BSC Bca 5 Sem Java Programming Using Linux 22100311 Jan 2022

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QP CODE: 22100311 Reg No : .....................

Name : .....................


Fifth Semester
Common to B.Sc Computer Applications Model III Triple Main, B.Sc Computer Science Model III,
B.Sc Information Technology Model III & Bachelor of Computer Application
2017 Admission Onwards
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Part A
Answer any ten questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.

1. Differentiate between object oriented and procedure oriented programming.

2. Explain the use of continue statement.

3. Define classes and objects.

4. What are constructors?

5. What is the use of protected keyword in java?

6. What is two dimensional array?

7. What is nested try statement ?

8. Why swing component are called lightweight components?

9. Define Window Event Class.

10. Diffrentiate between swing and Jpanel.

11. Distinguish between init() and distroy() methods in applet.

12. How parameters can be passed to applet using tag?

Part B
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

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13. Explain the characterset of Java Program.

14. Write a Java program to find the smallest among 3 numbers.

15. Explain method overloading with example.

16. How will you implement hierarchical inheritance in Java?

17. Explain about user defined packages.

18. Write a Java program to demonstrate thread priorities.

19. Develop a simple program to implement KeyEvent class.

20. Write an applet that receives three numeric values as input from the user and display the

21. What are JDBC statements?

Part C
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.

22. Illustrate the use of different operators in Java.

23. Diffrentiate final methods ans final classes with examples.

24. a)Differentiate between one-dimensional , two-dimensional arrays with appropriate syntax

& examples b)Write a Java program to sort numbers & sort names in 2 different arrays.

25. What is Layout manager? Explain any three layout managers in which method is used to
set the layout manager.

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