Background of theory:
Kolcaba’s comfort theory
explains comfort as a
fundamental need of all
human beings for relief,
ease, or transcendence
arising from health care Dependent:
situations that stressful.
1. Administer drug
ketorolac to relief pain
after the surgery.
Republic of the Philippines
Manalo Extension, Puerto Princesa City
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Subjective: Risk for Infection r/t to post Short term goal: Independent: Short term goal: Care goal achieved. After 1
op incision hour of nursing intervention the patient:
“Hindi po ba yan maimpeksyon After 1 hour of nursing 1. Assess and monitor any 1. To manage and prevent
intervention, the patient will be signs or symptoms of the transmission of
yong sugat sa tahi ko”
able to: infection such as redness, infections.
swelling, increased pain, or Identified the intervention to prevention to
As verbalized by the pt. Definition:
Identify interventions purulent discharge from prevent or reduce risk of infection.
to prevent or reduce incision.
Objective: Postoperative infections may
risk of infection. 2. to protect the skin integrity
be cause severe problems, Demonstrate
With post-surgical 2. Apply the procedure such of the skin, care for lesions
including failure of the techniques and life as wound dressing to such as handwashing
incision at left lower surgical procedure, other style changes to prevent the infection and before touching the client,
extremity surgical complications, promote a safe other microorganisms. cleaning, or aseptic
sepsis, organ failure, and environment. procedure, after touching
even death. client and client’s
Subjective: Risk for Fall Short term goal: Short Term Goal:
Identify needs or deficits Concerning clearing of
“hindi kaya ako mahulog After 1 hour of nursing provides opportunities. hazards obtaining safety After 1 hour of nursing intervention the Goal was
habang nakahiga ako. Iniisip ko intervention, the patient will be equipment met, the patients was able to:
pagkatapos ng operasyon ko Definition: susceptible to able to:
mahirap na ako makalakad”as increased [risk for] falling, Verbalized understanding of individual
To manage condition that
verbalized by the pt. which may cause physical Demonstrate risk factors that contribute possibility of
Recommend or implement contribute to falling and to
harm and compromise health behaviors and falls.
needed of safety devices promote safe
Objective: lifestyle changes to The pt. be free of injury
such as; wheelchair and environment
reduce risk factors
Advance age side rails to keep the pt.
and protect self from
safety and secured for fall.
Body weakness injury
Difficulty walking Modify environment
High risk for falling as indicated to
Impaired mobility enhance safety