Gender and Society
Gender and Society
Gender and Society
1 Discuss the context of sex, sexuality and gender following the Philippine social norms.
2 Identify current gender issues in the country.
Analyze gender stereotypes and gender inequalities as experienced on the four levels of socialization: at home, in school, in peer groups, and in mass
4 Convey positive support on the different gender spectrum
5 No.: GE gender
Counter Elective discrimination
2 CourseinDescriptive
characterized words and inTitle:
actions Gender and Society
No. of Units: 3 Units No of Hours : 54
6 Apply gender sensitivity by correcting inappropriate gender expressions
7 Appreciate the differences of all gender representations
8 Adopt respect for all genders
Course Description: Concepts, principles, and approaches in the understanding of genders in the Philippine towards an effective gender responsive society. Gender and Society is a three-
unit 9 course
Discern corrupted
that ignites ideas against
awareness the different
to the students’ genderofrepresentations
understanding our country’s current problems in Gender inequality, Gender mainstreaming, Gender preferences, and the likes. It
equips the students with a broader perspective on their gender roles as they discern stereotypes and discriminations as dictated by the society. It prepares students to be more gender sensitive in
words and in actions as they build a new society filled with gender responsive individuals
Curriculum Mapping:
VISION 1. Articulate and deploy major concepts in the discipline 1. Compare, Contrast and classify the major
concepts in the discipline
Talibon Polytechnic College aims to 2. Recognize and define the field, distinguish its sub-fields, theories
and methods 2. Recognize and define the distinctiveness of
be a Top Performing College in Arts, the discipline, its subfields, theories and
Science, and technology with God- methods
fearing human resource responsive to 3. Design and execute research inquiries using appropriate
the needs of the community. quantitative and qualitative methods guided by theories or 3. Design and execute research inquiries using
conceptual frameworks appropriate quantitative and qualitative
MISSION methods guided by theories or conceptual
4. Demonstrate written, visual and oral presentation skills to produce frameworks
TPC is committed to deliver quality and present analytical reports
higher education in arts, science, and 4. Demonstrate written, visual and oral
technology; undertake research and 5. Critique, judge and respond to current issues and problems based presentation skills to produce and present
analytical reports
extension services for sustainable on a substantive understanding of the historical and contemporary
community development developments in the national and global contexts 5. Critique, judge and respond to current issues
and problems based on a substantive
6. Manifest a predisposition towards ethical political involvement and understanding of the historical and
practice in various forms and on different levels of engagement. contemporary developments in the national
and global contexts.
Rating Equivalent Description
1.0 – 1.2 95-100 Excellent
1.3 – 1.5 90-94 Very Good
1.6 – 2.5 80-89 Good
2.6 – 3.0 75-79 Fair
5.0 Below 75
NG No Grade
DR Dropped
NA Not Attended
3. Lecture Delivered
Checked by:
Program Head, BAPS
Noted by:
Director, Instruction
Recommending Approval: