Roommate Agreement
Roommate Agreement
Roommate Agreement
This agreement is made by and among the roommates named herein who have signed a lease for a shared
dwelling unit that makes the roommates jointly and severally liable for all terms of the contract.
Execution of this roommate agreement does not alter the joint and several liability of the tenants under the
rental contract with the landlord. However, it may be used if a dispute among the roommates arises.
Address of Rental Unit _______________________________________________________________________
Term of Lease ___________________ to ___________________
If roommates will switch bedrooms or pay different amounts of rent at any point, those changes should be
noted above. Any roommate who does not pay any or all of the amount of rent listed above shall be liable
to the landlord or to any roommates who pay any amount due for the defaulting roommate.
Security Deposit
A security deposit has been paid by each roommate in the amount listed above. The roommates will divide
the refund of the security deposit according to the amount each tenant originally paid as listed in this
agreement. When a specific roommate is clearly responsible for fees and damages to the premises
including late fees, repairs and cleaning coststhat roommate will pay full fees and damages. The
roommates agree to share equally in the cost of all other fees and damages charged.
Utility Bills
The utility bill will be in ___________________________s name.
The bill will be divided (strike one) evenly/as follows (for example, because one roommate has an air
conditioner or a personal refrigerator):
Utility late charges will be paid by _____________________________________________________________
Phone Bills
The phone bill will be in ___________________________s name.
The local phone bill will be divided (strike one) evenly/as follows:
The long distance bill will be divided (strike one) evenly/according to who made the calls.
Phone late charges will be paid by _____________________________________________________________
The apartment (strike one) will/will not have cable.
If there will be cable, the bill will be in ___________________________s name.
If there will be cable, the bill will be divided (strike one) evenly/as follows:
Cable late charges will be paid by _______________________________________________________________
Subletting is (strike two) not allowed/allowed/allowed only with permission of all roommates.
(Sublet agreements are available at the Tenant Resource Center.)
Smoking in the apartment will be (strike one) allowed/not allowed.
Household Duties. Household duties (take out trash, clean bathroom, etc.) will be divided as follows: