Te-How Do Organisms Reproduce Final Revisor (2022-23)
Te-How Do Organisms Reproduce Final Revisor (2022-23)
Te-How Do Organisms Reproduce Final Revisor (2022-23)
(b) ribosome
(d) genes
Ans. (d) genes
Explanation :
Characters are transmitted from parents to offspring through genes.
Genes are the heredity units of the body in living organisms.
Chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell contain information for the
inheritance of features from parents in the form of DNA
(Deoxyribonucleic acid). This DNA contains genes.
17. Characters that are transmitted from parents to offspring
during reproduction show:
[NCERT Exemplar]
(a) only similarities with parents.
Which of the following two combinations are correct?
(a) 2 daughter cells are formed. Many daughter cells are formed.
(b) Both the nucleus and First, the nucleus divides and is
cytoplasm divide surrounded by cytoplasm.
(c) Divides repeatedly. Divides only once.
(ii) dog
(iii) yeast
(iv) Amoeba
(b) Budding
(c) Fragmentation
(d) Fission
Ans. (a) Regeneration
Explanation :
The process of getting back a full organism from its body parts is
called regeneration. The simple animals like hydra and planaria
show regeneration. If the body of planaria gets cut into a number of
pieces, then each body piece can regenerate into a complete
planaria by growing all the missing parts. The regeneration of an
organism from its cut body part occurs by the process of growth and
development. The cells of cut body part divide rapidly to make a ball
of cells. The cells then become specialised to form different types of
tissues which again form various organs and body parts.
32. What happens when a Planarian (plural-Planaria) is cut into
many fragments?
(a) All fragments regenerate into new organisms.
(b) Yeast
(c) Plasmodium
(d) Leishmania
Ans. (b) Yeast
Explanation :
Both asexual and sexual reproduction are possible for yeast.
Budding is the process through which yeast multiply asexually.
34. In which of the given figures, budding is not shown?
(a) I
(b) II
(c) III
(d) IV
Ans. (a) I
Explanation :
Budding is a asexual reproduction process that involves the
formation of a bud that is an outgrowth in the parent body and later
breaks down to form a new organism. Due to repeated cell division
the hydra forms an outgrowth in a particular site. This bud develops
into a new individual and when it matures it detaches from the parent
body and becomes a new independent individual. In the given
image, the diagram I does not show any bud formation.
35. Slides A and B were examined and interpreted by four
students as a, b, c and d. Identify the correct option:
Slide A Slide B
Ans. (a)
Explanation :
In Hydra, a bud develops as an outgrowth due to repeated cell
division at one specific site. These buds develop into tiny individuals
and when fully mature, detach from the parent body and become
new independent individuals.
37. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding
asexual reproduction in plants?
(a) Plants that reproduce asexually reach maturity faster than those
who reproduce sexually.
(b) Plants that reproduce asexually have greater genetic diversity
than those who reproduce sexually.
(c) Plants that reproduce asexually are more stable than those who
reproduce sexually.
(b) Rhizoids
(c) Roots
(d) Hyphae
Ans. (d) Hyphae
Explanation :
In fungi, hyphae are filamentous structures that branch out and
spread beneath a substratum’s surface. Hyphae may rise upright
above the surface during its life cycle, with its contents forming a
bulge at the tip. The sporangium is formed by this bulge. Spores are
generated in the sporangium.
40. Factors responsible for the rapid spread of bread mould on
slices of bread are:[NCERT Exemplar]
(i) large number of spores.
(b) 3 : 1
(c) 1 : 2
(d) 1 : 3
Ans. (a) 2 : 1
Explanation :
The number of chromosomes in a human sperm is half the number
of chromosomes in a zygote i.e., their ratio is 2 : 1.
42. A ________ fuses with a ________ in generative fertilisation.
(a) Secondary nucleus, polar nucleus
(d) Megaspore
Ans. (d) Megaspore
Explanation :
Megaspore is a haploid cell that is formed when the megaspore
mother cell undergoes meiosis. It is the initial cell giving rise to
female gametophyte.
45. To perform an experiment to identify the different parts of an
embryo of a dicot seed, first of all you require a dicot seed.
Select dicot seeds from the following group.[Board Question]
Wheat, Gram, Maize, Pea, Barley, Ground-nut
(a) Wheat, Gram and Pea
(b) Ovules
(c) Carpel
(b) Post-fertilisation
(c) Fertilisation
(d) Gametogenesis
Ans. (b) Post-fertilisation
Explanation :
Sexual reproduction is divided into 3 events: Pre-fertilisation,
fertilisation and post-fertilisation events. Pre-fertilisation events occur
before fusion of gametes (gametogenesis), fertilisation is the fusion
of gametes to form zygote and post-fertilisation events occur after
zygote formation.
