MUSIC Assessment Sheet - MYP 2 UNIT 1

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UNIT • A study on music by genres

• Analyzing artworks from different genres
• Exploring rhythmic patterns around the world

• Performing music from different genres of music

Key concept Related concepts Global context (with exploration)

Identity Genre; Audience Fairness and development – Inequality, difference

and inclusion

Statement of inquiry:

Identifying what is fair and what is original are crucial roles of audience and artist

Envision yourself performing in the Annual Music Workshop under the auspices of Department
of Creative Arts of Bangladesh to educate the public about genres of music around the world.

For this year’s Annual Music Workshop, Aga Khan Academy Dhaka is the leading school to
provide performances for the workshop. You are an MYP 1 musician/artist who have been
selected by the school to lead the performances at the workshop.

The target audience is the participants of the workshop, who are from different locations within

The Department of Creative Arts of Bangladesh is organizing its usual Annual Music Workshop
and you have the platform to stage performances of music genres around the world to
introduce the participants to different music styles and tastes.

You will have to perform examples of music from different music genres that will support
education on genres of music around the globe.
The product must meet the following standards with summative tasks:


Deadline for submission – 9th December 2023

Write a comprehensive commentary that explains:

1. The varied and practical exploration of creative ideas of the composer for composing a
music piece with your chosen music genre. Explain the techniques, musical ideas and
styles used in the final composition (Bi)
2. A clear presentation of artistic intention of the music composer in line with the SOI:
identifying what is fair and what is original are crucial roles of audience and artist. The
composer’s artistic choices. (Bii)

Evidence of summative assessment task strands for MYP Arts Assessment:

The presentation will demonstrate the student’s:
1. Ability to demonstrate extensive and varied practical exploration of creative ideas of he
composer. (Bi)
2. Ability to present a clear artistic intention in line with the statement of inquiry and
explains artistic choices of the music composer. (Bii)


- Elements that make a music genre unique – tempo, rhythm, melody and timbre

SUMMATIVE TASK 3 – Creating/Performing (CRITERION C)

Deadline for submission – 9th December 2023

Present your chosen music pieces based on any of your preferred genre such as Rock, Pop,
EDM or Bangladeshi Folk Bii.

Evidence of summative assessment task strands for MYP Arts Assessment:

The Composition will demonstrate the student’s:
1. Ability to demonstrate understanding of the consistently effective use of skills and
techniques by the composer through the creation of a finalized work. (Ci)


Deadline for submission – 9th December 2023

Write a commentary that includes:

1. An analysis of your own chosen music pieces under Ci. As part of your analysis give a
break down details of the essential elements used in the creation of your chosen music
pieces. (Di)
2. A detailed account of your development as an artist and a critique, indicating skills you
have learnt and developed in your journey as an artist/critique. (Dii)

Evidence of summative assessment task strands for MYP Arts Assessment:

The presentation will demonstrate the student’s:
1. Successful appraisal of the chosen compositions. (Di)
2. Ability to reflect on their development as an artist/critique. (Dii)

Arts Assessment Objectives

Objective B – Developing

Achievement Level Level Descriptor

The student does not reach any of the standards described in the descriptors

The student:
i. demonstrates limited creative ideas for composing a music piece
with your chosen music genre, with a limited explanation of the
techniques, musical ideas and styles used by the composer in the Ineffective
final composition Incomplete

ii. presents a clear artistic intention of the music composer and states
his/her artistic choices.
The student:
i. demonstrates sufficient creative ideas for composing a music piece
with your chosen music genre, with an adequate explanation of the
techniques, musical ideas and styles used by the composer in the
3-4 final composition Adequate Reasonable
ii. presents a clear artistic intention of the composer in line with the
statement of inquiry: Identifying what is fair and what is original
are crucial roles of audience and artist and states his/her artistic
The student:
i. demonstrates substantial creative ideas for composing a music piece
with your chosen music genre, with a clear explanation of the
techniques, musical ideas and styles used by the composer in the
5-6 final composition Focused
ii.presents a clear artistic intention of the composer in line with the
statement of inquiry: Identifying what is fair and what is
original are crucial roles of audience and artist and describes
his/her artistic choices.
The student:
i. demonstrates extensive and varied creative ideas for composing a
music piece with your chosen music genre, with a detailed
explanation of the techniques, musical ideas and styles used by the
7-8 composer in the final composition Imaginative
ii. presents a clear artistic intention of the composer in line with the
statement of inquiry: Identifying what is fair and what is original
are crucial roles of audience and artist and explains his/her artistic

Objective C – Creating/Performing

Achievement Possible
Level Descriptor
Level characteristics

The student does not reach any of the standards described in the descriptors

The student:
1-2 i. demonstrates limited understanding of the consistently effective use of Basic
skills and techniques (by the composer) for creating the chosen music Undeveloped
piece, based on a preferred music genre.
The student:
3-4 i. demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the consistently effective use of Adequate
skills and techniques (by the composer) for creating the chosen music piece, Reasonable
based on a preferred music genre.
The student:
5-6 i. demonstrates substantial understanding of the consistently effective use Substantial Assured
of skills and techniques (by the composer) for creating the chosen music
piece, based on a preferred music genre.

The student:
7-8 i. demonstrates clear understanding of the consistently effective use of skills Honed
and techniques (by the composer) for creating the chosen music piece, Accomplished
based on a preferred music genre.

Objective D – Evaluating

Achievement Level Level Descriptor

The student does not reach any of the standards described in the descriptors.

The student:
i. outlines some elements applied in the chosen music piece Incomplete
ii. identifies some aspects of his/her development as an artist/critique
indicating the development of the skills.

The student:
3-4 i. describes some elements applied in the chosen music piece
Adequate Reasonable
ii. outlines some aspects of his/her development as an
artist/critique indicating the development of the skills.

The student:
i. analyses some elements applied in the chosen music
piece Effective
ii. describes some aspects of his/her development as an Considered
artist/critique indicating the development of the skills.
The student:
i. evaluates some elements applied in the chosen music
7-8 piece Thoughtful
ii. analyses some aspects of his/her development as an
artist/critique indicating the development of the skills.

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