BP A2P Tests Unit1

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UNIT 1: Language and skills test

Name: _________________________________

9 I’ve booked (good) jazz band

LANGUAGE in the area for your party.
Lesson 1.1 Vocabulary 10 We need a tent that is (big)
this one.
BULATS (4 options)/Business Preliminary (3 options)
1 Choose the correct option a, b or c.
Lesson 1.3 Functional language
People think my life is 1 because I travel
a lot for work. But it’s not true. Business travel can LCCI Part 1
be quite 2 and stressful. For example, 3 [BP_A2+_Test_01_01.mp3] Listen to the
I get very tired when I travel on 3 flights to speakers and choose the correct response a, b
Australia. Last month, I took a 4 to Moscow. or c.
I arrived late at the airport. I almost missed my
because I went to the wrong 6 . 1a b c
Now I have an 7 on my phone to check the 2a b c
information! In a new country, I always 3a b c
travel by taxi because it’s easy. Sometimes it’s 4a b c
difficult to use public 9 in a new city. So, 5a b c
as you can see my life is not as 10 as __/5
everyone thinks!
Lesson 1.4 Functional language
1 a exciting b boring c difficult
2 a important b easy c boring LCCI Part 1
3 a long-haul b local c landing 4 Complete the sentences with one word.
4 a boat b taxi c plane
5 a location b flight c reservation 1 I can’t to the intranet.
6 a gate b lounge c vehicle 2 How do I up my email account?
7 a stay b app c ridesharing 3 I’m having finding Kim’s extension
8 a arrival b overseas c departure number.
9 a ridesharing b vehicle c transportation 4 You to use your login details.
10 a interesting b bad c difficult 5 I don’t know how to on.
__/10 __/5

Lesson 1.2 Grammar Lesson 1.5 Functional language

2 Complete the sentences with the correct BULATS
comparative or superlative form. Use the and
than when necessary. 5 Complete the gaps with one word.

1 Saturday is the (popular) day Dear Ms Lee,

to visit New York.
I am writing to 1 for information about
2 This conference is (good) last your conference room. We are 2 for
year’s conference. a venue for 100 people. We 3 also like
3 These shoes are (cheap) ones to have wi-fi and lunch provided.
in the shop. Please 4 you tell me if this is possible?
I look 5 to hearing from you.
4 Organising a wedding is (hard)
planning a birthday party. Kind regards,
5 (bad) suggestion was to have
a picnic in the garden in winter! Jane Davies
6 My co-workers are (interesting)
my manager.
7 A barbecue is (easy) meal for
a party with lots of people.
8 The kitchen is (small) room in
the apartment.

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UNIT 1: Language and skills test
Name: _________________________________

Long listening
Short listening
Business Preliminary Part Two
BULATS multiple choice/Business Preliminary Part
One 7 [BP_A2+_Test_01_03.mp3] Listen to
a businesswoman and a travel agent arranging
6 [BP_A2+_Test_01_02.mp3] You will hear eight a flight. Fill in the information in the numbered
short recordings twice. For questions 1–8 choose space using a word, number or letters.
the correct answer.
AirPro Ltd
1 How is the man travelling to his meeting?
Flight booking details

a b c Customer name: (1) Sabine _______

2 What time does the man’s flight leave? Departure city: (2) ________

a 8.30 b 3.15 c 5.40

Arrival city: (3) ________
3 What did the woman think about the induction?
a It was difficult. Departure date: (4) ________
b It was fun.
c It was interesting. Flight number: (5) ________
4 What problem does Adam have?
a He can’t access his email account. Departure time: (6) ________
b He can’t find login details.
c He can’t connect to the internet. Company name: (7) ________

5 Where does the woman want to stay? __/7

a at a friend’s house
b in a rented apartment
c in a business hotel

6 What is Preeya’s job?

a to plan the event
b to organise the budget
c to manage the staff

7 What does the man do in his free time?

a b c

8 What does the man want from the hotel?

a a table for work
b parking facilities
c meals included

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UNIT 1: Language and skills test
Name: _________________________________

Business Preliminary
8 You want to arrange a conference at the Hotel
Excel. Write an email to the manager:

• explaining the reason for your email.

• giving information about the number of people
attending and the rooms you want.
• asking for information about price.

Write about 50–60 words.


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