51. Anthers and filaments form the _____ .
(a) gynoecium
(b) calyx
(c) androecium
(d) corolla
Ans. (c) androecium
Explanation :
Androecium consists of the anthers and filaments. They are the male
reproductive structures. Male gametes that are in pollen grains are
on the anthers. Depending on the species, the stamens (anthers and
filaments) may or may not protrude out of the flower.
52. The correct sequence of reproductive stages occurring in
flowering plants is:
(a) Gametes, Zygote, Embryo, Seed
Column Column II
(b) The prostate gland and seminal vesicles are found outside the
(b) Uterus
(c) IUD
(b) Chlamydia
(c) Hepatitis B
(d) Cholera
Ans. (c) Hepatitis B
Explanation :
Infected blood, semen, and vaginal secretions contain the hepatitis B
virus. It is a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) that spreads
through unprotected sexual contact and also by contaminated
needles and syringes.
69. Which among the following diseases is not sexually
transmitted ?[NCERT Exemplar]
(b) Hepatitis
(c) Syphilis
(d) Gonorrhoea
Ans. (b) Hepatitis
Explanation :
Hepatitis is a virus-induced inflammation of the liver that spreads
through the person’s body fluids, blood, and other bodily fluids.
Syphilis and Gonorrhea are sexually transmitted bacterial diseases.
AIDS is a sexually transmitted viral disease caused by HIV.
70. Offspring formed as a result of sexual reproduction exhibit
more variations because:
[NCERT Exemplar]
(a) sexual reproduction is a lengthy process.
(b) genetic material comes from two parents of the same species.
86. Read the passage given below and answer the following
questions from (i) to (v).
Reproduction is a biological process by which new individual
organisms are produced. Reproduction is a fundamental feature of
all life forms; each individual exists due to the process of
reproduction. Reproduction is the mechanism of species
continuation. Mechanism and process of reproduction varies for
different species in this world.
(i) Which of the following statement is not true about reproduction?
(ii) The ability of cell to divide into several cells during reproduction
in plasmodium is called __________ .
(a) budding
(a) farming
(b) reproduction
(c) cooking
(b) amoeba
(d) bacteria
(a) Regeneration
(b) Budding
(d) Vegetation
(a) amoeba
(b) plasmodium
(c) yeast
(d) leishmania
(a) sporadic
(b) stick
(c) hyphae
(d) sporangia
(a) vegetation
(iv) Hydra and Planaria can be cut into any number of pieces and
each piece grows into a complete organism. This is known as:
(a) regeneration
(b) budding
(c) fragmentation
(d) speciation
(v) In amoeba the splitting of the two cells during division can take
place in ______ plane.
(a) single
(b) perpendicular
(c) directional
(d) any
(a) fruit
(b) flower
(c) pistil
(d) stigma
(a) Stamen
(b) Pistil
(c) Carpel
(d) Petal
(a) bud
(b) seed
(c) fruit
(d) plant
(a) puberty
(b) adulthood
(c) germination
(d) reproduction
(a) Cervix
(b) Vagina
(c) Uterus
(d) Oviduct
Ans. (b) genetic material comes from two parents of same species.
(b) Jaundice
(c) Pyorrhea
(d) Syphilis
(c) Contraception
(a) a condom
(b) medicine
(c) chemical
(d) IV injection
(i) (a) Stigma is sticky in nature and receptor of pollen grains.
(b) Pollen tube which arises from pollen grains transfers male
gametes by passing through style into ovary.
(c) Ovary contains ovules that carry an embryo sac which contains
the female gametes.
(ii) Pollen grains reach the stigma of carpel through pollination
process by various pollinating agents like wind, insects, water etc.
The process of mixing of male and female gametes to form a zygote
is called fertilisation. By pollination process pollen grains gets
deposited on stigma of carpel. Under suitable conditions they
germinate. A long pollen tube containing two male gametes arises
and it passes through style to reach the ovary. The ovary contains
ovule which has a embryo sac. Female gamete is present inside
embryo sac. The pollen tube enters the ovule through micropyle and
penetrates through the embryo sac. One male gamete fuses with
female gamete to produce zygote whereas the second male gamete
fuses with polar nuclei to form endosperm. This process is called
double fertilisation.
179. Study the following diagram and answer the following
(i) Label the parts A, B, C and D.
(ii) Which parts represent the male and female reproductive part
(iv) What do you mean by pollination and explain the different types
of pollination?
(ii) The spores have a covering of thick walls around it. What is its
L.S. of a Flower
193. Study the diagram and answer the following questions.
Ans. (i) The figure represents human male reproductive system. Part
A is seminal vesicle and B is prostate gland.
(ii) The organ represented by X is testes and Hormone produced by
it is testosterone which helps in developing secondary sexual
characters in males at the time of puberty.
(iii) Duct C is vas deferens which carries sperms and Duct D is
urethra which carries both sperms and urine.
196. Answer the following by carefully studying the figure:
(i) Identify the image shown below.
(ii) Label in the figure the ovary, oviduct, uterus, vagina.
