Document5764232 Career Paths Tourism TB Kho Tai Lieu Hoc Tieng Anh - HTM 2
Document5764232 Career Paths Tourism TB Kho Tai Lieu Hoc Tieng Anh - HTM 2
Document5764232 Career Paths Tourism TB Kho Tai Lieu Hoc Tieng Anh - HTM 2
Alphacell เ,ด
42 466 3
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8 Suggested Answer
Table 01 Contents
9 Suggested Answer
1 Ms. Winters 1 First, go the departures terminal
2 Paris, France. 2 Next, go and check-in.
3 The client has a low budget. 3 Shop or eat at the food courtand duty free shops.
4 The client stays in a budget hotel. 4 Look at your boarding pass to find your gate
number and go there before boarding time.
Unit S 5 Wait in the departure lounge.
1 Suggested Answers
Unit 6
1 Some of the different places at an airport when
you are flying somewhere are the departures 1 Suggested Answers
terminal , the fo od court , chec k-in, the duty free
shop and the gat es. When you are arriving
1 People take cruises to have a relaxing holiday and
to see new places. Many people go on them for
somewhere th Answer
ere areKey .... .. terminal
the arrivals ......... ...... . ......a. romantic
and.. the . . ...... .trip
. . (Iike
. . . .a..honeymoon)
..... . . . ......
orto. celebrate
baggage claAudioscripts
im . ... ... . . . . . . . . ........ . ..... . . a. .special occasion
. .. . . ... .. .. . . .like an anniversary.
. . ..... . . . .. . . ... 12
2 Some people read books or newspapers when they 2 If I won free tickets tor a cruise I would go to
wait at the airport. Others sit and have a coffee or Norway. I would love to see the fjords there, and
some food . Nowadays many people use their I think going on a cruisewould be a special and
computers to do workor surf the Internet. romantic way to see them.
2 F 2 F 3 T 2 Suggested Answer
You can make
Answer Key ....... .. ..... . ........... . .......... . . . .new friends
. . . .... on. .the
. . ... . . .upper
.. .. . .deck.
3 B 2 A 3 A
C 2 B .. 3.. . D.... . . . . . . . . . ... . 22
Audioscripts . ... . .. . . .... . ............ .. .............
4 1 duty-free shop 5 boarding time
2 bag gage claim 6 flies in 3 1 relaxation/adventure
3 7 security screening 2 shore excursion/embarkation
4 food court 3 porter/cruise director
5 Suggested Answer 3 4 1 D 3 C 5 B
There are two types
2 F. . . . .4. ..A. ... . 6. . ..................
Key .. .... .. . . ....... . ........ . ....
E 25
Audioscripts .. .. . . . . ..... .. ... . . .. . ..5 .. .. .C. . .. . 2.......
A .....................36
6 B 2 C
6 1 gentlemen 4 noon
7 1 work 4 check-i n 7 gate number
2 cruise director 5 Deck 5
2 help 5 screening 8 boarding time
6 airport workers 3 upper deck 6 dining room
3 flight
B: 1At what time? Unit
B: 2Great. What types of tickets are available?
1 A:Suggested
The movieAnswers starts at 2 pm. A:Sugges
There tare one-way
ed Answe rs and return tickets available.
B: OK and dinner? B: That's fine. Can I please have a one-way ticket?
1 People travel for pleasure, family or busi ness 1 A busin ess needs a telephone service to tal k to
A: Dinner is at 6pm on Deck 10.
reasons. Sometimes they go to see newplaces its custom ers and suppliers. It can use this to
B: Thanks for your help. 9 Suggested Answer
or on romantic breaks like honeymoons, other provide information to customers and deal with
A: You're welcome. Have a nice day.
times they go to visitrelati ves who li ve in otrer a y problems
Timetablethey torhave. It al so
Monday allows suppliers
countries. Finally they go on business trips abroac. te stay in touch to help with deliveries. •
8 Suggested Answer Destination Morning Evening Ovemight
either to meet new (orpotenti al) clie s o' :0 9 2 A elephone operator answers incomingcalls and
Departure Departure Trains
to a conferencGrande e. Dame th en connects these people to the person they are
Times Times Available
2 When people Schedule go on of holiday
Events mafl for Monday o' -~a "" "a:o trying to speak to.If the caller is not sure who they
experience new th ings: os na ,', ;) 2. ~ a s 2-" ~ : c Praguewi sh to speak to, the
7:00,9:45,10:30 operator
7:30,9:30 connects
Ves them to
Time Activity Location
try new foods. SO'T'e De ::l e "e :::: : ~! ~e .., who they think is best able to deal with the c aller.
