Q4 2023 Edition - The Ghana Fintech Report
Q4 2023 Edition - The Ghana Fintech Report
Q4 2023 Edition - The Ghana Fintech Report
A Sustineri Attorneys’ Quarterly Fintech Newsletter
Table Of Content
future of finance.
Richard Nunekpeku, Cecilia Antwi Kyem, Adwoa Birago Nyantakyi, Harold Kwabena Fearon,
Managing Partner Associate Associate Associate
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Non-Ghanaian individuals
To apply for a
als employed.
d. Confirm their business regis- The CSA therefore wields power
e. Confirm their tax registration
to notify applicants of its deci-
sion to accredit within 30 days license, an indi-
and clearance, and
f. Demonstrate their willingness
of receipt of a complete applica-
tion. Licenses are valid for 2 vidual seeking
to provide insurance coverage
for potential losses.
years and can be renewed.
to provide cy-
Upon receiving a complete
3. Accreditation of Cyber-
security Professionals
bersecurity ser-
application, the CSA will notify
the applicants of its decision to This category of licensing is for
vices must
issue a license within 30 days. individual cybersecurity profes- submit a writ-
The issued licenses are valid for sionals (CPs). The CSA defines
a duration of 2 years. them as persons accredited ten application
under the Cybersecurity Act to
2. Accreditation of Cyber- “perform a cybersecurity-relat- to the Authori-
security Establishments ed professional function.” Local
(Ghanaian) applicants can gain ty.
This category applies to new this accreditation/obtain this
The ever-changing regulatory approach to ensure businesses service. The system is typically
environment has grown more meet regulatory standards. implemented within a private
complex and demanding for cloud, ensuring that data
companies to navigate and It includes everything ranging remains under the secure con-
comply with non-compliance from evaluating risks to estab- trol of a single entity and trans-
bringing about severe conse- lishing policies and ensuring actions are audited for
quences, including fines and businesses operate within legal enhanced security.
reputational damage. parameters offering a cost-ef-
fective, scalable solution to Compliance-as-a-Service, a
In response, the Compli- regulatory compliance, making component of Business Process
ance-as-a-Service (CaaS) model it a key tool for businesses to as a Service (BPaaS), integrates
has surfaced as a beneficial navigate the ever-growing software, shared services, and
solution for organizations regulatory compliance land- proven frameworks to guide
aiming to uphold regulatory scape with confidence. enterprises through the frame-
compliance and reduce risk. As work of regulatory adherence.
an increasing number of organi-
zations adopt CaaS solutions to CaaS are designed based on the
handle their compliance needs, HOW COMPLIANCE-AS-A-SER- unique compliance require-
understanding the intricacies of VICE WORKS ments of a business, consider-
this business model has ing industry-specific compli-
become essential for maintain- Today, as businesses are grap- ance demands and regulations.
ing a strong compliance pling with the ever-expanding This enables CaaS providers to
posture and mitigating risks in a regulatory landscape, Compli- tailor a compliance program
modern regulatory environ- ance-as-a-Service (CaaS) is that is aligned with the goals
ment. emerging as a lifeline, stream- and regulatory obligations of a
lining regulatory adherence, business and updated in
“Compliance-as-a-Ser vice and helping companies meet response to evolving regula-
(CaaS)” is a model that involves their compliance responsibili- tions.
service providers giving client ties through the use of technol-
organizations the means to ogy, expertise, and an under-
access managed services, tools, standing of the local regulatory As regulatory dynamics
and expertise to assist them in regime. persistently transform, the
maintaining compliance stan- demand for CaaS is poised to
dards and lowering risks. It com- Despite the substantial respon- grow, presenting businesses
bines technology, expertise, and sibilities involved, CaaS serves as with a practical solution to navi-
services, providing a tailored a valuable and controllable gating the regulatory compli-
ance hurdles.
2. Enhanced Security:
Many CaaS providers extend
cybersecurity services, fortifying
an organization's defense
systems and safeguarding
sensitive data.
4. Specialized Expertise:
CaaS is poised
CaaS providers must constantly
stay updated with evolving It's essential to
to grow, pre-
regulations. Ensuring
providers keep pace with new
choose a trust-
senting busi- and changing regulations is
crucial to avoid compliance worthy, experi-
nesses with a issues for the organization.
enced, and de-
practical solu- Organizations should conduct
in-depth research when select- pendable part-
tion to navigat- ing a CaaS provider to overcome
these challenges. It's essential ner to meet
ing the regula- to choose a trustworthy, experi-
enced, and dependable partner the compli-
tory compliance to meet the compliance
requirements effectively. ance require-
hurdles. ments effec-
COMESO, an innovative digital es, ensuring that the financial borders. It ensures that funds
platform developed by Glory- aid sent abroad is dedicated designated for healthcare
HealthCare, is reshaping health- exclusively to the healthcare purposes are secure and direct-
care accessibility by promoting needs of the recipients. ed toward their intended use.
financial inclusion. The platform For families in Germany and the
is driven by a mission to save Employing cutting-edge tech- Ghanaian diaspora, COMESO
lives through enhanced access nology, COMESO prioritizes the stands as an innovation in
to healthcare services. security and protection of all remittance services in the
transactions. Its user-friendly health sector.
