Every Child Every Day
Every Child Every Day
Every Child Every Day
Article in Educational leadership: journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A · March 2012
54 29,332
2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Rachael Gabriel on 12 March 2015.
Every Child,
Every Day
Richard L. Allington Six Elements for Every Child
and Rachael E. Gabriel Here, we outline six elements of instruction that
every child should experience every day. Each of
these elements can be implemented in any district
very child a reader” has been the goal and any school, with any curriculum or set of mate-
of instruction, education research, and rials, and without additional funds. All that’s nec-
reform for at least three decades. We essary is for adults to make the decision to do it.
now know more than ever about how to
accomplish this goal. Yet few students in 1. Every child reads something he or she chooses.
the United States regularly receive the best reading The research base on student-selected reading
instruction we know how to give. is robust and conclusive: Students read more,
Instead, despite good intentions, educators often understand more, and are more likely to continue
make decisions about instruction that compromise reading when they have the opportunity to choose
or supplant the kind of experiences all children what they read. In a 2004 meta-analysis, Guthrie
need to become engaged, successful readers. This is and Humenick found that the two most powerful
especially true for struggling readers, who are much instructional design factors for improving reading
less likely than their peers to participate in the kinds motivation and comprehension were (1) student
of high-quality instructional activities that would access to many books and (2) personal choice of
ensure that they learn to read. what to read.
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