8:00act AM ivities like Breakfast
ex:re e sx ,,: sDining ~- ,',:: ~Room ;; : - 3. 'a~ ParisSometimes 8:05,9:05,10:05
the operatorwill8:30,10:00
put the calle Ves
r(s) on hold
10:00OthersAM simply Games e:o -a ::.; 2.:Upper : -e :::Deck
-&3. :: - until they9:50,
Amsterdam can 10:45,
connect to 8:00
the ,right persono
12:00 PM Lunch Dining Room 11:40 9:30 No
2 Call Time: 12.30 PM 5 local 8 terminal
A: They are quite regular in the morning but less so 3 About:
express route 6 arrive
PBX job
in the evening. There is also an overnight train.
Action taken: I put the c aller on hold and then
B: When does the next train leave?
A: The next train leaves at 10:30 am.
Express Publishingtransferred them to Ms. Kemp s offi ce.
Unit 3 Unit4
8 Suggested Answer 6 1 rent 4 economy
Published by Express Publishing
1 Suggested
A: I want to Answers
go to Luton. Does this bus go there? 2 modelsAnswers
Suggested 5 luggage
1 B:House,
Liberty MyNo, this
favorite bus
typegoes to London.
of restaurant
Business a family
isPark, Newbury,
restaurant. 1 3 Tourists
inexpensive 6
stay in many different driver'sduring
places license
A:In Isthese
Berkshire it a local
RG19 6HW route oryou
restaurants an express
get to know route?
the people Most people stay in hotels - some in budget ones
B:who This is an
work express
there and the route so is
service it doesn't havetoo.
much better any 7 Suggested
and others Answer in luxury ones. People who like the
Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363
2 I likeother stops.
Indian But there
cuisine. is apopular
It is very local route
in mythat stops
country. A:outdoors
Good morning.take a tent Howand cango I help you? or stay in a
Fax: (0044) 1635817463
in Luton.
I love all the different spices that they use and the B:cabin.
I wantstay to rent a car. and
in trailers Whatmotels.
car modeJs
e-mail: A:[email protected]
Great. When
wonderful breads is they
the next
I al soWhat time
like the factdoes
that it you rent?
people often stay in hostels, but many fami lies .expresspubl
they make at? lots
vegetarian dishes. A:choose
We have to stay an ineconomy
resorts where model they canarefull-size
and lax or
B: Let me check on the timetable. The ne xt bus model.
take part in different activities.
©2Express Publishing,2011
leaves at 5:00 pm and arr ives at 7:00 pm.
a) Suggested Answer 2 B:OnI'ma skiing
looking tripforI something
stayed in a inexpensive.
cabin at the top Whatof are
Design The© text
mentionsPubli shing, 2011
three different types of restaurant. the rental Icosts?
mountain. stayed there because it had a
9 Suggested Answer A:beautiful
Take a view look and at our an economy
open fire. model. l1's a that
It also meant great
First published
b)RAPID 20112 T COMPANY 3 F choice
I was firstfor
onbudget travelers.
the ski-slope in But the trunk is rather
the mornings!
Made inBoarding
EU Pass
B: Tha1's OK. I don't have much luggage. Can you
3 fast food, 569A
Coach: table service, vegetarian, ratings 2 Suggested Answer
AII rights reserved.Name: Arthur
No part of Jones
this publication may be reproduced,The storedtellinme
brochure about
a retrieval
mentions your rental
eightor requirements?
types of lodging.
4 1 Passenger's
transm S in any
itted 3 D formName:, 5or Marion
C any Peters
by mean s, electronic, photocopying, A:
or Sure. You need
otherwise, without a driver's
the prior license. And a major
2 C 2
credit cardo D 3 S
written2 Destination:
permission4 E of Luton
Route Type: Local
This 3 81 Suggested
cabin Answer 3 motel 5 campsite
5 book A is not
Time meant
S to bepm
7:00 changedin any way.