COMESO, which is an acronym interface facilitates easy access
for “COmmitment for a MEdical and management of medical COMESO therefore represents a
SOlution”, is specifically funding for loved ones residing transformative solution within
designed to tackle the issue of in different geographical loca- the healthcare sector, fostering
providing medical care for tions. Transparency is a access to healthcare through
people who live far away from hallmark feature of the plat- the prism of financial inclusion.
their families. It ensures the form, offering users a clear over- It stands as a testament to
secure, accessible, and trans- view of their healthcare-related GloryHealthCare’s unwavering
parent facilitation of health-re- expenses. commitment to prioritizing
lated financial transactions. health for all, irrespective of
The utilization of COMESO is a their geographical location.
In regions where medical assis- straightforward process. Typi-
tance and insurance can be cally, users register and add
prohibitively expensive, health- funds to their accounts, subse-
care payments are crucial for quently transferring health
many families. COMESO credits to their intended recipi-
addresses this by allowing send- ents. These credits can then be
ers to guarantee that the finan- utilized to settle medical service
cial support sent for health-re- bills at authorized healthcare
lated reasons is utilized for facilities.
prescribed medicines and
healthcare expenses. This is Beyond being a mere platform,
achieved by earmarking credits COMESO serves as a vital link
specifically for medical purpos- connecting people across
BNPL widely
mendations while prioritizing Tokens (NFTs) to monetize their Web3 represents a transforma-
user privacy and control over content. NFTs can be linked to tive shift for creators and users,
their data. content allowing creators to sell offering a sense of empower-
unique pieces of digital work in ment and bolstered privacy.
The decentralized nature of ways previously impossible. The
Web3 not only bolsters efficient introduction of NFTs means Unlike the current Web2 land-
content distribution but also that creators can sell the same scape, where platforms
empowers creators and users piece of content multiple times, frequently exploit user data for
with greater content control. or even sell fractional ownership tailored ads, Web3 promises a
The ongoing growth of Web3 of it. user-focused system, giving
platforms and decentralized file individuals control over their
storage systems promises Furthermore, through smart data. Users can now choose
further innovations in content contracts, creators can distrib- whether to share their data and,
sharing and discovery. ute unique content, and digital should they decide to do so, can
collectibles, or access exclusive also benefit from it financially.
direct experiences with their
audience, eliminating the need
OWNERSHIP AND MONETIZA- for intermediaries and provid-
TION ing creators with more control
Within the current financial principles governing the collec- important for financial consum-
landscape characterized mainly tion and processing of personal ers to familiarize themselves
by digital transactions and tech- data. Personal data ordinarily with this legislation, under-
nological innovations, financial encompasses a broad range of standing the rights and obliga-
consumers across the globe an individual’s information, tions it confers upon both data
commonly deal with 3rd party including names, addresses, subjects and data controllers.
service providers to access a contact details, financial specif-
host of services. As this ics, and identification numbers. Underlying data protection are
exchange of personal and finan- The sensitivity of financial data, some principles governing the
cial information becomes com- including account details and collection, storage, and process-
monplace, it is imperative for transaction histories, necessi- ing of personal data by data
consumers to be well-informed tates a heightened awareness processors and or data control-
about the potential risks and of the potential consequences lers. These principles serve as
protective measures associated of unauthorized access. guide to data processors when
with sharing their data, espe- dealing with personal data
cially with 3rd party service collected from individuals for
providers. any purpose.
Openness Data security of further Data subject
safeguards processing participation
This biannual event, hosted in provides a stage to showcase It took place at the Accra Digital
both London and Accra since innovative solutions. Center from November 28th to
2017, continues to play a pivotal 29th, with distinguished head-
role in fostering and fortifying The Tech in Ghana Conference liners and speakers from the
Ghana's tech ecosystem. empowers the nation's entre- tech industry.
preneurs, enabling them to
Encompassing a diverse array of make a substantial impact on
subjects such as FinTech, Agri- the global tech arena while
Tech, HealthTech, ClimateTech, garnering the essential support
Gig Economy, Gaming, Policy, and recognition they deserve.
Investment, Entertainment, To elevate Ghana's tech ecosys-
EdTech, and more, the confer- tem on the world stage, this
ence served as a crucial plat- year’s conference created a plat-
form for the burgeoning tech form for those at the forefront of
community to converge. It facili- the technology industry to
tates global knowledge share their experiences, empha-
exchange, encourages network- sizing the country's technologi-
ing among industry peers, and cal prowess.
