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Blazor Server Course



• Dapper is a Micro-ORM which helps to map plain query output to domain classes.
• It can run plain SQL queries with great performance.
• Dapper is a lightweight framework that supports all major databases like SQLite, Firebird, Oracle, MySQL,
and SQL Server.
• It does not have database-specific implementation.
• Dapper is built by the StackOverflow team and released as open source.
Create a Class Library

• Code reusability is very important in the software development process.

• Using the already-written code can save time and resources and reduce redundancy.
• A Class library is a good example of code reusability.
• In object-oriented programming, a class library is a collection of prewritten classes or coded templates
which contains the related code.
• When we finish a class library, we can decide whether you want to distribute it as a third-party
component or whether you want to include it as a DLL with one or more applications.
Traditional ORM [Entity Framework] vs Micro ORM
Traditional ORM [Entity Framework] vs Micro ORM

• Performance of SELECT mapping over 500 iterations

Database setup

• Create a Cards Database and run the following script:


name varchar(200), CREATE TABLE tags(
email varchar(300) UNIQUE id int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY,
name varchar(100) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE cards ( )
_id varchar(300), CREATE TABLE card_tags(
name varchar(200) NOT NULL, id_card int,
description varchar(300), id_tag int,
image varchar(max),
date datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id_card,id_tag),
time_in_minutes int NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (id_card) REFERENCES cards(id),
owner int NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (id_tag) REFERENCES tags(id)
image_action int, )
FOREIGN KEY (owner) REFERENCES users(id)
Create a Class Library

• Create the class library in the solution:

• dotnet new classlib -o DataLayer
• Add Reference to the main Project:
• dotnet add app/app.csproj reference DataLayer/DataLayer.csproj
Dapper setup

• Install Dapper in the class library:

• dotnet add package Dapper --version 2.0.123
• Additionally, install the following package:
• dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration --version 7.0.0

• Add to the appsettings.json file the connection string to access your SQL Server database:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"Default": ”(...)"

• Let’s create a class to encapsulate the logic behind configuring acess to database:
• The purpose of this class, SqlDataAccess, is to provide a means of accessing a SQL database and
performing data operations.
• It implements the ISqlDataAccess interface, indicating that it adheres to a specific contract defined by
that interface.

public class SqlDataAccess : ISqlDataAccess{

private readonly IConfiguration _config;
public string ConnectionStringName { get; set; } = "Default"; LoadData<T, U> is used to execute a SQL query
public SqlDataAccess(IConfiguration config){ and return the resulting data as a list of objects
_config = config; of type T.
public async Task<List<T>> LoadData<T, U>(string sql, U parameters){
string? connectionString = _config.GetConnectionString(ConnectionStringName);
using (IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)){
var data = await connection.QueryAsync<T>(sql, parameters);
return data.ToList();
public async Task SaveData<T>(string sql, T parameters){
SaveData method executes an SQL
string? connectionString = _config.GetConnectionString(ConnectionStringName);
query asynchronously to save
using (IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)){
data to the database. It retrieves
await connection.ExecuteAsync(sql, parameters);
the connection string from the

• Let’s create an interface for the SqlDataAcess class:

namespace DataLayer;

public interface ISqlDataAccess{

string ConnectionStringName { get; set; }
Task<List<T>> LoadData<T, U>(string sql, U parameters);
Task SaveData<T>(string sql, T parameters);

• Let’s now create CardModel DTO to support data handling:

namespace DataLayer; The CardModel.cs class is a Data Transfer Object (DTO) since it
public record CardModel is primarily used for transferring data between the class
{ library and the Blazor app.
public string? _Id { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = "";
public string Description { get; set; } = "";
public string Image { get; set; } = "";
public DateTime? Date { get; set; }
public int TimeInMinutes { get; set; }
public UserModel? Owner { get; set; } = new UserModel();

public List<TagModel>? Tags { get; set; } = new List<TagModel>();


• Let’s now create TagModel DTO to support data handling:

namespace DataLayer;

public record TagModel

public int Id { get; set; }

public string Name { get; set; } = "";


• Let’s now create User DTO to support data handling:

namespace DataLayer;
public record UserModel
int Id { get;}
string _Id { get; set;} = "";
string Name { get; set;} = "";
string Email { get; set;} = "";
Repository Skeleton

• We are using a repository pattern to encapsulate data access.