Gamete Zygote
The germ cells that are mixed It is the product of the fusion of
during sexual reproduction are male gametes and female
called gametes, e.g. sperm (male) gametes during sexual
and ova (female). reproduction.
Haploid Diploid
Has one copy of all autosomes Have two copies of all of the
and one sex chromosome, either autosomes. Sex chromosomes
X or Y. may be either XX or XY.
They give rise to the zygote. They give rise to the foetus.
(i) Name the part of the brain that regulates the release of hormones.
(ii) Name any two endocrine glands that are common in both males
and females.
(iii) Name the endocrine gland which is present only in the males.
Also, name the hormone that is produced by this gland.
(iv) Name the endocrine gland which is present only in the females
and the hormone that is produced by this gland.
Ans. (i) The part of the brain that controls and regulates the release
of hormones is the hypothalamus.
(ii) Pituitary gland and thyroid gland.
(iii) Testis which produces a hormone named testosterone is present
only in males.
(iv) Ovary which produces the hormones progesterone and estrogen
is the endocrine gland which is present only in the females.
204. Answer the following:
(i) Complete the sentence by filling in X and Y. The ovary contains
the X and the X contains the Y.
(ii) If a farmer wishes to develop a mango with characters of two
related species, what method of vegetative propagation should he
Ans. (i) X is Ovule, Y is embryo sac which contains egg cell and two
polar nuclei.
(ii) Grafting method is used.
205. Why is the number of sperms produced always more than
the number of eggs produced?
Ans. A single ejaculation produces about 400 million sperms.
Sperms are motile in nature and they have to travel long distance to
reach the egg for fertilisation. They also compete with each other to
reach the egg, very few are able to climb through uterus to reach
oviduct whereas rest die and are absorbed on the way. Only one
sperm in the end fuses with egg so to fertilise a single egg million
number of sperms are produced.
206. The sexual act always has the potential to lead to
pregnancy. Pregnancy will make major demands on the body
and the mind of the woman, and if she is not ready for it, her
health will be adversely affected. Therefore, many ways have
been devised to avoid pregnancy.
(i) Name any two bacterial diseases that are caused due to
unprotected sex.
(ii) How a pill helps in preventing pregnancy?
(iii) What is vasectomy?
(iv) What are the common side-effects of using contraceptive pills?
Ans. (i) The two bacterial diseases that are caused due to
unprotected sex are gonorrhea and syphilis.
(ii) The pill helps in preventing pregnancy as it prevents the release
of the ovum, by changing the hormonal balance.
(iii) Vasectomy is the surgical process by which the vas deferens is
cut. This prevents the sperms from reaching the ejaculatory duct.
(iv) The common side-effects of using contraceptive pills are
irritation, nausea, and mood swings.
Slide I Slide II
Ans. Slide I is showing budding in yeast and slide II is showing the
process of binary fission in Amoeba.
211. A Planaria worm is cut horizontally in the middle into two
halves P and Q such that the part P contains the whole head of
the worm. Another Planaria worm is cut vertically into two
halves R and S in such a way that both the cut pieces R and S
contain half head each. Which of the cut pieces of the two
Planaria worms could regenerate to form the complete
respective worms?
(a) only P
(b) only R and S
(c) P, R and S
(d) P, Q, R and S
Ans. (d) P, Q, R and S
Explanation: When a Planaria gets cut into two pieces, each piece
will regenerate into a new individual.
212. Write any two precautions while studying different parts
of an embryo of a dicot seed?
Ans. Two precautions are:
1. The slide should first be observed under low power magnification
compound microscope and then under high power magnification
compound microscope.
2. The slides should be focused properly.
213. Name three dicot seeds. Seeds on germination give rise to
_______ and __________.
Ans. The three dicot seeds are gram, peas and beans.Seeds on
germination give rise to plumule and radicle.
214. Answer the following questions:
(i) Name the remaining structure after removing the testa from
water soaked gram seed.
(ii) How many cotyledons are present in the embryo of gram?
Ans. (i) Full mature embryo
(ii) Two cotyledons
215. Which among the following organisms is capable of
reproducing through spores?
(i) Amoeba
(ii) Plasmodium
(iii) Hydra
(iv) Rhizopus
Ans. (iv) Rhizopus
Explanation: Asexual reproduction by spore formation is the
common method of reproduction in fungi and bacteria. Example:
Rhizopus During spore formation a structure called sporangium
develops from the fungal hypha. The nucleus divides several times
within the sporangium and each nucleus with small amount of
cytoplasm develops into a spore. The spores are liberated and
develop into new hypha on the substratum when conditions become
Diaphragm Reusable No
235. Discuss what will be the effect of DNA copying which is not
perfectly accurate in the reproduction process?
236. What are the different methods of asexual reproduction?
Explain budding and regeneration with diagrams?
237. Give one difference between binary fission and budding.
238. Explain budding in yeast with proper diagram?
239. List distinguishing features between sexual and asexual types
of reproduction in tabular form.
240. Answer the following related to diagrams given below: