Total $793.44
Reminder: Please be sure to return your old device within five days using the include return material to avoid securing a device
charge, which may axceed $500.
Explanation of charges: The monthly Federal Universal Service Charge is 17,97% of interstate and international telecom changes.
(varies quarterly), The monthly Regulatory Chage is $0,21 per line for voice capable device or $0,02 per line for data only d evices,
The monthly Administrative Charge is $1,23 per line for voice capable devices or $0,06 per line for data only devices These a re
Verizon's chanes, note taxes. Taxes surechange and oher fees, such as E911 and goes receipt changes, can add beween
20.00% and 36.00% to your monthly bill, and are added o your monthly access fees and airtime changes.
Electronic wasle should be recyded or disposed of property, Connect for information. Use our Verizon
W ireless in-store drop box or request a prepaid recycling shipping label at -request-prepaid-mailing-label