NCP Osteomyelitis

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Subjective: Impaired Physical After 8 hours of Independent Nursing Intervention: After 8 hours of
“INahihirapan Mobility related to nursing intervention,  Evaluate the patient’s posture and nursing intervention
akong gumalaw, pain, fatigue, and the patient will: gait.  It is paramount to the patient ws able to:
hindi ako maikilos restricted joint  The patient will evaluate indicators of  Demonstrate
ng maayos ang movement secondary independently decreased ability to move rindependently
katawan ko” as to osteomyelitis. execute physical purposefully and execute physical
verbalized by the activity or within ambulate because it will activity or within
patient. the threshold of guide the health the threshold of
activity practitioner in choosing activity
Objective: restrictions. the appropriate restrictions.
 Reluctance to  The patient will intervention and  The patient did
move, not demonstrate management to employ. not demostrate
 Decreased complications due  Knowledge of the complications due
muscle to immobility  Evaluate the patient’s ability to patient’s functional to immobility
strength, and such as impaired perform ADLs. Ascertain what capacity, in turn, can help such as impaired
lmited range of skin integrity and adaptive ways the patient has in formulating skin integrity and
motion presence of already taken to allow the execution individualized presence of
 Refusal to thrombophlebitis. of self-care measures. interventions. thrombophlebitis.
activities of  Encourage the patient to participate  Encouraging physical
daily living in ADLs within the physical activity at home can help
(ADLs). limitations. the patient transition to
perform tasks
 Evaluate if the patient is
knowledgeable and comfortable with  To ensure that the patient
assistive devices. is knowledgeable on the
proper use of assistive
devices for ambulation to
enhance the patient’s
mobility and decrease
the risk of falls.
 Allow the patient to rest in between
exercises.  Help in promoting free
joint mobility and
circulation. It can also
help in improving muscle
tone andhis can increase
the likelihood that the
patient can complete the
performance tasks needed
to be accomplished. You
may also encourage the
patient to employ
relaxation techniques
during rest periods such
as breathing exercises
and resting to recharge
and conserve
energy.coordination, and
preventing non-
functional contracture.

 Proper body mechanics

will decrease the risk of
 Review proper body mechanics with further injury, muscle
the patient or ways in order to strain, or pain on the
increase the patient’s participation in affected area.

Dependent Nursing Intervension:

 Administer antibiotics as prescribed.

 Antibiotic therapy is the
foundation of treatment
because osteomyelitis is
caused by direct
inoculation or the spread
of bacteria to the host’s
tissues. Ideally, antibiotic
administration should be
guided with culture
studies and sensitivity

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