• Many people like the repository pattern because it provides good separation of concerns, easy mocking,
and good encapsulation.
• It's going to allow to easily swap out different implementations
• The idea with this pattern is to have a generic abstract way for the app to work with the data layer
without being bothered if the implementation is towards a local database or towards an online API.
Repository Skeleton

• Let’s create the interface for the repository:

namespace DataLayer;

public interface ICardRepository{

Task<CardModel> Find(int id);

Task<List<CardModel>> FindAll();

Task Update(CardModel card);

Task Remove(int id);

Task<CardModel> Add(CardModel card);

Repository Skeleton

• Let’s implement the class with, for now, the (limited) findAll behavior:
namespace DataLayer;
public class CardRepository : ICardRepository{
private ISqlDataAccess _db;
public CardRepository(ISqlDataAccess db){
_db = db;
public Task<CardModel> Find(int id){
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Task<List<CardModel>> FindAll(){
string sql = "select * from Cards";
return _db.LoadData<CardModel, dynamic>(sql, new { });
Configure main app – Program.cs

• Let’s add to Program.cs file the SQLDataAcess and the repository:

builder.Services.AddTransient<ISqlDataAccess, SqlDataAccess>();
builder.Services.AddTransient<ICardRepository, CardRepository>();

Transient objects are always different; a new instance is

provided to every controller and every service
Configure main app – Program.cs

• Now we can test if it works!

• Modify FetchData.razor do see the results.
• Example:
Configure main app – Program.cs

• Now we can test if it works!

• In FetchData.razor page changes fetch data from the database:
@page "/fetchdata"
@using DataLayer
@inject ICardRepository _db
@if (cards == null){
(...) <p><em>Loading...</em></p>
<table class="table"><thead>

@code {
private List<DataLayer.CardModel> cards;

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()

cards = await _db.FindAll();
Loading data with filter

• Let’s create the find method (CardRepository) for a Card:

public async Task<CardModel> Find(int id)

string sql = "SELECT * FROM Cards WHERE id = @Id";
var card = await _db.LoadData<CardModel, dynamic>(sql, new { Id = id });
return card.SingleOrDefault();
Adding data

• Let’s create the Add method (CardRepository):

public async Task<CardModel> Add(CardModel card)
string sql =
@"INSERT INTO,description,image, date, time_in_minutes, owner)
VALUES(@Name,@Description, @Image, @Date, @TimeInMinutes,1);" For now, we are hardcoding
+ "SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int)"; ownerId
int id = await _db.SaveDataWithReturn<int, CardModel>(sql, card);
return new CardModel()
Id = id, Records are immutable We are executing two
Name = card.Name, statements, the first one to
Description = card.Description, insert and the second one
Image = card.Image, to retrieve the inserted id
Date = card.Date,
TimeInMinutes = card.TimeInMinutes
Update Data

• Let’s create the update method (CardRepository):

public async Task Update(CardModel card)

string sql =
"UPDATE SET name = @Name, description = @Description, image = @Image, date =
@Date, time_in_minutes = @TimeInMinutes WHERE id = @Id";
await _db.SaveData<CardModel>(sql, card);

• Modify FectData.razor and test FindAll, Find, Add, Update for simple objects.
• Implement the Remove.
Using Relationships With Dapper

• Notice that we don’t have the Owner data or the Tags data.
• Dapper provides a feature called Multi mapping to map data to multiple objects explicitly and nested
• The splitOn parameter tells Dapper what column(s) to use to split the data into multiple objects.
Using Relationships With Dapper - One to Many

• Let’s add LoadData to SqlDataAccess and ISqlDataAccess for loading Cards and the User.

<T1, T2, U>: These are generic type parameters. They allow the
Task<List<T1>> LoadData<T1, T2, U>( method to work with different types without specifying them directly.
string sql, T1 and T2 represent the types of objects that the method will operate
U parameters, on, while U represents the type of the parameters parameter.
Func<T1, T2, T1> mappingFunction,
string splitOn,
Func<T1, object> groupByFunc = null,
Func<IGrouping<object, T1>, T1> selectFunc = null

It represents a grouping Func<IGrouping<object, T1>, T1> selectFunc = null: This

Func<T1, T2, T1> mappingFunction: This
function that can be used to parameter is another optional delegate (function) that
parameter is a delegate (function) that
group the data by a specific takes an IGrouping<object, T1> and returns an object
represents a mapping function that is
property. It is set to null by of type T1. It represents a selection function that can
responsible for mapping the data retrieved from
default, indicating that be used to perform a final selection on the grouped
the data source into an instance of type T1.
grouping is not required data.
Using Relationships With Dapper – One to Many

• Let’s create FindAll method to return Cards and Users

public async Task<List<CardModel>> FindAll()
string sql = "SELECT,, description, image, date, time_in_minutes,,,
FROM [dbo].[cards] AS a JOIN dbo.users AS b ON a.[owner] ";
return await _db.LoadData<CardModel, UserModel, dynamic>(
a. The sql variable contains the SQL query to execute.
new { },
b. The second argument is an anonymous object { } representing
(card, user) =>{
any parameters that might be passed to the SQL query.
card.Owner = user;
c. The third argument is a lambda function (card, user) => { ... } that
return card;
maps the result rows to CardModel and UserModel objects. Inside
the lambda function, the card and user parameters represent the
columns retrieved from the respective tables.
d. The fourth argument is a string "Id", which specifies the
property to be used as the identifier for the parent-child
relationship. It indicates that the Id property of the CardModel
should be used.
Using Relationships With Dapper Many to Many

• The multi-mapping works with multiple relationships. we are loading Cards, Tags and User
public async Task<List<CardModel>> FindAll(){
string sql = @"SELECT,, description, image, date, time_in_minutes,,,,,
FROM [dbo].[cards] AS a LEFT JOIN dbo.card_tags AS b ON a.[id]=b.id_card
LEFT JOIN dbo.tags AS c ON b.id_tag =
LEFT JOIN dbo.users AS u ON = a.[owner]";
return await _db.LoadData<CardModel, UserModel , TagModel, dynamic>(sql,new { },(card,
owner, tag) =>{
card.Owner= owner; specifying the column names to be used
card.Tags.Add(tag); for grouping the results.
return card;},
"id, id", specifies how to extract the ID from a
p => p.Id, grouped set of records.
g =>{ responsible for grouping the
var groupedCard = g.First(); cards and tags based on the
groupedCard.Tags = g.Select(p => p.Tags.Single()).ToList(); specified column names
return groupedCard;
Using Relationships With Dapper Many to Many

• Let’s add the new method to SqlDataAccess:

public async Task<List<T1>> LoadData<T1, T2, T3, U>(
string sql,
U parameters,
Func<T1, T2, T3, T1> mappingFunction,
string splitOn,
Func<T1, object> groupByFunc = null,
Func<IGrouping<object, T1>, T1> selectFunc = null
string? connectionString = _config.GetConnectionString(ConnectionStringName);
using (IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)){
var data = await connection.QueryAsync<T1, T2, T3,
T1>(sql,mappingFunction,splitOn: splitOn);
if (groupByFunc != null && selectFunc != null){
var result = data.GroupBy(groupByFunc).Select(selectFunc);
return result.ToList();
return data.ToList();
Using Relationships With Dapper Many to Many

• Let’s add the new method to ISqlDataAccess:

Task<List<T1>> LoadData<T1, T2, T3, U>(

string sql,
U parameters,
Func<T1, T2, T3, T1> mappingFunction,
string splitOn,
Func<T1, object> groupByFunc = null,
Func<IGrouping<object, T1>, T1> selectFunc = null
• Test these new methods using FetchData.razor
Updating Find (one) using Multiple results

• The Dapper QueryMultiple method allows you to select multiple results from a database query.
• That feature is very useful for selecting multiple result sets at once, thus avoiding unnecessary round trips to
the database server.
• Let’s add a new method to SqlDataAccess and respective interface in ISqlDataAccess :

public async Task<Tuple<T1, List<T2>, T3>> LoadData<T1 , T2, T3, U>(string sql, U parameters){
string? connectionString = _config.GetConnectionString(ConnectionStringName);

using (IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)){

using(var multipleResults = await connection.QueryMultipleAsync(sql, parameters)){
var _t1 = multipleResults.Read<T1>();
var _t2 = multipleResults.Read<T2>().ToList();
var _t3 = multipleResults.Read<T3>();
if(_t1 != null && _t2 != null){
return new Tuple<T1, List<T2>, T3>(_t1.SingleOrDefault(), _t2,_t3.SingleOrDefault());

return null;
Updating Find (one) using Multiple results

• Let’s change Find method in CardRepository to get Card, User and Tags using QueryMultiple method
public async Task<CardModel> Find(int id){
string sql =
"SELECT * FROM Users WHERE id = (SELECT owner FROM Cards WHERE id=@Id);"
+ "SELECT * FROM Card_Tags WHERE id_card = @Id;"
+ "SELECT id,name,description,image,date, time_in_minutes FROM Cards WHERE id = @Id;";

Tuple<UserModel, List<TagModel>, CardModel> result = await this._db.LoadData<

>(sql, new { Id = id }); Queries should match the types

CardModel card = result.Item3;

card.Owner = result.Item1;
return card;
Create-update-delete with complex objects

• Add method will deal with simple objects while save method will deal with complex objects
• First we are going to create a new field in CardModel and Tag class (we are assuming the card owner
always exist and was not changed in this context):

public bool IsNew => this.Id == default(int);

Default value for int is 0

If it is 0, the record is new
Create-update-delete with complex objects

• In TagModel we are adding IsNew and IsDeleted properties to control when Tags are added or removed
from a card

public bool IsNew {get;set;} = true;

public bool IsDeleted { get; set; } = false;
Create-update-delete with complex objects

• We are creating a new method in CardRepository named: Save;

• Before that, let’s create TagRepository class with methods for Add Tag, Update, Delete and Find Tag :

namespace DataLayer;

public interface ITagRepository

Task<TagModel> Add(TagModel tag);

Task Update(TagModel tag, CardModel car);

Task Delete(TagModel tag, CardModel car);

Task<TagModel> Find(TagModel tag);

Create-update-delete with complex objects

• TagRepository

namespace DataLayer;

public class TagRepository : ITagRepository

private ISqlDataAccess _db;

public TagRepository(ISqlDataAccess db)

_db = db;
Create-update-delete with complex objects

• Add method
public async Task<TagModel> Add(TagModel tag)
string sql =
@"INSERT INTO dbo.tags(name) VALUES(@name);" +
int id = await _db.SaveData<int, TagModel>(sql, tag);
return new TagModel() { Id = id, Name = tag.Name };

• Update

public async Task Update(TagModel tag, CardModel car)

string sql = "INSERT INTO dbo.card_tags(id_card, id_tag) VALUES(@id_card, @id_tag)";
await _db.SaveData<dynamic>(sql, new { id_card = car.Id, id_tag = tag.Id });
Create-update-delete with complex objects

• Delete method
public async Task Delete(TagModel tag, CardModel car)
string sql = "DELETE FROM dbo.card_tags WHERE id_card = @id_card AND id_tag = @id_tag";
await _db.SaveData<dynamic>(sql, new { id_card = car.Id, id_tag = tag.Id });
} Ensure you have ON
• Find method

public async Task<TagModel> Find(TagModel tag)

string sql = "SELECT * FROM Tags WHERE id = @Id";
var returnedTag = await _db.LoadData<TagModel, dynamic>(sql, new { Id = tag.Id });
return returnedTag.FirstOrDefault();
Create-update-delete with complex objects

• Let’s change CardRepository to use TagRepository instance:

private ITagRepository _tagRepository;

public CardRepository(ISqlDataAccess db)

_db = db;
_tagRepository = new TagRepository(db);
Create-update-delete with complex objects

• Let’s create Save method in the CardRepository

public async Task<CardModel> Save(CardModel card){
if (card.IsNew){
CardModel result = await this.Add(card);
card.Id = result.Id;
await this.Update(card);
List<TagModel> updatedTags = new List<TagModel>();
foreach (var tag in card.Tags){
if (tag.IsNew){
TagModel result = await _tagRepository.Add(tag);
await _tagRepository.Update(result, card);
}else if (!tag.IsDeleted){
Create-update-delete with complex objects

• Let’s create Save method in the CardRepository

foreach (var tag in card.Tags.Where(t => t.IsDeleted)){
await _tagRepository.Delete(tag, card);
card.Tags = updatedTags;
return card;
Create-update-delete with complex objects

• Everything may have worked just now, but remember, we're updating multiple rows here.
• So we need to wrap this method in a transaction in case anything goes wrong.
• Let's use a TransactionScope for this.

public async Task<CardModel> Save(CardModel card)

using (var txScope = new
Create-update-delete with complex objects

• Test all methods using FetchData.razor.

• Use test Data to test each method: Update with pre-
defined data

Add Card with pré-

deifned data

• Dapper is a Micro-ORM which helps to map plain query output to domain classes.
• It can run plain SQL queries with great performance.
• A class library is used for reusability and separation of concerns;
• A DataAcess library can be used to separate application logic and data layer

• The repository pattern provides good separation of concerns, easy mocking, and good encapsulation.
• Dapper provides several ways for mapping objects, QueryMultiple is one of those methods
Blazor Server Course


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