The 5th Annual Ghana Tech 1,000 companies to market participation from industry
Summit which took place on annually across 90 countries experts representing leading
December 14th as a virtual-only through entirely online means. companies such as Google,
event. The extensive GSE network Facebook, Uber, Twitter, IBM,
hosts 25-30 programs yearly, and Microsoft and the 2023
Regarded as the largest tech spanning diverse tech realms edition equally rallied thou-
conference in West Africa, the such as Ai Tech Summit, Block- sands for the next era of the
Ghana Tech Summit annually chain Tech Summit, Space Tech internet, featuring keynote
attracts thousands of global Summit, VR Tech Summit, Nano speakers such as Ndaba Mande-
technology leaders, providing a Tech Summit, Haiti Tech la, Ben Horowitz (Investor in
platform for learning and busi- Summit, Her Future Summit, Twitter, Facebook), Tim Draper
ness interactions. The 2023 Africa Future Summit, Europe (Investor in Skype, Hotmail, etc.),
summit was organized to usher Future Summit, and more. Naveen Jain (Founder of Moon
in the “Ghana@100” Edition, Express, Viome, etc.), Jovenel
exploring the future of Ghana in The event converged hundreds Moise (Current President of
a post-modern world”. of entrepreneurs, investors, digi- Haiti), Vicky Jeudy from Netflix's
tal marketers, and creatives to Orange is the New Black, and
This summit is a 13-year initia- collectively address humanity's Vice Presidents and CEOs from
tive spearheaded by the Global greatest challenges through the Google, Facebook, Airbnb, Uber,
Startup Ecosystem (GSE), recog- lenses of technology and entre- and more.
nized as the first and largest preneurship. In the past, it drew
digital accelerator propelling
Fintech Islands 2024 is an the World Trade Organization; warm hospitality of Barbados.
upcoming global gathering set Jack Dorsey, co-founder and The venue, the new Sam Lord’s
to unite leaders and innovators CEO of Twitter and Square; and Castle Resort, epitomizes luxury,
from the fintech sector in Richard Nunekpeku, Managing seamlessly blending history,
Barbados. Spanning three days, Partner of Sustineri Attorneys elegance, and modern ameni-
the event promises a dynamic PRUC, a fintech-focused law ties.
blend of insightful talks, interac- firm.
tive workshops, networking Anticipated as one of the most
opportunities, and entertain- Adding an exciting dimension, promising and impactful events
ment, delving into topics rang- Fintech Islands 2024 will host a in the fintech sector, Fintech
ing from digital banking and startup pitch competition, Islands 2024 provides a prime
blockchain to AI and cybersecu- where 10 selected fintech start- opportunity for learning,
rity. ups can showcase their solu- networking, and collaboration
tions to a panel of judges and with top minds in the field. Reg-
Distinguished speakers at the investors, vying for a prize of
event include influential figures $100,000. The event promises a
such as Brian Armstrong, CEO unique and immersive experi-
of Coinbase; Ngozi Okon- ence, set against the breathtak-
jo-Iweala, Director-General of ing backdrop, rich culture, and
The Tech in Ghana Conference uled for March 19 & 20, 2024, at bringing together professionals
is an annual African technology the Accra Digital Centre. from across the country and
event held biannually, once in around the world.
London and once in Accra, Tech in Ghana serves as a lead-
Ghana. AB2020 hosts this event ing platform that bolsters Gha- The event promises attendees
as a platform dedicated to na’s tech ecosystem by facilitat- the chance to explore new
fostering UK-Ghana collabora- ing valuable knowledge shar- trends, projects, innovations,
tion and showcasing Ghana’s ing, global networking, and and partnerships, gain insights
vibrant tech ecosystem. innovation. into Ghana’s tech ecosystem,
It offers a space for knowledge and foster relationships with the
The 12th special edition is set to exchange and provides an country’s tech professionals.
take place in Accra and London, invaluable networking opportu-
with the Ghana session sched- nity for the tech community,
The 6th Africa Tech Summit start-ups, regulators, and indus- future line of sight across the
Nairobi is taking place from 14th try stakeholders driving busi- track topics. The event connects
– 15th February 2024 and will ness and investment forward. over 1000+ industry leaders,
connect tech leaders from the 700+ companies, and 150+
African ecosystem and interna- The 2024 edition will host four speakers via four tracks plus
tional players under one roof. tracks – the Africa Money & DeFi workshops, expos, and multiple
Summit, the Africa Climate fantastic networking opportuni-
Network with key stakeholders Tech & Investment Summit, the ties.
including tech corporates, Africa Startup Summit, and The
mobile operators, fintech, Web3 Africa Mobile & App Summit
ventures, investors, innovative which drive interaction and a
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