2 resorts 4 eco-resorts
Best Choice Car Rental
ISBN 978-0-85777-559-7
6Unit1 9 starving 5 rating RENTAL AGENT
1 DShankley 3 S 5 F 7 E
2 fast food place 6 home
13 Suggested Answers 2 H 4 G 6 C 8 A
star 7 local cuisine CUSTOMER NAME
1 Some
4 vegetarian travelers rent cars when they go on Michael Rogers
vacation and want to explore an area by 5CAR TMODEL 2 F 3 F
7 Suggestedthemselves.
Answer Other travelers rent cars when they Economy
go get
on something
a businesstotrip,
you help me 4 wonderful view
A: Le1's eat.toI'mallow them to meet
starving! 2 budget 5 comfortable
customers and business
S: Me too. Where do you want to eat? partners in many are as A driver's license and a major credit cardo
or parts of a food
city. Families rent them when they 3 low-cost
A: There's a fast place across the street. l1's
go onJTs holidays
Surger as it is What
often does
use public 10
called Place. say? 7Unit
Suggested Answer
S: l1'stransport
only got withone small children.
star. How about Grandma's
2 Family travelers rent different types of cars 1 A: Suggested
Good morning Answers Mr. Wa ll ace. How can I help you
Kitchen? l1's a family restaurant.
depending on their reason for travel. Business 1 today?
Holidaymakers use a variety of forms of payment.
A: It looks nice. Does it serve vegetarian food? What
S: I'mTraveler's
going to checksFlorence, Italy.
oneCan you help meCredit,
es the guide will usually
say? rent full-size or even luxury are common formo
place and
a debit to stay?
S: It models
does, and if they
it got area executives
four-star ratand ing need
too. Doto make
you charge cards are al so often used.
a good impression. Famil ies al so rent full size cars A: OfPersonal
course. Wha1's checksyour andbudget?
cash are al so sometimes
want to go?
to fit We
all their children and luggage in. Finally those S: Wellused. I don't have a lot of money. What low cost
A: Sure. can get fast food at home. Let's try
traveling different.
something for pleasure will choose smaller cars: 2 options
You are shouldavailable? always take some form of
perhaps ango economy model for getting A: There's a bed with and you.
breakfast with abewonderful
S: Great. Let's and try so me local food. around an identification This should a photo ID
island or a compact car in a city. view.
as manyThereshops are some wantbudget
to seehotel
this swhen
too. you are
S: Wha1's
payingthe fordifference?
something. You should also bring cash
8 Suggested Answer
2 Three types of car are available to rent. A: Wellwith a bed
you and as breakfast
there might is verybecosy
shops andthat
do not
JT's Burger Place but costly.other A budget
accept formshotel is comfortable. And it's
of payment.
Stars:B 1 2 A 3 D cheap.
~estaurant type: Fast food
• I see. I thinkAnswer
2 S:Suggested 1'11 go with a budget hotel.
3 Service: 3 F
1 A Drive-through 5 D 7 E
2 B 4 G 6 C The pamphlet mentions six methods of payment.
Grandma's Family Kitchen
4 F 2 T 3 T
4 Stars:compact 2 luxury 3 trunk
Restaurant type: Local cuisine
Service: Table service 3 1 traveler's checks 4 debit card
5 F 2 T 3 F 2 personal check 5 credit card
3 charge card
3 G 7
3 1 bank, PIN
2 ATM, branch
3 key pad, wire transfer 4 1 D
2 A -. B
5 C
6 F 8 E
4 A 2 B 3 B 5 A 2 C
Answer Key 9
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Tải xuống 3
Tài liệu hạn chế xem trước, để xem đầy đủ mời bạn chọn
Tải xuống
English file 3rd pre inter TB kho tài liệu học tiếng
280 145 0
bai tap trac nghiem tieng anh 8 4683 kho tài liệu
học tiếng anh
20 111 0
Chủ đề tranh luận hot kho tài liệu học tiếng anh
12 54 0
ดาวน ์โหลด
่ น้าดาวน ์โหลด
hotel Grandma's Family Kitchen Stars: Restaurant type: Local
cuisine Service: Table service Answer Key Book Answer Key
Suggested Answer Suggested Answer Ms Winters Paris, France
The เ,ดFirst,
client has a low budget The client stays in a budget hotel
go the departures terminal Next, go and check-in Shop or eat at
the food court and duty free shops Look at your boarding pass to
find your gate number and go there before boarding time Wait in
the departure lounge Unit S Suggested Answers Some of the
different places at an airport when you are flying somewhere are
the departures terminal, the fo od court, chec k-in, the duty free
shop and the gat es When you are arriving somewhere there are
the arrivals terminal and the baggage claim Some people read
books or newspapers when they wait at the airport Others sit and
have a coffee or some food Nowadays many people use their
computers to work or surf the Internet F F T B A A Unit Suggested
Answers People take cruises to have a relaxing holiday and to see
new places Many people go on them for a romantic trip (Iike a
honeymoon) or to celebrate a special occasion like an anniversary
If Iไป/ห0าดาว$โหลด
won free tickets tor a cruise I would go to Norway I would love
to see the fjords there, and I think going on a cruise would be a
special and romantic way to see them Suggested Answer You can
make new friends on the upper deck C duty-free shop bag gage
claim gate boarding time flies in security screening food court
Suggested Answer There are two types of terminal B work help
flight C check-i n screening airport workers gate number boarding
timeTai lieu Mục lục
Suggested Bài viết
Answer Tìm kiếm
A: Excuse memới
DoLuận Văn Tài
you work liệu B:
here? mớiYeso
How can I help you? A: I have to fly to Barcelona Where in the
Chủ đề tài liệu mới đăng đánh nhau với cối xay gió ngữ văn 8
airport I need to go to? B: Well, first you have to check-in Then you
đã có lần em cùng bố mẹ đi thăm mộ người thân trong ngày lễ tết
have to go through the security screening A: Does the screening
take a long time? B: Sometimes, as they check all of the
đặc điểm chung và vai trò của ngành ruột khoang thuyết minh về con trâu
passengers They don't want to let anything dangerous onto the
lập dàn ý bài văn tự sự lớp 10 giải bài tập vật lý 8
plane A: Then where I go? B: You have to go to your boarding gate
A: How I chuyện cũ trong
find which phủ
gate I chúa
need trịnh
to gogiảito?
