deliverables with
y Start site capture stakeholders: first responders, y Update preparedness plans with
a building owner/property user/administrator feedback
y Progress through site
and capture manager y Establish a plan/cadence/
y Adjust deliverables to periodicity for the next
y Complete site capture and
stakeholder feedback update cycle
double check objectives
y Stage deliverables in a system y Package/bundle/share
of record deliverables with emergency
y Virtual Reality (VR) Training in
3D environment
According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2021 (the latest year where data is compiled) 48,830 Americans
died from a gun. And of that figure, nearly half, 43%, was from murders. In schools, the numbers are even more
disturbing. In 2021 the US recorded 93 school shootings with casualties, nearly quadruple the number from
While it’s true that more schools than ever plan for such events (96%, according to the CDC), helping to keep
their students safe, the trend line suggests mass-casualty events are becoming more common, not less. Faced
with this reality even more must be done to enable student and faculty safety while on school grounds.
Pre-incident planning is a way to achieve that aim. That’s because even if a worst-case scenario occurs, loss of
life can be mitigated if the proper steps are taken first.
In an effort to showcase the power and potential of this impressive technology, in April 2023 FARO was pleased to
partner with the Binghamton, NY City School District, the Binghamton, NY Police Department, and the Southern
Tier Crime Analysis Center, scanning schools throughout Broome County in full-color and doing so in record time,
thanks to a new proprietary technology called Hybrid Realty Capture, powered by Flash Technology. (With Flash
Technology, a 360° panoramic photograph is merged with a 3D point cloud. The result is a scan that’s up to 50%
faster than tradition scanning methods — around 30 seconds per scan — and with an enhanced ability to detect
object edges and complex geometries.)
With extensive 2D floor plans generated for every school, on every floor, and shareable digital files that included
3D maps for every police cruiser and every firefighter’s truck, first responders will be able to pull up that data,
instantly, resulting in a more effective response during a critical incident.
In a mass-casualty event second counts. And FARO Technology is helping put critical seconds back on the clock.
© 2023 FARO | FARO is a registered trademark of FARO Technologies, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Revised: 05/31/2023