vật lýcan
9 find the
soạn văn tế nghĩaonsĩ cần
soạn bài côpass
bé bánAnswer
diêm giaiKey
bai tapBvat D
ly 8
relaxation/adventure shore excursion/embarkation porter/cruise
viet bai tap lam van so 2 lop 9 thuyet minh ve con trau
director D F C B A E A C gentlemen cruise director upper deck
Deck dining
ca ngắn room
đi trên Suggested
bãi cát Answer
sự phát triển A:vựng
của từ Heliotiếp
theo and
gentlemen Welcome to the Grande Dame I am your cruise director
ôn tập văn học trung đại việt nam lớp 11 bài tập xác suất thống kê có lời giải
B: Hi Could you tell me what activities there are on the ship today
bai viet
please? A: so 2 lopare
There 9 demany
1 soan bai co be
activities onban
thediem ngu van
Grande lop 8today
There are games, lunch,
movie and
bài thơ tự dinner
tình 2 B: Great What time
are the games and where are they being played? A: The games
start at 10 am join us on the upper deck B: I see What time is
lunch? A: Lunch is served at noon B: Where is the movie being
played? A: The theatre is 0'1 Deck In the ship's theater Book
Answer Key B: At what time? B: Great What types of tickets are
available? A: There are one-way and return tickets available B:
That's fine Can I please have a one-way ticket? A: The movie
starts at pm B: OK and dinner? A: Dinner is at 6pm on Deck 10 B:
Thanks for your help A: You're welcome Have a nice day
Suggested Answer Timetable tor Monday Departures Destination
Morning Departure Times Suggested Answer Grande Dame
Schedule of Events for Monday Evening Ovemight Departure
Trains Times Available Time Activity Location Prague
7:00,9:45,10:30 7:30,9:30 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM
6:00 PM Breakfast Games Lunch Movie Dinner Dining Room
Upper Deck Dining Room Theater - Deck Deck 10 Paris
8:05,9:05,10:05 8:30,10:00 Ves _L - Ves Amsterdam 9:50, 10:45,
11:40 8:00, 9:30 No Unit8 Suggested Answers Unit Some people
travel by bus because it is a cheap and easy way to travel This
means that bus travel is popular among students and senior
citizens Buses are also TRỢ KHÁCH HÀNG
by people who are travel ing short
distances as local routes have many stops The good things about
traveling by coach are that it is flexible and cheap There are many
different types of routes such as local routes and express routes
And tickets are usually inexpensive compared to other means of
transportoThe bad things are that there is not usually much leg-
room, that they can get hỏi thường
stuck in trafficgặp
and that they don't have
many fac ilities on board Suggested Answers There are many
Điều khoản sử dụng
different ways to travel Some of these are buses, trains, ships and
airplanes Different định in
places chính sách
a train báninclude
station tài liệuthe platform, the
ticket kiosk, the waiting room,
Hướng dẫnthe snack
thanh bar, the police station,
shops and a newsstand B A C C F E A O B catch the train one-way
scenery overnight train by rail Suggested Answer You can buy one-
way or round-trip tickets 123doc
C O Good
là gì?evening next train F T F
legroom by bus boarding pass express route stops cheaply local
route affordable benefits Suggested Answer check seats The
disadvantages of traveling by bus are that buses not usually have a
Copyright © 2020 123DOC. Designed by 123DOC
lot of legroom and bus terminals not always have a lot of services
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